`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Backside Beverages, LLC
`DALLAS, TX 75201
`deborah.lively@tklaw.com, douglas.heuvel@tklaw.com
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`Deborah L. Lively
`/deborah l. lively/
`(8) Motion to Suspend 8-29-11.pdf ( 22 pages )(1092685 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`In re Application of:
`Serial No.:
`Int'l Class:
`Backside Beverages, LLC
`December 17, 2009
`June 29, 2010
`Opposition No. 91197150
`§ §
`POMWonderful LLC
`Backside Beverages, LLC
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.1 17(a), Backside Beverages, LLC files this Motion to Suspend
`requesting that the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board suspend the aboVe—referenced proceeding
`because the parties hereto are adverse parties in the pending civil action POMWondetful LLC v.
`Backside Beverages, LLC, Civil No. 2:11-cv-00760-BCW, filed in the United States District Court
`for the District of Utah, Central Division (the “Suit”), which may have a bearing on this proceeding.
`Pursuant to TBMP § 5l0.02(a), a copy of the complaint filed by POMWonderful LLC is attached
`hereto as Exhibit A. Applicant respectfully requests that the Motion be granted and that this
`opposition proceeding be suspended until the termination of the Suit.
`Respectfully submitted,
` D borahIL. Lively
`Douglas C. Heuvel
`Thompson & Knight LLP
`1722 Routh Street, Suite 1500
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`516341 000()03 DALLAS 2779587.l
`Certificate of Service
`I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Motion to Suspend for Opposition No. 91 197150
`was served on Opposer POMWonderfu1 LLC’s attorney of record Danielle M. Criona, by email, per
`mutual agreement of the parties, and first class mail on this 29th day of August 2011 to:
`Danielle M. Criona
`Roll Law Group P.C.
`11444 West Olympic Blvd.
`Los Angeles, CA 90064
`Deborah L. Lively
`516341 000003 DALLAS 2779587.l
`516341 000003 DALLAS 2779587.1
`Case 2:11—cv-00760-BCW Document 10
`Filed 08/23/11 Page 1 of 1
`hr the
`§sffi1}t' ofUt‘ah, Central Division
`POMWGNDERFUL LaI:G,..*- a =Del'awafieZ1it}1it"ed"fi8235fi§y
`Civil Aviion N0, 2:11—cv—O0760-BCW
`Summons in a CM} Action
`To: {Defizndam ‘s nameanzi address)
`Backside Beverages; LLC dba POMPIS
`c/o Gian A. Beflinger; Registered Agent
`10,000 North Centrai Expresswa3fi;=Suit3E9_130
`Dalias, Texas 75231
`A Lawsuit has bee‘nifi1éd.33ziga3nstI;y0i1..
`Within _g_j__ xéifays:-a_fte:vserviAt:g=,_;>iT?t_lz1ssummons on you (not counting the -day you received it), you must serve
`on me plaintiff an answuexto-=tke;a;taeh ‘ ggmpiaint ‘ow motion under Rule 12 of-the Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure. The
`answerer‘ motion must~bs=-serveii. an-the‘:piain1iffs—:anon2ey, whose. name and address are:
`siephen‘ K. Chris§an$§¥n.:V§§§.'C£-iiéfiagig T3-fcrriwail &.Mcc_-army. 36 3. State Street, Sums 1900. SLC, UT 84111
`M!chaeF:M; Vas:§egmg.=R0H‘-Léw‘=TGmug>PK3gfi444-W. Oiympic: BM, 71?; Fioor. Los Angeies, CA 90064
`{fypu."fail”ffJ1.€§G scj,judgm¢nt:_l§y?&é:¥aaiEt*—:
`mustfile-your answer e“r_‘j::i6:ioii‘w5ftirt}gé
`Iiibe.a‘n‘tered against you for the relief demanded in the compiaint. You also
` D. Mark Jones
`Deyuty cferk’s signature
`(Use 60 days ifllm defenfiafii 1: Ike. Umtea"£3tarer~qr.~a.lj';xi24:a‘Staias agency, or is an ofliccr or employee of(he United States allowed 60 day: by
`Rule. 12('a){3).}
`Case 2:11—cv-00760-BCW Documentz
`Filed O8/22/11 Page1of16
`36 South State Street, Suite 1900
`(Post Office Box 45340
`Salt Lake City, Utah 8411. 1-0340
`Telephone: (801) 532-3333
`Facsimile: (801)534-0058
`(pro hac vice application pending)
`(pro hac vice application pending)
`(pro hac vice application pending)
`(pro hac vice application pending)
`11444 West Olympic Boulevard, 10"‘ Floor
`Los Angeles, California 90064-1557
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`POMWONDERFUL LLC, a Delaware limited
`liability company,
`limited liability company dba POMPIS,
`Civil N0. 2: I I-cv—0O760—BCW
`Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells
`Plaintiff POMW0nd.erful LLC (“Plain.tiff” or “POM”), for its Complaint, alleges as
`Case 2:11—cv—O0760~BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 2 of 16
`This action is based on POM’s rights in its federally registered trademarks. Based
`on POM’s superior rights to its marks, POM seeks to enjoin Defendant Backside Beverages,
`LLC dba Pompis (“Defendant” or “Pompis”) from using Pompis as part of its tradem.ark on the
`grounds that such use constitutes, among other things, trademark infringement. POM also seeks
`recovery of its damages and attorneys’ fees, and Defendant’s profits.
`POM is a Delaware limited liability company with its principal place of business
`located at 11444 West Olympic Boulevard in Los Angeles, California 90064. POM produces,
`markets, sells and distributes pomegranate and pomegranate extract products worldwide in
`connection with its highly distinctive POM® brand including, but not limited to, fresh fruit,
`juices, tea and coffee beverages, nutritional supplements and snack bars.
`POM is informed and believes that Defendant Pompis is a Texas corporation,
`doing business in California and with its principal place of business located at 100 N. Central
`Expressway, Suite 9, Dallas, Texas, 75201—4312. POM is informed and believes that Pompis is
`involved in the manufacture and sale of energy drink beverages.
`This action arises, in part, under the Lanham Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1114
`and 1125. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 1.5 U.S.C. §
`1121 (trademark infringement claims under the Lanham Act); 28 U.S.C. § 1331 (federal
`question), 28 U.S.C. § 1338 (original jurisdiction of trademark claims, or unfair competition
`claims related to same) and 28 U.S.C. § 1367 (supplementaljurisdiction).
`POM is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that venue is proper in
`this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(1)) and 139l(c) because a substantial part. of the
`events giving rise to the claims occurred in this District. Additionally, POM is informed and
`believes, and based thereon alleges,
`that the Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendant
`4849-6597-6586, v.
`Case 2:11-cv-00760—BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 3 of 16
`because Defendant conducts business activities in this District, and has focused a substantial
`portion of its unlawful Conduct in this District.
`The POM® Brand
`POM began" producing, selling and marketing its pomegranate products in 2001
`and essentially created the existing market in the United States for products made from or
`containing pomegranates.
`Since 2001, POM has extensively marketed its products in interstate commerce in
`connection with a family of highly distinctive trademarks which is comprised of, or includes,
`POM (collectively, the “POM® brand”).
`The POM® brand has been used in connection with fresh fruit since 2001, with
`beverages since 2002, and with concentrated juice extract and related products since 2009.
`Attached as Exhibit A are examples of the products sold by POM in connection with its POM®
`POM has invested over 300 million. dollars in the creation, development,
`production, marketing and sales of the POM® brand and its products. The POM® brand of juice
`has become the best—selling brand of pomegranate juice in the United States, having sold over
`150 million. bottles since 2002.
`The POM® brand is a unique food and beverage brand whose name is associated
`with health and with caring about the health of its consumers.
`A significant element of POM’s marketing campaign has been POM’s own focus
`on the health benefits of its pomegranate products and the company’s substantial investment in
`scientific research that is focused on the health benefits of its products.
`POM has invested millions of doll.ars in scientific research to study the health
`benefits of pomegranates and advertises this investment to consumers. Much of the research
`underwritten by POM has been published in well-known, peer—reviewed joumals.
