`(exceeds 300 pages)
`Proceeding] Serial No: 92040782
`Filed: 05-0 1 -2006
`Title: Testimony Period Deposition Transcript of
`Ray Sahelian
`Part 3 of 5
`; cianFonnu1as.com: Theanine
`Page 2 Of-A
`capsule two or three times daily. If
`additional support is desired, increase to
`two capsules three times daily or as
`directed by your health care practitioner.
`* L Theanine daily value not established.
`Other ingredients: cellulose, gelatin,
`magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide
`lnternational, lnc.
`Contains no sugar, salt, yeast, wheat,
`gluten, corn, soy, dairy products, artificial
`flavoring or preservatives. All colors used
`.are from natural sources.
`Suntheanine®, a patented form of L-
`Theanine, is a trademark of Taiyo
`Mind-power-Rx - $24.95
`L Theanine, gamma-glutamylethylamide, is
`one of the major amino acid components in
`green tea and black tea. There's been very
`little research regarding L-theanine
`supplementation in humans.
`for more I theanine information
`Subscribe to the highly-acclaimed FREE
`Supplement Research Update newsletter
`by Ray Sahelian, M.D., emailed twice a
`month. Plus: Find out about recent
`theanine research and new specials and
`discounts! Place your email address on
`the left. Positively no spam. For a sample
`issue, see NEWSLETTER
`buy I theanine for $12.95 a bottle
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`Pl’0dUCt Inguig 1
`§3@§Lc1nfl>_< - $4.95
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`the property of their respective owners.
`Our Priva
`The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the
`United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
`"The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for
`advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product
`label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health
`problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare
`professional before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`For research information on supplements, see www.RaySahelian.com
`www.physicianfo1mVlas.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=1 1 1&name=Theanine
` 'cianFormulas.com: Cayenne
`Page 1 of .'
`.List Price: $-1-9.-95
`Our Price: $8.95
`You Save: $2.00 (18%)
`Item in stock!
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`Cayenne 500 mg
`250 Capsules
`NOW Foods
`taken in capsules with meals.
`Cayenne Pepper is a hot herb preferably
`Cayenne Supplement Facts:
`Serving Size: 1 capsule
`Servings per container: 250
`, _
`’:Fr 5
`‘ “"‘“'
`Amount Per Serving:
`Cayenne Pepper - 500 mg*
`(Capsicum frutescens) (fruit) (40,000 heat
`Suggested Use: As an herbal dietary
`supplement, take _1 cayenne capsule 2 to 3
`times daily, preferably with meals.
`* Cayenne daily value not established.
`Free of: sugar, yeast, wheat, corn, soy, milk Multivit-Rx - $18.95
`Cayenne contains-carotenoids and
`capsaicinoids. A large number of
`varieties of cayenne pepper are
`widely cultivated and traded. The
`characteristic carotenoids of the
`bright red paprika and cayenne-type
`chillies, the methoxy pyrazine of
`§as.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=1 85&name=Cayenne
`'s'cianFormulas.com: Cayenne
`Page 2 of I
`green bell capsicum, the esters of ripe
`tabasco, and the capsaicinoids of
`African and other Asian varieties of
`chillies, have been of great interest to
`chemists and biochemists.
`Cayenne Pepper Fruit (Capsicum
`annuum) is a blood—red warming herb
`that has an invigorating effect on
`several body systems.
`For more cayenne information
`Subscribe to the highly.-acclaimed FREE
`Supplement Research Update newsletter
`by herbal expert Ray Sahelian,
`M.D., emailed twice a month. Cayenne
`pepper research is discussed. Plus: Find
`out about new specials and discounts!
`Place your email address on the left.
`Positively no spam. For a sample issue,
`Buy cayenne supplement for $8.95 a bottle
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`ghts reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are
`the property of their respective owners.
`Our Privagyzsecurity Policy
`profession I before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health
`problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`vwwphysicianfonn las.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=l85&name=
`;*cianFormulas.com: Cayenne
`Page 3 ofI
`For research information on supplerrients, see www.Ra Sahe|ian.com
`.\*sicianFormulas.com: Hyssop
`Total($)= o.oo
`lleady To Order?
`List Price: $-1-2-.-95
`Our Price: $8.95
`You Save: $4.00 (31%)
`Item instock!
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`Cate90rY i N/A
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`-» snap av:
`B}_'.,P_'92 §§::::;':.:;
`By C°"d'
`, .,
`By Brand ......... ..
