Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`J. Garcia Carrion, S.A.
`Response to Board Order/Inquiry
`Oren Gelber
`/Oren Gelber/
`F611-Applicant's Motion For Resumption & Judgment in its Favor.pdf ( 31 pages
`)(6111818 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

`W §i’Et3;§‘}_’ilL"575T?33?_.S§:‘5§{E.S..E;?§£EE§T ANS? 'i’RI-KQERVEAR§i_,§E§iEI§L{I§§S_
`_'_.{_‘R1§£}E£§§;§RE{ '§}{iAL .a‘%;_é§{E}_~3:§;-§:¥_]i,_)_:§‘§(In‘)i§\{.l §§f;_}_.g§_x_B_§_}_
`NC}. F6} 1
`CEz’%.1\fi?AGNE LOLHS ROED33REi,§?...,
`J. {3.:’-';RCiA CIARRSION, 8.!-1.,
`A ppi é cam‘.
`{);f:;3z'sr:ific2.z’1 N0. 9'? ‘E 8'}; {S23x“:E
`}"’?.:’{3 3 <af~,~<iv<¥7
`Iviarkf ‘(7.REST.ALiN0
`g§AE}fL§(§g§_i_E3'§”f§ MI{}‘17‘i€3N’ FOR §€ESUE‘3'§ ‘ '
`§’R{} {IE §C§3f{N G ;f§g_i;"§§}:_{§_ ' {}§}”;§}‘§f}?GSET§§}N
`4 §E4‘A\-‘(ER
`3} Garcia C2i:irir321, SV.A,, {“.!§;)pEica_m” or “Cr;m'ién"),
`‘my ami
`finmggh tits
`a.i'£(m'1&:—§*s_., hereby notifies the 'i‘1'admn;irk 'F:"§a’i and Appeal Bozmi of ihe finai
`ii5:i'ez‘1*11i_t1atim1 :31?’ CM} }3>.Ci§£3E‘1N{). C*<f:~C‘v’—2i3 in the Lmitéad. Eéfams D.ist1:ict. C0‘-..:ri fo1‘ti'1e:Disi:‘ic.i
`’E3'm1:'iE2 })Iwis.i<.m, in :»3<:c:o.z‘z'ia:1cs: Wm: the Boaififg Apriii 3{7=,
`;'-3£'3{I3S Qrxies‘. The {Z‘:i\»'i}.
`Ac:£.i0~:1 has 13%;}. deszidegi in fawr af ilaamfm. Op;3<>s::r":s CT'm:1pM§.aLinE has been d,is:'n:isi-:«::<i wi‘i7i§
`§31‘Bj'12fiiC{¢, A cup}; of the ;\z’[inz1e—s{;ia E3‘ésEric:t Couzfs §:}3‘d6I“ o{’.E1‘:.£y 23, 2808 g,ram..i;:g £’.a1‘rién=1“s
`.»’'1ded M0‘ii.m'3 fa‘: Sum:nar),»‘ Emfgmemi. {_"‘{3:Ii:=.1'°"} and Kim 5m3"gmt::'1t of The M.i;:me.s0i'a Dimici
`iliouri s:1ai~::<‘i Jtfiy 24, ’2i)i)8 {f“.?’u<:igm<:m*”} are aI':a{:_i':.:=::*§ }w:‘£::ir3 as; Exhibit “A” and Exirzibii’ “BK
`1‘:2spe2t?.ix-"<>E),-*. Sm: salsa: C7§2:‘:2:zpczg:2e Lezais f€r)wi3r'e;"
`1»: J (}(f}'f3i(€ €I7e:z':‘;‘.r‘oz2, 3.23.,
`(D. 1\/itlm. 3:13}; ET,

`As £312 instam ogmosition pmcczeding was ;;31'm*‘ic>1;S}}-' szisggended ;mt'sua;.aE' to 3? CFR
`;;Jen«:_§ fixtml
`cE.etenn—i:2aii<:n of C‘:ivi} Aswan Na.
`{}f§—{'f1V—;2E_3, Ap;}Iica21t -retspecs-tfiiiiy
`:‘::cp.1e—sis resumpiimz of'§'.§1is apposition p:‘oc€»2diz1g and jmigm»3;1ti.1‘1_sXpp£icani’s favor ;:au~:sua..m '31:»
`tile M§ i1§?1€S~O5C.'&i I}is£:'i.s:t C0u1‘i’£ (}s.'<§e:.‘ami11.ui_gmez1§,
`§;:§_{§}:};;;&L BAELTKGRQTUNQ
`Jurmle Sena,—':<:essm in imieresi‘ {*0 Appiiaztszi LE. {3ar:‘:1‘a Ca1Ti.éu.t:,
`began s'c:1iiz1§_:,
`cava {a Spanish sparlziing wine} 3;u1{3§33‘ the i‘ra:.ier_z‘}z CRZSTALIN ()3 in ‘(hrs €1.21‘; {ed Sizmts in ‘.1989.
`S3193 cf’ CIRESTALIND £‘.€i.‘~;’a
`in tin; Unitesi States rs:=a<:.§1ed .n5:a§f§y £3-09,-J00 ‘mtties per year by
`.511 208i}, .6-‘x.p;3Eieant fiieci a U.n.iiL::d
`°i‘ra,de;nm'k IK‘§3‘£3Ei{:‘£:iE,§‘{)-E}
`?{§!08iE,i33 8:‘ me
`tI‘aéema1‘k CRESTALENQ in Zmerizaiimzai {flags {B33 fer spa:‘i~;1i_:1g vs-'T§_m3».
`in Fe‘:2ma:'y {sf 2003,
`Chmnpagrze Lmiis: R.oedc:‘er~ {i1;3r:::inaf:m‘, "’{};>;_m3ssr” or “‘R<;x°"V} ‘instituted ‘this; u;§p(3S.ii§0z‘x
`;j;1*z'3«me{§ing against" .{-‘\.;;:»;"3‘3i<:a::i*:.’s CRESTALTNO {A.;;s§E§ca:io;1
`76;’ .,=85,E33) ma1‘§<. R<3edert:_z"5
`<)pp0sit.i0:1 {O;c:_;7::=si£i<m, N0. 91 155185} is 322::‘ra3.i0:1 0? $118 C,E§.{S’YA._EQ,LiN~O t§‘as;‘i<::maa'1<‘

