Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`EnviroGLAS, LLC
`PLANO, TX 75093
`Motion to Suspend for Civil Action
`James C. Mosser
`/James C. Mosser/
`Motion to Suspend- Enviroslab.pdf ( 5 pages )(138681 bytes )
`Plaintiffs Amended Complaint.pdf ( 75 pages )(2092662 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

`American Terrazzo Company Ltd.,
`EnviroGLAS, LLC,



`Serial No.: 76/686,343
`Filed: January 31, 2008
`Pubiished: June 16, 2009
`E Opposition No. 91192206
`Applicant EnviroGi_AS, LLC fiies this motion to suspend Opposer American
`Terrazzo Company Ltd.’s opposition pending the outcome of litigation in the United
`States District Court for the Northern District of Texas.
`Opposer is American Terrazzo Company Ltd.; Applicant is EnviroGi_AS, LLC.
`American Terrazzo Company Ltd. initiated an opposition against EnviroGi_AS,
`Li.C‘s Application Seriai No. 76/686,343 for the mark ENVEROSLAB.
`The subject application was filed on January 31, 2008 pursuant to Section 1(b)
`of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1051 (b), based on a bona tide intention to
`use the mark in commerce.
`The subject application was pubiisheci for opposition on June 9, 2009. After their
`request for an extension of time was granted, American Terrazzo Company filed
`their opposition on October 7, 2009.
`Because litigation arising out of the same operative set of facts, the same
`Applicant EnviroGLAS Ltdfs Motion to Pending Litigation in Federai District Court—Enviroslab
`i of 5

`transactions, and the same occurrences is aiready pending in another forum, the
`Board should suspend this opposition.
`Argument & Authority
`American Terrazzo sued EnviroGi_AS, LLC in the United States District Court for
`the Northern District of Texas, Dailas Division, on February 10, 2009, styled Civil
`Action No. 3:0-—-cv-00265-G, fo-r nineteen different claims, including:
`False or Fraudulent Representation to the USPTO;
`Declaratory Judgment as to the ownership of the "EnviroGi_AS"
`Vioiations of the Lanham Act; and
`Various ciaims arising out of soured reiations between EnviroGLAS, LLC's
`President, Tim Whaiey, and American Terrazzo Company.
`Attached as Exhibit A is a copy of American Terrazzo Company's petition in that
`suit. That lawsuit and the present Opposition proceeding involve the same
`parties and the same underiying issues, although the named trademark in that
`suit is not the same as in this Opposition.
`Both this Opposition and that suit invoive disputes about the circumstances
`under which Tim Whaiey—EnviroGLAS, Li_C‘s President~——|eft American
`Terrazzo Company to form his own company. The suit in the Nort-hern District of
`Texas wilt be examining whether Whaiey and EnviroGLAS, LLC acted
`fraudulentiy toward American Terrazzo Company and toward the USPTO. That
`court wiii also determine whether EnviroGi_AS, LLC is the proper owner of the
`"EnviroGi_AS" Trademark.
`Applicant EnviroGLAS Ltd.'s Motion to Pending Litigation in Federai District Court—Enviroslab
`2 of 5

`in order to decide the issues in the case before it the Northern District of Texas
`wili necessariiy decide issues which are pertinent in this case, such as the truth
`behind the allegations that American Terrazzo Company made in its Notice of
`Opposition. That court wili make findings of fact and law which wouid be directly
`applicabie to these proceedings.
`The veracity of Opposer’s ailegations are material to this Opposition proceeding.
`Two concurrent proceedings couid lead to inconsistent factual and iegal findings
`between this Board and the Court in the Northern District of Texas.
`it is appropriate for this Board to stay or suspend this Opposition proceeding
`pending the outcome of the litigation in the District Court. in DwineIl—Wright Co. v.
`National Fruit Product Go. there was iitigation over five trademarks. The iitigation
`began in federai district court. 129 F.2d 848, 853 (1st Cir. 1942). The defendant
`in that litigation subsequentiy filed a cancellation proceeding. The plaintiff asked
`the examiner in charge for a stay pending the outcome of the federai district
`court litigation, and shortly thereafter asked the federai district court for
`injunction. Although the stay-—-—which the examiner had originally granted——was
`vacated by the Assistant Commissioner of Patents, the injunction was granted,
`halting the action before the USPTO.
`in Dwineil-Wright, the First Circuit Court of Appeals noted that “it is just as
`harassing and vexatious, and there is just as much waste and duplication of
`effort involved in twice trying the same issue between the same parties whether
`the second trial is before an administrative tribunai or before a court..." id.
`13. While this action is different because the Trademark at issue before this Board is
`Applicant EnviroGLAS t_td.’s Motion to Pending Litigation in Federai District Court—Enviros|ab
`3 of 5

