
`(Exceeds 300 pages)
`Proceeding / Serial No: 9 1 177943
`Filed: 10-28‘-O8
`Part 2 of 3
`Processed by Curtis Puryear


`E h'b'tG
`X '
`Page 40 of 128
`<signature action-code="create" version="new">
`<signature-name>/Paul S. Chirgott/</signature—name>
`<signatory-name>Pau| S. Chirgott</signatory-name>
`<signatory-position>GeneraI Counsel of Grant Street Group, Inc.</signatory-position>
`<fee—type action~code="create" version="new">
`<total-amount> 275</total-amount>
`<payment action-code="create" version="new"/>
`<boilerplate-description>TEAS Trademark/Service Mark Declaration</boilerplate-descript
`<boilerplate-text>Applicant requests registration of the above—identified trademark/se
`<boilerplate-description>Statement for Mark</boilerplate-description>
`<boi|erplate-text>The mark is presented in standard character format without claim to
`<boilerplate-description>Section 1a Statement</boilerplate-description>
`<boiIerp|ate-text>Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce, or tl
`<boilerplate-description>Email Authorization Statement</boilerp|ate-description>
`<boilerplate-text>Applicant authorizes the USPTO to communicate with the applicant 2
`<boilerp!ate—text> NOTE: Only one e-mail address may be used for correspondence.</b
`<boilerplate—description>Application Signature Statement</boi|erplate—description>
`<boi|erp|ate-text>The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements 5
`3 of4
`ll/14/O5 5:38 PM


`Ex 'b'
`Page 41 of 128
`<xmI-create-date> 200511 14 17:36:45</xml-create-date>
`<fiIing—description>Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register</filing-descri
`,«~ 40f4
`11/14/05 5:38 PM


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`in Fiorida April 16, 2004.
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`I certify from the records of this office that GRANT STREET GROUP, INC., A PA.
`registered REALAUCTION to be used as a mark under ciass(es) 0035, AND
`0036. Said mark was first used anywhere October 28, 2003 and was first used


`Exhibit G
`Page 43 of 128
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`Exhibit G
`Page 44 of 128
`L L L
`"#7 "?’~r1»».*‘3i;-‘..° O. 33,.
`Tm our RealAuctlon on-line
`land auctions. They save
`you time and money.
`Auctions Change the Focus!
`Be sure and return regularly
`for the latest In farm
`properties in the upper
`1. Seller obtains offers instead of waiting for the buyer to get around to
`making a move.
`2. Price gets built up through bidding rather than negotiating it
`downward. A more positive approach.
`3. Seller can determine the time value of money in comparison to the
`sale price rather than waiting and having the “HOLDING COST” actually
`4. Seller is “using” the competition between buyers, instead of the
`competition between other “for sale" properties to determine the sale
`Farms For Sale
`Seller Rep
`Bi.-yer Rep
`1 IE l
`1. Price determination is made by competitive bidding.
`2. Definite sale date of an auction reduces time delays and hastens
`3. There are no contingencies, property sells as is.
`4. There is no haggling or continued negotiating.
`5. More dollars net in the seller's pocket.
`RealAuction ® is a registered service mark and computerized auction
`system exclusively available from NORTH CENTRAL Ag. Service, Inc.
`Since 1980, we have offered the unique computerized system of public
`bidding. The system maximizes the price received by the seller on the
`properties that deserve to be divided into a number of parcels. The
`system increases the bidder competition, then broadening the market
`and increasing the total price received by the seller.
`Works best on farms and other land that will benefit from offering same
`in parcels. ie: natural division lines or multiple uses such as residential
`sites, hunting land or tillable land exists on the same farm.
`This feature can create cross bidding, thereby increasing competition
`which produces maximum prices.
`Works to the advantage when good local demand exists
`Forces the prospective buyer to make a decision
`Works best in areas where auctioning land is familiar to the buyer.
`“Our family is pleased with the outcome of the sale. It certainly brought
`a higher total price than we would have been able to negotiate with
`interested buyers. I am very impressed with the workings and effects of
`your “RealAuction” method of selling. It was interesting to discover that
`l0/29/04 3:09 PM




