`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Holy Spirits, LLC
`MADISON, WI 53703 2865
`Motion for Summary Judgment
`Craig A. Fieschko
`cftm@dewittross.com, nftm@dewittross.com
`TTAB--140807--Motion_for_Summary_Judgment.pdf(2499399 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Opposition No.: 91208858
`85/554963; 85/554993
`Serial Nos.:
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56, 37 C.F.R. §2.127, and TBMP §528,
`Applicant Holy Spirits, LLC (“Holy Spirits”) hereby states the following in support of its Motion
`for Summary Judgment. The Board suspended proceedings on July 25, 2014. A cross-motion
`for summary judgment is a proper filing even after proceedings are suspended. See TBMP
`§528.03. This Opposition is barred by claim preclusion for the below reasons.
`“A subsequent claim will be barred by claim preclusion if: ‘(1) there is identity of parties
`(or their privies); (2) there has been an earlier final judgment on the merits of a claim; and (3) the
`second claim is based on the same set of transactional facts as the first.’” Zoba International
`Corp. v. DVD Format/LOGO Licensing Corp., 98 USPQ2d 1106, 1109 (TTAB 2011) (quoting
`Jet Inc. v. Sewage Aeration Systems, 223 F.3d 1360, 55 USPQ2d 1854, 1857 (Fed. Cir. 2000)).
`This standard is met here:
`The undersigned certifies that a copy of this paper is being served upon Opposer STF Enterprises, LLC
`via email (to wklar@yahoo.com and milwaukeemcimports@wi.rr.com) and by first-class mail to the
`address of record (3144 S. 47th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53219) on the date set out below.
`Date of Deposit
`Craig A. Fieschko
`Opposer STF Enterprises, LLC (“STF”) sued Holy Spirits in STF Enterprises
`LLC v. Holy Spirits LLC et al., Milwaukee County Case Number 2012SC007587
`(the “First Action”) for matters arising from STF’s business relations with Holy
`Spirits. See Exhibit 1.
`The First Action resulted in a judgment against Holy Spirits for $4,925, which
`was entered on June 8, 2012. See Exhibit 2.
`The Judgment in the First Action was satisfied by Holy Spirits via cashier’s
`check, a copy of which was filed with the Court on June 15, 2012. See Exhibit 3.
`STF subsequently sued Holy Spirits’ principal, Father Domenic J. Roscioli
`(“Father Dom”), personally in STF Enterprises, LLC v. Father Domenic Roscioli,
`Milwaukee County Circuit Court Case Number 13SC010391 (“Second Action”).
`See Exhibit 4.
`STF alleged in the Second Action that “STF and Father Dom entered into an oral
`partnership agreement, whereby STF and Father Dom would be equal partners in
`the development of the ‘Father Dom’s’ [sic] trademark and line of products to be
`sold under that trademark as well as private label products.” See Exhibit 5, ¶3.
`But “development of the ‘Father Dom’s’ trademark and line of products,” and
`“outstanding invoices” therefrom, was the basis for STF’s First Action. See
`Exhibit 6, ¶20.
`In the Second Action, Father Dom moved for summary judgment due to claim
`preclusion (see Exhibit 7), and STF responded with an opposition brief (see
`Exhibit 8).
`In the Second Action, the Circuit Court granted Holy Spirits’ Motion for
`Summary Judgment due to claim preclusion, and dismissed STF’s Second Action
`with prejudice. See Exhibit 9.
`STF filed the present Opposition claiming that a partnership was formed and that
`it is entitled to an ownership interest in the applied-for marks. See Exhibit 10.
`STF’s Opposition to the applied-for marks is based on the business dealings
`between STF, Holy Spirits, and Holy Spirits’ principal, Father Dom.
`This Opposition should thus be dismissed with prejudice at least for being barred
`by claim preclusion:
`There is identity of parties (or their privies) between the First Action, the
`Second Action, and the present Opposition, as discussed above in
`paragraphs 1 and 4. Specifically, Opposer STF has pursued claims against
`Applicant Holy Spirits and/or its principal, Father Dom (a privy of Holy
`Spirits), in the First Action and the Second Action as well as this
`There has been an earlier final judgment on the merits of a claim in both
`the First Action (which resulted in a judgment against Holy Spirits) and
`the Second Action (which was dismissed with prejudice at summary
`judgment due to claim preclusion), as discussed above in paragraphs 2 and
`This Opposition is based on the same set of transactional facts as the First
`Action and the Second Action, as discussed above in paragraphs 5 and 8.
