`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Lawrence Y. Iser, Esq.
`Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump & Aldisert LLP
`808 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300
`Santa Monica, CA 90401
`Defendant's Notice of Reliance
`Chad R. Fitzgerald
`Applicants Notice of Reliance re Printed Publications Vol. 1.pdf ( 141 pages
`)(8623934 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`In the matter of Application Serial No. 78/751,105
`Pubiished for Opposition in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE on December 12, 2006
`Opposition No: 91 176791
`Vol. 1 of 7
`Pursuant 37 C.F.R. § 2.122(e), Applicant Mattel, Inc. hereby makes of record, and
`notifies Opposer UMG Recordings, inc. (“Opposer”) of its reliance on, the following printed
`publications offered to show that the term “Motown” (l) is primarily descriptive of both the city
`of Detroit, Michigan and a genre of popular music; (2) is often used in publications available to
`the general public to describe or refer to the city of Detroit, Michigan or a genre of popular
`music; and (3) is part of several trademark applications and registered marks that have nothing to
`do with Opposer. True and correct copies of printouts of these publications are attached hereto
`as Exhibit A, and Applicant asks the Board to take judicial notice thereof:
`Registration number 3067783 (serial number 7854i69i) for the mark MOTOWN,
`owned by Worid Products, Inc. and registered as of March 14, 2006 (printed from the US.
`Patent and Trademark Office’s (“USPTO”) Trademark Electronic Search System (“TESS”));
`Registration number 2768460 (serial number 78101526) for the mark MOTOWN,
`owned by Ford Motor Company and registered as of September 23, 2003 (printed from TESS);
`‘ 3.
`Registration serial number 77502616 for the mark MOlOWN MONDAY, owned
`by applicant Nick Bovis (printed from TESS);
`Registration number 3471030 (serial number 77313087) for the mark MOTOWN
`TRESS, owned by Oradell International Corp. and registered as of July 22, 2008 (printed from
`Registration number 2649776 (serial number 75625492) for the mark MOTOWN
`MISSILE, owned by Arkenol, Inc. and registered as of November 12, 2002 (printed from TESS);
`Registration number 2598544 (serial number 75797779) for the mark MOTOWN
`MISSILE, owned by Arkenol, Inc. and registered as of July 23, 2002 (printed from TESS);
`Registration number 24E1580 (serial number 75831433) for the mark MOTOW,
`owned by World Products, Inc. and registered as of December 5, 2000 (printed from TESS);
`Registration number 1552131 (serial number 73727171) for the mark MOTOWN
`SNACKERS, owned by Sargento Inc. and registered as of August 15, 1989 (printed from TESS);
`The USPTO’S complete file for registration number 2411580 (printed from the
`USPTO Trademark Document Retrieval (“TDR”) system);
`The USPTO’S complete file for seriai number 78101526 (printed from TDR);
`The USPTO’S complete file for serial number 75625492 (printed from TDR);
`Pages from Random House Webster ’5’ College Dictionary, © 2000;
`The entry for “Motown” from the Oxford English DictiOnary Online,
`dictio‘nary.oed.oom, © 2009;
`The entry for “Detroit” from the website wikipedieorg;
`The entry for “motown” from the website dictionagy.com;'
`The entry for “motown” from the website wordnetprincetonedu;
`The entry for “motown” from the website wordweboniineeom;
`The entry for “Motown” from the website wwwlhefreedictionaryeom;
`The entry for “motown” from the website dictionagydienet;
`Pages from Motown: Music, Money, Sex, and Power by Gerald Posner, © 2002;
`The entry for “Motown Motion Picture Studios” from the website wikigediaorg;
`“The Motown Missionary”, which appeared in The Observer on November 12,
`“Commentary: Can Motown Get Out of This Funk”, which appeared in
`Businessweek Magazine on June 23, 2003;
`“Hot Metei for Motown”, which appeared in The Toronto Star on December 23,
`“Great Times And Cool Events”, which appeared on
`www.motownwinterblasteom on February 9, 2007;
`- 26.