`Exhi fl"<emity.asp?:nfiling_number=6381&en...
`I -
`7- wm'n;ir‘r.omramu'<33‘mt;
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`2 Minn-I ..
`1" W4] 33% 3%‘
`DAe UCC Business Serviges Account Session Briefcase HeIgIFAQs About Loglg
`Page 45 of 128
`Filing Number:
`Entity Type:
`Original Date of Filing: 10/9/1979
`Date First Used:
`l0/9/ I 979
`Classification Number:
`Entity Status:
`Type of Mark:
`Use in connection with:
`Trade and Service
`auction of real
`Entity Date to Expire:
`Additional Entity Detail I Return to Search List
`I New Search I
`DA Home I OSS Home I Contacts I Privag Policyl Terms & Cgnditigns
`Use of this site and services indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use.
`©CoQyright 2001 , Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved.
`L ,. .
`I0/29/04 3:00 PM


`Trademark Electronic Search System (FESS)
`Exhibit H
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
` Home Islte Index I Search I FAQ [Glossary I Guides I Contacts I eBusiness I eBlz alerts I News I Help
`Page 46 of 128
`Trademarks > Trademark Electronic Search System(Tess)
`TESS was last updated on Fri Nov 18 04.‘12.'35 EST 2005
`Logout I Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you.
`start lust At: I
`OR Jump Ito record:I
`Record 1 out of 3
`Browser to return to TESS)
`( Use the "Back" button of the Internet
`Word Mark
`Goods and Services
`Standard Characters
`Mark Drawing Code
`Design Search Code
`Serial Number
`IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Connecting buyers and sellers of financial assets. FIRST USE:
`20031028. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20031028
`Filing Date
`Current Filing Basis
`Original Filing Basis
`November 14, 2005
`(APPLICANT) Grant Street Group, Inc. CORPORATION PENNSYLVANIA Suite 1800 429 Forbes
`Avenue Pittsburgh PENNSYLVANIA 15219
`Paul S. Chirgott
`Attorney of Record
`Type of Mark
`Live/Dead Indicator
`1 1/18/05 3:02 PM


`Exhibit H
`Page 47 of 128
`Received Your Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register:
`November 14, 2005 5:50:29 PM EST
`«I: ..
`MARK: Rea| (Standard Characters)
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.
`The literal element of the mark consists of
`‘Ne have received your application and assigned serial number '78753583' to your submission. The summary of
`the application data below serves as your official filing receipt. For electronically-submitted applications, the
`USPTO will no longer mail a paper filing receipt. If the USPTO later determines that no filing date was justified,
`your submission will be returned, and your filing fee will be refunded. You could then, if possible, cure the
`deficiency, and re-file the application.
`If you determine that you made an error in the information you entered, you may file a preliminary amendment
`electronically, stating your proposed correction, at NOTE: You
`cannot file a Preliminary Amendment until at least 30 days after initial filing of the application. Prior to that time,
`the serial number will not appear in the USPTO database (even though the number was assigned at the time of
`filing), preventing the uploading of new data.
`In approximately SEVEN (7) months, your application will be assigned to a USPTO examining
`attorney. The examining attorney will determine whether the change proposed in the amendment is permissible,
`within the normal course of his or her review of the application. Please note that not all errors may be corrected;
`for example, if you submitted the wrong mark or the incorrect goods and/or services, if the proposed correction
`would be considered a material alteration to your original filing, this will NOT be accepted. Unfortunately, your only
`recourse in that event is to re-file - your fee would NOT be refunded. Once you submit an application, either
`electronically or through the mail, we will not cancel the filing or refund your fee, unless the application fails to
`satisfy minimum filing requirements. The fee is a processing fee, which we do not refund even if we cannot issue
`a registration after our substantive review.
`NOTE: If you have a technical concern about your specific application, or a question or comment about electronic
`filing in general, please send an e-mail to For general (i.e., non-technical) trademark information,
`please e-mail, or telephone 1-800-786-9199.
`Status Information: Check Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval to view current status
`information, as well as the complete prosecution history. Do not attempt to check status until at least 15 days
`after submission of a filing, to allow sufficient time for all USPTO databases to be updated. You can view all items
`listed in the prosecution history section online at Trademark Document Retrieval, including all office actions sent
`by the USPTO.
`The applicant, Grant Street Group, Inc., a corporation of Pennsylvania, residing at Suite 1800, 429 Forbes Avenue,
`Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15219, requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified
`above in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of "July 5,
`1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq.), as amended.
`International Class 035: Connecting buyers and sellers of financial assets
`If the applicant is filing under Section 1(b), intent to use, the applicant declares that it has a bona fide intention
`to use or use through the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with
`the identified goods and/or services. 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(b), as amended.


