`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`DC International LLC
`WELLINGTON, FL 33414-6335
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`David Boegler
`TrademarkEinsteinDLletter1.pdf ( 8 pages )(2244642 bytes )
`FC lnteraratisnal LLC
`In re Notice of Opposition No. 91202672 from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem v. DC
`International marks EINSTEIN DL application No 85307764
`The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
`DC International LLC
`Eva J. Pulliam
`Arent Fox LLP
`1050 Connecticut Ave. NW
`Washington, DC 20036-5339
`Dear Mrs Pulliam,
`I am writing in response to the opposition action taken by The Hebrew University ofJerusalem
`located Givat Ram, PO Box 321165. Jerusalem 91341, Israel against the registration ofthe
`trademark EINSTEIN DL by DC International located 624 Cypress Green Cir, Wellington, FL-
`33414. USA.
`The following factors demonstrate DC Intemational's use of the mark EINSTEIN DL does not
`infringe or dilute the Hebrew University olJerusalem's marks EINSTEIN and ALBERT
`DC Intemational is a LLC registered in October 6, 2010 in the state of Florida. DC Intemational
`has been using the mark "EINSTEIN DL" since February 1,2011 . See Exhibit A. Additionally,
`DC International has registered the mark'EINSTEIN DL' with the USPTO on April 28,2011.
`DC Intemational assefis that our mark, "EINSTEIN DL", is not similar enough to'EINSTEIN'
`and "ALBERT EINSTEIN" to cause confusion. While the marks are similar in some respects,
`they dilfer in the following ways: the communication, publication" and advertising rnade by DC
`Intemational mentions the full trademark "trINSTEIN DI-" with the last two letters "DL" that
`stand lor "Diode Laser". See Exhibit B. The "EINSTE,IN DL" logo is unique to DC Intemational
`product and is very distinct to The Hebrew lJniversity of Jerusalem's marks.
`The Hebrew University ofJerusalem is in the business oleducation. The Hebrew University of
`Jerusalem registered their trademarks EINSTEIN and ALBERT EINSTEiN (Registrations No
`1479104,3591305 and pending registration 78213219) as Class 042. PROVIDING ACCESS TO
`TEACHERS, and class 9,14,16,18,20,21,21.25,28 and41 that cover computer software,
`merchandising and educational services.
`These goods are addressed to general public. DC International, however, is in the dental
`business. As our mark EINSTEIN DL is used in connection with such different goods and
`services than those comected to EINSTEIN and ALBERT EINSTEIN, consumers will not be
`confused as to the source ofthe goods and services in connection with either ofour marks.
`EINSTE,IN DL is addressed to dental and rledical professional only. As it is unlikely DC
`International will offer goods in The Hebrew University olJerusalem's line ofbusiness, or rice
`versa, consumers will easily be able to identily from which source DC hTternational and The
`Hebrew University of Jerusalem's goods and services are coming from.
`The Hebrew University ofJerusalem operates its business within the city of Jerusalem. The
`Hebrew University of Jerusalem's primary clientele are located within Israel. DC International,
`ltowever, primarily operates directly within the USA and secondary within international markets.
`l-he Hebrew University ofJerusalem docs not advertise or do business within the USA or other
`countries than Israel. l'he Hebrerv University of Jerusalem EINSTEIN and ALBERf EINS IEIN
`marks are not well known on a national level (tJS market). Additionally, The Hebrew Llnir ersity
`olJerusalem's mark has limited distinctiveness. There is little rei-ercnce to EINSTEIN and
`ALBERT EINSTEiN marks on The Hebrew University of .Ierusalem's website
`http://www-.huji.ac.il/hLrj i/cng/
`Due to EINSTEIN and ALBERi EINSTEIN descriptive narure, EINSTEIN and ALBERT
`EINSTEIN is not a strong r.r.rark. The weakness of The Hebrew University oflJerusalem,s mark
`n'eighs in lavor of DC International. Albert Einstein In 1 91 7. established the theoretic
`loundations for the laser ard EINSTEIN DL is an suitable name as an homagc to the theoretical
`physicist for a laser device.
