`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Johnson & Johnson
`Mary Pat A. Weyback
`Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
`1500 K Street, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20005-1209
`Testimony For Plaintiff
`Jaye S. Campbell
`/Jaye S. Campbell/
`Testimony of S. Tang.pdf ( 291 pages )(14681458 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Opposition No. 91-173,864 (parent)
`91-173,865 (child)
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to 37 CFR § 2.125(0), Opposer, Johnson &
`Johnson, is filing with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board the certified transcript of the
`testimonial deposition of Susan Y. Tang and Exhibits 1-23. Pursuant to 37 CFR § 2.125(a), a
`copy of the certified transcript of the testimonial deposition of Ms. Tang and copies of Exhibits
`1-23 have been served on Applicant by first class mail, postage prepaid.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Norm D. St. Lan au
`Jaye S. Campbell
`1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100
`Washington, DC 20005-1209
`Tel: (202) 842-8800
`Fax: (202) 842-8465
`Counselfor Opposer
`I hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Filing of Testimonial
`Deposition and Exhibits 1-23 was served on App1icant’s counsel at the following address of
`record by first class mail, postage prepaid, this [;‘l7b~/day of March 2009:
`David A. Weinstein, Esq.
`695 South Colorado Boulevard
`Suite 360
`DENVER, CO 80246
` (
`91-173,864 (Parent)
`DATE: November 24, 2008
`90 Woodbridge Center Drive
`Suite 340
`Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095
`(732) 283-1060 or
`(800) 247-8366
`TRANSCRIPT of the deposition of the
`witness, called for Oral Examination in the
`above-captioned matter, said deposition being taken by
`a Notary Public and
`Certified Court Reporter of the State of New Jersey, at
`JOHNSON, 199 Grandview Road, Skillman, New
`Jersey, on November 24, 2008, commencing at
`approximately 10:15 in the morning.
`‘Esquire Deposition Services
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`1500 K Street, N.W.
`- Suite 1100
`Washington, D.C.
`(202) 843-8870
`Attorneys for Johnson & Johnson
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S U S A N
`T A N G
`By Ms. Yung
`E X H I B I T S
`— 23
`Various documents
`Esquire Deposition Services
`Deposition Support Index
`Direction to Witness Not
`to Answer
`Page Line
`Page Line
`Request for Production of Documents
`Page Line
`Page Line
`Page Line
`Questions Marked
`Page Line
`Page Line
`Esquire Deposition Services
`Please pre-mark Exhibits
`(Whereupon the above mentioned was
`marked for identification.) SUSAN TANG’,
`199 Grandview Road, Skillman, New Jersey,
`called as a witness, having been first duly sworn
`according to law, testifies as follows:
`I would like to state for the
`record that giesfifil counsel David A.
`W—E—I—N-S-T—E—I—N has confirmed
` receipt of the Notice of Deposition and opted
`Mr. Weinstein has also not
` participation,
`including by telephone or
`to attend.
`requested alternative methods for
`So, let's start with your
` background.
`You understand that you're here
`video conference.
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`to testify in an opposition proceeding before
`the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board relating
`to Johnson & Johnson's opposition to the
`‘hrvzduwfix/£5 . ELECT1ZoNlL
`registration of the t£aéemark#s—eleetronic
`bandage and ET—hyphen7—btndage,
`applications for these *mark is filed by a
`Could you please state your full
`name for the record?
`Susan ¥ang Tang.
`You're employed by whom?
`Johnson & Johnson Consumer
`Companies, Incorporated.
`And Johnson & Johnson Consumer
`Companies Incorporated,
`JJCPC we wi11_call
`it, what's the affiliation of JJCPC with
`Johnson & Johnson?
`JJCPC is an affiliate under the
`parent company, Johnson & Johnson.
`I'm showing a document that I have
`asked to be marked Exhibit 1. This document
`is Johnson & Johnson's most recent 10K filed
`with the SEC.
`Would you please review it and
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`identify it as such?
`this is the Johnson & Johnson
`I will move it into evidence.
`If you turn to Exhibit 26 of the
`document, what is Exhibit 26?
`These are the subsidiaries.
`The wholly—owned subsidiaries of
`Johnson & Johnson?
`Do you see the company by whom
`you're employed on the list?
`With JJCPC, what is your position?
`I am the product director on
`Band-Aid brand in the marketing group.
`And could you just briefly describe
`your main job responsibilities?
