`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Ferrero S.p.A.
`555 13TH ST NW
`dcptotrademarkmail@hoganlovells.com, dctrademark@hoganlovells.com,
`anna.shaw@hoganlovells.com, lauren.chamblee@hoganlovells.com
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`Anna Kurian Shaw
`Motion to Suspend Further Proceedings No. 91207131.pdf(934053 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Opposition No. 91207131
`Serial No. 85447839
`Filed: Oct. 14, 2011
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.117(a) and T.B.M.P. § 5l0.02(a), Petitioner Ferrero S.p.A.
`(“Ferrero" or “Opposer”) hereby moves that all further proceedings in the above-referenced
`opposition action be suspended, pending resolution of Civil Action No. 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-
`CLW now pending in the United States District of New Jersey (“Federal Court”). A true and
`correct copy of the Complaint in that action is attached as Exhibit A to the accompanying
`declaration of Anna Kurian Shaw (“Shaw Declaration”).
`As indicated by the contents of the accompanying Complaint, attached to the Shaw
`Declaration, the issues presented in the subject civil action include those substantially identical to
`those in the above-referenced opposition action, and the Federal Court’s final determination of
`Civil Action No. 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-CLW will not only bear on the issues before the
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “Board”) in the above-referenced opposition action, but
`the decision of the Federal Court is also binding on the Board. Furthermore, Opposer notes that
`this time there are no motions which are potentially dispositive of the above-referenced
`opposition action pending before the Board.
`Accordingly, Opposer respectfully requests that all further proceedings in the above-
`referenced opposition action be suspended until the civil action is resolved.
`In the alternative, if
`Opposer’s Motion To Suspend Further Proceedings is denied, Opposer requests a 60-day
`extension of all remaining deadlines, as set forth below.
`Time to Answer:
`Deadline for Discovery Conference:
`Discovery Opens:
`Expert Disclosures:
`Fact Discovery Closes:
`Plaintiffs Rebuttal Expert Disclosures Due:
`Expert Discovery Closes:
`Plaintiffs Pretrial Disclosures:
`Plaintiffs 30-day Trial Period Ends:
`Defendant:’Counterclaim Plaintiffs Pretrial Disclosures:
`30-day Trial Period for Defendant and
`Plaintiff in the Counterclaim:
`Counterclaim Defendant’sfPlaintiffs Rebuttal
`Disclosures Due:
`30-day Trial Period for Counterclaim Defendant and
`Rebuttal Testimony as Plaintiff Ends:
`Counterclaim Plaintiffs Rebuttal Disclosures Due:
`15-day Rebuttal Period for Counterclaim Plaintiff Ends:
`Plaintiffs Trial Brief Due:
`Defendant's Trial Brief and Plaintiff in the
`Counterclaim Due:
`Brief for Defendant in the Counterclaim and
`September 8, 2014
`September 9, 2014
`September 23, 2014
`October 23, 2014
`December 7, 2014
`December 22, 2014
`February 5, 2015
`February 20, 2015
`April 6, 2015
`April 21, 2015
`May 21 , 2015
`July 20, 2015
`August 19, 2015
`Reply Brief, if any, for Plaintiff Due:
`September 18, 2015
`Reply Brief, if any, for Plaintiff in the Counterclaim Due:
`October 3, 2015
`Counsel for Opposer Ferrero S.p.A. contacted Applicant’s Counsel on June 16, 2014 to
`request Applicant’s consent to the Motion. Counsel for Applicant advised that Applicant does
`not consent to the Motion.
`Dated: June 16, 2014
`Respectfully Submitted,
`Raymond A. Kurz
`Anna Kurian Shaw
`Lauren Chamblee
`555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`Telephone: (202) 637-5900
`Fax: (202)637-5910
`Attorneys for Petitioner,
`Ferrero S.p.A.
`I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this 16th day of June 2014 the foregoing Motion to Suspend
`Further Proceedings was served upon Counsel
`for Respondent via hand delivery with a
`complimentary copy sent via electronic mail:
`WASHINGTON, DC 20001-4413
`julia.matheson@finnegan.com, docketing@finnegan.com,
`judy.valusek@finnegan.com, jacob.mersing@finnegan.com
`Daniel Schaal
`555 13th Street NW
`Hogan Lovells US LLP
`Washington D.C. 20004
`Tel: (202) 637-5600
`Fax: (202)637-5910
`Opposition No. 91207131
`Serial No. 85447839
`Filed: Oct‘ 14, 201]
`1, Anna Kurian Shaw, hereby declare as follows:
`I am a member of the law firm Hogan Lovells US LLP and am one of the
`attorneys representing Petitioner Ferrero S.p.A. (“Ferrero”) in the above-captioned action.