`As The Hebrew lJniversity olJerusalem is aw:Lre, the basis lor a trademark infringement claim is
`consumer conlusion. In your November 23. 2001 letter you did not provide ar.ry examples of
`actual confusion resulting from our concunent use olthc marks EINSTEIN DL and EINSI EIN
`and ALBERT EIfISTEIN. Wc derr.rand that you provide examples of actual confusion relating
`lrom the use olthe rnark EINSTEIN DL.
`There is a clear distinction between DC International activity and mark EINSTEIN DL addressed
`to dental and nredical professionals compared to The Hebrew. university ofJerusalem narks
`EINSTEIN and ALBERI' EINSTEIN addressed ro the education/ Llniversitv market.
`DC Intemational began using the mark EINSTEIN DL on February 1, 2011. The l-Iebrew
`University of .Ierusalem began using the mark EINSTEIN around 19g6 and ALBER'f EINS'IEIN
`around 2003. For 10 months both DC It.tternational and The Hebrew University ofJerusalem
`have concunently used their respective marks without issue. This factor suggests that the
`concLrffent use of our marks EINS fEIN DL and EINSTEIN and AI-BERT EINSTEIN do not
`resuit in consumer conlusion.
`mark EINSTEIN and ALBERT EINS1 EIN. Additionally, the mark EINSTEIN DL will not
`dilute EINSTEIN and ALBERT EINSTEIN because the marks are distinct from each other. as
`noted above.
`Ifrhe Hebrew university ofJerusalem decides to take any litigious action (e.g., filing ofany
`lederal lawsuit, communication with the USpro, proceedings under the UDRP, etc.), DC
`International demands that The Hebrew University ofJerusalem includes a copy, in its entirety,
`this letter and exhibits. In addition, DC Intemational further demands that if rhe Hebrew
`university of .Ierusalem takes any litigious steps that The Hebrew univcrsity ofJerusalem
`provides proper service or a copy of such correspondence.
`For these reasons and others, DC L.rtemational has its own distinctive mark that does not dilute
`or otherwise infringe upon The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's trademarks. And, any claims
`to copyright infringement are denied based upon use olcommon jargon and expressions in the
`Very truly yours,
`Dated Decern
`19, 201 1 .
`Vice President
`624 Cypress creen Circte. Wellington, FL_334,14
`Toll free 1-888-472-4807 ph +1 56.1 337 8888
`Fax +1 561 899 0467
`email sales@dcinter.com
`t{A\ q/ t..
`, _\ i Pu
`DC Intcrnational ollers dentists advanced diode laser technolog) - Dentis...
`http://w\vw.dentistry iq.com/indcx/display/alticle-displa.r /0608177049/at1-.-
`Home Products Clinical Practice Mgrnt Dental Hygiene Front Offlce Continuing Ed. RDH Products Marketplace
`Community Events
`TvEd 3
`DC lnternational offers dentists advanced diode laser technology
`WEST PALIV BEACH, Florida DenlallechnolosyproviderDC
`innoval ve range ol dental produ.1s.
`To read more aboutdjode lasers, go to.li.:li lasers.
`lnlemationalhas announced lhe addtion oiEinslen DL to s
`Eirslen DL s an advanced denlal laser Dertists worldwde car orderlhe producl online or via DC lnternalionals tolllree
`number (888) 472-4807.
`'Our commitment
`is lo provide denlisls woddwlde wjlh lhe besl products in lhe markel, and we are thrlled to stan sellin! lhe
`mostadvanced laser technology ' said David Bodgler, vce prcsident at DC lnternalional, "Ourexpens understand the
`evolvnq iaserrechnology and lhe diode lasers a.e well-known lor revolulionizing the praclice of dentistry'
`Diode lasere are specially designed to pedorm sotl tissue procedures wilh a lessinvasive and lraumatc manne. This
`provides palienls Wth iaster more effcienl resultslhar hadilional melhods such as scalpeland electrosurge. Additionally,
`the laser helps ensure a simlllaneous hemoslasis while achielirg m nlmalchatrng of the tissue.
`Wlh a hghe. absorpton n hemoglobin oxyhemoqlobn and water, sludies have proven the laseis ablatirg efiiciency is
`enhanced. The 980 nm wavelength lakes advanlage oi lhe 700,6rwaEr conteni otthe Ussue, which allows lhe high
`absorpiion olits radiantliqhl enerqy nlo the tissue.
