
`Empire State Bulding wears Communist colors this week - Washington Times
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`Empire State Building wears Communist
`colors this week
`4- return to Water Cooler (/blog/watercooler/)
`By Kerry Picket (/staff/kerry-picket/) The Washington Times - September 30, 2009, 11:02AM
`The Empire State building is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China by
`flooding the upper parts of the city's tallest sky scraper in red and yellow lights (representing the Chinese
`flag). The lighting for this event will last from tonight until October 1 at 10 a.m. The New York City
`landmark is owned by Malkin Real Estate Entities
`This particular lighting event is particularly disturbing, though. Why is this New York City skyscraper
`celebrating the rise of communism in China?Loca| Republican activists are not impressed with the latest
`move. New York Young Republican Club ( president Lynn Krogh told the Washington
`Times, :
`"The Chinese communist revolution ushered in a violent and repressive regime that has continued
`to unapologetically commit a laundry list of human rights violations for decades. To have a New
`York City landmark honor an event that produced a 20 to 30 million death toll during the cultural
`revolution is an insult to Americans who value freedom and to the Chinese people who have
`suffered under Communist rule.’’
` unist-colors-week/

`Empire State Bu'lding wears Comminisi colors this week - Washington Times
`The Tiananmen Square massacre's twenty year anniversaryjust happened this pastjune. Did the Empire
`State Building bother remembering those who were slaughtered by the Chinese Communist regime?
`No. Onjune 4, 2009, the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Empire State Building
`celebrated (|ightingschedu|e.cfm?
`CFID=35469558&CFTOKEN=44910364) the New York Racing Association, Belmont Stakes with the colors
`green and white instead. Apparently, celebrating death and tyranny is more important than those who
`die fighting for freedom.
`The Washington Times contacted the public relations office of the Empire State building and is waiting
`for a response.
`:lmes&taboo|a_utm_medum-bylaboolI&!aboola_|xm_corient=auloslzedl-generated-2r:Bottom Main colu'nn:)
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`Kerry Picket (/staff/kerry-picket/)
`Kerry Picket, a former Opinion Blogger/Editor of The Watercooler, was associate
`producer for the Media Research Center, a content producer for Robin Quivers of ‘The
`Howard Stern Show” on Sirius satellite radio and a production assistant and copy writer
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`Empire State Biilding wears Communist colors this week - Washington Times
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`5 years ago
`0 charles flynn
`Who authorized this? was it passed by the WH for approval? Who is in Malkin Real Estate ...hopefully not
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`The Irresistible Sisto: Librado Romero on The Times's Ernie Sisto -
`Follow Lens:
`The Irresistible Sisto
`By Librado Romero Dec. 15, 2010 8
`“I was doing a handstand on the table when the cops broke the door down.”
`There’s just no resisting a story that starts like that. And that’s how Ernie Sisto would hook an
`audience. He was as good a storyteller as he was a photographer. And, like all good
`photographers, he was equipped for any situation.
`When being introduced to someone, he might say, “We went to different schools together.” To
`an offhand remark, he’d reply, “Well, you don’t have to get mad about it.” If you were having a
`conversation with him, he’d glance over your shoulder and wave. Of course, you’d turn to see
`who was there. No one. Turning back, you’d find Ernie taking a satisfied puff on his stubby
` an
`EnteringiYankee Stadium toicover a game, he would leave a paper trail of dollar tips — and that
`was when a dollar amounted to something. He befriended the greats, like Joe DiMaggio and
`Phil Rizzuto, with whom he hatched a little conspiracy. When Rizzuto planned to bunt, he

`The Irresistible Sisto: Librado Romero on The Times's Ernie Sisto - NYl'
`would give his pants a special hitch, the signal for Ernie to position his camera and get a leg up
`on the competition.
`Casey Stengel would not have approved — had he known —— but in 1949, he posed for Ernie and
`The Associated Press with a baseball taking the place of a crystal ball, as if he were predicting
`the outcome of the season.
`After nearly 50 years with The New York Times, Ernie retired in 1972. He had won a bevy of
`awards, mentored dozens of photographers and repaired a mountain of colleagues’ watches,
`eyeglasses, radios, televisions and just about any other gadget they would drag in. He invented
`the Sisto-Gun, the first flash synchronization for the Speed Graphic shutter. And he was a
`master of Big Bertha, a rapid-fire monster of a camera used mostly at sporting events. He came
`up with rare photos of a solar eclipse in 1954 that no one else managed to capture.
`“I never took a great picture, but I took a lot of good ones,” Ernie would often say. It didn’t
`happen to be true. He knew how to hook an audience, taking many great pictures that
`illuminated the American timeline. He straddled a cable to shoot a bird’s—eye view of the Bronx-

`The Irresistible Sisto: Ubrado Romero on The Times's Ernie Sisto -
`Whitestone Bridge. He shot a ceremony taking place at the base of the Statue of Liberty from
`the torch, with the statues crown creating a remarkable design. He followed street urchins, in
`knickers, chasing down a line of elephants walking, nose to tail, toward the old Madison Square
`Ernie’s most challenging moment arrived the morning of July 28, 1945, when a B-25 bomber
`lost in a dense fog crashed into the Empire State Building, tearing a hole into the 78th and 79th
`floors, killing 14 people. Ernie worked his way through the fire and police lines, boarded an
`elevator commandeered by emergency workers, exited on the 67th floor and climbed up to the
`gaping hole, shot some images and then continued higher, to the 86th floor. He persuaded two
`other photographers to hold onto his legs while he hung out over a parapet on a precarious
`perch overlooking the gash. From there he snapped his Page 1 trophy.
`The other photographers, not interested in repeating Ernie’s derring-do, passed him their film
`holders and he shot an image for each of them. He would say later, “Those guys won a lot of
`prizes with my picture.” He was half joking.
`Librado Romero, a staffphotographer at The Times, is examining some of the images he
`cherishes most — ones big and small in scope, but all enormous influences on his work. In
`some cases, he will revisit the scene of a photo; in others, he’ll discuss the story behind the