`Specifically, the transactional facts involved in all three are the facts
`related to the business dealings between STF and Holy Spirits (and/or its
`privy, Father Dom) and the efforts surrounding the development of the
`FATHER DOM’S line of products.
`STF has been pursuing Holy Spirits for over two years using multiple different attorneys1
`and under multiple different theories. In the First Action, STF claimed that it was owed monies
`for “past due accts,” consistent with its role as an independent contractor of Holy Spirits.
`Subsequently, in the Second Action, STF alleged that there was an oral partnership agreement
`between STF and Father Dom. Most recently, on July 10, 2014, STF filed a Motion for
`Summary Judgment2 in which STF makes baseless (and irrelevant) copyright claims, and asserts
`1 STF’s prior counsel include: Michael T. Hopkins of Hopkins McCarthy LLC; Willard G. Neary and
`Joseph A. Abruzzo of Lichtsinn & Haensel S.C.; and J. Scott Scarbrough. STF has been representing
`itself since the withdrawal of Mr. Scarbrough as counsel.
`2 Holy Spirits filed Applicant’s Brief In Opposition To Opposer’s Motion For Summary Judgment on
`August 6, 2014, addressing the claims in STF’s Motion for Summary Judgment.
`that STF has rights in the applied-for marks because it made a first sale in October 2011 (when
`such sale was made on behalf of Holy Spirits, and Holy Spirits had already started using the
`marks in commerce months earlier). STF has sought to litigate and re-litigate its dealings with
`Holy Spirits and Father Dom, and now persists with this Opposition at significant cost and
`inconvenience to Holy Spirits and Father Dom. STF should not be allowed to continue its
`vexatious litigation against Holy Spirits when it has already been fully compensated in the First
`In view of the foregoing, Applicant Holy Spirits respectfully requests that this Motion be
`granted, and STF’s Opposition be dismissed with prejudice.
`For the Applicant,
`/craigfieschko/ 08/07/2014
`Craig A. Fieschko
`DeWitt Ross & Stevens, SC
`2 E. Mifflin St., 6th Floor
`Madison, Wisconsin 53703-2865
`Telephone: (608) 395-6722
`Facsimile: (608) 252-9243
`{Name (first. mioole, last]. Address. City. State. Zip)
`(N;§gu;:;efprlgerrz; stag-ufi, a;otl§oi, drg-mrcritbéoizact fsiado. codrgopostal) _
`I See attached for additional plaintiffs
`Veradjunto pare otros demandantes
`Ft-‘I Oli'i'w'il«‘ U59
`5 n
`U_j_’-’ _
` El Amended Enmendaclo
`Summons and Qomptaint
`Small Claims
`Citacfones y Dernandas
`middle, F35“. Addtfifis.
`' of. dorm'cr'tr'o. ctudad. estaoo, cddigo poster}
`Pa .'
`ado ): Noo1t:tref,qri' e , segu do,
`Case No.
`I _ A ME I
`Ial{T5‘_75f',L'l.';J.’eIZ4!'dZE.-M Ntimero 0'9 case
`_ /
`fleiaim for money (510.0401) or less)
`' :h'I'-'f'4I/537,19?-*7!-'4," - 7
`Rectamodedinero (srooooa
`I, ’ ’
`Ll tree attached tor aodtttor.-st t.efe:..anta U Rem,,! D‘-9,035,“, i,cp._,._.h.,}
`t/er adjtmto para otros demandados
`D“"°"“‘7’°” "9 -"’°”"°°'a" (R°""""°"'°"°"°"
`do $33 mtrabtesi
`E :"_"°‘fl
`unto orec osure -
`Dflmcm W qewdm as
`C] Ammo“
`semanda ct.
`'3 Ram!" D‘
`Dammcm de 5
`or ess,t_.:it01D
`El Ter1J'F’ersortaI lnjuryts .
`Agravrbfbafias Corporates ($5.000 0 meme]
`It you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court
`4 4 93 _ 7
`process please call
`5 5 5?
`at least 10 working days prior to
`the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.
`Sr‘ neceslta ejustes razortabtes decide a una discapecidad para poderparficipair on at procedtmtento
`judicial. st.-vase itamar coma r.I1lnt'rr.Io motes ttabtles antes de la techie judtciatprogramade. Por terror
`tome en cuenra one ettrrounat no proporctorta transports.
