` \g(‘L
`Angela Lykos, interlocutory Atty
`United States Patent & Trademark Office
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`Post Office Box 1451
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1451
`7éfl;//) [534
`Re: Opposition No. 91176310
`Hotel-Guides. us, Inc.
`Pet Friendly Travels
`Pet Friendly Hotels and Travel
`Pet Friendly, Inc.
`1_- 5_ Patent
`vh TMUH:/TM Mall Rcpl 5'.
`Dear Ms. Lykos,
`We are in receipt of your letter dated: August 6, 2008, Pet Friendly
`Travel, LLC vs Pet Friendly Hotels and Travel. We sent you a letter
`dated January 19, 2008/should be July 19, 2008 and stated our position
`regarding this case.
`We personally have nothing against you, we do however find the DOC a
`fraudulent entity with the games they play...Iike registering a
`trademark and their response is NO!...it is too descriptive...what
`buIlshit...just a way to run up legal fees...Iike I said fraudulent.
`However, either you did not understand my letter, or just want to
`continue playing your games...alI the time destroying the U.S.
`commerce and making it tougher for small businesses succeed in
`protecting their investment in their company name...that is what
`trademarks are all about, in case you have not forgotten.
`Page Two
`August 19, 2008
`The opposer of said mark cannot be given a judgment against
`Pet FriendIy...a registered federal trademark....especiaIIy since
`no discovery or court hearing has been done.
`The FACTS speak for themselves in yourIDOC own fact sheet on
`applying for a trademark. The first to apply gets the mark,
`regardless of opposition. The opposers door of opportunity to
`register has come and gone.
`We, Pet Friendly will not be sending you or anyone else any
`information regarding our REAL first use as to Pet Friendly
`Hotels and Travel for the application of PET FRIENDLY, 1995
`first use speaks for itself...and we registered not only Pet
`Friendly, but Pet Friendly Hotels and Travel three times..and all
`three times you took our monies...too descriptive.
`Once again, by advise of counsel, Ms. Ava Doppelt (see
`enclosed) did not see a need for Pet Friendly, Inc., to register Pet
`Friendly Hotels and Travel due to our holding Pet Friendly
`trademark and having the largest data base of Hotels in the
`world on the web.
`Mrs. Doppelt, who is an excellent lawyer with an excellent
`reputation would not send a cease and desist to any of those
`parties outlined in the attachment if she thought in anyway that
`Pet Friendly, Inc. was not protected in class 43 and 44
`In closing, I would appear physically with any and all evidence of first
`use, if you deem necessary, but I will not disclose at this time any
`information supporting our claim. The reason is as I stated in my
`earlier letter, this case will be taken to court eventually, and probably
`by Pet Friendly Travels, for we have no intentions of taking down our
`site, Pet Friendly or Pet Friendly Hotels and TraveI...so when someone
`sues me, my insurance will pick the best lawyer in the country and
`THEN we will disclose first use.
`Page Three
`August 19, 2008
`Appreciate your time, but at 60 and 30 years of business and a highly
`decorated Vietnam Veteran, I obviousl was not born yesterday and my
`0...we won, but after the facts, we
`last opposition cost me $8 ,00
`did not need to pay a d
`Do what you
`wye hat kind of money in the first place.
`Vice President
`Pet Friendly, Inc.
`\“ '’
`Pet Friendly Hotels and Travel, Inc.
`Pet Friendly Franchise, Inc.
`Cc: Robert Shapiro, esq
`Ava Doppelt, esq
`Greg Jones, esq
`Ray Harris, esq
`amtFaasrwaeggaaag A Trimaran A
`What is a Trademark?
`A TRADEMARK is either a word, phrase, symbol or design, or combination ofwords, phrases,
`symbols or designs, which identifies and distinguishes the sggce ofthe goods or services of one party
`from those of others. A service mark is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and
`distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. Throughout this booklet the terms
`"trademark" and "mark" are used to refer to both trademarks and service marks whether they are word
`marks or other types of marks. Normally, a mark for ‘goods appears on the product or on its
`packaging, while a service mark appears in advertising for the services.
`A trademark is diiferent from a copyright or a patent. A copyright protects an original artistic or
`literary work; a patent protects an invention. For copyright information call the Library of Congress at
`. (202) 707-3000.