`4849-6597-6586, v.
`Case 2:11—cv—00760—BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 4 of 16
`Through the marketing and advertising of the health benefits of its products, the
`advertising of its investment in its research program and the publication of POM sponsored
`POM has effectively conveyed the message to the public and its consumers that POM is a
`company and brand that is focused on, and cares about, the health of its consumers.
`The POM® Brand Intellectual Property
`POM owns numerous trademark registrations and pending applications in the
`United States and around the world for the trademarks it uses in connection with the marketing,
`distribution and sale of its POM® brand products in interstate commerce. The POM® brand
`trademarks are used in connection with various goods including, but not limited to, fresh
`pomegranate fruit and pomegranate juice as well as products which contain fruit juice or fruit
`juice extracts such as tea beverages, dietary and nutritional supplements, and snack bars.
`POM uses unique artwork on its products and with many of its trademarks.
`POM’s artwork includes a design in place of the “o” in “pom” and the design is in color which is
`unique to POM an.d makes POM’s products recognizable to consumers (the “POM Design”).
`POM has numerous trademarks registered with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office, many of which include the distinctive and well known POM Design. The
`POM registered trademarks include: POM (Reg. Nos. 2637053); POM & Design (Reg. No.
`3047447); POM WONDERFUL (Reg. Nos. 2640835 and 3687491); POM WONDERFUL
`Design (Reg. Nos. 2864641, 2780314 and 3687492); POM TEA (Reg. No. 3411595); LIGHT
`POM TEA (Reg. No. 3391707); LIGHT POM TEA & Design (Reg. No. 3411596); POM IN A
`PILL (Reg. No. 3337435); POM IN A PILL & Design (Reg. No. 3332875); POMEBERRY
`(Reg. No. 3382338); POM PASSION (Reg. No. 2944482); POM POWER (Reg. No. 2944481);
`POMX (Reg. Nos. 3562516 and 3674405); POMX & Design (Reg. No. 3562517 and 3791124);
`POMX SHOTS (Reg. No. 3667882); POMX SHOTS (Reg. No. 3667882); POWERED BY
`POMX (Reg. No. 3208934); and POMEGRANATE & Design (Reg. No. 3436526) (collectively,
`the “POM Marks”).
`4849-6597-6586, v.
`Case 2:11-cv-00760-BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 5 of 16
`POM’s registrations are valid and subsisting, and POM owns all right, title and
`interest to the POM Marks. Registration Nos. 2637053, 2640835, 2780314, 2864641 and
`3047447 are incontestable pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Section 1065. Attached hereto as Exhibit B are
`printouts of the registration certificates for the POM Marks.
`Defendant had constructive notice of POM’s rights in its federally registered
`trademarks under 15 U.S.C. Section 1072, which states: “Registration of a mark on the principal
`register provided by this Act or under the Act of March 3, 1981, or the Act of February 20, 1905,
`shall be constructive notice of the registrant’s claim. of ownership thereof.” POM’s registered,
`pending, and common law trademarks constitute a family of marks.
`Defendant also had actual notice of POM’s rights no later than the date that it
`received notice from POM advising it of POM’s rights.
`POM, together with its affiliates, has devoted a great deal of time, money and
`resources to develop and extensively market its products in connection with its inherently
`distinctive POM® brand to establish and maintain substantial goodwill which has come to be
`associated with the POM Marks. The POM Design, in particular, is an extremely valuable and.
`highly protected component of its business.
`The POM Marks are used uniformly and consistently in every product,
`advertisement, and promotion in connection with POM® brand products. POM, its distributors,
`and its distributor customers, both nationally and internationally, have continuously and
`exclusively used the POM Marks to distinguish themselves as the source of goods and services
`in connection therewith.
`The POM Marks were custom designed to be distinctive,
`innovative and
`recognizable to consumers so that the POM Marks would act as a source-identifier. Because of
`this, the POM Marks are inherently distinctive.
