Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Bridge Bank, N.A.
`Bridge Bank, N.A.
`2120 El Camino Real
`Santa Clara, CA 95050
`Beth H. Parker
`Bingham McCutchen LLP
`Three Embarcadero Center, Suite 1800
`San Francisco, CA 94111-4067
`Other Motions/Papers
`George L. Fox
`/George L. Fox/
`Bridge Bank Reply in support of motion to compel etc.pdf ( 12 pages )(5981328
`bytes )
`proof of service.pdf ( 2 pages )(661005 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail

`'§‘§€§§*Z UNETEZLE3 S'§‘A"§‘ES ??A"§‘EN"§ ANB TRABEMARE{. §'}§'§§C§1
`’§“§:§E ':TRABE1‘«’§_/>:RK TREAK, ANE} APE?‘.‘§7;AL §3€}A}?E§
`Pubiisheci on ;§ui}/
`Bag: West §§an.‘:c,
`Bridge Bank, NA.
`NO. 91172982
`EN §‘s‘§'JF?QR’§ 0}? M{1°'§‘§@N‘
`TS CQREPEL '.E}ESCI{}‘°;7§§R‘§<’
`8AN§<{’S '§"‘EM§<1 "$8
`This (§:3c§amem" has Essen rsiiaesied in szmier $3 remwe infm'§s3at.§sm fixzaé‘ is suf:3§¢3s:§ is 2:
`§3§*e:s~:§es:‘i.ive sarder gr agrsemmt.
`this proceading against Appiicani Briclge Bank, Opposerr East
`‘West Bank {“EWB”} has delayed azad smnexxraiied Bridge Banks czvery
`to Qbtain
`meaningfui c‘iisc0Very in-is the factual ‘oases fer EWB’s ojapcssiiien —~ and continues to is so.
`Because new facts supporéing Bridge §~3=a:n§{’s mc>ti<:>n ta comps‘: {"1‘v£0i;<>::”} have surfaced. since is;
`{:0 A13; §ic.a:1*:'s i‘\/iotixm
`flied its opening b1'ief<>n March ‘:5, am‘; because E‘yVB’s Qppesiiioza
`Oj:2p0si‘:.i0n” or “Gpp.",= ceniains 3~eve1‘aEinaccu2'ac§es, B1‘:
`$0 Compiii Discevezjv‘ :
`respectfu-11:; iequesis i'§1a':i':.e
`exexcise its discretien and consider this §7{<:p§y brief_pursuani'

`MAEEE A G{}t(}§} EL‘t_§'"E‘§~§ 1-<I§‘~‘FtCI$i1’;'i"' T0
`Wit?:t0=;tt justifeatéons for its deficient discovery responses and faiiures to
`tittie proceeding, EWB
`makes the specious ergttmettt
`Sticige Battk faéteci
`to meet and confer with EWB mier to filing its motion to compel
`tr: 93 1J
`$3""3LG 21:1 (1:-r‘?~\‘J
`Bi /E? ,5} 524.02 at party has an obiigafiota ta make 3, “gt:-ed faith ei§fot“t” to meet
`cenfer on
`tea prior to metiittg them the sutaject of a motien to cempei. Bridge Ban}:
`satisfied this t'e'§‘tti1'ement by: E‘; sending at meet and confer ‘setter one severe}. eI.isceve_ry issues; 2)
`rejpeatedjiy attempting ta centact E‘VB’s ceunsei By telephone ta discuss
`ttsctwery issues
`rtiseel in Sridge Ban}§’s mettion to camps}; and 3) e—mai§ ‘EWB’s. cotmse} regarding, dtseevetjy
`issues raised ii}
`motion to egmpei. Elteeiztration of Aaron Schm“ irt Support 0'5 Efiridte Bank S
`Motion to Cempei Discovery (“Sober T3°ee3.’°} {Docket Entry
`7} ‘fit 8-9. EBWB tiesptmdteci
`3.1 4
`these ovettures weeks 1 ts ~ or not at at} w anti any response eonsistetttiy ‘tanett to atitiress Britt
`1,. 5
`Sam 3 etmeems and
`or ztafisreeresented prier cotnmunications.
`2832. Fttttitet‘, in the Ont};
`teiephene eonverszttion ‘eetiweetz eounsei for the parties, EWB’s cetmseig Ms. .=‘»§amey, stzt.e<:3 t}.12a.t‘
`she tacked "‘autht3ri‘:y” to negotiate witi. B1'idg<~: Bank’s eottnsei.