`Establishing Trademark Rights
`Tradem Qa@um use ofthe mark, or (2) the filing of a proper application
`“to register a mark in the Patent and Trade O'Y§§fig pficmtham~bonafie
`intention to use the mark in commerce regulated by the U.S. Congress. (See below, under "Types of
`Applications," for a discussion ofwhat is meant by the terms commerce and use in commerce.)
`Federal registration is not required to establish rights in a mark, nor is it required to begin use of a
`mark However, federal registration can secure benefits beyond the rights acquired by merely using a
`mark. For example, the owner of a federal registration is presumed to be the owner of the mark for the
`goods and services specified in the registration, and to be entitled to use the mark nationwide.
`There are ’c’_\1V.<)..I.6l:.-,1,t,f,3.S1_D.11Jl.£iiSt._.inct_,typ§s_ot:1;ights_in_a mark: the to Iegister_ap,d_,tlLe_I_:igli,1:,_1:_9,,§:‘
`€3¢neraHy;;.th¢.fi_tst.pa..._ W119. 9565 a mark in 5o7n3?15fces’€»r files
`.app1i°ati9n in the, PTO
`9 _:ggis;9;‘ta§¢j;i;rg;;1E;§ri:e‘Pro's aiairoiiry t‘6"detenniniiig‘the’fi'g‘hTto'”'
` EV The right-to“11s”é”a mark can be more complicated to determine. This isparticularly true when
`I ¢t_v_v_9_,p_arties have
`use ofthe same or similar marks without knowledge of one another and
`hasha federal registration.‘ Only a court can render a decision about the right" totuse, such as
`issuing an injunction or awarding damages for infringement. It should be noted that a federal
`registration can provide significant advantages to a party involved in a court proceeding. The PTO
`cannot provide advice concerning rights in a mark. Only a private attorney can provide such advice.
`. Unlike copyrights or patents, trademark rights can last indefinitely ifthe owner continues to use the
`mark to identify its goods or services. The term of a federal trademark registration is 10 years, with
`10-year renewal terms. However, between the firth and sixth year after the date of registration,
`the registrant must file an afiidavit setting forth certain information to keep the registration alive. Ifno
`affidavit is filed, the registration is canceled.
`G-Iil.{3 HFJIST, PA.
`Herbert L. Allen
`Robert Dyer
`Ava K. Doppelt
`Stephen D. Milbrath
`Brian R. Gilchrist
`Christopher F. Regan
`David L. Sigalow
`Richard K. Warther
`Enrique G. Estévez, Ph.D.
`David W. Henry
`Michael W. Taylor
`John F. Woodson ll
`Paul J. Ditmyer
`Stephen H. Luther
`Jeffrey S. Boyles
`Ryan T. Santurri
`Bridget C. Heffeman Labutta
`Gregory B. Allen
`Jack G. Abid
`David S. Carus
`David W. Magana
`Allison R. lmber
`Jeremy B. Berman
`Herb Smith 11
`Of Counsel:
`David L. Stewart
`Neal J. Blaher
`Patent Agents:
`Jacqueline B. l-Iartt, Ph.D.
`Carl M. Napolitano, Ph.D.
`Justin R. Sauer
`May 12,2008 .
`Pet Friendly, Inc.
`451 Pecan Ave.
`Fairhope, Alabama 36532
`Attn: Ms. Karen Maddox
`Dear Ms. Maddox:
`.. 5
`I ainienclosiiig our files on various matters we handled for Pet Friendly, Inc. as you
`requested. We are sending the following files:
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`37529 — Trademark opposition against Accord, Inc.
