`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`General Contact Number: 571-272-8500
`December 3, 2016
`Opposition No. 91230585
`Proximo Spirits, Inc.
`Etheridge, Benjamin C.
`The USPTO published a Notice of Final Rulemaking in the Federal Register on October 7
`2016, at 81 F.R. 69950. It sets forth several amendments to the rules that govern inter
`partes (oppositions, cancellations, concurrent use) and ex parte appeal proceedings.
`For complete information, the parties are referred to:
` The Board’s home page on the uspto.gov website: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks-
` The final rule:
` A chart summarizing the affected rules and changes:
`For all proceedings, including those already in progress on January 14, 2017, some of
`the changes are:
` All pleadings and submissions must be filed through ESTTA. Trademark Rules
`2.101, 2.102, 2.106, 2.111, 2.114, 2.121, 2.123, 2.126, 2.190 and 2.191.
` Service of all papers must be by email, unless otherwise stipulated. Trademark Rule
` Response periods are no longer extended by five days for service by mail. Trademark
`Rule 2.119.
` Deadlines for submissions to the Board that are initiated by a date of service are 20
`days. Trademark Rule 2.119. Responses to motions for summary judgment remain
`30 days. Similarly, deadlines for responses to discovery requests remain 30 days.
` All discovery requests must be served early enough to allow for resp onses prior to
`the close of discovery. Trademark Rule 2.120. Duty to supplement discovery
`responses will continue after the close of discovery.
` Motions to compel initial disclosures must be filed within 30 days after the deadline
`for serving initial disclosures. Trademark Rule 2.120.
` Motions to compel discovery, motions to test the sufficiency of responses or
`objections, and motions for summary judgment must be filed prior to the first
`pretrial disclosure deadline. Trademark Rules 2.120 and 2.127.
` Requests for production and requests for admission, as well as interrogatories, are
`each limited to 75. Trademark Rule 2.120.
` Testimony may be submitted in the form of an affidavit or declaration. Trademark
`Rules 2.121, 2.123 and 2.125
` New requirements for the submission of trial evidence and deposition transcripts.
`Trademark Rules 2.122, 2.123, and 2.125.
` For proceedings filed on or after January 14, 2017, in addition to the changes set
`forth above, the Board’s notice of institution constitutes service of complai nts.
`Trademark Rules 2.101 and 2.111.
`This is only a summary of the significant content of the Final Rule. All parties involved in
`or contemplating filing a Board proceeding, regardless of the date of commencement of the
`proceeding, should read the entire Final Rule.
`An answer to the notice of opposition was due in this proceeding on November
`23, 2016. Inasmuch as it appears that no answer has been filed, nor has Applicant
`filed a motion to extend the time to file an answer, notice of default is hereby
`entered against Applicant pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 55(a).1
`Applicant is allowed until thirty days from the date of this order to show cause
`why judgment by default should not be entered against Applicant in accordance
`with Fed. R. Civ. P. 55(b)(2).
`1 Inasmuch as Applicant is in default, the parties’ obligations to hold the discovery
`conference, and to serve initial disclosures, are effectively stayed. See TBMP § 312.01.