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`Proceeding] Serial No: 91 177192
`Filed: 04-25-2008
`Title: Exhibit’s A part 12-22; Opposer’s Brief m
`Response to App1icant’s Motion for Summary
`Part 5 of 11
`Processed by Duane Foster

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`The Esquire Guide: Prepster Stripes; men's clothing and accessories; Illustration Esquire July 1, 2001
`Copyright 2001 Gale Group, Inc.
`Copyright 2001 The Hearst Corporation
`July 1, 2001
`sacnon: No. 1, Vol. 136; Pg. 59 ;1ssN: o194—9535
`IAC-ACC-NO: 77343225
`LENGTH: 1338 words
`HEADLINE: The Esquire Guide: Prepster Stripes; men's clothing and accessories; Illustration
`To be judged by the content of your character would be nice, but who really has the time? Better to look at
`the stripes on another b|oke's necktie and start with that. At least that's the way it's done in England. When
`a nineteenth-century ilmey schoolboy had the pluck to remove the colored ribbon from his boater and wear
`it around his neck, the school tie was born. You see, in Old Blighty, stripes tell everyone who you are.
`which public school you attended, which university you studied at, which college at said university you
`called home, which regiment you served in, which clubs you are a member of~-all of these things can be
`determined by a simple combination of a few colors arranged in diagonal stripes. Stateside, we're less
`concerned with the fact that your great-uncle was top of his class at Glggleswick; we just think they look
`good. ‘And we're not alone. Many of today's designers have welcomed the return of the old-fashioned stripe
`as part of the more traditional styles that recall early-eighties Ralph Lauren prep, fifties Joe College, and
`prewar British MP5 who carried on about appeasement and trade unions. And in spite of what your dad may
`have told you since you were in short pants, pairing stripes with stripes can work--if you know what you're
`doing. Admittedly, it's a practice fraught with peril; screw it up and people will start asking you if the
`camivai's in town. But if you take our lead and match them correctly, you'll surely demonstrate a confident
`and bold sense of style.
`Color Decoded Every color has its place. Sportsmen's organizations often had brightly colored ties so the
`hues would show through the mud that would splatter on them. The traditional colors of the Royal Military
`Academy-—yellow, blue, and black--represent sulfur, saltpeter, and charcoal, which are the ingredieriis of
`gunpowder. A member of the Royal Tank Regiment would proudly wear a brown, red, and green tie to
`reflect the words of his battle cry: "From mud, through blood, to the green fields beyond."
`THE CALCUTTA Light Horse Regiment was a British volunteer military outfit that drew its recruits from the
`businessmen who resided in the Indian city. The colors of the tie were chosen at a bar and were adopted
`from the colors on the officers’ uniforms, The drinking exploits of the group were well-known; in some
`circles, the group was jokingly referred to as the Calcutta Tight Horse Regiment. Silk tie ($ 65) by Ben
`THIS TIE DISPLAYS the colors of the I Zingari Cricket Club and is generally considered to be one of the first
`Imp:// 068961 75£fb9aa9e7d45436963 &searcl1Type=&docnu... 5/26/2006

`raga 5 U1 3
`club ties in the world, dating back to the 18705. The club was namedlfor Zlngari--Italian for Gypsles--
`because it had no home field. Its founders established the club at the Blenheim Hotel in London, and its
`colors represent the motto ''out of darkness, through fire, into light." Silk tie (El; 65) by Ben Silver.
`ITIS GENERALLY believed that the idea of colors representing who you are goes back at least to the times
`of knights and damsels. The theory is that knights who went into battle wearing indistinguishable suits of
`armor carried designs emblazoned on their shields so they'd know whom to assist and whom to impale.
`Long after the days of Sir Lancelot, that heraldic device remains in the form of crests, engraved buttons,
`and, yes, ties. Silk tie ($ 65) by Ben Silver.