`37962 — Trademark design of bird, cat and dog, Class 16, 25
`37968 — Licensing Agreement
`38069 - Pet Friendly, Inc. — Canadian trademark
`38070 - General File
`38136 - Patent infringement by Aspen Pet Products
`38235 — Pet Friendly trademark, Class 22
`38236 — Pet Friendly trademark, Class 21
`3 8237 — Pet Friendly trademark, Class 27
`38238 — Pet Friendly trademark, Class 42
`38410 ,— 1.-.8Q0:H.a,ve—P,ettt§d§mar_1gQ1as,s.3i__
`38411 — Pet Friendly Hotels & Travels trademark, Class43:i“‘
`38’4I2":S"p61Ts'BOrre“tradefiiaiK‘C1ass 28 ‘
`38413 — Pet Friendly trademark, Class 25, 28, 31
`38414 — Trademark design of bird, cat and dog, Class 28
`38415 — Trademark design of bird, cat and dog, Class 25, 31
`38421 — Trademark infiingement by Pet Friendly Fertilizer
`384 m@m6me;com\.
`..>-— -5
`38514 — ce m ~*“r~~--W W“
`38515 et riendly Hotel -
`38526 - P-Ant trademark, Class 28
`Métler No.
`C ‘Matter No.
`=-Miner-No: *
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Matter No.
`Orlando Office (Main)
`255 South Orange Ave.
`Suite 1401
`Orlando, FL 32801
`Mail To: P.O. Box 3791
`Orlando, FL 32802-3791
`Jacksonville Office
`4720 Salisbury Rd.
`Jacksonville, FL 32256
`tel: 904-470-0002
`fax: 904-493-6166
`Wlellmume Office
`1901 S. Harbor City Blvd.
`Suite 507
`Melbourne, FL 32901
` -‘-"§z«‘_l\l
`f:v- 7171 -Q$«ZA—7fl7R
`Pet Friendly, Inc.
`May 12, 2008
`Page 2 of?.
`Matter No. 38527 — Mobila trademark, Class 28
`" "
`Matter No. 38528 — Tenn Tom trademark, Class 28
`Matter No. 38569 — Animal rope chew patent
`Matter No. 38570 — Animal rope chew patent
`Matter No. 38571 -— Knotted donut bone patent
`MatterNo. 38572—Dog toypatent
`Matter No. 38573 — Knotted donut ring animal chew patent
`Matter No. 38574 — Figure eight donut ring animal chew patent
`Matter No. 38575 — Chew toy foridoigs gate1g_tH,
`Matter No. 38576 — D6g"te5';>'p‘ate1if’ffffj;f ,
`Matter No. 38577"—— Portablennslioawerhead}gater1_t_’ _ M W
`'* Matter No. 7 3858‘0’—"icé'ais‘e‘2;_:_§r£§1_Eiii«§E31315? Q,21y_Pets ii ' T 7 ‘
`8 l§faT_efT\T3.‘?>—864O — Cease and desist to Sky Ma‘gEir.1e“““ ‘s-
`(” MatterNo. 8 38651:Pet”Fn?ndF}{lfi{lfet].§Yersjfor1P‘et Lovers t1‘adema_r_1‘<_y, ___
`Matter No. 38652 — Pet
`Matter No. 38653 — P3F‘i5¥i’é~3§lE1ly ‘éféiss 5 ~ < -M
` \
`Matter No. 3865‘
`sf.__P‘__et’ Frier.1dVly‘l_-l_c_)_1:_e__ls
`Matter No. 38660 —"Cease and’desi"stto Sp6rtsBohe'.co'n1
`MatterN°- 41515-Patentinfrinsementby
`q__ ,,l,_
` .._.}.....n'
`1 -
`::—rz- 'i=r~.‘m-.1- -"——=--——-:.—"*.:'x=-;-;«.*~.'-la
`erfilieé; an "retiirr1 a s1 ' ‘e
`n I
`. ytlxing
`please contact
`our office.
`Allen,Dyer,Doppelt,Milbrath & Gilchrist
`Run: November 23, 2004
`Matter History Report
`U.S. Trademark
`Matter Number:
`Registration No.
`Reg. Date:
`Matter Tifle;
`lntl Class: 43
`Client ID:
`Pet Friendly, Inc.
`Pet Friendly Hotels and Travels
`Appl. Serial No:
`Filing Date: 4/28/2003
`Appl. Type:
`Client Case No(s).
