`December 18, 2008
`Commissioner for Trademarks
`P.O. Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`GTFM, Inc. v. Stephanie Seems
`Opposition No. 91179611
`:3; 7’l0‘7*€0éi}&
`Dear Madam or Sir:
`We are counsel to the Opposer in this trademark opposition proceeding.
`Enclosed is a certified copy of the testimony deposition transcript of Lawrence Blenden,
`Esq. dated December 3, 2008, the exhibits thereto, a certificate by the officer before
`whom the deposition was taken, a certificate of service of a copy of such deposition
`transcript and exhibits upon Applicant, a notice of filing and a certificate of service of
`such notice of filing.
`The court reporter sent the deposition transcript to our office rather than to the
`TTAB. Accordingly, we obtained the witness’s signature, served a copy upon adverse
`counsel and are now filing the original documents with the TTAB.
`We trust the testimony deposition is acceptable. Please call the undersigned
`with any questions concerning the foregoing.
`Pete’ J- V'a“”'“
`355 LEXINGTON AVENUE / 10TH FLOOR ° NEW YORK, NY 10017 ' PHONE (212) 986-1200 ° FAX (212) 983-0772

`Certificate Pursuant to 37 CFR §2.123(fl
`) )
`l, Linda Salzman, a Notary Public within and for the State of New York do hereby
`That Lawrence Blenden, the witness whose deposition is hereinbefore set forth,
`was duly sworn by me, that such deposition is a true record of the testimony given by
`such witness and taken down by me and that I am not disqualified as specified in Rule
`28 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
`That none of the adverse parties were present at such deposition.
`That the deposition took place on December 3, 2008, commencing at 10:30 a.m.
`at the offices of Gordon, Herlands, Randolph & Cox, LLP, 355 Lexington Avenue, New
`York, New York 10017.
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3”’ day of
`December, 2008.
`inda Salzman

`Original Transcript
`Opposition No.
`91 179611
`New York, New York
`Wednesday, December 3, 2008
`Reported by:
`Linda Salzman
`Toll Free:
`One Penn Plaza
`Suite 4715
`New York, N.Y.10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`December 3, 2008
`10:53 a.m.
`Deposition of LAWRENCE BLENDEN,
`witness herein, held at
`the offices of
`355 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York,
`to Notice of Testimony
`Deposition, before Linda Salzman,
`Notary Public of
`the State of New York.
`E s Q U I R E
`DEPOSITION ssavxcasw
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`oneiififi 373:?

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`A P
`P E A R A N C E S:
`Attorneys for Opposer
`355 Lexington Avenue
`New York, New York 10017
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`by and between the attorneys for the
`respective parties herein,
`that filing
`and sealing be and the same are hereby
`that all objections, except as to the
`form of
`the question, shall be reserved
`to the time of
`the trial.
`the within deposition may be sworn
`to and signed before any officer
`authorized to administer an oath, with
`the same force and effect as if signed
`and sworn to before the Court.
`E s Q u I R E
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`oneiziffi 33;?

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L A W R E N C E
`B L E N D E N,
`called as a witness, having been duly
`affirmed by a Notary Public, was examined
`and testified as follows:
`I would like to mark
`this Plaintiff's Exhibit 1.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 1, Notice of
`Testimony Deposition dated 11/19/08,
`marked for identification, as of
`MR. VRANUM: Plaintiff's Exhibit
`is the Opposer's Notice of Testimony
`Deposition dated November 19, 2008.
`includes a certificate of
`service that
`the document was served
`upon the applicant by Express Mail on
`November 19, 2008 upon Yano Rubenstein,
`who is the attorney of record for the
`applicant, and it sets forth the
`deposition date of December 3rd, 2008 at
`10:30 a.m.
`I haven't been contacted by the
`applicant's attorney regarding this
`deposition. We've waited now,
`the time
`Es gums @I&§1;n>
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`NeWY°|'k; NY10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008'
`L. Blenden
`is 7 minutes to 11,
`so we'll start.
`Please state your full name for the
`Lawrence Philip Blenden.
`And what's your address?
`My business address is 350 Fifth
`Avenue, suite 6617, New York, New York.
`Would you please describe your
`I went
`to Rutgers College, where I
`graduated with a bachelor of arts, majors of
`economics and political science.
`After college,
`I went
`to law school
`and graduated the Benjamin N. Cardozfioschool
`of Law, with a juris doctorate degree.
`Would you describe your work
`Since passing the bar in 1986,
`immediately following graduation,
`I was
`private practice as an attorney for
`approximately 13 years.
`After that,
`I became ——
`in August
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`E S Q U I R E
`marosxnon SERVICES‘
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza
`Suite 4715