`J _
`This form does not replace _the need for an interpreter. any cottoquies mandated by law. or the responsibility oi court and
`counsel to ensure that parsons.with- limited English proficiency fully co_mprehend_. their rights and obligations.
`Esta deer.-manta no Sttsiftuya at‘ use do on t’rtférpre(e,- t‘tt'_ ios coloqtitbs fl.-‘dictates e.vdgt'dos poria fey.‘ Tarrtpoco strstifuye ta
`responsabliioiad dei tribune! yios-abogados do asegtrrarseda qtre !as'poreonae ouya compmnsién diet‘ idiomafnglés see i‘r'mt‘lada'
`enrlendan - r com leto sue dorechos
`obit‘ adones.
`To the Dafendantts}: Para at/ios demandado/s:
` ‘ gkwhen to:AppeariFito an-Answer
`You are being sued as described below. it you wish to dispute this matter:
`Fechapara't;ompareoen" '
`Lo est
`damandartdo segtirt to tndicedo abajo. Si desea disputar esta asunt'o.'
`- . fesenfar mi” 3.9,‘; , H95“ .
`You must appear at the time and place stated.
`D e .. mp.-.-re-:er a la hora y en ei ltrgar establecidos.
`ANDIOR ‘°'°”‘ ""'" °"°'° °"‘°’
`Place to AppearlFiia an Answer
`Y/0 (ErActu:tr:'o rieliuzgado marcarri Una)
`D You must file a written answer and provide a copy to the plaintiff or
`Luggrpam campareceflpmsemar mm
`plaintiffs attorney on or before the date and time stated.
`Debe presenter one respuesta por escnito y proporcionar una copra at
`dernandents e at aooga-do tier demandartto en te techs y hora 9St'abhE.'Cr't)'HS
`o con anterr'orr'dad a arias.
`If you do not appear or answer. the plaintiff may win this case and a
`judgment entered for what the plaintiff is asking.
`Si‘ no compare-ce ni responds, et demrtndanle puede ganar esta cause y so made
`irrctar on folio at favor do to US et demandante osré sot‘ “
` Milwaukee County Courthouse
`901 N Nlrtth Street, Room 400
`Milwaukee. WI 53233
`Date Summons Issued
`Dd!!! Stt.ttttt'1tJri3P.P.:t»tA:-cl
`Fe-one de urrullrorl do is citacroo
`F-.\cM en In qua so 2-mid ta
`33:7 :'il'J‘.'.|. Gflfii Suinniuua .1It-iCI.ant{:-‘IJr\l~ Sn‘.t|| t'_'3.ttm5
`tlhupter -I’
`Thisformshrtttnotbemayo. itmaybesupplementedwithadditiortrttntuterlai.
`Suinino.-s _=-.~ T.': 1, rt — Small Claims
`Page 2 :1! 2
`C a se No.
`Plaintif+'s Eemand: Demanda dot demandante:
`Eclaim for Money 5
`Reclamo de dinero
`E] Return of Earnest Money
`Devolucion do eerie
`The c 2 -- -‘f states the following claim against the defendant{s):
`El ca ~ ; * canto realize la siguianlo demands contra et/ios dernandedo/s:
`ropr.-‘ate; El demandarlie ex.-‘ge on {alto par: [Mercer lo que corresponda}
`= aintit’-f demands judgment or:
`1:] Tort.’PersonaI iniury 5
`Agravio/Denos Corporates
`E] Eviction due to foreclosure
`[:1 Eviction
`Desalo,-‘o por ejecucio.-1 do hipotaca
`E] Return of property (replevin) {Describe property in 2 below] oavorucion do propleaao (Rom-aarcaoion do cosas mtiobieejf Describe ins
`oienas on at more 2 ab.-yo)
`[Not to include Wis. Stats. 425.205 actions to recover collateral.)
`Excluyendo loo accionos an viriuo‘ do Ias leyoa do Wisconsin #25205 para la recoperacion do oienes dado: en garantia.)
`[L] Confirmation. vacation, modification or correction of arbitration award.
`Corriinnacidn. anulacion, rnodificacion o conreccidn do saniencie aroitrai‘.
`Plus interest, costs. attorney fees. if any, and such other relief as the court deems proper.
`Mas intereses. cosfos. honorartos legales. de existir, y lode oira asistencia qua ei tribunal’ considers adecueda.