`“Motown Wehcam 1.0”, which appeared on www.50ftmedia.com on March 16,
`“Mulitalo Moves To Motown”, which appeared on wwwwbaleom on March 25,
`“Don’t Drafi Brady Quinn”, which appeared on
`www.motommpertsrevival.blogspoteom on March 26, 2007;
`“Time for great Motown sale”, which appeared in The Economic Times on March
`27, 2007;
`“View From Motown”, which appeared on wmvblocrsmotortrendeom on March
`30, 2007;
`“Active Threads From The Forums”, which appeared on www.motownspoflseom
`on March 30, 2007;
`“Welcome to Motown Muscle”, which appeared on www.motownmuseieeom on
`March 30, 2007;
`Splash page for Motown Writers Network, www.motownwriéers.homestead.com,
`accessed on March 30, 2007;
`Splash page for Motown Thewdown, www.ffindr.com, accessed on March 30.
`“Motown Cam”, which appeared on www.cartheamcom on March 30, 2007;
`Splash page for Motowngirlscom, wwmotowngirlscom, accessed on March
`30, 2007;
`“Motown Wigs”, which appeared on wwwwigsaloacom on March 30, 2007;
`Splash page for Biker Bob’s, wwwbikerbobshdcom, accessed on March 30,
`“Motown cricket club”, which appeared on wwwgeocitieseom on March 30,
`Splash page for Motown HOG, www.motownhogcom, accessed on March 30,
`Spiash page for Motown First Federai Credit Union, www.motownfirst.com
`accessed on March 30, 2007;
`“Berry Gordy’s Motown Records”, which appeared on wwwhistog-ofqockcom
`on April 03, 2007;.
`Splash page for Motown Metal Art Galiery, mvwmotownrnetaicom, accessed on
`September 05, 2007;
`“The American dream shudders to a halt in Motown”, which appeared in The
`Independent on November 08, 2008;
`“Raw nerves in Motown”, which appeared on www. reightsideradvisorscom on
`November 11, 2008;
`“Bush’s Motown Turnaroun ”, which appeared on “wwforbescom on
`November 11, 2008;
`“The Big Three Deserve to Die”, which appeared on wwwthedailxgreencom on
`November 16', 2008;
`“Motown Mendieants’ Bailout Blamey”, which appeared in The New York Post
`on November 18, 2008;
`“Quest to Motown’s Ford Field Continues”, which appeared on
`www.wzzm13 .com on November 18, 2008;
`Page splash for FourWheeiereom, www.fourwheeier.com, accessed on
`November 20, 2008
`“Green Enk: Oil’s Down, Motown Drowns”, which appeared on
`www.blogs.wsj.eom on November 18, 2008;
`“Barack Obama And The Big Three”, which appeared on www.forbes.com on
`November 19, 2008;
`“Motor City: From Motown to nowhope town”, which appeared in The
`. Independent on November 19, 2008;
`“Motown Slowdown: How is Detroit’s economy affecting the city”, which
`appeared on www.mationaiposteom on November 19, 2008;
`“Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”, which appeared in the New York Times on November
`19, 2008
`“Talk of Auto Bailout Jumpstarts Wall Street”, which appeared on
`wwwforbeseom on November 20, 2008;
`“Motown comes begging —- in three private jets”, which appeared on
`www.business.smh.eom on November 21, 2008;
`“Motown Rebound”, which appeared on wwwforbescorn on December 04, 2008;
`“Import cannakers teasing acres of coast to store unwanted vehicles”, which
`appeared on wwwautobiogeom on December 08, 2008;
`“Think About Autos”, which appeared on wwwbaltimorechroniciecom on
`December 08, 2008;
`“Another ‘L’ of a Monday in Motown”, which appeared on \wvwfreepcom on
`December 08; 2008;
`“GM’S Bust Tums Detroit Into Urban Prairie of Vacant~Lot Fame”, which
`appeared on wwwbloombergeom on December 08, 2008;
`“Motown Motion Picture Studios”, which appeared on
`Whollywoodblackoutbiogspoteom on February 03, 2008;
`Page splash for March to Motown Blog, www.5ports.espn.go.com, accessed on
`March 15, 2009;
`“MSU’S March to Motown begins”, which appeared on wwwdetnewseom on
`March 16, 2009;
`“The 6th man: UNC win out down nets in Motown maybe”, which appeared on
`wwwisureveiileeom on March 16, 2009;
`“Welcome to Motown Jayi”, which appeared on wwwfreepeom on March 16,
`“Update 011 Detroit Shock ownership”, which appeared in The Seattle Times on