`make this Declaration is support of Petitioner’s Motion to Suspend Further Proceedings.
`On June 13, 2014, Petitioner Ferrero S.p.A. filed a complaint in the United States
`District Court for the District of New Jersey, assigned Civil Action No. 2: 14-cv-03817-WHW-
`based on Applicant’s infringing use of trademarks confusingly similar to the ROCHER and
`FERRERO ROCHER marks, including the mark which is the subject of U.S. App. Ser. No.
`85r’447,839 and Opposition Proceeding No. 91207131 and the mark which is the subject of U.S.
`Reg. No. 3,838,123, and Cancellation Proceeding No. 92057739. A true and correct copy of the
`complaint is attached as Exhibit A.
`The issues presented in Civil Action No. 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-CLW are
`essentially identical to those presented in this opposition proceeding (i.e., whether the mark
`which is the subject of U.S. App. Ser. No. 85x‘447,839 is likely to cause confusion with the
`ROCHER and FERRERO ROCHER marks), and the decision in Civil Action No. 2: l4-cv-
`03817-WI-IW-CLW will bear on the issues before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ("the
`Board”) in this opposition action and bind the Board.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best
`of my personal knowledge.
`Signed in Washington, D.C his 16th day of June 2014.
`Anna K rian Shaw
`Case 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-CLW Document 1-1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 1 of 1 PageID: 14
`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1-1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 1 of 1 PagelD: 14
`J3 44
`(im. 12x12)
`the is 44 civil cover sheet and the inforrnation contained herein neither replace nor supplement the fiiing and service of pteadings or other papers as required bylaw, except as
`provided by local‘ rules otcour't, This form, approved by the Judicial Conference ofthe United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
`purpose of initiating the crvii doeicet sheet.
`(tS‘I3.';“LMs‘I‘r't[I(TTJ()NS ()N.’\lI3;\’I‘.'-tiff}: otr T1-{IS FORM,1
`FERRERO S.p.A. and FERRERO tJ.S.A., ii\lC,
`County of Residence oi'First Listed Dei"e.ndant
`(IN U S. Pr’.AIA’T1'r’-"F .‘AS‘[.'S O.Ni’.i’j
`Attorneys (r’}"Krrrn+'n)'
`(3)) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintift‘
`(J;'/\’(.‘JEI"r".W U.S PI./Ii’N7‘!I5'l"(l4.¥fsXS}
`(C) Attorneys {r'<'r'rm Name, Address Emarr and Ywephontu Nmnber}
`lVicElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
`1300 Mt. Kembie Ave, PO. Box 2075. Morristown, NJ 07962-20?5,
`(973) 993-8100, fholahan@mdmc-law.com
`i’I“o." .'T)ive.r.my t‘.‘a.re.r (in-!y,i
`Citizen of"I'his State
`(P!'act' cm
`in One Hoxjor Fir.-itiIrff'
`and One an/i;r« Defer-iriuizr)
`3 4
`Cl 4
`incorporated t)I‘i’rirtcipai Place
`oflausiness In This State
`Citizen ot‘Another State
`Cl 2
`Incorporated cmri1"r‘incipai Place
`ofiiusiness In Another State
`3 5
`Ill 6
`Citizen orsubjectofa
`rt Couriirv
`SI 5 0 F
`D 3 US. Goverrrmerit
`(Pt'ur:'c= an "X" Mr Om i3'r)x Only)
`K 3
`Federai Qnest.iorz
`{US GOVL‘}‘i7m€}1r‘/Vtila Parry}
`0 2 US‘ Gover'ru1‘iem
`E1 4 Diversity
`fiirrficairé f."rii2en.r‘i'irp offiar-ties in [rem I1!)