`THE 3RD KING'S OWN HUSSARS were originally raised as dragoons in 1685 but converted to hussars in
`1856. Do you have any idea what that means? We didn't, either. Both were light cavairymen, but it was the
`Hungarian hussars and their flamboyant attire that captured the imagination of other European armies, who
`then emulated their garb. Dragoon comes from the French dragon, meaning carbine or musket. Silk tie ($
`65) by Ben Silver.
`1. Since suits lend themselves to a natural conservatism, you can exercise greater creativity in the
`combination of shirt, sweater, and tie, as we have done here. Two-button single-breasted wool suit ($
`1,095) by Corneliani; cashmere V—necl< sweater-vest ($ 420) by Bruneiio Cuclneili; cotton shirt (5; 525) by
`Klton; silk tie ($ 40) by Tommy Hilfiger; leather loafers ($ 275) by Cole Haan.
`2. This suit is striped, yes,.but only faintly so. And the shirt and tie have stripes of different widths, all of
`which will keep you from looking like a piece of op art. Two-button single-breasted wool suit ($ 1,950) by
`Salvatore Ferragamo; cashmere cardigan ($ 397), Polo by Ralph Lauren; cotton shirt ($ 325) by Lorenzlnl;
`silk tie (it 39) by Nautica; leather oxfords ($ 190) by Johnston & Murphy; leather belt ($ 125) by Etro.
`Blood Ties As legend has it, Henry Cabot Lodge was in a gentlemen's club in London when he was asked
`about his necktie: "That's a Royal Marines tie. Were you in the Royal Marines?" Lodge replied, "Why, no. I
`bought it at a shop in town." His enquirer would have none of it. "Sir," he said, "I'm going to have to ask
`you to remove your tie. Otherwise, I would suggest we step oumide." The moral of the story? If the Brits
`spent a little less time on protocol and more on other matters, they might still have an empire.
`3. This blue suit has a subtle red stripe running through it. You see how the tie picks up that color?
`Complement the other colors in your outfit and you'll rarely go wrong. Three-button single-breasted wool
`suit (3: 1,950) by Ermenegildo Zegna; cotton shirt ($ 222) by Dolce & Gabbana; silk tie ($ 105) by Etro;
`leather loafers ($ 350) by Bally; leather belt ($ 75) by Torino.
`4. It doesn't always have to be an explosion of color. It's very bold to wear a limited palette with elements
`that sharply contrast with one another. Three—button single-breasted wool-and~cashmere suit (3; 1,950),
`Sartoriale by Pal Ziieri; cashmere—and-silk sweater (is 675) by Bruneiio Cuclneili; cotton shirt ($ 80) and
`silk tie ($ 75), Polo by Ralph Lauren; leather shoes ($ 420) by Ermenegildo Zegna.
`‘?_m=27e33 106892] 75£fb9aa9e7d4543 6963 &searc11Type=&docnu... 5/26/2006

`-1934: van
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`THIS TIE COMES from the Trinity School in Croydon. Trinity was founded in 1596 by John Whitgift, who was
`the Archbishop of Canterbury (he helped create the U. S. when his ongoing contempt for the Puritans drove
`them here) as well as a trusted ally of Elizabeth I--so much so that she received Iris mlnistratlons while on
`her deathbed, The tie is known as Old Mid—Whltgiftian in remembrance. Silk tie ($ 65) by Ben Silver.
`A LOT OF INFORMATION can be imparted by a piece of silk. This particular color combination is named
`Cambridge Old Rossaillan. What that means is that the wearer is not only a student or graduate of the
`University of Cambridge, he also attended the Rossall School beforehand. The red and white stripes are
`shared by the Oxford Old Rossaillan tie, but the background is navy blue, while Cambridge's is royal. Silk
`tie ($ 65) by Ben Silver.
