Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Gucci America, Inc.
`NEW YORK, NY 10178
`Other Motions/Papers
`Kelli D Ortega
`/Kelli D Ortega/
`Exhibit 21_Part1.pdf(5226106 bytes )
`Exhibit 21_Part2.pdf(1561108 bytes )
`Exhibit 22.pdf(143044 bytes )
`Exhibit 23.pdf(3894712 bytes )
`Exhibit 24_Part1.pdf(3267211 bytes )
`Exhibit 24_Part2.pdf(2826269 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part1.pdf(5201403 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part2.pdf(4886052 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part3.pdf(4971376 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part4.pdf(5159630 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part5.pdf(4783706 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part6.pdf(4958941 bytes )
`Exhibit 25_Part7.pdf(5034814 bytes )




` Ma1':$ ~no 1'\1$ bOll<I rTtCrnOt:rS ~ Gucci MQGe to
`Oi'der burgundy ~O:h IOpcl twO blJl;t()n HCnr.10<! ..,~• w1h
`b&a<:k dfl'ss s"*t.~ ond blade ieofltfler loafH"S Wlfh oalcl
`harv.bfr q'f'-UIH tt> thl' 201) Gilboard MIJ$le AW'hl'd$ at the
`MGM Gtt1nd Carden Arena in lM v~ on Ml'ly 1 'I. 101l.


`Aorcn<t Wdch w0<e-a pa.""Of(Juco SRMg summet 20}3
`tllu$11 e r - - ~fers •!Id comed a f.,
`Wint~ 101.,-13 lacty S tln\IP ~ itathet h$ndbft9 whit
`deP&flW\Q 1..AX 8'l"PM in l.05 Angtles on Apf"l 6, >Ot 3.


`JanW!iS t-ranco wore a GucQ &gM' Otut ootcn lapet two.
`button -
`""'t "''~ • p~ lllue sliltt. novy tic. ood
`bnwm 1'l1ed~ h~bit k>-"'el'$ ~ b~ h<'lnored \'Mh a
`.sr.3TOR the •tolywoc)d \•J~ ol l"amt>M~ 7, 2011 In l..o$
`Ang.,... C"6fomft.


`Luc;a Argcutero '1t tl'lt GU((J Men's Spnog Symmer lUJ J
`$h0w In 1>1Jof\ on J\.lflot 25. 2012.
`PhOtO Courttsy; Gu«l/Gctty ltnDQtii


` Uirkin weanng f'IO?Cblt toafcr5 tr1 (;\'!OMS in HllY


`cx". \wannq nurn Instr-r
`" fihnpplng
`' related contenl


`moccasin-loafers-in-Beverly-H ills
`Sy Allen o . on June 26, 2013
`Go bacll to post
`Follow UpscaleHype
`II II El I~
`,_ r--
`11 ml
`Allen O.


`A.l!~n s Tumb!r


`OHueRIUr• ,,, 'I • r· P.'
`Hr )f.U- < ! or rnN<. P.,Hl~H sNt AK11~s IJll H-o
`Romoo Mill« was 'l>Ottod llO«>ll 10 1llO Wondy V'A~ms Show In NYC to c«>moto ~ """' l1'IOWl
`"Medea's WMeS• ProtectiOn". The raClll<rle<to< was wearif19 a P"" of Vera&ce VE4214 6r""'11 T0<1oise
`Frame Sung!8$,.,. (5220), a rod d\ock jackot dork nlNY 1)8ntS. end o poir of Gucci llol>cbrt Block
`SUl!do Moccasins(S51D) tVla USH)
`~,,. TICUllOllC'(nfU'((IM.MtATl blll.'OIMOICN'lt&NYO<M.COAt i.CUI.
`- t1r2J
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`IOI OtOt•t l UIOltillAl(I
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`T-.rt!•or« 1r: •n .. ..,... 1o..1hi.iig


