`Opposition No.
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`In Re: Apfilication Serial No. 77-352, I19
`Filetjgfieccmbcr 14, 2607
`Published in the Official Gazette: July 15, 2008
`Mahuel “Manny” Charlton
`Peter Agnew and Dan McCafferty, )
`10/07/2000 SUILSDHI 00000001 77352119
`01 rc:540a
`500.00 up
`Manuel “l‘vfaI1ny”ChaIlmn (“Opposer”)-believesihatrlrewaxrillrbe irreparably damaged by
`the registration of the mark “NAZARETH”, which is the subject of Application Serial
`No. 77—352,1 19, and he1eby_opposes registratienoftlle satnenndexatlaelprovisiens of
`Section38 of the Trademark Act of Ju1y‘5, 1946, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 1120.
`As grounds for opposition, Opposer alleges that:
`1. Opposer is an individual, Manuel “Marmy” Charlton, -who is a citizen of the
`United Kingdom and lists his current address as"2933 Alliance Trail, Haslet, TX“76052.
`2. On information and belief, Applicants are Peter Agnew and Dan" McCafferty
`2» Ttlflffllli Hail “cpl El
`f‘‘Applieants’’), filing as individuals, and bothofwhom are citizens ofthe United
`Kingdom. Agnew lists his address as 5 Maree Place, Crossford, Fife, United Kingdom.
`McCafferty lists his ,address as 67 Charles Way, Limekilns, Fife, United Kingdom.
`3. Opposer and Applicants, along with the late Darrell Sweet, are founding
`«membersofthemusicai group NAZARETH. Opposer, Applicants andfiweet mutually
`selected and built the brand around the famous mark “NAZARETH”, which the
`Applicants now seek to register. Opposer is a joint owner of the mark “NAZARETH”,
`including, but not limitedto, useoffiienrarlmrrd logo asoriginally useddn audioand
`video recordings, live performances, and retail merchandising. Opposer is also an equal
`manner in Nazareth l11m£ermline,_htd., and as such he-is entitled to continue to receive
`twenty-five percent (25%) of all revenue generated by NAZAKETH from all live
`performances, merchandise, licensing and royalties. Therefore, the
`Opposer hasprier sights in theanark
`atvleast asearly. as
`1968 and based on Use in Commerce in the United States at least as early as 1971.
`4. Opposer filed atrademark application for “NAZARETH WITHMANNY
`CHARLTON” on February 21, 2008, whichis the subject of Application Serial No. 77-
`403 , 184. The first Use date and thellse jnflommeree date arexlaimed to be Dr:tolaer.20,
`2007. The application is for “[e]ntertainment services, namely, providing live
`performances of a musical group;providirrg a web site featuring musical performances,
`niusicalwideesfi-elated film clips, photographs andether multimedia materials; song
`writing services; audio usage.” Opposer acknowledges, as stated in the “Additional
`Statements~Seetion” ofitsapplication, that Agnew ‘andlVlcCa£fert=y aieeoneufiemnsers
`of the mark “NAZARETH,”
`5. Agnew andlVIcCaffertyT“Applicants"’) filed a trademark application for the
`mark “NAZARETH” on December 14, 2007. The application is for use of the mark on
`‘% recordings, nameiy, cdis, anddvdlsg clownloadable -musical sound
`recordings,” with a first Use date of November 30, 1971 and a first Use in Commerce
`date of January 31, 1972. Additionally, the application is for use of the mark in
`conjunction with “entertainment services, nainelyjiveperfonnances-by a musiealband.”
`The first Use date is listed as December 31, 1969, and the first Use in Commerce date is
`February 29, 1972. The Applicants’ application does not list Opposer as a.concurrentuser
`or owner of the “NAZARETH” mark.
`6. The Applicants’ application was published for opposition on July 15, 2008.
`7. Under 15 U.S.C. § 1120, “[a]ny person who shall procure registration in the
`Patent and Trademark Office of a mark by a false or fraudulent declaration or
`representation, oral or inwriting, orby anyfalse mearIs7shall‘be'lia1)'1e in a c"rvi1~action« by
`any person injured thereby for any damages sustained in consequence thereof.”
`8. An application for trademark .registrata'on.r:equires a .vex=ified -statementin -whjeh
`the verifier must allege that “to the best of the verifier’s knowledge and belief, no other
`person has the right to use such mark in commerce either in the identical form thereof or
`insuchnear resemblance thereto aste be likely, whenused-otter ineonnectionwith the
`goods of such other person, to cause confiasion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive.” 15
`U.S.C. §1501 (a)(3)(A); 37 CFR. § 2.33(b)(I)). False statements
`the Applicants’ ownership or entitlement tense Ufthe mark-in the
`constitute fraudulent registration under the Act. If the verifier knows or believes that
`ainethenparty has the right to use or ownership ofthe applied for inark but fails to state
`exceptions to the claim of exclusive use or specify concurrent use of the markby another
`as required under 15 U.S.C. § 1501 (a)(3)(7), the verifier has committed fraud in
`connection withthe filingeftheApp1lica:ats’ ‘application andthe execution oftheverified
`statement contained therein.
`9. At the time that Applicants’ application Applicants knew that the Opposer
`possessed clearly1estab1is'hed—rightsto_nseand ownership of-the_“‘NAZAT{E'l‘H°’ mark as
`a founding member of the group, as outlined above,
`10. Aspart ofthat application, Applicants executed a verified statement declaring
`that“to the best of [their] knowledge and belief, no other person has the right to use such
`mark in commerce...” Id. Applicants also failed to state exceptions to the claim of
`exclesiveaseertespecify Opposersconcurrent usevof-‘chi: mark. 15 USC. § 1501
`11. Applicants’ execution of the verified statement and failure to inform the
`Trademark Office of the conflicting rights of Qpposer, which rights were clearly
`established in the mark “NAZARETH”, in comiectienwvith thessameservices, andknown
`by the Applicants at the time they executed the verified statement constitutes fraud.
`For the reasons set forth above, Qpposer believes that it will
`damaged by the
`registration of the Applicant’s “NAZARETH”- mark. Tlrusfthe Trademark'Tf1al and
`Appeal Board must reject the Applicants’ application and refuse to register the mark, and
`to Application Serial Ne 77-352,1-.19 should be sustained.
`‘Manny Charlton
`‘It is 'hereby~certified‘that-zrtrue and-correct copy of the
`was served upon:
`Trafiilfin, Esq.
`Attorney for Applicant
`Ira Silfin, Esq
`Amster‘Rot1astein‘&‘Ebenstein 11:13
`90 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10016
`212 336 8000
`‘by first class mail postageprepaid this gday Qf OCTOQ 2008.
`‘Manny Charlton