`ONE COMMON ELEMENT among all these ties is the direction of their stripes. In the UK, diagonal stripes go
`from the heart down, unless specifically designed otherwise. In the States, stripes run in the other direction
`because American manufacturers cut fabric facedown, as opposed to the face-up method of their British
`colleagues. All of this is very important to fusty old Brits who go by names like ”Major" or something. Silk
`tie ($ 65) by Ben Silver.
`THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS were first raised in 1794 by the Fourth Duke of Gordon. Legend has it, his
`wife assisted in the recruiting effort by offering a kiss to every man who signed up. In the years that
`followed, the Gordon Highlanders were present at Waterloo and the Somme, as well as in France and Asia
`during the Second World War. Their tie’s colors come from the Gordon tartan. Silk tie ($ 65) by Ben Silver.
`IAC-CREATE-DATE: September 17, 2001
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`Briefs: Reaping an answerstamp of approva//Look to the ocean/...bare/y dressed in white/Fmm here to
`Chnstmas/And now, to all yo lovers out there, a bit of inspiration Ventura County Star (California) July 5,
`2001 Thursday
`Copyright 2001 Ventura County Star
`Ventura County Star (California)
`July 5, 2001 Thursday
`SECTION: Life; Pg. E01
`LENGTH: 1055 words
`HEADLINE: Briefs: Reaping an answer
`Stamp of approval/Look to the ocean/...barely dressed in white/From here to Christmas/And now, to all yo
`lovers out there, a bit of inspiration
`BYLINE: Julie Price ; Life section editor
`Reaping an answer
`I have wondered for weeks what the autumn-colored "harvest" bumper stickers are about. I'll bet I've seen
`half a dozen of them lately on cars around the county.
`Finally, an answer came last week in the divine form of a news release.
`Under the headline "Harvest Rocks," the release out of Santa Ana explains "harvest" is the name of a five-
`city musical and entertainment touring Christian crusade, which will make it to Ventura County for three
`days in August.
`The so-called Harvest Crusades "mix 21st~century music and technology with a flrst-century message. And
`the message is relevant no matter what the millennium," states evangelist and crusade leader Greg Laurie.
`Laurie's five-city "Mission California" tour is kicking off as we speak at Edison Field in Anaheim, where it
`remains until Sunday.
`On Aug. 20, it heads to the Santa Barbara Bowl, then Aug. 24-26 to Seaside Park at the Ventura County
`Fairgrounds in Ventura.
`Sacramento and San Diego will follow in September and October.
`Each event is free and open to the public.
`Described as "the evangelist of the future” by the Rev. Billy Graham, Laurie has an "upbeat style (that)
`appeals to teens, Gen-Xers and baby boomers alike," according to the news release.
`For more information on Laurie and his Harvest ministries, visit the user-friendly Web site at
`Stamp of approval
` 39bfl 26e9ccc7d66dfd4b97c59f&searchType=&docnu... 5/26/2006

`u\..;u.uu - 2 I"l' 4\uou_ua -‘ nuutiun .
`fags Z of _1
`In a victory for art, women and Mexico, a female Mexican artist who continues to shock and captivate an
`international audience with her vivid paintings 47 years after her death has been honored with a U.S.
`postage stamp.
`The 34—cent comme-rnorative stamp features a 1933 self—portrait by the artist, Frida Kahlo. Postal officials
`said it marks the first time a Hispanic woman has been recognized on a U.S. stamp. Officials with the
`Mexican Postal Service said they also released a stamp honoring Kahlo on June 21, the same day as the
`U.S. release.
`"She's admired as someone who was marginalized, as a Mexican woman, during her lifetlme," said Beverly
`Adams, curator of Latin American art for the Phoenix Art Museum. "She transcended both her personal
`tragedies and this marginalizlng in her art, and it still inspires people today. She's a cultural icon."
`Kah|o's paintings often are graphic reflections of the violence, illnesses and miscarriages that plagued her
`life. Many are self-portraits that show herself wounded and bleeding or pierced with nails or arrows.