`2. Brief statement of dates and facts: (if mi. in an eviction action and you an sinking money damages. you must also star. Ihil claim on this form.)
`Brave deciarecion 0'8 (aches y hecnos: {Si ea one occidn do desdqo y bosca ea’ resarcmbrtto do dmero. debs rambion :‘ndicar no rociarno on aslo
`/E33: attached for additional information. Provide copy of attachments for court and defendantisl.
`Var adjunto para tnformaclén adlcionaf. Proporcione cop.-la do aojlunto para el tribunal y elflos demandada/s.
`Verification: Under oath. I state that the above complaint is true, except as those matters stated upon Information and
`belief. and as to those matters. I believe them to be true.
`Veriflcacion: Declare oajo juramento qua Ia den-randa precedents es verdadera, exceoto con respecio a aquellos asuntos oasados
`en informacion y creencias. ir en cuanio a esos asurrtos, creo qua son vordaderos.
`: demandanta.
`E] attorney for the plaintiff.
`aoogado o‘el' demands.-1t‘e.
`Date Focha
`Attorney I Silo Bar Number
`Numero do Inscription def
`abogado an of Colegio do
`PIaintif‘l"u.rAttorney‘a Telephone Number
`ma 0|‘!
`State of
`Estado do
`County of
`Condado do
`Subscnbed and sworn to beta:
`Suscnlo . do enta
` - Name Printed or T», - .
`Months ammo an rain: do mates 0 n rnsooina
`My comrnissicanilermzixpires.
`Mi itornrsmrlfrnartdaia iI‘i3I"TCB.'
`3 -/~/ 7..
`Law Firm and Adams:
`Bidets do ooogedoa y doenibillo
`Tetlfono o'er demondantwobogldb
`SC-S00. oam Sn.-rm.-on! and Cu.-nplriiixl — Si.-..1II C.'.']iml
`This form shall not be modified.
`It may be supplemented with additional Irlaterial.
`t".I"..1plor .""i'9.
`'.‘\ri5cou~;u1 ;*3?..'ltLI1uI
`M M M M H H N U‘:
`C355 No-
`IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED between the parties hereto, by the undersigned, that the Plaintiff ’s
`complaint against the Defendant in the above-captioned matter shall be dismissed with prejudice and upon
`its merits and without further costs to either of the parties subject to the following conditions:
`_74 shall pay
`The Defendant
`the Plaintiff
`. he sum of 5
`in filll settlement of the above matter in the following manner: V
`All payments made pursuant to this Stipulation shall be paid to the Attorney for the Plaintiff
`or Plaintiff at:
`(city, state, zip) '
`In the event said Defendant misses any one scheduled payment by a period exceeding
`then the Plaintiff may return to court,-[without notice, and ask the court to vacate the Order for
`Dismissal herein and enter judgement against said Defendant in the amount of $
`plus costs and'disbu1°sements minus any sums paid prior to default.
`The acceptance of any late payment by the Plaintiff does not excuse the Defendant from making
`future payments on time.
`For the Plaintilf
`For the Defendant
`For the Defendant
`Subject to the right of the Plaintiff to have the above case reopened in the event of default in payments, IT
`IS HEREBY ORDERED that said Plaintiff ’s complaint against said Defendant in the above-captioned matter
`shall be dismissed with prejudice and upon its merits and without further costs to any of the parties.
`Circuit Court Judge 2’ Commissioner
`03 z:
`w7;2m MW/S
`(Name [first, middle, last], Address, City, State, Zip)
`(Nombre fprimero, segundo, apellido], domici/io, ciudad, estado, codigo postal)
`3144 s. 47"‘ Street
`Milwziukcg, WI 53219
`. {Ii
`4*‘ 0 F‘
`E] See attached for additional plaintiffs
`Ver adjunto para otros demandantes
`(Name [first, middle, last], Address, City. State, Zip)
`To: Defendant(s) :
`Para.’ Demandado(s): (Nombre [primero, segundo, apellidoj, domici/io, ciudad, estado, cédigo postal)
`i_0_335 w. Oklahoma Ave., Ste. 106
`Ci See attached for additional defendants
`Ver adjunto para otros demandados
` If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court
`process, please call
`at least 10 working days prior to
`the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.
`Si necesita ajustes razonables debido a una discapacidad para poderparticipar en el procedimiento
`"ud" ial
`10 d'
`h ’b'i
`d I
`f h
`' d" '
`d P f
`, S
`658 amarcomomnimo
`I83 8 I68 «SN (98 e 8 60 aju lCl8 programs 8.