`U 210 Land Lozrdemriation
`U 220 Foreclostn'e
`D 230 Rent Lease & Eiecrnaent
`D 240 Torts to I.-and
`5 245 Ton Product Liability
`C1 290 Ali Otiier Real Property
`" OF SUIT fPi'ac=ari "X"
`(J -aaxonryiF0
`El 375 False Ciaims Act
`lid insurance
`Cl 400 Slate Reapporiionnieni
`E] 365 Personal Injury ~
`CE 310 Airplane
`CI 120 Marine
`E3 690 Other
`3 tiiili Antitrust
`I3 315 Airpirrne Product
`Product Liabiiity
`C) 130 Milier Act
`U 367 Health Carer‘
`l40 Negotiable instruineiit
`I3 430 Ba.n.ks and Banking
`Cl 150 Recovery oi'Overpaymerii D 320 Assault, Libel &
`. '‘ '
`D 450 Commerce
`& Erithrcer-nerai of Judgment
`Persona} injury
`D 820 Copyrights
`E} 46!} Deportation
`Cl 330 Federal Finrployers’
`Product Liability
`C] 830 Patent
`Cl 15} Medicare Act
`El 47!) Racketeer‘ Irifluencecl and
`152 Recovery of Defartitetl
`3 368 Asbestos Personal
`3'3 840 Tradcrnarit
`Corrirpt Organizations
`Student Loans
`Cl 340 Marine
`injury Product
`E) 480 {fonsnmer Credit
`'2 t -
`(I":‘>ceirides Veterans)
`Cl 345 Marine Product
`C3 490 Cable/Sat TV
`PERSONAL PROPERTY 13 71!} Fair Labor Standards
`86} HIA {I
`Cl 153 Recovery of Overpayment
`El 850 Securitiesfconiniodiziest’
`of Veterai1‘s Benefits
`5.’! 350 Motor Veiaicie
`Cl 370 Other T-‘mitt
`ET 862 Black Lung (923)
`I60 Stockholders’ Suits
`. Cl 355 Motor Vehreic
`D 3'71 Truth in Leiiding
`E] 863 DEWCIDEWW (405(g))
`. D 890 Other Statutory Actions
`L‘! 190 Other Contract
`Product Liabiiity
`Cl 38!) Other Fersonai
`Cl 864 SSID Title XVI
`CE 89} Ag:-icuitnrai Acts
`C} 195 Contract Product Liatriiity
`{J 360 Other‘ Personai
`Property Damage
`3 865 RS1 (405(g))
`G 893 Envirorimental Matters
`CI 1% Franchise
`Cl 385 Property Damage
`5 I3 395 Freedom oflnformation
`ii‘? 362 Persoriai Injury ~
`Precinct Liatsiiity
`- edicni Mal
`Cl 896 Arbitration
`' "
`Cl 899 Administrative Procedure
`D 440 OLi1e:'Civii Rights
`Haiiens Corpus:
`rkcttiieview or Appeal of
`5] 463 Alien Detainee
`441 Voting
`Agency Decision
`C! Sit} Motions in Vacate
`Cl 442 Ernploynierrt
`El 950 Constitutionality of
`D 443 l-Ionsing/
`State Statutes
`C} 530 General
`13 MS Amer. w/Disabiiities —
`U 535 Death Penalty
`E1 446 Amer. w/Disabilities » El 540 Mairdainus dc Other
`El 550 Civi1Rig1irs
`G 448 Education
`Cl 555 Prison Contiitiori
`D 560 Civil Detainee »
`Conditions of
`(f’i':7t‘e rm "X"f!1()ne Bax (JJii'}Q
`Xi Originai
`D 2 Removed from
`State Court
`Cl 720 Labor/Ma.riagemer1l'
`D 740 Railway Labor’ Act
`Cl 751 Family and Medical
`Leave Act
`Cl 790 Other Labor Litigation
`El 79! Employee Retirement
`income Sc:cnr‘it'y Act
`ET] 465 Other lrrnirigi-aliori
`C3 870 Taxes (US. Piaintiff
`or Defeiidatat)
`D 871 lRS——Tirird Party
`26 USC 7609
`3 Rernandedtrom
`Appellate Court
`D 4 Reinstatcd or
`El 6 Muitidistrici
`£3 5 Transferred from
`Another‘ District
`Cite the U Civil _Statute under which you are filing (1):; mar cirejurrlvrricriarrat sraifures unte.rsr1r‘ver.n'ryj:
`i5 U.S.C. Section 1501, et ee.