`Born in Mexico in 1907, Kahlo turned to painting when a bus accident at 18 left her with a broken back and
`bedridden for a month. She spent much of her life confined to a wheelchair.
`On the Net: To view i<ahlo's paintings, visit[fridaby.i3tm.
`To buy stamps, visit, click "Shop" and then "Buy Stamps."
`Look to the ocean
`Just got wind of a couple maritime events hitting our shores in the coming weeks and months.
`n Later this month, the Ventura County Boat Show returns to Channel Islands Harbor.
`Produced by Fred Hall and Associates, the sixth annual show is “a boater’s delight," planners promise,
`"featuring a fabulous selection of all types of boats including sailboats, sportfishers, multihulls, luxury
`yachts, inboard, outboards, electric boats E" Also featured will be vendors, fishing seminars, a mobile
`aquarium, live music, and food and drink from the Whale's Tall.
`Boat show hours are noon to 7 p.m. July 26 and 27; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. July 28 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July
`29. Admission is $7 for adults, free for children 12 and under with an adult. For visitor information, call
`985-4852; for exhibition/ vendor information, call 389-3339.
`n Looking ahead a couple of months, on Sept. 16 Nautica will host its 15th annual fund-raising Nautica
`Malibu Triathlon at Zuma Beach in Malibu.
`More than 2,000 athletes, celebrities and local supporters are expected to take part in the triathlon, which
`includes a half-mile ocean swim, an 18—mlle bike ride along Pacific Coast Highway and a four-mile run along
`Zuma Beach.
`Proceeds will go to benefit the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDSFoundation. For registration, call (818) 707-
`8867; online visit www.me5Q.cou'_}.
`E barely dressed in white
`"By the way, have you looked through the bridal magazines lately?" Diane Schultz of Belleville, Ili., wrote in
`a recent letter to the editors of the Wall Street Journal. "Some of those dresses aren't fit to wear in a
`church for a solemn church ceremony."
`Schultz is not alone in her raised eyebrow. Even some in the business find it startling.
` 39bf1 2669ccc7d66dfdI-lb97c59f&searchType=&docnu... 5/26/2006

`"Strapless, strapless, strapless!" designer Bob Mackle said in mock shock recently, when somebody asked
`him about wedding gowns. (The strapless number pictured, by the way, is a tvvo-piece sheath wedding
`gown that retails for $449 at David's Bridal.)
`rage .4 or :i
`From here to Christmas
`Come on, people, this is ridiculous.
`"Christmas is coming E" states the postcard, which is hawking "
`"Reserve your November/ December editorial space
`A Classical Kids Christmas" CD and cassette
`now," the promoters request.
`First, though, we just have to fill our July/August editorial space; then it‘
`perhaps we can talk
`s on to September/October; then
`And now, to all you ioversout there, a bit of inspiiation E
`A local self-help book author named Phillip Mountrose, who produces "Getting Thru to Kids" books,
`sometimes sends us bits of good advice for our psyches.
`His most recent news release, titled "How to Have a Happy Relationship," offers five simple but thoughtful
`tips on keeping our mates happy: Remember everyone is doing his or her
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`Dollar: 8: sense;OutIet ma/Is may be fading, but not at Albertville Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN) July 5,
`2001, Thursday, Metro Edition
`Copyright 2001 Star Tribune
`Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
`July 5, 2001, Thursday, Metro Edition
`LENGTH: 1299 words
`HEADLINE: Dollars & sense;
`Outlet malls may be fading, but not at Albertville
`BYLINE: John Ewoldt; Staff Writer
`The bloom may be off the rose for outlet malls. Since the nation's flrst one opened in 1980, their number
`has dramatically increased, but their popularity may have peaked.
`Many shoppers love outlets’ discounts on overstocks, overruns and lrregulars, but the quality and
`prices on "speclal purchase" merchandise made specifically for outlets is questionable. Most outlet malls are
`thought of now as places to shop if you're in the area, but rarely worth a separate trip.
