Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`3M Company
`Joel D. Leviton
`Fish & Richardson P.C.
`60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3300
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Other Motions/Papers
`Susan J. Hightower
`hightower decl.pdf ( 88 pages )(5347453 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

`3M Company,
`Professional Gallery, Inc.,
`Opposition No. 91 17341 1
`1, Susan J. Hightower, declare as follows:
`I am an attorney with the law firm Pirkey Barber LLP in Austin, Texas, and
`counsel for 3M Company (“3M”) in the above-captioned proceeding.
`This declaration is submitted in support of Opposer’s Response to App1icant’s
`Renewed Motion to Compel Discovery Responses.
`Attached as Exhibit P-3 is a true and correct copy of a letter from Dustin R.
`DuFault to William G. Barber dated July 30, 2008.
`Attached as Exhibit P-4 is a true and correct copy of a letter from Eric R. Olson to
`Dustin R. DuFauit dated August 6, 2008.
`Attached as Exhibit P-5 is a true and correct copy of an email from Bill Barber to
`Dustin DuFault dated September 9, 2008.
`Attached as Exhibit P~6 is a true and correct copy of Applicant’s Privilege Log.

`Attached as Exhibit P-7 is a true and correct copy of a letter from Joel D. Leviton
`to Dustin R. DuFault dated September 15, 2008 with attachment 3M Company V. Professional
`Galiery Inc. Supplemental Privilege Log.
`Attached as Exhibit P-8 is a true and correct copy of a letter from Joel D. Leviton
`to Dustin R. DuFauit dated July 16, 2007.
`Attached as Exhibit P-9 is a true and correct copy of Autotech Technologies
`Limited Partnership v. Automaiiondirectcorn, Inc., 248 F.R.D. 556 (ND. 111. 2008), obtained
`from the Westlaw database.
`Attached as Exhibit P-10 is a true and correct copy of McCord v. Stare Farm Fire
`& Casualty Insurance Co, No. 06-4998, 2008 WL 1988850 (ED. La. May 2, 2008), obtained
`from the Westlaw database.
`Attached as Exhibit P-11 is a true and correct copy of Schmidt v. Levi Strauss &
`Co., No. C04-01026, 2007 WL 2688467 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 10, 2007), obtained from the Westlaw
`Attached as Exhibit P-12 is a true and correct copy of Ponca Tribe ofIndians of
`Okiahoma v. Continental Carbon Co., No. CIV-05-445-C, 2006 WL 2927878 (W.D. Olda.
`Oct. 11, 2006), obtained from the Westlaw database.
`Attached as Exhibit P-13 is a true and correct copy of Wyeth v.
`Laboratories, Inc., 248 F.R.D. 169 (D. Del. 2006), obtained from the Westlaw database.
`Attached as Exhibit P-14 is a true and correct copy of Pace v. International Mill
`Service, Inc, No. 205 CV 69, 2007 WL 1385385 (N.D. Ind. May 7, 2007), obtained from the
`Westlaw database.

`Attached as Exhibit P-15 is a true and correct copy of Kenmcigy Speedway, LLC v.
`National Association ofSr0ck Car Auto Racing, Inc., No. 05-138, 2006 WL 5097354 (E.D. Ky.
`Dec. 18, 2006), obtained from the Westlaw database.
`Attached as Exhibit P-16 is a true and correct copy of Bank Brussels Lambert 12.
`Credit Lyonnais (Suisse) S./1., 160 F.R.D. 437 (S.D.N.Y. 1995).
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
`foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Austin, Texas this 23” day of October, 2008.
`Susan J. Hight .

`I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing DECLARATION OF
`served via First Class Mail, postage prepaid, to each counsel for Applicant at the addresses
`below, on October 23, 2008:
`Dustin R. DuFault
`DuFauIt Law Firm
`700 Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Paul Egtvedt, Esq.
`2915 Wayzata Blvd.
`Minneapolis, MN 55405