`Hyssop Herb, 445 mg
`100 Capsules.
`Nature's Way
`" Wm”
`Quick iselqszcfii N
`Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) once used to
`clean ancient temples, is now a popular
`herb during the winter season. Known for
`its strong mint smell and pretty flowers, it
`was strewn on floors to deodorize and
`purify the air. Today it is used as a popular
`herbal supplement available in capsules, as
`a tea, as aromatic nasal and chest
`rubs. Hyssop is also used as an attractive
`addition to the herb garden.
`— ~
`Gian up3o“m§u;>~ {.35
`Hyssop Supplement Facts:
`Serving Size: 2 Capsules
`Servings Per Container: 50
`Amount Per Serving:
`Hyssop - 890 mg*
`(leaf, flowering top)
`Recommendation: As an addition to the
`daily diet, take two hyssop capsules 1-
`3 times daily preferably with food.
`* Hyssop Daily Value not established
`learn more about hyssop
`Subscribe to the highly-acclaimed FREE
`Supplement Research Update newsletter
`vwwphysicianformulas. om/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=l 83&name=Hyssop
`pan ianFormulas.com: Hyssop
`Page 2 0f:
`by Ray Sahelian, M.D., emailed twice a
`month. Plus: Find out about recent hyssop
`research and new specials and
`discounts! Place your email address on
`the left. Positively no spam. For a sample
`issue, see NEWSLETTER
`buy hyssop for $8.95 a bottle
`Miscellaneous :
`Email a Friend
`Product Inguigy
`pyrlght ©2005 PhysiclanFormulas.com. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are
`the property of their respective owners.
`Our Prlvagylsecurlty Policy
`The roducts and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the
`Un ed States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
`Th information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for
`adv e from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product
`I or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health
`p blem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare
`sional before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`For research information on supplements, see www.RaySahelian.com
`wvvW.physicianform Ias.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=183&name=Hyssop
`;i ianForrnulas.com: Thyme
`Page 1 °f"
` YouSave:$1.00(14%)
`Ready To Order?
`List Price: $6.95
`Our Price: $5.95
`Discount(Qty) :
`3 — 12 $0.25 ea.
`_._. -
`Related Products :
`§:::*gt<:rF)(IelaNt:c: Products
`, H. fir; n was Thyme (1925)
`§X_PI99. °t.'_':'_""_'* _ ;“
`Thyme Leaf 850 mg
`n 100 capsules
`B CO di
`Nature s Way
`,,,:;.,m.,,, "V;
`” T‘
`" T“
`Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), a sweet
`smelling herb, has been used '
`traditionally for common winter
`ailments. it has been used
`extensively for the high thymol,
`phenol and carvacol content in
`Thyme oil. Thyme is also a popular
`culinary herb. if
`I~ -6
`For an excellent multivitamin and
`multimineral product, consider
`Multivit Rx formulated by Ray
`Sahelian, M.D.
`Thyme Supplement Facts:
`Serving Size: 2 Capsules
`Servings Per Container: 50
`Amount Per Serving:
`Thyme (leaf) - 850 mg*
`Recommendations: As an addition to
`the daily diet, take 2 thyme capsules
`one or two times daily.
`* Thyme Daily Value not established
`Other ingredients: Gelatin, Millet,
`Magnesium Stearate
`‘ $18-95
`2vww.physicianformu as.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=207&name=Thyme
`5 cianFormu1as.oom: Thyme
`Page 2 0f:
`for more thyme information
`Subscribe to the highly-acclaimed
`FREE Supplement Research
`Update newsletter by Ray Sahelian,
`M.D., emailed twice a month. Plus:
`Find out about recent thyme research
`and new specials and discounts!
`Place your email address on the left.
`Positively no spam. For a sample
`issue, see NEWSLETTER
`buy thyme for $5.95 a bottle
`gm-3”—"1‘fl ' $595
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`Our Privac1[Security Polig
`problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare
`professional before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`For research information on supplements, see www.RaySahelian.com
`vwwphysicianformulas com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=207&name=Thyme
`s§cianFormulas.com: Thyme
`Page 3 ofJ
`zvww.physicianf0rm as.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproducF207&name=Thyme
`sic anFormulas.com: CDP-Choline
`page 1 of;
`Ready To Order?
`List Price: $34-95
`Our Price: $22.95
`You Save: $12.00 (34%)
`Item in stock!
