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`.=I>o:. Us t.‘-tat: Center 5:5 lilac-
`-' TlIt»1¢"'lvv 1 r .
`r--»= 1uvre<,T:i_'.:A.15n- ‘runs were i't¢F'ru1:y perv;
`; 5;:-ii and :
`a an aw.-rat».-as
`Exhibit LExhibit L
`Exhibit LExhibit L
` x
`"'“cL£nn uvma Ill ma woons ’
`Speaking of Aerosmith, as '
`we're wont to do. the band's
`cleah living ways must be
`contagious. Backstage at the
`Walden Woods benefit re-
`sembeled a Canvon Ranch
`reunion rath_er_than; a rock
`star retreat.
`What happened to sex.
`drugs andvrockfn’ roll?
`The Evian and D_ie_t Coke -
`supplies ran dry; .§."Sta'irmast'er': '
`was seen being hoisted into
`top tree hugger Dbn Henley's
`trailer and the cry of “Da ‘
`Da" rang out from little peo-
`pie wear-
`'i'ng big
`. ~Micliey
`Mouse ear-
`of bellying
`“Bio the ,
`= bar ‘during
`‘ gets, fel-
`io'W. Brits
`Elton John lounged on couches
`and, traded jokes, while Aer-
`osmith bassist Tom Hamilton
`fed his little rocker a— bottle '
`of soy milk and Jimmy Buf-
`fetfs daughter practiced-
`“Bye Bye."
`Can you stand it?*Thon:an
`would have lovediit.
`H \'
`33:2...2.5...area.So2.3:5...4«=6......2u5Bo .no?a.$.33.Fno...-=<
`‘HHRIEORD touiiii
`Jllll 4 1935
` Lake. 1667 Exeter Road (R
`207), Lebanon, 642-43os,.i.as ar ,
`eatures an indoor and outdoor
`t .
`laid~back country resort atmos-
`here conducive to relaxation. it
`, V
`pool, sauna and hot tub, exercise .
`. and foods are beautimtty presented
`'gram coordinator to schedule the
`’lBy Korky Venn
`‘classes and equipment. tennis
`But since all recipes are |nw.f;,t and
`services included with your particu-
`5P3S¢’-l3W3Y- if the Phrase.
`courts and other outdoor-sports, -
`idweediuntl evetything testes net
`lar acka e. Visitors also receive
`Agontures up visions of exclu- ~_
`nutritional seminars, low-calorie '
`untii yen; palate adjusts to the
`pac ets o ln_forrnation on exercise
`ive resorts that cater to aging.
`‘- -
`meals arid beauty and body trent-
`classes,~lectu‘res, seminars and’
`movie stars, check again. S as ave
`merits. in contrast to the fast: nce" "LT
`over on the inn side, neeennnedn.
`meals. and a little blue diary to help
`shed their fat-farm. idle-ric
`ot‘ a Canyon Ranchstay, this acill- ,,
`tion; are higheewiee nnd eemfott:
`(keep track of th it daily schedule,
`and evolved into destinalions that
`ty'is,a low-pressure introduction to
`able; A~canycti Ranch visit is not
`which tends t _
`ill up rapidly. At.
`IWBC1 men.-iW3m_en. couples and
`a health-resoert vacatl‘_on.:-Q...
`something you need to eve.-pnett
`;_Canyon lianc . it's easy to et
`single: ,0! 3“ 8585-
`‘Packages include the one-day .
`ten since everything, nut
`atrappediin the "l'l"n-pa}’Ir_)g- or-tliis-
`Id Spa visits of:31)’ duration —- a
`;oiie,s;;es..atw E,:‘.i'.:;":.;:.:".",:'.=:.‘:;l::'.s:‘”*i
`‘ Mother's Day specialniviih reduced i
`the price ofone. You'll et rubbed.
`' ’ mentality
`" .
`h d i
`sure to tea,” the
`rates for"mother-dau hter (or son!) <7.
`scrubbedfind pampere end at the _ which can ’
`’i‘.‘;‘.'$'.°y'$L“§..‘i."i?i i?.i.e“i§3‘n°é‘."é’-.‘.'.’.‘.".§‘i'* .
`time of year. Prices range-from ‘t
`your body.
`U15 benefits.
`The cost or ..
`$269 for a off-season two-night
`Most spa services are hands-on.
`and require full or partial nudity. 1 outdoor
`canyon Ranch
`‘ stay to about Sl.(_li]0 for as week- ‘ 3, ;
`Those who are uncomlortable with
`sports and
`stay vanes
`long sum‘mer visit. Promotions are
`this can avoid uncomfortable situa-
`depending on
`otfered throughout the ear and
`tions by asking ahead of timeejust
`on health,
`the tength of
`gift certificates are avai able." -
`the package
`if you can't afford the time for or
`h0W the treatment is done.
`whether it i§.
`the tab of a destinétiorfspa, ’a visit
`Some day spas are listed in the
`7 mtd_week,et-
`to one ofithe area’: daygspas can be”
`_-Y°“°W.?38°5 '-md" ".i’°“.“W ,
`and ntitri-
`weeke'nd_ tn-
`rejuvenating. The Dakotah;-A Day.
