`Filing date:
`Proceeding no.
`Filer's name
`Filer's email
`Nicolet Law Office, S.C.
`HUDSON, WI 54016
`Primary email: cskinner@skinnerlaw.com
`Secondary email(s): ccarper@skinnerlaw.com
`Motion for Relief from entry of Default Judgment
`Carol N. Skinner
`cskinner@skinnerlaw.com, ccarper@skinnerlaw.com
`/Carol N. Skinner/
`Nicolet Request for Relief from Default Judgment 10-3-23.pdf(18974 bytes )
`Nicolet Declaration in Support of Request for Relief 10-3-23.pdf(3208086 bytes )
`Certificate of Service Opp. No. 91285757.pdf(233251 bytes )
`In the Matter of Application Serial No. 97324065
`For the Mark: NICOLET LAW
`Filed: 03/22/2022
`Published: 02/28/2023
`Opposition No. 91285757
`c/o The Spence Law Firm
`222 S. 9th St., Suite 1600
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Applicant-Respondent Nicolet Law Office, by its
`attorneys Skinner and Associates, by Carol Skinner, requests relief from the Default Judgment
`entered in the above Proceeding on 27 September, 2023 and the resulting abandonment of US
`Trademark Application No. 97434065. Grounds for this motion are mistake, inadvertence,
`surprise, and/or excusable neglect. Skinner and Associates did not receive Notice of the above
`Opposition, and was unaware of its existence until receiving the Notice of Abandonment of the
`above referenced application on 27 Sept., 2023, and Board Decision Sustaining Opposition No.
`91285757 on the same date.
`This Motion is brought pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 60(b) and TBMP 544, and is
`supported by the Declaration of Attorney Carol Skinner, filed herewith.
`Respectfully submitted this 3rd day of October, 2023.
`Carol N. Skinner
`Attorneys for Nicolet Law Office, S.C.
`Attorney ID # 1017307
`212 Commercial
`Hudson, WI 54016
`(715) 386-5800
`In the Matter of Application Serial No. 97324065
`For the Mark: NICOLET LAW
`Filed: 03/22/2022
`Published: 02/28/2023
`Opposition No. 91285757
`Declarant, Carol N. Skinner, hereby declares as follows:
`I am the Attorney for Applicant-Respondent Nicolet Law Office, S.C. (hereinafter
`Nicolet) in the above referenced Opposition.
`I make this Declaration in support of Nicolet’s Motion for Relief from Default
`Judgment, filed herewith.
`Nicolet is the owner of US Trademark Application No. 97324065.
`I recently
`received a Notice from the USPTOindicating that the TTAB had entered a Default Judgmentin
`Opposition No. 91285757 (hereinafter Proceeding ‘5757), thereby resulting in the abandonment
`of Nicolet’s application, and suspending proceedings in Opposition No. 91285756 (hereinafter
`Proceeding *5756) pending action by Opposerin that proceeding to obtain judgmenttherein.
`Although Skinner and Associatesis listed as Correspondent in both Oppositions,
`neither myassistant, Christie Carper nor I received any Notice of Opposition for Proceeding
`5757, which is why no Answerwasfiled. In nearly 25 years of practice before the USPTO,I
`have never experiencedthesituation of not receiving notice of a proceeding.
`I received a Notice of Default on 18 August, 2023, with an Opposition number of
`I did not notice that one of the numbers wasdifferent than the 91285756 Proceeding,
`of which I was aware and to whichI had filed an Answer(Exhibit 1). Believing the Notice to
`involve Proceeding *5756, I contacted the USPTO,and communicated with the Interlocutory
`Attorney on Proceeding ‘5756, Attorney McCormick, stating that an Answerhad in fact been
`filed. She agreed, and I believed that I had received the Notice in error, and that the matter was
`The above parties are involved in a trademark infringement proceeding brought
`by Nicolet against both St. Paul Agency LLC and Bye Goff & Rhode Ltd., in the Western
`District of Wisconsin, Case No. 22-cv-654-slc. While I am not the attorney representing Nicolet
`in this case, | am aware that the case has been recently resolved, with the understanding that
`opposition proceedings against Nicolet would be withdrawn.