`I53. $ 34.‘ With tees than three
`weeks t*en1ai11_ittg in
`csiscovery period, and EWB’s dear re-fusais to engage in meaningfui
`tfespense to Bridge Barks mztmemtts attempts, Eitiétge Batik Exact exhausted
`omiotas anc.‘ was '.fo1*cet§.te see}; teiieffmm the t A AB by filing its motion to etmmei 0:1 Mztrtstt E5.
`1‘1§i31g'iLiS metion, Etowever, B2‘?-tdge Bank efiered to discuss the subject
`..ttat“ter of its tnfitififl to camps} taritit 239v’ Deciat'at§.en sf Geerge :1. Fax
`Sufgpezt 0
`B:2‘n1<’s Motion to C0.m§3e_‘t Discovery {“§"o>: Deck”)
`3 8::
`ESWB never ‘=”‘S:{)0I}C§=?‘.{‘§ ‘it’; this
`offer. list as Btritige Ban§<°s psior attemgats to meet anti com-"er vtrith EWB were tmavailiing.
`#24), flied with s*$‘~.7t"E’s
`1 A-zoo;-ciing to {§1eDec§axat§o2:.05M. Nicoie Marci-3y {“2\/§taz*cey Deci.”)(D0c%:et
`Opposition, certa .
`L1€t'1‘D_9_,E3{)t‘t-BS and document requests were not discusses; “in subsequent negotiations” with
`}3ridgeBa31§<’s ceunset.
`.iV§.arce_v Desi. $12. This is misieading. The sole comversation be-tween
`M.a3‘cey §)ii'.iO1‘ to the fiing of the motion to comgaei regarded the deposition of Ms. Wazag and 3 pm;3osa‘s to
`discovery pc-::‘§€~-1‘,
`Marcey stated that she “‘aac‘s<eci aut'§1ority” ‘:0 make any agreement wt-.h Bridge
`B2mk’s scans:-ft. Scizur Desi.
`this cat} Ms. Mersey aiso couid net provide any i:1fo:*n1ation about
`upcoming doeusnertt jpmducti-:>1t by EWB.
`Ia’. Endeed, now over two mcmths after the motion was
`no fiarther
`d,0CtEi}3£:‘J1iS have arrived. When Mr. Schuzi attempted to reach: Mersey at other times, she was *-.tnavai‘é2tbi-3, and
`did not return j_c-E10319 caiis, aitheugit she appas‘e:1th/Etadtisne to ptrc-pound severed tiepositien not‘;
`against Bridge
`Bank. Id. °‘,'fi_{ 35-22.

`Aeeordiragiy, the "FTAB shou1dre_§ee':EWB’s eiaim that Bridge E33?-JCS rariure” to meet
`confer sh.ou§.d resrii‘
`a deniai of in: motion to: compel.
`TEE i’R{}'§X*§C’§‘§§/YE Q“ ~
`ES §RR§?;E,»E“<:7A;N'E‘
`repeatediy sires to
`negotiations .°or a protective order
`an excuse for is
`faiiure to eeeperare in the discovery process. E.
`, Orgy. at 2. This argument iiaeks rrxerit. E?‘irst,
`most of Brid;:e Ban§<“s Requests for Prociueiioir cannot possibiy’ be interpreted to
`cenfidenriai mibrmatiorr.
`example, Request
`9 eaiis for “{r}epreserr:a.=:ixre EIMGCU
`997 to flee presenr s3::ow‘£r;g the manner or purpose” of ‘E;-‘\VB’s use offiae
`purported YOUR ‘ELNANC
`BREDGEV mark; and Request No.
`eafiis for "‘aévert.isin_g or
`premotiorra}. ma=;eria7,s ‘ihar. Laxre been used to promote and/‘or seii” EEK/'B’s aiiegeé
`{+‘§N'AN‘C§.-‘xi BREDGE PRODUCTS. See Sehur Dee}. Ex. A at 7. For each ofthese, doeumems
`resperrsive to
`requests weuid ineiuzie nor:-=conficier1tiaE doeumerzrs
`as prim
`a.dvertisements am brochures. But EWB mociuced a scan‘: nirre
`of documents,
`Miereever, Bridge Barf»: and EWB e *ee‘-Jred 2-. proree’:ive erder an Aprfi ‘:6, 2887?,
`over three weeks 3:>e'a‘_‘ore the fii‘S‘Z deposition of Ms. Wang on May Mersey Desi. S] 4 £5
`6. EWB r~':§1ere3‘To.e has no exeuee for feiiing to p1‘oe1uce responsive -cioeumems,
`eenfiderxiiai or not, prior ‘:0 Ms. Wa:1g’s depositions? See Gpp. at 2 {as of May 4. 28537, “far
`more c‘:ocume“*:s
`waiting to
`p1'o<3uee<i_r1ewthata protective erder is in §3iaee.’°‘).