`Related Products :
`Category : Memory
`Category : Better Sex
`Search Related Products
`Mind-Power—Rx - $24.95
`60 Capsules
`Jarrow Formulas
`For mind, focus, and mood enhancement,
`consider a highly effective and popular
`product called Mind Power Rx formulated
`by Ray Sahelian, M.D. Click below the
`image on your right for more information.
`- We also have Eyesight Rx for better
`CDP-choline stands for cytidine 5-
`diphosphocholine, an intermediate in the
`biosynthesis of membrane phospholipids
`and brain acetylcholine.
`Phosphatidylcholine is a major constituent
`of the grey matter of brain tissue. CDP
`choline is metabolized to yield the free
`nucleotide cytidine and choline. Scientific
`research demonstrates that CDP Choline
`By Brand .......... .. CDP-Choline, 250 mg
`Sign |lP&¢p§?f§|_Ff9¢flW7:|
`ay Sahelian, ld.D.emalled F
`twice a month. No mam.
`consumption promotes brain metabolism by
`enhancing the synthesis of acetylcholine.
`restoring phospholipid content in the brain
`and regulation of neuronal membrane
`vww.physicianformulas.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=3 9&name=CDP—Choline
`sic anFormulas.com: CDP-Choline
`Page 2 of J
`excitability and osmolarity (by its effect on
`the ATP-dependent sodium and potassium
`CDP-Choline Supplement Facts:
`Serving Size: 1 Capsule
`Servings per bottle: 60
`Amount Per Serving:
`CDP Choline - 250 mg*
`(from stabilized cytidine
`Suggested Use: One or two cdp—choline
`capsules before breakfast or lunch.
`* CDP-Choline daily value not established.
`Other ingredients: Rice powder, silicon
`dioxide and magnesium stearate.
`Capsule consists of gelatin. Contains no
`common allergen.
`Passion-Rx Yohimbe — $29.94
`CDP-choline is approved in Europe for
`its role in certain neurological
`disorders and is sold by the brand
`name Citicoline. In a way, you could
`consider CDP-choline as a more
`potent form of choline. Studies show
`that CDP-choline helps make
`phosphatidylcholine in human brain
`cell membranes in older individuals;
`and increases acetylcholine synthesis.
`For more cdp—choline information
`Subscribe to the highly-acclaimed FREE
`Supplement Research Update newsletter
`by Ray Sahelian, M.D., author of Mind
`Boosters. We discuss cdp—choline
`research when available. Plus: Find out
`about new specials and discounts! Place
`your email address on the left. Positively no
`spam. For a sample issue, see
`Buy CDP-Choline at $22.95 a bottle
`Miscellaneous :
`Email a Friend
`;ic$anFormulas.com: CDP-Choline
`Product Inguigy
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`the property of their respective owners.
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`United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease".
`The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for
`advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product
`label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health
`problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare
`professional before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`For research information on supplements, see www.RaySahelian.com
`vwwphysicianformulas.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=3 9&name=CDP-Choline
`zic anFormulas.com: Indole3Carbinol
`By Product.... ..
`Ready To Order?
`List Price: $2-3-.-9-S
`Our Price: $16.95
`You Save: $7.00 (29%)
`Item in stock!
`Related Products :
`Category : N/A
`Search Related Products
`lndole-3-Carbinol (l3C), 200 mg
`(With Flax Lignans )
`60 Vcaps
`NOW Foods
`Indole—3-Carbinol (I3C) is a naturally occurring
`phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables such as
`cabbage, broccoli, and kale. NOW 13C provides powerful
`antioxidant protection, helping to prevent cellular
`damage caused by free radicals. In addition I3C can help
`to maintain healthy hormonal balance for both men and
`women and therefore may support the health of the
`breast, prostate, and other reproductive organs. I3C is
`also know to support the liver's detoxification processes
`as well as nom1al cellular reproduction. LinumLife
`provides the highest level of Flax Lignans available,
`which are also beneficial in supporting healthy hormonal
`leseamh Update
`my sahelian, MD. mailed F
`Indole-3-carbinol is converted in the gut to
`diindolylmethane (DIM).
`Indole 3 Carbinol Supplement Facts
`Serving size: 1 Vcap
`Servings per bottle: 60
`Amount Per Serving:
`Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C) - 200 mg
`Linumljfe Complex — 200 mg
`(Flax Seed Lignan Extract) (Linum usitatissimum)
`(Seed Coat) {yields min. 10 mg as SDG
`(Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside)}
`Curcumin — $6.95
`Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 indole
`3 carbinol Vcap 1 or 2 times daily, preferably with meals.