`My main job is really overlooking
`the brand's P&L in the marketplace.
`Profits and losses, and my role is
`really overseeing the brand from a marketing
`perspective in terms of new products that we
`put into the marketplace, advertising, as
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`well as working with cross functional --
`cross functional partners internally in
`bringing those products to market.
`I will now show you a document that
`I had marked as Exhibit 2. This document is
`the Notice of Trial Deposition.
`Could you please review it and
`identify it as such?
`(Witness reviewing.)
`this is the Notice of Trial
`I move this document into evidence.
`Are you testifying today pursuant
`to this Notice of Deposition?
`I am.
`Could you please describe the
`nature of Johnson & Johnson's first aid and
`wound care and bandage business?
`Johnson & Johnson has been an
`innovator in the wound care space, where we
`_have a wide array of products for over a
`hundred years that care for the treatment as
`well as the protection of wounds, such as
`cuts and scrapes.
`We put a variety of products into
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`the market such as adhesive, bandages and
`gauze to name a few examples, and we continue
`to bring new products into the market space,
`depending on technologies as well as consumer
`And this market space that you
`is it principally an end consumer
`retail space or does it also include other
`It's a combination of both.
`products are primarily marketed directly to
`They purchase them in the mass
`retail space, but these products are also
`distributed to professionals in professional
`To your understanding, what is the
`nature of the goods intended to be marketed
`ELEUIBDNI (, BA/Ixflyyg,
`by Klearsen under their electronic and E
`Based on the patent filing from
`Klearsen as well as their trademark filings,
`it appears that they're looking to market a
`device that looks like an adhesive bandage we
`see in the marketplace, except instead of a
`standard gauze in the middle of the bandage
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`there seems to be a battery placed in the
`middle of the gauze that delivers an
`You based your answer on reviewing
`electrical current.
`their patent and their two trademark
`applications, so at this time I will put
`-those pieces of evidence into the record.
`I have had marked as Exhibits 3 and
`4, respectively,
`the Tess records -- T—E-S—S
`records, which stands for Trademark
`Electronic Search System —— for serial number
`78526324 for the trademark Electronic
`Bandage, and as Exhibit Number 4, serial
`number 78526275 for E-Bandage.
`If you can,
`just review these two
`documents and identify them as the test-
`product that you described in your answer
`records for the trademark applications?
`These are the test records for
`Electronic Bandage and E-Bandage.
`And the identification of goods
`described therein is consistent with the
`Yes, it's similar to what I have
` seen in their patent filing.
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`Speaking of their patent, we will
`introduce as Exhibit 5 U.S. patent number
`6,738,662 filed by inventor Steven R. Frank.
`This patent was represented to us by opposing
`counsel as containing the product for which
`Klearsen seeks registration of the electronic
`and E—Bandage trademark.
`Could you please identify it as
`this is the patent filing.
`I will move Exhibits 3 through 5
`into evidence.
`If you can, give a
`one-sentence summary of the -— what you
`conclude about
`the nature of their goods?
`Based on the filings from Klearsen,
`it appears that they are marketing a -- an
`adhesive bandage with a battery that's
`associated or attached in the pad itself, and
`they are claiming this product
`to have the
`name Electronic Bandage or E-Bandage.
`To your understanding, what would
`you —— what would you identify as the target
`market for these goods?
`Based on the device itself, it
`looks like it would be available for
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`consumers or health care professionals.
`Okay. And do you know, based on
`your role with Johnson & Johnson, whether the
`company intends to sell or sell the goods
`that fit the description provided by
`K1earsen's trademark applications in their
`Based on my experience and what we
`focus on from an innovation perspective, we
`are constantly looking to bring new
`innovations into the market space, of which
`technology around electric or electronic
`bandages would fall under.
`And consistent with that, do you
`know whether Johnson & Johnson maintains an
`interest in using the terms Electronic
`Bandage or E—Bandage to describe such a
`Yes, and we know that electricity
`helps or aids in the healing of tissue, so
`this falls very much within the scope of the
`products we have in the marketplace.
`We're now going to talk a little
`bit about
`the public understanding of the
`terms at issue here.
`I will introduce as
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`6 an Internet document from
`dvice.com, D—V—I-C—E.com, entitled Healfast,
`one word, electronic bandage concept kills
`wounds dead.
`Could you please identify this
`document as such?
`(Witness reviewing.)
`this is an article entitled
`Healfast Electronic Bandage Concept, kills
`wounds dead.