`Briefdcscription ofcause:
`Federat trademark infringement and unfair competition
`CHECK YE-S only ifcicmanded in cornrriaémi
`CI Yes
`:1 No
`We mjwwom'1
`s/Frank l-iolahan
`mm __[)0CKE'1”'NUMBER VfiTV7Tfi‘Wm_______
`Case 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 1 of 13 PageID: 1
`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 1 of 13 Page|D: 1
`iisansao S.p.A. and
`Plaintiffs, Ferrero S.p.A. and Ferrero U.S.A., Inc. (coilectiveiy referred to as “Plaintiffs”
`or “Ferrero”), by its attorneys, allege for their Complaint against Defendants Dotchirne
`pidpriemstvo Konditerska korporatzia ROSI-IEN (“DPKK Roshen") and Roshen USA, LLC
`(“Roshen USA”) (collectively referred to as “Defendants” or “Roshen”) the following:
`Nature of Action
`In this action, Ferrero asserts both Federal and State causes of action based on
`Defendants’ infringement of Ferrero’s trademarks as folicws: (a) trademark infringement in
`violation of Lanham Act, 15, U.S.C.§ Ii 14; (is) unfair competition in violation of the Lanham Act,
`15 U.S.C. § ll25(a); (c) trademark infringement under NJ. Stat. § 56.3-13.16; (d) unfair
`competition under NI. Stat. § 56.4-l; (e) unfair competition under New Jersey common law; and
`(f) cancellation of a "US. trademark registration. Plaintiffs seek, inter alia, injunctive relief against
`Defendants for their activities as alleged in greater detaii below.
`‘ADC - DB2047fUOUl02 - 5712189 V2
`Case 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 2 of 13 PageID: 2
`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 2 of 13 Page|D: 2
`Plaintiff Ferrero S.p.A. is an itaiian corporation having its piace of business at Piazzaie
`Pietro Ferrero 1, Alba (Cuneo), 12051, Italy, manufactures and sells a variety of candy and
`confectionery products, including chocolate.
`Plaintiff Ferrero U.S.A., Inc. is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws
`of the State of Delaware having its place of business at 600 Cottontaii Lane, Somerset, New Jersey
`08873. Ferrero U.S.A., Inc. exclusively distributes and sells Ferrero S.p.A.’s products in the United
`Upon information and belief, Defendant DPKK Roshen, a Ukrainian corporation, having
`a place of business at Elektrykiv vul., 26/9 Kyiv 04176 Ukraine manufactures and sells a variety of
`candy and confectionery products, inciuding chocolates.
`Upon. information and belief, Defendant Roshen USA, LLC, a limited liability company
`duly organized and existing under the Laws of the State of New Jersey having a place of business at
`E60 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ 0883 7, distributes DPKK Roslien’s products in the United
`Venue and Jurisdiction
`This is an action for federal trademark infringement and unfair competition under the
`Trademark Act of i946, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 105] et seq. (“Lanham Act”), and for
`trademark infringement and unfair competition under the laws of the State of New Jersey.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction of this action under the trademark iaws of the
`United States, 15 U.S.C. § 121 and under the Judicial Code of the United States, 28 U.S.C. §§
`1338(3) and 1338(b).
`“DC ~ 0520471000102 ~ 5712189 V2
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`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 3 of 13 Page|D: 3
`This Court also has jurisdiction over the state law claims under the doctrine of
`supplemental iurisdiction, 28 U .S.C. § 1367, because the federal and state ctairns are based on the
`same operative facts, and judicial economy, convenience, and fairness to the parties will result if
`this Court assumes and exercises jurisdiction over the state law claims.
`Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C § 13.91(b) and 1391 (c) because,
`upon information and beiief, Defendant DPKK Roshen is a foreign corporation, Defendant Roshen
`USA is a resident of this district, and a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claim
`occurred in this District.
`10. Upon information and belief, Defendants distribute and/or sell their products in this
`Ferrero’s Marks
`Plaintiff, Ferrero S.p.A. is the owner of various trademarks used in connection with a
`wide range of candies and confections, including chocoiates distributed around the world. The
`products bearing Ferrero S.p.A,’s trademarks are sold in the United States through its related
`company Ferrero USA, inc. The ROCHER chocolate product is among these products.
`Since at ieast as early as 1981, Ferrero S.p.A. has held significant common law and
`statutory rights in the United States for the marks ROCHER and FERRERO ROCHER
`(“ROCHER Marks”) in connection with confections, candy and chocolates (“ROCHER Goods”)
`by virtue of long and extensive use and federal registrations as pleaded hereinafter and extensive
`common law rights.