`920 Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Wednesday, July 30, 2008
`Dustin R. DuFault
`Phone: 612-284-7309
`Mobile: 612-250-4851
`Fax: 612-465-8801
`Sent Via EIectrom'c Mail
`( l3ba1'ber@ pirl( )
`Mr. William G. Barber
`Pirkey Barber LLP
`600 Congress Avenue
`Suite 2120
`Austin, TX 78701
`3M Company v. Professional Gallery, Inc.
`Opposition No.
`Our File
`P01 .24-01
`1\/Ir. Barber:
`As you indicated in your 21 July 2008 letter to me, 3M was to provide PGI with copies of
`any documents identified during my review on 28 July 2008. In response thereto, please provide
`me with copies of the following documents (each range being no greater than 100 pages):
`3MFI0092140 through 3MFI0092161
`3MF.[009364l through 3M1-710093662
`3MFI036219l through 3MFI036220O
`3MFI0362475 through 3MFI0362480
`31\/IFI0421859 through 3i\/IFI0421883
`3MFI0421933 through 3I\/LFI042l966
`3MFI0092860 through 3MFI0092903
`3MFI0095894 through 3M_l-710095910
`3l\/IFI0362402 through 31\/11310362419
`31\/JFI0420001 through 3MFI0420100
`3MFI042l984 through 3MFI042203-4
`3IV1FI0422095 through 3MFI0422l02
`I look forward to receiving the copies of the above-identified.
`Dustin R. DuFault
`Cc: Mr. Joel Leviton


` I PieyBarb_er.tip.'.'
`Eric R. Olson
`Sr. Paralegal
`(512) 482-5226 (Direct)
`August 6, 2008
`Via Overnight Courier
`Dustin R. DuFau1t
`DuFault Law Firm, P.C.
`Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street, Suite 920
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`3114' Company 12. Professional Gallery, Inc.
`Opposition No. 91173411
`Dear Dustin,
`As requested in your July. 30, 2008 letter to Bill Barber, enclosed are copies of the
`following documents produced to you during your document review at 3M on July 28, 2008:
`3MFI0092140 through 3MI*‘I0092161
`3MFI009364l through 3MFI0093662
`3l\/IFI0362191 through 3l\/[FI0362200
`3MFI03 62475 through 3MFI03 62480
`3M_FI0421859 through 3l\zIFI0421883
`3M1"I0421933 through 3l\/11310421966
`3MFI0092860 through 3MFI0092903
`31»/11710095894 through 31‘/K310095910
`31\/{F103 62402 through 3l\/K110362419
`3IviFI042000l through 3MFI0420l00
`3lV.EFI042l934 through 3l\/£FI0422034
`3l\/IFI0422095 through 3l\/IF10422102
`Please give me a call if you should have any questions.
`Very truly yours,
`Eric R. Olson
`Sr. Paralegal
`Bill Barber, Esq.
`Susan J. Hightower, Esq.
`Ms. Kari Brunner
`Suite 2120 Aus1in,Texas78701
`w w w .


`Susan J. Hightower
`Biil Barber
`Tuesday, September 09, 2008 3:42 PM
`‘Joel Leviton‘; Susan J. Hightower; Eric Olson
`Subject: RE: 3M Company v. Professional Gallery, Inc. :: Opposition No. 91/173,411
`As you requested, here is a list of the issues we would like to discuss with you tomorrow:
`‘i. PGl's "Narrowed" Document Requests
`We want to make sure we understand what you are proposing on pp. 3-4 of your August 29, 2008 letter, and
`explore with you what we can feasibly do in response in order to satisfy any remaining discovery disputes. Of
`course, we disagree that 3M has failed to comply with Ruie 34 as alleged in your letter. However, it is my
`understanding from your letter that if we provide a satisfactory response to the "narrowed" requests set forth in
`the bullet points on pages 3-4 of your letter, this will resolve the dispute and you will not file any additional motion
`(s) to compel relating to these issues. Please confirm that my understanding of your proposal is correct, or iet me
`know otherwise. Assuming this is correct, we would like to explain to you in our conference call tomorrow what
`we have determined can be done in response to those narrowed requests, and discuss the form in which those
`documents would be produced in electronic format.
`2. Privilege Log
`With the hope of avoiding any further misunderstandings regarding the parties‘ privilege logs, we would tike to
`clarify the date through which you believe 3M should supplement its privilege log. We understand from your letter
`that yours are not asking for an "updated" privilege log, and we note that the privilege log you produced in this
`matter appears to include documents up to the date of PGl's responses to 3lVl's document requests (which you
`signed on 2/20/07). Similarly, 3iVl's responses to PGl's document requests were served 319/07, and we assume
`that is the date through which you contend 3M's privilege log should include. Please confirm.
`3. PGl's Document Production
`Aithough we appreciate the supplemental document production (consisting of 39 pages) that you provided
`recently in response to the deficiencies raised in Joel Leviton's letter of August 21, 2007, we still do not
`believe PGi‘s production is complete.
`in particular, the next to last paragraph of Joel's letter discusses Mr.
`Bertram's testimony that the Fields catalog is sent to all of PGl's customers at the beginning of the year, and that
`PG! is abie to track who has pieced orders for flags. As requested in Mr. Leviton’s letter, please produce
`documents sufficient to identify: ('1) each person to whom PG} has sent the Fields catalog; and (2) each person
`who has placed orders for Fields flag products.
`We wiii call you tomorrow at 1 p.m.
`From: Bill Barber
`Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 8:52 AM
`To: 'Dustin@DuFault—Law.corn'
`Cc: ‘Joel Leviton'; Susan 3. Hightower; Eric Olson
`Subject: RE: 3M Company v. Professional Gallery, Inc. :: Opposition No. 91/173,411