`How did you access this document?
`I went
`to the Website,
`What date did you access the_
`I accessed the document on
`November 23, 2008, at 11:01 p.m.
`Could you just confirm that the
`Internet address shown in the upper
`right-hand corner corresponds with the
`address that you located on your Internet
`Yes, it's the same address.
`Could you now briefly describe the
`relevance of this document?
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`This document has in its title the
`phrase "Electronic Bandage", and the article
`goes on to describe a product very similar to
`what Klearsen has filed in their patent
`filing, and essentially,
`this is an adhesive
`bandage that contains an electronic field to
`help prevent infection.
`This is the document that asked to
`be identified as Exhibit 7. Exhibit 7 is an
`Internet article entitled, Electric bandage
`may spur healing from
`Could you please identify it as
`this article is titled,
`Electric bandage may spur healing, and it's
`from the Website,
`And on what date did you access
`this document?
`November 23, 2008, at 11:08 p.m.
`Could you please confirm that the
`hyperlink in the upper right—hand corner
`corresponds to the address that you entered
`on the Internet?
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`Yes, it's the same.
`Could you briefly describe this
`This document has in its title
`electric bandage referenced, and in the
`article itself, the article speaks to how an
`electric field or a bandage —- a disposable
`bandage containing an electrical field could
`help aid in the healing of pressure wounds.
`I will now move Exhibit
`6 and 7
`into evidence.
`I'm showing you now a
`document that I asked to be marked Exhibit 8.
`It's a document entitled, Electronic bandages
`could speed healing,
`from a 1988 edition of
`the Washington post.
`Could you please identify this
`This document is an article from
`the Washington Post from 1988 titled,
`Electronic bandages could speed healing.
`Actually, let me briefly return to
`Exhibit number
`6 —- I'm sorry, Exhibit 7
`entitled, Electric bandage may spur healing.
`I wanted to talk a bit about the
`use of electric there.
`We talked about
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`Electronic Bandage, but what can you conclude
`the use of electric bandage in linking
`it to Electronic Bandage?
`Based on the Internet articles as
`well as ones we pulled from periodicals, it
`appears that newspaper writers are using the
`phrase "electric bandage" and "electronic
`bandage" interchangeably to describe the same
`Linking that to this article,
`Electronic bandages could speed healing,
`could you briefly describe the relevance of
`this article?
`in the headline the phrase
`"Electronic Bandages" appears within the
`It is a description of a technology
`that delivers electrical fields to wounds,
`and the delivery mechanism is in the form of
`a bandage or adhesive bandage.
`And the article also highlights
`that this device, once marketed, could be
`sold directly to professionals as well as to
`I am now showing you a document
`that I asked to be marked Exhibit 9. This
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`9 is a copy of the State News Service
`from 1988.
`Could you please identify it as
`this is an article from the
`State News Service from October 6, 1988, and
`the focus of this is also around electric
`If you flip to the end,
`it's the last feature of the article, could
`you read that title, please?
`The title of this
`section within the article is called,
`Electronic bandage under review, and the
`article goes on to highlight how the FDA is
`reviewing a proposal
`from a manufacturer
`called M-E-D-L-E-C Limited to manufacture an
`electronic bandage.
`And based on these last four
`articles —— Exhibits 6, 7,
`8 and 9 -- what
`can you conclude about the term Electronic
`Bandage as applied to the products described
`It appears to me, based on
`that since the mid to late '80s,
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`the phrase electric and electronic bandage
`both have been intermittently used in
`periodicals, as well as Internet articles,
`expressing a very similar concept
`to what
`Klearsen is filing for.
`We're now going to look at
`dictionary definitions for the term
`To clarify —— let's go back and
`clarify what you said about
`the term
`"electronic bandage".
`think you said intermittently.
`Did you mean interchangeably,
`that the terms
`electric and electronic are interchangeable,
`or did you mean intermittent?
`They are
`substitutes for each other.
`Back to the dictionary definitions.
`I will show you two documents that I asked to
`be marked Exhibit 10 and 11, respectively.
`Exhibit 10 is a printout from the
`American Heritage Dictionary accessed at
`Could you please take a look at
`that and identify it?
`This is the dictionary definition
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`of the word electronic pulled from the
`American heritage dictionary, and it's pulled
`from the Website, www.bartleby.com.
`Did you access this definition?
`And on what date?