`not the same as the Trademark in the litigation in federal district court, the same
`nucleus of operative fact, the same transactions, and the same occurrences give
`rise to both proceedings.
`in order to prevent this Board, and the federal district
`court, from hearing duplicitous testimony, and anatyzing nearly identical
`arguments, this Board shouid suspend the pending Opposition proceeding.
`The underlying controversy in this Opposition is aiready pending in the United
`States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. This Board should
`suspend this Opposition.
`For these reasons, EnvtroGLAS, LLC asks the Board to grant the Appiicant’s
`Motion to Suspend, or in the alternative, to toll the time for EnviroGi_AS, LLC's
`Response to the American Terrazzo Company's Opposition during the Boards
`review and consideration of this Motion.
`Date: 13
`ember 2009
`a Ias Parkway, Suite 290
`exas 75248
`Telephone: (972) 733-3223
`Facsimile: (972) 267-5072
`Appiicant EnviroGLAS Ltd.'s Motion to Pending Litigation in Federal District Court—Envirosiab
`4 of 5

`American Terrazzo Company Ltd.,
`EnviroGLAS, LLC,



`Serial No.: 76/686,343
`Filed: January 3'E, 2008
`Published: June 16, 2009
`§ Opposition No. 91192206

`The undersigned hereby certifies that on this 13”‘ day of November, 2009, a copy
`of the foregoing Applicant's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suspend Pending
`Litigation in Federai District Court was sewed via first class maii, postage prepaid, on
`the following:
`David A. Bell
`Manjuia N. Variyam
`2323 Victory Avenue, Suite 700
`Dallas, Texas 75219
`C. Mosser,
`re} Applicant H
`Appticant EnviroGLAS Ltdfs Motion to Pending Litigation in Federal District Court—Enviros|ab
`5 of 5

`Case 3:O9—CV-Ob.«_o'5—G Document 8
`Filed O4/O9/2on9
`Page 1 of 30
`Civil Action No. 3:O9—cv-00265—G
`Jury Trial Demanded



`§ § § §
`(Jury Trial Demanded)
`Plaintiffs EnviroGLAS Products, Inc. (“EnviroGLAS”), Darin Flabiano, Brandon
`F labiano, Brenton Flabiano, Wilton Flabiano, and American Terrazzo Company, Ltd. (“ATC”),
`by and through their attorneys, and for their complaint against Defendants EnviroGLAS, LLC
`(“EGL”) and Timothy Whaley, allege as follows:
`This case centers on the reprehensible conduct of EnviroGLAS’s former
`president, Defendant Timothy Wlialey. Whaley stole virtually all of EnviroGLAS’s assets and
`converted them for the use of his new1y—created competing venture, Defendant EGL, that he
`started while he was still an officer, director, and 50% simreizolder ofEnvimGLAS. Defendant
`Whaley egregiously breached his fiduciary duties in unlawfully appropriating EnviroGLAS’s
`assets and, after he resigned, he stole EnviroGLAS’s money directlyfrom its bank accounts.
`D—E 737Ulfi_l DOC; 33780.4
`Page I