`3i§<<:-Ei‘§m0:‘i of <:mfir2.$i011
`‘with Roach:-re..I"s CRESTAL
`C1§{As_‘s/EPACENE LR {E{egisi:'a‘:i:3I1’N0. {§fi2_,3¢E—3L} and {i3R_i.ST'AIi_.. CHAMPAGN {§?L»3gVistx‘aiiuz1 Na‘
`‘E,'1(33,998A} {‘§1erei :’1a‘f‘i’<;‘.:.‘ ::{‘:§}a:{:1'i‘v‘r3§ jg ra§f1tm'c:(i.. in as “$312: C‘iF:fifS'§."'AE,.. ,:'m1:rk.<:."},
`Jazzaaaajx E6,
`ira.den1a2Ԥ< i_:1f*:i.z1ge.:tne:m asztzlcm ag:aim;t
`:°=LppEic21:1t E. G:-mztia C‘.zm‘ién, B1A'A{§-W in the Uniisgd Eifaitas E3isi1*i£;i' Cf-'§.“.-I‘?. far {he Disfiict a.f}T~x—Ei::m~‘.s0ta
`{Cixrii Na. 0f3~€?Vn‘?_E3)
`ihe basis M’ the same marks. an issue in Oppcssitiou
`0p;.ms<~:r“s Cim‘1;3§:~3.i1'1’£ aiiaged Ap§+1iz:a.:1;"s ‘CRES"£‘ALEN{} tm§:3n‘aarEt
`i_:‘1‘fm7z‘1g§:d tapas: 3’{<:3e{Ec3't':a"s.
`CRESTAL marks?

`Oppcser fhizn mi:-V'e.d the E3<.:>ar{§ in C1Sp§‘>:)siti{:1‘a No. 9'? ‘E55195 fa suspend pursuemi in 37
`;:::3m_i*i13g finai ci::tem1i:‘1a:i0;1 of Civil
`O6--C "-213, wisicia the 8:33:13
`g,::'am::£i 0;1i‘,xr§'a}»' 3?,
`Ca.m’<'>n ?;i1::1'e:':afte1‘app§i.e3d for the tradezzmriar CRYj.STAL3'N{3, A.ppii:.:ati:3n
`Upen pu.b_ii::a.tii.m Of fine CRESTALENO mazk fer 0;:«p:'3—si*:i011,
`the iusiaz'z.t
`oppi2s§i‘:'mn p37fJCiif:c§.ing,
`€3p_pt33e:"s Notice of ‘viéppasiticrxz aiieged ‘2. § 2{€i} E,ii<t:iihocsc,§ {IE sozzfusirm.
`bemleen (fim.”:.‘§_én’s €3,E§_}ZSS'{‘M_;.ENO xraark -and ();3p{3sez"s CJRISTAL. .\ talks. A._pp.Eica.21§ Answs,:.z‘£:d
`and alleged va:‘.io13s affrinativa de.fe.nses,
`lashes asmzi absence Hf’ Eii<e1iE:0=;:d of
`On F6‘m‘ua:‘y 25, EGGS, Opposes‘ mow:(i to szlspitziai the EFESEEIRE -appositimi ;3.z‘ac;am¥i.11g
`pevding the 011tcm11a of Cix-'_ii s*>.<:.{*§:':r1’§‘4f0. {Xi-C\r’»1233 in ihss: Mi.z1:1esma Bisirici
`aiiegad that :5. decisioza in that Mitancsotz. irsidamaric aszéinn, imruixriaag E}
`e 3si~:<~>'1ii’m(}u:i
`b»etwe«t:n Qp;ms::;"s:: CRESTAL Iazmks
`{.‘.arri<'>'n"s CRES‘fE‘A{,ifNG
`V-r_ieie1‘1ni;:aii 91‘ issues. in 11‘-ac izzaiiazu‘ Qppausiiiong spe;:*§i’;caEEy the liiéeiilliaad cf szzoiifusirm ‘m:';‘s.v::e11
`€f}§.:p0ss1"$ {IR§S‘"i}*~\L mz11"{‘~:$ am} sC‘.3‘i‘:‘§('m’s {If£§iEiSTAI..D~3'{} .mm.'£<.
`’.E‘Ih:2 Baarii
`isgsued an ordésr on Aprii 3“,
`sus;.:a:ad2ln~g the 3‘. 3:21.11? apposiiim'a
`;.}1'£_ws—";e<%ing ;n:e;1di;:g' £113 fizaai d5(’3§s‘3.l'1}T:iI1£ii"LL1§’E’ 0f
`ymadizag Mizmesota. civii z'1C‘L’§.(3!’3 heiwmaéxx {ha
`in Rs {Zwder 0.i’Ap;?i% 363-,
`imz Buaxxi s;pe(:ii'?.ca_i':y notes timfg {he mzimme 91''‘ Chi:
`Acii€‘211 No. {)6-CV--213 has bearing upam 1:313 zimtzmt psneecciing.
`Or: juiy 2.3, 2{)€}8
`Izziige Joan
`E1*ic’§<sen 0:," We Minmtsoia Disirict“€
`O1'::is::;‘ g:'aai‘in AppEie;::mt.‘—s; }.\«'§«3ii{n‘:
`1°(i:_1' Szmamzuég Iudgxnerzi 0.21 the g:~<_2a:;A1d E’h.'.~.2f. f.3_g3;t~L>se:“s ciaims