`Alt. Attorney:
`Resp. Attorney: AKD
`lnit.IBi|Iing Atty:
`Party Relations:
`Correspondence Address
`Correspondence Address
`Filing date
`Office Action issued
`Prepare substitute Power of Attorney for client signature
`File substitute Power of Attorney
`Response to Office Action due
`Publication for opposition
`Check Status
` e
`(We provide written information on accomodations for people
`who wish to travel with pets; We do internet searches on
`various cities and properties; We are contacted via internet
`and our toll-free number by people who wish our help with
`accomodations;) We then provide written documentation
`which is a product
`Page 1
`Allen,Dyer,Doppelt,Milbrath & Gilchrist
`Run: November 23, 2004
`Matter History Report
`U.S. Trademark
`lntl Class: 43
`Registration No.
`Matter Number:
`R°9- Date:
`Matter Title:
`Pet Friendly, Inc.
`Client ID:
`Pet Friendly Hotels and Travels
`Appl. Serial No:
`Filing Date: 4/28/2003
`Appl. Type:
`Client Case No(s).
`lnit.IBil|ing Atty:
`Resp. AttQ;r_r1ey_:_Al§D
`‘xv .
`Page 2
`Allen, Dyer, Doppelt,
`Milbrath & Gilchrist, P.A.
`255 South Orange Avenue - Suite 1401 - Orlando,
`FL 32801-3460
`Mail to: P.O. Box 3791 - Orlando, FL 32802-3791
`tel: 407-841-2330 - fax: 407-841-2343
`email: Ldolan@addmg.com
`October 26, 2004
`Herbert L. Allen
`Robert Dyer
`Ava K. Doppelt
`Stephen D. Milbrath
`Brian R. Gilchrist
`Christopher F. Regan
`David L. Sigalow
`Richard K. Warther
`Enrique G. Estévez, Ph.D.
`David W. Henry
`Michael W. Taylor
`Paul J. Ditmyer
`John F. Woodson II
`Barbara Rudolph Smith
`Chelse A. Ferrero
`Stephen H. Luther
`Robert H. Thornburg
`Linda C. Dolan
`Jeffrey S. Boyles
`Of Counsel:
`Charles E. Wands
`David L. Stewart
`Patent Agents:
`Jacqueline E. Hartt, Ph.D.
`Carl M. Napolitano, Ph.D.
`Douglas J. Visnius
`.3 51/:22
`Intellectual Property:
`Patents, Trademarks &
`Securities Arbitration &
`Antitrust & Trade
`Business Litigation
`Jacksonville Office:
`EBC Office Center at
`One Deerwood
`10201 Centurion
`Suite 600
`Jacksonville, FL 32256
`tel: 904-470-0002
`fax: 904-279-9337
`Melbourne Office:
`1901 S. Harbor City
`Suite 507
`Melbourne, FL 32901
`tel: 321-725-4760
`fax: 321-984-7078
`Domains by Proxy, Inc.
`15111 N. Hayden Road, Suite 160
`Scottsdale, AZ 85260
`Via Electronic Mail
`and Certified Mail
`Return Receipt Reguested
`Pet Friendly, lnc./ HotDea|sonHotels.Com/ PET FRIENDLY HOTELS
`Our File No. 38422
`Dear Administrative Contact:
`We are intellectual property counsel for Pet Friendly, Inc. Our client is the owner of
`U.S. Trademark Registration No. 2,526,388 for the mark PET FRIENDLY for a variety of
`pet products and services. This registration issued on January 8, 2002, based upon an
`application filed on December 11, 1997. A copy of the USPTO’s database information
`concerning this registration is enclosed. Moreover, our client has an application for
`registration of the service mark PET FRIENDLY HOTELS & TRAVELS, Serial No.
`76/511536, filed on April 28, 2003, as applied for reservations services for hotels and
`lodgings that provide accommodations for persons traveling with their pets.
`Our client has been utilizing the subject mark PET FRIENDLY in connection with
`such hotel reservations services since at least as early as April 2003. A copy of the web
`site for petfriendlyhotels&traveIs.com is provided as-an enclosure. Accordingly, the general
`public has come to recognize our client’s PET FRIENDLY mark as a symbol of the high-
`quality goods and reservation services that our client provides.
`October 26, 2004
`Page 2
`In September 2004, it came to our attention, that you were using the phrase PET
`FRIENDLY HOTELS as a tag line for your hotel reservation services in a way that is
`confusingly similar to our client's service mark. The continued use of this phrase is in
`violation of our client’s rights in its service mark as set forth in the enclosed registration.