`Case 3:o9—cv—o'u2es':3-G Document 8
`Filed 04/09/2uu9
`Page 2 of 30
`also continued to contact EnviroGLAS’s customers and vendors after he resigned, and led them
`to believe that they were still dealing with EnviroGLAS. Plaintiffs are entitled to recover both
`actual and exemplary damages as a result of Wlialey’s flagrant misconduct.
`Piaintiff EnviroGLAS is a Texas corporation with its principal office at 309 Gold
`Street, Garland, Texas 75042. EnviroGLAS is a closely-held corporation within the meaning of
`the Texas Business Corporation Act article 5.l4(L).
`ATC is a Texas Limited Partnership with its principai office at 309 Gold Street,
`Garland, Texas 75042.
`Plaintiffs Darin Flabiano, Brandon Flabiano, Brenton Flabianc, and Wilton
`Flabiano (collectively, the “Flabianos”) are Texas residents and collectively represent all of the
`shareholders in Plaintiff EnviroGLAS with the exception of Defendant Wlialey.
`Defendant EnviroGLAS, LLC is a Texas 1nember—managecl limited liability
`company with a principal office at 7704 San iacinto Place, #200, Plano, Texas 75024. EGL may
`be served by serving its sole member and registered agent, Timothy Whaley, at 7704 San Jacinto
`Place, #200, Plano, Texas 75024.
`Defendant Timothy Whaley is an individual residing in the State of Texas. Mr.
`Whaley may be served with process at 7704 San Jacinto Place, #200, Plano, Texas 75024 or at
`such other place within the State of Texas as he may be found.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 because it
`arises under the laws of the United States. In addition, this Court has subject matter jurisdiction
`D~I737016W].DDC; 33780.4
`Page 2

`Case 3:09‘CV"OULU5"G Document 8
`Filed 04/O9/2ou.~3
`Page 4 of 30
`the product, and allowed the ATC name and brand to become associated with the product. In
`addition, ATC used its resources and know—hoW to manufacture the product.
`In 2003, the Flabianos and Whaley consummated their partnership by forming
`EuviroGLAS. EnviroGLAS’s purpose would he to create and market the new surface.
`EnviroGLAS was registered with the Texas Secretary of State on July 9, 2003.
`The majority of the discussions regarding the formation of EnviroGLAS occurred
`at American Terrazzo’s offices in Garland, Texas, or by Whaley’s teiephone cails with ATC’s
`offices in Garland, Texas. Whaley traveled to ATC’s offices on a number of occasions during
`the parties’ negotiations and during their co-ownership of EnviroGLAS. In fact, W"haley’s
`primary office was iocated in ATC’s offices in Garland during his time with EnviroGLAS.
`The parties agreed that Whaley wouid serve as the president of EnviroGLAS, and
`would work for EnviroGLAS fisll time. The Flabianos vested Whaley with almost totai control
`of EnviroGLAS’s day—to-day activities.
`in reliance on Whaiey’s representations that he would be dedicated to
`EnviroGLAS and would work for its benefit, ATC and the Flabianos infused almost $1 million
`into the company, purchasing, among other things, domain names for a website (the
`“EnviroGLAS Doniain Names”), telephone numbers, and office equipment, as weil as paying
`salaries and various legal fees.
`As with most new ventures, EnviroGLAS took some time to catch on. During
`EnviroGLAS’s infancy, ATC continued to infiuse cash into the company because it believed in
`the product, and was convinced that its investment would pay off over the long term.
`18. Whaley had other plans, however. Unbeknownst to Plaintiffs, Whaley was, from
`the very beginning, plotting to wrest the venture away from them and to deprive them of the
`value of their investments. His plan was to allow ATC and the Flabianos to fund EnviroGLAS
`D-I737(}l6_l DOC; 33780.4
`Page 4

`Case 3:09—cv-0U4d5—G Document 8
`Filed 04/O9/2uu9
`Page 5 of 30
`in its fledgling years. During that time, he would become the “face” of the EnviroGi.,AS
`business on the commercial side. Then, once the market was developed and the business was
`capable of supporting itself, Whaiey intended to start his own competing busiiiesswusirig the
`EnviroGLAS name, no less—to which he would take EnviroGLAS’s customers, its inventory,
`and, incredibly, even its office equipment. To accomplish his purposes, Whaley would engage in
`self-dealing, diverting corporate assets, and usurping corporate opportunities.
`As ATC and the Flabianos anticipated, over time EnviroGLAS’s business grew,
`as consumers began to seek cost-effective, stylish, and environmentally-friendly flooring and
`countertop alternatives.
`EnviroGLAS was poised to capitalize on the emerging demand for the
`EnviroGLAS product when Whaley began to implement his plans to steal the business away.
`First, he submitted a patent application for the flooring (the “EnviroGLAS
`Patent”) and trademark application (the “EnviroGLAS Trademark”) in his own name, even
`though he knew that EnviroGLAS and/or ATC was the true owner of this inteilectual property.
`In fact, he used EnvfI‘0GLASflH1dS (by submitting receipts for reimbursernetit to ATC’s offices)
`to pay iegal fees reiated to these applications, and used EnviroGLAS’s ftmds to hire a “trademark
`protection agency”'to prevent infringement. Whaley, of course, hid the fact that he was hoarding
`EnviroGLAS’s intellectual property by piacing them in his name. A true and correct copy of the
`EnviroGLAS Patent (U.S. Patent Number 6,770,328) is attached at Exhibit A, and true and
`correct copies of the EnviroGLAS Trademark are attached as Exhibit B.
`In furtherance of Whaley’s nefarious plan, he created Defendant “EnvircGLAS,
`LLC”—a limited liabiiity company trading on the EnviroGLAS name. On January 10, 2007-
`while he was still an officer and director of EnviroGLAS—Whaley filed a certificate of
`formation for “EnviroGLAS, LLC.”
`D«l'7370l6_l.DOC; 33780.4
`Page 5