`bNovember 23, 2008, at 11:05 p.m.
`Could you briefly describe how you
`accessed this dictionary definition?
`I went onto the American Heritage
`Website and I typed in the word "electronic",
`and this word was pulled up.
`What is the definition provided?
`(Reading) Electronic is an
`adjective, one, of or relating to electrons,
`two, of, based on, operated by or otherwise
`involving the controlled conduction of
`electrons or other charged carriers,
`especially in a vacuum, gas or semiconducted
`I'm now going to show you a
`document marked as Exhibit 11. This is a
`definition from dictionary.com of the term
`Can you please identify this
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`This document is the definition of
`electronic pulled from dictionary.com.
`Did you access this document?
`Can you describe how you accessed
`it, on what date?
`I went
`to the Website,
`typed in the word electronic,
`and this definition was pulled up.
`It was
`accessed on November 23, 2008 at 11:06 p.m.
`What is the definition of
`electronic provided therein? Can you -- you
`don't have to read all of them,
`just the top
`(Reading) Electronic is an
`adjective, first definition, of or pertaining
`to electronics or to devices, circuits or
`systems developed through electronics, second
`definition, of or pertaining to electrons or
`to an electron.
`At risk of sounding repetitive,
`based on these definitions of the term
`electronic and the articles we reviewed as
`well as your experience as product director
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`for Johnson & Johnson, what can you conclude
`the term "Electronic Bandage" as
`applied to the goods that Klearsen seeks
`registration for in its trademarks?
`Based on the definitions that were
`pulled from the dictionary Websites,
`phrase "electronic" seems to imply to
`consumers that there's some form of an
`electrical charge or field that comes from
`the bandage. When the phrase electronic is
` paired with the word bandage,
`this is similar
`to the patents that Klearsen has filed.
` And Klearsen's patent seems top
`contemplate a bandage product?
`For which electricity is used to
`create an
`electronic field?
` Yes.
` A
`You just described a consumer
`What do you think the perception
`would be for medical professionals, if
`different from the consumer perception?
`It would be the same as consumer
`Klearsen applied to register
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`E—Bandage with the prefix E,
`your analysis change any to the prefix E,
`No, it does not.
`In fact, if we
`look at the abbreviation using E in front of
`the word bandage, we can see that E is
`commonly used in the -— our vernacular today,
`as in the case of E—mail, and I think
`consumers understand that when "E4 is used in
`abbreviation before a noun, it stands for
`electronic or electric.
`We're now going to briefly discuss
`competitor needs for the terms as issue.
`looking at a document that I had marked as
`Exhibit 12.
`Exhibit 12 is a patent application
`for a device called, Tissue reconstruction
`and regeneration.
`Could you please look at this
`document and identify it as such?
`This is the patent application for
`tissue regeneration.
`If you turn to page 4, which is in
`the background of the invention portion of
`the patent,
`the first paragraph speaks to an
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`electric bandage.
`Could you read the paragraph and
`explain its relevance?
`This is the
`start of the paragraph.
`In another aspect,
`the invention features an electric bandage
`for application to a tissue defect. This
`electric bandage includes a flexible sheet, a
`chamber fixed to the flexible sheet, and
`containing an extracellular matrix, e.g., a
`cell free ECM.
`Is the electric bandage described
`similar to the products that we discussed and
`similar to Klearsen's product?
`Yes, it is.
`If we look at the
`backing of an adhesive bandage, it can be
`described as a flexible sheet, and the
`chamber fixed to the sheet, as mentioned in
`this patent application,
`is similar to the
`battery in the gauze of what Klearsen has
`To just reinforce that claim 28,
`and the subsequent subclaims based on claim
`28, what do these claims pertain to?
`There's a list of claims under
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`claim 28 which all are based off of the
`phrase "electric bandage".
`Could you please read claim 28?
`Sure. Claim 28 reads
`as, An electric bandage for application to a
`tissue defect,
`the device comprising a
`flexible sheet, a chamber fixed to the
`flexible sheet, and containing an
`extracellular matrix, a first conductor
`arranged on one side of the chamber, a second
`conductor arranged on another side of the
`chamber, an electric power source connected
`to the first and second conductors, a buffer
`reservoir arranged to deliver its contents to
`the extracellular matrix in the chamber, and
`a controller connected to the electric power
`source for applying an electrical potential
`to the extracellular matrix.
`Thank you.
`In claim 28, how is the
`term electric bandage used?