`Our client would prefer to resolve any issues concerning this matter without having
`to resort to litigation or arbitration; however, it is prepared to protect its valuable rights in
`its service mark. Therefore, we would like to have you adopt a different form of expressing
`the fact that your service is concerned with the welfare of your customers’ pets other than
`to call it “Pet Friendly" in a prominent location on your web page such that it might be
`confused with our client's mark. You have until Friday, November 12, 2004 to reply to this
`letter and let us know how you intend to remedy this situation.
`We look forvvard_to hearing from you.
`Very truly yours,
`Linda C. Dolan
`. _._ -1“
`-.,“u\3‘lE|.".:L!33 :'\/_ Q.)/.uIJ
`‘~= --
`‘NC 9-.
`LCD: hl
`Pet Friendly, lnc.
`Ava K. Doppelt, Esq.
`~ "'
`Postage ! $
`Certllled Fee '
`Return Fleciept Fee
`(Endorsement Required)
`Restricted Delivery Fee
`(Endorsement Required)
`Total Postage 8-. Fees
`' er?
`'\" ._ d,rlr-.l -
`/.\«7' Q Ca
`ff°B““”%EflllIx:gI.4s;l$Z}l§§f: 71.+ti\l
`Street, Apt. No..
`1‘- /H
`TESS - Document Display
`Page 1 of 2
`Electronic Search System(Tess)
`TESS was last updated on Sat Oct‘ 23 04.'33.'13 EDT 2004
` Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you.
`Record 1 out of 1
`.c'“=.’°k slalllst (TARR contains current status; correspondence address and attorney ofrecordfor this
`mark. Use the "Back" button of the Internet Browser to return to TESS)
`Typed Drawing
`Word Mark
`Goods and
`USE IN COMMERCE: 19940000
`IC 028. US 022 023 038 050. G & S: PET TOYS. FIRST USE: 19940000. FIRST
`USE IN COMMERCE: 19940000
`IC 031. US 001 046. G & S: PET FOODS. FIRST USE: 19940000. FIRST USE IN
`COMMERCE: 19940000
`Mark Drawing
`Serial Number
`Filing Date
`December 11, 1997
`Current Filing
`Original Filing
`Published for
`Decembe1'28 1999
`R ' t
`Dias ra 10“
`January 8, 2002
`http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=5 0ntia.2.1
`‘ TESS — Document Display
`Page 2 of 2
`Type of Mark
`http://’£ess2 .uspto.gov/bin/showfie1d?iidoc& state=50ntia.2.1
`‘-Pet Friendly - Hotels & Travel, Pet Products
`Page 1 of 1
` :.:::.i'.'.-...;.-==2;:;.:s«:r: ::.:::A.1.~1r»;-__:n.-- 2 :« ,.
`Unique Pet Products
`Rope Toy Manufacturing
`_v\/_v_v1v;E;u PetFriendl .comwww.PetFriendl HotelsandTravel.com www.W_e;ArePetF_ri_end_
`5:‘: 7 2
`Register for special product/service announcements, samples, exclusive discounts and free gifts for your pet!
`: P .
`"-'1"*i';i'-t 1‘L~?»""‘ai"l=—“r Pet F-*i»
`r Pet ls€?trersT:"
`r’lr.‘r§'r‘3;~: r‘_.- =. ..
`.. ,.
`PetFriendly offers many products and services for pets and pet owners: pet friendly hotels, pet friendly motels, pet friendly lodging, pet friendly travel, pet
`booking servlces for dogs, cats and birds, dogfriendly services, petswelcome services, travel for petsonthego, travel insurance. Products in our online
`bowls, houses, treats, chews, rawhide, rope toys, gulpy. flipper feeder, carriers, leashes, collars, books. toys, shampoo.
`Attorney Finder
`. *- Welcome To Pet Friendly® Hotels & Travel
`Page 1 of 1
`Featured Liming
`Welcome to Pet Friendly Hotels & Travel” -
`Find Pet Friendly Lodging in all 50 States
`I-1a.=hwah,. NJ
`Home of the Absolute Lowest Rate Guarantee!‘
`Inn B&B, Cabin or Lodge.