`Case 3:09-cv—0U.«_o5—G Document 8
`Fiied O4/O9/2Uu9
`Page 6 of 30
`Piaintiffs were not aware of Wha1ey’s conduct in forming this new entity, nor did
`Whaley disclose this conduct to Plaintiffs.
`On April 30, 2007, Whaley, on behalf of EnviroGLAS, LLC, executed the
`document attached as Exhibit C.
`The document attached as Exhibit C reflects a third party’s contract proposal to
`EnviroGLAS Products, Inc.
`On the document attached as Exhibit C, Whaley struck through i3.nviroGLAS
`Products, Inc.’s name and inserted the name of EnviroGLAS, LLC. Whaley executed the
`document as the “President/Owner” of EnviroGLAS, LLC.
`Because Whaley was the president (and primary employee) of EnviroGLAS, he
`was entrusted with the responsibility of setting up the company’s website, EnviroGLAS’s
`Domain Names, EnviroGLAS’s toil-free telephone lines (the “Toll-Free Nnrnbers”),
`EnviroGLAS’s email accounts (the “Emaii Accounts”), and the like. He set these up in his own
`name—rather than in the name of EnviroGLAS—~«—althougl1 he used EnviroGLAS’s funds to pay
`for them. Later, when he resigned from EnviroGLAS, he refused to give EnviroGLAS access to
`any of these things—instead, he used them to give his new venture a ieg up (even though neither
`Whaley nor EGL had any rights in them).
`On May 7, 2007, Whaiey tendered his resignation as president of EnviroGLAS.
`Despite having tendered his resignation, Whaley nevertheless remained as a
`director and shareholder of the company.
`Even before he resigned as an officer of EnviroGLAS, Whaley began his efforts
`to put] customers away from i3nviroGLAS to his new company (on which he bestowed a
`confusingly similar name). In addition, both before and after his departure, Whaley interfered
`with EnvitoGLAS’s relationships with its customers and suppliers by leading EnviroGLAS’s
`D-§737016_1.DOC; 33780.4
`i’age 6

