`(Exceeds 100 pages)
`Proceeding/Serial No: 91 1 953 90
`Filed: 08[05[201O
`37 CER. § 2.117

`i)ii<iit"1‘ D1/\l..\'LIMBlZR:
`(215) 575-7181
`/' / ’f " '4
`JOHN W. Go1.r>sciIM1DT. JR.
`August 2, 2010
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`I’.(). Box 1451
`Alexandria. Virginia 22313-1451
`UCF Trading Company, Ltd. v. UCF America Inc.
`Opposition N0.: 91195390
`Dear Sir:
`In reference to the above-captioned application, enclosed are the following:
`Motion to Suspend Proceedings under 37 CPR. §2.117 (121 pages); and
`a Return postcard.
`is hereby authorized to charge any deficiencies or credit any
`llie Commissioner
`overpayment related to this submission to Deposit Account Number 50-0979.
`5V“ 6
`John Wéolds
`rnidt. Jr.
`Re (st/anon No. 34,828
`Yvv-; _ v». u_ V‘
`1]'I_{ ()/" .1/.»lIlJ,\'(i ('.\'l)/-QR 3}’ ( ' I '.l\’. 3‘ /.5‘
`I hcrcb) ccrtil’) that this correspondence . and all papers and tliiiigs referred to herein as being attached.
`enclosed. transmitted. or otherwise submitted, are being deposited with the US. Postal Service with sufficient
`postage as lirst class mail in an envelope addressed to; Commissioner for 'l radcmarks, A'I 'IN:
`'l'rademarl< Trial and
`Appeal Board. PO. Box 1451, Alexandria. Virginia 22313-1451 on the date shown below:
`Sarah M. Pieeone
`g./._'.*lQr_-.(WV;/;__) 15121“
`875823 1
`Date: ,_\.ugus_t2,_2_0_1O

`Opposition No. 91 195390
`UCF America Inc. (hereinafter “Applicant”), by and through its undersigned
`counsel, Dilworth Paxson LLP, hereby respectfully requests that the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`Board (hereinafter the ‘‘Board’’) suspend proceedings in the above—captioned Opposition
`pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §2.l l7(a).
`On April 1, 2010, Applicant instituted Civil Action No.
`now pending in the District of New Jersey against UCF Trading Company Ltd. (hereinafter
`“Opposer") alleging, among other counts,
`trademark infringement of App1icant’s UNA
`I hereby certify that this correspondence , and all papers and things referred to herein as being attached,
`nclosed, transmitted, or otherwise submitted, are being deposited with the U.S. Postal Service with sufficient
`stage a first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451, Alexandria,
`31 -145 1 ,AT TN: Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, on the date set forth below:
`Date: August 2, 2010
`h M. Picconc

`trademark. Copies of the Complaint filed by Applicant, as well as the Answer and Counterclaim
`filed by Opposer, and the Answer to the Counterclaim filed by Applicant in the District Court
`action are attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`On or about June 21, 2010, Opposer filed with the Board a Notice of Opposition
`the registration of Applicant’s United States Trademark Application Serial No.
`77/894,609 (hereinafter “Application”) for the UNA mark. The Notice of Opposition alleges,
`among other claims, that Applicant’s use of the UNA mark is likely to cause the public to be
`confused, mistaken or deceived as to the origin of Opposer’s and Applicant’s goods.
`37 C.F.R. § 2.1 l7(a) provides that:
`Whenever it shall come to the attention of the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board that a party or parties to a pending case are engaged
`in a civil action .
`. which may have a bearing on the case
`proceedings before the Board may be suspended until termination
`of the civil action .
`Inasmuch as the parties to the instant Opposition are engaged in a civil action in
`the District of New Jersey which addresses the same issue of confusion regarding the use of the
`UNA mark currently alleged in the instant Opposition (the disposition of which would have a
`direct bearing on the proceeding now before the Board), Applicant respectfully requests that,
`pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.117(a), the instant Opposition be suspended until termination of the
`civil action now pending in the District of New Jersey.
`In addition, suspension of the instant
`proceeding at this time may result in the economies of time and money to the Board and to the
`the foregoing reasons, Applicant, UCF America,
`respectfully requests that:
`(a) the instant Opposition No. 91195390 be suspended until