`March 16, 2009;
`“Expect a No. E and three No. 2 seeds to reach Motown”, which appeared on
`www.detnews.com on March 17, 2009;
`“Tips for 5111ng out yourrNCAA tournament brackets”, which appeared on
`wwwxeadingeagieeom on March 17, 2009;
`“Will the Bulis Make the Playoffs?”, which appeared on wwwgapersbiockcom
`on March 17, 2009;
`“Youih gymnasts fare weii”, which appeared on www.1enconnect.com on March
`17, 2009;
`“Pitino’s Motown Moaopoly”, which appeared on www.mebieacherrepofteom on
`March 18, 2009;
`“American Idoi’ Top 10 in Motown; mat Giraud, Anoop Desai, Lil Rounds
`arrive to cheers”, which appeared on www.mlivecom on March 19, 2009;
`“ED GARNEY: Some intriguing themes form Hitsvilie NCAA”, which appeared
`on www.reviewioumal.com on March 19, 2009;
`“American Idol finalists party in Motown m Matt Giraud shows them around?”,
`which appeared on www.mewsdayeom on March 20, 2009;
`“American Idol“ stars 1i ght up Motown”, which appeared on mowireepcom on
`March 20, 2009;
`“Michigan’s new go~to~guy?”, which appeared 0n wwwfreepcom on March 20,
`“Ruben Rosario: Singer takes anti-drug mission on 90 day tour”, which appeared
`on wwwLMincitieseom on March 21, 2009;
`“Williams ready to drive the Cardinals”, which appeared on wwwespncom on
`March 22, 2009;
`“Paging Dr. Phil”, which appeared on wwwfreepcom on March 22, 2009;
`“March madness at work”, which appeared on www.freep.com on March 23,
`2009; '
`“Detroit Pistons vs. Chicago Bulls —— Motown blues”, which appeared on
`wwwoetuscom on March 25, 2009;
`“American Idoi: Motown’s Just a Fancy name for Detroit”, which appeared on
`www.defamer.gawker.com on March 26, 2009;
`“OFF TO MOTOWN”, which appeared on wwwdailycampuscom on March'27,
`“After a stirring raliy, Spartans one win from Final Four in Motown”, which
`appeared on Wfi'BEQCOD‘l on March 28, 2009;
`“A fairytale for Tom 1220, Magic and ail Spartans”, which appeared on
`wwwfreegcom on March 29, 2009;
`“Bashing Chris Osgood season continues”, which appeared on www.mlive.com
`on March 29, 2009;
`“Cap movie tax breaks? Might as weli kill “em”, which appeared on
`wwwfreepcom on March 29, 2009;
`“Heeis rolling toward Motown showdown. ”, which appeared on www.citizen—
`timescom on march 29, 2009;
`“March of the Spartans”, which appeared on www.azcentra1.com on March 29,
`“Motown Madness”, which appeared on wwwabcactionnewscom on March 29,
`“Motown medicine: Final Four”, which appeared on www.miarniherald.corn on
`March 29, 2009;
`“Off to Europe . .. Motown blues
`Disaster at sea”, which appeared on
`wwwkxmecom on March 31, 2009;
`“Final Four is set for Motown”, which appeared on wwwwndueom on March 30,
`“I220, Spartans complete march to Motown”, which appeared on
`_ wwwnwitimescom on March 30, 2009;
`“Spartytown”, which appeared on wvvwfreepeom on March 30, 2009;
`“Will we lose the crafi of automaking?”, which appeared on www.detnews.com
`on March 30, 2009;
`“Michigan State is coming home to Motown”, which appeared in The Los Angeles
`Times on March 30, 2009;
`“Motown Misery”, which appeared on wwwhuffingtonpostcom on March 30,
`“Legendary UNLV Coach Sounds Off On Collegiate Sports”, which appeared on
`wwwiaSVegassuneom on March 31, 2009;
`“Motown bound: Final Four preview”, which appeared on www.utmpacer.com on
`‘ March 31, 2009;
`“Motown suffers from Wall Street envy”, which appeared in The Washington
`Times on March 31, 2009;
`“Showdown for Motown”, which appeared on wwwsmhcom on April 1, 2009;
`“If only for a weekend, some positive momentum for Motown”, which appeared
`on www.cbssportscom on April I, 2009;
`Page splash for rivaiscom, wwwrivalscom, on April 02, 2009
`55040.00084/é5758. 1
`“Final Four won’t make or break Detroit”, which appeared on wwwfreepcom on
`April 02, 2009;
`“Frustration, disappointment spilling over in Motown”, which appeared on
`vwvwmbacom on April 02, 2009;
`“It’s the greening of Motown”, which appeared on www.hub.lsj.com on April 02,
`I 11.
