`Proceeding/Serial No: 91184978
`Title: EXHIBITS TO THE JAN. 13, 2011
`WITH ESTTA ON 2/22/2011
`91 1 84978
`Proceeding/Serial No: 9 ll 84 97 8
` Filed: 2/22/2011
`1 CD
`1 CD
`Opp. No. 91184978
`13 — 19, 21 — 26,28 — 44, 63 — 69, 71,
`77 -79, 84, 87-100
`To The January 13, 2011
`Deposition of Rohinish Hooda
`Filed With ESTTA on 2/22/11
` Certificate of Mailing
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service via Express Mail No.
`815845751 US in an envelope addressed to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board,
`.S. Patent and Trademark Oflice, , P.O. Box
`1451, Alexandria, VA 223l\-1451 on:
`l 3 3 l \
`(Date of Deposit)
`Printed name of erson mailin aer or fee
`C"\/\_.l3 Ch 9
`Date of Si -_4 ature
` Important lnformatlon About
`Your Prescription Drug Coverage
`Uvn-oDt|1n-Inl|.h¢-- “§‘CiI‘§m§ICI%?
`-Otunn-—- -ennui‘-—-h..uun-do-etc.--uh.
`Dear Guardian:
`In the past. your doctor prescribed a ZYRTEC '9 (cetirizine HCI) product For you or a t‘amily
`member. This letter is to inform you that ZYRTECW, the leading prescription medicine‘ for
`relieving indoor and outdoor upper respiratory allergy symptoms, is now available over-the
`counter (OTC). This means you can buy the same 24-hour, original prescription strength
`ZYRTEC” products without a prcscri ption in stores wherever OTC products are sold.‘
`All forms of ZYRTEC” are available over-the-counter For use by adults and children:
`0 ZYRTECJ“ Tablets
`0 Children's ZYRTECW Syrup and Chewable Tablets
`- ZYRTEC-Dy |12~HOUR’ ’ EL-(tended Release Tablets are available without a prescription
`in most states. You can ask for ZYRTEC—D'm at the retail or phamzacy counter.
`After January 30. 2008, only ZYRTEC” Syrup will be covered by your prescription benefits
`program. However, all lbnns of non-prescription ZYRTEC” will also be available to you
`with a doctor’: prescription at the lowest first tier copaytnent (see your schedule of benefits
`for copayment levels).
`Since ZYRTEC” will be available For purchase in stores wherever OTC products are sold. you
`can also purchase the product without a prescription for an estimated retail cost of under $25.
`Please discuss with your doctor if ZYRTEC” is right for you.
`The enclosed (_)m.-stinn cl? Aumrer sheet on ZYRTECE provides more information.
`Find more money-ggvigg offer; and helpful tips about managing your allergies. choosing
`appropriate medicines. and using your healthcare dollars wisely. Visit the new online center
`sponsored by McNeil Consumer Healthcare at www.myhenlthyseasons.com.
`Blue Choice South Carolina
`In rm: uurru mans Mum no l’lAtlI'.\MItt omcr
`on» No enwm
`wutpm Co.
`Rohluish tlootla; Opposer Test. Dep. Ex. I3
`‘ ms Inml |'Yc>ic1iplluus :uu—t-mu?
`‘ ,\ut all [-tc.\cn;-ttnn iutltcaotmm $\ ill be an itrltcd to tilt.‘ status
`"1" mllllllzt M-1~ ||""'“l ‘"9’ S.l+:\ctl thmutncr llczillltt-are. :1 human nt‘.\lc.\'l-.ll..l'l’(.', ln..- , uluch lit the ilialccr-vfZ‘t'R’l‘l:.('R'
`that-ttitt-.:r llenltlwiue is an ind.-pentlcnt mtupmt} that do-:~ n-:4 prmrislt: lllm.-Cms.-a llluesluield «st Smnli (‘.mvlin:- prmlucts or S\'l'\'lCs‘\.
`Vt: pnluul ittl‘mm.‘utmtt law. ht.-.-n pru\'|Jc¢I to ,\1¢N.-ql
`llu: .ZYR—rE(.‘%ll1|Ilt.‘l1llIllL ts mud urmlcr license from I (‘ll Ex‘ \
`”IIL‘('nl-\N. llltrcfilttchl nail the (‘rim and Slucltl Sx mln-ls nu‘ Icglltlctctl mule‘ til the inn.‘ (‘rim mm] mm sin.-M \,'\§|)\,|fl.i{1[
`‘I, -
`McNeil 001238
`January 2008
`Dear Member:
`BlueCross BlueShield
`CareFirst BlucCross BlueShie:ld and CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc. are committed to providing you with the
`most up-to-date infomiation regarding your prescription drug coverage. The purpose of this letter is to
`notify you about changes to our preferred drug list (fonnulary). Please take a moment to review this
`impoitant information.
