`In the matter of Application Serial No. 78-803,956; International Class: 009
`Mark: SNOOPTUNES—Published in the Official Gazette on December 19, 2006
`Re: Opposition No. 91176834
` _j.j____
`I, Allen Heath, declare as follows:
`I am VP ofBusiness Development and acting chiefoperations of1’icer(“COO”)
`for Passive Devices, LLC, and the father of the individual named herein as Kristyn
`Kelly Allen, the applicant (“Applicant”) in theherein Opposition.. I have acted in the
`capacities of VP of Business Development and acting CO0 for Passive Devices, LLC
`since the company’s inception in or about 2004. Unless otherwise stated,
`declaration is based on my personal knowledge, and if called as a witness could testify
`competently thereto.
`Between September 9, 2008 and September 21, 2008, I performed certain
`searches on the Internet
`in order to locate and collect evidence relevant to this
`proceeding. The results of those searches are set forth below.
`On September 17, 2008,
`I performed intemet searches on the search engine
`website Google.com, for each of the search queries set forth below. The number of
`search results for each such internet search is also set out below. Attached hereto as
`Exhibit “A”, and hereby incorporated herein by this reference, are true and correct
`printouts of the first page of search results for each said internet search:
`Search Quegg
`‘rap music’:
`‘snoop dogg ‘:
`‘snoop dogg’, ‘hip hop’, ‘rapper’, ‘gangsta’, rap’, ‘dj’:
`‘snoop dogg’, ‘hip hop’, ‘rapper’, ‘gangsta’, rap’, ‘dj’, ‘drugs,
`‘pot’, ‘weed”, “boss’, smoke”:
`‘rap music’, ‘snooptunes’:
`No. of Results
`‘rap music’, ‘snooptunes’, ‘snoopdogg’:
`‘rap music’, ‘snooptunes’, ‘snoopdoog,, ‘trademark’:
`‘rap music’, ‘snooptunes’, ‘snoopdoog’ minus ‘trademark’
`minus ‘teenpernuer’:
`On September 17, 2008 and September 18, 2008, I performed intemet
`searches on the search engine sites googlacom, yahoo. com and cuil.com for the term
`‘SNOOPTUNES’, with such internet searches yielding 3,650, 10,100
`and 4,753
`search results, respectively. Attached hereto as Exhibit “B”, and hereby incorporated
`herein by this reference, are true and correct printouts of the first 9 pages of results
`from each of the aforesaid intemet searches.
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “C”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are true and correct printouts of screenshots from websites featuring
`articles and reviews about various movie and television appearances made by the
`including those
`from: nme.com,
`slantmagazine. com,
`filmcritic. com, TV com blackfilmcom, wikz'pea'ia.c0m and
`moreturkishdeligmcom, as of September 9, 2008, September 17, 2008 and September
`21, 2008. The yellow underscore highlighting appearing for emphasis on some of the
`above-referenced attached printouts has been added.
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “D”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are true and correct printouts of screenshots from various websites
`featuring articles and interviews written about the Opposer, including those from:
`rollingstonacom, bnet.c0m,
`livelealccom, dubcnncom,
`kronic/ccom and nardwuancom, as of September 9, 2008, September 17, 2008 and
`September 21, 2008. The yellow underscore highlighting appearing for emphasis on
`some of the above-referenced attached printouts has been added.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is _
`true and correct. Executed this _1_“ day of October, 2008 , at _Fremont_, California, USA
`Allen Heath
`I, Jon L. Duman, declare as follows:
`I am an attorney, duly admitted to practice before the state and federal
`courts of California and this Board. I am the attorney for the Applicant named herein.
`have personal knowledge of the following facts and if called as a witness could testify
`competently thereto.
`On the dates set forth hereinbelow, I performed certain searches on the
`Internet in order to locate and collect evidence relevant to this proceeding. The results of
`those searches are set forth below as follows:
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “E”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are true and correct printouts of screenshots from various websites featuring
`biographies and profile articles written about
`the Opposer,
`including those from:
`wikipedia. com, TVcom, answers. com, and idmb. com, obtained as of September 21, 2008.