`instead of
`proviefing documents in a ‘iiirreiy manner and as required ‘ay the Federaf: Rifles of Civii Proeeriure,
`EWB deprived Byidge
`of its oppomrnitgr to inquire about the information eomeined in its
`Ms. Wa:og’s oiepositiorzs. A2191, :0 date, EWB has
`produced no more eh:-m
`2. handful ef resporzsive fioeurnents, whereas Bridge Ban}: has produces: over EGGS pages.
`7, 2097, as E?»/.B’s designated 3£3{b}{6}
`been deposed iwice in ‘this jcroceecéirgg; once on
`wi‘-trsess; and once on =.‘v§a;v 8, 20 7, in her indivéduai capacity. Fox Dee}. ‘J51 9*, E2.


`‘W A,N§} ®'§”§.'. ERS
`EW3 deoiares ‘shat ihe “igsue of the deposition of
`Wang is moot.” Crpp. at
`4‘ 4.
`extension o‘
`naade clear in its opening brief, it seeks
`12. Not so. As
`pursue 1o-‘zow-==.1p discovery arising
`ihe deposition of Ms. Wang. Moiion at 8 & E8.
`1'‘ o1§ow~up discovery is warranted because EWB apparentiy fabricated an excuse
`as to Why Ms. Wang couid. moi’ ‘oedeposed sooner than March. 38. 243437, foreoiosing {he
`gcaossibiiifiy of addnzozaai deposiiiolas prior to the or.i.gh1a§Aprii 3 dfiscovery d.eadhn.o. ~Con.nseE.1‘or
`Bridge Bank,
`just §earned of Ms. Vs/ang’s existence and cognizant of the impending
`dose disco’ve:y, noticed her d.opo5ition. March 26, therehy aiiowing time for foIiEow~up
`depositions of individuais ic‘ie:“:if1ed through her testimony. Fox Dec}. § 4. Counse for EWR,
`however, ciainied that
`Wang was "‘unaVai§a‘oEe” on that day and wouid not be avaiiahie I.nni3
`March 38 due to he: wo1'Ii~: on §91WE’s 2G=3c’.> Annua} Report. Eviotion at 8; Sehnr Deci. ‘fi“‘;}‘ E3, 18-
`T was fafise.
`§“\< .~‘\ S‘ ‘°§“‘\§\‘3?§“\l
`.:‘.\.~d§...«-.§.,«~‘.€“k\,.\ .-
`deiaying Ms. Wana»;’s deposition, eounsei for EWB irnproperiy denied Esridge
`depose fhose i31chvidL:a‘is iirientified hy Ms. Wang as having inionnafion reiev"
`chance in
`to dais
`proceeding. E'~3WB’s deiay Eacties ‘c~fore nothing more than a hiatani effort iodeny Bridge Bank.
`ineaniazgfi.‘-.3 fo1iow—up discovery and to secure: e depositions of Bridge

`sijiow-up dissovery for Bridge Bank is also appromiate bcscause EV:/B zxtzfuseé :0
`provide naeaningfizi decuments :0 Badge
`imeed, Bztidge Ban}-; coniizaues to wait for {base deszuments, w fish ‘»V¢3E‘€ originaifiiy
`prior :0 Ms. ‘\Vang’s deposiiions.
`Sections IE
`& EV above.
`due in .§az1uaxy.
`is EWB’s contimaeci iniransigence and Zack cf c00pe1*at.im3, me ".E‘"§‘AB
`houiéi gran‘:
`feiim 7 up ciiscovery with Ms. Wang and other pessfaia-: -Lissmmmis,
`TR/ER. NTSRS §}E§’€}S.‘{'_§i8N SSEEQEILB {K} §?®R‘WAR§}
`iiasiciad efp-:‘m'idi11g any Eegitimaiie jiisiification far its fa._:7.iu:"e is prociuce its
`President and
`Dominic Ng,
`response to a ‘eimely Netice of Depesi=;i_on_fi SW8 submitg
`that Mr. Ng sheuld 210’: testify‘ because he “was never identified i , either documents
`respense as somemae
`percipien‘; i<n.0“T§.5dge.” Opp. at 22. EXVB cites no a‘ ?..‘:':o*:’E.2iy
`posiiioiz, and
`idanxiy ary wzmnes as having yeievam knowiedge, and ‘SW8 iéeniified oniy
`is mom.