`In the alternative, because of POM’s exclusive
`and extensive use,
`the POM Marks have acquired secondary meaning and distinctiveness,
`becoming extremely well known to the consuming public as identifying and distinguishing POM
`exclusively and uniquely as the source of products to which the POM® brand is applied.
`4849-6597-(>586. v.
`Case 2:11—cv—00760—BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 6 of 16
`POM’s substantial
`investment has paid off, as the POM Marks are widely
`recognized as a source-—identifier for POM® brand products. By virtue of the popularity of goods
`sold in connection with the POM® brand, POM’s advertising and promotion of the POM®
`brand, and POM’s diligence in maintaining high standards of quality, POM has built and owns
`extremely valuable goodwill which is symbolized by, and associated with,
`its POM® brand.
`Consequently, the highly distinctive POM® brand h.as become famous.
`Extensive Marketing and Promotion of the POM® Brand
`POM has pursued direct marketing efforts to grocery, gourmet food, health food,
`and other specialty stores, restaurants, health clubs, and health professionals throughout the
`POM’s philosophy is
`to support worthwhile local community efforts and
`simultaneously share advice about healthful foods and beverages such as pomegranates and
`pomegranate juice. POM does so as part of an overall goal to promote and contribute to the
`health of consumers, including the sale of i.ts own products.
`POM also sponsors many high profile charity and health related events such as
`the LA Marathon; Nike Women’s Marathon; DC Triathlon; the NYC Triathlon; Cart for a Cause
`(benefiting Meals on Wheels); Best Buddies Challenge (benefiting Best Buddies); GLAAD
`Media Awards (benefiting Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation); and the New York
`City Wine and Food Festival (benefiting Share Our Strength). Attached as Exhibit C are
`photographs which illustrate some of POM’s charitable efforts.
`POM has invested substantially in the POM® brand, spending millions of dollars
`worldwide in the marketing, advertising, sales and promotion of the POM® brand products.
`Attached as Exhibit D are examples of POM’s advertising in the United States.
`Most recently, in the fall of 2010, POM began its first television advertisement
`campaign for the POM® brand. POM’s television commercials have aired in the United States,
`Canada, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands thus far. POM spent over $13 million
`on advertising and marketing in 2010, including its television advertisement campaign. Of that
`48496597-6586, v.
`Case 2:11-cv-00760—BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 7 of 16
`$13 million, nearly $8 million of that investment was spent on marketing and advertising in the
`United States alone.
`In the United States, POM’s television commercials were featured on such
`popular networks as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, El, Bravo, A&E, Discovery Channel,
`Comedy Central, Food Network, FX, National Geographic, Style, and many others.
`POM’s television commercials aired during such highly popular shows as CSI
`Miami, Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Top Chef, Real Housewives, Survivor, the Amazing
`Race, Larry King, Anderson Cooper 360, The Daily Show, The Stephen Colbert Report, Myth
`Busters, Chelsea Lately, E! News, Barefoot Contessa, Modern Marvels, MS Morning Joe,
`Biggest Loser, 30 Rock, and many others.
`POM’s television commercials prominently feature the POM Marks and, in the
`United States alone, have resulted in over 600,000,000 consumer impressions thus far.
`POM believes that its success is due to the quality, purity and taste of its products
`and to the highly distinctive, innovative and recognizable POM Marks. The POM® Marks have
`become famous and are now recogn.ized as an indicator of POM’s high—quality products and as a
`source~identifier of those products.
`Notwithstanding POM’s prior and superior rights in the POM Marks, and with
`constructive and actual notice of POM’s rights, Defendant
`is intentionally and willfully
`advertising, distributing, and selling its 'Pompis energy drink beverages that infringe and dilute
`the POM Marks.
`Defendant has sold and continues to sell Pompis energy drinks in interstate
`commerce. Attached as Exhibit E is a printout of a photograph of the Pompis beverage products.
`Defendant infringes and dilutes the POM Marks by causing a likelihood of
`confusion with the POM Marks and by causing a likelihood of dilution by blurring and
`tarnishing the POM Marks.
`4849-6597-6586, V.
`Case 2:11-ev—00760—BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 8 of 16
`Defendant tarnishes the POM Marks because “pompis” is a slang Spanish term
`for “backside,” that is, the “backside” of a person.