`Exhibit H
`Page 48 of 128
`if the applicant is filing under Section 1(a), actual use in commerce, the applicant declares that it is using the
`mark in commerce, or the applicant's related company or licensee is using the mark in commerce, or the
`applicant's predecessor in interest used the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the identified goods
`and/or services, and lists below the dates of use. 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(a), as amended.
`If the applicant is filing under Section 44(d), priority based on foreign application, the applicant declares that it
`has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or
`sen/ices, and asserts a claim of priority based on a specified foreign application(s). 15 U.S.C. Section 1126(d), as
`If the applicant is filing under Section 44(e), foreign registration, the applicant declares that it has a bona fide
`intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services, and submits
`a copy of the supporting foreign registration(s), and translation thereof, if appropriate. 15 U. S.C. Section 1126(e),
`as amended.
`The applicant hereby appoints Paul S. Chirgott of Grant Street Group, Inc., Suite 1800, 429 Forbes Avenue,
`Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15219 to submit this application on behalf of the applicant. The attorney
`docket/reference number is
`The USPTO is authorized to communicate with the applicant or its representative at the following email address:
`A fee payment in the amount of $275 will be submitted with the application, representing payment for 1 class(es).
`Declaration Signature
`Signature: /Paul S. Chirgott] Date: 11/14/2005
`Signatory's Name: Paul S. Chirgott
`Signatory's Position: General Counsel of Grant Street Group, Inc.
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-88S9-1"?>
`<uspto—tm—document description="Base Application Form (TEASPlus)" document-
`subtype="TEASPlus" document-type="ftk" system-creator="eteas" version="3.00" version-
`<mark action-code="create" version="new">
`<typed-mark standard-character-format="y">
`<file-name image-type="jpeg" width="600" height="250" acceptable:"y">mark.jpg</file-name>


`Exhibit H
`Page 49 of 128
`-<goods-service action-code="create" version="new">
`<description-text>Connecting buyers and sellers of financial assets</description-text>
`<specimen action-code="create" version="new">
`<file—name image-type="jpeg" width="1703" height="2355" acceptable="n">spec-661791641—
`<fi|e-name image-type="jpeg" width="612" height="792" acceptable:"y">spec-661791641-
`<description—text>Internet—based websites, auction platforms and services for: mortgage foreclosure
`sales of real estate; sheriff sales of real estate; sales of tax deeds resulting, for example, from the
`redemption of real property tax certificates; and sales of other real estate and financial
`<type> 1a</type>
`<filing-basis-description>Connecting buyers and sellers of financial assets</filing-basis-description>
`<id—manua|—entry class-code="035">
`<fixed-text>Connecting buyers and sellers of financial assets</fixed-text>
`<specimen action-code="create" version="new">
`<file-name image-type="jpeg" width="1703" height="23SS" acceptable:"n">spec-661791641-
`<file—name image-type="jpeg" width="612" height="792" acceptable:"y">spec-661791641-
`<description-text>Internet-based websites, auction platforms and services for: mortgage foreclosure
`sales of real estate; sheriff sales of real estate; sales of tax deeds resulting, for example, from the
`redemption of real property tax certificates; and sales of other real estate and financial
`<case-file-owner action-code="create" version="new">
`<name>Grant Street Group, Inc.</name>
`<street>429 Forbes Avenue</street>