`by 131:: zliszscuinc.
`tr?‘ iaches and z3ii:m1i:=.sf:«;i Oppo3er"s iL70;n.§:iaii11£ in its 6:".-.1‘.i;'ety,
`an iz‘:ii‘_ia§ 111a.i'=;':2z', the Com‘: E10135 ‘fhai Appiicam has s{arxi€_:1g
`in assert §ac}m>.—s.T
`Disks? Court 'f‘Ez‘1ds ‘iimif C':a:f;'i»fm si2m:Esi=.:1 ‘eh-2:‘. ShOf:§:} of iis }}i‘&3dm?CCSSfJ1‘ in int:’:;*s:si, the Xuame S{?i'R‘<'i
`wine I‘. when 2:SS£‘.i‘EiI1" :'i0"§§§s in the {Ii}i]£S'FAE...EN{)
`f:_’a<3en':m‘.k.. Exhibii A at
`R0s3:z’zarr2.:* 1-’.
`C'e1<r:‘ioz3, S./_i., at *§{}.
`"N15: E_‘»’£iz‘1z‘1:;e:;~mia Iifiisirici‘ C»:>m'=; de.tern‘zi.mzs ihat Q§3}}{3-S61‘ kncw -of {Ia1~°:“ién’s CR}STA_.LiN€3
`ma:fi< saw} its use on czawa sfimze 21*; Eeasi‘
`.195-35, yei, Oppesez‘ did my? fiébjeci
`CRiiS’}f'AL§N{Z} i.;'z1<§.ema:'}<; U.i‘:i’i3
`.!c2’; at E3.
`'}Ԥ deiay mf Tr.-.s::a:'1_x_-' a::w:;:. years e:<c<:>::d::.
`anaisagousé 6 ‘ycar stains cf Iiiiiifaiioxaa. Id.
`(I{3m"E fu:‘i‘§:eI'
`i‘::Q‘l'SS i‘}.}ai «:_iu.::ing -‘Liza ne::r3.}«‘
`S(')V¢311 year _§3»fI;‘1‘iO€§
`imiwtsen the Eime
`Oppoaer 163231263 of $115 CRL{S'i‘;’XLiN€f} mm"k 3..;1r;i ‘ihs Eii‘n.:?:
`€C)ppos:er Qhjenzieai 1:0 {ha use of {he
`to :11z1zfE‘»::ei' and s-::«:pa:1‘<£
`;:2r:.>§u.ctien €33?
`CRESTA§_;IIN{f}~§;:'andefi <, M, 942.6.
`3. resuii
`:3? (Z2m":3r3_11"s
`e'{’§}3ris am i:1\»‘s:>.2i.z1r1cnisV,
`{I'R,,f1f:‘{E‘;,'-‘».fii,f{}\T{} czwa E1213 became a §1ig‘3:§.j; SE}€;(.1'§3SS'f?.§} brand csf cam.
`£237. Had C’;’3:{_3QSi§£' actefi
`mom‘ ti -1 Camézs c.<:s1:Ed h.2.Vs3 éimctfid their szffaris and res0=;m'.:eS $0 huiidiziar +"r€:m‘iw‘i§E
`in a
`ii), "EEK: C»:m:’: deciams that Oppnsefs diZ2‘:t@;'y g:It:;;§a%£:i‘ic::1s;
`"~..>;2m.2E:i d§\~'{3S§' C2::::*één. m.{"t§1:=: b:em-:§‘E~i cf brignd .'§.03,»‘§.' xx.-'i'1*;=:t§1 i: spezzt mac}: time izmi
`c:u£=Li.vati:1<*. Ed.
`#13 such, {:.3‘§.‘§.'i{3?.2 wiii bra mziudieeci if {'):>:3mse§ is sfiiosared. to asseri its ::é=rrhEs
`afier smash
`ic->ngfi'1yz~2.:1d imreas-o»nabEe deiay is’. at 9?.
`T12.6 Coax‘? (ie£;im'es ma? 8 woscfs éieiav in rssez‘i*;11’r
`its iii. his $3 amt e>;m:s:ed $3 '
`<‘i¢'3ci‘;’ine of ‘m>s;r,:'r‘:s3E've ez‘1cmzu.:§::nemi
`Jae’. ai
`Seas? {E12 mid-'i_99{}s,, 3; 2.52.3 0?
`czwa have exmrzeded saies of €ITippa*.«se:*”3 CREST.»’-kl. C§T:€§§1’l})?:§,D€
`.z?:m§ %:'i‘;t3 sazfles

`vaium-:2 of C':R1'ST.AL.§NU was suffEc:ie11t2y s.ign_ifica:‘2.i’ £0 zm-trii. me zzppiicatimz af
`Nei=:'E1mf‘C;1:‘sié:1’s in‘:-.j3Etsinamieztimq 0i“q11aEity‘ c¢_mir:;3§
`33.0.2‘ chazxges in the. CRES."fA£;i§NO
`iabei a':.z‘eai¢:: 3 ge=:’1uim.': issue mfanaitsriai 1.‘-‘mi. which wmzisci p:;%1‘1'ni‘; s’;§§)post:r
`amid appiic.a.i‘i~;m e’;if'
`the £3-Sctrizie of §:1=3nes. .2’a'. at E 34.2.
`The CtL}l}i‘f 325:3» finds €313? {3;3p:3se:“*s 1‘Equr;:st
`a<:;u.i'iz;b';a rariief is;
`'i3a1'r£d {:2}; fiacéiss Ezamzd
`zxpmx tin:’i3nc..e Ufeqaziiies.
`.{s:=.’. at E.‘_-LE3.
`'W§1i1et.heE'32u'.:1§ t'h2.§ W:'}u'a3{i_u~3s113§‘f_.G the 3:-ubiic h}; the
`cu«z::t§uu§::‘3 use of two a::m1'fu.sing ;‘mn'§<‘s is 1f5:it:\~'m1i is me: a}isp'§icaii0::. of Eachtts to a req=;s.esI:. fer
`i':1j't:z2cti.w.: rei-ief, an eievmzd {eve} sf ;':ii=:eii33_s3ad :3fc0nfi;3i1‘:sn army: he d§,21:r2o::seira‘i;ec.§ in 0s1‘?Ia;f ‘:'’-:n' a
`mm"? to dzzciimz in ap;_>Ey lashes
`2: E331‘ to i.31jL:11cfive :'ei‘i&f.
`3;-3’, ‘£3/14.
`T1:e1'asuEts~ 0fOppu—ser’.s },ikc1iE1:)m§ mi" z:0.m"usia;m smvejs shows:
`{l’2N3..‘:r"" 6.9% of ti’:-.036 $'L2}.".’i‘2i}"(;‘~{3 bc:3§.s3\»'€:<i CRESTAEINO was the sz‘am<: Earamd as
`0 O'NL‘{
`9.2% mi‘
`‘mzriiaxrad CRESTAL ahazzapagns
`CR}SV'§‘iAE..—IN{TI* cava s-ve:*£:;.n.'miz1.c¢:6i by the 811338 ¢:0n1;.2a‘ny;
`0 {WLY 4.6% of
`imiijexrcci CRESTAL {:§1an'1pagg,m:
`CR§S"§.‘ALiNf;3 cawa W€i'E p;rodu::.ed ‘by a.£’.{'3}_ia‘zed arexnp-aaaziesg and
`0 ONLY’
`of t‘imsc% S<ul“»~’€.?}’€‘id believed pem1§SsiQn fi':_n.n €112: 113ak:2;* of{L'iR1S’E.‘A§__.
`cE_2z:11':_pagm‘: was ;'e€.;11i1red in m':.§er' in grmizice CRii8"§"AL{N€I} cam.
`.353. at I 5.
`Based ugwn this evi.dm1c.e_, {he iL‘.e’u1“si conciudes rim c:m1i"m2.i.(3n its:-ztwtrven Ci{ES’I‘A‘§...
`sshampagne and {IRES FA§...ENO ctzzva is not £113‘:-*§€;abT§c
`and ma’:
`i.i}:_e}.i_i?.z::mi. of C0i}f1J.S’i'\‘31'§.
`between ¥;IR;£‘:‘>'{Z»’-fl..
`CRES'E“A.L}fNfl‘ mt suif’fi£:,ienfiy high sa as {(1 bar‘ ‘-ghe. app¥icatL‘ic»n :3?

