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Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft v. Woodz, Inc.

91204068 | Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

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Filed Feb. 28, 2012
Proceeding Type Opposition
Applicant Mark W No. 85257843
Opposer Mark VW No. 72015331
Opposer Mark VW No. 72198511
Opposer Mark VW No. 72198788
Opposer Mark VW No. 72198787
Opposer Mark VW No. 75085266
Opposer Mark VW No. 75843574
Opposer Mark VW No. 75598237
Opposer Mark VW No. 76545763
Opposer Mark VW No. 74417830
Opposer Mark VW No. 76487632
Opposer Mark VW No. 75843232
Opposer Mark VW No. 79001521
Case Type Opposition
Status Terminated
Interlocutory Attorney ELIZABETH WINTER
Paralegal JOI WILSON
Last Updated: 6 years, 6 months ago
Filing Date # Docket Text