`§_a_ve._a_ri. additii
`Fall Special
`' $20—$100gert List your Hotel Motel
` -;-,2» Enter To Win $1000 Prize
`Free Tools, Tips & Resources _
`airy ‘g'
`an indoor
`H.’ Road Tri Planner
`waterfall, 5-story atrium
`'00” with
`-g~Maps/Driving Directi_o_n_s_
`mountain views.
`welcome. More...
`-$3 Real-time WéathérZA_”'.,—'"
`Pei: Water Dispenser
`inn!-1 $6.59
`lnstunl: H20 for your
`pet. Exclusive flip open
`flip G-use design. Held-5‘
`a St/Zll'\di.‘il'-d w=:il:er bottle.
`F>e&i:'z for tfiiwalartgl
`-3» fiavelefs Health Guide
`-cg. Find An ATM
` -3. _Find An Anirn'al“Hos" ital‘“' 1-2 E
`'25-’ Find A Pet Friend‘ Park
`‘:4. Find A Pet Sitter
`9 E
`FREE Searchable Database
`It Free Booklt Cheat
`Click on a state to find hotels and motels, st
`with et friendl
`rooms and amenities.
`Dogs love Disney! Save $20 - $100 on 0
`Pet Friendlyfi» Orlando vacation gackages.
`‘ ‘3~“"-"< HL‘T"~‘ 1'0 Uri“?
`Recent listing updates/expansions: Amaioses. Qgg2o.Mizsme. .§
`D raridmizriailycom
`Copyright © 2004 Pet Friendly®_ Inc. All rights reserved.
`Privacy Policy
`Terms of Use
`Legal Notices
`Web Hosting Provided By - WestHosl.corri Web Design By - Greg 8. Owens
`http ://www.petfriend1yhote1sandtrave1.corn/
`‘ ~. Welcome To Pet Friend1y® Hotels & Travel
`Page 1 of 1
`Pet Friendly Travel Site
`-Featured Listing
`iliahwali, NJ
`Welcome to Pet Friendly Hotels & Travel” -
`Find Pet Friendly Lodging in all 50 States
`Home of the Absolute Lowest Rate Guarantee!*
`List your Hotel Motel, lnn B&B Cabin or Lodge.
`~—-’ A '
`Fall Special
`$20 100 ert
`Free Tools, Tips Resources
`.2_ Enter To Win $1000 Prize
`FREE Searchable Database
`Find“ Free Book It Cheri:
`t“ Road H
`«g:«M_a_ps/Driving Directions
`~:§ Real-time Weather
`an indoor
`waterfall. 5-story atrium
`and Quest
`I°°”'5 With
`mountain views.
`welcome. More...
`Guipym Traveling
`ml water Disnenser
`£fiEV $5_;_;.g.
`rii: $20 for i,‘-‘our
`bet. Exclusive flip opera
`flip cf-o.-in-: design. Held-.~,
`a slaaridar-d water bottle.
`Perfect for l-iiiwzlingl
`.3. Evelefs Health Guide
`-3. Find An ATM
`.3. Find An Animal l-losp_it_a_l
` '2' Find /“Def Friend‘ Park
`‘g. Find A Pet Sitter
`-~ Finn /xri F'.ii_l..iai _l-los_,:~iiz2.l
`- _C|ick on a state to find hotels and motels, sc W!
`with get friendl
`rooms and amenities.
`100 on o
`Do s love Disne ! Save 20 -
`. Pet Friendlw Orlando vacation gackages.
`'E“‘3'l*' Her“ H7 Ulvrdllr
`Recent listing updaleslexpansionsz Arkansas, Qr_e_qgi1, Ariggna, Washington Qonnecticug
`7l‘E'.-3%"3i§§':"ZG-4 "‘ ‘. II’
`‘The Road Traii?’éler‘s
`V randmcnatlgr.corn
`W Resource
`Copyright © 2004 Pet Friendlyfé), lric. All rights reserved.