`3§I>9 Eia
`I arms pm


`Chris Brown in Gucci Suede Moccasins
`By Kyle 0 . on August 26. 2009
`8•1 0
`Follow UpscaleHype
`'"""""" -· !IS.<
`m II El B
`~ ---$H0,HOW>
`(Sc Eortor)Ttliltw
`Chns Brown was spotted in a pair of d ark blue Gucci Suede Moccasins ($420) from the
`Fall/Winter 2009 Collection. The loafer/sneaker combo Gucci Moccasins feature suede,
`horsebit and G script detailing on the upper portion of the rubber sole. These shoes look
`very easy to wear providing the right amount of comfort and durability needed to express
`your own individual style,


`TAGS Chri s Brown GUCCI Moccasin Snoo
`Ctms 6 1own 111
`Guca Suede'
`MOccasins FIW '09 SUI><& TUI $kytop
`Cucci 2009
`Mon's Shoo
`Chn$ 610\vn 111
`Short<, lV6ell,
`ruld Ndt& Ovnk$
`Guca lu'rl(ltJd
`Edmon Sna~esJ<1n
`< Mary J. Blige Gucci Charity Twirl
`Spotte<:l:Trey Songz in Play Cloths >
`Dangerfield cardogan
`• ....
`Join th" d1scuss1on
`Chris needs to stop with the Waistcoats He rocking them completely wrong. he
`norammly pretty w ell but th es~ gotta go
`lov1n the deeandncky heart
`Reply St'-dte
`Brian Peraaud
`yo • what kind of waistcoat is that? rts mad nice ,D
`• .-...
`What kind of levi's are those?
`R\-ply Sfn c
`o au
`r ; 2014 Upscale Hype LLC


`All Rigtits Reserved
`Terms of Use
`ins tag ram
`AJl€1n's Tumblr


`Anit a Ek be rg, Rom e , 1 9 6 0 's


`Brit t Ek lund in "T he M a n Wit h T he Golde n Gun" by Guy H a m ilt on, 1 9 7 4


`J ohn F. K e nne dy, J r., Pa lm Be a c h Airport , 1 9 7 3
`La w re nc e H a rve y, Guc c i Rom e St ore , 1 9 6 0 's


`Fra nc is Ford Coppola , Sa n Fra nc isc o, 1 9 7 0


`J odie Fost e r, 1 9 7 7
`Jodie Foster, 1977


`Sophia Lore n in "La M a glie de l Pre t e " by Dino Risi, 1 9 7 1


`J oha ne s V on T hum U nd T a x is, Ac a pulc o, J a nua ry 1 9 7 8
`Johanes Von Thum Und Taxis, Acapulco, January 1978


`Dust in H offm a n a nd J ust in H e nry in "K ra m e r V e rsus K ra m e r" by Robe rt Be nt on, 1 9 8 0


`Fre d Ast a ire in "Funny Fa c e " by St a nle y Done n, 1 9 5 7


`C I Cl
`~eor.:I" produa
`Emma Stone wore Gucci Spnng 2013 loe>k 40 black silk
`cocktail dress with netted top and sheer tulle sleeves to
`the 'The Croods' Premiere dunng the &3rd Berlinale
`International Film Fesbv al at Berl1nale P.alast 1n Berlin on
`February lS, 2013.
`Photo Courtesy of Gucci/Getty lmages
`may we help?
`·e i~c-:'.or
`ego! not:ces 'pr;-.. ,.ccv
`CO~TOC1 ~
`company information
`fle~·:. cr:d e ver:r~
`find us on
`~~ (if YK ~
`~ ~HIME
`OllCC l#l.l.HCI
`s;g" op 'iJr oJr n~l~ie-;-er err:o .. ozd~~!-s
`bv :!gr<.-g LO I occep: rhe-re:rr:. of Gocc'': P-;vc~y :ioficy
`0 :015 Goc.cio G.,cc: S.pA 4 Al :>iam ce'$e_r-. ed
`i?ICP~130 10397-...