`Beginning January 24, 2008, ZYRTECRI (cetiiizine HCI) will be available as an oxlcr-{the-couiiter (OTC)
`medication. This means that you can buy the original, prescription strength ZYRTEC” products without a
`prescription. As a result, ZYRTEC will no longer be a covered drug under your prescription plan.
`With ZYRTECW available over-tlie-counter, you receive the same level ofallergy relief, without the
`expense of a prescription. All forms of ZYRTEC will be available over-tlic-counter for use by adults and
`childrcn*, which include:
`o ZYRTECSE Tablets, and
`0 Cliildreifs ZYRTECW Syrup and Chewable Tablets.
`Please note that ZYRTEC-[)® 12-HOUR® Extended Release Tablets are available without a prescription
`in most states. However, you will need to ask For this OTC medication at the retail or phamiaey counter.
`Should you have additional questions about the content of this letter, please call the Member Service telephone
`number listed on your member ID card. Our service hours are Monday — Friday from 7:0() am — 7:00 pm and
`Saturday from 8:00 am «~ l:00 pm. So that we may serve you as quickly as possible, please have your ID
`card available.
`L W0%
`Winston Wong, PliarmD
`Associate Vice President, Pharmacy Management
`McNeil-PFC, [nc.,
`Walgreen C0,,
`Rohinish Hooda; Opposer Test. Dep. Ex. 14
`'Ih« Z YR 7 ‘I27
`Irmlenm/'/c /is u..\'er/ 1‘lII(/W‘ 1l.(‘t!Il.S‘(."/I-‘(WI
`I /( ‘/3 .\'..»l.
`'/‘/ifs mailing is .\‘ll[)[,7()l'l'£<‘(/ [7_L’_/lIII(/fIIg_/hill! .v\lcu\’ei/ ( i'()II.t'llIll(’I' I /t'(I/I}l('(II‘(.', 0 I)ivision a_/',\lc.\'I:‘//,—1-’I’( /II(.'., wllicli is the mu/car
`Q/'Z YR '/’/'.‘(i M.
`l’lm.sie nolu that we eii.s'iu'c your pri'iwcy and no pur.\'miuI lieallli 1'1;/Zinnulion has been pmvirlcrl In .\vIc.~\"cil
`(§'o/i.i'iu/ier Ilea/Ilicm'e.
`*.\-’or all prcscriplio/i indicrilimis will’ be .s>wi'Ic-lied In ()’I‘(.‘ .s'I(IIu.v.
`Pl l/\0997
`CareFirst Bluecross Blueshield and CareFirst Bluechoice, Inc. are indepeudeiil licensees ot the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
`® Registered trademark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered trademark of CareFirst of Maryland, Inc.
`':n_-i:i.«.l.l;'it4 2‘ll«»&b 2 IA ll? l
`till” ‘.
`McNeil 001239
`BIucCm.-is Blur-Shield
`@ orDeiawam.
`P-Q 90-‘ '99‘
`Wilmington. ms t9s99.t99t
`January 2008
`Dear Valued Member:
`Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware (BCBSD) is committed to keeping you infonned ofchanges
`in your health care benefits. A recent change has been made to our preferred drug list
`(fonnulary) that may affect you.
`Beginning January 24, 2008. ZYRTECE (cetirizine HCI) will be available as an over-the-
`counter (OTC) medication. This means that you can buy the originaclprescription strength
`ZYRTECD products without a prescription. As a result, ZYRTE
`will no longer be a
`covered drug under your prescription plan.
`All forms of ZYRTECI” will be available as OTC medications for use by adults and children',
`- ZYRTEC“ Tablets
`- Children’s zYRTEC"’ Syrup and Chewable Tablets
`Please note that the ZYRTEC-Dab I 2-HOU Rm Extended Release Tablets are available
`without a prescription in most states; however. you will need to ask for this OTC medication at
`the retail or pharmacy counter.
`For the most current preferred drug list. please visit our website, bcbsde.com, and click on
`Check Rx Drug Coverage. If you have questions about your prescription drug benefits, please
`call 800.865.-IOI8.