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`in 1999,
`I became general counsel of
`What are your responsibilities at
`GTFM as general counsel?
`As general counsel of GTFM,
`manage the business and legal affairs of
`am also responsible for managing,
`maintaining the intellectual property of
`company, namely the FUBU trademarks and the
`FUBU—related trademarks.
`I'm also responsible for overseeing
`anti—counterfeiting efforts domestically and
`abroad of
`the FUBU trademarks and
`FUBU—related trademarks.
`And I'm also
`involved in the licensing of
`the FUBU
`trademarks, both domestically and abroad.
`So in that capacity, you're
`familiar with the marketing and sales of
`products of GTFM,
`I'm also familiar with the
`marketing and sales of all FUBU branded
`regardless of whether er—net
`they're produced by GTFM or any of their
`licensees or sublicensees.
`E s Q U I R E @814
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3,
`L. Blenden
`And you have access to the business
`records of
`the company?
`I do.
`trademarks does GTFM own?
`GTFM owns
`the FUBU trademark,
`FUBU trademark and design. Actually,
`own a whole host of FUBU trademarks and
`FUBU—related trademarks in a variety of
`classes, both within the United States and
`around the world.
`I would like to mark
`this as Exhibit 2.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 2,
`trademark, marked for identification, as
`of this date.)
`Could you please identify Exhibit
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`is a copy of
`the FUBU trademark as registered in the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`registration number 2403324.
`And is that
`trademark currently
`valid and subsisting?
`This FUBU trademark is valid
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`and subsisting, and I do believe also that
`Inc. has filed its affidavits under
`Section 8 and Section 15 for this trademark.
`What goods does the trademark
`This particular trademark covers
`goods in international class 25 for clothing,
`namely shirts, vests, sweaters, shoes, caps,
`bandanas, shorts, sweatshirts, pants, belts
`for clothing, socks,
`rainwear, blouses, dresses,
`hosiery, scarves, hats, headbands, pajamas
`and sleepwear.
`In addition to those products, what
`products does GTFM sell bearing the FUBU
`the record.
`(Whereupon, an off—the—record
`discussion was held.)
`I will Withdraw that
`In addition to those products, what
`other FUBU branded products are sold in the
`United States?
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`E S Q U I R E
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza
`Suite 4715

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`In addition to those products,
`footwear, backpacks, handbags, belts, caps,
`jackets, outerwear,
`as well as
`other products that don't really come to mind
`right now.
`Does GTFM license the FUBU brand?
`Yes, GTFM does license the FUBU
`GTFM licenses the FUBU brand, not
`only to GTFM, LLC, but also to a variety of
`sublicensees through GTFM, LLC for a variety
`of products to be sold, not only throughout
`the United States, but worldwide.
`However, specifically in the United States there are licenses for footwear,
`boys‘ suits,
`for mens'
` and the like,
` outerwear, children's wear,
`for ladies‘ wear,
`infant wear,
`girls‘ wear, headwear, caps —— which include
`Q. With respect
`to the license
`products, does GTFM exercise control over the
`production of
`Yes, GTFM is responsible for
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`and domestically those are the