`C I Cl leton-december-2012-stirrup-bag
`CO !eCDCl'l~·
`rearer proCucr
`Pippa Middleton earned a Fall/Winter 2012- 13 brown
`leather medium Soft Stirrup bag with top-stitching and
`_gold spur detail while out tn London on Decembers,
`Photo courtesy: Splash News.
`may we help?
`?a~e ~ocror
`egol '"ior~es prvrxv
`c.onroCi :JS
`company information
`ooou· gu~c-·
`ne:.:. OP.ti ever·r~
`find us an
`y'.)( ~ YK C
`~ :HIME
`r()ij(I~ .ll<iiili
`OIOCC:l .... lUUI
`i?ICP% 13010397~


`C Cl
`T e i
`'h'Orld cf gua:
`aeorc'"' prcdu:·
`OCTOBER 27, 2012, LOS ANGELES - Gucci was the
`presenter of the Los Angeles County f"luseum of Art'.s
`(LACMA) second annual Art Film Gala honoring
`filmmaker Stanley Kubrick and artist Ed Ruscha at
`LACMA. Co -chaired l:ty actor Leonardo llicapno and
`LACMA Trustee Eva Chow, the evening celebrated the
`art of the moving i mage and l:troughttogether
`lum inaries from both c.ommunJties.
`Rol:tert Pattinson Wore a Gucci Pre Fall 2012-13 !>lack
`shantung sITk notch lapel two button tuxe do with whi te
`dress shi rt, black grosgrain tie and blaclc leather lace
`Photo Courtesy: Getty Images.
`may V<e help~
`;-o·e kr.=
`egol ncr.ces ,.or . a:y
`t::.li10C- JS
`company information
`.:.oou· -guo:
`ne ws end ever·:
`find us o n
`~I ~ YK C
`~ fJiJ~
`GlilC CI M 1urn
`0 : o15 Gu::do G:..-ti:.· Sc.A- Al ='icT"JS Re::-E.,.~ed
`~P!CP% 13010397~


`~ - C Cl
`world of gucci
`OCTOBER 27, 2012, LOS ANGELES - Gucci was th,.
`presenter of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art's
`(LACMA) second annual Art Film Gala honoring
`filmmaker Stanley Kubrick and artist Ed Ruocha at
`LACMA. Co·chaired by actor L..anardo DiCaprio and
`LACMA Trustee Eva Chow, the evening celebrated the
`art of lhe moving image and brought together
`luminaries from both communlbes.
`Anly Adan1s wore a Gucci Spnng Summer 2013 deep
`yollow Silk crepe strapless gown with cryotal and gold
`embelhshtd belt detail, beige suede and crystal clutch,
`18kt pink gold, morgan1te and diamond Horsebit
`tarnngs with match10g codtad nng.
`Photo Courtesy: Gucc4/Getty Lmages.


`C D
`W0!10 O: .QUCCi
`~or:cr- oroc-ua
`Presenter and norrunee Zoe Saldana wore a -Gucci
`Crufse 2013 desert rose silk georgette sleev eless
`pleated gown with jeweled belt to the .W 12 NCLR Alma
`A•;.,ards in P-asadena, ca!ifomia on September 16, 2012.
`She was nominated for best movie actress in a
`drama/ adventure for her role in •colombiana. N
`Photo Courtesy of Gucci/Getty Images
`may w e help?
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`1egcl noi~s or-:vccy
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`company information
`aoout gtfcc
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`find us o n
`#~ ~ YK C
`" ... f'!IME
`1'111 >-A'll
`~"ICP§ 13010397~


`~ - C Cl
`CO le.t[iOOS
`~Ort!' producr
`Naomi Watts wore Gucci Spnng Summer 2013 pale pink
`halter neck gown with a high neck and open back to the
`G' Day us,a. Lo; Angeles Black Tie Gala in Los Aogeles on
`January 12, 2013.
`Photo courtesy of Gucci/Getty lmages.
`b.. -
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`may we help2
`s:cre OCCior
`!-:egcl 1oft-es pr v'OC'f
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`company information
`ooot.r gut.t
`find us on
`,..~~ ~ YI< c
`i?!CP* 130 10397 ~
`by !?:gri1ng u:0 1 c~ep~ the- ierrn~ of Gu.::<:" ! Pr.\lc:::y Pc1icv