` ’ W
`Winston won& pharm D_
`CareFirst, lnc., Associate Vice President. Pharmacy Management
`Consultant to BC BSD
`ta Tlll uurru snru nmrr AND runtmumr omc:
`McNeil-PFC. Inc,
`Valium: Co.
`On Na 9lll-I07!
`Rohlnistt floods: Oppour Test. Dep. Ex. ts
`(‘an-:'~'t'r.Il. Inc. pmvirlus Iimiml atfrnirrtstmrive wm'cc.rji1r IICBSD related to pltanrmcy management. r'm.'ImIt‘ng the merlicariuu
`rrltliaaliat nu-few program, plrarmaqv m-nmrk cantmcriug andfmmuiary manage-nu-m.
`T)'u'.r nmiliifi is .mpporIr:rI b_v./iauling/hour: .r‘l Ic-_-Yuri ( 'wr.ruIm-rII:-ultlwuru, u l).lvi.rt'ou of.U(‘;\'I:'I/.-PI’l '. Ina, whirl: riv: Ihc maker of
`ZYR77.7 . The ZWt"/.['.'(‘” t'rrnrIuItmri' is usml uuzfw‘ Ir't¢'u.wflr»u I "I ‘H .'s'..4l.
`..-ll! ZYR77%‘: irxlimtiom will be 071.‘. uxc:-pifor the Ireamtc-ut qfcltiklwrt between the ages qfti mamlu and Zyezrn, u-incl:
`mil requirr.-s a pn~.scrr'ptt'ou.
`am Cross Bluoshfld oi Delaware in an independent Iceman oltha Blue Cross and B|uaShloId Anochtlon.
`l!I'."1'£(‘W'.\I.‘.'-'.‘ /A tl'F l F-lv’l ‘Tl
`McNeil 001240
`imagn3n6.8!25'xi .
`The number one
`allergy pill.
`Now minus the
`m..mADUU IYWTXU I DHYYEC 0‘ ii -'7‘
`‘ zvmr:
`1 , 7.4-.
`""“'="'u.-:i"""'- "-.-:..': :¢::.
`H . «CHILDREN? 17FUEC‘;m~ .-.9
`IN 111: mm mm: nmm am ruununxoma
`1* N: ‘M IIWTI
`Rohinish llooda; Opposcr ’l‘cn1. Dcp. Ex. 16
`McNeil oooo13
`saa.e:25-:1 ‘-
`SAVE $499
`._n my Afliu Z'¥FlTEC’=I[1flI[C-D’yrah!
`The number one
`allergy pill.
`Now minus the
`5 ljnllaawvuuulaaaluruilrnuu
`‘ harm
`McNeii 000014
`Ttlm Line
`Valassis Full Page F51
`|0'H x 6.75'W
`All Day‘
`Allergy Relief
`A Ulldb - EIKHIHDEG esmptton
`Smm wmlnng
`two hour; m:.:.,=.r
`1l1.mC|.1rmn "
`am! km-ps Wllflllllg
`‘U’ H hou”
`,2 "cm
`Rom! M
`AHEHW Sumpmm,
`5 Lutugmtsm
`2: Hum
`F«:::*fu-I of lmiom
`‘('1 Ouhlzmx Allvtqy
`S-,‘n1p(um*. fur
`SAVE 5%
`‘ rnmtc°
`M:Nui|.P'PC. Inc .
`On: No wmrm
`Wnlgtcen Co.
`Rolllalsh lloodn: Opposer Tcsl. Dcp. Ex. I7
`McNeil 000034
`Trim Line
`Valassis Full Page FSI
`10'H at 6.?5'W
`(.)«,¢ .-w 1v(|ll
`vu »«-1-‘Mm l'Yll’TEC'
`.u »v lYRTEc’lJr.‘u ma mm)
`All Day”
`Allergy Relief
` @
`Stall‘. woxkmq
`[lain ( dllllll
`h“ 2" mum‘
`H mm
`R‘.?‘“.,, of
`All-"'r(]'!' SYmlilr.nm
`lr L=.wx«;w'1t:~':
`2‘! Hum
`Helml of lmlmu
`2‘: Oumnmr Allonrqy
`Symplmm fur,
`3;-~ »q«a.-p~s‘»~1s2v~‘-°I-,3.
`; ‘
`Trim Line
`Valassis Full Page F5!