`Susan and i are avaiiable for a conference caii at the time you proposed (1 p.m. tomorrow), and of course have
`no problem with your sending a confirming letter after the cail.
`I have to run to a meeting right now, but I will send
`you a fist of issues we would like to discuss later today.
`From: DuFauIt Law Firm, P.C. [mai|to:Dustin@DuFauit—]
`Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 5:17 PM
`To: Bili Barber
`Cc: ‘Joel l.eviton'
`Subject: RE: 3M Company v. Professional Gallery, Inc. :: Opposition No. 91/173,411
`Mr. Barber:
`Please see attached letter.
`/pm re pastry
`DuFauit Law Firm, P.C.
`700 Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street
`Minneapolis MN 55402
`Mob: 612-250-4851
`The information in this e-mail and any included attachments is confidential, may be privileged, and is oniy for the
`use of the recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that
`distribution of this e-mail is neither intended nor permissible. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please
`notify the sender immediately by telephone, e—maEi or fax, and destroy all printed and eiectronio copies of this e-
`-----Original Message----—
`From: Bill Barber imailto:bbarber@piri<]
`Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 3:23 PM
`Cc: Susan J. Hightower; Eric Olson
`Subject: FW: 3M Company v. Professional Gailery, Inc. :: Opposition No. 91/ 173,411
`I just wanted to confirm that Susan and i calied and left you a voice mail message on Friday to discuss
`some of the issues raised in your letter of August 29, as well as a couple of issues we have with your
`production. Please give us a call at your convenience.
`Bill Barber
`Pirkey Barber LLP
`600 Congress Avenue

`Suite 2120
`Austin, TX 78701
`(512) 322-5200 (main)
`(512) 482-5223 (direct)
`(512) 322-5201 (fax)
`From: DuFauIt Law Firm, P.C. [maiito:Dustin@DuFau|]
`Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 9:05 PM
`To: Bill Barber
`Cc: ‘Joel Leviton'
`Subject: 3M Company v. Professional Gallery, Inc. :: Opposition No. 91/ 173,411
`Mr. Barber:
`Please see attached and confirm receipt hereof by reply email.
`DuFauIt Law Firm, PC.
`920 Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street
`Mjxmeapolis MN 55402
`Mob: 612-250-4851
`The information in this e-mail and any included attachments is confidential, may be privileged, and is only
`for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified
`that distribution of this e-mail is neither intended nor permissible. If you have received this e-maii by
`mistake, please notify the sender immediateiy by telephone, e-mail or fax, and destroy all printed and
`electronic copies of this e-maii.


`3M Company V. Professional Gallery, Inc.
`Opposition Number 91/173,41 1
`Kevin Goldxick Dustin R.
`05/1 1/05
`Search Results
`Appln. N0.
`3M V. PGI
`3M V. PGI
`3M V. PGI
`Kevin Goldrick
`Kevin Goldrick
`3M V. PGI
`3M v. PGI
`3M V. PGI
`3M V. PGI
`Kevin Goldrick
`Kevin Goldrick
`Kevin Goldrick
`Kevin Goldrick
`Kevin Goldrick
`Company Legal
`3M V. PGI
`Kevin Goldrick Dustin R.
`Kevin Goldrick Dustin R.
`3M V. PGI
`3M V. PGI

`Kevin Goldrick
`3M V. PGI


`Frcderick P. Fish
`WK. Richardson
`September 15 2008
`Dustin R. DuFault
`DuFau1t Law Finn
`Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street, Suite 920
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`3300 Dain Rauschcr Plaza
`60 South Sixth Street
`Minneapolis, Minnesota
`612 ass-5070
`612. 288-9696
`Web Site