`* Indole 3 Carbinol daily value not established.
`Other Ingredients: Cellulose (capsule), Rice Bran,
`Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) and Silica.
`;icianFormulas.com: Indole3Carbinol
`Page 2 of I
`Contains no sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy,
`milk, egg, or preservatives.
`UnumLife Complex is a trademark of Acatris Inc. Vcaps
`is a registered trademark of Capsugel.
`learn more about indo|e3carbinol
`Subscribe to the highly—acclaimed FREE
`Supplement Research Update newsletter
`by Ray Sahel_ian, M.D., emailed twice a
`month. Plus: Find out about recent indole 3
`carbinol research and new specials and
`discounts! Place your email address on
`the left. Positively no spam. For a sample
`issue, see NEWSLETTER
`buy indole 3 carbinol for $16.95 a bottle
`Miscellaneous :
`Email a Friend
`Product Inguigg
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`About Us
`Copyright ©2005 PhysicianFormulas.com. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are
`the property of their respective owners.
`Our Privacflsecurity Polig
`The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the
`United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
`The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for
`advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product
`label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health
`problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare
`professional before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`For research information on supplements, see www.RaySahelian.com
`ormulas.com: Indo1e3Carbinol
`Page 3 of;
`: ~79’! -9.???
`sic anFormu1as.com: Tongkat-Ali 400mg
`Ready To Order?
`List Price: $-14-.95
`Our Price: $7.95
`You Save: $10.00 (56%)
`Item in stock!
`Related Products :
`Category : Beger Sex
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` -vr'a=--aural
` Tl.
`Passion—Rx Yohimbe — $29.94
`Tongkat-Ali-lJ10_Q - $19.95
` i=nvsiciMu=onuLAa.cou
` _'?.3_’.._.‘..’_.'_‘?dE'°F:_: ----- --
`By Condition ..... ..
`Tongkat Ali powder, 400 mg
`30 Capsules
`Physician Formulas
`Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
`Purity and potency guaranteed
`Highest quality Tongkat Ali root
`powder directly from Indonesia. The
`roots are aged at least 7 years to
`concentrate the active ingredients.
`Manufactured by a GMP certified
`If you would like a highly effective,
`bestselling herbal sexual enhancer
`that has Tongkat Ali and more than a
`dozen potent aphrodisiac herbs,
`consider PASSION Rx; click on your
`right below the bottle image. Also
`consider Mind Power Rx which -has
`excellent brain boosting and sexual
`enhancing properties. And Eyesight
`Rx improves vision, often within
`We also carry a 100:1 Tongkat ali
`extract called LJ100.
`rsiq;ianFormulas.com: Tongkat-Ali 400mg
`Page 2 of :
`Tongkat Ali grows wild in the
`rainforests of Southeast Asia. in
`Malaysia, Tongkat Ali is known for its
`energy, tonic and sexual vitality
`properties. Tongkat Ali . has
`traditionally been used to improve
`energy, reduce fatigue and enhance
`overall physical and sensual
`Top grade tongkat ali root powder - if
`you are interested in seeing the
`certificate of analysis of this tongkat
`all product, click certificate.
`Tongkat Ali Supplement Facts:
`Serving Size: 1 Capsule
`Servings Per Container: 30
`Amount Per Sewing:
`Tongkat Ali powder - 400 mg *
`(Eurycoma Longifolia Jack)
`Suggested Use: As a dietary
`supplement, take half or 1 tongkat ali
`capsule in the morning as soon as
`you get up. Results may vary
`depending on age and metabolism.
`Do not exceed 1 tongkat ali capsule
`per day. Some individuals may like
`taking half a tongkat ali capsule for
`several days for a slower, gentler
`effect. For long term use, tongkat all
`works best if taken no more than 4
`days a week.
`Tongkat ali side effects: On high
`doses tongkat ali can cause
`irritability, restlessness, increased
`body temperature and insomnia or
`early morning awakening. Very high
`doses can lead to heart pounding and
`sweating. Always start with no more
`than one capsule and if you are
`sensitive to herbs, start with half a
`* Tongkat Ali daily value not
`Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsules).