`Sa10fl_S. Some under_ skincare. _
`_ tion are
`or of-'f.5ea.
`Spa, l6 Ensign Driv_e,'Avoi_i,' 677-
`Where they are not listed, ine_xplIc-
`50,, 0, ,‘
`4ll6. is decorated in the‘ peach,
`ably. is under “spas." which is
`teal and umber colors -of an,_-
`instead the heading for hot~tub
`dealers. For information on destina-
`relaxation, opt for such services as’.
`tion or resort spas, Fodor’s Health
`out the
`the Stressbuster, ii soothtn aro;
`85 Fitness Vacations describes facili-
`day and
`. matherapy massage; or.Wa king
`senio, the.
`ties in the United States. Canada.
`On Air, a foot and leg treatment
`Mexico and the Caribbean.
`p '
`that pays attention to your much-‘
`" ‘
`Then check out some of the near-
`by spa options and tli’-eat‘y;ourIs_et:1llf or
`' “t t
`ee .
`» ay pa
`ge inc u es ,
`someone you care a ou 0 a t
`treatments ran e rom sic acia s
`d 3250}
`_ self-indulgence. You'll be amazed at
`to makeovers, wedish massage to
`§ri(,)(i][l)1o for ath?-;:.d:§g1ase1ha°ge and V
`a facial, manicure, pedicure, body.
`the results. lWas._
`an unusual body buffing done with.
`$2,500 for a week, canyon Ranch is
`treatments and lunch.;Prlces for
`(Alldof tihe lsgas we explrtiredf Pl'Io-
`crushed earls.
`at "55 Kembte st" Len°x_ Mns5_
`éeigvitcessvgt Dak|otah range-{i;0rn;
`mote 1!
`88 1 Y 3PPl'°flC 10 99 int:
`..._Meals ere are.tmly an expert.
`fig“ \71Q/9oug,.
`- ..
`.._. . M — .,—
`_-—’ o-.
`,ipac tagezi-‘a’ang‘e~ rom '
`' and looking better through stress
`ence; menus list calorie counts, fat
`$95 to'$l85. Gift certificates are
`and tension reduction techniques,
`rams and sodium content rather
`Nestled on 75 acres in rural
`better eating habits and increased
`t an prices, service is impeccable
`Connecticut, The Spa at Grand ,
`At Spa Radiance Day spa, l_4l
`exercise. and were low-key in their
`Hebron Ave., Glastonbury, 659-
`9470, shades of rose, soft lighting
`sales pitches.)
`While neither on a ranch nor in a
`and soothing music provide an A
`can on, Can on Ranch in the
`atmosphere to et awe from it all. _
`Clients receive ody, 5 ‘ii, malteu
`Ber bl
`is expensive.
`is er to
`_t e original facility in Tucson, Ariz.,
`nail and massage treatments
`including Euro can facials, a'r
`matherapy, p
`icures and mani-'
`cures. 'i'he staff is attentive and
`(there ate '.. - Arizona sunset. For maximum
`- "
`rom hall'- and-iui -dn combina-
`_tions to customized ift package‘
`lndsividual servicearahgtefffri)
`to 75,-pre-set pa
`to $l85; customized packages‘vary
`according to services chosen
`certificates are available
`On the downside of the spa expe-t
`rience, visitors may also,experl- .
`ence a hard sell of the establish» _
`ment's product line and unsubstan _
`that xtvhilf 1110:! of the bcidy and
`sin reamensmayma caper-'
`son lookor feel better; t_t_iey.won’t:
`rid a body of all toxins. repair skin.
`:3D. n
`__‘dfiI'l’la e or _cure.diseases.f~
`Additionally, keep in mi
`spas turn a high profit on beauty =
`products. Although it's easy ttolget
`caught up in the ex
`rlence, its
`unwise to leave wi
`_$l50 pf
`unnecessary, expensive toiletries.
`"’ " If
`I Kor Vnnn is a freelance ,
`7 l
`writer rom West Hart.ford-
`-thw -
`U a“
`» .......... .2<12:-:2.2.2::is:.:’...:*i"::.:.:.:°..:.;°"?..
`. ..
`FY -
`ralteéhes the Skin and relaxes the mind
`_ A Pastas Exeiéisé"cI鑧9_s‘Honiiifi. 3 §!""i"*‘Fii€! P95.‘
`' " ' "
`55.” "9 "-5 m
`' "
`the East Coast version is housed in
`zciln l897°giiiln:iog'and‘fonnal gar-f
`ensm ee a ert ose at oneo
`Wrapped around the original
`structure are glass walkways which
`connect to the inn and a l00,000—
`square-foot fitness center,,which
`features racquetball, squash and
`tennis courts, a running track,a75-_
`foot swimming pool and separate
`spas for men and womencomplete
`with saunas, steam rooms, inhala»
`tion rooms and hot tubs.
`. Visitin Canyon Ranch-is like vis-
`iting Clu Med, health-style. Pick
`your package, pack your bag and .