`3M Company V. Professional Gallery, Inc.
`Opposition No.: 911734} 1
`Our Ref.: 21733~001PP1
`D681‘ DL1SfiI1f
`“W "°"“
`Enclosed and served upon you, please find 3M’s Supplementai Pnvllege Log.
`Very truly yours,
`Joel D. Levnon
`JDU)’ a1

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`The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of 3M
`COMPANY ’S SUPPLEMENTAL PRIVILEGE LOG has been served this 15th day of
`September, 2008 by Messenger on counsel for the parties as follows:
`Dustin R. Dufault
`Dufault Law Firm
`Lumber Exchange Building
`Ten South Fifth Street, Suite 920
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Julie Lindner


`Frederick P. Fish
`WK. Richardson
`Juiy 16 2007
`Confirmation by Mail
`Dustin R. DuFault
`DuFault Law Firm
`Lumber Exchange Buiiding
`Ten South Fifth Street, Suite 920
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`3300 Dam Rauscher Plaza
`60 South Sixth Street
`Minneapolis. Minnesota
`512 33s~so7o
`Web Site
`www. Fncom
`3M Company v. Professional Gallery, Inc.
`Our Ref.: 21733-001PP1
`Dear Mr. DuFau1t:
`This responds to your letter of July 1 1, 2007.
`As you know from my email of April 23, 2007, 3M’s documents have been available
`for you to review since April 27, 2007. As you also know from that email, 3M’s
`production is substantial in size, given your client’s incredibly broad document
`requests. Despite knowing the considerable size of 3M’s production, you waited for
`over two months —- until July 5, 2007 — to contact me to arrange your review. Your
`client’s delay in reviewing 3M’s documents is entirely of its own making.
`With respect to your demand that 3M’s documents be organized to correspond to
`your client’s production requests, as a reminder, Rule 34 requires that “a party who
`produces documents for inspection shall produce them as they are kept in the usual
`course of business o_r shall organize and label them to correspond with categories in
`the requests.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 34(b)(i) (emphasis added). 3M will comply with the
`When you arrive at the 3M campus on Wednesday, please go to building 236 (which
`is on the corner of Century and Conway) ask for Ken Hayden. If others will be
`joining you for the review, please provide me their names before Wednesday and
`confirm any such people are authorized, under Paragraph 6 of the Protective order, to
`review 3M’s confidential information.
`Very truly yours,
`Joel D. Leviton


`248 F.R.D. 556
`248 F.R.D. 556
`Page 1
`United States District Court,N.D.
`Illinois,Eastem Division.
`PARTNERSHIP, Plaintiffi
`Timothy Hohmann and Koyo Electronics
`Industries Co., Ltd., Defendants.
`Autoniationdirectcorn, Inc., Plaintiff,
`Autotech Technologies L.P., AVG
`Advanced Technologies, Inc., Shalli
`Industries, Inc., and Shalabh Kumar,
`No. 05 C 5488.
`April 2, 2008.
`Background: Manufacturer brought state~
`court action against marketer to recover for
`breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty,
`and fraudulent misrepresentation arising out
`of marketer's development of competing
`touch screen. Defendant moved to compel
`production of electronic copy of document.
`Holding: The District Court, Jeffrey Cole,
`United States Magistrate Judge, held that
`defendant's request for documents.
`Motion denied.
`West I-Ieadnotes
`Federal Civil Procedure
`170A Federai Civil Procedure
`to Comply
`l70AX Depositions and Discovery _
`170AXg§) Discovery and Production
`of Documents and Other Tangible Things
`170AXg§1S Compliance; Failure
`1’70Akl634 k. Sufficiency of
`Compliance. Most Cited Cases
`furnishing electronic copy of documents,
`even if documents were created with word
`copy did not
`processing program, but
`contain metadata, where defendant did not
`specify that it wanted metadata as part of
`Civ.Proc.Rule 34gb);2)§E1gii;, 28 U.S.C.A.
`Federal Civil Procedure
`1_7t)_i41I Federal Civil Procedure
`l70AX Depositions and Discovery
`170AXgE) Discovery and Production
`of Documents and Other Tangible Things
`170AX(E13 Particuiar Subject
`l7OAl<;158l k.
`Most Cited Cases
`In General.
`Courts will not ordinarily compel production
`of metadata when party did not make that
`part of its discovery request. Fed.Rules
`Civ.Proc.Rule 34gbgg2)gEggii ), 28 U.S.C.A.
`*557 Kenneth M. Suggs, Francis M. Hinson,
`Janet, Jenner & Suggs, LLC, Columbia, SC,
`‘Cary S. Fleischer, David Seth Argentar,
`Sanjay Shiypuri, Chuhak & Tecson P.C,
`IL, John Grover Foreman, The
`Law Firm of John G. Foreman, Shorewood,
`IL, Keith Allen Klopfenstein, Keith A.
`C) 2008 Thomson Reuters/West. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