`1 iioreover, EWES insufficient£ prod’uc’{%0n 3°ai.§ed is
`Wang is
`response to i_:1ter.r0gator§.es requssiing the ideniification of persons mas’: E:;1ovJie&gea‘z3ie a3Jeu=.
`Eiecause deiaiied infarmatien about $316 c0mme:'=:ia§E3ani<i11g sezfviccs offsmzd by ‘Ei‘sVB are pivoiai
`‘:0 ‘;’”:e iikeiihooel mi’ confusion azaaiysis, Ms. Wang was an insuf Ecieni wtimess. E.
`if Dz;,Fa3'--2:?‘
`Cc-., 4-’,»’6
`13577, 1361 (CCFA E973} (“simiiar?$_y or ciissimibsiéy GE and ;tz23.*;*-we
`sfihe geods 0:‘ services” is .1‘eiev¢21: to iikeiihood of canfusien ana3ysi.s}. Mereever, {here is no
`authoriid that
`Bank mus’: ‘U3 ifimiied $10 oniy one wimess in
`pmceeding‘, hanc‘i—pic'§<.ed
`by the Opposery when: oiher reievan‘: wimesses ‘mike Mr.
`”<—><;:iara=;'i<m, sufixniiied with the Opposiiion
`that Le
`the Eikeiihood of confusion azmiysis. M”:
`merefiy states
`does my: xecaii
`<:reat§.on or the cixcumsiances ofihe adeptiosa of the alieged mark, and

`1 1
`12:5 no “di.1'eei"’ responsibiiiw for {he “manner in which that mark is used." 'EE':at dees net‘. mean
`Bank cannot probe Mr. Ng’s receiiectien on these issues or seek info‘; aation on ofi1e1'
`reievant topics. Endeecig the
`not “direct resp0nsibiEity,” but reievem‘;
`Emowiedge. “ed. 1%.. Civ. :3. 26. Mr. Ng is me direct supervisor of «is. "Wang, and based
`emensive pubiic statements he has §<n<>w3ecZge about the sewices of EWB, its trecie channeis,
`customer base
`these services,
`EWB’s use ef the YOUR
`EAWEE-’s ezrgumeni
`E‘v2{';. Ng enjiy uses the worcis “f1.nzmciai bridge”
`mm; the entire ‘YOUR
`FSNANCEAL BREEBC.-E siegaxa, see Qpp. 23?; 32- 5»... 3, is b-9%“: irreievant and
`Ms. Wangfs
`deposition, J»./‘B pmvided Bridge Ban}: with 22 copy ofihe EWB 2005 Annual: Repcrri, which
`Mr. Ng staiesz
`A: East West Bank, the bridge has 3ivvs,;sfs been an important
`symbol. Over the years, it has come to represen‘: our uniq roie
`bridge between east am? Wes? .
`. Ewjge exiemi
`mu‘ graiiiude
`31% of our §ha;ehoiLie2‘s, custemers, empioyees am‘;
`.=I"r.=le:'1(3.s ‘-for year ccminued support and for eiiowing us “:0 serve
`{Einphesis added).
`Bed. $9 34:
`G 31?. 3.
`these staiemenis Ema? others, see‘, e.g., écf. ‘E12
`d.en1ons‘-.:raies kiaewiefige offize use eféthe YOUR FINANCEAL B§’LK}GE3- siegan, E’WB’s
`services and CL§S'{-f§.§’i3f:i‘ base, and 0*:11er facts reievani ‘:0 ‘she Eikeiihecd csf c«3:zfusie:1 amzaeiyrsis.
`its Oppesition, EWB eiies three ineppesite cases, none :3nvc§V~E:':.g inieiiecmei
`property, in an a":iem_;.“ $0
`its refuses: *;e‘p1'ec§uee M3‘. Ng.
`in eniy one <31‘ mese cases was
`the Liej-gesitien efihe executive c0mpie':e.‘éy
`ans‘: that we because, uniike hete, izhe
`«;§.ep0s:kien;1o*:ice was umimeiy:
`in this case, me CHIP 0fSara
`16‘? (MD. N. 3. 2892).
