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`Mas Wine Company, LLC
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`Other Motions/Papers
`Katja Loeffelholz
`kl@gawvanmale.com, kenglish@gawvanmale.com, ssolomon@pearne.com,
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`/Katja Loeffelholz/
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`Time of Request: Thursday, April 02, 2009
`Client ID/Project Name: mas
`Number of Lines: B289
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`16:31:00 EST
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`Terms and Connectors Search
`Print Request: Selected Document(s}: 1-1000
`Source: News, Most Recent Two Years (English, Full Text)
`Search Terms:
`"no mas"
`Send to:
`FAIRFIELD, CA 94533-4325
`Page 1
`1. The Boston Globe, April 2, 2009 Thursday, Sports; Pg. 3, 905 words, Punching up the intensity; Team fought for 2
`points Tuesday, By Kevin Paul Dupont, Globe Staff
`crowd of 16,996 booing, "No Mas," Melichar's unwillingness to be beaten into
`2. Deadspin, April 1, 2009 Wednesday 3:05 PM EST, , 243 words, Officer Who Stopped Ryan Moats Cries No Mas,
`Quits Dallas PD [Nfl]
`3. Federal News Service, March 31, 2009 Tuesday, DEPARTMENT DEFENSE BRIEFING, 6234 words,
`sign something that says "no mas." You know? Q Fine. That's
`4. Chicago Daily Heraid, March 29, 2009 Sunday, Cl Edition, REFLEIOS; Pg. 20, 676 words, Si tiene un dinerito,
`gdonde invertirlo?
`haria seria eolocar no mas de un tercio
`5. DmEurope, March 26, 2009 Thursday, 213 words, ‘Orange Spain revamps prepay offer‘
`Quiero l yNo Mas’ and 'Quiero Oeio'. Customers
`Quiero I y No Mas option will receive
`6. The Irish Times, March 25, 2009 Wednesday, OPINION; An Irishman's Diary; Pg. 17, 809 words, An Irishman's
`Diary, Frank MeNally
`earshot, he became Roberto No Mas Duran: based on his
`enough, the pian worked. No Mas means no more
`7. New Orleans CityBusiness (New Orleans, LA), March 23, 2009, NEWS, 18] 1 words, The Main Event: Mixed
`martial arts is gaining a rabid following in New Orleans, Richard A. Webster
`round, infamously declaring, "No mas. No mas. " But it has been decades
`8. Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA), March 22, 2009 Sunday, LOCAL; Opinion, 1 172 words, Not getting
`fraud. No more. No mas. Ifthe government wants to save
`9. The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 22, 2009 Sunday, ZONE; Pg. N-], 690 words, 2010 to see sweeping turnover
`of mayors, Logan Jenkins
`calling it quits. No mas, they're saying. It's
`10. The New York Post, March 2] , 2009 Saturday, Sports+Late City Final; Pg. 52, 485 words, KINGS OF
`a Roberto Duran No Mas moment, and took their playoff
`Page 2
`1 I. CEO Wire, March 17, 2009 Tuesday, 66530, 1 155 words, Interview With Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
`some ofthese institutions that are saying no mas on this dough from you guys, what are you
`12. Federal News Service, March 17, 2009 Tuesday, 1002 words, FOX NEWS CHANNEL "YOUR WORLD"
`some of these institutions that are saying, no mas on this dough from you guys, what are you
`13. Fox News Network, SHOW: YOUR WORLD WITI-I NEIL CAVUTO 4:51 PM EST, March 17, 2009 Tuesday,
`NEWS; Domestic, 1044 words, Interview With Illinois Congresswoman Jan Sehakowsky, Neil Cavuto
`some of these institutions that are saying no mas on this dough from you guys, what are you
`14. The Wichita Eagle (Kansas), March 17, 2009 Tuesday, E; Pg. 1, 371 words, LOCAL PEOPLE IN THE NEWS
`No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes, Tucson, Ariz.;
`15. Chicago Daily Heratd, March 15, 2009 Sunday, C1 Edition, REFLEJOS; Pg. 6, 366 words, Consejos para que su
`dinero Ie rindu mas
`neeesitara trabajar o no mas alla de la
`16. The Stuart NewsfPort St. Lucie News (Stuart, Florida), March 15, 2009 Sunday, All Zones Edition, TODAY; Pg.