`Ferrero began selling the ROCHER Goods under the ROCHER Marks in the United
`States at least as early as 1981. Since that time, Ferrero has prominently, extensively, and
`\\DC — 0820471000102 v 53112189 V2
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`continuously used, advertised, and promoted the ROCHER Marks and the ROCHER Goods
`throughout the United States and the world,
`14. As a result of Ferrero’s extensive and continuous use of the ROCHER Marks in interstate
`commerce, the marks have become welhknown among consumers of chocolate, candy and
`confectionery products and the public generally, as people recognize the distinctive ROCHER
`Marks and associate such marks with the goods that Ferrero offers. The ROCHER Marks therefore,
`are symboiic of extensive goodwill and consumer recognition built up by Ferrero through its sales,
`advertising and promotional efforts.
`Ferrero S.p.A. is the owner of various federal registrations for the ROCHER and
`FERRERO ROCHER marks on the Principal Register, including US. Registration No. 1,680,513
`for the word mark ROCHER and U8. Registration No. 2,048,551 for the word mark FERRERO
`ROCHER, both for “candy” in the international Class 30. Such registrations were issued on March
`24, 1992 and April 1, 1997, respectively, and both have achieved incontestahle status. Copies of
`these registrations are attached as Exhibit A.
`Ferrero S.p.A.’s incontestable registrations for the ROCHER Marks constitute prima
`facie evidence of: (a) the validity of the registrations for the marks; (b) Ferrero S.p.A.’s ownership
`of the marks; and (c) Ferrero’s exclusive right to use the marks in commerce on or in connection
`with the goods specified in the registrations. 15 U .S.C. §§ l057(b) and 1115(a).
`\\DC - D8204?f0OO‘E D2 - 5712189 V2
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`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 5 of 13 Page|D: 5
`Defendant’s Infringing Activities
`Upon information and belief, Defendant DPKK Roshen is a manufacturer and exporter
`of a number of candy and confectionary products, including chocoiate (“ROSHEN Goods”)
`distributed in the United States, including in New Jersey, through Roshen USA.
`18. Upon information and belief, the ROSHEN Goods are offered in the United States,
`including in New Jersey, in connection with the ROSHEN word mark.
`19. On October 14, 20} 1, Defendant DPKK Roshen flied U .S. Application Serial Number
`85/447,839, to register the ROSHEN & Design mark depicted in Exhibit B in connection with
`confectioneries, namely, candies, pastries, chocolate, hard candies, and fruit jelly candy in
`Enternationai Ciass 30 (“ROSHEN Banner Mark”).
`20. Defendant DPKK Roshen aiso owns U.S. Trademark Registration No. 3,838,123 for the
`ROSHEN & Design mark depicted in Exhibit C in connection with confectioneries, namely, snack
`foods, namely, chocolate; confectionery made of sugar; confectionery, narneiy, pastilles, fondants,
`and fruit jellies in International Class 30 (“ROSHEN Ribbon Marl~:”)(collectively, the ROSHEN
`word mark, the ROSHEN Banner Mark and the ROSHEN Ribbon Mark are referred to herein as
`the “ROSHEN Marks”).
`21. On September 24, 2012, Ferrero S.p.A. timely flied a Notice of Opposition against the
`application for the ROSHEN Banner Mark, on the grounds of, inter alia, likelihood of confusion.
`22. On August 21, 2013, Ferrero S.p.A. filed a Petition for Canceilation to cancel the
`registration for the ROSHEN Ribbon Mark on the grounds of, inter alia, likelihood of confusion.
`Ferrero’s use and registration of the ROCHER Marks predate any use by ROSl1€1’} of the
`ROSHEN Marks in the United States.
`\\DC - O8204?t'O0D’l02 - 5?‘t2’l89 V2
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`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 6 of 13 Page|D: 6
`24. Defendants had constructive knowledge of Ferrero S.p.A.’s ownership and registration of
`the ROCHER Marks, including the FERRERO ROCHER Mark in Reg. No. 2,048,551 and the
`ROCHER Mark in Reg. No. 1,680,513, before Roshen began offering products under the
`ROSHEN Marks in the United States.
`25. Upon information and belief, Defendants had actual knowledge o:["Ferrero S.p.A.’s
`ROCHER Marks before it adopted and first used the ROSE-IEN Marks in the United States.
`The ROSHEN Marks are confusingly similar to Ferrero S.p.A.’s ROCHER Marks when
`used on or in connection with the ROSHEN Goods which are identical and/or closely related to the
`ROCHER Goods.