`Case 3:D9—cv-OU4o‘5—G Document 8
`Filed 04/O9/2uu9
`Page 7 of 30
`existing customers and suppliers to believe that they were dealing with him in his capacity with
`EnviroGLAS—in other words, he continued to deal with EnviroGLAS’s customers and
`suppliers, who didn’t recognize any difference.
`Not satisfied with his flagrant breaches of fiduciary duties and with stealing
`EnviroGLAS’s customers and inteilectual property rights, Whaley openly and unabashedly stoic
`EnviroGLAS’s money, equipment, and rents, and used all of these things to jumpstart Defendant
`EGL, providing it with start-up capital and pre-paid equipment and facilities.
`Incredibly, Wha1ey—qfier resigningfi'0m Envz'roGLA.S'—knowingly and willfully
`accessed EnviroGLAS’s bank accounts to withdraw money and to transfer funds from those
`accounts into his own accounts. Whaiey did this even though EnviroGLAS had expressly
`informed him that he was no longer permitted to access EnviroGLAS’s accounts.
`33. Whaley also used EnviroGLAS’s funds to pay the deposit and two months’ rent
`on the office space for his new venture. In addition, Whaley knowingly charged shipments for
`his new venture to EnviroGLAS’s FedEx account.
`34. Whalcy also converted the office equipment—inc1uding computers, desks, and
`other sapplies—for which Envi1'oGLAS had paid (via ATC’s payment processing). When he left
`EnviroGLAS, he rain his competing venture out of the same office paid for by EnviroGLAS and
`which EnviroGLAS had intended to use.
`35. Whaley refused to return ail of the computers, furniture, printers, and other office
`equipment for which EnviroGLAS had unquestionably paid (again, Wlialey submitted receipts to
`ATC’s offices and was reimbursed for any of his own expenditures for this equipment).
`36. Whaley did not even bother to fabricate an excuse for his misdeeds—»-~he simply
`shamelessly stole EnviroGLAS’s personal property and money to use in the operation of EGL.
`E)-l7370E6_l.DOC; 33780.4
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`Case 3:09-cv—OUao5—G Document 8
`Filed 04/U9l2uu9
`Page 8 of 30
`Not only did he iilegaliy conveit this property for his own use, but he used this
`property to compete against EnviroGLAS, the very company that owned them.
`Wlialey even went so far as to attend a trade show on behalf of his new company
`even though Enviro GLAS hadpaid the depositfor the show.
`Whaley then, upon information and belief, contacted EnviroGLAS’s sales
`representatives in an effort to persuade them to sever their ties with EnviroGLAS and team up
`with him.
`After resigning from his position at EnviroGLAS, Whaley continued to access
`EnviroGLAS’s email accounts without authorization. In addition, he used the domain names
`registered with EnviroGLAS funds, and a website created at EnviroGLAS’s expense, on behaif
`of Defendant EGL, his new company. Whaley has flooded the internet with the EnviroGLAS
`name and has used EnviroGLAS’s Trademark, website, email addresses, domain names, and
`patent to further the interests of Defendant EGL. He has repeatedly misrepresented EnviroGLAS
`as related to his venture, and has confused the market by trading on EnviroGLAS’s established
`name and trademarks.
`On information and belief, including information obtained from the EnviroGLAS
`Website now operated by Defendants, Whaley and EnviroGLAS Products, LLC have used the
`EnviroGLAS Trademark in Dalias County and have deait with customers in Dallas County.
`indeed, the EnviroGLAS Website includes a “testimonial” from a resident of this district.
`Often, customers and suppliers dealing with Whaley after Wha1ey’s resignation
`believed that they were deaiing with EnviroGLAS, and were unaware of any distinction between
`EnviroGLAS Products, Inc. (the Piaintift) and Wha1ey’s new venture (EnviroGLAS, LLC).
`Exhibits D and E are tme and correct copies of correspondence received by EnviroGLAS
`D-1‘."370E6__I.DOC; 33780.4
`Page 8

`Case 3:09-CV-0O4ti5—G Document 8
`Filed 04/09/2Uu9
`Page 9 of 30
`related to CO1'lfl1SiO[1 created by Defendants. There are undoubtedly many additional instances of
`which EnViroGLAS is not yet aware.
`In addition, Whaley contacted EnviroGLAS’s website hosting service (related to a
`website different fioni the one that Whaley improperly continued to control after he resigned
`from EnviroGLAS) and demanded that the site be taken down (claiming that it infiinged on his
`trademark). As a result of Whaley’s improper conduct, EnviroGLAS’s website host temporarily
`removed EnviroGLAS’s website from the internet.
`Until Wlialey resigned from E11viroGLAS, Plaintiffs were prevented from
`reasonably discovering Whaley’s prior rnisconduct as a result of his continuing fraud. Once he
`resigned his position and began soliciting clients for his competing venture, his misconduct came
`to light.
`On or about March 26, 2009, Whaley and/or EGL’s attorney sent a letter to
`American Terrazzo, accusing American Terrazzo (presumably referring to Er1viroGLAS
`Products, Inc.) of infringing the E11viroGLAS Patent and the EnviroGLAS Trademark. A true
`and correct copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit F.
`At about the same time, Whaiey and/or EGL’s attorney sent letters to
`EnviroGLAS custoiners and other terrazzo industry participants (including at least one in Dallas
`County) in which Whaiey accused American Terrazzo (presumably referring to EnviroGLAS
`Products, Inc.) of infringing the EnviroGLAS ?atent and the EnviroGLAS Trademark. A true
`and correct copy of one such letter is attached as Exhibit G.
`These letters were sent in bad faith or as the result of a failure on the part of
`Whaley and/or his agents to conduct due diligence.
`D-]7370Efi_l.DC|C; 33730.4
`Page 9