`E12, 373 words, Doe Ford investigates kidnapping in the Big Apple in ‘Dead Silence‘, MARILYN
`Tornlinson lives aboard "No Mas“ in Tarpon Bay --
`17. The Washington Post, March 15, 2009 Sunday, Every Edition, STYLE; Pg. E01, 1494 words, South of the Border,
`Popular Ballads About the Perils oflllegal Immigration Have a Surprising I-Ieritage: Made in -— and by —- the United
`States ofmneriea; South of the Border, Popular Ballads About the Perils of Illegal Immigration Have a Surprising
`Heritage: Made in -- and by -- the United States of/Xmerica, Ashley Surdin; Washington Post Staff Writer
`Border Patrol launched "No Mas Cruees en Ia
`by dehydration or exhaustion. "No Mas Cruees en la
`IMAGE; EICVECIAJH; "No Mas Cruces en la
`18. The Ottawa Sun, March 14, 2009 Saturday, FINAL EDITION, HOMES; Pg. 26, 622 words, Faux pas! No masl;
`How to remedy common decor mistakes, BY CTW FEATURES
`19. The Hotline, March 12, 2009, 2006 words, You Can't Prove Anything
`Enough for now. No mas. No mas." Rep.Barney Fran|<(
`20. Politieoeom, March 32, 2009 Thursday 4:06 AM EST, , 833 words, Second stimulus’? Never heard of it}, Lisa
`Lerer, Mann Reju
`Enough for now. No mas. No mas."
`Page 3
`21. Monterey County Herald (California), March 1 1, 2009 Wednesday, SPORTS; Columnists, 583 words, Guerrero's
`gash spoiled big night, Dennis Taylor Ringside
`image forever with the infamous "No mas" loss to Sugar Ray
`22. St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minnesota), March 1 1, 2009 Wednesday, POLITICS; News, 825 words, Talk of 2nd
`stimulus starts, but many aren't in mood, By Lisa Lerer and Mann Raju Politico
`Enough for now. No mas. No rnas."
`23. Lowell Sun (Massachusetts), March 9, 2009 Monday, DENNIS SI-IAUGI-INESSEY; News; Local, 593 words, With
`March in like a lion, will winter ever end'i, The Lowell Sun
`heavens and I plead, "No mas, no mas." We are just two weeks
`24. Lowell Sun (Massachusetts), March 9, 2009 Monday, DENNIS SHAUGI-INESSEY; News; Local, 593 words, With
`March in like a lion, will winter ever end'?, The Lowell Sun
`heavens and I plead, "No mas, no mas." We are just two weeks
`25. Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, March 9, 2009, COMMENTARY, 694 words, Commentary: [It] won't be
`mentioned in this column today, David Yas
`BJ's, Costco and Target. No mas. It must go.
`26. States News Service, March 9, 2009 Monday, 983 words, KU STUDENTS TO VOLUNTEER MARCH 16-20 AT
`No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes, Tucson, Ariz.
`27. USA TODAY, March 9, 2009 Monday, FINAL EDITION, SPORTS; Pg. 3C, 675 words, CBS, NCAA online are
`on the button, Michael McCarthy
`made it —— and they didn't." No mas: Is there a mercy rule
`28. Chicago Daily Herald, March 8, 2009 Sunday, Cl Edition, REFLEJOS; Pg. 16, 107 words, Guia nutricional
`recomendadas para aduitos: * No mas de 2,300 mg
`29. Cookie, March 2009, TRAVELING; Pg. 60, I087 words, southern belle, Lolly Merrell; — with contributions by
`cheesecake.STORES 3 NO MAS! I-IACIENDAISO Walker
`30. Urgent Communications, March 1,2009, Pg. 4,422 words, Siesta no mas, Glenn Bischoff
`3]. Daily News (New York), February 28, 2009 Saturday, SPORTS FINAL EDITION, NEWS; Pg. 13, 39 words, NO
`Page 4
`32. Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), February 27, 2009 Friday, Final Edition, LA ESTRELLA DE TUCSON; Pg. 16, 907
`words, Regresan al metodo tradicional, MARIANA ALVARADO, MARIANA ALVARADO, LA ESTRELLA DE
`que me ayudaban, pero no mas de rnedio tiempo",
`33. The Atlanta Traveler, February 27, 2009 Friday 1 I245 AM EST, , 163 words, Art Stroll in Castleberry Hill, Linda
`No Mas Hacienda, a Furniture
`Hill, historic neighborhood, No Mas Hacienda Share This Newstex
`34. Calgary Sun (Alberta), February 24, 2009 Tuesday, FINAL EDITION, SPORTS; Mail Bag; Pg. S20, 642 words,
`Mail Bag column
`lo and behold, it was "no mas," we quit. As a rocking
`35. Edmonton Sun (Alberta), February 24, 2009 Tuesday, FINAL EDITION, SPORTS; Mail Bag; Pg. S12, 609
`words, Mail Bag Column
`lo and behold, It was "no mas," we quit. As a rocking
`36. The Toronto Sun, February 24, 2009 Tuesday, FINAL EDITION, SPORTS; Mail Bag; Pg. S16, 609 words, Mail
`Bag Column
`lo and behold, it was "no mas," we quit. As a rocking