`27. Given Ferrero’s prior and substantial use of the ROCHER Marks in connection with the
`ROCHER Goods, Defendants’ unauthorized use of the ROSHEN Marks will likely confuse or
`deceive consumers as to source, sponsorship or approval of Defendants’ products, and consumers
`are likeiy to erroneously believe that Ferrero sponsors or is somehow affiliated with Defendants.
`28. Uniess this Court re-strains the Defendants’ acts complained above herein, Defendants
`wili continue to cause irreparable injury to Ferrero and to the public for which there is no adequate
`remedy at law.
`Plaintiffs repeat paragraphs I through 28 as if fully set forth herein.
`Ferrero S,p.A. owns U.S. Registration No. 1,680,513 for the ROCHER word mark and
`US. Registration No. 2,048,551 for the FERRERO ROCHER word mark, and such registrations
`are Vaiid and enforceable (“ROCHER Registrations”).
`\\DC — 0820417000102 - 5712189 V2
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`Case 2:14—cv—O3817—WHW—CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 7 of 13 Page|D: 7
`The ROSHEN Marks are confusingly similar to the marks which are the subject of the
`ROCHER Registrations in appearance, sound, and commercial impression.
`32. Defendants’ use of the ROSHEN Marks in connection with the advertising, promotion,
`distribution and/or sale of the ROSHEN Goods is likety to cause confusion or mistake with the
`marks which are the sub} ect of the ROCHER Registrations, or to deceive as to source, affiliation,
`or sponsorship with Ferrero, in Violation of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § ii 14.
`Ferrero has been and/or is likely to be damaged by Defendants’ infringemerit in an
`amount to be determined at trial.
`34. As a result of Defendants’ trademark infringement, Defendants have caused , and wiil
`continue to cause, irreparable harm to Ferrero and the goodwill associated with the ROCHER
`Marks for which Ferrero has no adequate remedy at law. Thus, Ferrero is entitied to, inter alia,
`injunctive relief.
`Plaiiitiffs repeat paragraphs 1 through 34 as if fuliy set forth herein.
`Ferrero S.p.A. has common law and federal trademark rights in its ROCHER Marks,
`which are uniquely associated with Ferrero as a source of goods offered in connection with the
`ROCHE,R Marks.
`The ROSHEN Marks are confusingly similar to the ROCHER Marks in appearance,
`sound, and commercial impression.
`38. Defendants’ use of the ROS}-KEN Marks in connection with the advertising, promotion,
`distribution, and/or sale of the ROSHEN Goods is likeiy to cause confusion or mistake with the
`\\E3C - D82U4?fOOU1D2 -- 5712189 V2
`Case 2:14-cv-03817-WHW-CLW Document 1 Filed 06/13/14 Page 8 of 13 PageID: 8
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`ROCHER Marks, or to deceive as to source, affiliation, connection, association, or sponsorship of
`Defendants with Ferrero, in violation of the Lanharn Act, 15 U.S.C. § li25(a).
`39. Defendants’ use in commerce of marks which are confusingly similar to the ROCHBR
`Marks constitutes unfair competition and Ferrero has been and/or will likely be damaged by
`Defendants’ acts in an amount to be determined at trial.
`40. Defendants’ acts of unfair competition have caused, and wiii continue to cause,
`irreparable harm to Ferrero and the goodwill associated with the ROCHER Marks, for which
`Ferrero has no adequate remedy at law. Thus, Ferrero is entitled to, inter alia, injunctive relief.
`Piaintiffs repeat paragraphs 1 through 40 as if fully set forth herein.
`This count arises under N]. Stat. § 56.3-13.16 for infringement of Ferrero S.p.A.’s
`ROCHER Marks.
`As set forth in paragraphs 29 through 34 above, upon information and belief, Defendants
`have used, without Plaintiffs’ consent, the ROSHEN Marks in connection with the ROSHEN
`Goods in this State, which is iikely to cause confusion, in Vioiation of Lanharn Act, 15 U.S.C.§
`lil4(1)(a) and New Jersey state law.
`44. Upon information and belief, Defendants have used, without Ferrero’s consent, the
`ROSHEN Marks in New Jersey which is likely to cause consumer confusion.
`45. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ actions as described above are in Violation of
`NJ. Stat. § 56.343. 16, as Defendants have infringed the ROCHER Marks and continue to infringe
`the ROCHER Marks.
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`Ferrero has been and/or wili likely be damaged by Defendants’ acts in an amount to be
`determined at triai.