`termination of Civil Action No.
`l0—CV—01675-RMB-JS now pending in the District of New
`Jersey; and (b) upon the termination of Civil Action No. 10-CV-01675-RMB-JS, the Board reset
`the trial dates set forth in the Board’s notice dated June 23, 2010, including the time for
`Applicant to respond to Opposer’s Notice of Opposition.
`The Commissioner is herby authorized to charge any fees associated with this
`Motion to Deposit Account No. 50-0979.
`Respectfully submitted,
`John WK/Aéoldrschmliflt, Jr., Esquire
`’ Registrfiion No. 34,828
`Phillip J. Foret, Esquire
`Registration No. 51,689
`1500 Market Street, Suite 3500E
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
`Phone: 215-575-7000
`Fax: 215-575-7200
`Dated: August 2, 2010
`Attorneysfor Applicant, UCF America Inc.

`Opposition No. 91195390
`I, John W. Goldschmidt, Jr, Esquire, do hereby certify that I have, this 2ND day of August,
`2010. served the following with a true and correct copy of Applicant’s Motion to Suspend
`Proceedings Under 37 CPR. §2.1l7 by United States mail:
`Edward D. Manzo, Esquire
`Husch Blackwell Sanders Welsh & Kat’/. LLP
`120 South Riverside Plaza
`Suite 2200
`Chicago, Il 60606
`John w. G/' ldgchmidt, 'Jr.


`Case 1:10—cv—O1675—RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page ‘I of21 PagelD: 1
`N0. 10—CV-
`Plaintitl”. U(‘l" /\merica lne. (hereinafter "Plaintifl‘”). by its undersigned counsel alleges
`for its complaint against defendants. 7./\'l‘ Parts International. Inc. and UCF Trading Company
`l,td. (collecti\'el_\' relerred to herein as “I)ci‘endants"). as follows:
`l’laintil'l‘is a corporation \vith its principal place of business at I025 Busch
`lliglmay. Pennsauken. New Jersey 08110.
`For over 25 years Plaintiff has been one of the
`leading providers ol' the highest quality leal" springs, spindles. bearings, castings, and other
`related running gear components available to the light and medium duty trailer industries.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant '/./\'l‘ Parts International.
`lnc. is a
`corporation with its principal place otihusiness at 25l6 Industrial Park Drive, Suite C, (ioshen.
`Indiana 46526 (hereinalter “ZA'l“").

`Case 1:10—ev~O‘|675-RMB —JS Doeumentl
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 2 of21 PagelD: 2
`Upon information and belief. ZAT is engaged in the business ofproviding
`leaf springs. hubs. drums. spindles, electric brakes to the trailer and other industries. Upon
`information and belief. [AT is found and/or transaets business within the District ofNc\\ Jersey.
`Upon information and belief. I)efendant UCI’ Trading Company Ltd.
`is a
`corporation incorporated in the Commonxxcalth of the Bahamas with its principal place of
`business at Bahamas Financial Center. 3” Floor, Shirley and Charlotte Streets, PO. Box T\l—40l 0,
`.\lassau_ Bahamas (hereinafter “Trading").
`Upon information and belief. Trading is engaged in the business of
`providing leafsprings to ()liM axle manufacturers and to the mobile home trailer industry. Upon
`information and belief. Trading is found and/or transacts business within the District ofNew
`This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter ofthis action pursuant
`to 28 U.S.C. §§ 133 l. I338. and l367. as this action arises under the Lanham Trademark Act. 15
`U.S.C. § l()5l cl .m/.. and common law trademark infringement. unfair competition and the New
`Jersey /\nti—Dilution statute.
`Venue is properly laid in this jurisdiction pursuant to the 28 U.S.(‘. §§
`|3‘)l(b) and/or l3‘)l(c) in that. upon information and belief. the Defendants regularly conduct
`business in this District, and/or are subject to personal jurisdiction in this District.