`37. Winnipeg Sun (Manitoba), February 24, 2009 Tuesday, FINAL EDITION, SPORTS; Mail Bag; Pg. S14, 605
`words, Mail Bag Column
`lo and behold, it was "no mas," we quit. As a rocking
`38. Michael Fitzgerald, February 23, 2009 Monday 1:01 PM EST, , 368 words, Andal: No mas
`39. FuIl—Court Press, February 21, 2009 Saturday l0:1 1 PM EST, , 78 words, It's a clinic, Keeli Garza
`left the court saying "No mas." —— Jan Hubbard Newstex
`40. The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa), February 2i, 2009 Saturday, SPORTS,
`2009022l—CR-Taking-highuwire-act-to—final—0221, 565 words, Taking higl1—wire act to final, Jeff Johnson, The Gazette,
`Cedar Rapids, Iowa
`2l—-DES MOINES —— No mas, Tomas. Stop with the last—
`4]. Times Record News (Wichita Falls, Texas), February 20, 2009 Friday, FRONTERAS; Pg. MA, 575 words, Las
`nuevas ondas;
`transmision digital recmplaza viejas frecuencias analogicas, Por Lynn Walker. Times Record News
`tendran problemas, pero no mas que si esperamos
`42. Gawker, February 18, 2009 Wednesday 2:54 PM EST, , 50 words, Poster Boy Has No Recollection of Being Poster
`Page 5
`Boy [Interviews]
`Interesting interview, but no mas till after your
`43. Metro (UK), February 18, 2009 Wednesday, Dublin Edition, Pg. 22, 171 words, SCOTLAND FACING SECOND
`44. Metro (UK), February 18, 2009 Wednesday, Dublin Edition, Pg. 22, 171 words, SCOTLAND FACING SECOND
`45. Newsday (New York), February 18, 2009 Wednesday, ALL EDITIONS, SPORTS; Pg. A53, 563 words,
`SPORTSWATCH: NYC media makes do, NEIL BEST. neil.best@newsday.eorn
`dominant vibe turned to "no mas." At least until
`46. The Associated Press State & Local Wire, February 18, 2009 Wednesday 3:14 AM GMT, , SPORTS NEWS, 65!
`words, Colon, Contreras, others vie for Sox rotation, GLENDALE Ariz.
`lost 30 pounds. "No mas came," he said, in
`47. Bonernan's Bout Blog, February 17, 2009 Tuesday 2:55 PM EST, , 678 words, Book review: Four Kings, bprzybylo
`round. The infarnous or.-No mas fight where Duran quit
`48. Newsday (Melville, New York), February 17, 2009 Tuesday, SPORTS, 200902E7-BC-BBA-SPORTSWATCH,
`637 words, A~Rod story rambles on, By Neil Best, Newsday, NEW YORK
`dominant vibe turned to "no mas." At feast until
`49. Ruidoso News (New Mexico), February 17, 2009 Tuesday, SPORTS, 567 words, Zoom, Zoom, Spit and Sputter,
`Ty Wyant Wyant's Wisdom
`slot, a scheduling "no mas." While not a
`50. Watch Dog (Newsday), February 17, 2009 Tuesday 8:11 PM EST, , 105 words, Alex Rodriguez has gone far
`enough .
`. no mas!
`51. Daily News (New York), February 15, 2009 Sunday, SPORTS FINAL EDITION, TRAVEL; IN THE CASINOS;
`Pg. 38, 691 words, BOUT TIME FOR SUGAR RAY. Leonard brings his ‘Contenders’ to Foxwoods, BY PHIL ROURA
`a frustrated Duran ("No masl") quit in the eighth
`52. San Gabriel Valley Tribune (California), February 14, 2009 Saturday, OPINION, 695 words, El Monte's scare
`reads "Vote nor no mas de dos." I
`53. Austinist, February 13, 2009 Friday 4:52 PM EST, , 71} words, Weekend Music Preview: Sound Benefit @ Austin
`Page 6
`Moose Lodge #1735, adi anand
`music is as follows:Front: No Mas Bodas, Ichi Ni
`54. New Mexico Independent‘, February 13, 2009 Friday 1:38 PM EST, , 453 words, Obama the pluralist embraces the
`mushy middle, Arthur Alpert
`broadband si, roads no mas.But Obama asked
`55. Toledo Blade (Ohio), February 12, 2009 Thursday, City Final Edition, PEACH WEEKENDER; Pg. E6, 688
`words, Diner serves good food, and lots of it, BLADE RESTAURANT CRITIC
`until the diner screams "no mas." Better to cut portions
`56. Cox News Service, February I 1, 2009 Wednesday, Sports, 1255 words, NEW GOLDEN AGE OF BOXSNG
`uttering the infamous phrase "No mas (no rnore)." But
`57. Deadspin, February 1 1, 2009 Wednesday 11:00 AM EST, , 360 words, Margarito and Trainer Banned For a Year,
`Questions Remain [Boxing]
`coverage over at No Mas and The Quccnsberry Rules. Antonio
`58. The Express, February 10, 2009 Tuesday, U.K. 1st Edition, SPORT FOOTBALL; 60, 808 words, Beckham is
`born again, PAUL JOYCE reports
`seasons ago, mouthing "no mas" (no more) before
`59. The Guardian (London) - Final Edition, February [0, 2009 Tuesday, GUARDIAN SPORT PAGES; Pg. 5, 191
`words, Football: Shame in Spain
`shows Eto'o saying ‘No rnas (No more)‘ as he walks.