`The 980-nm wavelength enabies ihe use oi water lo conhol collateral thermaL damage. The waler abso€lion
`s higherlhan
`the 81 Gnm wavelenqlh ,and il min m zes he area of nec.os s and charcd I ssue. Ihere s no need lo iniliate lhe t p oI lhe
`liber for mosl procedures. Laser denlislry is constanlly evolvng and seven watrs ot power is suiiicienl lo keep up wllh the
`For additonal iniormaton, v sil w& dlLnl. .c.n or call (888) 472-4807.
`To comment on this product, go to ccmma. ry.o.nnlr.llier t, ioljr c!fl.
`Thefollowlns arlicles are lhe DIQ edtorialslafs recommended reads:
`. The n.w pr.iodonlai disr.ser navigate th. csergi.g solurion. - ALg 18 2011
`. Cal.lun phosphate lcchnology produc15 rr.nl drBineraliarior lr,1ar 18. 2011
`. De.laltioss Sghs much atleniloMsorg d.!i.es !sed to acce3s and rcmcv. iirierdenral !l.que - l,4ar 30,
`. 5 sreps ter .ie{lrl 3ssistrnrs w:!h noney iss!es Oc127.2011
`. searin{ iiowns rn inrrlanr aboiFdnrs-' Apr 12.2011
`. A dcntnlhygi.nisfs pe6tr!etive ofaAP6 Ccrprehen5iv. Perion.nbl ThlEpj, docrnelt -Aug 25 2011
`. i habits or innnc;.lly u.src{Dsst!idrnlisrs - Mar 17,2011
`. Successt!l.ool.inalon a Siberian liger-- OcI24.2011
`. Rcrrlri cithc 201i te.5!d.y - Oct 16.2011
`. CAITIBRA: Caries tulatraSenenl by Frsk Ass.!3eeol - N4ar l, 2!11
`. iiy pati.nf s implnnl is lrleedir!: Bhat do I do? - Jul 13 2011
`. lDpression riknrq: ccmnor ailialls anC srlltions - Oct 24. 2011
`. y,re oI. to aEl.rFCl
`. Conrecl yntlr ll.e CAD/aAili maik.i leaae
`. lea.F n,'. ,lrcli CAOiCAM rov
`. r.lo n$r. sian ieosAalEVER
`. l)l$co!e{ CE'ILC Sotv?3..4 D
`. A/:4c( !.lhe irl:b ne[ycrk
`|low would you resFord ro rhis doctDls pel peeve?
`7 habils ot i'nnncia,ly unsr.c.s5iul dertists
`suryay resull.:Vihai is your ru bo.one lrl
`Ih. 5 best denralapps
`2ic.niz: lhe nexl besl.eslorrtive malerial?
`Direcror's Message: You re slrong.rtl!an you
`thougnt ln hardlirg adveisity {Dec 1s,2011)
`O.crmlrer2t Prools Noi. fro't the Editor
`Whal6 yolrfax nunber? Are you stillusirg old
`sa'es rorls? tD.c 1e,?01rl
`Der!a! ednir panelselecls most imprrranr a rticlcs
`Tr'R'ning, iihi3hinq ia.bide carues a s,nooth
`aecernrer 20 P,oots teople and Pla.es
`De..ftber t0 Prools TRde News (Dec1s, ron)
`oecqmber 2011 quarterly speclals iroh Froors
`I of2
`r -gl
`6lclr8 rr B,-
`l)! lrLl.irniN,ir,l ;\ ii 1 .rili,: lr.irrri,Jr't l,:iiLlLr r:a i,!.i..i
`d :r ,1ir! llri,ld ! rr,l (1.,!l : it r rrlLi \,(li .
`{)iji l,iLIi: Xlo|.l i!":!ii(it rfsl',,,i,{r .rrL,nrl ,51 lo t:r.llflrr
`:ul!,1. rL,rt 1,:rrl : rlLrr i)0t( ir:A.