`Case 3:09—cv-Ooaud-G Document 8
`Filed O4/09/Ztiue
`Page 10 of 30
`(Breach of Fiduciary Duty — Whaley)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re-allege all of the allegations in the paragraphs above as
`well as in the other counts of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein.
`49. Whaley, as an officer, director, and fifty—percent shareholder of EnviroGLAS,
`owed fiduciary duties to the company and to the Flabianos, as the remaining sharehoiders of a
`closely-held corporation.
`In addition, even before EnviroGLAS was formed, Whaley and the Flabianos
`partnered together to work on the concept. Moreover, once EnviroGLAS was formed, the
`Flabianos entrusted Whaley with the role of running the corporation. They allowed Whaley to
`become the “face” of EnviroGLAS to clients, suppliers, and others. Whaley knew that the
`Flabianos reposed a great deal of trust in him for these purposes, and he actively encouraged
`such trust.
`51. Whaley breached his fiduciary duties, including his duties of loyalty, fair dealing,
`integrity, and fiili disclosure, as well as his duty to refrain from selfldealing, through his self~
`dealing and his disloyai and surreptitious conduct described above.
`52. Whaley’s breaches of fiduciary duties proximately caused damages to
`EnviroGLAS and the Flabianos, for which they are entitled to recover. EnviroGLAS has
`suffered lost profits and additionai expenses as a result of Whaley’s breaches. The Flabianos and
`ATC have suffered pecuniary damages through their investments in EnviroGLAS. In addition,
`Whaley profited and earned significant fees through his breaches of fiduciary duties, and
`EnviroGLAS is entitled to recover any profits to Whaley under the equitable theory of
`D-1'.7370l6_l .DCJC; 33780.4
`Page 10

`Case 3:09-cv-004445-G Document 8
`Filed O4/09/Zoos
`Page ‘H of 30
`53. Whaley’s breaches of his fiduciary duty have been willful, committed with gross
`negiigence, or otherwise qualify for the imposition of exemplary damages. Plaintiffs seek
`exemplary damages as a result of Whaley’s breaches of fiduciary duties.
`(Fraud by Non-Disclosure — Whaley)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re—allege all of the allegations in the paragraphs above as
`well as in the other counts of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein.
`Throughout his dealings with ATC, the F labianos, and EnviroGLAS until the time
`he resigned from EnviroGLAS, Whaley concealed his true intentions from Plaintiffs, as well as
`his illicit conduct in forming his conipeting venture.
`56. Whaley had a duty to disclose his conduct and intentions due to his fiduciary
`relationship with Plaintiffs as well as his partiai disclosures conveying a false impression to
`plaintiffs at the outset oftheir venture (specifically, the impression that Whaley intended to
`partner with the Flabianos and ATC and that his conduct would further the interests of
`57. Whaley’s true intentions and the true nature of his conduct were rnaterial—~had
`Plaintiffs known that Whaiey was preparing to steal all of the assets that EnviroGLAS
`accumulated (including its customers), Plaintiffs would have dealt differently with Whaley and
`would not have infused substantial amounts of money in EnviroGLAS. In addition, Plaintiffs
`would not have expended EnviroGLAS’s limited funds on assets that Whaley placed in his own
`name and that Whaiey was planning to convert for his own use.
`58. Whaley knew that Plaintiffs were ignorant of the undisclosed facts and conduct——
`indeed, he made every effort to conceal these things from them. Because of this, Plaintiffs did
`not have an equal opportunity to discover these facts.
`D-1737U16_1.DOC; 33780.4
`Page i l