`60. Targeted News Service, February 9, 2009 Monday 4:39 AM EST, , 1077 words, Speech On Immigration Raids
`Wins College's Annual Peace Oratorical Contest", Targeted News Service, GOSHEN, Ind.
`first place with her speech "No Mas Redadas" during the college's
`61. Los Angeles Times, February 8, 2009 Sunday, Bulldog Edition, MAIN NEWS; National Desk; Part A; Pg. 2, 836
`words, From Our Blogs; CULTURE MONSTER; Museum carefully cleans painting, Christopher Knight, Melissa
`Healy and Deborah Bonello
`PHOTO: NO MAS: This anti—bullfighting activist
`62. Associated Press Worldstream, February 8, 2009 Sunday l0:48 AM GMT, , SPORTS NEWS, ] 151 words, Major
`racist incidents in European football, By The Associated Press
`shows Eto'o saying "No mas (No more)" as he walks
`63. The Associated Press, February 7, 2009 Saturday, SPORTS NEWS, l 147 words, Major racist incidents in
`Page 7
`European soccer, By The Associated Press
`shows Eto'o saying "No rnas (No more)" as he walks
`64. Associated Press Worldstrearn, February 7, 2009 Saturday 1:07 AM GMT, , SPORTS NEWS, I 129 words, Major
`racist incidents in European football, PARIS
`shows Eto'o saying "No mas (No more)" as he walks
`65. Investopcdia Advisor, February 6, 2009 Friday 12:32 PM EST, , 585 words, No Mas From "The Boss" (WMT),
`Derek Simon
`66. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire, February 5, 2009 Thursday, 5833 words, Zions Baneorp at Credit Suisse Group
`Financial Services Conference — Final
`They're finally saying, no mas, and saying, it's yours. And
`67. Solomonia, February 5, 2009 Thursday 7:40 PM EST, , 147 words, 50 De—StimuIating Facts, Solomon
`headedness this thing represents. No mas! The truth is that they don't know
`68. The Sports Network, February 5, 2009 Thursday 1 1:03 AM EST, , NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION;
`Feature, 538 words, The Sports Network's Pro Basketball Rankings, John MeMullen, NBA Editor
`First Kobe, then Lefiron and now KG and Pieree...no mas.
`69, February 5, 2009 Thursday, COMMENTARY, 20090205—DZ—EDiTORIAL-Bove—quit—on—Londondeny—0205, 526
`words, EDITORIAL: Bove quit on Londonderry, The Derry News, N.I-I.
`But after the infamous "No Mas" incident against "Sugar"
`70. Hispanosphere, February 4, 2009 Wednesday 6:57 PM EST, , 880 words, FARC: A year after the rallies, Alsy
`Colombian flags and chanting '??No mas FARC! " no
`celebrate the first anniversary of the No Mas FARC movement, Colombians
`71. Japan Economic Newswire, February 4, 2009 Wednesday 3:20 PM GMT, , INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 442
`words, U.S. editorial excerpts -3-, NEW YORK Feb. 4
`it finally said, No mas. Meanwhile, Floridians have been signing
`72. Grand Rapid Press (Michigan), February 3, 2009 Tuesday, ALL S EDITION, EDITORIAL; Pg. A13, 704 words,
`The Public Pulse
`a back seat. No mas, por favor! L.
`73. Philippine Daily Inquirer, February I, 2009 Sunday, OPINION, A200902064-EB37F—GNW, 938 words, AN
`raised our voices in No Mas Amer que el
`Page 8
`74. Spokesman Review (Spokane, WA), February 1, 2009 Sunday, Main Edition, B; Pg. 1, 647 words, CAKES
`, Doug Clark
`pancakes before crying "no mas." Sure, Iprobabiy could have
`75. Spokesrnan«Review (Washington), February 1, 2009 Sunday, STATE AND REGIONAL NEWS,
`20090201~SR—The—Spol<esrnan—Review-Spokane—Wash-Doug-Clark—co1urnn—0201, 735 words, The Spokesman—Review,
`Spokane, Wash, Doug Clark column: Quest for glory left our team feeling waffle, Doug Clark, The
`Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash.