`Privacy Policy
`Terms of Use
`Legal Notices
`Web Hosting Provided By - WestHosl.com Web Design By - Greg 8. Owens
`http ://www.petfriendlyhotelsandtravel.coml
`-. Pet Friendly® Hotels & Travel > Help/FAQ
`Page 1 of 2
`:- t'5TEE.&.TF*%%VEL-
`' Pet Efighdljf Tiafirel Site
`Help & Frequently Asked Qustions
`Q: What is Pet Friendly Hotels & Travel”?
`A: PetFn'end|yHotelsandTravel.com is a website specifically dedicated to helping pet OVl
`lodging and travel services that are truly pet friendly.
`Q: What qualifies a listing as being “Pet Friendly®”? What are the criteria?
`A: in order for a listing to be certified Pet Friendly®, it must graciously allow pets to use the p
`service with minimal restrictions. Additionally, the listing must have a stated pet policy, n«
`unreasonable fees or deposits, not discriminate against pets or pet owners and,
`ideally, o"
`pet-related amenities (on-site kennels, exercise areas, pet bed, etc.).
`I see the termlphrase “pet friendly” everywhere, including on other travel sites};
`sites and services licensed or certified by Pet Friendlyo Hotels & Travel“?
`A: NO! Pet Friendly/® is a federally registered trademark of Pet Friendly, lnc., of Alabarnafl.
`time, Pet Fn'endly,_lnc. does not license,th,e_ usehofgthelname Pet Friendly“? to anyone.
`in sh’-_
`do not see the ® symbol beside the words "pet friendly",
`it is not authentic. One should‘
`extreme caution when a product, service, or website uses the term “pet friendly” without ar
`we cannot guarantee the safety or quality of the product/service.
`Q: How do l_'use the Pet Friendly» Hotels 8: Travel Web site”?
`A: The purpose of this website is to supply the visitor with _valuable information. At the very c
`site is a database of 1000's of Pet Friendly® travel listin'gs'."To access this database",'c|ick : P "? ~ 1'
`you see the words Find Lodging, or go to the Home Page. You will see a map of the U.S.
`state and select a city. You then have unlimited access to all the pet friendly property inl
`including property name, address and pet policies. Many other travel-related services are av
`well. To access these services, simply click on their respective buttons/text
`links or g
`tools/resources page.
`I noticed some properties charge for accepting pets. What is the difference be
`deposit and a fee?
`A: A deposit is refundable upon checkout - a fee is not. Generally, a deposit is held by the
`for security reasons. If there is any damage, it is charged against the deposit - if there is no d
`is returned.
`Q: Do I have to pay the pet charges when I make a reservation or book my room?
`A: No - pet deposits are charged upon check—in. Pet fees are charged upon check—out.
`Q: I know about a hotel that accepts pets that is not on your site. What should I do?
`If you are a traveler or website visitor and you know of a property that allows pets, _s_en_d
`mail, travel@petfriendly.cog, and we'll check it out.
`If you are the owner/operator of a pro
`allows pets and would like to be added to our website, please click here to get listed.
`. ». Pet Friend1y® Hotels & Travel > Help/FAQ
`Page 2 of 2
`Copyright © 2004 Pet Friendlfl), Inc. Ail rights reserved.
`Privacy Pofiicy
`Terms of Use
`Legal Notices
`Web Hosting Provided By - Wes\Hcst.com
`Allen, Dyer, Doppelt,
`Mllbrath & Gflchrlst’
`Orlando, FL 3280l-3460
`Suite l40|
`255 South llrange Avenue
`to: P.0. Box 379I
`- Orlando, FL 32802-379!
`tel‘ 407-344-2330
`fax‘ 407-344-2343
`emalll ld0lan@addmg'com
`September 20, 2004
`3 fif/.5’
`lntellectual Property:
`Patents, Trademarks & Copyright:
`Securities Amman & Litigation
`d L..
`nmmsl Busirnaesi
`lackmwlle om“:
`EBC Office Center at 0n_e Deerwood
`‘°2°' ‘““‘”"°“ ".“'“‘“Y
`SUIIE 600
`Jacksonville, FL 32256
`l90l S. H
`Melbourne Office:
`H or my S:ll,ev5a(l7
`Melbourne, FL 32904
`Herbert L Allen
`Stephen D..|‘17llprath
`Brian K Gilchrist
`cllrlsloplm l' Regan
`David L Sigalow
`R' h
`d K. W h
`EH22 G_ hive: Pm
`David w. Henry
`W‘ W- W“
`Paul ]. Ditmyer
`]Bohp) F.