`.-Eemczmiez, 23;’
`' £>.zv¢es?é' v.
`Lee Underwazie was smzght for deposition regazfiizzg a persona} injury Eewsuii; 125. L“: 17{}~
`4 Mai
`E f‘<; <‘ (‘fa".3(D ('3C3rdta0'?
`£34 ,<:'?..,J(‘D (“D YE?«.2 (‘'1-C3 4-+SR’:2.
`Es’ y->-.‘*3“M
`I stating, ameng c?.§§1e;“ easens,
`364 (D. R}. 3935}. in a ”33:'ie1“0rcierin
`{L’.32rys:’e.r Carp, 196
`:3 M‘z.z:’very
`design ciefeci, the eeurit pcstpened me depositien
`personal injury iawsuii reiaiing to»
`f‘ T
`Lee Eacecce
`his respamses to written izzterrogatozies,
`gaze, at 36S—£§¢3(
`it did 119:,
`however, ~f<.v:ec§ose the pcssieiiitgwr ef the deposition. id. at 366.

`f2’a.r.s”;'s v. £’e:-ngpzsses-' A.930£'., 284 iF.R.D. 44 {E.D.N.Y. 20%). PEainiif:57n1<we<i to reopen
`disccvery 30 thai ii ceuki depese Defencianfis
`Ed. T118 cam‘:
`finding fnai‘ ii‘ was unit; 633/ and i'§1atthe1'e was 1:0 gocd cause fer the {iepositien ‘séecause
`31:3 Einm fiedge
`the actual ciismissai.
`at 45-4-7.
`Eéiesre, by contrast, ifviy.
`has iinawiedge reievanst
`the Ggspositéan jsroceecling, and
`un_dis;3u§.eci that ihe notice efdepcsition was timaiy. Fur‘:}'"1er, uniike in the cases citeé 5
`is in the pssiiion of the defendant and M1“. Ng is a reipresematixres
`Elm piaimiff ~
`n0th2;r'.ss§:1é:r1‘:,‘i3u?. an ai*a.€
`‘:0 gain information about ihe c aims br0ug§1*:by EWB. 14:7.
`Ngfs iifle is “an maimpyessive paper bazafrier shiehiing him” from dagrosition and EW was wmng
`to ’f§a‘-Liy ref-ass: *9 compiy with 3. pr<>pe1‘iyissu°+§ dgpesiiiozz notice. See 1‘:/.e"m"vey, E86
`366. Mr. Ng
`3 x ’i3LI1€SS who has knowxriedge “relevant to €315 3‘-.1bjectmat§eri:1_w'0iVed in {E16
`aciion” and his dejositien is “:eas0nab1y caicuiated to iead to the discovezj of acinlissibie
`€;Vid$n<:~::."’ Fed.
`Civ. P. 2<§{b}{":}; see aisa
`shmxicl camps his
`‘LSWWS excuses far Why
`chose me‘:
`respond ‘:0 the vezrious in:er..ogai':3:éss
`}gz'op0u::<ie<:3. by Bridge: Sari-: sinapiy ghiight E‘vVB’s ebs‘<1;uc‘='.ivc:- giiscovazry tactics. Ehcrtse
`excuses 52:21 into f:1:‘€<:
`f) camnsei for Eéfidge
`-did not fiiscuss in:
`.i12ts':rr0gat0ry' wit“; E‘7‘fB’s ceunsei prior to fiiing ‘aha Motion to {30n1pci; 2}
`prev: 3 a
`'resp0ns<3.p1‘ic»1‘ is
`execufion ofihe protecfixie erder; and 3) Bridge B°= <;’
`B can}; :10:
`in=;e1‘r0ga:m‘ies used amb'igu:3usie1'ms and/or were Qveriy bread. News has merit.