`pancakes before crying "no mas." Sure, I probably could have
`'76. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire, January 27, 2009 Tuesday, 12535 words, Event Briel'oi"Q4 2008 The McGraw Hill
`Companies Earnings Conference Call - Final
`ahead. MICHAEL MELTZ: No mas for me. I'll follow
`77. FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire, January 27, 2009 Tuesday, 14564 words, Q4 2008 The McGraw Hill Companies
`Earnings Conference Call ~ Final
`ahead. MICHAEL MELTZ: No mas for me. 1'11 follow
`78. Deadspin, January 24, 2009 Saturday 1:15 PM EST, , 127 words, Wistful for the Days of Unintentionally Hilarious
`PSAS? {Whimsy/]
`Run Derby] Image from No Mas's T-shirt line.
`79. Los Angcles Times, January 24, 2009 Saturday, Home Edition, MAIN NEWS; National Desk; Part A; Pg. 10, 804
`words, The Nation; ‘English only’ equaled ‘go away,‘ opponents say; A day after Nashville voters defeat a ballot
`measure, relieved business and city leaders say it was ‘not who we are.‘, Richard Fausset, ATLANTA
`said after his fight, ‘No mas,’ “ he said. -- richartifausset
`80. San Angelo Standard—Times (Texas), January 24, 2009 Saturday, NEWS/WEST TEXAS/", 747 words, Songs teach
`migration danger, I-IERNAN ROZEMBERG San Antonio Express-News
`service announcements dubbed "No Mas Cruces," which means both "
`81. The South Chicagoan, January 24, 2009 Saturday 1:02 AM EST, , 777 words, Immigration, border culture gives us
`songs to go with comics, GregoryT196S@gmail.com (Gregory Tejeda)
`light ofthat reality, the idea ofthe No Mas Cruces en la
`82. Arizona Daily Star (Tucson), January 23, 2009 Friday, Final Edition, LA ESTRELLA DE TUCSON; Pg. 21 , 535
`words, Educan con fore sobre I3—\/erify a la comunidad, MARIANA ALVARADO, MARIANA ALVARADO, LA
`Accion Frontcriza, Sarnaritanos, No Mas Muertes. * Contacte a
`83. The Gazette (Montreal), January 23, 2009 Friday, Final Edition, SPORTS; FOCUS ON...; Pg. C3, 695 words,
`Bute tackles Zuniga in tiile defence; Montreal ring champ books bout with hard-punching Colombian, HERB
`Page 9
`ZURKOWSKY, The Gazette
`round, until he says no mas." Stephan Larouche, the director of
`84. The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee), January 23, 2009 Friday, ONLINE Edition, NEWS, 740 words,
`English-only fails; lopsided vote ends heated campaign, Chris E-chegaray
`said after his fight, ‘No mas,"' Crafton said. "I
`85. Agence France Presse —— English, January 22, 2009 Thursday 7:38 PM GMT, , 191 words, Boxing: Unbeaten Bute
`to defend crown against Colombia's Zuniga, MONTREAL, Jan 22 2009
`round until he says ‘no mas."' js/rno
`86. Austin Arneriean-Statesman (Texas), January 22, 2009 Thursday, FINAL. Edition, XL; Pg. T09, 585 words, 7
`Feast, Gayle Gold, No Mas Bodas at the Beauty
`87. Canwest News Service, January 22, 2009 Thursday 06:53 PM EST, , 622 words, Bute to meet Zuniga in March
`bout, Herb Zurkowsky, Canwest News Service
`round, until he says no mas." Stephan Larouche, the director of
`88. Canwest News Service, January 22, 2009 Thursday 05:58 PM EST, , 630 words, Bute to meet Zuniga in March
`bout, I-lerb Zurkowsky, MONTREAL
`round, until he says no rnas.“ Stephan Larouche, the director of
`89, The Associated Press State & Local Wire, January 22, 2009 Thursday 3:05 PM GMT, , STATE AND REGIONAL,
`37! words, Songs aim to keep immigrants home, By HERNAN ROZEMBERG, SAN ANTONIO
`service announcements dubbed "No Mas Cruces," which means both "
`90. The Fat Guy, January 17, 2009 Saturday 10:03 PM EST, , 2E4 words, A good example of how to say see ya later,
`formulated by now. Why no rnas? Sports radio everywhere
`3 STAR R.O. EDITION, A; Pg. 13, 441 words, Border
`9]. The Houston Chronicle, January 17, 2009 Saturday,
`patrol‘s tunes warn of desert death; Agency turns to music in bid to discourage illegal immigrants‘ treks, HERMAN
`service announcements - dubbed No Mas Cruces, which means both "
`92. San Antonio Express-News, January 16, 2009 Friday, STATE&METRO Edition, A SECTION; Pg. 9A, 1032
`words, Melodies with a message target would-he immigrants, I-Iernan Rnzernherg, STAFF