`\f it , .!,,, -t,r r{rrs .,)L,iliiirrl .!t{r r,.ri,i rrl]rn, 1li.LL,..ii I iirLlLrl ,r
`:,fri ,LLr i,irirrrilnrrri 1i) tll,Lr.iilirl .!,r,ii ilrf 1, r,:J
`\,iLr |rr rrritiL r!r1hrf1l( 's ljurrj .:rr'll.J{r [j]h lJl lr]r.rr!rLri;irl.
`( Jrr (,il)(:lrsr i, r,l,lri r., i. LL lil Lr .ir,i 1li-tfilirrl. t,r oLlr(1.
`,Iri!r\ N,\.,],,r,r,iii( w' l:l
`r: ,,I'il.lL: inir , i) l,i iirr.{|.1riL1i,rir:,,,1 ,{rf ( li.rrs
`l)( li,ic,i,aln,rr,li!ill'i. i1.r,r jit rrll:]i, rt),,,1
`r,,,.L't11 Jii|i,l,i|1i irinfiill,iri.:Ni,lrirlin.
`DC International LLC
`wr,l"w. dcinter.com
`US Toll Free: r BBB 472 4Bo7
`T: + r (56r) ggZ BBBB
`F: +r (56r) 899 o467
`E-mail: sales @ dcinter. com
`EinsLein DL is ovoiloble in
`81O nm
`98O nm
`1062+ nm
`(.1nr fib{r.1o1r rli(1orl
`(l1rr Srrgi(r!l I I.rir{l p:{ (1
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`Onr lnsl iriir)r lll r r rr,rl
`. )r. (lliDn,rl rlurdr.
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`€xar8 rr S.
` F'.im;t::in DI. isthc musl :\d\';1m:edd:*11t:\l diode. laser cm thy 1mu'l.‘vr.
`Ins .sp::c1::ll_\ dr::«15z,nud l_U p(‘.]T(‘1I‘l:'D’[l1L‘ amt tL4+,.LIe p10l_‘C(_lll1l‘,H' m
`21 least in\';-1s1'\'L‘ and lmas Lr:1L1maLit:manner.
`l'I'm5tL=in DL t}H01m1 l1L!lpS]‘(3tlll('C ha‘ali1‘1:_: lime while pmviding
`Hl11111llL‘|l‘lL‘(J'l1Slae1:1u.stnsi.»': all\\'llll(‘.L1Ul1lL'.\‘lll;; minimalr_'lm:‘r'1n_; mltheIie;sm-,
`While lacing; well ;!l1SUl‘lJL'l.l by nml-(min
`u11dl1cnm_n;lnl1'u1, the L)b‘01nn Wm-olu11gtl's
`more :1lJ5uI'|)c-Ll b_\' wntcr thzm the 810nm
`Water i1'1‘iga1lio11 um_vlJc used while yuu
`zlblutc ti5~_:uc lo mn’m_:l cull;-1t::ml ll\[‘.1‘Ill'dl Llaurmgu.
`Whirl‘ 110015 down tlu; tis uv and limit |l1L'I‘I11Ql
`L1lllTl£1_E£,(.3lOSL1l'T(}l‘l'l1l'llI1§!,l"lF3!-('L'lC.llL!UlI1ll'l'll2’C the
`u1*u.:1 ul'I‘:cc1'n::'15;a11Llcl11n‘1‘uLl l'1£<suL' nml pr0\'iLlc.-:
`fzml patient i‘eu.n'(:r_\=.
`l Einstein DL provides excellent clinical results
`"”“_‘_" be?” “5'”.‘f ["5"-"-" '" ”‘U-'”""“”“L’f"" ”"”‘“ Hm" ""1-‘1‘’‘l’'-‘‘'-
`ll is C‘£NlIp|‘I{Il. rsllnuwlii-Ii‘! to use :1:-rd 11:1Lfh:‘1l:1l7lr-.''