`0/’ avor
`tome en cuenta ue el tribunal no ro orciona trans on‘e.
`'0 p
`For Offijlfii Use
`D Amended Enmendado
`Summons and Qomplaint
`Small Claims
`Citaciones y Demandas
`Redamos de menor cuantia
`Case N01
`Ntimero 0/9 0680
`Xi Claim for money ($10,000 or less)
`Rec/amo de dinero ($ 10.000 o menos)
`El Return of property (repievin)
`Devolucidn de propiedad (Reivindicacidn
`de cosas muebles)
`[a EV_i°:_i°” Eesfloio
`‘"°_ '°" U‘? ° c_’,'e° °S”_'e
`Desaiojo por ejecucion de hipoteca
`D Arbitration award
`Sentencla de arbmaje
`El Return of earnest money
`Devolucion de sena
`El Tort/Personal injury ($5,000 or less) 31010
`Agra vio/Dafios Corpora/es ($ 5. 000 o menos)
`Time 9:00 AM. I
`Date April. 30, 2013
`This form does.rio't replaceggthe need for an'lnt’erpr'et’e‘r, any tzolloquies mandated by law, or the responsibility of court and
`counsel to ensure that persns withlimited English proficiency fully comprehend their rights and obligations.
`Esta" dooumanto no sustituye el uso de unfintérprete, ni ios coioquiosjudioiales ekigfdos po”r'Ia fey. Tampooo sustftuye la
`responsabilidad dail tribunaly Ios: abogados de asegurarse de que ‘Isis personals-cuya comprensibrr del idfoma ingiéssea iirnitada
`oniiendan par compieto sus derechos y obligacionas.
`To the Defendant(s): Para el/Ios demandado/s:
`You are being sued as described below. If you wish to dispute this matter:
`Lo estén demandando segrin Io indicado abajo. Si desea disputar este asunto:
`ZYOU must appear at the time and place stated.
`Debe comparecer a la hora y en el lugar estabiecidos.
`AND/OR (Clerk will circle one)
`Y/O (El Actuario deljuzgado marcara una)
`[:1 You must file a written answer and provide a copy to the plaintiff or
`plaintiff's attorney on or before the date and time stated.
`Debe presentar una respuesta por escfifo y proporcionar una copia al
`demandante 0 al abogado del demandante en la fecha y hora establecidas
`0 con antefioridad a eilas.
`"if you do not appear or answer, the_pla'in'ti'ff_r'nay win this case anda I"
`judgment entered for what the plaintiff is asking.
`Si no comparece ni responde, el demandante puede ganar esta causa y se puede
`d/ctar un fallo a favor de lo [19 el demandanle esté soiicitando.
`Date Sufimons
`Clerkmtlorney '
`lure Firma of
`or ario de Juzgado/Abogado
`Fecha _ee (Si
`1;. a__
`. _,
`"* [i’F@W{rfC¢1:.I'ptdi:9g;.fWI&g;;1n Statutes
`It may be supplemented with additional material.
`.-Place to-Appea'riFiie:an.Artsiarer
`' ..-Luger para comparecer/presenter una
`Milwaukee County Courthouse
`901 North 9”‘ Street, Room 400
`Mi1waukee, WI 53233 '
`SC—500, 08/11 Summons and Compliant — Small Claims
`This form shall not be modified.
`Summons and Complaint — Smal.
`Page 2 of 2
`Case No,
`Plaintiff's Demand: Demanda del demandante:
`The plaintiff states the following claim against the defendant(s):
`El demandante realize la siguionto domanda contra el/los demandado/3:
`1. Plaintiff demands judgment for:
`(Check as appropriate) El demandante exige un fallo por: (Marcarlo que corresponda)
`Claim for Money $ 10 000
`D Tort/Personal injury $
`Reclamo de dinero
`Agravio/Dafios Corporales
`D Eviction
`El Return of Earnest Money
`l:l Eviction due to foreclosure
`Devolucién de sefia
`Desalojo por ejecucion de hipoteca
`l:l Return Of property (replevin) (Describe property in 2 below.) Devo/ucio'n de propiedad (Roivindicac/‘on de cosas muebles)( Describe los
`bienes en el punto 2 abajo)
`(Not to include Wis. Stats. 425.205 actions to recover collateral.)
`Excluyendo las acciones en virtud de las leyes de Wisconsin 425.205 para la recuperacién de bienes dados en garantla.)
