`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`General Contact Number: 571-272-8500
`General Email: TTABInfo@uspto.gov
`July 1, 2020
`Opposition No. 91256714
`Serial Nos. 88354132 & 88332991
`Atos SE
`Ottopia Technologies Ltd.
`TEL AVIV 67017
`NEW YORK, NY 10017
`Chaunte Austin, Paralegal Specialist:
`The Opposer (plaintiff) identified above has filed a notice of opposition to the
`registration sought by Applicant (defendant) in the above-identified applications.
`This notice of institution is forwarded pursuant to Trademark Rules 2.105(b) and (c),
`and constitutes service of the notice of opposition on Applicant. An electronic version
`http://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/. See Trademark Rule 2.105(a). The parties should
`diligently monitor this proceeding via TTABVUE.
`As required in the schedule below, Applicant must file an answer within forty
`(40) days from the date of this order. Failure to file a timely answer may result
`in the entry of default judgment and abandonment of the applications. Regarding
`when a deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or federal holiday, see Trademark Rule
`Opposition No. 91256714
`2.196. Applicant must file the answer through ESTTA - Electronic System for
`Trademark Trials and Appeals, unless ESTTA is unavailable due to technical
`problems or extraordinary circumstances are present. An answer filed on paper under
`these limited circumstances must be accompanied by a Petition to the Director (and
`the required fee under Trademark Rule 2.6). See Trademark Rule 2.106(b)(1). In
`substance, Applicant’s answer must comply with Fed. R. Civ. P. 8(b); it must admit
`or deny the allegations in the notice of opposition, and may include available defenses
`and counterclaims. Regarding the form and content of an answer, see Trademark Rule
`2.106(b)(2) and TBMP § 311.
`Throughout this proceeding, the parties, and their attorneys or representatives, must
`notify the Board of any correction or update of physical address and email address,
`and should use the ESTTA change of address form. See Trademark Rule 2.18(b);
`TBMP § 117.
`The service of the answer, and all other submissions in this proceeding, and of all
`matters that are required to be served but not required to be filed in the proceeding
`record, must be by email unless the parties stipulate otherwise. Trademark Rule
`2.119(b). In the absence of a stipulation, service may be by other means only under
`the limited circumstances and in a manner specified in Trademark Rule 2.119(b).
`Regarding the signing and service of all submissions, see TBMP §§ 113-113.04.
`The answer, and all other submissions, must include proof of service. As noted in
`TBMP § 113.03, proof of service may be in the following certificate of service form:
`I hereby certify that a true and complete copy of the foregoing (insert title
`of submission) has been served on (insert name of opposing counsel or
`party) by forwarding said copy on (insert date of mailing), via email (or
`insert other appropriate method of delivery) to: (set out name, and
`address or email address of opposing counsel or party).
`Submissions must be filed via ESTTA, the Board’s online filing system, unless
`ESTTA is unavailable due to technical problems or extraordinary circumstances are
`present. Trademark Rule 2.126(a). Submissions may be filed in paper form only
`under the limited circumstances specified in Trademark Rule 2.126(b), with a
`required written explanation. ESTTA is accessible at the Board’s webpage:
`http://estta.uspto.gov/. The page has instructions and tips. ESTTA offers various
`forms, some of which may require attachments and/or a fee. For technical questions,
`Time to Answer
`Deadline for Discovery Conference
`Discovery Opens
`Initial Disclosures Due
`Expert Disclosures Due
`Discovery Closes
`Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due
`Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends
`Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due
`Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends
`Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due
`Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends
`Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due
`Defendant's Brief Due
`Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due
`Request for Oral Hearing (optional) Due
`Opposition No. 91256714
`a party may call 571-272-8500 (Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET) or email
`ESTTA@uspto.gov. This proceeding involves several deadlines, and due to potential
`technical issues, parties should not wait until the deadline to submit filings. The
`Board may decline to consider an untimely submission. Moreover, Trademark Rule
`2.126 sets forth the required form and format for all submissions (e.g., page
`limitations), and the Board may decline to consider any submission that does not
`comply with this rule, including, but not limited to motions, briefs, exhibits, and
`deposition transcripts.