`It's basically used to summarize
`and concisely explain what the product is,
`which appears to be a form -- a device
`similar to an adhesive with a battery source
`in the middle.
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`Based on your experience,
`is the
`relevant consuming public likely to equate
`electric with electronic or electronic
`bandage with electric bandage?
`The two phrases, electric and
`seems to be used interchangeably.
`I'm now showing you a document that
`I marked as Exhibit 13.
`I will actually
`review Exhibits 13, 14 and 15 with you
`together, because they all pertain to the
`same company and the same product.
`Exhibit 13 is an article entitled
`D—O—N—N—E—R Corp. International issues
`speculative buy recommendation on E-L-A-S—T
`technologies Inc.
`This article is obtained from the
`PR newswire, and it's dated June 26, 2000.
`Could you please identify this document as
`this article is entitled
`Donner Corp. International issues speculative
`buy recommendation on Elast Technologies,
`Inc. dated June 26,
`Is Exhibit 14 -- I'm showing you an
`article entitled L—I-T-E-G-L-O-W Industries
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`to purchase Bioelectronics Corporation. This
`is obtained from the business wire, and it's
`dated October 5, 2000.
`Could you please identify it?
`this is the article entitled
`Liteglow Industries to purchase
`Bioelectronics Corporation from the business
`wire dated October 5, 2000.
`And as Exhibit 15,
`I'm showing you
`an article entitled Elast Technologies
`receives speculative buy recommendation from
`Donner Corp. obtained from the business wire
`on June 27, 2000.
`Could you please identify this
`this document is Elast
`Technologies receives speculative buy
`recommendation from Donner Corp.
`International from business wire dated
`June 27, 2000.
`Could you briefly describe the
`relevance of these three articles that all
`reference a product called the P-O—R-T-I-C
`electronic bandage?
`These three articles are from
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`different news sources, and they pertain to
`financial coverage of various companies as
`well as information or background on certain
`companies, and all three articles reference
`the Portic Electronic Bandage in its
`articles, and essentially the description of
`the technology is an adhesive bandage or a
`strip with adhesive that contains a center or
`a pad that has an electrical current.
`And you said all three articles
`reference a Portic Electronic Bandage.
`think that the June 26, 2000 article in its
`sixth and seventh paragraph references the
`Portic Electric Bandage.
`Can you confirm that?
`there was a mistake in
`two of the articles.
`The Portic device is
`referenced as an electronic bandage, but in
`the article from June 26, 2000,
`the product
`is referenced in the article three times as
`an electric bandage.
`What can you conclude by these
`differing references about
`the public's
`perception of the terms electronic bandage
`and electric bandage?
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`The writers as well as the public,
`they are using the phrase electronic and
`electric bandage interchangeably, and in
`to describe the exact same product.
`I now move Exhibits 13 through
`into evidence.
`I'm now showing you a
`document that I asked to be marked 16. This
`Exhibit 16 is an article from the Daily Mail
`entitled, Electric bandages kickstart
`healing, dated October 3, 2007.
`Could you please identify this
`Sure. This article is titled,
`Electric bandages kickstart healing,
`from the
`Daily Mail, dated October 9, 2007.
`Could you please explain the
`relevance of this document?
`This article has the phrase
`electric bandages in its title, and it
`actually opens with electric bandage in its
`first paragraph.
`Then the article goes on to explain
`what an electric bandage is,
`the description
`essentially describes what the article calls
`a large sticking plaster, which is another
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`name for adhesive bandage, and it contains an
`electrical unit in the middle of that bandage
`that fires a current on to the wound.
`And to your understanding,
`is the
`product described in this article similar or
`identical to the product that Klearsen is
`claiming in its trademark applications?
`It appears to me that it's
`identical in that it contains an electrical
`unit in the middle of the bandage, delivering
`a current to the wound.
`I'm now showing you a document that
`I asked to be marked Exhibit 17. This
`Exhibit 17 is an article entitled, Electric
`bandage that zaps wounds,
`from the Daily
`Mail, and it's dated October 19, 2004.
`Could you please identify this
`This article is titled, Electric
`bandage that zaps wounds from the Daily Mail,
`October 19, 2004.
`And could you briefly describe the
`relevance of this article?
`in the title the phrase
`electric bandage is used.
`To summarize the
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`the article goes on to describe
`essentially a bandage that uses electricity
`to treat wounds.