`Case 3:O9—cv-00435-G Document 8
`Filed D4/O9/2Uua
`Page 12 of 30
`Despite Whaiey’s duty of full disclosure of information relevant to his conduct
`and his plans regarding his competing venture, Whaley deliberately remained silent.
`60. Whaley intended to induce Plaintiffs to partner with him in creating EnviroGLAS,
`to fund EnviroGLAS, and to continue funding various activities and acquisitions which Plaintiffs
`believed to be for the benefit and use of EnviroGLAS.
`Plaintiffs in fact took the actions that Whaley intended as a result of their reliance
`on the facts as they believed there to be (that is, because of Whaley’s nondisclosure).
`As a proximate result of Whaley’s conduct and non—disc1osures, Plaintiffs
`suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial, for which Plaintiffs are entitled to recover.
`Plaintiffs are also entitled to recover exemplary damages as a result of Whaley’s
`fraudulent conduct.
`(Conversion — Defendants)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re~allege all of the allegations in the paragraphs above as
`well as in the other counts of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein.
`EnviroGLAS owned, possessed, and/or had the immediate right to possession of
`certain personal property, including raw materials used to fabricate the EnviroGLAS flooring,
`the office space and leased premises (and accompanying lease agreements), the office equipment
`and furniture, the EnviroGLAS Patent, the EnviroGLAS Trademark, the Domain Names (and
`accompanying lease agreements), and the web sites (and accompanying lease agreements).
`Defendants have wrongfiilly exercised dominion or control over the above
`described property—they have treated the property as their own and have interfered with
`EnviroGLAS’s possessory rights.
`D-1'/'3?0I6_I.DOC; 33780.4
`Page [2

`Case 3:09—cv-OO4o5~G Document 8
`Filed O4/09/Zbue
`Page ‘E3 of 30
`Defendants’ wrongfiil conduct has proximately injured EnviroGLAS, and
`Em/iroGLAS is entitled to recover damages in an amount to be proven at trial.
`In addition, Plaintiffs are entitled to recover exemplary damages as a result of
`Defendants’ conversion of Plaintiffs’ property.
`(T01-tious Interference with Existing Relations - Defendants)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re—allege all of the allegations in the paragraphs above as
`well as in the other counts of this complaint, as if set forth fully herein.
`EriviroGLAS had a number of valid contracts and agreements with its customers,
`suppliers, and representatives, as well as ongoing business relationships with these parties, at the
`time Whaley resigned and began his competing venture.
`71. Whaley and EGL were aware of these agreements and relat-ionships—indeed,
`Whaley had fostered many of these relationships in his role as EnviroGLAS’s president.
`Despite their awareness of the established relationships and contracts that
`EnviroGLAS had with its customers, suppliers, and representatives, Defendants intentionally
`interfered by inducing parties to breach their contracts with EnviroGLAS and to enter into
`contracts with EGL'. Defendants accomplished his rnisfeasance by, among other things, using
`contact information and customer iists that Whaley had acquired as a result of his position at
`in addition, Whaley interfered with EnviroGLAS’s contractual relationships by
`threatening EnviroGLAS’s web host regarding alleged infringeinent of the EnviroGLAS
`D-1737Ul6Wl DOC; 33780.4
`Page 13

`Case 3:09-cv—0O2:ti5—G Document 8
`Filed O4/09/2(Ju9
`Page 14 of 30
`Moreover, Defendants have interfered with EnviroGLAS’s contractual
`relationships by sending a threatening letter accusing Piaintiffs of infringing the EnviroGLAS
`Patent and the EnviroGLAS Trademark.
`As a proximate result of Defendants’ maiicious conduct, EnviroGLAS has
`suffered significant damages for which EnviroGLAS is entitled to recover in an amotmt to be
`proven at trial.
`In addition, EnviroGLAS is entitled to recover exemplary damages as a result of
`Defendants’ tortious interference.
`(Tortious Interference with Prospective Relations — Defendants)
`Plaintiffs repeat and re—a1lege all of the allegations in the paragraphs above as
`well as in the other counts of this complaint, as if set forth fiilly herein.
`In addition to interfering with EnviroGLAS’s relationships with its existing
`customers and suppliers, Defendants also interfered with prospective customers and suppliers.
`EnviroGLAS had numerous prospective clients when Whaley began EGL. There was a
`reasonable probability that, but for Whaley's and l3GL’s misconduct, EnviroGLAS would have
`entered into a business relationship with these prospective customers.
`Defendants intentionally and maliciously interfered with EnviroGLAS’s
`prospective relationships.
`As set forth above, Defendants illicitly contacted EnViroGLAS’s prospective
`customers and suppliers (using information he obtained as a result of his position with
`EnviroGLAS), and interfered with Enviro(}LAS’s prospective relationships.
`Moreover, Defendants have interfered with EnviroGLAS’s prospective
`relationships by sending a threatening letter accusing Plaintiffs

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