`“Spadens Final Arrive in Motown”, which appeared on wwwxyzcom on April
`02, 2009;
`“10 great places to stay in bounds in Detroit”, which appeared in USA Today on
`April 02, 2009;
`“Shaking Off the Motown Blues”, which appeared'in The New York Times on
`April 03, 2009;
`i 114.
`“Hot Foots Picks from The DANCW’ ROSE: Weekend of 4~3~2009”, which
`appeared on www.readitnews.com on April 03, 2009;
`“Spartan men ofMotown”, which appeared on wwwlansingstatejoumaleom on
`April 03, 2009;
`“Dick Jerardi: Arrival of Final Four has Motown’s streets bustling”, which
`appeared on wwwphillycom on April 04, 2009;
`““Final Four hope to find their mojo in Metown”, which appeared on
`wwwelandosentineicom on April 04, 2009;
`“Gonzo: Hard miles to Motown”, which appeared on wwwphilixcom on April
`04, 2009;
`1 1
`l 19.
`“Let spotlights, and tax incentives, work for Michigan”, which appeared on
`wwwi‘reepcom on April 04, 2009;
`“The Eccentric Soul Revue: Chicago’s mini-Motown”, which appeared on
`www.chicago.decider.c0m on April 04, 2009;
`“Insider: Pistons face the music in Motown without lverson”, which appeared in
`USA TODAY on April 05, 2009;
`“Motown Rocks with OId~School Feel”, which appeared in The New York Post on
`Amril 05, 2009;
`“Paige: Motown’s Spirits get a lift”, which appeared in The Denver Post on April
`05, 2009;
`“Plowing new ground”, which appeared on www.hattlecreckenwuirercom on
`April 05, 2009;
`“Pride not pity should be Detroit’s Final legacy”, which appeared on
`wwwircepcom on April 05, 2009;
`“Red Wings down Wild with late goal”, which appeared on www.twincities.com
`on April 05, 2009;
`“The Soul ofMotown: Spartans Battled to Rebuild Detroit’s Dignity”, which
`appeared on wwwemericanchroniclecom on April 05, 2009;
`“Spartans, Tar Heels In Motown Showdown”, which appeared on www.2tb0.com
`on April 05, 2009;
`“Information About Motown Motion Picture Studio in “Pontiac”, which appeared
`on www.about.com on April 06, 2009;
`‘ 5.504006084145753]
`“Mood swing in Motown”, which appeared on wwwspectmmbuffaloedu on
`April 06, 2009;
`“Motown Woes Weigh on Adworld — but Not as Much as You’d Think”, which
`appeared on wwwadagecom on Aprii 06, 2009.
`“One of Motown’s Favorite Sons”, which appeared on wwhlackathietenet on
`Aprii 06, 2009;
`“Showdown in Motown Captivates State”, which appeared on WWW.Wnem.com
`on April 06, 2009;
`“UNC Rocks, Rails into Motown Showdown”, which appeared on
`wwwaznericanchronicleeom on Apn'l 07, 2009;
`“Detroit Is East Lansing: The Significance ofthe Spartans in Motovm”, which
`appeared on wwwbieacherrepmteom on ApriI 07, 2009;
`“Jay Leno brings comic reiief to battered Motown”, which appeared on
`www.reuters.com on April 07, 2009;
`“Maruti steps up Dzire production”, which appeared on www.mydigitaflifecom
`on April 07, 2009;
`“Motown beatdown”, which appeared on ww.colubusdispatch.com on Aprii 07,
`“Motown Blues: The Epic Fail of Chris Osgood”, which appeared on
`wwwbleacherrepoztcom on April 07, 2009;
`“Mowed down in Motown”, which appeared on www.themomingsun.com on
`Aprii 07, 2009;
`1 3
`“Spartans give Motown green-and—white buzz”, which appeared on
`“Wihenewstribnnecom on April 07, 2009;
`“Thousands Flocked to Breslin Center to Watch Big Game”, which appeared on
`www.wlns.com on April 07, 2009.