`service announcements - dubbed "No Mas Cruces," which means both "
`93. San Antonio Express~News, January 16, 2009 Friday, STATE&METRO Edition, A SECTION; Pg. IA, 872
`Page 10
`words, Melodies with a message target would-be immigrants, Hernan Rozemherg, STAFF
`service announcements — dubbed "No Mas Cruces," which means both "
`94. Connecticut Post Online (Bridgeport, Connecticut), January 15, 2009 Thursday, NEWS, 770 words, School
`give-backs $5M Short of request, By LINDA CONNER LAMB ECK Staff Writer
`in the sand and say, ‘No mas.‘ " In addition to puliing
`95. Connecticut Post Online (Bridgeport, Connecticut), January 15, 2009 Thursday, NEWS, 768 words, Bridgeport
`school givebaeks $Sm short of request, By LINDA CONNER LAMBECK Staff writer
`in the sand and say, ‘No mas.’ " In addition to pulling
`96. Women's Wear Daily(WWD), January 15, 2009, 2; Pg. 30h, Forward March, Uncreditcd; ~ with contributions by
`polyester jacket wom with No Mas‘ sweater, Kidrohot's shirt and
`97. The Miami Herald (Florida), January 13, 2009 Tuesday, COMMENTARY, 200901 13-BC—MARQUEZ-COLUIVIN,
`656 words, ‘Just say no’ philosophy is failing the GOP, By Myriam Marquez, McClatchy Newspapers
`Mel Martinez said "no mas" last month to six
`98. The Denver Post, January l 1, 2009 Sunday, FINAL EDITION, A SECTION; Pg. A-0] , 997 words, POLITICS
`2009 Latinos regard choices as snub The dominance of‘ white men in recent high—prof1le political appointments in the
`state will not be forgotten, leaders say., Christopher N. Osher The Denver Post
`Day. No more. No mas." Martinez and the others announced the
`99. The Miami Herald, January 1 1, 2009 Sunday, 13; Pg. 1, 581 words, ‘Just say no‘ philosophy is failing the GOP,
`MYRIAM MARQUEZ, rnrnarquez@MiamiHeraEd.com
`Mei Martinez said "no mas" last month to six
`100. The Miami Herald (Florida), January 1 l, 2009 Sunday, STATE AND REGIONAL NEWS,
`200901 1 1—Ml—The-Miami-Herald—Myriarn—Marquez~column-01 1 1, 647 words, The Miami Herald Myriam Marquez
`column: ‘Just say no’ philosophy is failing the GOP, Myriam Marquez, The Miami Herald
`Mel Martinez said "no mas" last month to six
`101. The Honolulu Advertiser (Hawaii), January 8, 2009 Thursday, SPORTS; Pg. 6D, 1323 words, Golf, BILL KWON
`Course led him to say, "no mas," after his second appearance there
`102. Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 8, 2009 Thursday, Broward South Edition, JEWISH
`JOURNAL; Pg. l, 697 words, EMOTIONS ON GAZA RUN HOT, Jennifer Lebovich Miami Herald Staff
`chants from supporters of Israel: "‘No mas, Hamas" and "There is no Palestine."
`103. Sun—Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 8, 2009 Thursday, BROWARD NORTH Edition, JEWISH
`Page I
`JOURNAL; Pg. 1, 697 words, EMOTIONS ON GAZA RUN HOT, Jennifer Lebovieh Miami Herald Staff
`chants from supporters of Israel: "‘No mas, Hamas" and "There is no Palestine."
`I04. The Tribune—Star (Terre Haute, Indiana), January 7, 2009 Wednesday, COMMENTARY,
`20090107—TX—OP1"N-OBAMA—20090107, 882 words, OPINION: For 69.5 million of as, things could be a lot worse,
`Stephanie Salter, The Tribune-Star, Terre Haute, Ind.
`sharing, everyone, but no mas. Adios. I-Iasta luego,
`105. Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 6, 2009 Tuesday, Palm Beach South Edition, JEWISH
`JOURNAL; Pg. 1, 684 words, EMOTIONS ON GAZA RUN HOT, Jennifer Lebovich Miami Herald Staff
`chants from supporters of Israel: "'No rnas, Hamas" and "There is no Palestine."
`I06. Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 6, 2009 Tuesday, Palm Beach North Edition, JEWISH
`JOURNAL; Pg. 1, 697 words, EMOTIONS ON GAZA RUN HOT, Jennifer Lebovicli Miami Herald Staff
`chants from supporters of Israet: '"No mas, Hamas" and "There is no Palestine."
`107. Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), January 6, 2009 Tuesday, Dade County Edition, JEWISH JOURNAL;
`Pg. 1, 697 words, EMOTIONS ON GAZA RUN HOT, Jennifer Lebovich Miami Herald Staff
`chants from supporters of Israel: "'No mas, Hamas" and "There is no Palestine."