`Exhibit H
`Page 50 of 128
`-<interna|-address>Suite 1800</internal-address>
`<state>Pennsylvania (PA)</state>
`<country-name>United States (USX)</country—name>
`<emaiI authorized:"n">chirgott.pau|</emai|>
`<phone>(412) 391-5555</phone>
`<fax>(412) 391-7608</fax>
`<incorporated-in-state-code>Pennsylvania (PA)</incorporated-in-state-code>
`</base-application -form>
`<correspondence action-code="create" version="new">
`<name>Paul S. Chirgott</name>
`<firm-name>Grant Street Group, Inc.</firm-name>
`<street>429 Forbes Avenue</street>
`<interna|—address>Suite 1800</internal-address>
`<state>Pennsy1vania (PA)</state>
`<country-name>United States (USX)</country—name>
`<phone>(412) 391-555S</phone>
`<fax>(412) 391—7608</fax>
`<emai| authorized:"y">chirgott.pau|</email>
`<other—appointed-attorney/ >
`<correspondence action-code="create" version="new">
`<name>Paul S. Chirgott</name>
`<firm-name>Grant Street Group, Inc.</firm-name>
`<street>429 Forbes Avenue</street>
`<internaI-address>Suite 1800</internal-address>
`<state>Pennsy|vania (PA)</state>
`<country-name>United States (USX)</country—name>
`<phone>(412) 391—5555</phone>
`<fax>(412) 391-7608</fax>
`<emaiI authorized:"y"></emaiI>


`Exhibit H
`Page 51 of 123
`<signature action-code="create" version="new">
`<signature-name>/Paul S. Chirgott/</signature-name>
`<signatory-name>Paul S. Chirgott</signatory-name>
`<signatory-position>General Counsel of Grant Street Group, Inc.</signatory-position>
`<fee—type action-code="create" version="new">
`< number-of-c|asses> 1 </number-of—classes>
`<payment action-code="create" version="new">
`<boilerplate-description>TEAS Trademark/Service Mark Declaration</boilerplate-description>
`<boilerplate-text>Applicant requests registration of the above-identified trademark/service mark in
`the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of
`July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C. Section 1051 et seq., as amended).</boilerplate-text>
`<boilerplate-description>Statement for Mark</boilerplate-description>
`<boiIerplate-text>The mark is presented in standard character format without claim to any particular
`font style, size or color.</boilerplate-text>
`<boilerplate-description>Section la Statement</boilerplate-description>
`<boi|erplate-text>Use in Commerce: The applicant is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's
`related company or licensee is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's predecessor in interest
`used the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services. 15 U.S.C.
`Section 1051(a), as amended.</boilerplate-text>
`<boilerplate—description>EmaiI Authorization Statement</boilerplate-description>
`<boilerplate-text>Applicant authorizes the USPTO to communicate with the applicant at the listed e-


`Exhibit H
`Page 52 of 128
`mail address.</boilerplate-text>
`<boilerplate-text>NOTE: Only one e-mail address may be used for correspondence.</boilerplate-
`<1boilerplate—description>Application Signature Statement</boilerp|ate-description>
`<:boilerpIate-text>The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so
`made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, and that such
`willful false statements, and the like, may jeopardize the validity of the application or any resulting
`registration, declares that he/she is properly authorized to execute this application on behalf of the
`applicant; he/she believes the applicant to be the owner of the trademark/service mark sought to be
`registered, or, if the application is being filed under 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(b), he/she believes
`applicant to be entitled to use such mark in commerce; to the best of his/her knowledge and belief
`no other person, firm, corporation, or association has the right to use the mark in commerce, either
`in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely, when used on or in
`connection with the goods/services of such other person, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or
`to deceive; and that all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true; and that all statements
`made on information and belief are believed to be true.</boilerplate-text>
`<xml-create-date>20051114 17:46:23</xml-create-date>
`<submit-date>Mon Nov 14 17:50:25 EST 2005</submit-date>
`<filing-description>Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register</filing-description>
`<reply—name>PAUL S. CHIRGOTT, ESQ.</reply-name>
`Thank you,
`The TEAS support team