`llxopdisotp sll ‘h
`ar ara
`u op
`Chelse A. Ferrero
`Stephen H. Luther
`Robert ll. Thornburg
`Linda C 9013“
`l°ll'°Y 5- 8°Yl‘~'5
`or Counsel:
`Carl M. Napolitano, Ph.D.
`Douglas _|. Visnius
`Mr. Adam Strong Via Electronic Mail
`2743 S. Veterans Pkwy and Certified Mail
`Springfield, ll. 62704 Return Receipt Requested
`Re: Pet Friendly, Inc./ Domain Name WWW.PETFRIENDLYLODGING.COM
`Our File No. 37968
`Dear Mr. Strong:
`We are intellectual property counsel for PetFriendly, Inc. Our client is the owner of U.S.
`Trademark Registration No. 2,526,388 for the mark PET FRIENDLY. This registration issued on
`January 8, 2002, based upon an application filed on December 1 1, 1997. A copy of the registration
`information is enclosed herewith. Furthermore, our client has an application for registration of the
`service mark PetFriendly Trademark Serial No. 76/511536 filed on April 28, 2003 as applied to
`hotels and lodgings.
`Our client has been utilizing the subject mark PET FRIENDLY in connection with pet
`products and reservations services related to hotels that provide services for pets since at least as
`early as April 2003. Some representative samples of how the mark is used are enclosed herewith.
`Accordingly, the general public has come to recognize our client’ s PET FRIENDLY as a trademark
`of the high-quality products and services our client offers in connection with same.
`In August 2004, it came to our attention, that you secured the domain name registration for
`the mark WWW.PETFRIENDLYLODGING.COM. At present, it appears that this domain name
`is not being utilized. However, we believe that the continued ownership of this domain name is in
`violation of our client’s trademark rights as set forth in the enclosed registration. This is particularly
`acute in that, under the relevant federal laws, our client’s trademark rights are vested as of its March
`2003 filing date, which was over one year prior to the date your company registered the domain
`Mr. Adam Strong
`September 20, 2004
`Page 2
`Our client would prefer to resolve any issues concerning the domain name without having
`to resort to litigation or arbitration. Moreover, the client understands that your company may have
`incurred out—of-pocket costs in connection with the registration ofthis domain name. My client has
`therefore authorized me to offer you the sum of $500 in exchange for the transfer of title to this
`domain name. This offer will be held open for a period of twenty (20) days from the date of this
`letter. However, please understand that in event that this matter cannot be resolve amicably, our
`client will reserve its rights to pursue any remedies that it may have in order to obtain title to the
`domain name.
`We look forward to hearing from you.
`Very truly yours,
`cc: Mr. Charles Weinacker
`Ava K. Doppelt, Esq.
`'. “.,=J.
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`7'. /5} 3
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`:-L3: ‘.>_;g_=?-.«_.__, s_.,
`' ‘TESS - Document Display
`Page 1 OI 2
`Trademark Electronic Search System(Tess)
`TESS was last updated on Wed Sep 8 04:51:06 EDT 2004
`‘ “"‘*‘“‘
`i‘—:’}{lt_g_ Please logout when you are done to release system resources allocated for you.
`,.......,....-.‘ P4
`List At:
`to record:
`Typed Drawing
`Word Mark
`Goods and
`contains current status, correspondence address and attorney ofrecordfor this mark. Use the
`"Back" button of the Internet Browser to return to TESS)
`a. 2,-:‘;i:;::v‘.:::. %‘,:—;.1.
`IC 028. US 022 023 038 050. G & S: PET TOYS. FIRST USE: 19940000. FIRST USE IN
`COMMERCE: 19940000
`IC 031. US 001 046. G & S: PET FOODS. FIRST USE: 19940000. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE:
`Mark D”“”‘“‘=’~
`Serial Number
`Filing Date
`December 11, 1997
`Current Filing
`Original Filing
`gublisygd for
`December 28, 1999
`Registration Date January 8, 2002
`Type of Mark
`http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=k3 uit9.2. 12
`Page 2 of 2
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