`Eachcs to {Jppo;~;e;"s i‘C<}‘Lif:.’:2I. Em‘ in_i’uz1ci§x2'e relief. In’. §:1»:i~::c-<3, 31:3 Cnsmit mates, 9. figure =‘-‘c,w.ti'<.~<»’een
`2.5% and 50% \m_m.‘£d berequi1'ed to S‘.§}}§5f3.I‘T
`fineziing u.i“}~;."»:e.‘=lii1<.a<,:Li <.sfc.\:~.-3? 113'. at E?,
`in f.F1.12’"tht‘:I 3L:;>;Jm't 0? its csinciusiun thzat
`3 mir3§.r11_a_i
`§.i}«.:.£:iij}3:3mi «sf confus.i«.3n
`beiween C.1'{iSé"§‘AL champagxxe and VCRISTALP*k5U ctava,
`the C::3uz'i notes that C.RES»TAL
`cha.:npagm:> ami CRZSTA.§.,‘i?\?O zrava .are said at “6;1‘em;atica}iyL’* diffeimxt ;._}1'ic.<-2s ami ‘i:ha.t the iaheis
`of the: two<'iu£;i'.<.e are not .§:_ie:2iica§‘ ki 21*; E54} :3.
`‘The (”_’.':"ouri' a§s0 gsaiu‘-Esé out that C KSTAE...
`c;_hampag:.1e is salt? in a éisti.m:ti'v‘e, ‘$8.:--boiimxacd, Vcrys1‘a§. brmtiie am? CTRISTALENO cs-wa.
`fa’. at 16.
`Ti?-.6 recasrd. also simws am: §‘h_e:'»:: has oniy been true ‘i1";Siz"ii1i3E‘..Qf aciuai.
`beiwatcxix. CRESTAL and €T§R}‘§TAE_.3b’!Q§ Whigs}: wag due ‘I10 an aifered iz=.¥3a£ wizmzizz {hes W0
`gmflimé. 0_f§}.1e.
`(ffR}ES'If‘.»’-§.iL.EE‘~3() :.:'3.6.:‘k was 0E33cured.. Ia‘. 3? ‘:4 Eiild H3. N{:>-me cf’ €115: 0h‘1<3:' e\?idcnc.e
`sxfiniaittad by Oppose: suggests €113‘:
`imifiividztais a.o:u-aiiy crmfiised CR1S'E,‘AL iZh3§‘:'i})?ig‘:'}i3 and.
`€L‘.R3{STALTNO cm/22¢ In’. at’ 36.. Q_p;m;~:.ez"s m~*:m‘iy‘ sevvan year fieiay‘ in assmtiizg iis :‘ig_E‘m‘~.
`s11p;3Q1'{s‘§hc: Cmu'i"s- i:'md.img filat c0:1‘§}.::xi:.m is uz1Ei§<t:§.y. M.
`§*‘E€C'§‘ OF THE i}ITS"E‘R§{J'i"' C{}UR’i§7”E% \§T{_L{_E_);_{}'}_}}f§}§I‘ffif
`_;(} E‘P(}S£'i"§i3N i’R0{3EEi}iNG
`_}’7}§e i)‘i:.?.*in"c?z‘ Cows‘ '3rcfs;";r Wc£i‘i‘a§:fs }'€es';‘3rf{3}2 ef-s'fé?,!'i€.*;:2
`En its Ordézr cf Aprii .30, 2338, the Tradeznark Triaé zmsji Ewpeai Beard susparvied this
`»C};:s;;s0si=;i.£m pendiipzg the fuxaai <i‘;..=.«*.;'3£..:s.i‘ii«:‘,‘2': 01"‘ (T.’.ivE§ A<::i<m N0. C¥6~fZTV-‘2.‘i3 beiween fippuser am}
`Téafiz B923s:d’s {)1'fia:' fizifihez‘ Siatsss that $315 parties am 1:0 mfiify Thfi Baa2‘<i 0%‘ the fimii
`as-f“ Civii Action N:3..
`€?'fi—C‘V' witi-rizx {went}-' éaya, in 0.:‘{i£:r 1'ha'iL fi1‘.3S {}pp03iti:31'1
`zrnay be ca {ed up for a;>;>:‘{.3p~;iate eutiimx.