`TEAS Submit Service ver 2.50
`Page 53 of 128
`Your Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register 1
`We have received your application and assigned serial number 78753583 to your submission. We wil
`application data to "", which will be your official confirmation of rec
`electronically-submitted applications, the USPTO will no longer mail an additional paper filing receip’
`always reliable, please print out and save this notice. If the USPTO later determines that no filing date
`will be returned, and your filing fee will be refunded. You would then have the opportunity to cure t"
`application. Thank you.
`NOTE: Do NOT send a duplicate paper copy of this filing to the USPTO, as it will interfere with the
`electronic submission and will result in your being charged for two filings, neither of which can be rc
`Thank you.
`TEAS Support Team
`._. w_ ¢__j..w_*.-g._
`Trademark Electronic A Iication S stem EAS service
`[5 ‘ S u.s. Patent and Trademark omce
`"" """‘ Please refer questions or comments to:
`1 of 1
`11/14/05 5:50 PM


`PTO Secure Server Payment Information Sun’
`iry Page
`Page 54 of 128
`3: United States
`a ~._ :Patent and
`A Trademark Office
`Please confirm that the information shown below is correct. If there are any errors, click
`"Change" to return to the previous form. Otherwise, click "Submit" to process payment,
`or "Cancel" to abort the transaction.
`Credit Card Payment Information:
`Card Number:
`37947668785 1001
`Card Type:
`Name on Card:
`Expiration Date:
`Street Address 1:
`Street Address 2:
`SUITE 1 800
`Zip Code:
`Iléald/e\r:l1‘atril:)/‘S.<(:::)\;i::e Mark Application, Principal Register:
`Attorney Docket Number: |
`W Optional
`Submit I Change I Cancel ‘
`Your transaction may take up to 90 seconds; we appreciate your patience.
`Note - Pressing ‘Submit’ multiple times may cause the same transaction to be
`processed multiple times.
`Pressing 'Cancel' after pressing ‘Submit’ will not cancel the transaction.
`1 of 1
`11/14/05 5:50 PM-.-''::’:


`Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principe‘ “egister
`Exhibit H
`Page 55 of 128
`http://tr’ a1us.uspto. gov/1‘easPlus/xslt.service?xsl=text
`PTO Form 1478 (Rev 7/2005)
`OMB Control #0651-0009 (Exp. 09/30/2008)
`Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register
`TEAS Plus Application
`To the Commissioner for Trademarks:
`MARK: (Standard Characters, see %
`The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color.
`The literal element of the mark consists of
`The applicant, Grant Street Group, Inc., a corporation of Pennsylvania, residing at Suite 1800, 429 Forbes Avenue,
`Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15219, requests registration of the trademark/service mark identified above in the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office on the Principal Register established by the Act of July 5, 1946 (15 U.S.C.
`Section 1051 et seq.), as amended.
`For specific filing basis information for each item listed below, click directly on the class
`International Class 035: Connecting buyers and sellers of financial assets
`if the applicant is filing under Section 1(b), intent to use, the applicant declares that it has a bona fide intention to use or
`use through the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified
`goods and/or services. 15 U.S.C. Section 1051(b), as amended.
`If the applicant is filing under Section 1(a), actual use in commerce, the applicant declares that it is using the mark in
`commerce, or the applicant's related company or licensee is using the mark in commerce, or the applicant's predecessor in
`interest used the mark in commerce, on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services, and lists below the dates
`of use. 15 U.S.C. Section lO5l(a), as amended.
`if the applicant is filing under Section 4-4(d), priority based on foreign application, the applicant declares that it has a bona
`fide inten

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