`l0'H X 6.7S'W
`All ay‘
`Allergy Relief
`Shuts wmkinu
`two hauls {mu-r
`than (lanlin "
`and keeps wolkinq
`fm 2'! mm”
`'2 W
`V “W
`helm! of
`Allergy Symplums
`51 Lum;~:',I1m’|
`"‘llYT"El:‘: .., 5
`la? 1’
`Rulml of Indoor
`I: Outduor Allljlgy
`M¢Nal~PP(‘, In: .
`On No 9|ll-W73
`Wnlunm Co.
`Rolniniali lluozluz 0[Ipus¢r'l'csI. Dcp. Ex. 18
`McNeil 000034
` Trim Line
`Valassls Full Page FSI
`10'}-I x 6.75"W
`an .uIv»‘«,m l'flTTH'.‘.)"1».zv.a mp‘
`_. _:'—0‘."--J--.-..-,-----.----0--'---'
`All inay‘
`Allergy Relief
`Starts working
`two hours Imfur
`than Clurilin "
`‘mdf k“:f;‘fw'3"k'r"-1
`0‘ " mu”
` **-~
`..4a...._......- .24! Hour
`I, um”
`Rm“ M
`Aliclzjy Syrnptoms
`ft (Hf|l;n.";Ul_IH
`Rt"-llvf ul lluloul
`5: Outdnol Mlulgv
`Symptoms for
`v umnu 3-than
`um; ax mm‘ nlmmn
`".‘1I;J!1\lTyv.J’!Y‘l'WllIT$v WW1
`McNeil 000035
`Tum Line
`Valassis Full Page FSI
`l0‘H x 6.75'W
`Don't lse _
`any more time!
`ZYRTEC starts working
`two hours faster
`than Claritinl‘
`.‘ ‘.
`a"as.‘£:.ws -5:...
`' ased on onset of action studies with zvmzmomg ‘
`Significantmlm1vs.CIari1in" at 1 hour. for the first time period avalua
`The th..rd party imdenmrks used harem are trademarks 0! their respective owners.
`SAVE $499
`:1 4 ‘-¢ nmur‘ ».: t\'m'£{}(:' m-,u;t
`*3’?Rr£'c ,..1
`. Inn
`4.45.11‘; CHl.DflEN'S IYHTEC’ Lu!!! :1
`in 11:: u:mms1A1'ss rA'tI.Irr AND 11unUuIIt 07700!
`Mm '3-!PC,I
`0;; Na 9| ! I40?!
`Wnlyon Cu .
`Rohiuhll lloodn; Oppour Tut. Dcp.
`I-Ix. I9
`McNeil 000051
`Trim Une
`Valassis Full Page F5!
`lO‘H x 6.75'W
`SAVE $4 E s0
`«in my nnams z.'mrsc* crra-‘Sm
`.11 um 'mflEC" 2: z\'R1tc.o~;,¢.-.M;
`Don't lose _
`any more time!
`ZYRIEC‘ starts working
`two hours f_¢1s__t_e;
`than (laritin;‘
`‘- -
`‘Based on onsut of action studies with 2YmEc‘10mnvs.
`Significant rem:-,t vs. Cizmtin“ at I hour. for the firs! time period evaluated.
`The third party tradematks used herein are trademaxks 0! their respective owners.
`McNeil 000052
`The Pharmacy
`Arrierlca Trusts - Since 1901'“
`January l8, 2008
`Dear Customer,
`nu nu maul suns utttn MID nuncwutx omlfl
`l-lchitii-PFC. Int.
`Opptéo 9l|I-$978
`Rolllnish lloodu: Opposcr Test. Dcp. Ex. 2|
`Thank you for choosing Walgreens to fill your prescription for ZYRTEC®
`(cetirizine HCI). We would like to let you know that ZYRTECG will be available
`as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication in late January and you will no longer
`need a prescription to obtain it. You will be able to purchase ZYRTECQ over-the-
`counter at most retail stores and phannacies, including your local Walgreens.
`Since ZYRTECQ will be available over-the-counter, it may no longer be covered
`under your prescription benefit. To verify coverage, please contact your prescription
`benefit provider directly.
`The enclosed Questions & Answers provides more information about ZYRTECQ’
`and includes a coupon for $5 ofi‘ your first purchase ofany ZYRTECQ product
`(Walgreens mail-order excluded). Simply present the coupon at the time of purchase.
`Please remember... ..all OTC medicines are real medicines and they should be used
`only as directed. Since they can have side effects and can interact with your
`prescription medications, it’s important to let your doctor and pharmacist know what
`over-the-counter medications you take.