`248 F.R.D. 556
`248 F.R.D. 556
`Page 2
`Klopfenstein, Esq., Chicago, IL, Catherine
`Simmons-Gill, LLC, Chicago,
`Robert Eliot Shapiro, Wendi E. Sloane,
`IL, Alan R.
`Nageiberg LLP, Chicago,
`Lipton, Barry Francis Macentee, Hinshaw &
`Culbertson, Chicago, IL, James A. Trigg,
`Susan A. Cahoon, Virginia S. Taylor,
`Kilpatrick Stockton LLP, Atlanta, GA, for
`JEFFREY COLE, United States Magistrate
`ADC seeks to compel Autotech to produce
`an electronic copy of a document
`EZTouch File I Structure. Autotech has
`aircady produced the document in both .PDF
`format on a compact disc and paper format.
`Not good enough says ADC, because the
`document was
`created with
`a Word
`processing program and exists in its “native
`forma ”-the way it is stored and used in the
`normal course of business—on a computer at
`Autotech's offices in Bettendorf, Iowa. ADC
`Wants it in this format because it Wants the
`"metadata”—information ADC claims
`version of
`document including when the document was
`created, when it Was modified, and when it
`was designated “confidential.” M
`FNl. Metadata, commonly described
`as “data about data,” is defined as “a
`set of data that describes and gives
`information about other data” or
`“information about a particular data
`set which describes how, when and
`by whom it was coilected, created,
`accessed, or modified and how it is
`demographics such as size, location,
`and media
`information).” It includes all of the
`information needed to identify and
`certify the scope, authenticity, and
`integrity of
`electronic information or
`examples of metadata for
`electronic documents include: a file's
`name, a file's location (e. g., directory
`structure or pathnamc), file format or
`file type, file size, fiie dates (e.g.,
`creation date, date of last data
`modification, date of last data access,
`last metadata
`modification), and file permissions
`(e.g., who can read the data, who can
`write to it, who can run it). Some
`such as
`file dates and
`sizes, can easily be seen by users;
`other metadata can be hidden or
`users who
`technically adept. Scorrs Co. LLC 1’.
`Liberg Mm‘.
`Ins. Co., 2007 WL
`1723509, *3 n. 2 gS.D.Ohio June 12,
`20071 (citations omitted).
`ADC explains that this dispute harkens back
`to the motions to compei
`responses to
`interrogatories and. document
`requests it
`filed in March of 2007. (ADC's Motion to
`Compel File Structure Document, at 2-3),
`identified in your responses to
`accompanying interrogatories and/or used or
`(ADC’s Memorandum in
`Support‘ ofIts Motion to Compel Responsive
`Answers (Dkt. # 294), at 10; EX. 2). The
`© 2008 Thomson Reuters/West. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