`47. Defendants’ acts of unfair competition have caused, and will continue to cause,
`irreparable liarm to Ferrero and the goodwill associated with the ROCHER Marks, for which
`Ferrero has no adequate remedy at law. Thus, Ferrero is entitied to, inter cilia, injunctive relief.
`Piaintiffs repeat paragraphs l through 47 as if fuliy set forth herein.
`This count arises under NJ. Stat. § 56.44 for infringement of Ferrero S.p.A.’s ROCHER
`50. As set forth in paragraphs 35 through 40 above, upon information and belief, Defendants’
`use of the ROSHEN Marks in connection with the advertising, promotion, distribution, and/or sale
`of the ROSHEN Goods is likeiy to cause confusion or mistake with the ROCHER Marks, or to
`deceive as to source, affiiiation, connection, association, or sponsorship of Defendants with Ferrero,
`in violation ofthe Lanharn Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 l25(a) and New Jersey state law.
`Ferrero S.p.A. has common iaw and federal trademark rights in its ROCHER Marks,
`which are uniqueiy associated with Ferrero as a source of goods offered in connection with the
`ROCHER Marks.
`The ROSHEN Marks are confusingly similar to the ROCHER Marks in appearance,
`sound, and commercial impression.
`53. Defendants’ use of marks which are confusingly sirniiar to the ROCHER Marks in
`commerce constitutes unfair competition and Ferrero has been and/or wili likely be damaged by
`Defendants’ acts in an amount to be determined at trial.
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`54. Defendants’ acts of unfair competition have caused, and will continue to cause,
`irreparable harm to Ferrero and the goodwill associated with the ROCHER Marks, for which
`Ferrero has no adequate remedy at law. Thus, Ferrero is entitled to, inter alia,
`injunctive relief.
`Plaintiffs repeat paragraphs 1 through 54 as if fully set forth herein.
`This count arises under the common law of unfair competition of the State of New Jersey.
`Ferrero S.p.A. has common Law and federal trademarl< rights in its ROCHER Marks,
`which are uniquely associated with Ferrero as the source of goods offered in connection with the
`ROCHER Marks.
`58. Defendants’ use of the ROSHEN Marks in commerce in connection with the advertising,
`promotion, distribution and/or sale of the ROSHEN Goods is likely to cause confusion with the
`ROCHER l\/Iarlis or mislead consumers to purchase Defendants’ products under the impression that
`they are purchasing products produced by Ptaintiffs.
`Ferrero has been and/or will likeiy be, damaged by Defendants’ trademark iiifringement
`and acts of unfair competition in an amount to be determined at trial.
`60. Defendants’ acts of unfair competition have caused, and will continue to cause,
`irreparable harm to Ferrero and the goodwill associated with the ROCHER Marks, for which
`Ferrero has no adequate remedy at law. Thus, Ferrero is entitled to, inter alia, injunctive relief.
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`Plaintiffs repeat paragraphs 1 through 60 as if fuliy set forth herein.
`62. Defendant DPKK Roshen owns U.S. T1‘3.Ci611’18.1”i{ Registration No. 3,838,t23 for the
`ROSHEN Ribbon Mark (“Roshen Ribbon Registration”). The ROS}-{EN Ribbon Registration is
`less than five (5) years old.
`The ROSHEN Ribbon Registration is iikely to cause confusion with the ROCHER Marks.
`Ferrero has used the ROCHER Marks continnousiy in commerce since as early as 198i.
`Pursuant to, 15 U.S.C. § 11 E9, Ferrero requests that the ROSE--{EN Ribbon Registration be
`Ferrero witl be damaged in the absence of such cancellation.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfuily requests that this Court:
`1. Enter a judgment against Defendants on all counts.
`2. Prelirninarily and permanently enjoin Defendants from directiy or indirectly engaging in
`any further trademark infringement or unfair competition against Ferrero or aiding, abetting,
`encouraging, or inducing another to do any of the acts herein enjoined.
`3. Require Roshen, its officers, directors, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, successors
`and assigns, and ali person acting for or in active concert or participate with them, be required to
`deliver up for destruction any and all products, literature, forms, promotional materials, prints,
`advertising matter, circulars, stationery, labels, tags, Wrappers, packaging, places stencils, signs
`and other materials used in the preparation thereof, bearing the ROSHEN Marks or any
`trademarks confusingly similar thereto.
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`4. Cancel U.