`The parties are required to schedule and hold a discovery conference by the deadline
`in the schedule in this order, or as reset by the Board. In the conference, the parties
`are required to discuss, at a minimum, 1) the nature and basis of their claims and
`defenses, 2) the possibility of promptly settling, or at least narrowing the scope of
`claims or defenses, and 3) arrangements for disclosures, discovery, preserving
`discoverable information and introduction of evidence at trial. For guidance, see Fed.
`R. Civ. P. 26(f), Trademark Rule 2.120(a)(2)(i) and TBMP §§ 401.01 and 408.01(a).
`The parties must hold the conference in person, by telephone or by a means on which
`they agree. A Board interlocutory attorney or administrative trademark judge will
`participate in the conference either upon request of any party made no later than ten
`(10) days prior to the conference deadline, or when the Board deems it useful to have
`Board involvement. See Trademark Rule 2.120(a)(2)(i). A request for Board
`participation must be made either through ESTTA, or by telephone call to the
`assigned interlocutory attorney named on the TTABVUE record for this proceeding.
`Opposition No. 91256714
`A party requesting Board participation should first determine possible dates and
`times when all parties are available. A conference with a Board attorney’s
`participation will be by telephone in accordance with the Board’s instructions.
`For efficiency, the parties may stipulate to various procedural and substantive
`disclosure, discovery and trial matters (e.g., modification of deadlines and obligations)
`upon written stipulation and approval by the Board. Trademark Rule 2.120(a)(2)(iv)
`provides a non-exhaustive list of matters to which parties may stipulate. The best
`practice is to reduce all stipulations to writing. If email service is not practical, such
`as for voluminous document production in discovery, the parties should discuss in the
`conference how production will be made. The parties, and their attorneys or
`representatives, have a duty to cooperate in the discovery process. TBMP § 408.01.
`The Board's Standard Protective Order is automatically imposed in all inter partes
`proceedings, and is available at https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks-application-
`During their conference, the parties should discuss whether they will use an
`alternative or modified protective order, subject to approval by the Board. See
`Trademark Rule 2.116(g) and TBMP § 412. The standard order does not
`automatically protect confidential information; its provisions for designating
`confidential information must be utilized as needed by the parties. Trademark Rule
`2.126(c) sets forth the procedure for filing confidential submissions.
`During their conference, the parties are to discuss whether they wish to seek
`mediation or arbitration, and whether they can stipulate to the Board's Accelerated
`Case Resolution (ACR) process for a more efficient and cost-effective means of
`obtaining the Board’s determination of the proceeding. For details, and examples of
`see TBMP
`the Board's webpage:
`Regarding the deadline for and contents of initial disclosures, see Trademark Rules
`2.120(a)(1) and (2)(i), and TBMP § 401.02. Regarding deadlines for serving and
`responding to discovery, see Trademark Rule 2.120(a)(3) and TBMP § 403.03. Certain
`provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 are applicable in modified form. Note that written
`discovery (interrogatories, requests for production, requests for admission) must be
`served early enough so that responses will be due no later than the close of
`discovery. Regarding the scope and limits of discovery, see TBMP 414; discoverable
`items may include documents, tangible things, and electronically stored information
`Opposition No. 91256714
`Certain provisions of Fed. R. Civ. P. 11 apply to all submissions in Board proceedings.
`See TBMP § 527.02. Regarding available motions, see TBMP Chapter 500. Regarding
`applicable deadlines to respond to motions, depending on the motion filed, see
`Trademark Rules 2.127(a) and (e)(1). When a party timely files a potentially
`dispositive motion the proceeding is suspended with respect to all matters not
`germane to the motion. See Trademark Rule 2.127(d). In addressing motions or other
`filings, if it appears to the Board that a telephone conference would be beneficial, or
`upon request of one or both parties, the Board may schedule a conference. See
`Trademark Rule 2.120(j)(1) and TBMP § 502.06(a).