`103. The Miami Herald (Florida), January 5, 2009 Monday, STATE AND REGIONAL NEWS,
`20090l05—MI-Emotions—on-Gaza—run-hot—in—S—Fla—0105, 752 words, Emotions on Gaza run hot in S. Fla.: People from
`both sides of the conflict in the Middle East protested in Miami, one of many demonstrations around the world. Police
`made 12 arrests, Jennifer Lebovich, The Miami Herald
`chants from supporters of Israel: "No mas, Hamas" and "There is no Palestine."
`109. Sun~Sentinel (Fort Lauclerdale, Florida), January 5, 2009 Monday, Palm Beach Edition, LOCAL; Pg. SB, 258
`MIAMI, Jennifer Lebovieh The Miami Herald
`chants from supporters of Israel: "No mas, I-lamas" and "There is no Palestine." From the
`1 10. Dayton Daily News (Ohio), January 4, 2009 Sunday, SPORTS; Pg. B2, 379 words, Burning down the house not
`a comer shouting, "No mas, no mas." Puck patrol: Did you watch
`l I l. The Toronto Star, January 3, 2009 Saturday, WHEELS; Pg. W10, 904 words, Cool Hand Harley; Sportster
`XIU200 handles well, and looks and sounds gorgeous, Steve Bond, Special to the Star, San Diego
`left wrist was crying "No mas.“ Instrumentation is simple, with a
`I 12. Albuquerque Journal (New Mexico), January I, 2009 Thursday, FRONT PAGE; Pg. AI, 657 words, Netflix
`Mystery, Highway Litter and Horsing Around, Leslie Linthieum
`I thought the Toss No Mas slogan and the annual Trek
`Page 12
`l 13. Albuquerque Journal (New Mexico), January 1, 2009 Thursday, FRONT PAGE; Pg. A1, 657 words, Netflix
`Mystery, Highway Litter and I-Iorsing Around, Leslie Linthieum
`I thought the Toss No Mas slogan and the annual Trek
`1 14. Buffalo News (New York), December 27, 2008 Saturday, FINAL l3DITlON, SPORTS; Pg. B1, 1933 words,
`PACKING A PUNCH; Uitimate fighter Rashad Evans, a graduate ofNiagara—Wheatfield, knocked out the legend of
`mixed-martial arts with one punch that must be seen to be believed, By Bucky Gleason - NEWS SPORTS REPORTER
`Roberto Duran said, ‘No mas,‘ " Ratner said, "he was a
`1 15. Dining@Large, December 27, 2008 Saturday 5:12 PM EST, , 147 words, And now for a change ofpace, dinner at
`an Argentine steak house, Elizabeth Large
`your plate and say, "No mas" to get the servers to stop
`I 16. Austinist, December 26, 2008 Friday 1 1:27 AM EST, , 455 words, Weekend Music Preview: Gabe I-iaseall @ The
`Mohawk & Unwrapped @ Lamberts, adi anand
`belligerent punk ditties, and No Mas Botlas multi-instrumental
`E 1?. Battle Creek Enquirer (Mieliigan), December 26, 2008 Friday, NEWS; Pg. 3A, 361 words, Cranky Bob has words
`For 2008, Robert Warner
`year to which I say "No rnris." Sure, there was Obama and the casino and
`1 18. Hartford Courant (Connecticut), December 26, 2008 Friday, FINAL - 5 EDITION, CTSPORTS; Pg. 337, 1396
`Ray Leonard, then said "No mas!" during a rematch. *
`l 19. ABC News Transcript, SHOW: GOOD MORNING AMERICA 7:07 AM EST, December 25, 2008 Thursday,
`Roberto Duran said, "No mas," no more. CI-IRIS
`E20. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (Little Rock), December 25, 2008 Thursday, EDITORIAL, 951 words, Back on I-Iuck
`duty, Kane Webb
`South Carolina and Texas, no mas. Alas, moth to flame, here
`121. Austin American—Statesman (Texas), December 25, 2008 Thursday, FINAL Edition, XL; Pg. T14, 387 words, IN
`Cry Blood Apache and No Mas Bodas at 9
`122. The Kansas City Star, December 24, 2008 Wednesday, CI; Pg. 1, 402 words, OPEC deserves a lump of coal
`selves. But we said no mas, tightened our fanbelts and resolved to
`E23. Edmonton Journal (Alberta), December 22, 2008 Monday, Final Edition, SPORTS MONDAY; Pg. C2, 367
`Page 13
`words, Quarterback; Not everyone gets a Meny Christmas, Dan Barnes, The Edmonton Journal
`good sense to say ‘no mas.’ For former Chicago
`124. Chicago Daily Herald, December 21, 2008 Sunday, C1 Edition, REFLEJOS; Pg. 20, 619 words, Una nueva
`opeicin para comprar casa, Por Nick Timiraos
`pueblos generaimente de no mas que 25,000 habitantes.