`“Pimp My Polar Bear”, which appeared on wwnbcchicagocom on April 08,
`“Motown Showdovm this weekend”, which appeared on www.mlive.com on
`Aprii 09, 2009;
`“Predatorsdon’t sweat Detroit trip”, which appeared on wwwtennesseancom on
`April 09, 2009;
`“Morning Shootaround: Welcome, Redundancy, and Beating the Nets”, which
`appeared on wwmotownstringmusiccom on April 10, 2009;
`“Anderson’s success a product of hard work”, which appeared on
`www.mewsok.corn on April 12, 2009;
`“Breaking down Pistons’ playoff scenarios”, which appeared on wwwfreepcom
`on April 12, 2009;
`“NBA Today: Pistons Guaranteed non-Winning Season”, which appeared on
`www.rotorob.com on April 12, 2009;
`“Five surprises from Motown Showdown”, which appeared on www.miive.con1
`on April 13, 2009;
`“Granhoim touts Michigan to nation”, which appeared on wwwfreepcom on
`April 13, 2009;
`1 4
`“April Positioning Showdown in Motown ~ Chicago Bulls at Detroit Pistons”,
`which appeared on wvmbetuscom on April 13, 2009;
`“An Auto Merger Could Pay Off’, which appeared in The New York Times on
`Aprii 14, 2009;
`“Even the Casinos in Detroit Don’t Want Allen Iverson”, which appeared on
`wwwslamonlineeom on April 14, 2009;
`“Motown CC Win Inaugural Michigan Sixes. Greater Detroit Colts Triumph in
`Junior Division”, which appeared on WWW.dreamticket.com on April 15, 2009;
`“Franklin iands in Motown”, which appeared on www.clumbiatribune.com on
`April 15. 2009;
`“Is Flip Saunders Headed to Washington?”, which appeared on
`wwwbleacherrepoficom on April 15, 2009;
`“Motown suffers a bout of C sickness”, which appeared on www.cinaindiacorn on
`April 15. 2009;
`“Per Favore! Fiat Asks for Money”, which appeared on wwwthebigmoaeycom
`on April 15, 2009;
`“Recharging Detroit”, which appeared on www.cnnmoneyeom on April 15,
`“Tigers close out strong homestand with torn Sox”, which appeared on
`www.canada.com on April 15, 2009;
`“Wheels: Challenger, a reminder of past, argues for survivai of Chrysier", which
`appeared on www.post—gazette.com on April 16, 2009;
`“More plant closings, job cuts due at GM”, which appeared on
`www.cnnrnoneycom on April 17, 2009;
`“Stuttgart Is Driving Old Europe Past Detroit: Norman Pearlstine”, which
`appeared on wwwbloombergcom on April 16, 2009;
`“Motown blues of Detroit green?”, which appeared on www.therealnews.com on
`April 18, 2009;
`“Columbus will try and stop octopus—toting Wings fans”, which appears on
`Wfreepeorn on April 20, 2009',
`' “Govern-ator To Detroit: You’ll Be Backl”, which appeared on www.cnbc.com
`on April 20, 2009;
`“Lions hope facelift can generate wins”, which appeared on www.2nesn.com on
`April 20, 2009;
`“The clock is ticking on a Motown turnaround”, which appeared on
`www.freep_.com on April 20, 2009;
`“The Thinking Behind the Lions Taking Matt Stafford for Number One”, which
`appeared on wwwbleacherreportcom on April 20, 2009;
`“A mutant Honda 305 in Motown”, which appeared on www.autonews.com on
`April 21, 2009;
`“Lebron, the Most Hated man in Motown ~ Detroit vs. Clevelan ”, which
`appeared on wwwbetnscom on April 21, 2009;
`“Motown letdown”, which appeared in U Weeka on April 22; 2009;
`“Rollin” to Motown: Cavs take 20 lead in series”, which appeared on www.mews»
`harlodcom on April 22, 2009;
`“Remaking Michigan, Retooling Detroit”, which appeared on wwnprorg on
`April 23, 2009;
`“The Beat Report: Motown: Signed, sealed, delivered, it’s yours”, which appeared
`on www.mainecampus.com on April 23, 2009;
`“Ford beats 1Q earnings estimates, delivering hope to Motown”, which appeared
`on WdetneWSeom on April 24, 2009;