`Confirmation, vacation, modification or correction of arbitration award.
`Confirmacién, anulac/‘on, modificacién o correccién de sentencia arbitral.
`Plus interest, costs, attorney fees, if any, and such other relief as the court deems proper.
`Mas intereses, costos, honoranos legales, de existir, y toda otra asistencia que el tribunal considere adecuada.
`2. Brief statement Of dates and facts: (lfthis is an eviction action and you are seeking money damages, you must also state that claim on this form.)
`Breve declaracion de fechas y hechos: (Si es una accio‘n de desalojo y busca el resarcimienlo de dlnero, debe también indicar ese reclamo en este
`See Attached Complaint
`[Z See attached for additional information. Provide copy of attachments for court and defendant(s).
`Ver adjunto para informacién adicional. Proporcione copia de adjunto para el tribunal y el/los demandado/s.
`Verification: Under oath, I state that the above complaint is true, except as those matters stated upon information and
`belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true.
`Verificacién: Declaro bajo juramento que la demanda precedente es verdadera, excepto con respecto a aquellos asuntos basados
`en informacidn y creencias, y en cuanto a esos asuntos, creo que son verdaderos.
`I am:
`l:I plaintiff.
`Soy: demandante.
`attorney for the plaintiff.
`abogado del demandante.
`State of
`Eslado d9
`Count of Milwaukee
`C nclado de
` -
`Date Fecha
`April 2, 2013
`Attorney's State Bar Number
`Numero do Inscrlpclén del
`abogado en el Colegio de
`Law Firm and Address
`Mi comisién/mandala vence:
`Teléfono gt‘ demandante/abogado
`Bufete de abagados y domicilio
`Lichtsinn & Haensel, s.c.
`111 13. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 1800
`Milwaukee, WI 53202
`Notary Plwltclcotrrt Official
`Nofarlo Ptiblico, Funcionario del tribunal
`Nadine C. Kutcher
`Name Printed or Typed
`No/nbre escrilo en Ietra de molde o a maquina.
`My commission/term expires: March 9. 2014
`SC—500, 08/11 Summons and Complaint — Small Claims
`This form shall not be modified.
`It may be supplemented with additional material.
`Page 2 of 2
`Chapter 799, Wisconsin Statutes
`3144 S. 47”‘ Street
`Milwaukee, Wisconsin 5 3219
`10335 W. Oklahoma AVe., Ste. 106
`Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53227
`MlLWfi§I<'.[-‘.L<I COUNTY
`Case No.
`Case Code 31001
`NOW COMES the Plaintiff, STF Enterprises, LLC, by its attorneys, Lichtsinn &
`Haensel, S.C., as and for its Complaint against the Defendant, Father Dominic Roscioli, states
`and hereby alleges as follows:
`That the Plaintiff, STF Enterprises, LLC, (“STF”) is a limited liability company
`organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin; and that the main place of
`business Of the Plaintiff is located at 3144 S. 47”" Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53219.
`That upon information and belief,
`the Defendant, Father Dominic Roscioli
`(“Father Dom”),
`is an adult resident of the State of Wisconsin, with his principal place of
`:TI§iTIES'S‘l'()'C'a@‘a‘l—1'fl3'35"WrOl<lalIOma7’I;ve.7Ste:l~06TMi1-wan]-;eer\Misconsin,.53.22l§__ _
`86; APR 032013
`the early Spring of 2011, STF and Father Dom entered into an oral
`partnership agreement, whereby STF and Father Dom would be equal partners in the
`development of the “Father Dom’s” trademark and line of products to be sold under that
`trademark as well as private label products.
`That pursuant to the terms of the partnership agreement, the Parties were going to
`split, on a 50-50 basis, the business expenses associated with trade marking the “Father Dom’s”
`name, the development of the “Father Dom’s” product line to be sold under that trademarkas
`well as products to be sold under private labels. The Parties further agreed to split the profits
`from the sale of products under the “Father Dom’s” product line and the profits from the sale of
`private label products in a like manner.
`That Father Dom initially contributed to his share of the business expenses of the
`partnership and the parties initially split the profits from the sale of “Father Dom” products and
`private label products.