`i i 1
`me Di:m‘ic:{
`L‘.:;m:‘-“I. of ?vfii:1n<:sa'J€a’s
`€Tm_’;«:::- of frziy 23, 2008 £:£s.21:<:ti_tL1tes
`cietexminatioia cf :’;‘.ix«‘ii Actian No». {}6—Ci‘v’#2§3s.
`in accm-(fiance with
`5i{}.{}2{b) »:zEt.E1e Tris];-'3 and
`Appazii E§»:mr3. Mama} of Pmcefimv :3.
`$1113} dete:*:nir1afi0n is 3 z'h’s}:_msiii\;re mimg £3121? ends
`£itigafi0r.'-. an the ziwméis.
`3:1 ga‘a:.1iing Car:‘i{>:1’e; Mrs.-viicm fin‘ Summary Eudgmem ‘far 1ac_§1c—:.s
`ciisrzzissing {lippzasefs {I~s:=mp§aint with pre_§udic.e, the .?uv§gme:1i.i}rut an 321:‘: $0 ali iitigaiisn an {he
`msarfisé of Civii Actien N::>,. O6-£.TV--2 '1 3.
`Ac:{:0z‘(i‘§1}gEy, :‘6.$1.2mgi‘£0z1 mi“Q;3;§GSi¥..i7011 Ncr. 9} 18 E 6&3 is W£iITz'i11'€f:{‘1.
`{'fr)ff(21fef2‘c::' ffsfapgzief }2<3§*'1‘f1‘f“€’g€
`(.e'iu'37gn2—e;it in I~‘}.:‘:»'0i" :)f{_7.:r1':'z'£3s-3
`The Or-rjer cf the E*«im;1es0ixis1 Di.smIr::{ Cfouzft
`::<mc.ius.iVve§y res{3i‘«'§:d 2:33
`raissd in Oppusefs €T30z‘np§aim in fez-x.='0;* of Ca1’1'ié33L The Court hehi
`thai {he 2.ik.ei§i‘z.:'x:sd {sf
`<:m§f"u:.‘»‘;m ht':tw::':an (Iarri.éz'3’s {ERIE S1?’-2LiN{} n‘za::'I<. ami {}p;:(>3<:2r’s CRESTAL mark: we1sm3,:‘1irm_:i.
`Given the figcisiexz, the cicscztzfizm sf c»::eiEataraE esi:3ppe§_ .rcqm'res rim: fin: Board g1*a:1t_jLuig:‘1}.-3:11: is‘:
`£3ppo5i.?.im1 No, 3331 E 8 T3 686 in fa'~m:* :31? <CT:n‘:a‘it3a1.
`Uncicar {he g3;‘i:1c§.pEes 0'f_’ c».'33.Eatc.’::.z‘aI esto-_p;_}e}, an £2251:-3 zzattzxaiiy and 11:3<;:ess2a2‘i¥y €i:=;i«::r:13in:;:{§
`by a comi‘ of C{n‘1}p§:i‘e‘;‘}i 3;m*isd£c{i(m is m>.:'mai3;.«' ::onc7i’ in a ‘subs°.qL:c:‘n: suit‘ 'i11vs.3}vi.:1g fiifs
`same ;3;3:z't.ies.
`same 11:33:33 t.z'ue— with respect to p:foce:s:d.ings ‘m2i"o1'e {E16 Pa.t'c:mi and 'E1"ac§ez21a:‘k
`f:2dc:‘aE +;::_mri' aieagiaiou r:%g:—n':ii11g
`in later
`aziminisimtive }j3mc¢&dings ‘%3ei'_‘m‘£: 2&3»:
`'?w:2:£‘1c::mu;'E< 'T2:'iaE and Appcai B{‘533‘{§.
`in re A §;‘E1‘¢ze»,-2*’ £;}z.a;2!::‘ff
`£L2’mz‘z‘e»:2’, E984! T"i‘AB LEXES Ed!-,_ 8--9 {T*;'a»:§ema1'k
`£1: App. Bi}. Now, 12, 1§S»=?») cititzgfiidfazrzgf
`r.-2 M:‘re’;’z2:.:.:2’ 1;:re;':~:aric2;zaf CO!}§3.., 42E f§?’..?.a§
`‘:64 U.S.T?‘.Q.
`53739 {CCFA
`iii:-.133 C0.r'p., WE U,S.i“.Q. 8335 {"fI"E‘AB 1971:}; 2:133 3}
`'E‘mr3zcz1':a.;‘§<s an-;‘i
`’§;;‘:1,if‘ai:“ (3<,m::pe€‘iéiou