`One example of the softening in the local outlet market is at Prime Outlets of Woodbury, which has more
`than 10 vacant storefronts. But the newest kid on the block continues to exceed expectations.
`Last week Outlets at Albertville added nine more stores after celebrating its one-year anniversary. The
`outlet is now the largest in Minnesota, with 63 stores.
`Top-notch anchors
`Shane Bullough, president of JMJ Properties, which owns Outlets at Albertville and Johnson Creek
`Outlet Center in southern Wisconsin, attributes Albertville's success to top-notch anchors such as Tommy
`Hilfiger, Nautica and Polo Ralph Lauren and specialty stores such as Bose, Harry & David and Jones New
`York Country.
`"Our primary customer is within a 30-mile radius of the mall, which includes Maple Grove and St.
`Cloud," he said. "They bring in repeat customers every two weeks or so."
`But outlet shoppers who have shopped outside of Minnesota may lament having to drive to Wisconsin or
`Illinois for the poshest of outlets. Why don't we have Coach, Donna Karan, Le Crueset, Ann Taylor, Versace,
`J. Crew, Dana Buchman and Timberland?
`Bullough said Albertville suffers from being In the Midwest. Many outlet retailers are based on the East
`Coast and they're llkelier to stick to tried-and—true locations near Boston, New York City, Baltimore and
`Orlando because they are closer to their home regions.
`A matter of time
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`.....D-.—..- -
`But it's only a matter of time before some of the other retailers come to Albertvllle, Bullough said.
`''We're only a year old. We need to prove ourselves for three years before they will locate here. East Coast
`stores think Minneapolis is less fashion-conscious than the East Coast, but It's not true."
`Frustrated outlet shoppers in the Twin Cities area may dispute the East Coast snobbery by pointing out
`stores such as Versace, Donna Karan and Sony at the Prime Outlets mall in Kenosha, Wis. But Bullough
`notes that the Kenosha center has an 11-year track record that upscale retailers studled before deciding to
`move to the Midwest. Also, the mall's leasing agents have had more time to capture those tenants.
`Some retailers, such as the exclusive menswear retaller Ermenegildo Zegna, may not have enough
`goods to stock many outlet stores. "We don't sell made-for-the—outlei: clothing, so we don't have enough
`merchandise for a lot of new stores," said Mary Laroche, a manager at the Zegna outlet in Orlando, one of
`only three in the country.
`That may explain our lack of chlchl outlets such as Escada, Hugo Boss, Olllly or Armani.
`Another reason is that some retailers don't want to upset their wholesale accounm, or the full~prlced retail
`stores in the same market. Coach leather stores considered but put the kibosh on an Albertvllle locatlon,
`said Jim Offutt, vice president of Coach factory stores.
`"We backed off due to the proximity of our three full-price stores [Gallerla, Rldgedale, Mall of America].
`We try to be an hour away from any of those stores."
`New Albertvllle stores
`- Banana Republic (763-497-6419): Thelr famous khalcls, judged by the Wall Street Journal as among
`the best, are $40, regularly $49.50. Items are overstocks, irregulars and new items made from excess
`fabric. Good deals included camisoles for $7, cropped pants. for $25 and two T-shlrts for $15.
`- Bath 31 Body Works (763-497-9222): It's one of the chain's regular retail locations, not an outlet store.
`- Bombay Company (763-497-1037): The dark mahogany finishes and classic home accessories are
`distinctive. Most items are special-purchase merchandise not sold in the regular stores. Special-purchase
`goods are priced with tan tags. Discontinued or damaged items from the full-price stores are marked with
`red clearance tags. A popular seller is the queen-sized four—poster bed for $339. Outlet merchandise can be
`returned at any Bombay store. Take an additional 20 percent off all non-clearance furniture through
`- Etienne Aigner (763-497-1102): A seller of classic style handbags, shoes, belts, briefcases, women's
`and a few men's accessories. Prices are at least 30 percent off retail. This location replaces the Medford
`- Izod (763-497-2380): The alligator logo was nowhere to be found in this store. Nearly all of the men's
`and women's clothing is manufactured specifically for the outlet. Men's microfiber pants are $40, women's
`- Mothen/vorics Maternity (763-497-5892): Formerly Motherworks, the store carries the Motherworks,
`Mimi and Pea in the Pod blends. Regularly priced merchandise is in the front of the store; clearance items
`are in the back. Selected Pea in the Pod dresses are $59, regularly $300.