`The technology itself is described
`as a tiny electrical current in the dressing,
`and delivered through a form that is similar
`to a bandage.
`And to your understanding is the
`product described in this article similar to
`Klearsen's product?
`This is identical to the Klearsen
`in the sense that an electrical
`current is delivered to the wound through the
`device of an adhesive bandage.
`I'm now going to show you two
`documents that we will talk about together.
`The first is a document that I asked to be
`marked Exhibit 18.
`Exhibit 18 is an article entitled,
`Design and engineer show to be held in Boston
`from the PR newswire dated June 3, 1985.
`document that I asked to be marked Exhibit 19
`is an article entitled, The eastern design,.
`engineering show and conference attracting
`200 exhibitors will be held June 3 through 5
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`in the Bayside Exhibition Center, Boston.
`This document was obtained from the
`PR newswire dated May 31,
`you identify Exhibits 18 and 19, please?
`Exhibit 18 is an article titled,
`Design and engineering show to be held in
`Boston from the PR newswire on June 3, 1985,
`and Exhibit 19 is titled, The eastern design
`engineering show and conference attracting
`200 exhibitors will be held June 3 to 5 in
`the Bayside Exhibition Center, Boston,
`the PR newswire dated May 31, 1985.
`Both these articles use the term
`electric bandage.
`You can take them one at a
`time, how is the term electric bandage used
`In Exhibit 18, electric bandage is
`used to summarize a technology that cuts the
`healing time of wounds.
`In Exhibit 19,
`same phrase,
`electric bandage,
`is used to
`describe a product that contains -— a bandage
`that contains a battery that delivers a
`current to the wound.
`And both of these uses of electric
`bandage, are they consistent with describing
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`the product that Klearsen has applied for in
`its trademark applications?
`As we talked about a little before,
`these articles use electric bandage as
`opposed to the applied for Electronic
`What can you conclude about
`relationship between electric bandage and
`Electronic Bandage?
`Based on these articles from 1985,
`the phrase electric bandage and the
`technology has appeared in the marketplace,
`and in fact based on subsequent articles as
`well as Internet articles, it appears that
`the phrase electric bandage and Electronic
`Bandage are being used to describe very
`similar if not identical technologies.
`‘Now I will show you three
`They will be Exhibits 20 through
`The document that I asked to be
`marked Exhibit 20 is an article entitled,
`High tech watch.
`It's from the Rocky
`Mountain News dated June 10, 1990.
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tang
`Exhibit 21 is an article entitled,
`Market for burn care products, with a
`subtitle, Other products and technologies,
`colon, D-E-R-M—A-P-U-L-S—E. This article was
`obtained from K-A-L-O-R—A—M-A Info, Inc., and
`Exhibit 22, also obtained from Kalorama Info,
`Inc. entitled, Company profiles, semicolon,
`S—T—A-O-D—Y-N, Inc., and this last article is
`dated 1993.
`Could you please identify exhibits
`20 through 22?
`Exhibit 20 is titled, High tech
`watch from the business section in the Rocky
`Mountain News, and this is dated June 10,
`1990. Exhibit 21 is titled, Other products
`and technologies, colon, Dermapulse. This is
`from March 1993.
`And then Exhibit 22 is titled,
`Company profiles, colon, Staodyn, Inc.,
`date is October 1993.
`These three articles all relate to
`a product developed by Staodynamics, S-T-A-0,
`Dynamics, later renamed Staodyn.
`Could you briefly describe the
`product herein and how it relates to this
`Esquire Deposition Services
`summarized as an electronic bandage similar
`S. Tang
` dispute?
`These three articles all describe
` the main product from Staodyn, which is
`to other descriptions that we've discussed.
`It's essentially a bandage with a technology
`of delivering electrical currents or an
`electrical pulse to the wound.
`In these three articles,
`the news
`sources are all very different and they use
`the phrase "electronic bandage" to describe
` 12 the technology and to summarize the
`Could you read the sentence in the
` 15
`first article from the Rocky Mountain News
`that includes "electronic bandage"?
` 18 Exhibit 20,
`the sentence reads,
`being conducted by the University of
`Tennessee School of Medicine on Staodynamics
` 22
`development of an electronic bandage.
`Sure. This is in
`G—E—N—T—Z-K-O-W also will direct studies
`new wave pain management system and the
`ongoing joint research product with the
`University of Miami School of Medicine on
`Esquire Deposition Services
`S. Tan