`Gucci's Girls and Guys
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`Gucci | UNICEF's corporate partnerships | UNICEF
`English Español Français يبرع 中文
`Since 2005, Gucci has contributed more than US $20 million to UNICEF’s work,
`focusing on the ‘Schools for Africa’ initiative which helps the most disadvantaged
`children, including girls, orphans and those living in extreme poverty, gain access to
`quality education. To date, this partnership has positively impacted the lives of more
`than 7.5 million children living in sub-Saharan Africa and China.
`© Ronan Gallagher for Gucci
`with a view to creating sustainable change for the children, families and communities
`Gucci has consistently supported UNICEF’s programs in Malawi and Mozambique,
`in these two countries.
`To mark 10 years of partnership and in support of UNICEF’s work, Gucci released a short film, Growing Tall on 2 June 2015.
`Narrated by children, teachers and parents in a rural community in Mozambique, the film highlights progress made in
`education over a decade, and illustrates the power of education to transform lives, particularly for girls and women.
`Children worldwide need your
`help right now. Please donate
`what you can today.
`A film by Gucci in support of
`UNICEF. Watch here
`Press Release - June 2
`Press Release - 27 April
`Visit here
`Founded by Gucci, Beyoncé and Salma Hayek Pinault in 2012, CHIME FOR CHANGE is a global campaign focused on
`girls’ and women’s empowerment. It serves to convene, unite and strengthen voices speaking out for girls and women
`around the world, and to raise funds, through crowd-funding, for non-profit organizations pursuing change in the areas of
`education, health and justice.
`UNICEF has received support from CHIME’s network for activities such as providing school scholarships for girls, and
`immunizations to women in order to eliminate maternal and newborn tetanus.
`With UNICEF, Salma Hayek Pinault visited Syrian refugees in Lebanon in 2015 to draw attention to the urgent humanitarian
`needs of children and families whose lives have been upended by the conflict in Syria. CHIME for the Children of Syria, is a
`crowd-funding appeal to help UNICEF provide children with learning opportunities and psycho-social support services.
`Individuals can learn more and make a donation at
`Gucci has committed to make a further €1 million (about US$ 1.3 million) contribution to UNICEF’s work before the end of
`Updated: 2 June 2015
`2016. In consultation with UNICEF, Gucci is channeling this new donation towards education initiatives in Burkina Faso, a
`Page 1 of 2
`10/10/2016 4:16 PM


`Gucci | UNICEF's corporate partnerships | UNICEF
`country where only 65% of girls go to school, compared to 76% of boys.
`Who we are
`What we do
`Where we work
`Press Centre
`UNICEF Annual
`UN Links
`UNICEF Executive Board
`Public partnerships
`UN Millennium
`Development Goals
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`Corporate partnerships
`Internal audit
`Transparency and
`Civil society partnerships
`UNICEF and the European Union
`A Promise Renewed
`Global Education First Initiative
`Post 2015 Development
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`Recent stories
`Contact us
`Page 2 of 2
`10/10/2016 4:16 PM




`C I_ <D
`tr J I Iii C
` ... /9ucc1s·chime·for-change-campa1gn-partner•·with·9lob•l·cit1zen·to-amplify·the·vo1Ces·speak1 ... ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '


`CHIME FOR. CHANGE presents THE SOUND OF CHANGE LIVE, a global concert
`event highlighting girls' and women's issues to 1 billion people globally
`Headlined by Co.founder and Artistic Director of CHIME FOR. CHANGE, Beyonce
`the line-up abo includes performances from Ellie Goulding, Florence + the Machine,
`BAIM, Iggy Azalea, John Legend, Jennifer Lopez, Laura Pausini, Rita Ora and
`Simon Le Bon also confirmed to perform
`Show starts at 6pm BST tomoITOW at London's Twickenham Stadium
`Friday 31" June 2013, London, UK - Tomorrow, Beyonce will be joined by a star-studded
`line-up for THE SOUND OF CHANGE LIVE concert event, including Ellie Goulding,
`Florence + the Machine, HAIM, Iggy Azalea, John Legend, Jennifer Lopez, Laura Pansini, Rita
`Ora, Timhaland and a numher of other surprise guests including Simon Le Bon. They will take
`to the stage to support Gucci's new global campaign for girls' and women's empowerment,
`Tomorrow's concert event, which takes place at London's
`Twickenham Stadium, will be broadcast t.o up t.o 1 billion people globally in six continents,
`and will bring together some of the world's most talent.ed artists and int.emationally renowned
`activists to raise awareness of the issues affecting t;irls and women.
`Simon Le Bon said: "In the year which marks the centenary of the Suffragett.e Movement, I am
`excited to be a performer at the Twickenham CHIME FOR CHANGE show this Saturday. As
`the father of three determined daughters, and as a man who was raised by a s1J'Ong,
`inspirational woman, I unreservedly support women's rights and the drive for equality world
`wide. So prick up your ears, because Chime is coming to town."
`Present.ers and performers at THE SOUND OF CHANGE LIVE will include:
`AWiwarya Rai "' Abhishek. Bach.chan* Archbishop Desmond Tutu * Beyonce • Blake Lively •
`Ellie Gouldmg * Florence + the Machine * Freida Pinto • Frida Giannini * Gloria Steinem •
`Gordon and Sarah Brown • HAIM • Hum.airs. Bacha! • Iggy Azalea • Jada Pinkett Smith •
`James Franco• Jennifer Lopez* Jessica Chastain *John Legend* Laura Pausini • Leymah
`Gbowee "'Madonna• Mpho Tutu• Rita Ora• Sahna Hayek Pinault• Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy
`* Timbaland * Zoe Saldana *
`CHIME FOR CHANGE Co-founder and THE SOUND OF CHANGE Artistic Director,
`Beyonce' Knowles-Carter, who will perform a 45 minute special set, said: "Our goal is to call
`for change for girls and women in the loudest voice possible,' said Knowles-Carter. •I am