`Case 1:10—cv—01675—RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 3 of2’| Page|D: 3
`Plaintiff’s Adoption and Use of the
`UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numberin-I System
`Plaintiff was incorporated in 1985 and. since that
`time, has grown to
`become one ol‘ the countiys leading suppliers oi" high quality lcaiisprings, spindles. bearings.
`castings. and other related running gear components available to the light and medium duty
`trailer industries.
`Also in 1985. l’|aintili" adopted and began using a parts numbering system
`in connection with the promotion and sale of Plaintift”s products including leaf spring products.
`lihis numbering system incorporates a prelix comprising the letter string "UNA" (l1C]”Cll‘l£liiC1‘ the
`"UNA Mark") followed by a three digit number (eg. UNA-222) (hereinafter referred to as the
`“UNA Parts Numbering System"). Attached hereto as lixhibit A are screenshots of l’laintifl‘s
`\\ebsite which show current representative usages ot'Plaintit‘l‘s UNA parts numbers.
`Since at least as early as 1985, Plaintiff has extensively and continuously
`used in interstate and loreign commerce the UNA l\/lark and UNA Parts Numbering S) stem in
`connection with its leaf springs and other products.
`including over one hundred light and
`medium duty multiple leal‘ springs and drop spindles for light and medium duty suspension
`I 1,
`Plaintiff has garnered substantial. nationvvide rights in the UNA Mark and
`UNA Parts Numbering System by virtue oi" its extensive use olithc UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System in connection with its leaf springs and other products.
`l’laintift‘s leaf springs and other products sold under the UNA Mark and
`in connection with the UNA Parts Numbering System. have been extensively and continuously
`offered to the general public. including but not limited to axle manufacturers including mobile

`Case 1:10-ev—0‘|675—RMB —JS Doeumentt
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 4 of21 PagelD: 4
`home axle manufacturers. trailer manufacttircrs. distributors. and recyclers. and particularly to
`the light and medium duty trailer industries.
`Plaintiff has also extensively advertised its leaf springs and other products
`under the lll\',»\ Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System throughout the United States and to
`such business concerns.
`By reason of such advertising since at
`least as early as W85.
`promotion in industry-wide publications and at trade shows. through its website. as well as in
`catalogues. brochures. price lists.
`sales quotations. purchase orders,
`invoices and other
`inzirketing. promotional and sales materials. as well as though its extensive sales of l’laintil‘l’s
`leal‘ springs and other products under the UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System, the
`public has come to recognize the UNA l\/lark and UNA Parts Numbering System. as signifying
`l’laintil'l' and its products.
`In this regard. Plaintilif has built up extensive goodwill in connection
`with the sale and advertising of its goods under the UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering
`Defendant ZAT’s Website
`Upon information and belief. Defendant ZAT commenced doing business
`in 200‘) by advertising. offering for sale, and selling certain suspension components including
`lealsprings by using the llNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System.
`Upon information and belief. [AT is the current registrant ofthe domain
`\\ \\ \\'./atpartscom.
`Upon information and belief. ZAT acquired the registration ior the
`m\ domain on or about September 4, 2009.

`Case 1:10-cv-01675-RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 5 of21 Page|D: 5
`Upon information and belief, /.A'l‘ operates and/or controls the operation
`ofthe website located at the \v\ domain (herinafter the “KAT Website“).
`Upon information and belief.
`'/‘AT has been advertising. selling and/or
`offering for sale leafsprings and other products through the ZAT Website.
`Defendant ZAT’s Infringing Activities
`Attached hereto as [ixhibit B are copies of certain pages from the [AT
`Website which depict information related to certain leaf springs offered for sale by ZAT. The
`attached pages alone set forth in excess ofthirty references to leaf springs which use Plaintiffs
`UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System to identify the leaf springs offered.
`in many cases, the leaf springs identified by Plaintiffs UNA Mark and
`UNA Parts Numbering System in lixhibit B appear under a column entitled “ZAT Part Number.“
`Plaintiffhas not authorized Defendant ZAT to use either the UNA Mark or
`UNA Parts Numbering System in connection with the sale or advertising of Defendant '/.AT's
`Upon information and belief. Defendant ZAT has sold and/or offered for
`sale in commerce regulated by (‘ongress leafsprings bearing the UNA Mark and/or by otherwise
`using the UNA Parts Numbering System.
`Upon information and belief, the leaf springs sold and/or offered for sale
`by Defendant '/AT under the UNA l\/lark and UNA Parts Numbering System are of inferior
`quality to that of the leaf springs sold by Plaintiff under the UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System.