`biographies and profile articles written about
`the Opposer,
`including those from:
`wikipedia. com, TV. com, answers. com, and imdb. com, obtained as of September 21, 2008
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “F”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are true and correct printouts from Various websites featuring articles written
`about the Opposer’s various legal problems,
`including those from: c0nlactmusz'c.c0m,
`stuflco. nz,
`reutersacom, cbc.ca,
`s0und.s'[am.c0m, uk.news.laur1ch.yah00.c0m,
`smhcom, artz'stdz'recl.com and newsmusi.c0m, obtained as of September 21, 2008 and
`September 22, 2008 (as indicated).
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “G”, and hereby incorporated herein by this reference,
`is l) a true and con'ect printout ofthe first page of an artist bio foturd on MTVcom for the Opposer;
`and 2) a true and correct printout of the first page of an article found on Wikz'pedia.icom
`describing Opposer’s role in the film The Wash, obtained as of September 22, 2008.
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “H”, and hereby incorporated herein by this reference,
`is a hue and correct printout from the website Amazoncom featuring retail solicitations and
`reviews for the Opposer’s authorized biography, obtained as of September 22, 2008.
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “I”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are true and correct printouts from various websites featuring articles written
`about Applicant
`gadgets. q/Inez,
`iloupnge. com,
`eleclrorzista. com,
`NBC1 1. com,
`pcnews. com,
`b/0g. wired. com,
`fres//zpiZ0t.c0m, engczdgelrom, blackenterprisacom and computer-advice.info, obtained
`as of September 22, 2008, and September 28, 2008 (as indicated).
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “J”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, is a true and correct printout from the website b/1ph0r0vide0.c0m. featuring a retail
`for Applicant’s NoeStringsAttached
`technology, obtained as of September 22, 2008.
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “ K”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are true and correct printouts from the website www.who.z's, featuring a list, of
`domain names beginning with the word “snoop”, obtained as of September 23, 2008 and
`September 28, 2008. (as indicated).
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “ L”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are
`1) true and correct printouts from the United States Trademark Trial and
`Appeal Board (“TTAB”) official website pertaining to Opposition Nos. 91167025, 91181946
`and 91151848 filed on behalf of the Opposer,
`including the prosecution histories and
`N0tice(s) of Opposition filed in each such action; and 2)
`true and correct printouts from the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) official website consisting of
`applicant registration files for Serial Nos. 78344938 (“Scoop Dogg”), 77160324 (“Scoop
`Dogg by Buyers”) and 75525100 (“Coop Dog”), obtained as of September 20, 2008.
`Attached hereto as Exhibit “ M”, and hereby incorporated herein by this
`reference, are 1)true and correct printouts from the TTAB official website consisting of
`the prosecution histories for Opposition Nos. 91124741, 91120110, 91125108 and
`91124678, filed on behalf of the Opposer; and 2) true and correct printouts from the
`registration files for Serial Nos.