`{.‘.»ca.1:‘: deeiimms

`dsireitzaizxgzd {G be binding on fhe Patent. and ’§‘;‘'k {M373 x:e’s a:‘imi1.1i3i:iative ‘t.s‘:‘Emr1—21is —i::<:—‘:”-Mic.
`.{’is’:c~§ings :.‘egart3i:1g, fire ¥i}<e:}é}m:3<E £2?‘ <:onfus,i0:3, the tiight to rcgis:£:'atitini=._, ‘ihfi s;‘:=«;—>::ca“ip*:iv<':m:ss
`genr3.r.icnes1s nfa I11aj‘E{5 and Eaches. 3. "E"§mmas; M<:{I—a:‘£i1_y,_ "i‘:‘z;.cE.mna;'ks ané Uaaihir Compeiiiicm §
`Um‘ie;' ihe raaici :32’ v::oH;-m=:1*2sT. esmppai. (3130 kmw.-'11 as "E33136 p':'e<.:¥u:=.i0:'i"}A, amize ti factual
`issue has; Essen com:-3L:::.i,veE3,r' cijeiemfined in a sum i'§L::-r:. factua.§ issue is i‘€4gar€3ed
`settiefi bet‘we.c-gm
`the pafiies in aii iatszr p:'m:ced.£ngs., even on differem “swims.”
`Kim; 1:. Mk?C}:,w;;.r, 44$? US.
`$5.-“£3, 94- (US.
`.»’1a’fc;?:’a2'z<$' C00jpe:'<1£a‘1»m, Eric. V. E§«2=‘Ec;‘“.’<zr2d f?zfe3z'::a:‘.€z3::a::f C:_>;jp.,, 421 F.2d "354;
`364U S’??? {f.3.C5.P¢A.
`.i9?0}_; Pigszc;-M-.§
`A} (36 M+:%c?:12“zfa;.':;e £178 P.I'gczZ§i<::;§ V. Pc::’e:::“0id Cary,
`?{}.E §".;-Ed 3, 2E‘? U.S.}’.Q. SE3 (3.3:
`E983}. L§?”om' e,§.£:.z2:1<m£s me mqui;‘e<;i. for 21. 1’“'m§§§.ng of issmi
`iprecfiusisan: {"3} the issm“; £iMec*id<-:6. in me ‘_Di‘iDZ‘ adjiidicatioix is ideniicai in ms: one ;>_1‘es,e.nte3d in the
`pm<tec‘:<§ing in quesfimz; {2} me. msaaiuiiim csf ilk:-: pa:*i’iz:uEar issuf: was necssaary to the result; {3}
`the iSS11§3 was a<.:i'ua§Ey ‘a.i’t,ig2:i'ed and (iéizzidezii am the 31‘.i€§,‘§,‘§§3_I, and {ii} the p8‘§'i}’ ag21in_.?1‘.. Wham the
`a.sserE—ed was
`party to the ea1‘E3_e1* p:°«:scs22:di;:g. Sea £§?9zm.’er-F'wzgz.:e Lab.
`2-: Ur:i1='. qi"
`117:’. 13‘0z:mf,_.
`!~'?{}2 US. 333;
`{USA Ti???’ 1}; Jew: ,»'f’.:":A3.x‘c1<me.=‘ £fL'a$;_2:{3.e‘€:::w_.
`‘J, L’O;‘eaf iJ7§-L2‘,
`£236., 458
`24%, 7.3.49 3d
`29135}; /.¥.4.:".
`:‘L'.7':'§1;_;:‘;"r;?;’<;*.' CO, V. P"'>s3 8m>s«_s,r'£:,g:2..s', I2.i(.‘., 839 .3-_’.d 36, 3'5’
`{?€§':. Ciii. 1988)‘
`AB me above ‘cifed criiezia
`met in me instzxrr: case‘ The issues siecided 3:33:
`Mimzssota [}ist;‘ici Coma‘; are i<ie.nii::3.i
`in iimse ;>:'es€;n~‘:ed
`in 3113 izzstamt opp0si‘:im1; namiiy
`wiaaafiuixx" ‘€h.::=r'<:
`iike}€h0:;u'E of 4;«;az'2’fi;25%it3:3 .'i::e‘iw:2e12 iiifi parties‘ :'m:;'f§s:s. The. .:*s:s.c3}.u§’im3 sf
`‘a‘h6.3e Essuszs was n§:cessary to t§1«a rsszzit of {he Disfrici. Corn‘? 22.03011; H-:»:me‘1y the iizfesmziasai of
`and trademaris:
`133351133 as ir3;*n'r<:ci
`iiae. docsfrimz of 33.9}?-.::=s due is
`(S:-11:1}; and minimal
`T112 O2's:h::2' of the M‘i,21:*1s—9.{.>'iz::
`.‘{.}i‘:::tric;t Cam‘:

`cxarzsfiixatezs a final dete1'n:_i;1a.£im1 of C.ivi§. Aetixtsza N0. <)€'a~CJV-“.233 on iics meri.‘-.i‘:: smd wnciueiveiy
`issues in 9.312 ‘iiishtict C:3m‘i‘ 3,9301: in favor :31’ Caz‘1‘ié.n.
`€3p;_msitim1 N0.
`9*} E83586 i21v9§.w:A':=. 27:16 s:.i§1‘;§:;};t§,'iié:.s‘. as ih0.s€:
`i11v0IW.:(ii2'1 Civii Acziion N0. {T=6—C‘&-" -213.
`3}} Hit‘.
`_u=::jgui:‘¢’:me.m.s fin‘ <:.@i§.z':a.1‘er7z—.i§
`(3Si'O.;:}}'I~3} am: met, the i\/.'{_i§_“;§‘:i’,S'0i'f-.3.— Disfzmt. C0urt’;~..= judgment is bimfing
`1l}}(‘3fl {E26 '8-award in ii»:-: instant s:3p=p<:>s*;ti0:1 pmcrz-:;:d,in_g.
`The Eistmtt Cmarfx firadfing sf znizmnai Eikeiiiaead of :3-3.nfusi0:z ‘23é:i‘xv-32:1: Car;‘.ié11’s
`{I.?RlS’TA§);{N'Q and {I¥;‘;;3:3se:."3 {?R,{S’}L~_*%_§I, mmks is d<:£s:2;‘minaii\;=‘e £>f‘i}1§.*.iss;1‘ns.3 raised 7:33‘ iI}p_g30s::r
`in me instzant Qppositioix. CanfiéI1’s {3RjES7E.‘AL}fiN{} .:m:2fk is :‘iisi‘.i.m:£ fimm the CRESTALINO
`ifififk in scum} and ;ir:'a;3nunciat'§{3n, W'h::;‘eas the CiUS'}‘A.i;,E‘N() mark Sh3;.'es me “(_‘.§§iEST” prefix
`with {3ppasra:_"s CRESTAL masks, the CF.,ES°i‘;\.L};‘N{j} maria does :10: cisniain {E36 :<.a =.n';Ta :.'v;>0i'.
`{he {Isrmfi fim:1<I _min_in1e{i Eikeiihmci 0?‘ emxfuzstimi be‘m'een Carri{m”s; C.‘.R1STAL§N€;3 ma';.‘E< zmd
`'(3;”mser’s (L’.}~’.TES'i"A§.. maxks, and in ‘fiE’.W of 1‘h»:—: fai:-'3. vihzfs‘-L‘ (3am‘:’m‘s CRESTALENC3 mswk
`rt-:m<w»:'-.<i. §‘.«;)1n {};>;_3Gser’s CRESTAL marks than CRIS'1)5k_L}N”(), 1‘ an tzven Esssser Eikeiiiiood
`Bf coxafusion T:‘s:at\-W333. £73116 CRl§STA§..- .:m:r§§'S and Carrién"s CR.ES'}‘AL'iNO mazii.
`{E15 Cmsrfs fiziiiixigs in etha §3iS'I'{‘iCf Cs:m:_‘{ action preciszde a fi.m’§ing nf h.§§r.°.}iE100<i af C031f£1S§(3§'1
`iretween C?p;30se:“:~; CRES"§‘A§; 1'11:a1";a:s and {.‘.an‘i€m’s CREi.STi‘A.L.ETNi} .ma.r}s: and t1’:1:Ls_§mig1m_=.m in
`f‘*vcr1'ofCa1*r§;:’m is \~x~'a1‘z'::;1ie<i in the }é.n::;tanf epgasitioxz‘
`(};3p0se,r 13.-&’"m':T0:: fa S:.z:;jg3‘e'n:f cams’ iiis f3’m.‘:}'cf ’S ,%}:>r‘:’:' BEA 3008 ("}r‘»:2’.e9:' Sk.y."ga0:'£
`j3£Q‘:§;3fE}'?I in Fa;“,-'a.v ::;f‘(7‘m‘:“i(.3;2
`On Fcfiamary .25, 2808, Opgwsea‘ 1':1mrr;:d 1'0 Suspitmi
`'i:r1StzmE ce;3p0SEiiQ.n ;J_z‘m':eedi13g
`§sa::m.di.z1g me autcome of (Ii\»'a‘.¥ V.»’-§.cii0n Na.
`in tbs: Mi:me30fa E}is-trict €;’.Qm‘t.
`In its
`§.‘fl0*\"§?1g§)fipB3‘S_._ flfippusser aiiegeaii mai 3 iiczcisicsn in $13 I‘s%E.i.:3_:'s.::s0‘I:-1’::*aa‘3amark a<:ii(m, iuxzmivisag the