`Due to my lack of knowledge of the ‘5757 Proceeding, I responded negatively to
`Nicolet’s counsel’s inquiry about the existence of any Opposition against Nicolet other than the
`‘5756 Proceeding.
`Myfailure to file an Answerin the above proceeding wasnot willful, and I am
`not aware of any prejudice to the Opposerif this Motion is granted.
`I have recently
`communicated with counsel for Opposer, requesting Opposer’s consent to the Motion for Relief,
`but have not yet received a response to my request. As indicated in Nicolet’s Answerto
`Opposition No. 91285756, Exhibit 1, supra, Nicolet has a meritorious defense to this Opposition,
`and seeksrelief from this default judgment.
`Declarant furtherdeclaresthatall statements made herein of her own knowledge.
`are true andthatall statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and
`further that these statements were made with the knowledgethat willful false statements and the
`like so madeare punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of
`the United States Code and that such willful false statement may jeopardize the validity of the
`application or any registration issued thereon.
`L fi tet Jf ¢ Sen re
`Carol N. Skinner
`Dated: October 3, 2023
`In the Matter of Application Serial No. 97324065
`For the Mark: NICOLET LAW
`Filed: 03/22/2022
`Published: 02/28/2023
`Opposition No. 91285756
`The Applicant, Nicolet Law Office, S.C. (hereafter Nicolet Law or Applicant), by its
`attorneys Skinner and Associates by Carol N. Skinner, answers the Opposition of Saint Paul
`Agency, LLC (hereafter Saint Paul Agency or Opposer), as follows:
`Admits the allegations contained in paragraph 1.
`Admitsthe allegations contained in paragraph2.
`Lacks information sufficient to form a belief regarding the allegations contained
`in paragraph 3, and puts Opposertoits proof thereon.
`Deniesthe allegations contained in paragraph 4.
`Admits that the USPTOinitially issued a refusal based on surname, and required a
`disclaimer of the word “LAW”apart from the mark as shown. Denies remaining assumptions.
`Admits the allegations contained in paragraph 6.
`Admits the allegations contained in paragraph 7.
`Admits that Nicolet Law wasforced to initiate legal action in US District Court
`for the Western District of Wisconsin, Case No. 2-cv-654-slc,in order to stop Opposer’s
`repeated, intentional infringing use of Nicolet Law’s mark in an attempt to misdirect consumers
`to Opposer’s client, a competing personal injury law firm, Bye, Goff & Rhode, Ltd. Denies that
`Opposer’s use of Applicant’s mark was either “errant” or “unknowing.”
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 9.
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 10 as written, and affirmatively
`alleges that attorney Spiros Nicolet, an immigration lawyer in Chicago, IL, did purchasethe url
`nicoletlawyers.com, does not usethis url in marketing, and has voluntarily redirectedall
`searchers using this url to spirosnicoletlawoffices.com. A true and correct copy of a printoutof a
`Google search for nicoletlawyers.com is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`Realleges all previous answers.
`Denies the allegations/legal conclusions contained in paragraph 12.
`Deniesthe allegations/legal conclusions contained in paragraph 13.
`Admits the allegations contained in paragraph 14, but affirmatively alleges that no
`such evidenceis necessary, given the presumption of acquired distinctiveness after substantially
`exclusive and continuous use of the mark in interstate commercefor the identified services for a
`period of time exceeding five years. Nicolet Law hasin fact been using the mark NICOLET
`LAW markin association with legal services in interstate commerce substantially exclusively
`and continuously since at least as early as April 20, 2007.
` Realleges its responseto the allegations contained in paragraph 15, and
`affirmatively alleges that Applicant has had commonlaw trademarkrights in the mark
`NICOLET LAW sinceat least as early as April 20, 2007.
`Denies that Opposer would be injured by Applicant’s registration, denies that the
`markis descriptive, and affirmatively alleges that Opposer’s sole reason forfiling the instant
`Opposition is to aid its defense or obtain leverage in Case No. 2-cv-654-slc, and not becauseit
`has a reasonable beliefthat it will be damaged under any lawful basis stated in or envisioned by
`Trademark Act §13(a), 15 U.S.C. §1063(a), or §309.03(b) of the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`Board Manual of Procedure (TBMP).
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 17.
`Realleges all previous answers.