`The Irresistible Sisto: Ubrado Romero on The Times's Ernie Sisto -
`image and why it proved so affecting to him.
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`Yale student plunged from Empire State Building - Times Union
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`Press Alsseczaton
`Yale student plunged from Empire State Building
`Published 10:36 am. Friday. April 2, 2010
`5? NEW YORK (AP) -- A Yale University junior left
`a suicide note in his dorm room before heading
`to New York, where he apparently plunged to
`his death by jumping from the Empire State
`Building, police said Wednesday. Cameron Dabaghi, 21, from Austin, Texas,
`jumped from the 86th floor observation deck
`Tuesday during evening rush hour. His note
`said he was sorry and he would be jumping
`from either the George Washington Bridge over
`the Hudson River in upper Manhattan, or the
`Empire State building, police said.
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`Photos: Christians embrace Ash
`There were seven other people on the
`observation deck at the same time, and one
`person tried to talk to the jumper as he climbed
`over the barrier, but was unsuccessful.
`Dabaghi was dead when rescue workers arrived
`at the 1o2—stoIy skyscraper shortly before 6:30
`p.m. He was a student in Berkeley College,
`majoring in East Asian studies. The college dean
`was meeting with students Wednesday, and
`counselors were available at the university to
`anyone who needed them.
`"Yale is extending support to Cameron's family,
`roommates and friends at this most difficult
`time," the university said in a statement.
`The Empire State Building is the third-tallest
`building in the United States. More than 30
`people have committed suicide at the building since it opened in 1931. The most recent one
`occurred in January 2009, when a 54-year-old woman died after jumping from the 39th floor
`and landing on the 25th floor.
`The skyscraper reaches 1,454 feet to the top of its lightning rod.
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`A Fight on New York's Skyline -
`N.Y I Region
`;WORLD U.s. N.Y./REGION ausmrss
`AI.'Ci}i.lNl’l‘l'.3 | TAX
`HONG «om; 1

`The Uruvi-.riiity of Cl'u'r:ago Booth Sdznoi
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`2 >
`1 The developer's rendering of 15 Penn Plaza as seen from the north. shows It and the Empire State building in unimpeded
`j 590“ 0” the $kY"”9 3‘ SW58?
`1 Published August 23 2010
`To hear the two sides in the skyscraper war tell it, never has so much
`been at Stake‘
`j The owners of the Empire State Building and their supporters say
`their tower’s international status and New York Cityfs skyline are in
`mortal danger of an assault from a “monstrosity.”
`4. After Harper Lee Novelsurfaces, Plots Arise
`5. MAUREEN DOWD: Anchors Aweigh
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`l@ REPRM‘ MORE W NEW YORK ,, OF 32 Ap,,C,_Es,
`SHARE City Room; New York Today; Vvhafis
`the Local Version of a ‘Wintry Mix’?
`Read More »

`Their rival: a proposed tower on 34th Street two avenues to the west
`that, according to its developers, will help the city grow and prosper,
`provide thousands ofjobs and improve the quality of life for tens of
`fN Y k
`“W ‘“
`What irks the former is that the latter would rise to be 1,216 feet, almost as tall as the
`Empire State Building, and would be just 900 feet away, a little too close for a building
`that has stood apart in the skyline for its entire 79-year life.

`i r
`“The question here is: How close is too close to one of New York’s iconic landmarks,”
`Councilman Daniel R. Garodnick said Monday, after a hearing in which the owners of
`both properties made their cases, in advance of a City Council vote on Wednesday.
`“Is this going to swallow up the Empire State Building,” Mr. Garodnick asked, “or are we
`just talking about another big building a couple of avenues away?”
`The owners of the Empire State Building, Anthony E. and , even want a 17-
`block no-go zone surrounding their 1,250-foot tall tower. This would prevent Vornado
`Realty Trust, which wants to erect the new building on Seventh Avenue, or any other
`developer, from putting up a similarly oversize building in the zone.
` pire.htm|
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`A Fight on New York’s Skyline -
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`getyourguidejr/El-npire State NY
`The City Planning Commission has already approved Vornado’s plan for a tower, called 15
`l‘ ordinarily be allowed, in keeping with the city's desire to promote high-density
`development close to transit hubs. But Community Board 5, whose district includes the
`area, did not approve. A committee at the board said the developer had not provided a
`rationale for such a large zoning bonus, especially since it did not have a tenant and might
`not build for years.
`The vote on Wednesday by the Council would be the project’s final regulatory hurdle.
`4 l
`Vornado has long wanted to demolish the building that stands there now, the Hotel
`Pennsylvania, and build a major office tower. In addition to the hotel, a sagging presence
`‘ across Seventh Avenue from Madison Square Garden, the company owns 10 other
`= buildings in the area, with a total of 11 million square feet.
`Penn Plaza, opposite Pennsylvania Station. It would be 56 percent larger than what would
`“The fact is that New York’s skyline has never stopped changing, and one hopes it never
`will,” said David R. Greenbaum, president of the New York office division of Vornado
`Realty Trust.
`Vornado would undertake a package of transit improv

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