`In English, “pompis” is equally derogatory, —
`combining the term POM and the term “pis” which phonetically sounds like “piss”.
`By copying and using the POM Marks in such a derogatory manner, Defendant is
`intentionally trading on the substantial goodwill created by POM while at
`the same time
`tarnishing the POM brand. Moreover, Defendant’s use of POM, in combination with a design in
`lieu of the letter “o” in “pom,” as POM does, creates a likelihood of confusion, mistake, and
`deception as to Defendant’s affiliation, connection, and/or association with POM among
`consumers and the trade.
`These unauthorized uses by Defendant dilute the POM Marks by blurring the
`distinction between POM and Defendant and tarnishing the POM® brand by connecting the
`health-focused POM® brand to a brand that conveys the opposite message. To the contrary,
`studies have shown that energy drinks are not healthful because of their high sugar and caffeine
`Defen.dan.t’s unauthorized actions and blatant use of the POM Marks constitutes
`trademark infringement, false designation of origin, trademark dilution, and unfair competition
`under Utah’s Unfair Competition Act.
`Defendant’s Actions Are Intentional And Willful
`POM is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges,
`that Defendant
`intentionally designed its Pompis energy drink product to copy the inherently distinctive POM
`Marks, used and made famous by POM.
`POM is also informed and believes, and based. thereon alleges, that Defendant
`used the inherently distinctive POM Marks in commerce to intentionally cause a likelihood of
`confusion between Defendant’s infringing product and POM’s product, or to cause mistake, or to
`deceive the relevant public that Defendant’s goods or services are authorized, sponsored or
`approved by or are affiliated with POM.
`4849-659743586, v.
`Case 2:11~cv—O0760~BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 9 of 16
`POM is further informed and believes, and based thereon alleges,
`that by
`intentionally misappropriating the POM Marks, Defendant is causing customer confusion in the
`POM is informed. and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Defendant has
`willfully and knowingly infringed the inherently distinctive POM with knowledge of .POM’s
`rights and in an intentional attempt to target consumers who are familiar with the POM® brand
`by creating the impression of an association between Defendant and POM or an endorsement by
`POM of Def.endant’s goods.
`POM is infomied and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Defendant has
`willfully and knowingly diluted the POM Marks by, among other things, blurring the distinction
`between POM and Defendant and tarnishing the POM® brand.
`The natural, probable and foreseeable result of the intentional, willful and
`wrongful conduct of Defendant has been to deprive POM of business and goodwill, and to injure
`POM’s goodwill, reputation and relationships with existing and prospective customers by
`infringing the POM Marks, and diluting the POM Marks by causing customers to associate the
`POM® brand with an energy drink beverage product rather than POM’s products.
`POM is further informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that it has lost
`or will lose revenues from the sale of the inherently distinctive POM® products, and has
`sustained and will sustain damages as a result of Defen.dant’s wrongful conduct in selling,
`marketing and distributing Pompis energy drink beverage product.
`POM is further infomted and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Defendant
`has been unjustly enriched by its sale and marketing of the infringing product.
`Defendant’s conduct is the result of willful and wanton disregard of POM’s
`established and superior rights. Defendant adopted, used, and continues to use, the POM Marks
`without authorization and with full knowledge of POM’s superior rights and despite having been
`put on notice. POM has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable injury as a result of
`4849-6597-6586, v.
`Case 2:11—cv—O0760—BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 10 of 16
`Defendant’s unlawful actions and has no adequate remedy at law. POM is therefore entitled to
`injunctive relief.
`(Trademark Infringement Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1114)
`POM incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 48 above as though fully set
`forth herein.
`Defendant’s Pornpis product infringes and dilutes the POM Marks because like
`the POM Marks, this product uses POM, and a design in place of the “o” in “pom,” which is
`likely to cause confusion, mistake, and deception with respect to the POM Marks.