`excited for WI to come together and bring the issues of Education, Health and Justice for girls
`and women to the world stage."
`In addition to live performances and collaborations from leading global artists, the concert will
`also serve as a platform to broadcaat inspirational and provocative short films and stories
`spotlighting girls' and women's issues globally. One such :61m. has already received critical
`acclaim at the Women Deliver conference in Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, on the 30th and 3111t May.
`'llUMAIRA: TIIE DREAM CATCHER' is directed by Emmy and Oscar" winning
`documentary fihn.maker, Sha.rmeen Obaid-Chinoy. The film chronicles the life of a young
`woman who is fighting to educate girls in her community in Pakistan. Through sheer
`determination, she has set up a school that now educates more than 1,200 children.
`Other fi1ms that will be featured at THE SOUND OF CHANGE LIVE concert will include:
`SEPIDEH: LETTERS TO EINSTEIN by Beri.t Madsen, the story of Sepideh, a young Iranian
`astronomer who dreams of becoming an astronaut; REACHING FOR THE SUN by Jehane
`Noujaim which follows the joumey of 30 grandmothers chosen from remote comers of the
`globe who are trained as solar engineers, enabling them to solar power their own villages and
`pass on their knowledge to other women; and Dan Reed's #SHOUTING BACK which explores
`accounts of women's experiences of sexual harassment in the UK.
`A series of graphics will be displayed around Twickenham Stadium listing powerful statistics
`highlighting the issues affecting women and girls around the world, including shocking figures
`such as two thirds of the world's illiterate adults are women, 80% of matemal deaths could be
`easily prevented, 80% of the estimated 800,000 people trafficked annually are girls and women,
`800 women die during pregnancy and childbirth every day and 70% of women experience
`physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.
`Legendary UK promoter, Harvey Goldsmith, responsible for the world's biggest global charity
`concerts, such as Live Aid and Live 8, will produce the four-hour concert alongside Executive
`Producers Kevin Wall and Aaron Grosky from Control Room {Live Earth, Live 8, FIFA World
`Cup Kick Oft) who have worked with Harvey on many of these great events.
`In a world first., every ticket buyer will be able to personally choose which project the money
`from his or her will fund. Gucci is underwriting the concert event so that all ticket sales
`(less VAT and service fees) will support selected projects. A sell-out concert is guaranteed to
`fund at least 120 projects supporting girls and women in more than 70 countries from ticket
`sales alone. Viewers around the world will also have the opportunity t.o lend their support by
`donating online at and, and through a mobile text·
`to-give campaign. Partner organizations include UNICEF, UN Women, The Global Fund for
`Women, GEMS, Plan Intemational, Voices, CAST, Equality Now, Doct.ors of the World,
`Girl Up, PATH, KIND, Pro Mujer, and Women Deliver, t.o name a few.
`CHIME FOR CHANGE brings t.ogether a coalition of organizations and individuals t.o effect
`meaningful change for girls and women worldwide. The campaign's strategic partners include
`the Kering Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Facebook, Hearst Magazines,
`and Catapult. The Intemational Herald Tribune and the Thomson Reuters Foundation are


`partners of the CHIME FOR CHANGE journalism platform. and The Buffington Post as digital
`media partner.
`Mariane Pearl, Managing Editor of CIIlME FOR CHANGE, has this week led a Thomson
`Reuters Foundation journalism course, 'Reporting Women' - a five-day journalism course
`which put a spotlight on women's rights, empowerment and the media. Marlane Pearl worked
`directly with journalists from across the world, selected for their ability to bring expertise and
`experience to the project, to explore topics ranging from the safety of female joumalists, to
`female stereoeypes and female narratives in the media.
`The Advisory Board of CHIME FOR CHANGE includes Hafsat Abiola, Muna AbuSulayman,
`Jimmie Briggs, Gordon and Sarah Brown, Lydia Cacho, David Carey, Joanne Crewe&, Minh
`Dang, Juliet de Baubign.y, W aris Dirie, Helene Gayle, Yasmeen Hassan, Arianna Huff'mgton,
`Musimbi Kanyoro, Alicia Keys, John Legend, Pat Mitchell, Alyse Nelson, Shanneen Ohaid
`Chinoy, Francois-Henri Pinault, Julia Roberts, Jill Sheffield, Jada Pinkett Smith, Caryl Stern,
`Meryl Streep, Arshhishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter Mpho Tutu, among others.
`To stay informed, visit www.chimeforchange.oi:g
`and join our community on Facebook at
`To stay informed, visit www.chimeforchange.on; and join our communi1:}' on Facebook at
`To download the imagery, logos, biographies and the press pack for the CHIME FOR CHANGE
`campaign pleaae click
`To access B-roll footage from the Concert Annmmcement please go t.o:
` uk:443/cld-bin/:lilemanac;er/
`Usemame: GUCCI_SCREENING 2013
`Password: gUcc15cR33n
`Visit -.chimeforchange.orglsoundofchange for the latest information about performers
`For media accreditation and ticketing for THE SOUND OF CHANGE LIVE, please
`+44 (0) 20 3003 6300
`For information about the CHIME FOR CHANGE campaign please contact:


`+44 (0) 20 3003 6300
`CIDME FOR CHANGE Foundmg Committee
`Frida Giannini, Beyonce Knowles-Carter and Salma Hayek Pinault.
`Founded in Florence in 1921, Gucci is one of the world's leading luxury fashion brands. Alongside
`the values of quality, creativity and Italian artisanal craftsmanship, for which the brand is renowned,
`Gucci also believes in the importance of a respoDBible attitude towards people, the environment and
`the commuDities in which it operates. Corporate citizenship is a fundamental part of the mission and
`opera.ting philosophy of the company. For more information about Gucci, please visit
`The K.ering Foundation•
`The Kering Foundation combats "'Violence against women and promotes their empowerment.
`Launched in 1anuary 2009, the Foundation supports commuDity-based projects and encourages
`employee involvement to sustain women's causes around the world. Through four programmes, it
`supports local and international NGOs as well as social entrepreneurs, helps raise awareness and
`estJlblishes joint projects with the brands. In 2012, more than 80,000 women benefited from
`its support in 16 countries. *In line with PPR's change of name, the PPR Corporate FoUI1.dation for
`Women's Dignity and Rights will become the Kering Corporate FoUI1.dation, subject to approval at
`the FoUI1.dation's board meeting on 26 Iune 2013. @K.eringForWomen
`Founded in 2004, Facebook's mission is to make the world more open and connected. People use
`Facebook t.o sta.y connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to
`share and express what matters to them.
`Catapult is the first crowd-funding plalform solely dedicated to advancing the lives of girls and
`women around the world. Catapult connecbl ttusted organizations with a new global audience to
`increase funds and engagement. Organizations can post projects online, and donors can browse and
`fund the issues that speak to them most. Every dollar donated goes to the orgallization and donors
`receive reports about the project's progress. Catapult beta-launched on October 11, 2012, with the
`support of notJlble partners, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Fund for
`Women and the United Nations Population Fund.For more information go to, and
`follow Catapult on Twitter: ®wecat.apult and Fac.ebook at Catapult is a
`project of WOMEN DELIVER, a 501c(3) organization. Invest in girls and women. It pays!
`Hearst Magazines
`Hearst Magazines is a unit of Hearst Corporation, one of the nation's largest diversified
`communications companies. Hearst Magazines is the largest publisher of monthly magazines in the
`U.S. (ABC 2012), reaching 83 million adults (Fall 2012 MRI) with its 20 titles. In addition the company
`published more than 300 editions around the world. Hearst Magazines Digital Media, dedicated to
`creating and implementing Hearst Magazines' digital strategy, has more than .28 websites and 14
`mobiles sites for brands such as Cosmopolitan, Popular Mechanics, ELLE, ELLE DECOR, Esquire,


`Good Housekeeping, Marie Claire and Seventeen, as well as only sites such as, a
`food site iD. partnership with MSN;; md Hearst Magazines has
`published more than 150 apps and digital editiow;. In addition, the company includes iCrossing, a
`global digital marketing agency.


`CHIME FOR CHANGE Co-Found11rs 811yonc:B Know/11s-Carft1r and Sa/ma Hayek Pinauh
`Take the Stage lo Call for Gender Equality
`September 28th, 2015 - CHIME FOR CHANGE, the global campaign founded by Gucci to raise funds
`and awareness for girls' and women's empowennent, celebrated its new partnership with Global Citizen
`focused on gender equality, during the 2015 Global Citizen Festival on September 26 in New York City.
`This year marks the fourth annual Global Citizen Festival, bringing together artists, celebrities, world
`leaders and activists to create a lasting movement to end extreme poverty by 2030.
`CHIME FOR CHANGE Co-Founder Beyonce headlined the festival along with Pearl Jam, Ed Sheeran
`and Coldplay, joining fellow CHIME Co-Founder Selma Hayek Pinault, who took the stoge as a co-host.
`Gucci and CHIME FOR CHANGE served as Presenting Partners of the festival, welcoming 60,000
`concertgoers to the Great Lawn in Central Pork. Gucci CEO Marco Bizzarri joined Global Citizen CEO
`Hugh Evans on stage to announce the historic partnership. Fran~ois-Henri Pinault, CEO of

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