`- Old Navy (763-497-1010): Clothing for everyone from infants to adults. Much of the summer
`merchandise is on clearance, such as men's camp shirts for $14, regularly $17, and selected women's
`overalls for $17, regularly $25.
`- Perry Ellis (763-497-9002): Only men's items are sold, including the Portfolio dress shirts ($27,
`regularly $45), jeans ($20, regularly $45), and only a few higher-end "collection" items at the front of the
`Imp:// a4Bfe3 8 8543 ed90e22] f7ca970b2&searchType=&docnu...

`sto re.
`- WestPolnt Stevens (763-497-1050): Also located in the Woodbury outlet mall, WestPoint Stevens
`offers great bargains on Ralph Lauren bedding as well as Martex, Utica and Disney. Items are generally
`overruns, discontinued patterns or colors and lrregulars. Polo Ralph Lauren king-sized pillowcases were only
`$7 a pair, regularly more than $40.
`Other good deals
`We scouted out bargains in stores that aren't part of the new wing.
`- Waterford Wedgwood (763-497-0915): A pair of Waterford double old-fashioned glasses are $49.50,
`regularly $99, salad dessert plates were $99 a pair and now are $30 per pair.
`- Kitchen Collection (763-497-5797): A refurbished Kltchenald 6-quart professional mixer (without
`pouring shield) is $270, regularly $370. Spices are a best seller here, such as 3.25 ounces of whole black
`pepper for $1.50.
`- Clearance: We spotted some good clearance items, including a Polo University sport coat, regularly
`$275, for $60 at Polo Ralph Lauren (763-497-6611). Guess (763-497-6727) has an additional 25 percent
`off everything except clearance through Sunday, but the clearance on fall and winter merchandise is at 70
`to 80 percent off. Much of the children's wear is priced at $7 or less at Carter's (763-497-5773) and
`OshKosl'i B'Gosh (763-497-6037).
`If you go
`- Directions: About 15 minutes northwest of Maple Grove at Interstate Hwy. 94 and Hwy. 19. If you're
`westbound on I-94, take exit 202. If you're eastbound on I-94, take exit 201. Follow the signs.
`- Summer hours: 9'a.m. to 9 pm. Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday.
`- Phone: 763-497-1911.
`- Web site: http:[[www,
`- Where to eat: The inadequate dining space a year ago has now expanded to include a food court,
`Glorious Beans soup and sandwich coffee shop, Subway and Broadway Pizza.
`_John Ewoidt can be contacted by calling 612-673-7633, sending a fax to 612-673-4359 or at
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`BUYLINES Terry cloth beach towels, $14 to $155 Daily News (New York) July 8, 2001, Sunday
`Copyright 2001 Daily News, L.P.
`Daily News (New York)
`July 8, 2001, Sunday SPORTS FINAL EDITION
`HEADLINE: BUYLINES Terry cloth beach towels, $14 to $155
`GRAPHIC: PHOTOS BY PAT CARROLL DAILY NEWS$14 American flag, call 1-800—OLD~NAVY for store
`locations.$19.99 Novelty print, at Anthropologie, 375 W. Broadway, (212) 343-7070. $25 Hibiscus print by
`Tommy Hllflger, at Macy's,
`151 W. 34th St., (212) 695-4400. $35 Reversible floral vine, at Nautica, 50
`Rockefeller Plaza, (212) 664~9594. $50 Camouflage print by Tlbl, at l:ibichicl<.com.