`Defendanfs imitation, copying, and unauthorized use in commerce of POM’s
`federally registered trademarks is likely to cause confusion, mistake, or to deceive the consuming
`public and trade by creating the erroneous impression that Defendant’s products have been
`manufactured, approved, sponsored, endorsed, or guaranteed by, or are in some way affiliated
`with POM.
`The imitation, copying, and unauthorized use of the POM Marks cause irreparable
`injury to POM, including injury to its business reputation and the goodwill associated with the
`POM Marks.
`By reason of the foregoing, Defendant has infringed POM’s trademarks and has
`violated, and is continuing to violate, 15 U.S.C. Section 1114.
`POM has no adequate remedy at
`law for these injuries. Moreover, unless
`Defendant is restrained by this Court from continuing this imitation, copying and unauthorized
`use of the POM Marks, these injuries will continue to occur. POM is entitled to an injunction
`restraining Defendant, its officers, agents, distributors and employees, and all persons acting in
`concert with it, from engaging in such further acts in violation of 15 U.S.C. Section lll6.
`By reason of Defendant’s willful acts of trademark infringement, POM is entitled
`to damages it has sustained and will sustain, and to have those damages trebled pursuant to 15
`U.S.C. Section 1117.
`484‘)-6597-6586, V.
`Case 2:11-cv-00760-BCW Document2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page11of16
`This is an exceptional case making POM eligible for an award of attorneys’ fees
`under l5 U.S.C. Section 1117.
`POM is further entitled to recover from Defendant any gains, profits and
`advantages unfairly obtained by Defendant as a result of its acts of infringement alleged herein.
`At present, the amount of any gains, profits and advantages cannot be fully ascertained by POM.
`POM is unable to ascertain the full extent of the monetary damages suffered by reason of
`Defendant’s acts at this time.
`(Trademark Infringement and False Designation of Origin
`Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1125(3))
`POM incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1 through 57 above as though fully set
`forth herein.
`Defendant’s Pompis product infringes and dilutes the POM Marks and Defendant
`is falsely designating the origin of its brand because, like the POM Marks, this product uses
`POM and a design in place of the “o” in “pom,” which is likely to cause confusion, mistake, and
`deception with respect to the POM Marks.
`Defendant’s use of the infringing trademarks has confused and is likely to
`continue to cause confusion or to cause mistake, or to deceive the consuming public into
`believing that Defendant’s goods or services are authorized, sponsored or approved by or are
`affiliated with POM.
`These acts constitute trademark infringement of the POM Marks and false
`designation of origin in violation of 15 U.S.C. Section l125(a), entitling POM to relief.
`By reason of Defen.dant’s acts, POM is, and will continue to be, irreparably
`harmed if Defendant’s conduct is not enjoined. POM’s remedy at law is not adequate to
`compensate it for the injuries inflicted, and POM is therefore entitled to injunctive relief pursuant
`to 15 U.S.C. Section 1116.
`4849-659’/{)586, V.
`Case 2:11-ov-00760-BCW Documentz
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 12 of 16
`The above—described acts of Defendant have irreparably harmed and,
`if not
`enjoined, will continue to irreparably harm the general public, which has an interest in being free
`from confusion, mistake and deception.
`Defendant has unfairly profited from the actions alleged and POM is therefore
`entitled to recover from Defendant the damages sustained as a result of Defendant’s acts in
`violation of 15 U.S.C. Section l125(a). At ‘present, POM is unable to ascertain the full extent of
`the monetary damages suffered by reason of Defendant’s acts.
`Further, because of the willful nature of Defendant’s acts, POM is entitled to
`damages and to have those damages trebled pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Section 1117.
`This i.s an exceptional case making POM eligible for an award of attorneys’ fees
`pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Section 1117.
`(Federal Trademark Dilution Pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1125(c))
`POM incorporates Paragraphs 1 through 66 above as though set forth fully herein.
`The POM Marks are inherently distinctive and famous under 15 U.S.C. Section
`Defendant's use of POM’s inherently distinctive and famous POM Marks in
`commerce began long after the POM Marks became famous.
`Defendant’s Pompis product is likely to dilute and/or cause dilution of the famous
`POM Marks because, like POM’s products, Defendant use POM and a design in place of the “o”
`in “pom,” which is likely to cause dilution of the POM Marks by blurring the distinction between
`POM and Defendant and tarnishing the POM Marks.