`Case 1:10-cv-O1675—RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 6 of 21 PagelD: 6
`Upon information and belief, both Plaintiff and Defendant [AT compete
`for the same class ofconsumcrs. At the \’Cl‘}' least. Plaintiffs and Defendant ZA'l'”s leafsprings
`associated \\ ith the UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System are the sort which consumers
`would assume. and liave assumed. a commonality ofsource. affiliation. or sponsorship ifsold or
`offered in connection with the same or similar marks.
`Plaintiffs Notices oflnfringcment
`During a telephone call
`in December of 2009. Plaintiffs President
`informed Trading”s President and Chief lixceutivc ()ffiecr, Mr. Robert Gagnon, that Plaintiff
`was the owner ofthc UNA Mark and UNA Parts Ntimbering System.
`Upon information and belief. subsequent to the December 2009 telephone
`call. Trading took affirmative steps to discontinue Trading’s use of the UNA Mark and UNA
`Parts Numbering System,
`By letter dated January 22. 2010. attached hereto as Exhibit C, Plaintifl'.
`through its counsel. contacted ZAT to advise /AT of Plaintiffs rights in the UNA Mark and
`UNA Parts Numbering System and to demand that 7,A'f immediately discontinue ZAT‘s use of
`Plaintiffs UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System.
`Notwithstanding Plaintilfs longstanding and extensive prior use. by letter
`dated January 29. 2010. attached hereto as Exhibit I), /‘AT. through its counsel representing both
`Defendant ZAT and Defendant Trading. refused to discontinue its use of the UNA Mark and
`UNA Parts Numbering System based upon an unsubstantiated claim that Defendant Trading "is
`the lawful owner ofthe mark UNA, and any ownership claims by [Plaintiff] to the UNA mark
`are completely unfounded.
`[Defendant Trading] has used the UNA mark for many decades.”

`Case 1:10-cv—O1675—RMB ~.JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 7 of 21 Page|D: 7
`By letter dated february 25. 2010. attached hereto as Exhibit E. Plaintiff
`denied both l)efendant Trading”s unsubstantiated claim of ownership and prior use oftlte UNA
`Mark and llNA Parts Numbering System and reiterated Plaintiffs continuous use of the UNA
`.\/lark and UNA Parts Numbering System since the 1980s.
`In fact, Plaintiff pointed out that
`Defendant Trading could not have used the UNA Mark or UNA Parts Numbering System prior
`to Plaintiffsince Defendant Trading was not formed as an entity until the late l9‘)0‘s.
`3 l.
`Defendants [AT and Trading claim use ofthe UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System prior to that of Plaintiff as a result of alleged use by Defendant Trading"s
`alleged predecessors in interest. See Defendants’ letter dated March 2. 2010. attached hereto as
`l€xhibit F.
`Upon information and belief. neither Defendant ZAT nor Defendant
`Trading. either itself or through any predecessor in interest. has used prior to Plaintiffthe UNA
`Mark or UNA Parts Numbering Systcm,.
`Upon information and belief. neither
`l)efendant ZAT nor Defendant
`Trading. either itself or through any predecessor in interest. has continuously used the UNA
`Mark or UNA Parts Numbering System since Plaintiffs lirst Lise of the UNA Mark or UNA
`Parts l\'umbering System.
`Upon information and belief. to the extent that Defendant Trading and/or
`Defendant Tradings alleged predecessors in interest ever used the [INA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System. Defendant Trading and/or Defendant Trading's predecessors in interest
`discontinued Lise ofthe UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System without the intention to

`Case 1:10—cv—O1675—RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 8 of 21 PagelD: 8
`Upon information and belief. to the extent that Defendant Trading and/or
`Defendant 'l‘rading‘s alleged predecessors in interest ever owned the UNA Mark and Ui\'A Parts
`Numbering System. Defendant Trading and/or Defendant
`'l‘rading's predecessors in interest
`acquiesced in l’laintifl‘s use ofthe UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System.
`Upon information and belief to the extent that Defendant Trading and/or
`Defendant Trading‘s alleged predecessors in interest ever owned the UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System, Defendant Trading and/or Defendant Trading"s predecessors in interest did
`not exercise supervision or control over Plaintiffs use of the UNA Mark and UNA Parts‘
`Numbering System.
`Defendant Trading’s Infringing Activities
`Upon information and belief, and notwithstanding Plaintiffs longstanding
`prior rights in the UNA Mark and UNA Parts i\'umbering System and statements made during
`the December 2009 telephone conversation. Defendant Trading. with full knowledge of
`l’laintifl‘s prior rights. filed United States Trademark Application Serial No. 77/927878 for the
`UNA lylark for use in connection with "Ll-IAF SPRINGS AND Rl{l.ATliD SUSPF.NSl()N
`C( )l\'l|’()Nl{NTS" (hereinafter "Defendant Trading’s Trademark /\pplication").
`Upon information and belief. Defendant 'frading’s Trademark Application
`was tiled in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on or about February 4. 2010.
`Defendant Trading’s Trademark Application affirmatively claims a date of
`first use and lirst use in commerce ofthe UNA Mark oflanuary 1. I986.
`Defendant Trading’s Trademark Application affirmatively states that the
`UNA mark is “now in use“ by Defendant Trading.