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
` L. Blenden
`overseeing all of its licensees, and
`maintaining and keeping a careful eye over
`the quality of
`the mark and control of
`Through what channels of
`trade does
` Q.
`GTFM sell the FUBU products?
`A. Well,
`the FUBU products are sold by
` including but not
`GTFM and all of
`the FUBU licensees through
`various department stores throughout
`country, specialty stores,
`to name a
`limited to Marshalls,
`TJMaxx, Burlington Coat Factory, Ross Stores,
`Kids Town and Bealls, B—E—A-L—L—S, and
`through hundreds of retailers throughout
`Are they sold over the internet?
` A.
`FUBU products,
`some FUBU products
` are sold via the internet as well.
` Over how broad a geographical
`are they sold?
` Within the United States,
`likely sold through every state in the
`forms of promotion does GTFM
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008’
`L. Blenden
`engage in with respect
`to the FUBU products?
`through itself and its
`licensees, promote and market
`the FUBU
`products through print advertising,
`billboards, posters, point of purchase
`displays, also through music videos, which
`air domestically through a number of music
`channels, MTV, BET and a whole host of
`In addition, we have a practice of
`clothing celebrities ranging from actors to
`sports celebrities.
`They wear
`the product
`in the streets when they're going to
`clubs or whether they're appearing in
`concerts, award shows, or television specials
`so people throughout
`country will see them actually wear
`We also clothe actors in a variety
`television shows and movies which are
`shown nationally across the United States and
`I would like to mark
`this as Exhibit 3.
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 47 1 5
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 3, Copies of
`web pages from FUBU website, marked for
`identification, as of
`this date.)
`I'm giving you Plaintiff's Exhibit
`Can you just
`take a
`look at it and
`identify what it is?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`3 are copies of
`various web pages from the FUBU website.
`Which is found where?
`The FUBU website is found on the
`internet at
`How long has that website been
`I believe that website has been
`live since 1999.
`It's gone through a variety
`of changes and updates since that
`time, but
`believe we went
`live in 1999.
`And FUBU products are shown on the
`FUBU products are shown on the
`site. Yes,
`they are.
`Please mark this as
`Exhibit 4.
`E 5 Q U I R E
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`5”” ‘"15
`One Penn Plaza
`NeWY0|’k, NY10119
`www.browngaIlo .com

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3,
`L. Blenden
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 4, Variety of
`FUBU products, marked for
`identification, as of this date.)
`On Plaintiff's Exhibit 4, could you
`tell us what it consists of?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`shows a
`photocopy of
`a variety of FUBU, what we call
`trims and hangtags,
`One is FUBU the
`collection, one is FUBU the collection since
`1992, one is a
`—— one is a main label
`from a
`pant or jean.
`There are two hangtags that
`are price tags or what we call UPC tags.
`Please mark this as
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 5.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 5, Pictures of
`clothing, marked for identification, as
`this date.)
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`5 consists of
`pictures of, several pictures of clothing.
`Could you please tell us what you
`see there?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`shows a
`variety of FUBU clothing,
`including jerseys,
`headwear, socks, sweatshirts,
`Esqume wvl/5&§:~@
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`T—shirts and actually a backpack.
`Are these representative of
`the way
`the FUBU mark is used in commerce?
`they are.
`Q. With respect
`to the sales and
`promotion of
`the FUBU items, do you have
`sales figures for some of
`the recent years
`for FUBU branded merchandise in the United
`I do.
`Could you state those for the
`In 1999, U.S. retail sales exceeded
`$300 million.
`exceeded $300
`exceeded $300
`exceeded $300
`exceeded $200
`In 2005, 2006 and 2007, retail
`sales exceeded $100 million in each of
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`And did FUBU engage in promotion
`expenditures for promotion of
`the FUBU brand
`in the United States during those years?
`it did.
`Our promotional
`expenditures worldwide since,
`let's say,
`2001, have been for 2001, 7,441,000.
`For 2002, 8,030,000.
`For 2003, 4,200,000.
`For 2004, 2,500,000.
`For 2005, 1,550,000.
`don't have an exact figure.
`It's close to or
`For 2006, 1,650,000, and 2007,
`exceeding $1 million.
`Now, of
`those worldwide figures,
`approximately 75 percent
`—— actually at
`75 percent of
`those dollars are spent for
`promotion and advertising and marketing
`within the United States.
`Please mark this as
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 6.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 6,
`advertisements, marked for
`identification, as of
`this date.)
`E s Q u I R E
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`oneizfifi 37:22