`USPTO official website, consisting of applicant
`76127936 (“Snoop Dogg Scanner”), 75432236 (“Doggie Style”), 76109618/76109619
`(“Snoopstar”), obtained as of September 20,2008.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the
`foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 2? In day of September, 2008 ,. at Castro
`‘Valley, California, USA
`The undersigned hereby certifies under penalty of perjury that I caused the attached
`September 29, 2008, via First Class U.S. Mail, in care of Opposer’s counsel of record, Michael
`Chiappetta, Esq., at: Fross, Zelnick, Lehrman & Zissu, P.C., 866 United Nations Plaza, New
`‘York, NY 10017
`Dated: September 29, 2008,
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`Snoo unes Cisum <Snoo Tunes:
`My Name is SnoopTunes Cisum. Bom in year 0000. I come from the planet Seton Music. All
`Genres including HipHop Rap POP. Rock Dance. Alternative
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`Qgllege §tudent TO ELK SHQOQ DQQQ QH SHQJE Leash - §]lQOQ QQQQ — Zimbig
`Heath's mother came up with the name SnoopTunes"" and she strongly dislikes rap music
`She had no intention of invoking a gangsta image for her teenage
`" "*1: cc-'7 5Z'.!J{'‘'i 1;
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`18 Yr. Old Teengreneur To Put Snoog Dogg On Short Leash
`Aug 5 2008
`Check out her website at http:In.wmr snooptunescom and if you like to share
`music with friends. buy her product. If you want the to reserve
`seam’ to" *-‘i‘.:'."l"«';~i‘.7‘. r2:.'i;‘i:x:‘r‘~%.~—"s‘~<nom —3:33-.:t‘=-*-.i-.;‘r-rash -EC. -
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`Brent Fowlkes is a Music Artist (Rap ! Hip Hop -’Pop; from Bon Aqua TENNESSEE. ...Tum-A»
`Round Records (Map & A-1;
`jiggah on tha rox. Snoopmnas
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`Aug 8. 2008
`Rapper says Snooplunes technology inventor must change moniker
`IS based on the idea that users can ‘snoop’ in on peers‘ music
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`3‘ PIJIP Snoog Dogg Sues Teenage inventor of Wireless MP3
`You see. Kristyns product IS called l«loeStringAttached by SnoopTunes"‘-‘.
`rap music in general and never associated Mr Dogg with the
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`Mysgacecom - MAXIMIUM - Minneagoiis Minnesota - Electronica
`Then after highsohool I began to produce experimental music with rap style
`Dec 19 2006 10.00 PM Thanks for hitting me on up the new track
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`Vatortv - Snoogtunes comgany grofile - 52;: i‘
`Snooptunes. music sharing gadgets Pix Stage‘ Revenue generating Completed funding Self-
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`-s=n';:n. me.’-:.r'r‘i;.»ina:i‘!'.-gr'.;i=t: - :r2..
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`witli the name SrioopTunes“~‘ and she strongly dislikes rap music She had no intention of
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`Results 1 - 10 of about 52 for go g'_i_i_r_s_i_t_: snooptunes E299 dogg (0.22 seconds!
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`came up with the name SrioopTunes'°‘ and she strongly dislikes rap music.
`music videos contained in Snoop Dogg Presents Adventures of the Blue
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`College Student To Put Snoog Dogg On Short Leash - Snoog Dogg - Zimbio
`Get news blogs pictures and links about the rapper. Snoop Dogg.
`Heath's mother came up
`with the name SnoopTunes“" and she strongly dislikes rap music.
`’.rzr.ii’i.: ‘:*. S:i::~..w-—'
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`Snoog Dogg - Rag!Hig_-Hog - Music - www.real.com
`Now a full decade into his career. Snoop Dogg is a high-powered mainstream celebrity. but still
`stays true to his music His sixth solo record Paid The Cost
`;1l‘~ .V.'iLl.'.iCv'f'T’i“"f:ll'){.l V "log; ~'i‘ll-
`» 2;: ‘~»=.-1 - 5‘;rni|:r y::w= - lime Mir.
`% blackentemrisecoin — Teengreneur Battles Snoop Dogg for Brand Name
`Aug 8 2008
`Goliath battle as she fights rapper Snoop Dogg's accusation that her
`SnoopTunes to assist iPod users who want to share music
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`‘..~ri-.-:-1 - f; vn.i"i'v
`PlJlP: Snoop; Dogg Sues Teenage inventor of Wireless MP3
`Knstyn very diplomatically understates just how much her mother IS NOT a fan of rap music in
`general and never associated Mr. Dogg with the invention when
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`18 Yr Old Teengreneur To Put Snoop; Dogg On Short Leash
`Aug 5 2008
`Kristyn is not trying to conjure up the image of Snoop Dogg in this
`hnp:.I!vaww snooptunescom and if you like to share music with
`zimn-..‘ xzzoiiom;
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`Vatortv - Snoogtunes comganv profile.