`$155 Classic check, at
`9 E. 57th St., (212) 371-5010.
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`BBB culture remains ‘central’ to its success Home Textiles Today July 09, 2001
`Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
`All Rights Reserved
`Home Textiles Today
`July 09, 2001
`SECTION: News; Pg. 1
`LENGTH: 674 words
`HEADLINE: BBB culture remains 'central' to its success
`BYLINE: By Andrea Lilio
`MORRISTOWN, NJ -- As Bed Bath and Beyond reported another stellar year, the company points to its
`decentralized set up as the key to its success.
`"Our stores have changed a lot since the founding," said Warren Elsenberg, co-founder and co-ceo, at its
`annual shareholders meeting held here at the Headquarters Plaza Hotel. "But our culture has not."
`Net sales jumped 29.0 percent to $2.397 billion for the flscal year ended March 3, while comp store sales
`were at 5.0 percent and net earnings increased 31 percent to $171.9 million. In fact, this was the ninth
`consecutive year of record eamlngs since the company's initial public offering in 1992. The category killer -
`- which remains debt free -- continues to thrive while other retailers struggle in this slow economy.
`This past year held the most aggressive growth plan ever, said Leonard Feinstein, co-founder and co-ceo,
`with 70 new stores added, Including ones In new markets like Maine and Rhode Island. The total square
`footage increased 24.3 percent to 12.2 million.
`The retailer will top that this fiscal year, as it plans to open 80 new stores, including its first entry outside
`the continental United States, in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, opening this fall. The company currently has 327
`stores in 44 states, and Eisenberg added that the company believes the United States can support more
`than 800 store locations.
`To serve this growing number of stores, the retailer talked about is virtual distribution center, which has
`been in the works for the better part of 18 months, said Steven Temares, president and coo. Using third-
`party suppliers, Bed Bath is building a network of both regional facilities and local distribution centers to
`support its stores, and it will proceed "substantially" this year. The retailer previously had goods shipped
`directly to the stores.
`Temares added that this program is "continuing to evolve" and that more than one facility will be used in
`heavy~voiume markets.
`The retailer also continues to open smaller~format stores, which it's been doing for several years now.
`"There are more smaller markets than bigger markets," said Eisenberg. "We have the ability to size a store
`for a market," he added, while other retailers typically have a more structured pianogram. "We are
`decentralized. We've been very successful with the smaller market."
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`Temares mentioned the Atlanta market, where Bed Bath placed a smaller-format store in the middle of
`three larger stores. "There are a lot of uses for a smaller store," he added, including when a larger piece of
`real estate is not available in a particular location at the time.
`Eisenberg added that, though the stores carry a smaller selection, it is a better selection. Mentioning the
`Atlanta market again, which is a high-end market, he said the low-end product is dropped from the stores‘
`assortment. "We tailor the merchandise to the community."
`It's challenging to stock a smaller format in some ways, Temares said, since "we want to both meet
`customer demands and still have them awed by the store." Its bottom threshold for smaller stores is
`20,000 square feet.
`Though the economy is slow, Elsenberg said that the retailer's traffic remains the same. Temares added
`that 1.5 percent of net sales are spent on advertising, "and that's not changing. We're spending dollars
`more wisely without increasing“ the percentage of sales.
`When asked about the consolidating textiles industry, recently covered in the news, Felnstein said that he
`didn't “foresee a problem in that area We have plenty of people to buy from. You have to have
`alternative sources."
`The Nautica program, introduced this spring, is "doing nicely" said Elsenberg, though it hasn't rolled out to
`all of its stores yet.
`After the meeting, Felnstein added that no other branded programs are in the works, though Temares said
`that the company is always looking. He also told H‘iT that bedding is the largest category in the stores, at
`21% of sales; but after that no other category is more than 10%.
`LOAD-DATE: July 11, 2001
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