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`Mr. Blenden, could you please
`identify what Plaintiff's Exhibit
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`6 consists of
`six pages of
`a variety of FUBU
`Are these representative of
`type of print advertisements that FUBU has
`made over the years?
`And these ads would be placed in
`various magazines?
`These ads have been used in a
`Variety of magazines, national magazines, and
`international magazines as well, point of
`purchase displays, posters, and I also
`believe —— and they have been used on the
`FUBU website from time to time.
`MR. VRANUM: Mark this 7.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 7, Slam
`magazine ad, marked for identification,
`as of this date.)
`Could you please identify
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 7?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`is a recent
`E s Q U I R E
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`oneigiifi 317:2:
`NeWY°Vk; NY10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008'
`L. Blenden
`ad of
`a FUBU product
`from the December 2008
`S~L—A~M, magazine.
`Does Exhibit
`7 also have a printout
`of a Wikipedia entry for Slam magazine?
`I'm sorry. Exhibit
`7 also contains
`a Wikipedia printout
`—— excuse me,
`a printout
`of Wikipedia for Slam magazine.
`Please mark this as
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 8.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 8, Source
`magazine ad, marked for identification,
`as of
`this date.)
`Can you identify Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 8?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`is a copy of
`an advertisement for a FUBU product
`in the
`Source magazine for October 2008.
`addition is a second advertisement for a FUBU
`in another Source magazine issue 227.
`I don't see a date on it, but
`believe it was
`in the 2008 circulation.
`In addition to that, attached as
`part of Plaintiff's Exhibit
`is a Wikipedia
`printout on the Source magazine.
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One ESL‘: 3.223
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`MR. VRANUM: Mark this Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 9.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 9, Ozone
`magazine ad, marked for identification,
`as of this date.)
`Can you identify Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 9?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit
`is a copy of
`an advertisement of a FUBU product
`that was
`published in Ozone magazine,
`issue number 69.
`Together with a Wikipedia printout explaining
`what Ozone magazine is.
`MR. VRANUM: Mark this 10.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 10, Right On
`magazine ad; Don Diva magazine ad,
`marked for identification, as of
`Please identify Plaintiff's Exhibit
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 10 contains a
`photocopy of what
`I believe is the very first
`FUBU advertisement
`from Right On magazine,
`which was published in 1993.
`In addition, Plaintiff's Exhibit 10
`To|| Free: 800.944.9454
`Suite 4715
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`contains an advertisement of
`a FUBU product
`which was published in Don Diva magazine.
`The cover of
`the magazine doesn't
`contain a date, but can you give an
`approximate year that
`this was published?
`I believe that
`this particular
`issue of Don Diva magazine issue 34 was
`published in 2008.
`Please mark that as
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 11.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 11, Debra Cox
`advertisement; Wikipedia printout on
`Debra Cox, marked for identification, as
`of this date.)
`Can you identify Plaintiff's
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 11 contains an
`from an endorsement eé~a-deal
`that FUBU had with rhythm and blues star
`Debra Cox.
`Is there a Wikipedia printout for
`I'm sorry, yes. Attached to the
`exhibit as part of Exhibit 11 is a Wikipedia
`E s Q U I R E %&C&4<_>
`DEPOSITION sunvxcasv
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`one :33: 3;:
`NQWY‘-Wk; NY10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`printout on Debra Cox.
`Debra Cox was
`a well—known
`celebrity that endorsed the FUBU products by
`wearing them?
`for FUBU?
`That's correct.
`And she also appeared in print ads
`she did. Yes.
`Please mark that as
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 12, Lenox
`Lewis photographs; Wikipedia printout on
`Lenox Lewis, marked for identification,
`as of
`this date.)
`Can you identify Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 12?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 12 contains two
`photographs of World Heavyweight Champion
`Lenox Lewis from one of his title fights, or
`actually from his title fight against Mike
`Tyson depicted in the boxing ring wearing his
`boxing trunks with the FUBU —— wearing FUBU
`branded boxing shorts.
`Attached also as part of
`Es gum;
`To|| Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3,
`L. Blenden
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 12 is a Wikipedia
`printout on Lenox Lewis.
`And Lenox Lewis was another
`celebrity endorser of FUBU products?
`Yes, he was.
`He was
`heavyweight world champion of boxing from
`1999 through his retirement.
`And he wore
`FUBU on his boxing trunks exclusively in
`every world championship fight he fought
`since 1999.
`MR. VRANUM: Marks this as 13.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 13, LL Cool
`J's album cover photo, marked for
`identification, as of
`this date.)
`Please identify Plaintiff's Exhibit
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 13 contains a
`photo of
`the front cover of LL Cool J's album
`cover for his Greatest Of All Time album.
`The cover of
`the album is a
`photograph of LL Cool J, and in that
`photograph he is wearing a FUBU branded cap,
`as well as a FUBU branded T—shirt.
`In addition, attached to as part of
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 47 15
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
` L. Blenden
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 13
`is a Wikipedia
`printout on LL Cool J.
`LL Cool J has been a
`celebrity endorser of
`the FUBU brand since
`the most
`the mid 1990s.
`is one of
`recognized hip—hop stars throughout
`In addition, he is one of
`the most
`recognized actors through not only his prior
`television series, which was a sitcom, but
`through the myriad of movies he has acted in
`the most
`since the late 1990s.
`One of
`recognized celebrities of all time. Q.
`a celebrity endorser of FUBU, LL
`Cool J wore the clothing in performances and
`on TV?
`LL Cool J wore the clothing
`He wore them
`basically day in and day out.
`not only as street clothes, but he wore them
`in performances, concert performances,
` television ——
`throughout his television show,
`throughout his series through the years.
`them in a variety of award shows.
`He was always seen in FUBU branded
`I b
`elieve it was called In Da House.
`He wore
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsknne: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008’
`L. Blenden
`LL Cool J has also worn the
`clothing in various music videos that he has
`performed in and seen throughout
`the world.
`Please mark this as
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 14.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 14, United
`States Patent and Trademark Office
`Trademark Trial and Appeals board
`decision printout, marked for
`identification, as of
`this date.)
`Can you identify Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 14?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 14 is a
`printout of
`the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office Trademark Trial and Appeals
`board decision in opposition number 91124582,
`Inc. versus Teresa Shaw Sheard,
`Were you involved with this matter?
`I was.
`As part of
`the Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board's findings,
`is there anything
`Yes, on page 10 of
`the printed
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`E S Q U I R E
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza
`Suite 4715