`“NPR: Detroit Faiis to Capitalize on Music Scene”, which appeared on
`www.mefixmagcom on April 24, 2009;
`“The Toxicity Report: Detroit Lions’ draft histOry”, which appeared on
`urwweportingnewscom on April 24, 2009;
`“Wiliiam Greiner: Why GM and Chrysler will keep us mired in recession", which
`appeared on www.economy.kansasci1y.com on April 24, 2009;
`“Stafford ready to be the man in Motown”, which appeared on wwwnflnrcom on
`April 24, 2009;
`“How Motown became Notovm: Can Detroit climb out of the gutter?”, which
`appeared on WW’W.II].i1'I'OI‘.CO.uk on April 25, 2009;
`“NFL Draft: Reeves sees no renewal for Motown”, which appeared on
`'www.aic.com on April 25, 2009;
`“Motown or Gotham? GM, Chrysler Weighing the Pros and Cons”, which
`appeared on www.biogs.wsi.com on April 27, 2009;
`“While We’re Waiting
`The End of and Era in Motown”, which appeared on
`www.wiatingfomextyear.com on April 27, 2009;
`“Move over Motown we’re taking over”, which appeared on
`www.momalkrefiectoreom on Aprii 28, 2009;
`“Council OKs deal to make Motown backdrop of ‘Parking Wars’“, which
`appeared on wwwdetnewscom on April 28, 2009;
`“Women’s culture zine creates city guide to find Motown’s “real heat”, which
`appeared on www.modelmedia.com on April 28, 2009;
`‘lBlinebury: Doomsday in Detroit?”, which appeared on www.hoopsworld.com on
`April 29, 2009;
`“Key Lenders Agree to Chrysler Debt Swap”, which appeared on www.wsj.com
`on April 29, 2009;
`“Michigan is Still MoTown For Asian Carmakers As Well As GM-Ford-
`Chrysler”, which appeared in Business Week on April 29, 2009;
`“Larry Foote to be Released, Mot0wn Bound?”, which appeared on
`www.b1eacherrepolt.com on April 30, 2009.
`“Mathew Stafford Will Exercise the “Curse of Bobby Layne”, which appeared on V
`www.bleacherreport.com on April 30, 2009;
`“The Chrysler Bankruptcy: Motown Shutdown”, which appeared in Forbes on
`April 30, 2009;
`“Quackery and faith healing in Motown {Respectful lnsolenceT’, which appeared
`on www.mdrelesssys-coacom on April 30, 2009;
`“The Motown Conundrum”, which appeared on wwwbleaeherreportcom on
`Aprii 30, 2009;
`1 8
`“Detroit greets Chrysler bankruptcy with dismay”, which appeared on
`wwwhaitinewsnet on May 01, 2009;
`“Comparison: 2009 BMW M5 vs 2009 Cadiltac CTS—V” in Motor Trend on May
`03, 2009;
`“Detroit Rock City”, which appeared on wwwbusinessmirroreom on May 03,
`“Detroit To Be Featirred On ‘Dr. Phil’ Tonight”, which appeared on
`wwwwicom on May 04, 2009;
`201. “Undiscovered Band of the Month: Amelia Dunaway”, which appeared in Filter
`Magazine on May 05, 2009;
`“2011 Detroit Auto Show: Heiio, Novi?”; which appeared on
`wwthecarconnectioncom on May 06, 2009;
`“Bing wins mayoral race in Motown”, which appeared on www.canada.com on
`May 06, 2009;
`“Detroit Elects Post—mene mayor - It’s Gonna Be a Hot Summer”, which
`appeared on www.blackvoices.com on May 06, 2009;
`“Catching Up With
`Akron/Family”, which appeared in Paste Magazine on
`May 07, 2009;
`“Ramirez will still be toved in L.A.”, which appeareé on
`wwwinsidethebayareacom on May 09, 2009;
`“Stanley Cup Playoff Betting”, which appeared on www.1'ustbet.com on May 10,
`“Chuck Deity”, which appeared on waorldominecom on May 11, 2009
`“Frank Girardot: Twittering Whiie Santa Barbara burns”, which appeared on
`wwwwhittierdailynewscom on May 11, 2009;
`“Motown Move? GM Speculates on Moving From Detroit”, which appeared on
`wwwthecarconnectioncom on May 11, 2009;
`“What happens to the Motor City if GM hits the road?”, which appeared in the
`Financial Post on May 11, 2009;
`“DJ Hero, Band Hero and Guitar Hero 5 Announced”, which appeared on