`That STF has
`incurred substantial out-of-pocket expenses
`related to the
`development of the “Father Dom’s” trademark and product lines. That these expenses include
`but are not limited to the creation of the artwork associated with the trademark and product line,
`creation of labeling for the “Father Dom’s product line and for private label products, as well as
`legal expenses associated with the partnership and legal expenses
`the trademark
`That in the fall of 2011 Father Dom breached the terms of the partnership
`agreement by failing to reimburse STF for the partnership’s business expenses. Father Dom has
`further breached the partnership agreement by failing to split the profits from the sale of the
`“Father Dom” products and private label products.
`That to date, STF has unreimbursed expenses in excess of $10,000.00 for which
`Father Dom has failed to reimburse it despite due demand having been made.
`That Father Dom is in breach of the partnership agreement
`failing to
`reimburse STF for expenses incurred on behalf of the partnership.
`That Father Dom is in breach of the partnership agreement for failing to split the
`profits from the sale of the “Father Dom” products and private label products.
`1 1.
`That based upon Father Dom’s breach of the partnership agreement STF has
`suffered damages; namely, the out—of-pocket expenses paid and loss of profits.
`WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff requests judgment against the Defendant in the following
`For a moneyjudgment in the amount of $10,000.00;
`For reasonable attorney’s fees;
`For costs and disbursements of this action.
`For other and further relief as the court may deem just.
`Dated this 1“ day of April, 2013.
`" '
`11 1 East Wisconsin Avenue, #1800
`‘ nMi'Iwa11l¢ee, Wle*532-02
`Tel: (414) 276-3400 /Fax:
`(414) 276-9278
`Joseph A. Abruzzo
`State Bar No. 1055085
`-——- -4
`Case No. 13-SC—1039l
`Case Code 31001
`B -\.
`) )
`I, William Klar, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and state as follows:
`That I am a member of the Plaintiff, STF Enterprises, LLC (hereinafter “STF”),
`and I am authorized to make this Affidavit.
`That this Affidavit is made in support of Plaintiff’ s Brief in Opposition to the
`Defendant’s Motion for summary Judgment.
`That STF is a Wisconsin limited liability company that was organized in January
`201 1.
`That STF is a manufacturer and distributor of numerous food products, spices,
`and mixes that are used as a fundraising tool for charitable organizations.
`That in creating the products to be used as a fundraising tool for charitable
`organizations, STF utilizes its own label for food items, and further, creates private label items
`for the specific charities involved in the fundraising efforts.
`That in approximately March 2011, STF — by way of myself and STF’s other
`member, Theresa Kent — engaged in communications and correspondence with the Defendant,
`Father Domenic Roscioli (hereinafter “Father Roscioli”) regarding the potential for STF and
`Father Roscioli to work together on creating a specific product line to be used at charitable
`fundraising events.
`Throughout face-to-face meetings, written correspondence, as well as telephone
`conversations, it was clear that all dealings related to the creation of the new product line were
`between STF and Father Roscioli, individually.
`In fact, in a face-to-face meeting on May 18,
`2011, Father Roscioli’s partners in Holy Spirits, LLC informed STF that they had no money to
`create a new product, that they would be concentrating their efforts on creating their own
`company — Healthy House — and that if Father Roscioli desired to create this new product line, he
`would be proceeding on his own, without any involvement from Holy Spirits, LLC.
`Because Father Roscioli was proceeding in his individual capacity in the creation
`of the new product line, we agreed to create a new entity in order to limit everybody’s exposure.
`Thus, we decided to organize Father Dom’s, LLC.
`Dom’s, LLC.
`On September 19, 2011, with the help of legal counsel, STF organized Father
`Subsequent to organizing Father Dom’s, LLC, STF hired legal counsel to draft an
`Operating Agreement, consistent with the terms agreed upon between STF and Father Roscioli.
`Specifically, STF and Father Roscioli agreed to be 50/50 members of the new entity.
`That Father Roscioli refused to sign the Operating Agreement. Rather, Father
`Rocioli asked STF if his partners in Holy Spirits, LLC could also — individually — become
`members of the newly created Father Dom’s, LLC. STF would not agree to allow for any other
`members in Father Dom’s, LLC. Thus, currently, STF is the sole member of Father Dom’s,
`That attached as Exhibit A is an email from Father Roscioli wherein he asks STF
`if his partners in Holy Spirits, LLC — in their individual capacity — could also become members
`of the newly created Father Dom’s, LLC.
`That while the entity, Father Dom’s, LLC was not formally organized until
`September 2011, between May and September STF and Father Roscioli worked together in the
`creation of the Father Dom’s brand and product