Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Enabledoc LLC
`MC LEAN, VA 22102-2723
`Stephen Rothschild
`EnableDoc-91212520-ANSWER.pdf(5509951 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

`Application No. 85789055
`Opposition No. 91212520
`) )
`Nth Technologies, Inc.
`EnableDoc LLC,
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`EnableDoc LLC (“EnableDoc”) filing of its trademark application for the mark ENABLEDOC (App.
`No. 85789055) and its use of the ENABLEDOC mark in the marketplace, presents no likelihood of
`confusion and denies Nth Technolgies, Inc (“Opposer”) claims in opposition.
`1. Enab1eDoc denies that the marks are similar. There are significant differences in appearance and
`sound between the marks at issue. Specifically, N-ABLE mark is pronounced as “n a-bel” MD while
`ENABLEDOC is pronounced as “i- 'na—bale” DOC. Moreover, the N-ABLEMD mark is comprised of the
`stylized letter “N” and the term “ABLE”, separated by a sphere design in the middle, while the mark
`“ENABLEDOC” is comprised of one unitary word. Further, as shown below, the overall appearance and
`commercial impression of the respective marks are substantially different. Notably, in addition to the
`differences between the word elements of the marks, the marks also differ significantly with respect to the
`color and detail of the design elements included therewith:
`enableilmz" VS.

`EnableDoc denies that the letters in “Doc” are meant only to mean doctor. Doc has two
`meanings: documents and doctor. Document creation is enabled by our exclusive speech and word
`processor template technology. Doctor refers to all medical providers, such as chiropractic, not just
`medical doctors. EnableDoc’s market is much broader than medical doctors.
`the ENABLEDOC mark and the N-ABLEMD marks are inherently different and
`create distinct overall commercial impressions, such that a healthcare provider would not confuse the
`marks. Thus, no likelihood of confusion exists.
`Additionally, the recent Office Action (dated March 21, 2013) issued by the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office (“USPTO”) in connection with the ENABLEDOC Application also evidences that
`there is no likelihood of confusion between the ENABLEDOC and N-ABLEMD marks. Specifically, in
`the Office Action, the Examining Attorney required minor identification amendments, but stated that
`“there are no similar registered or pending marks that would bar registration under Trademark Act
`Section 2(d).”
`2. Enab1eDoc denies that it focuses on healtlicare practice management software. Our primary
`market is Electronic Health Records. N-ABLEMD mark focuses on practice management and billing
`3. Opposer may have certain rights in its N- ABLE-marks, as discussed above, Opposer does not
`have exclusive rights to the term “ENABLE” particularly in the case of highly stylized marks
`incorporating additional terms and design elements. Moreover, any claim of exclusivity is further
`defeated by the fact that there are many other third-party uses of the term “NABLE” in the marketplace.
`See Exhibit A. Because these third-party uses are able to co-exist with the NABLE marks, EnableDoc’s
`use of the mark “ENABLEDOC” is also able to co-exist. We also note that the respective marks were
`able to co-exist in the marketplace for at least the past four years without any instances of consumer

`4. Opposer will not be damaged by EnableDoc’s use of the ENABLEDOC trademark. Healthcare
`professionals conduct evaluations of Electronic Health Record software and are well educated.
`EnableDoc LLC asserts that Opposer does not have grounds for a dilution claim. In order to succeed on a
`dilution claim the plaintiff must show that their mark “is widely recognized by the general public of the
`United States .
`. .” 15 USC §1125(c)(2)(A). Nth Technologies fails to meet this requirement because of
`Opposer lack of extensive national advertising, limited geographic reach of Opposer sales, and lack of
`national recognition for the mark N-ABLEMD.
`For these reasons and others, EnableDoc LLC has its own distinctive mark that does not dilute or
`otherwise infiinge upon Nth Technologies Inc.’s trademark. And, any claims to copyright infringement
`are denied based upon use of common jargon and expressions in the industry.
`Respectfully submitted,
`EnableDoc LLC
`Stephen M. Rothschild
`Chief Executive Officer
`EnableDoc, LLC
`7700 Falstaff Road
`McLean, VA 22102
`Phone: (877) 540-0933 Ext 100

`The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing Answer to Notice of Opposition is being, filed
`electronically via the Electronic System for the Trademark Trials and Appeats (ESTTA) with a copy
`being sent by first—class mail to:
`Kevin A. Thompson
`125 S. Wacker, Suite 1700
`Chicago, Illinois 60606
`On this 27"‘ day of October 2013

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`Enable Heallhcare Inc.
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` 9 Great Meade.-t Lane Original Release:
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`oncencs ceniiyii-g Body: Drummorid
`Group Inc.
` Enable Heallhcaie Int
`ca»-.imaiioi~ Period: 20:-t.i:c~.2
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`Deseeipuon of this EMR/Etta; EH1 GQIIVEVS a Aeb based Ele.-ircnic Health Record (EHR) system that enables ambulatory care physicians
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`more. MDr\et-EHR solution comprises of a full set sf lunctioralities including: Mbnet-Practice, at‘ easv to use scheduling and .\o"»< flo-.\
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`billing and claims system with all the required reporting Functicrialities P~IDr*et-eF'e5crii:itii:ri, a full iurctionalmi e9’ESCYID{lOVl system MDi-iet«
`eDacs full furctiari docurvient management svstem viitr capabili: ta manage batch scanning MDnet~eFax, prcviding faxing caoabilties from
`Glam: 5 ..i-am
`isithiri El-IR Monet-PHR, a user iriendlv Patient Health Records svsterri NDTVCK-CCl'll'l€CIO’. ccnrieairig labs to the praviders. delivering bi-
`”:1iat'. El '3
` ‘el".
`directiai-al data flout Monet-EHR-Specialties spezialty specific templates built to be operable tzubofvthe-box.
`Medical Speclallies Cnvered: El-ll-eiecords streamlines dailv iuorlcflci-., enabling cnninlete and fast documentation.
`Specialties: Anesth. Ci'dI0lO9‘y E-NT. Eridocni-oloqyi Family Med. 51. Heme-Oi-ci. KM Sub-Specialty. Internal Med. Multi-Soe;., Neutclogy,
`pEdlB!'ICS. Sleep Med, Li'oI:gv Neuicsurqew O’!l‘lCD€dl:5i
`EHR / EMI Structure Medical Office Environment for Monet-Elli
`Number of Doctors In Target Market ior
`O Client./Server or A59: A59
`- fully integrated - Available
`OOpePatir‘g System: Windows
`Obatabase: Other: Seas
`Dragon Medical Practke Ednlon Compattbllly
`Prtmarv Soecialtvz
`Select Specialty
`Medical Practice
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`EMR 4 Practice Maraqemerit
`Spam Challenge: 1 ~ 6 =
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`he you intvested ir‘ COfi'|DaI’ll‘g Monet-ERR with otl~e' EMR57
`El.lFl cw £j1§i“n i EHRRQHQAE i EHR Ré3‘3Il1€j_& i EHRL | El.lF( Eio; i °§§§;h Rn:.;—;niticn | EHRS;;2:_eTwitte_r i C-*i:i_:im.i_s
`§ EHFl ‘Score LLC 2DL‘i4-{.013 All Rights Resanea ~ [_=["i§ git; ‘Qnf'l|i;l".§

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