`wwslippcrybrickcom on May 12, 2009; ‘
`“Coach 1220 on Broadway!”, which appeared on wwwwzzrnliicom on May 12,
`“GM‘s headquarters could be lost to economic crunch says CEO”, which
`appeared on www.canada.c0m on May 12, 2009;
`“It’s an august Aprii for automakers”, which appeared on www.cinaindia,com on
`May 12, 2009;
`“World Products” Motown LS Engine w Best Of Both Worids”, which appeared
`on www.vetteweb.com on May 12, 2009;
`“FS Detroit Has Ratings Momentum for Game 7 In Motown”, which appeared on
`www.multichannei.com on May 14, 2009;
`“Nelson Sends Letter Warnng of Serious Job Loss from Planned Auto Dealership
`Closings”, which appeared on www.chadrad.com on May 14, 2009;
`“Urgency in Motown”, which appeared cu wwwlheglobeandmailcom on May
`14, 2009;
`“l’uek drops on CaneswPens series Monday”, on www.mewsl4.com on May 15,
`“There’s Always Beer Afterwards”, which appeared in The Ann Arbor Chronicle
`on May 20, 2009;
`“Armstrong: No frown leaving Motown”, which appeared in The Denver Post 9n
`May 12, 2009;
`“ESPNChicago writer: Rivalry with Motown holds nice memories for Windy
`City”, which appeared on wwwfreepeom on May 16, 2009;
`“Cadillac CTsuV”, which appeared in The New York Times on May 17, 2009;
`“Red—hot Rangers bound for Motown”, which appeared on
`http:lltexasrangersmibeom on May 17, 2009;
`“Epiphany (2009)”, which appeared on www.cw.oom on May 18, 2009;
`“Media paints grim portrait of Detroit”, which appeared in The Detroit News on
`May E9, 2009;
`“$300M sports complex proposed for Vandalia”, which appeared in the St. Louis
`Business Journal 011 May 20, 2009;
`“ID—Train earns first Tigers win”, which appeared on wwwfreepeom on May 20,
`“Got Tickets?: The D—Train Has Finally Arrived In Motownl”, which appeared on
`http://bleaeherreport.com on May 20, 2009;
`“Motown Turnaround? 2009 Lions Look to The Future”, which appeared on
`http://bieacherreporteom on May 20, 2009;
`“Souifol Symphony: The Motown Sound”, which appeared on
`www.citypaper.com on May 20, 2009;
`“Texas Rangers manage just one hit in 4-0 loss”, which appeared in The Dallas
`Morning News on May 20, 2009;
`“Thinking about Arrogance”, which appeared in the Baltimore Chronicle &
`Sentinel on May 20, 2009;
`“Motown, Chi—town share more than good hockey teams”, which appeared in The
`Detroit News on May 21, 2009;
`“Mowed Down in Motown”, which appeared on http:/fblogs.daiiasobservercom
`on May 21, 2009;
`“Car industry crisis takes toil in Motown”, which appeared on www.watoday.com
`on May 22, 2009;
`“Motown misery: Texas Rangers lose 11‘“ straight in Detroit”, which appeared in
`The Dallas Morning News on May 22, 2009;
`“Motown to Cowtown? What kind of farms would. work in Detroit?”, which
`appeared on wwwfreepeom on May 22, 2009;
`“Motown’s money machine”, which appeared on wwwdenvegposteom on May
`22, 2009;
`“Rockies spin some Motown magic”, which appeared on wwwdenvegpostcom
`on May 24, 2009;
`“Scott gets fresh start in BuffalO”, which appeared on hgpzllbufacoutcom on
`May 24, 2009;
`“Motown’s new hits come from Red Wings defensemen”, which appeared in USA
`Today on May 26, 2009;
`“‘D—Train’ starting to settle in Motown”, which appeared on
`http://blackathlete.net on May 26, 2009;
`“Detroit: Ain’t Too Proud to Beg”, which appeared on wwwabcnetau on May
`26, 2009; I
`“Daunte Culpepper: Motown Need You to get Your Roll On”, which appeared on
`hgp:/fbleaeherrepo_rt.com on May 26, 2009;
`“Michigan Will Lead the Green Industrial Revolution”, which appeared on
`whuffing’gonpostcom on May 27, 2009;
`“Nothing Can Stop Eminem’s Relapse”, which appeared on www.conlinecom oh
`May 27, 2009;