`125. Gizmodo, December 18, 2008 Thursday 1:59 PM EST, , I4] words, Man Stuff- The Best ofUncrate [Roundups]
`gym in the throwback No Mas Finisher Bag, dress
`126. Gfobetrotting, December 18, 2008 Thursday 2:01 PM EST, , 793 words, Abbott wins, skating ioses, Chicago
`keeps word (and seven other things I know), Newsdesk
`Ben Agosto said no mas before the free skate
`127. Globetrorting, December 18, 2008 Thursday 2:01 PM EST, , 793 words, Abbott wins, skating loses, Chicago
`keeps word (and seven other things I know), Newsdesk
`Ben Agosto said no mas before the free skate
`128. Globetrotting, December E3, 2008 Thursday 2:01 PM EST, , 793 words, Abbott wins, skating loses, Chicago
`keeps word (and seven other things I know), Newsdesk
`Ben Agosto said no mas before the free skate
`129. Globetrotting, December 18, 2008 Thursday 2:01 PM EST, , 793 words, Abbott wins, skating loses, Chicago
`keeps word (and seven other things I know), Newsdcsk
`Ben Agosto said no mas before the free skate
`130. The Associated Press State & Local Wire, December 16, 2008 Tuesday 10:26 PM GMT, , STATE AND
`REGIONAL, 402 words, Former NJ resident says Madoff ruined his finances, By VICTOR EPSTEIN, Associated Press
`Writer, NEWARK NJ.
`Sometimes you just have to say ‘No mas, no mas,'" Peskin said Tuesday. "
`131. CEO Wire, December 15, 2008 Monday, 66530, 980 words, Huntsman Corporation - Founder & Chairman
`all of this? Or do theyjust say, no mas, we‘re out ofhere, we're done’? I-IUNTSMAN:
`132. Fox News Network, SHOW: YOUR WORLD WITH NEIL CAVUTO 4:44 PM EST, December 15, 2008
`Monday, BUSINESS, 871 words, Huntsman Corporation - Founder & Chairman Interview, Neil Cavuto
`all ofthis? Or do the-yjust say, no mas, we're out ofhere, we're done? HUNTSMAN:
`133. New Straits Times (Malaysia), December 14, 2008 Sunday, LOCAL; Pg. 22, 204 words, Inspirational at the least,
`Subhadra Devan
`Page 14
`teach her the power ofsaying "no mas" (no more). They tell Chloe: No mas to funny clothes. Where is your
`can be, well, inspirational. No mas sometimes to all that existential
`134. Deadspin, December 13, 2008 Saturday 4:45 PM EST, , 217 words, Plax Syndrome: 12 Other Accidental
`Shootings Were Rooting For [Afternoon Blogdome]
`Pyle of List] ¢No Mas friend Ben Younger,
`oegetting the play. [No Mas] id Derrick Coleman is
`135. The Herald (Glasgow), December 13, 2008 Saturday, Final Edition, SPORT; Pg. 20, 756 words, The only
`contender for sporting personality on the box .
`., Hugh MacDonald on Saturday
`Many swear he said "no mas" (no more). His apologists
`136. Las Cruces Sun~News (New Mexico), December 13, 2008 Saturday, NEWS, 922 words, Christmas wish: drug
`war truce, By Daniel Elorunda For the Sun-News
`rnerece esto!!! Ya no mas... Atnorsote, esto va
`137. Los Angeles Times, December 13, 2008 Saturday, Home Edition, SPORTS; Sports Desk; Part D; Pg. 2, 135
`words, LETTERS; Tarnished gold
`in his corner. A "no mas" moment for one oftlie
`138. Phil's Stock World, December 13, 2008 Saturday 5:39 PM EST, , 694 words, Intervention Time For Hedgistan,
`Phil's Favorites
`week in 200S.No Mas.
`gumshoes got
`139. Auslinist, December 12, 2008 Friday 4:17 PM EST, , 180 words, Preview: Cantankefls I-Eoliday Hipster Snow-Ball
`Party, Laura Hensley
`Space Invader Orchestra, and No Mas Bodas. Mixed media
`140. Golden Panther Prowl by Pete Pelegrin, December 12, 2008 Friday 5:55 PM EST, , 880 words, Will The Last
`FIUer or UMer To Leave, Please Turn Out The Lights, Pete Pelegrin
`Jim Morris said no mas to the Turtle. Tonight's game should
`141. Carlsbad Current-Argus (New Mexico), December 1 1, 2008 Thursday, NEWS, 1479 words, Little Argus:
`December 12, From the Current—Argus
`San Jose Blvd. "Ne Mas No" will provide the