`No artificial colors, flavors or
`preservatives. Other ingredients:
`Horny-Goat—Weeg - $8.95
`:ici5nFonnulas.com: Tongkat-Ali 400mg
`Page 3 of-
`magnesium stearate, gelatin, rice
`powder, silicon dioxide.
`Fennel - $6.95
`Unlike most trees which have a
`horizontal root system, the root of a
`Tongkat Ali tree grows as much as
`one meter straight into the ground.
`This tough fibrous root penetrates
`deep into the earth to obtain its
`nutrients. The Tongkat ali root takes
`at least five years to mature. In an
`older tree (15-20 years), the root itself
`can grow to a size that is taller than
`many people.
`The medicinal benefits of Tongkat All
`are found primarily in the
`root. Our Tongkat Ali raw material
`supplier uses only Malaysian root
`aged seven years or more. All root is
`wild crafted and sterilized.
`See Tongkat all for more information
`Subscribe to the highly-acclaimed
`FREE Supplement Research
`Update newsletter by Ray Sahelian,
`M.D., author of Natural Sex
`Boosters and dozens of health
`books. The newsletter is emailed
`twice a month. Plus: Find out the
`latest tongkat all research and new
`specials and discounts! Place your
`email address on the left. Positively
`no spam. For a sample issue, see
`buy Tongkat all supplement — $8.95 a
`Miscellaneous :
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`Product Inguig
`About Us
`E Products
`Contact Us‘
`Copyright ©2005 PhysicianFormulas.com. All rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are
`the property of their respective owners.
`:ic an_Formu1as.com: Tongkat-Ali 400mg
`Page 4 of I
`Our Priva
`The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the
`United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
`The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for
`advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product
`label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health
`problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare
`professional before starting any supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have
`a health problem. Prices and promotions are subject to change without notice.
`Website Design Company and Maintained by eDesignerz.com
`For research information on supplements, see www.RaySahelian.com
`vww.physicianformulas.com/store/Scripts/prodview.asp?idproduct=1 27&name=Tongkat-Ali
`sicianForrnulas.com: Chamomile
`Total($)= 0.00
`can mnnflms Chamomile (0333)
`Ready To Order?
`List Price: $1429-5
`Our Price: $8.95
`You Save: $6.00 (40%)
`Item in stock!
`Related Products :
`Category : N/A
`Search Related Products
`Valerian — $12.95
`Chamomile Flower and Extract
`60 Capsules
`Nature's Way
`Among the most popular herbal
`supplements in Europe, chamomile plant
`(Matricaria recutita) is commonly used for
`its soothing effects and ability to support
`normal tone in the digestive tract.
`Chamomile tea has long been used as an
`after-meal and bedtime drink. Now you can
`have the health benefits of chamomile tea
`in a convenient concentrated extract
`Nature's Way Standardized Extracts are
`technically and scientifically advanced
`herbal products. Standardization of an
`extract assures specific measurable levels
`of the important compounds that give the
`products their beneficial activity in the body.
`Chamomile - Standardized to: 1.2%
`Chamomile Supplement Facts:
`Serving Size: 1 Capsule
`Serving Per Container: 60
`Amount Per Serving:
`.,.r.s... _.-..,.?~.-.
`vs‘ V
`’u to
`an ‘
`;icilanFormulas.com: Chamomile
`Page 2 of I
`9-Mn. - »I'iu'V’
`———Kaa ‘ 1-9
`15-ii’ - $8-95
`Chamomile (flower) 220 mg*
`Chamomile, dried extract 125 mg*
`(flower) 1.2 % Apigenin
`Recommendation: Take one or
`two chamomile capsules as needed with
`water. One capsule is equivalent to a cup
`of chamomile tea. For intensive use, take
`up to 2 — 4 chamomile capsules daily with
`* Chamomile daily value not established
`Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule)
`Caution: Persons with allergies to plants of
`the asteraceae family (ragweed, asters and
`chrysanthemums) should avoid use of
`chamomile. Allergy to chamomile has been
`Allergic reactions to chamomile pollens,
`including hives, contact dermatitis, and
`allergic conjunctivitis from contact with the
`eye, can occur. Allergic reactions to
`chamomile occur more often in those who
`have a predisposition to pollen allergy, or
`allergies in general.
`For more chamomile information
`Subscribe to the highly-acclaimed FREE
`Supplement Research Update newsletter
`emailed twice a month by herbal
`expert Ray Sahelian, M.D. Plus: Find out
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`specials and discounts! Place your email
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