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`board found that the FUBU mark is, and I'll
`quote it,
`"a strong mark and indeed a
`mark which is entitled to a broad scope of
`Please mark this as
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 15.
`(Plaintiff's Exhibit 15, Online
`record of
`JUBU application, marked for
`identification, as of
`this date.)
`Can you identify Plaintiff's
`Exhibit 15?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 15 is a
`printout of
`the online record of
`the JUBU
`application filed in the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office.
`this mark pertain to goods,
`similar goods as the goods that are sold
`under the FUBU brand?
`it does, virtually identical
`to the same types of goods in class 25.
`Based on your experience in your
`many years in the marketing and promotion and
`sale of clothing and related accessories, do
`Es gum §51@1v5&<_M_LL9
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`NeWY°"k: NY10119

`Lawrence Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`you think there would be confusion on the
`part of
`the consuming public if they
`encountered this mark in the marketplace?
`There is no question in my mind
`this mark would cause confusion in the
`The mark itself is similar in
`There is only a one letter
`difference between JUBU and FUBU.
`In addition, both marks are -— the
`famous mark FUBU and the JUBU mark in fact
`sound very similar, and the overall
`impression that one would get
`the JUBU mark clearly would cause incredible
`confusion in the marketplace.
`In your opinion, would the goods
`sold under this mark be sold through the same
`channels of
`trade as the FUBU mark?
`Based on this application,
`it would
`appear that
`the goods would be sold,
`identical goods would be sold through the
`same channels to the same consumer and cause
`incredible confusion in the marketplace.
`the record.
`(whereupon, an off—the—record
`E S Q U I R E
`naposzrxou sxnvxcssv
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`L. Blenden
`discussion was held.)
`Would the consumers of FUBU goods
`be the same type of consumers that would be
`the consumers of
`the JUBU merchandise?
`Since the FUBU products are sold
`the country for infants through
`there is no question that
`would be an overlap.
`MR. VRANUM: That's it.
`Thank you.
`(Time Noted:
`11:38 a.m.)
`\«E<?>v c
`Subscribed and sworn to before me
`of _4é;éQg&L:\ 2008.
`Notary Pubic "%‘.“a0fNewYOfK
`N0. Cf.’
`\-»~vQua4i(~aoa-Av Nota County
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`E 5 Q U I R E
`Suite 4715
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`C E R T I
`C A T E
`I, Linda Salzman,
`a Notary Public
`within and for the State of New York, do
`hereby certify:
`the witness
`whose deposition is hereinbefore set
`forth, was duly sworn by me and that such
`deposition is a true record of
`testimony given by the witness.
`I further certify that
`am not
`related to any of
`the parties to this
`action by blood or marriage, and that
`am in no way interested in the outcome of
`this matter.
`I have hereunto
`set my hand this 3rd day of December,
`Es gum §30.w13&%
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`NeWY0|”k, NY10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008
`Notice of Testimony
`Deposition dated 11/19/08
`FUBU trademark
`Copies of web pages from
`FUBU website
`Variety of FUBU products
`Pictures of Clothing
`FUBU advertisements
`Slam magazine ad
`Source magazine ad
`Ozone magazine ad
`Right On magazine ad;
`Don Diva magazine ad
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 47 1 5
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3, 2008‘
`EXHIBITS (Cont'd)
`Debra Cox advertisement;
`Wikipedia printout on
`Debra Cox
`Lenox Lewis photographs;
`Wikipedia printout on
`Lenox Lewis
`LL Cool J's album cover photo
`United States Patent and
`Trademark Office Trademark
`Trial and Appeals board
`decision printout
`Online record of
`Es gum egg:
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`NeWY°"k/ NY10119

`Lawrence Phillip Blenden
`December 3,
`6:9 7:7 8:2
`5:3 23:23
`9:9 10:3,19
`21:4 22:5
`21:19 22:7
`11:6 12:9
`9:8 25:22
`7:14,17 12:23
`l2:12,20 23:9
`8:7 12:18
`15:2 16:17
`17:21 18:2,12
`9:15,23 10:2
`12:11 18:19
`18:23 19:25
`22:25 23:8
`17:11,13 21:7
`16:24 17:6,8
`12:5 16:19
`22:21 30:10
`4:8 7:22 11:2
`11:9 22:20
`9:2 10:10
`17:16 18:4,6
`21:7,25 24:2
`18:20 22:4
`1:4 24:23
`24:9,16 30:13
`1:10 5:17,20
`26:19 30:16
`6:24 16:17
`18:23 20:24
`21:25 22:25
`5:19,24 6:23
`3:5 4:3
`2:8 3:6 6:10
`12:16 23:24
`2:3 5:22
`B 1
`25:23 26:19
`6:25 7:2
`1:4 2:10 4:13
`4:16 27:16
`9:2 13:16,19
`17:17 18:22
`19:22 20:7
`9:10 10:3
`4:3 26:9
`1:15 2:5 6:1
`6:7 7:1 8 1
`9:1 10:1
`11:1 12:1
`13:1 14:1
`15:1 16:1
`17:1,2 18:1
`19:1 20:1
`21:1 22:
`23:1 24:
`25:1 26:
`28:10 29:4
`1:4 2429,17
`25:3 30:13
`7:17 8:

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