`l Cmwn lL‘I1g[l1(‘11inu,
`I‘;<;_£'fill:Ll;LL:l[:::;1:l\:|!|:L.1510ll.ll l')1(.l'l35ILh
`3 Cn11;',1\".Ll trL:LLgl11ng._', for c':'uw11 11'np1':'Ss1(J11s
`4‘ Gingwuplu W
`(lh1g,l'»"dl ilmsicun .’_ll1llE.‘(L‘.lSlUll
`l lclnnsmsis and L:0:1g,L1l'.ari:)11
`lmplzrmt mL:nVu13'
`lnuisinn and Ll1':1i1m3_gL: ()l‘al)scus5
`, Oral p.'1pillm‘mn1ics:
`g Rcdmstioll of glngiwll l1jcpc1'T1‘(:]3lI_3'
`f Sell Tissul.‘ cru\v11lungth:-ninl;
`* Tuuth wliitenning _flJlt=.:u;l1'mg,
`'l‘1'r:a1l1m3nl of l‘1E:1'pE‘[lC and élphtlmus ulccrr;
`Aplnlwus ulc:-1'
`Exposure of lmempted teeth
`1-'1'um\.L'tu my
`'1‘1'eatmenr ofca11l<ersn1'es
` ll_\'p{_'I'plasi:1
`Iimzlurln rcaluutiuh
`l’L1lpntum_\’a1S11I1 fld_:l11‘=L"E
`tn mot mnal lhf.?I'd]J}’
`Tnolla \*\'l1iLuI1ln;:
`l'llQl‘\ Elllfileflckl. FU'5i l‘l€=‘UllflQ
`’ HJQN p0\N€V-
`D Super Pulses For Maximum Potlent Comfort
`p Full Color Tggch Screen
`, Compact Ofld portable
`Adlustoble Aurnznq Beam
`15 P"9‘59t5
`' Average
`OUWDUL power
`Adwsmble power:
`O l to 7 watts
`C *
`Super l'3‘ulseE~.f
`SO ;.:s to 305‘
` I415:-1‘ l'lenti.~:lr)'1.~: L-onst;1nll_\‘ <:\'ul\'ing...
`lilrmlcirm I'll, lmss mntinuous
`nmclc CW and p11l:4c<l,=‘ gallvcl
`lhlc mmlJll1mt1oI1_at super
`sun 1 as m1L.ro 5(,(.(:11L .5,
`r la.-:1;umlh,L1.<! c,::llinu_
`1'}T1 I
`u\'c:') mlh lilwmus Ii.~:mr:~;.
`7 Watts
`l’mxr:r up to 7 watts :.:i\‘cs the ability to expedite
`]7{'U('l‘I;lL1I'{'S wilh the high llm‘,m.{\= ll‘.Cl1I1l(]LI<3.
`7 xx-:1tt.~; ;:,Ll:I1'al:1lt-.0 uxuc-llenl 1'u.~;L1li's with
`laser moth wllitr.-hilxgg.
`SeleCl.lOfl OF the W06-‘F M9"
`7 200. 400 or BOO mucron
`wwlh 7 watts of puxvnrl‘, there is m1ll1ir1§3,_VnL1
`will 1wl,l1e-.1|:l:2l;o zln wlwch it rsmnt-5 l:1s(}l‘1.fiSsuL‘.
`Elnsteln DL touch Screen l5 0 ‘ul' color dleplou for eosu rwcxvlgollorw.
`15 inctoru Installed nrocecures as well :5 E. extra cuslorrnzcble setllngs
`allow the Climcmfl to Select me procedure Nth Q 5,,mlE much
`Ennsteun DI CJ15|'Jl(]L;S the Qvermqe output power. Q Fecuzure required bu;
`me M59,’ gx|-_-er[_5
`With a h'1;I,l1L'I' z1l1srn‘ptiun in l1cImw,lulm1, :)x\'lm11mglul)iI1 J.!lfl\\'dl£'l‘f.
`studnes p1'o\'etlxclas0r‘s ulnlutlny, e:1'fiuir:nc_v
`.~,ig11ifiL-mxtly clllmncud.
`The L)8rmm \vm'elv..‘I1gtl1 l-.1l<s_-5ad\':n1r:1ge ofthe 7(2%w.1mr content
`filth“ V155‘-ll‘ ‘Vhlfih '=‘ll0W5 “W hlgll ="l75“V1'1li"l‘ l'fit5"3‘l1'=1|‘l “E111
`erxurgy inln the lissuu.
`Record List Display
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`Current Search: 52: {live)[LD] AND {einsteinXCOMBl docs: 90 occ. 294
`Word Mark
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