`<)1’*’ s.:<mfm=.ic»n b€'§‘§$-’€s'.3i} Ogpiasefs CR§S"i‘;.
`:.zmi §;T3.rri<'m’s CRIS"§.‘AL..INC1
`mm./.., m.i;;_3;h~i
`€ic?re:‘1’1‘:i:m{§\:e3 of irzrsues
`in the i:‘1sf.‘zmt Op§=QS‘§f.iG§.‘:;
`n+;>i'aEsE3' Em-3.
`ii}ae;{:§i.§mmd of
`<:c.m,i'7u:9.§oz'_z hem-=e<:2j: C3pp::3se:“‘s {Z.‘.R,E_S’1’A€_, ma*s‘1<s; and (1‘amii€m‘s C3ElES7£“;XL-IN€f3 11'1ei1“k.
`"flue Brsz:r<‘i g3'aui.ed Op;)0:3::r’s Fxrimicxzx ii} Suspemi p:::n.e:§=l;:1g A:
`fit“;-.221} {iei‘em‘:iz1a.tia32'1 in the
`E\.*.’§i‘i1.i“:C£S£3i€: civii 2'1£:i§_Cs:'1.§1} an Order dared Ami} 39, 2808.
`in the .Apzi3 33%;, 2{},i3S Osfdexf, the fguard
`ruled i'na.*: ‘”‘t§3e aivii €.<;:i*icm 23': i'.s:su~:§1as i>ea=.1*i:1g‘upm‘1 -the aahawe--s;a.pti.0t1e<3 p1‘£T)£:’<3(’.{ mg. . ,°“
`{§{_${}Sf:{Eije:1iAEV§’, O;)pOSs31‘°S £.3w.r;_ xmwixag papaya and {M22 fi}‘1¢§’:i1“§.g';:‘_.S «of 111:: E3mmig
`in the D:'<ier' of Amiii. 30, EQQS3 bot}: s=.1;:3pm'é the £i§j{;}§i‘Ca§iQi1 cf the E\~*iiz121esr.3’:a }7}iTs§:rict C.imz*t'°s
`Qrdez‘ 22216 fizadings ta tbs: i11si2mt x3f_p;)0s:Iti:m p:*m;e<>;ii:1g am? thus mc:1‘i=: ;V;zd.gmen€.
`Em 1“z:.vo;' of
`if?-a1":‘.ié.n. in this {}p; pw<::~:':eding.
`WHLSREFOREEZL. A 1 siiazmt-J: Carriér: res :e<:—tfuE}y 1'fi€3V€~S
`the T1‘;::‘§<mf_:a;‘£: "i"z‘ia§ and Amaai
`Buzzard fm*1‘e.=;uz':1pi‘i(:-21 cf €§}ppo.<;i‘-;ion N0. 9} 18}6S(S and 2‘::qu2>s€;~.:
`t31.:s$judg;'nem in this a;3posi§.i<m
`p2‘0ceed.,ing; be g:‘a2:1%.:?ci in
`Rm-pccE§’uE}y S13‘i1.:';1i?.te{§3
`Sass M, €I3oH~:;2.z‘;.
`M'€i{'i§1¢3‘¥.X-" C. Wagner‘
`Os‘.‘6§‘1 Gaibez‘
`88 South§ .?.\.\.'e;3=.’sL::
`Oézsizxiazg, "NY (35612
`{9 E 4} 94-1 —5:3?Ei8
`xi fI0;v‘z£é:3»=5_fIar ggjficizszf
`9.! w.
`C<::‘iir"zcat.€: 0fSe:r<.=i<:.:;‘.
`I,I?aEr:<*§:: Au-_;}us1‘ E2, BESS

`F‘A'TE'I‘\7'}" AND ’}‘RADf§i»1‘x€I;’kRK. CEFFZCEE
`ISH REQUEST§Ei§f} Ti} {I-HAR{3E. SUCH F Ti} UUR EI1§:TP'C‘3S»§.’}7 ACCQUT*§"{' {}3»~
`ELE{3TRONiCAL.L‘x" WE'i‘i'-Ei THESE ‘E}N1'}.’§:T‘3'.} STATES P£’{i‘VEi\.'*'Ti" -AN?) ’f‘RAi.3E.MARi{. CJWFVECE
`ON AU.€I}{}EST ‘s’2:_,12{}€}S.
`‘ N
`U .
`.w. .
`. g *
` {}a.’:‘t>:‘}: Atlgtist’ 12, 2098
`_______.__‘ ‘L
`§\\\‘\ \‘
`€Z3:'ez:: Cxatibex‘
`FE GI?” S§ilR.‘%5'§C§?_.
`, 115:1‘:-they (:ezi§.f);’ thaa‘ AE’E’LI§7;‘§;FjxE’{:’S_§»u{§;QI§Q§
`:3::2;:::2:?2§z$:TfIION ’PRC>CE:~3:>:N=:: rgsiik
`has bate}: sssjwcei ‘;_1_p'c<n‘.:
`Jcfim A. Ciiffezfi
`*erc}1ani :3: {32'm3(i PIE.
`PAT}. Box. 29%}
`Mi:‘m«:2ap0E‘i:<;: MN :T.‘§4{)2
`my First
`1‘s"I€ifi, posstage pré:pa..i;§, on ;‘?~u.}.gu_s:
`Daiedr fiuzgiist’ ‘E2, 2098