`g°- E":t"';'"“ .‘."::i."»*.‘?=
`as es an
`ivi ies an
`gomedsjervicels. But those whohopt
`at etsors o in
`this iiriclely boutigueniviil see ihcilr,
`bills escalate rapidly.
`New arrivals are given a tour of
`the facility. a visit with the nurse
`and the much-dreaded "body com-
`position assessment," at sobering
`encounter which 5 eils outtust
`what pcrcenta e 0 your body is fat.
`This test provi es instant motiv'a-
`tion forjoining the more strenuous
`exercise classes.‘ ' "
`Next stop is a meeting with a pro-
`25 1995
`up...-......- Some years- ago, "women protest-y
`_? -dueed_ in the House. of Representa:
`tiveslhe bills would.-require them
`* e 'the ‘‘medical’’' emphasis given“
`- to cover _a 48-hour.’ stay-after un-
`t e bi__rt'h_ of babies. Birthing is.a"
`'cornplicated"_vagina.l' deliveries and."-
`n ural functi'on, they said, and"
`" _f_our days ' after Cesarean sections. "
`"eh medical _care- is desAi‘gnedVto
`b ' convenient for the doctors. and"
`iThey'would also require insurers to '
`dehu_r'nanizi'ng' for the rnother3and
`Pa?-f°tf911°iY*°P _°‘“9-
`‘: "
`§'I'heir feelings resulted
`v. sur'ance,cornpan_ies _s'ave-_$4 billion ».
`_ _
`“£6356 1“ l.1°m°.b‘.nhS.’ the Pr.a°m?_°"‘-."Zi annually for every‘day'they fslice .
`- at midwifery", and hospital deliver-_
`_ _“
`., off the averag’e’mateni_ity-“sta‘y.Mai
`"inlhal ‘Wk. Place 133‘ t.h0m1"-".1-1k . ._-mternity-hospital costs no.w‘average'
`osph’er_e,'_ which the new
`_ Tda [F
`bil1i' "d 11
`I-leftas-s_oon aspossible.
`" A», 5
`" per
`y‘ our
`‘on’ 0 am"
`is-a 1ot’of‘money; so is it-room rate 7
`not like ‘these
`Most hdoetors
`..'- of.$1,000.pe:_.day.._We can irnagirief i.
`.. finost new nioithers ‘Would’ ‘rather.’ '
`ctices,'_ and". they,‘ were accused» of‘
`'c 'ng more fortheir Wallets "sp¢,.,.;f_[.hat at canxon‘ Ranch _
`' -p,aticnts;:>‘=v--»-.--
`.- .»
`'1 «'.'."l3’i1_til'1_osi')’itals arerift places for“
`«Now, it i_s.the insurance"eompa—- -
`'pampe'r_ing.'We’r'e ’to_ld..the high .i
`rt‘ s."Which*'are; under the sarr'ie-}at-
`_,-.ptice_. ‘comes as the cost‘ of instant
`lc,’ only the headspf these com-‘
`._access to the best-medical-techno1o—‘
`palnies ,wduld“be delighted to push
`gy of the. age,:and whenit comes to ._
`rnlither and;chi1d’into the streets ,
`our health,—_—. and‘ especially the‘
`_ fiye minutes after delivery: This'- health of our newbdms _ most of
`ti e the mothers do not want to go:
`Some ofthem would‘ like to’-re-V‘ nus, Want mat'-
`. Some worneri_v_i_/illlhzilrzivays fiiergr‘
`under rnedical care___'and super—f
`as little=ho_spital_' as possible. For the
`- »,{Ii§ion_while they t1iscoizer,i»ihat_ to
`average new mother, howevergtwo _
`exl_pec]t frorn-'_a ne'wbo'rn. S.o'rne_'o‘_f‘;
`_'- days isihardly exeessiveyto begin to
`thprrigfrnd even an “t'1ncoinpl._icateii_”_._,
`heal andyto leaveifoij home .reason— .
`delivery exhausting and pallflflll..;
`itblylconfident that she can." care "for
`Sdme areaware that mothers and",
`'her‘l:'-abyy. These bills should‘ pass. _
`hzfiaies can develop problems within‘
`all, eyeri. insurance executives
`a fevq ‘ days ‘of. childhir_th_,and'__they.'.‘. it
`.h§rsi'they v'i'I<>iii1<_!n.’.t‘-'
`°.".°'¢u.h.?d .
`hel'p‘a\9ailablé shoul
`S.0‘3.tht?y.'e?I+'=*.IIot happ
`V _ jiferous lobbyin‘g'.‘by "in'sr'ne'
`againsttwo bills recently intro
`' ‘h
`FEB 5 2001
`Behind the scenes with TV’s new castaways
`7" _.
`« ~
` burr
`L _
`,The Survivor II
`gang heads
`Down Under to
`brave spiders,
`Hatch-ing a-sneakyt strategy =
`‘ each other. Yikes!
`Half an hour away by dirt road, the production crew’s
`camp seems as luxe as the Canyon Ranch spa. Staffers
`sleep in individual pup tents, haveAa_c_c_ess_to modern clec_-
`tronic conveniences (includi