`Defendant’s conduct is the result of willful and wanton disregard of POM’s
`established and superior rights. Defendant adopted, used and continue to use the POM Marks
`without authorization and with full knowledge of POM’s superior rights, and despite having been
`put on notice. POM has suffered, and will continue to suffer, irreparable injury as a result of
`Defendant’s unlawful actions and has no adequate remedy at law.
`4849-6597-6586, v.
`Case 2:11—cv—O0760-BCW Document 2
`Filed 08/22/11 Page 13 of 16
`By reason of Defendant’s acts, POM is, and will continue to be, irreparably
`harmed if Defendant is not enjoined. POM’s remedy at law is not adequate to compensate it for
`the injuries inflicted, and POM is therefore entitled to entry of injunctive relief pursuant to 15
`U.S.C. Sections 1l25(c).
`Defendant has unfairly profited. from its actions alleged herein, and POM is
`therefore entitled to recover from Defendant the damages sustained as a result of its acts in
`violation of 15 U.S.C. Section ll25(c). At present, POM is unable to ascertain the full extent of
`the monetary damages suffered by reason of Defendant's acts.
`Further, because of the willful nature of Defendant’s acts, POM is entitled to
`damages and to have those damages trebled pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Sections 1125(0) and 1117.
`This is an exceptional case making POM eligible for an award of attorneys’ fees
`pursuant to 15 U.S.C. Sections 1.125(0) an.d I117.
`(Violation of Utah’s Unfair Competition Act)
`POM incorporates by reference Paragraphs 1. through 75 above as though fully set
`forth herein.
`Defendant’s acts as described above constitute unfair competition in violation of
`the Utah Unfair Competition Act.
`Defendant’s acts constitute intentional business acts and practices that are
`unlawful, unfair, or fraudulent, and have led and will lead to a material diminution in value of
`POM’s intellectual property.
`Defendant’s actions constitute infringement of POM’s trademark.
`POM has suffered substantial damages as a result of Defendant’s actions.
`Defendant’s acts are willful and malicious or intentionally fraudulent or manifest
`a knowing and reckless indifference toward and disregard of the Plaintiffs rights.
`Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § l3—5a—103, POM is entitled to actual damages
`caused b Defendan.t’s actions, as well as costs, reasonable attome fees, and unitive dama es.
`4849-65916586. v. 1
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`Plaintiff POMWONDERFUL LLC hereby demands a jury trial in connection with this
`WHEREFORE, POM prays for judgment against Defendant as follows:
`That the Court enter judgment against Defendant that:
`infringed the rights of POM in their federally registered
`trademarks in violation of 15 U.S.C. Section 1114;
`Defendant infringed the rights of POM in the POM Marks in violation of
`15 U.S.C. Section 1125;
`Defendant diluted the trademarks of POM“ in violation of 15 U.S.C.
`Section 1125;
`Defendant engaged in unfair competition in Violation of Utah’s Unfair
`Competition Act; and
`That the Court enter judgment against Defendant that the above acts, 1(a)-(d),
`were willful and intentional, making this an exceptional case.
`the Court
`issue a preliminary and permanent
`injunction enjoining and
`restraining Defendant and its agents, servants, employees, successors, assigns and all other
`persons acting in concert or in conspiracy with or affiliated with Defendant from:
`Engaging in any infringing activity including advertising, promoting, marketing,
`franchising, distributing, selling, and offering for sale any goods or services in connection with
`the infringing product identified herein or any product or mark similar to the POM Marks in any
`media, whether in person,
`in print or by electronic means including but not
`limited to
`newspapers, magazines, bus shelters, billboards as well as via the Internet, including but not
`limited to, company websites, promotional websites, social media websites, YouTube or other
`video—related websites, energy drink reviewing websites, blogs, email, SMS and the like.
`4849-6597-6586, v.
`Case 2:'l1—Cv—O0760-BCW Document 2
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`That the Court issue an Order at the conclusion of the present matter that all