`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`General Contact Number: 571-272-8500
`General Email: TTABInfo@uspto.gov
`November 27, 2024
`Opposition No. 91294278
`Bodegas Caro S.A.
`I Love Daiquiris LLC
`J. Krisp, Interlocutory Attorney:
`Discovery and Settlement Conference
`The Board notes Opposer’s request, filed on November 26, 2024, for the
`participation of a Board interlocutory attorney in the parties’ required discovery and
`settlement conference. The request is timely.
`Applicant, through its representative Steven Brown, filed on November 1, 2024
`an “answer” to the notice of opposition which does not comply with Fed. R. Civ. P.
`8(b). 4 TTABVUE 2. In this order, the Board allows Applicant time to file a compliant
`answer. After the pleadings are closed, the discovery conference will be held.
`Accordingly, Opposer’s November 26, 2024 request is deferred.
`Applicant’s Answer Due
`Opposition No. 91294278
`As noted, Applicant’s communication filed on November 1, 2024 does not comply
`with Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(b), which is made applicable to this proceeding by Trademark
`Rule 2.116(a). Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(b) provides, in part:
`(b) Defenses; Admissions and Denials.
`(1) In General. In responding to a pleading, a party must:
`(A) state in short and plain terms its defenses to each claim asserted against
`it; and
`(B) admit or deny the allegations asserted against it by an opposing party.
`(5) Lacking Knowledge or Information. A party that lacks knowledge or
`information sufficient to form a belief about the truth of an allegation must
`so state, and the statement has the effect of a denial.
`The notice of opposition filed by Opposer consists of nine (9) paragraphs setting
`forth the basis of Opposer's claim of damage. 1 TTABVUE 3. As stated in the October
`1, 2024 order instituting this proceeding, in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(b)
`Applicant must file an answer to the notice of opposition by specifically admitting
`(“Admitted”) or denying (“Denied”) the allegations contained in each
`paragraph. If Applicant is without sufficient knowledge or information on which to
`form a belief as to the truth of any one of the allegations, it should so state and this
`will have the effect of a denial. Trademark Rule 2.106(b)(2). 2 TTABVUE 1-2.
`In view of the foregoing, Applicant is allowed until thirty days from the date of
`this order in which to file through ESTTA pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.106(b)(1)1,
`1 Instructions and forms for filing through ESTTA are available at http://estta.uspto.gov. All
`Board proceeding files can be viewed via TTABVUE at http://ttabvue.uspto.gov.
`Opposition No. 91294278
`and serve pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.119(b), an answer which complies with Fed.
`R. Civ. P. 8(b), failing which the Board may issue a notice of default against Applicant
`pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 55(a).
`Accordingly, time to answer, conference, disclosure, discovery and trial dates are
`reset as indicated below. The parties shall note that the reset deadline to hold the
`conference is January 27, 2025; hence, promptly after the answer is filed, the parties
`are directed to confer and determine some dates and times both are available to hold
`the conference, then inform the Board interlocutory attorney (571-272-9183, Monday
`– Friday).
`Time to Answer
`Deadline for Discovery Conference with Board
`Discovery Opens
`Initial Disclosures Due
`Expert Disclosures Due
`Discovery Closes
`Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due
`Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends
`Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due
`Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends
`Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due
`Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends
`Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due
`Defendant's Brief Due
`Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due
`Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due
`Opposition No. 91294278
`Generally, the Federal Rules of Evidence apply to Board trials. Trial testimony is
`taken and introduced out of the presence of the Board during the assigned testimony
`periods. The parties may stipulate to a wide variety of matters, and many
`requirements relevant to the trial phase of Board proceedings are set forth in
`Trademark Rules 2.121 through 2.125. These include pretrial disclosures, the
`manner and timing of taking testimony, matters in evidence, and the procedures for
`submitting and serving testimony and other evidence, including affidavits,
`declarations, deposition transcripts and stipulated evidence. Trial briefs shall be
`submitted in accordance with Trademark Rules 2.128(a) and (b). Oral argument at
`final hearing will be scheduled only upon the timely submission of a separate notice
`as allowed by Trademark Rule 2.129(a).
`It is the responsibility of each party to ensure that the Board has the party’s
`current correspondence address, including an email address, at all times. TBMP §
`The Board requires each submission to meet the following criteria before it will
`be considered: 1) pages must be legible and easily read on a computer screen; 2) page
`orientation should be determined by its ease of viewing relevant text or evidence, for
`example, there should be no sideways or upside-down pages; 3) pages must appear in
`their proper order; 4) depositions and exhibits must be clearly labeled and numbered
`– use separator pages between exhibits and clearly label each exhibit using sequential
`letters or numbers; and 5) the entire submission should be text-searchable.
`Opposition No. 91294278
`Additionally, submissions must be compliant with Trademark Rules 2.119 and 2.126.
`Submissions failing to meet all of the criteria above may require re-filing.
`Parties are strongly encouraged to check the entire document and submission
`before and after filing.2 The Board will not extend or reset proceeding schedule dates
`or other deadlines to allow time to re-file documents. For more tips and helpful filing
`information, please visit the ESTTA help webpage.
`Information for pro se party
`While Patent and Trademark Rule 11.14 permits any person to represent itself, it
`is strongly advisable for a person who is not acquainted with the technicalities of the
`procedural and substantive law involved in inter partes proceedings before the Board
`to secure the services of an attorney who is familiar with such matters. The Patent
`and Trademark Office cannot aid in the selection of an attorney.
`Trademark Rules 2.119(a) and (b) require that every submission filed in the
`Patent and Trademark Office in a proceeding before the Board must be served upon
`the attorney for the other party, or on the party if there is no attorney, and proof of
`such service must be made before the submission will be considered by the Board.
`Consequently, copies of all submissions filed in this proceeding must be accompanied
`by a signed statement indicating the date and manner in which such service was
`made. See TBMP § 113.03. The statement, whether attached to or appearing on the
`submission when filed, will be accepted as prima facie proof of service, must be signed
`and dated, and should take the form of a certificate of service as follows:
`2 To facilitate accuracy, ESTTA provides thumbnails to view each page before submitting.
`Opposition No. 91294278
`I hereby certify that a true and complete copy of the foregoing (insert
`title of submission) has been served on (insert name of opposing counsel
`or party) by forwarding said copy on (insert date of mailing), via email
`(or insert other appropriate method of delivery) to: (set out name, and
`address or email address of opposing counsel or party).
`It is recommended that any pro se party be familiar with the latest edition of
`Chapter 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which includes the Trademark Rules
`of Practice. Parties should also be familiar with the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`Board Manual of Procedure (TBMP), available at http://www.uspto.gov/ttab.
`Strict compliance with the Trademark Rules of Practice and where applicable, the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, is expected of all parties before the Board, whether
`or not they are represented by counsel.