`Regarding the procedures and deadlines for pretrial disclosures and trial, and
`specifically the noticing, taking, serving and submitting of evidence and testimony,
`see Trademark Rules 2.120(k), 2.121, 2.122, 2.123 and 2.125, as well as TBMP
`Chapter 700. The parties should review these authorities. For example: witness
`testimony may be submitted in the form of affidavit or declaration subject to the right
`to oral cross examination; transcripts of testimony depositions, with exhibits, must
`be served on each adverse party within thirty (30) days after completion of taking the
`testimony; certified transcripts and exhibits must be filed, with notice of such filing
`served on each adverse party; and all notices of reliance must be submitted during
`the submitting party's assigned testimony period and must indicate generally the
`relevance the evidence and associate it with one or more issues.
`Main briefs shall be filed in accordance with Trademark Rules 2.128(a) and (b). An
`oral hearing is not required, but will be scheduled upon separate notice timely filed
`pursuant to Trademark Rule 2.129(a). Regarding briefs and oral hearings, see TBMP
`§§ 801-802.
`The Board requires each submission to meet the following criteria before it will be
`considered: 1) pages must be legible and easily read on a computer screen; 2) page
`orientation should be determined by its ease of viewing relevant text or evidence, for
`example, there should be no sideways or upside-down pages; 3) pages must appear in
`their proper order; 4) depositions and exhibits must be clearly labeled and numbered
`– use separator pages between exhibits and clearly label each exhibit using sequential
`letters or numbers - and 5) the entire submission should be text-searchable.
`Additionally, submissions must be compliant with Trademark Rules 2.119 and 2.126.
`Submissions failing to meet all of the criteria above may require re-filing. Note:
`Parties are strongly encouraged to check the entire document before filing.1 The
`Board will not extend or reset proceeding schedule dates or other deadlines to allow
`1 To facilitate accuracy, ESTTA provides thumbnails to view each page before submitting.
`Opposition No. 91256714
`time to re-file documents. For more tips and helpful filing information, please visit
`the please visit the ESTTA help webpage.
`For a general description of Board proceedings, see TBMP §102.03. Proceedings are
`governed by the Trademark Rules of Practice in Parts 2 and 7 of Title 37 of the Code
`of Federal Regulations. These rules, the Manual of Procedure (TBMP), information
`on Accelerated Case Resolution (ACR) and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR),
`and many Frequently Asked Questions, are available on the Board’s webpage, at
`http://www.uspto.gov/ttab. The parties should check the webpage for important
`changes, announcements, etc., many of which apply to proceedings already in
`This proceeding is similar to a civil action in a federal district court and can be
`complex. The Board strongly advises all parties to secure the services of an attorney
`who is familiar with trademark law and Board procedure. The Board cannot aid in
`the selection of an attorney. See TBMP § 114.02. The Board requires strict compliance
`with all applicable authorities whether or not the party is represented by counsel.
`Effective August 3, 2019, the USPTO amended its rules to require applicants,
`registrants or parties to a proceeding whose domicile is not located within the U.S. or
`its territories to be represented by an attorney who is an active member in good
`standing of the bar of the highest court of a state in the U.S., including the District
`of Columbia or any Commonwealth or territory. Attorney information requires
`applicant’s appointed attorney to provide email and bar information as follows: Year
`of admission, State or territory of admission and, bar number if one is issued. 84 FR
`31498 (Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants
`and Registrants, July 2, 2019). Until ESTTA forms are available which will mask the
`bar information, an attorney may file the required information through ESTTA and
`select “confidential.” A filing under “confidential” is not made available for public
`If the parties are, or during the pendency of this proceeding become, parties in
`another Board proceeding or a civil action involving the same or related marks, or
`involving any issues of law or fact which are also in this proceeding, they shall notify
`the Board immediately. See Trademark Rule 2.106(b)(3)(i). The Board will
`consolidate and/or suspend related Board proceedings, as appropriate. See
`Trademark Rule 2.117(c); TBMP §§ 510 and 511.