`Case 1:tO—cv-01675-RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 9 of 21 PagelD: 9
`Defendant Trading's claimed date of first use of the UNA \/lark in
`l)elendant '|‘rading‘s Trademark Application is a date later than Plaintiffs established date of
`lirst use ofthe UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System.
`Defendant Tradittgs Trademark Application affirmatively states that
`“'Applicz1nt|i.e. Defendant 'l‘rading_| claims rights superior to those identified in the Intent to Use
`Application Serial No. 77894600."
`Defendant Trading‘s Trademark Application affirmatively states that
`"[t]he Applicant [i.e. Defendant Trading] is submitting one specimen(s) showing the mark [i.e.
`UN/\| as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in the class oflisted goods and/or
`services [i.e.
`leaf springs and related suspension components]. consisting of a(n) digital
`photographs [sic] ofthe mark as used."
`Upon information and beliel’.
`the specimen submitted with Defendant
`'l‘rading‘s Trademark Application is a photograph ofa leafspring bearing the designation "UNA-
`Plaintiff has not authoriyed Defendant Trading to use either the [INA
`Mark or UNA Parts Numbering System in connection with the sale or advertising of Defendant
`'l‘rading's products.
`Upon information and belief. Defendant Trading has sold and/or offered
`for sale in commerce regulated by Congress leaf springs bearing the UNA Mark and/or by
`otherwise using the UNA Parts Numbering System.
`Upon information and belief. both Plaintiff and Defendant Trading
`compete for the same class ofconsumers. At the very least, Plaintiffs and Defendant Trading”s
`leaf springs associated with the UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System are the sort
`xsiusm I

`Case 1:10—Cv—O1675—RMB —JS Document ‘I
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 10 of2’| PagelD: 10
`which consumers \\ould assume. and have assumed. a commonality of source. afiilizttion. or
`sponsorship ifsold or oliliered in connection with the same or similar marks.
`Notwithstanding l’laintifl‘s longstanding prior rights in the UNA Mark
`and UNA Parts Numbering System and statements made during the December 2009 telephone
`conversation. through its counsel. declared to the United States Patent and Trademark Otitice in
`l)et'endant 'l‘rading‘s Trademark Application that "he/she believes the applicant to be the owner
`olithe trademark/ser\'ice mark sought to be registered, or, if the application is being filed under
`I5 U.S.(‘. Section l()5l(b). he/she believes applicant
`to be entitled to use such mark in
`commerce: to the best of his/her knowledge and belief no other person, firm, corporation, or
`association has the right to use the mark in commerce. either in the identical form thereof or in
`such near
`resemblance thereto as to be likely. when used on or
`in connection with the
`goods/services ol‘ such other person. to cause confusion. or to cause mistake. or to deceive; and
`that all statements made oi‘ his/her own knowledge are true; and that all statements made on
`iI1lt)l‘mLtll0n and be|ielat"c believed to be true.“
`Plaintiliti incorporates b} t'etcrei1ce Paragraphs 1
`through 48 above as set
`forth full} herein.
`Plaintilitis UNA Mark and UN/\ Parts Numbering System are valid and
`proteetable marks and designations oforigin.
`Plaintitt has used in connection with leaf springs Plaintiffs UNA Mark
`and UNA Parts Numbering System in commerce regulated by Congress prior to either Detendant