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 19.
`Admits the factual content of the allegations contained in paragraph 20; denies the
`legal conclusion.
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 21, and affirmatively alleges that
`either 1178 or “over one hundred” individuals with the surname “Nicolet” out of a possible
`322,278,200 individuals living in the United States does not establish that the name is a common
`Neither admits nor denies that Opposerrelies on information contained in
`Opposer’s exhibits, but affirmatively alleges that the common surnames “Davis” and “Miller”
`are not comparable to the surname “Nicolet”, nor does Opposer’s evidence prove anything
`relevant to this Opposition.
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 23, and affirmatively alleges that
`Applicant seeks to register the mark NICOLET LAW, which has acquired descriptiveness as a
`source identifier for Applicant’s legal services by dint of more than 16 years of substantially
`exclusive and continuous use of the mark in interstate commerce.
`24._Realleges its response to paragraph 10 of this Answer, in response to the
`allegations contained in paragraph 24.
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 25.
`Denies the allegations contained in paragraph 26.
`27._Realleges all previous answers.
`28.|Admits the allegations contained in paragraph 28.
`Admits the allegations contained in paragraph 29.
`Denies the allegation contained in paragraph 30, and affirmatively allege that
`counsel for Applicant first learned of the existence of Attorney Spiros Nicolet more than four
`months after submitting the Section 2(f) Declaration. Upon information and belief, Attorney
`Spiros Nicolet had not used the url nicoletlawyers.com to market his services prior to late May of
`2023, instead using the url midwestgreencard.com to identify his immigration practice.
`Denies the allegation contained in paragraph 31.
`Denies the allegation contained in paragraph 32.
`Denies the allegation contained in paragraph 33, and questions the statutory
`entitlement of Opposerto bring this Opposition.
`Denies the allegation contained in paragraph 34.
`Pleading further, Applicant sets forth the following affirmative and other defenses:
`Nicolet Law realleges all preceding affirmative statements.
`OpposerSt. Paul Agency has proffered no information lending credencetoits
`claimsthat it will be in any way damagedbythe registration of Applicant’s trademark.
`Opposerhas not offered, nor will be able to offer any evidencethatit has
`suffered, nor will suffer any damage bythe registration of Applicant’s trademark.
`Opposer St. Paul Agencyis not entitled to oppose Applicant’s mark, as it has not
`established, nor will it establish that it is within the zoneof interests protected by thestatute.
`has neither pled nor established a “realinterest,”i.e., a direct and personal stake in the outcome
`of this Opposition, nor a reasonable basis to believe it will be damaged by the registration of
`Applicant’s trademark.
`Opposeris unlawfully using this proceeding in an effort to invent a defense
`against the claim of intentional trademark infringementset forth in Case No. 2-cv-654-slc, with
`no reasonablebasis in fact to believe it has suffered or will suffer damage by theregistration of
`Applicant’s trademark.
`Having unclean hands, Opposer should be required to bearall costs ofthis
`WHEREFORE,Applicant Nicolet Law Office, S.C. prays that Saint Paul Agency’s
`Opposition be dismissed with prejudice, Opposer required to pay Applicant’s fees and costs
`incurred in this proceeding, and the Application Serial No. 97324065 be allowed to proceed to
`Respectfully submitted this 7th day of August, 2023.
`Carol N. Skinner
`Attorneys for Nicolet Law Office, S.C.
`Attorney ID # 1017307
`212 Commercial
`Hudson, WI 54016
`(715) 386-5800
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`8/3/2023, 2:09 PM
`In the Matter of Application Serial No. 97324065
`For the Mark: NICOLET LAW
`Filed: 03/22/2022
`Published: 02/28/2023
`Opposition No. 91285757
`I, Christie J. Carper, of the City of Hudson, County of St. Croix, State of Wisconsin,
`hereby certify that a true and complete copy of the foregoing Notice of Motion and Motion for
`Relief from Default Judgment and Declaration in Support of Motion for Relief from Default
`Judgment has been served on Russell M. Spence, Jr., The Spence Law Firm by forwarding said
`e(@spence.law, beeman@spence.law, and
`copy on October 3, 2023, via email to: spenc
`Date: October 3, 2023
`inner and Associates