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`Teenpreneur To Put Snoop Dogg On Short Leash
`3 will Ill‘? :~.'ii'i'.:n::i:1e5 rn.i:‘-i:»-'ii3.i.1;..iirulnet‘. -~3.3i:
`1.:-_:;;v.— - fl1!:._"z:_:-
`On Short Leash - PR Web - Snoo Do
`Teenoreneur To Put Snoo Do
`Teeripreneur To Put Snoop Dogg On Short Leash press release} WA - Heath 5 mother came up
`uiitlr the name SnoopTunes"‘~‘- and she strongly dislikes ra
`.l3.‘i TU" " .‘il
`Teengreneur To Put Snoog Dogg On Short Leash
`College freshman pushes back against Snoop Dogg's efforts to thwart
`the name SnoopTunes"" and she strongly dislikes rap music
`‘lI‘1l’3'l'lli‘il;:')'|i-'i'i']i-9-‘Z1-it“. Z" Vvll
`ill“ v'-
`glint : ~.»~—
`mother came up with
`BlShOQ High School Class of 197;’ - CLlrrel'l[l§Q_\-1'5 - 59;:
`After ahout 30 minutes Snoop and the Dogg Pound drove ofi Hernandez said the rap artist.
`‘alto is penciled into portray Huggy Bear in the upcoming Starsky
`’ ’hi'- ’vlTl‘i‘vill5‘
`l‘i;V - 7|
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`Search ’
`Search vnthin results i Language Tools I Search Tits l
`’issatisfied'7 Hel. us im .°a'.'e lTr.-' Goagle E>:Eri[i_1ental
`Teengreneur To Put Snoop Dogg On Short Leash
`College freshman pushes back against Snoop Dogg's efioits to thwart mother came up with
`the name SnoopTunes and she strongly dislikes rap music She had
`‘llf‘H' coin.
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`Ear 1
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`- 11- “J33
`Death RoV.'....A Written History (MUST READ. ALTHO WILL TAKE HOURS
`Aug 2. 2007
`Snoop and Death Row put westcoast rap on the map for good. after NWA got
`The soundtrack featured Snoop, Dogg Pound Nate Dogg.
`'l)'JL‘«;'3"-‘»lii|lil1_iuzlil-luiiliii;'l3Jii‘.':lllLii..jl.’J '“33'Ji)'."J'illl11;- Eel:
`Pro r s i e T '
`azi e For
`is it
`lvli ortv A
`Calling the device ‘SnoopTunes’. she created a company applied fora patent
`mizzle my nizzle. Rap artist Snoop Dogg has something to say
`..i-i-J.'.ii ’i-in v:.-)r-
`.i"-iclicfl -
`5 i'\i’l|“' i~-ijer « ‘lat: Vb!‘
`But wait a
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`and blaclcjack tables swirling contemporary music silver trays balancing elegant cocktails. and
`professional croupiers dressed in sleek black eveningwear.
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`{For} Business Women in Business Digest
`We "frr':‘ia‘. PDFlAdobe Acrobat - Viey: as HTi'ulL
`academic subjects. but also in art music and other subjects was either critical or very
`important KidzArt an international art education program that
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`_i_i__'i;i;i_j..:._->23 - ilct-. lhl‘;
`web design corngany london :' rss feeds 7 archive 1: gngadggt
`Fri. 20 Apr - Snoop Dogg chooses video games over charity event external link ...... Wed. 14
`Mar - SrioopTuiies l'toeStniigAttached attachment grres iPad
`:1 din iil-"1 ton» .-‘l~ '1 -
`'l’.‘Il‘l""-"- 1»-‘ J‘~«’£lfL'llI in er.;zu1x_r:‘t in
`Eimvlar cri-.:' ~ !i‘.t= fli=.'.
`Teengreneur To Put Snoop Dogg On Short Leash « All About Animal
`The trademark application is being held up by Snoop Dogg who contends the name
`up with the name SrioopTuries? and she strongly dislikes rap music.
`- ‘it’.-.i‘»'
`-Hr .:1'.ir.