`Case 1:10—Cv—O1675—RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 11 of21 PagelD: 11
`[A l“s or Defendant Trading's first use ofthe UNA Mark and/or UNA Pans Numbering System
`in connection with leatsprings.
`Through extensive el'l'orts by Plairitiff.
`the UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System have come to ha\'e significance in the mind of the relevant
`trade and
`purchasing public as
`indicators‘ of products originating with. sponsored by. or 0tl1Cl'\\iSL:
`associated with Plaintilili.
`/4A’|“s and Defendant Tradingis products are
`in direct
`competition with Plaintifl‘s products.
`Defendant Z/\T”s and Defendant Trading’s products are otTei'cd and/or
`rendered to the same or similar class of consumers and/or purchasing public as are Plaintil’l”s
`'/.A'l“s and Defendant
`'l‘rading's leaf spring products are
`olicred and/or delivered through the same or similar channels oi‘ trade as are Plaintil'l‘s leaf‘
`spring products.
`Plaintitl has never authorized or consented to either Defendant ZATCS or
`Delendant Trading‘s activities. alleged herein.
`Because Defendant /AT and i)elendant Trading have each adopted and
`used in commerce identical marks used lirst in the market by l’laintit‘t”_ customers and potential
`customers are likely to believe. and may have already believed. in error that the products offered
`by Deliendant ZAT and Defendant Trading are products offered by Plaintiff.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant [AT and Defendant Trading have
`each represented. advertised and/or otherwise misled the consuming public in commercial

`Case 1:iO—cv—O1675—RMB —JS Doeumenti
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 12 of21 Page|D: 12
`advertising that l’laintifl‘s llNA Parts Numbering System is a parts numbering system other\visc
`on ned or permissibly used by Defendant /.AT and/or Defendant Trading.
`The actions of Defendants alleged herein are likely to confuse, cause
`inistake. mislead and/or deceive the relevant public as to the origin. sponsorship or approval of
`l)efendants‘ services. or commercial activities. and/or that Plaintiffand Defendants are affiliated.
`connected to. or associated with each other in violation of Section 43(a)(l)(A) of the l.anham
`Trademarl\' Act of T946. as amended. l5 U.S.C. § ll25(a)( l )(A).
`The actions of [)efendant ZAT and Defendant Trading alleged herein
`constitute the use of a false or misleading description of fact. and/or a false or misleading
`representation of fact
`in commercial advertising or promotion. misrepresenting the nature,
`characteristics. and/or qualities. or geographic origin of Defendant /.AT and Defendant Trading
`products and/or commercial activities in violation of Section 43(a)( l )(B) of the Ianham
`'lra.demarl\’ Act of I046. as amended. 15 U.S.C.§ I l25(a)( l )(B).
`The conduct ofeach ofDefcndant [AT and Defendant Trading has caused
`substantial and irreparable injury to the rights of Plaintiff and its UNA Mark and UNA Pans
`Numbering System. as well as to its business. reputation. and goodwill.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law. Plaintiff \\ill continue to stiffer
`damages as a result of Defendant Z/\T‘s and Defendant Trading’s individual and collective
`actions. unless both Defendant ZAT and Defendant Trading are enjoined and restrained.
`Plaintiff incorporates by reference Paragraphs l
`through 62 above as set
`forth fully herein.

`Case 1:10-ev-O1675—RMB -J8 Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 13 of 21 Page|D: 13
`Plaintil‘l‘s UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System are valid and
`proteeutble marks and designations oforigin.
`Plaintiff used its UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System in
`commerce prior to either Defendant 7.A'l"s or Defendant Trading”s first use ofthc UNA Mark or
`UNA Parts Numbering System in connection with its products.
`Plaintillis a \\'ell—established New Jersey corporation which provides high
`quality leal‘ springs and spindles in interstate commerce using its UNA Mark or UNA Parts
`Numbering System.
`Through extensive ellorts by Plaintiff.
`its UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System have come to have significance in the mind of the relevant
`trade and
`purchasing public as
`indicators of products originating with, sponsored by. or otherwise
`associated with Plaintiff‘.
`liaeh of Defendant ZAT‘s and Defendant Trading"s products are in direct
`competition vx ith Plaintil‘l‘s products.
`liaeh of Defendant ZAT‘s and Defendant Trading”s products are ollered
`and/or rendered to the same or similar class ol‘ consumers and/or purchasing public as are
`Plaintil'l‘s products.
`liaeh of Defendant ZA'l“s and Defendant Trading’s products are ollered
`and/or delivered through the same or similar channels oftrade as are l’laintilT‘s products.
`Despite Plainti1‘Ts prior trademark rights. Defendant '/.AT and Defendant
`lrading have each adopted and used ViI'1Llall}’ identical marks which were used first in the market
`by Plaintill. This use is likely to. and may have already, caused considerable confusion, mistake,
`and/or deception as to the origin ofservices offered by Plaintiff’.

