Seattle Pacific Industries, Inc. v. Unknown Union Corp.

91208347 | Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

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Filed Dec. 7, 2012
Proceeding Type Opposition
Opposer Mark UNION No. 78205058
Opposer Mark UNION No. 78599398
Opposer Mark U UNION No. 78599481
Case Type Opposition
Status Terminated
Interlocutory Attorney GEORGE POLOGEORGIS
Last Updated: 6 years, 10 months ago
Filing Date # Docket Text
1/14/2015Board Decision: Dismissed
1/8/2015Withdraw of Opposition
12/2/2014Seattle Pacific Industries, Inc. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
10/16/2014Unknown Union Corp. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
8/7/2014Seattle Pacific Industries, Inc. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
4/29/2014Extension of Time Granted
4/18/2014Unknown Union Corp. Motion for Ext with Consent
2/24/2014Extension of Time Granted
2/18/2014Unknown Union Corp. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
12/3/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
10/4/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
7/16/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion to Suspend with Consent Pending Settlement Negotiations
5/2/2013Extension of Time Granted
5/2/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion for Ext with Consent
4/10/2013Unknown Union Corp. Change of Correspondence Address
3/15/2013Extension of Time Granted
3/15/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion for Ext with Consent
2/5/2013Extension of Time Granted
2/5/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion for Ext with Consent
1/17/2013Extension of Time Granted
1/14/2013Unknown Union Corp. Motion for Ext with Consent
12/7/20123Pending, Instituted
12/7/2012Notice and Trial Dates Sent; Answer Due: 1/16/2013
12/7/2012Filed and Fee