`248 F.R.D. 556
`248 F.R.D. 556
`Page 3
`motion was
`interrogatory answers-on September
`2007, and the parties were directed*558 to
`in good faith over the discovery
`Autotech employees, Dick Glover
`Michael Horn,
`declarations as to their efforts to provide
`ADC with the file at
`Response to ADC’s Motion to Compel, Ex.
`2). They
`Microsoft Word
`documents-to a compact disc. (Id, Decl. of
`Richard Glover, ll 2; Decl. of Michael Horn,
`1l 2). The files came directly from Autotech's
`engineering server, where they are kept in
`the ordinary course of business. No change
`was made to the documents, their contents
`or their metadata during the process of
`“burning” the electronic files to compact
`disc. (Decl. of Richard Glover, 1] 3; Decl. of
`Michael Horn, fill] 3-4).
`One of the two Microsoft Word documents
`contained the text of Autotech’s “PGI” file
`the operator
`structure. PGI
`program Autotech employed to create the
`EZTouch panel. Autotech calls
`predecessor or forerunner of the EZTouch
`file structure. The creation and history of
`employees did not use Word in the early
`1990s, the PGI file structure was most likely
`written in some type of a word processing
`program other than Microsoft Word and was
`converted to a Word format sometime in the
`mid 1990s. (Decl. of Richard Glover, ‘H 4).
`structure document
`only EZTouch file
`Autotech maintains. Autotech does not, and
`historically has not, independently preserved
`older files at the time of revision. That is to
`say, as the EZToueh file structure has been
`changed and updated, each newer version of
`the file structure document has been added
`the top of the previous version.
`chronological history of changes to the file
`structure by viewing the
`face of
`itself. Pages 7-15 provide the
`“Document Modification I-iistory.” It is a
`chronological list of all changes that have
`been made since the BZTouch file structure
`was created from the PGI design document
`on February 9, 2000. Prior history and
`contents of this document are contained in
`the PGI file structure document described
`above. (Decl. of Michael Horn, 1] 5).
`As the instant motion makes clear, ADC is
`not satisfied with the efforts of Mssrs.
`Glover and Horn. It complains that the file
`was not produced in its native format-a
`Microsoft Word
`engineering computer at Autotech's offices-
`but in .PDF, or portable document format,
`and a hard copy. The problem with that,
`According to ADC, is that these format do
`not contain metadata which would show the
`especially when the document was
`and when the document was
`designated “confidential.”
`The second Microsoft Word documents
`contained the text of Autotech‘s current file
`structure for the EZTouch panel. It is the
`the Docmnenrs
`Unless otherwise stipulated or ordered by
`© 2008 Thomson Reuters/West. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

`248 F.R.D. 556
`248 F.R.D. 556
`Page 4
`these procedures apply to
`producing documents
`stored information:
`(i) A party must produce documents as
`they are kept
`in the usual course of
`business or must organize and label them
`to correspond to the categories in the
`(ii) If a request does not specify a form
`information, a party must produce it in a
`form or forms in which it is ordinarily
`maintained or
`in a reasonably usable
`form or forms; and
`(iii) A party need not produce the same
`electronically stored information in more
`than one form.
`Here, ADC did not specify a form for the
`production of the document at
`issue, so
`Autotech had the option of producing it in
`form in which it was ordinarily
`maintained, or
`in a reasonably usable
`FN2. The case upon which ADC
`relies, Hagenbuch v. 386 Sistemi
`Elettronici Iirdzrstrirrli S.R.L.
`([§.D.Ill. Mar.8,
`WL 665005,
`2006}, does not suggest otherwise.
`copies of the electronic media” at
`issue, making it clear
`that paper
`copies would
`designated certain compact discs and
`DVDs to be copied and produced in
`format. But
`produced them in a different format.
`It converted the documents to a
`form and
`them onto
`discs. The court
`found that
`plaintiff was entitled to what it had
`requested. 2006 WL 665005 *2.
`*559 ADC argues that the document at issue
`was converted from Microsoft Word to
`that it was not produced in the
`1'. e.
`form in which it was ordinarily maintained.
`But that is all it is-an argument-and ADC
`does not provide evidence,
`such as an
`to support
`its version of the
`production. An uncorroborated statement in
`a brief doesn't count. See IFC Credit‘ Corp.
`V. Alicmo Brothers General Comtractors
`Inc, 437 F.3d 606, 610-611 17th Cir.20061;
`Clams Trcmsphase Scientific, Inc. V. Q-Ray,
`Ina, 2006 WL 4013750, *12 §§.D.lll. Oct.6,
`20061. As of March 12, 2008, about two
`weeks after filing this motion to compel,
`for ABC had only performed a
`“cursory review”-his term-of the documents
`on the compact disc. (Aurofechh Response
`to ADC’s Motion to Compel, Ex. 1). At that
`time, he indicated in an email to Autotech's
`counsel that he was “having further analysis
`done on the materials,” but that he did “not
`believe that the original Word files have
`been provided....”(Id.).
`the sworn
`its support
`AAutotech has
`declarations of Mssrs. Glover and Horn who
`state that the Microsoft Word file was saved
`onto a compact disc, and that no changes
`were made to the files in the process of
`moving them to the disc. Yet, in its response
`brief, Autotech says that it “provided both
`paper and ‘.pdf’ versions of Autote

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