`“Summer enteztainment hits all the right notes at Legacy Village”, which
`aopeared on http://hlogclevelandcom on May 27, 2009;
`“Detroit schools’ moment?", which appeared in The Detroit News on May 28,
`“Performance Royalty showdown in Motown”, which appeared on wmvrbncom
`on May 28, 2009;
`“Detroit bent on spurning North American International Auto Show”, which
`appeared on http://blogmlivecom on May 29, 2009;
`“How Wall Street Almost Killed Detroit”, which appeared on
`wwwihebigmoneycom on May 31, 2009;
`“Reality TV a popular career move for Motown.’s jobless”, which appeared on
`www.guardian.co.uk on May 31, 2009;
`“Red Wings take Game One”, which appeared on www.wjbdradio.com on May
`31, 2009;
`“Former Rays’ pitcher Edwin Jackson still mowing them down in Motown”,
`which appeared on http:/fblogs.tampabay.com on June 1, 2009;
`“Good news for Motown: General Motors will stay in Detroit”, which appeared
`on http://content.usatodaxcom on June 1, 2009;
`“Meiown’s spirit needs Lord Stanley more”, which appeared on wwwfreepcom
`on June I, 2009;
`“NHL looks into Caps’ steroid allegations", which appeared on www.canada.com
`on June 1, 2009;
`2 “Moving from Motown to Cowtown”, which appeared on www.modelmediaeom
`on June 2, 2009;
`“Struggling Motown loses the heat”, which appeared on wwfmom on June 2,
`“A Finals Dream Deferred”, which appeared on wwwpecom on June 3, 2009;
`“Motown And The Steel City Hit The ice For The Stanley Cup”, which appeared
`on wwwjauntedeom on June 4, 2009;
`“Motown Motion Picture Studio Unveiled”, which appeared on www.wxyz.com
`on June 4, 2009;
`“Sports Redux: Beckett, Bats In Motown Bash”, which appeared on
`http://bostonisteom on June 4, 2009;
`I “Motown blues”, which appeared on “wwstraitstimescom on June 5, 2009;
`“Pittsborg columnist: Motown Stanley Cup parade officially Steal—ed”, which
`appeared on wwfieepcom on June 5, 2009;
`“Bloggers of the World, Unite! 300 wins, Sad Days in Motown”, which appeared
`on http:/fbieaeherreporteom on June 8, 2009;
`“Detroit’s Youth: Stay or go?”, which appeared on http://moneycnncom on June
`8, 2009;
`“Familiar ring”, which appeared on wwwphillycom on June 8, 2009;
`“Motown wonders: Where did our love go‘?”, which appeared on www.mstarcom
`on June 8, 2009;
`“Motown String Music”, which appeared on ww.motownstfingmusic.com on
`June 10, 2009;
`‘2, 3—wheelers save motoWn the blushes in May”, which appeared on June 9,
`“Jacksonville Mass choir perfects Motown sound”, which appeared on
`Wfimcksonviilecom on June 9, 2009;
`“The Asteroids Galaxy Tour: BeatCrave Fav”, which appeared on
`http://beatcravecom on June 11, 2009;
`“Searching For The Cheapest Way To Motown?”, which appeared on
`www.mficom on June 10, 2009',
`“Michigan Works to Remake Itself Without King Auto”, which appeared in The
`New York Times on June 10, 2009;
`“Mid—Week Ramblings”, which appeared on httyzlfblogs.ajc.com on June 10,
`“THN at the Stanley Cup: It all boils down to a Motown Game 7", which
`appeared on Willehockqnewseom on June 10, 2009;
`“Motown seeks duty cuts, sops & easier credit”, which appeared in The Economic
`Times on June 11, 2009;
`“Music Fills The Air Sendays & Wednesdays At North School Par ”, which
`appeared on www.1'oumai-tepics.com on June ll, 2009;
`“On A Wing And Possibly A Prayer”, which appeared on
`hgngfbleachcrreportcom on June 11, 2009;
`“Summer In the Park”, which appeared on www.tv20detroit.com on June 12,
`DATED: June 16, 2009
`Respectfully submitted,
`Lawren Y. Iser
`Attorney for Applicant Mattel, Inc.
`ExhibitA '
`fixhibit: A
`Page: 27
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