`Case 1:10—ev—O1675—RMB —JS Document ‘I
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 14 of21 PagelD: 14
`Faeh of Defendant Z/\'l“s and Delendant Trading‘s acts of infringentent
`of the UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System have been committed within the
`jurisdiction ol'this (‘ourt and have been committed in other jurisdictions throughout the United
`The actions of Delendant
`/,AT and Defendant Trading alleged herein
`individually and collectively constitute state and common law infringement of P|aintilTs UNA
`l\4ark and UNA Parts Numbering System.
`The actions of" Delendant ZAT and Defendant Trading alleged herein
`individually and collectively constitute infringement ol‘l’lainti1“1"s UNA Mark and TIN-'\ Parts
`Numbering System under N.J.S.A. §56:4—l.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at
`law. The individual and collective
`actions ol‘ Detentlant ZAT and Delendant Trading have caused, and will continue to cause.
`substantial and irreparable injury to Plaintil'l' unless enjoined by this Court.
`(f()UNT III
`Plaintifili incorporates by ret”erence Paragraphs I
`through 75 above as set
`forth lully herein.
`l’laintit‘l‘s UNA l\/larlt and UNA Parts Numbering System are valid and
`proteetable inarks and designations oforigin.
`l’laintil‘t' used its UNA Mark and UNA Parts Numbering System in
`commerce prior to either Defendant '/4A'l"s or Defendant Trading’s lirst use ofthe UNA Mark or
`U\l/\ Parts Numbering System in connection with its products.

`Case 1:10—ev—01675—RMB -JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 15 of 21 PagelD: 15
`Through extensive efforts by Plaintiff.
`its UNA Mark and UNA Parts
`Numbering System have come to have significance in the mind of the relevant
`trade and
`purchasing public as
`indicators of products originating with, sponsored by. or otherwise
`associated with Plaintiff.
`Defendant 7./\T‘s and Defendant
`'frading's products are
`in direct
`competition with Plaintiff's products.
`Defendant Z/\'l"s and Defendant 'frading’s products are offered and/or
`rendered to the same or similar class of consumers and/or purchasing public as are Plaintiffs
`liaeh of Defendant Z/\'l“s and Defendant Trading"s products are offered
`and/or delivered through the same or similar channels oftrade as are Plaintift’s products.
`Because each of Defendant [AT and Defendant Trading has adopted
`virtually identical marks used first in the marltet by Plaintiff. customers and potential customers
`are liltely to believe. and indeed may have already believed.
`in error that products offered by
`each of Defendant ZAT and l)efendant Trading are the services offered by Plaintiff.
`Upon information and belief. Defendant /AT and Defendant Trading have
`each represented. advertised and/or otherwise misled the consuming public in commercial
`advertising that Plaintiffs UNA Parts Numbering System is a parts numbering system otherwise
`owned or permissibl_v used by Defendant Z/\'l‘ and/or Defendant Trading.
`The individual and collective actions of Defendant [AT and l)efcndant
`Trading alleged herein. which upon information and belief were committed with the intent to
`deceive the public. are likely to confuse. mislead and/or deceive the relevant public as to the
`origin. sponsorship or approval of Defendants‘ products or commercial activities. and/or that

`Case 1:10—cv—O1675-RMB —JS Document 1
`Filed 04/01/10 Page 16 of21 Page|D: 16
`Plaintiffand Defendant ZAT and/or [)efendant Trading are affiliated. connected to. or associated
`\\ ith each other. in \ iolation ofN.J.S.A. § 5():4—l.
`The individual and collective actions of Defendant [AT and l)efcndant
`frading alleged herein constitute the willful Lise of a false and misleading description or
`inisrepresentation of fact as to the nature. characteristic. and quality of its products with the
`intent to deceive the public in violation ofN..l.S.A. § 5614-1.
`The individual and collective conduct of l)efendant [AT and Defendant
`lrading has caused substantial and irreparable injury to the rights of Plaintiff and its UNA Mark
`and UNA Parts Numbering System as well as to its business. reputation. and goodwill.
`Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at

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