`P?3.Q€:'"§ affi?
`ca-‘-.4*3"§;a:‘2« S":
`"IE3 DFSTR¥€.7T (}‘€}'UEEA'3"
`Ci‘ <1’
`{.:‘%:em'i::;:::sgm~': §.,.«:,:«u§s §<’..c«ea'i-;:r«:..r,
`31. {.im’C§Ez Carrion, .,
`;mz:§ £71?‘ §}S;=\,
`{Jim No, £36--‘2§3 {3";*«¥i‘i..«’SR?«I}
`W... Hi.¥zd&i"!k‘Ji“C« 333$:-, Ht‘-a€Eu::'3. E§§§ebez3s£ais1. E'is::;;., ami johrx A, {‘.T¥i§‘¥"'<>*rs'3, Tiisay, :‘f@§<::‘e}:;::>z
`_'§:>uE£i ’§’.C., azppcarmi fur .E5’i:«;§m“z:fi‘Cizampzéagms‘i':2 Rcsederes‘.
`23., 3f1£§ Ss'<m}'a R. Bra‘: zxsciax-3-‘ssig, §'7‘.s<;.,
`.,!\,§i}i3 E... §~1§}L§m».{,
`Gas: ‘ezaaézzzfis 3. <;:.§a {.i‘22rr§<>z'z.\
`zmd {.‘i’v' USA‘
`,§‘}.§....<\ Z-‘igser US E.E,s’f.‘, 2i.;2pa2z11'Eu§ for
`C‘-:m:‘z:;sa}g,n.‘: §..u:_ziee R£)€£§»?§‘{<Y {CZLR} ?:>mz£gh‘i ,.1..his £§.{.‘-‘{§:‘I33} a.g.:2§:2si {Ea-fsmiamis 3" {';‘3;‘€.izs
`. x
`{{'j’21.r'r§on}, magi §*rie::-:3 Wisztz ?v§€:rk<2i'i:3g,
`CW §..?§§A, we->L*:?s:N;iz :m<§smes:'3~;
`:1::Tar§::;_a»<:::‘:a-::s'£.::.mi ':‘c'§aie-;§ c;:§z2§ms zmai ses::§\'E:3;_§ ea
`.{.3c:£2:::':~:j§a§:£s; "z:-m~‘c-
`::1.m.m.::zr_\-‘ jm"§gs‘;‘:£:ni an the ;z_§mtm£i Seat C'LR“‘5 C~§’E§i3"§:? am: hesweai by
`dc :
`{he s-easaazss Vaiiscuészsssd -haziow, ':§:e {”_?<.3:::r:;g.:‘a1r:£s: :.‘n.e masiimx.
`{.1*:r's‘2'cm, Jamme 513:»-:‘z,. mas’ (.".?*‘.*.'s.v"’;'.»'*‘::;.> er-.'.m:.r
`21 Qi;):;a:i.\:§1 e:’.:2gg,>::§at‘§u::,T E3 £“2’>‘.°t}{f(§ in;-' ..
`:<>’§i§e:‘ S<j3:?§t}.lS§3 <:~{>:‘;3«:n'::i§o:3.
`..£2‘:m':»3 €«i::;'s‘:a.._ a .S_§322ai3i5§‘§ wi::e:jy:, Tw:-.2:
`;;m:'c._i:=.;3.ssx§ by ,E’:rix;r,s<":x £5: 3‘-‘sgafii 399?‘
`199$, imszitsc
`gmr-cizsascai iim .‘.»—‘-§‘u~;‘;.‘.\' of {.‘.z:s'z'§s;m, z=.m‘§ {ma in-‘0 s:<m1;n:-
` cnfity {>§3¢;‘.r£=.*§is:g‘! :m<§<::‘ the £1‘; r§'i0;:1 naamgt.

`Fiied G?.?23ff£:€}£38
`“me ‘ja§—!§§&£: -S::\r;’a \.x-inzary _§'?:'sé‘ Emgzm :3 nzalwce zxwa
`E55339 x1s~'§s:e with hu§3E)§€~'e2~~i3’§
`393$} zmd
`3:596 .s me \-‘::i3‘§Eiii£:3‘; :‘:§‘i?:3t: §¥Eii."s'2: “ ’.?:~§.'s'£a.%in.<;=."’ for 3‘ save: s:.m<2*§irn<: 3
`Cz*isiaii:m {rm-‘:1 xs-'32: baring said in the U:3i.c«:.i Stmes,
`«=4 aw; :«:m::§3.
`but 3:}! LEE‘)? mm~:.:.=3¥ 33,8. saxias had g§'{3W3'.a :0 2;.e~‘:;‘§ ~* -‘$=l}i}_,{}{}{} miiies and {IT:‘§s£.:-:.‘:i.:m was -':.:;:,*;r§s%:<§ by
`:?§s!riEt«t_::.m’s 2s§::smz<§ {he zmtécan.
`{IN USA iaegm imf2s;:‘i.zz‘;§§ ‘\\-‘iilfi-'l1‘¢.T}{§1..§EiLii‘»'E-Y2,‘
`imam the Unifed
`‘.?E?*‘3-"E 02*
`in a£i(i§{§<131 :0 iis dzziissz 5]’! M3«I
`'1_F-\5.(T;-7 ..:.v.... {:15}
`3*..1);€'‘’." "1
`oz.“ 2'} ,...f""I
`,...4_‘WW *1? fwd/.
`-or.(‘R '1»<:/3{ F.»M U)
`.- m:""17''.a ...
`IN«I-3; Lu $3.
`=._..ri-statiim s:£i\-"éi. was ‘mit;'.a.§'§j,= §2::.’:><t.iA::.»;3
`"‘ei‘ris§;<z§Euu .5-tume Seam" uzsvas. For <:xz2m.;>§s:, aha-2
`¥.:1§:st>§ «;¥e;'.3i=cte<:.E %mE«.‘m‘ 2-'::~.s {aged in ap;1sm>;Ez::a§¢¥y §§9?..:
`=.:m-2* f>‘ar_r;;:°‘
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