`For more helpful information about managing your allergies and choosing appropriate
`medications, please talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or visit www.myhealthyseasons.com.
`Walgreens Pharmacy
`The FDA has approved OTC status for all ZYRTECG’ indications, except for the
`treatment of children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years, which still requires a
`prescription. This mailing has been provided with financial support from McNeil
`Consumer Healthcare. a division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc, the manufacturer of
`ZYRTECQ’. To ensure your privacy, no information that can identify you will be
`provided to McNeil. The ZYRTECQD trademark is used under license from UCB SA.
`@2007 Walgreen Co. All rights rcscntod
`t'Nm‘~- -.
`.vl"q‘s.'f,.u ;lb'__}‘l,'i\1a.'
`McNeil 001256
`McNai|-PFC. Inc ,
`on No 9| IMWI
`Wllgtnel Co.
`Ralllnlsh Ilnodn: Opptmr Ten. Dcp. Ex. 22
`McNeil 001025
`.— V
`McNeil 001026
`McNeil 001027
`.. »$.":‘; 5:’!
`McNeil 001028
` McNeil 001029
`xsfmrr ms T1}.
`a. :9 PRO?
`e.n'J;Ioz,~% j ,
`Esuhom‘ 0 Pre5::rzpz“:o
`'.\-“"’:" .;s'
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`McNeil 001032
`),(y;6|r.;g5 mag I
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`McNeil 001033
`3 1 5
`9 1
` 1.4
`Hr 1.'l
`qr”: ,C‘.’fI!nJu u_
`v: UJUA O
`Mane}: looms
`See what's
`on sale this week
`in store§ at
` .4j
`‘ ’m.quem,.rm ,1;
`u ..
`Pmvm aflugytellef. E°Z acwzquxu
`';:.: E.-may
`E2113!’ "3
`Zn.-tn.’ Zwuu.‘
`gram, woo:
`~- 39:
`McNei! 001042
`McNeil 001044
`32:21’ #3
`P.-U\flI,:$rI;yw.r‘5 E I A1411’ ' ‘_
`_,Ir'~.;1Is Frequent H-wmum!
`ugaca omeprazoiav
`My Fbnrru 'n4,w¢'2 X) «:3
` _ L1
`M V.
`544/ ~yIm4
`3;: .2-15:?
`McNeil 001047
`vu- .. ,.a .,,,_ "' 7? '11‘./au.>..
`McNeil 001048
`‘ an acne 0
`Gel full prestripnon sh-:2ng:h Z‘y'HF;( at more than
`6,000 Wulgreens stores nationwide :3:
`Le! ysur locni Walgreen; pharmacist help you decide if Zyrtec is right [or you
`‘'13-: II.- u;.-
`my ~11
`McNeil 001049
`A x.~u;3v;=.-3.1,
`:13 ...
`McNeil 001050
`.,...\... .
`lull s a nu
`McNeil 001051
`| ff]
`v\7..‘~C com Home Par-3
`. U::n~:n~*-e.
`. Ulczgzeegat com .~~~~
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`Full presctiptlon strength
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`005%! lialorce
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`= 4
`,3h:prwnr M«:hsI':-1‘
`Praducts. L'.v:.
`ECHO Is-‘Wheel
`Mobflty Scooter
`sif. 5499,93
`Heaflhy 2008!
`Le! (13 hqndlo J“ )'O(ll'
`W91 auhornaiiczlly screen
`them to: mterscttns with ma
`\Nel<.(m1c to W'a|green:~.
`T‘! " I“ha.Hn.r " A51! .Ii '.n Tums "
`‘ L
`hint-ar city, state or ZIP
`0 CaraarOpponunmca
`a Walgraans Oumacn
`g our Pros: Room
`0 Sweepstakes
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`5 Pm“ 5”“ c°”°°“5
`Q Recaslsatatyinto
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`. "3313, um-,,y “gm,
`' “Mm °°"'**"
`g gflb. fig,
`. flfiflkh El"¢CYC{ODOdI3
`0 Hearmcaiculmors
`0 AskaPharmac!s:
`McNeil 001052
`Z(’x%z/area/at com ""°“‘3"-”~°-~~-
`Back to Home
`E .".”.Ma:r:c.—.
`~‘ W’
`533l’Ch1 I
`:3 Ram! Rx
`o Dmg wcrmauon
`‘ ,9: iv 5
`0 Sara Locmo: O 7,‘;"“'
`‘” 5*‘
`Now availableaf
`without a prescription.
`is c'e:r~:ific-ceum.e.' Zy rmc rsgm ‘fer m»: 7*
`2;: 1:»: kn -zhrbady 9r-‘.-vi.-1* 1:2 ~‘-;-(mt: 5-cu: Nccr =1:-.: gr.-:i»:::r
`Jbtrgy ,-syxnpzcms. Over rm-usu1'1e~r 2-,'rt:.c is we scar-2
`-zzr-zvgth Inn: has omtr av:-.1:u'c: by pr-3-;cni;:w.k:r {cu amr ,-
`~,-rm.-»:. 1:; -::»:t as -:3-mm: :1: ::‘:_-;€ FE-::<tc.52 S~:e-.‘-13";
`»’*.c»::urt IF3.-‘.1 913-M
`V.‘ mu r»z*:~: a '}‘.'.‘$'93l‘ 2123'.-T -.-.~t"L‘~-M4 -1
`I.‘»',ais1‘-'.--*3 -4 a‘qr~'.'.:r -_.'.:-u
`:2‘! ZJH .c:<;1‘:‘€~3}«;:-.
`Enjoy 24»hm:r relief frum than aiieruy
`,3{4,-mg,’ rmsa
`, _,m.,-_._.,51;5,.,» 3.935
`;,_._W jmum ‘W ,'._,.£_a
`McNeil 001053
`WAC.com Allergy Center ll“-‘F5. " 3»1?"~"‘l“~_3J‘.r“ ‘'3‘5l'=?%=’
`l. «mlzl
`v‘mstl*.er you have ciasslc ha;«r+3~:er or are ;a|largi:: £13
`srarr.-am r-Jade. pl ants latex. insect ‘antes. or awn some
`media:-zuons. being prepared to head azrfand handle
`allergic rs-a-stlons can save your life.
`Learn abcu-2 re-:ogrzi;»:lng your allergy mggsrs, .-;"5.a::;::c:a':sl
`;l~e3u‘~rDl.‘m1 1'1‘-:S'JU:'f.‘»e.
`Care Guides and ln~De.=p'th Repoits
`and 113',’-to-413;.-' mareagemerlt ofyour .-allergies wwh rials
`. Magma ll‘. adults
`o .é\.1l§£§‘.‘1'.;~}.l_"_€|.§
`Health Encyclopedia
`~ &l!§£§1§§
`. _E_g_gg_e_Illg-rgg
`mtzric. LIr‘E'5 no PLACE rm: .4‘.L’.ERu]£fS.
`gjrrg metre K)
`Allergy Relief Made Simple
`Livlng with allergzes can be 3 real
`cnalIenge——§ust ask anyone who is allergic
`to grass. petdander, mold, or even dust A
`selfwanagement approach that includes
`making elwironmental changes {for
`example. changing from a down-filled
`wnzforter to a cotton quiét} or 3 change In
`habits [e:<en:ising curing hours when
`pollen zrzsums Qmlcallgx are lower. for
`lnszan-:9)-can make a big difference.
`Try these tips for reller from caller:
`- Keep windows CiC$13d.LJ?.~:3'3Ilr
`« 353*; indoors ‘Jeans.-aen 5 a rn. tn: ‘:3
`a.r~.1.——peal—; pollen huurs.
`“E1: age clmhes alts-:"r3elm_:; our-:ir.'e
`- =3un‘trmIaundnx3uts§£1e_
`Jv'*.‘.'lLilt.1i:5x*.'.‘:’1 r*.‘.m'al.’::_] crrakin~;1 leaves.
`- Opt fax‘ hEi"U‘e"»"3CC‘s. isle. cu’ l£m;:l;~3uz'n
`fhaurls. am.‘ 3.-ra:a rug-5 vs :.».r:«L=i-zxmlaaél
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`« ,.3,lIgrg~,g H3519 Risk 39359,smgnz
`» .;\_I_lg_:_g1§§ (Animated Features}
`. figggnllgg (Animated Features)
`)._’j_s}_w Q are
`Ask a Pharmacisi Arclxives
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`.#.‘.=x:'.rJ s:»' at 2.3: m'.:'.il=-::;~~2 c;:;‘rt:3:;:lr.v.:i3
`McNeil 001 054
`Proven allergy relief. E-"Z at Yflaiy»-mew;
`4flI'HtTl'. t:-9.0.! mzm
`(erlrizine HCI
`Relief of
`.'.um - w
`a ‘mu?
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