`As discusseé. above, counsefi
`Bridge Ban§<1‘epeatc£‘C:y aiiempteai ‘:0 confésr with
`’£3WB’s zzounsei
`EW.E’>’s -zieficrieni in'é_e:1*oga‘:ory responses «—— both befare and after filing
`the present 1\/3T0t§.0;1— 3:31 to no avaii. Sin1i‘:a1'Ey, aitheugh EWB ciaims that
`cf Bridge Barks
`coxaccrns V/.'s,3v§ bs: adédressed navy‘ that a jsroiective cwrder is in place, Bridgs
`W.-“;a.§’L‘S for
`<iocume§3.‘=".s_, as wslfi
`subs‘4;antive intem'0ga‘£<3:"y‘ responses. EWB offers no expian;-ruL<>;1f0rihis
`§.ac§<' sf cooperaiian. it remains uncisar Whether Briége Bank wiii ever 27ece:.i‘~/e the disccvery it
`sesks absent ” .. order fmm the Board. As f01‘EWB’s ciaims ab0TL1h«‘ague
`and ovsriy

`broad inieazregaieries, Bridge Bani»: iakes issue 2 «ith aii of them but
`address 3. sunrstz
`§.s:'§err§~ga€<>ry N0. 2}: EWB can-finds this imterrogafoiy was overiy "iamad and
`zthai‘, by :3de;1ti"yi:1g Emily Wang, it satisfied is obiigaiion under TTAB * isccvery 53U.iC§€iii'3€
`4‘; 44:12} ‘:0 “provide the names of these officers mos‘-: iinowiedge bis ’
`3?. 5.
`Iiiaisswwgaitsry N9. 53: EWB objects ‘:0 Briciga B2m‘;~:.’s use cffm ‘word “Pm<iuc’§”
`to iiaciude boil: scswices and goocis, evrztn fiqough {1} it was cxpficifiy éefhaeé in that manner
`01 finité0n_s semen preceding {he interrogatmfiies and {2} was c0ns‘§sien.‘;§jy used
`in‘:en‘0;g"€o:y regarding ;EWB’s se2'Vices.' EWB contencis that Bridge Bank did not use ihe term
`“Pro<iuct” consistersdy ihrougher.~: ihca set sf infcrrogatories, but offms no eviciencc fa: suppo: -. its
`contsntion. EWB aiso argues thai this in*£€r1‘ega‘:c>2'y 03.33 for ihe detaiieé: desc2'i_=gti0n of e-2-very
`7-5. E-Eowssv-:31‘,
`man said T:3~a::‘i< 2153011111: offsrsé by ElW‘S dmi11g the past
`years. Opp.
`each YGUR IENANCEAL BR§BGE3 §7’E~?_{}DUCT, Eizterrogatery N0. 5 asks for :10 mars than the
`commen c0.:mne:<;i:~:1 name,
`d.:a.t'<.5 offirst sale?
`the ’£o?.a._‘: number 0f'un_%.s sold is daie.
`bus, it 51101116
`136611 a‘m‘-.115:2n1:§}7 ck-3arii1atB2‘icige Bank is
`seesiiéng detaiied
`in'fom1ati0n zfizaeut
`3021215 and baizk accounts offereé by EWB.
`§n§&>rmgam.W Na. 8: EWB contends {hat EWB does not have a 2*:i3io:_”is;a.3' archive
`sf publications using the purgaezied YOUR FENANCZAL BREDGE maxi; Qpp. at 8 &
`come: not find the term "‘Su$:»i:<:xt” in the definitions section preceding B;‘§<ig<: Banifls
`7’ }’:*‘.‘.‘/'3 21350 stateu
`at 11'}. Thus, even though “Sub-*.ext” was cieafiy defined, EWB prcwicieci. an inadequate
`§11ter:'0gato1'§cs. See
`answer to interrogatorv No. 23.

`user‘ 15 ever} «' bread ‘eecause “it inciudes users of aii ofEas’: West Banks services, same
`which have nothting is do with%:his:11atie1‘.” Opp. at 9. In comaeciiozz with §nten‘ega':m'}-* N0. 5,
`however, EWB states that YOUR FENANCEAL BREDGE is “a source
`for v§rtu.a‘;Ey aii
`Mwstrueiioaaisi iacfiics used by SW8 ‘:9 féreveni Bridge Bank from obtaining discovery.
`§§:ier§"ega§er3v'1‘€es. £9 afid Zfiz BWB cente11c§s'{h"tihe ie1*m“s=;:3:vey :5
`a.mbig1mus. Qpp. at 3.8. xfiven fie go‘:-aim meanin of this word and the wiLiesp1‘ea:§ use of suwssys
`to determine eecondary meaning and iikeiihooo‘. of confusion
`the context ef’:rz:ciemari<
`disputes, EWB’s aiiegejé. lack 0fu11::ie:‘s€ami11g cf
`infermafion sought by
`Bank in
`ant‘, 28315 simply net credibie.
`iakes ma‘; ‘position ihat it is not opposeci to an extension ei“iE3e ééiscevery
`a10ne,'i0 remefiy as much as possibie EWB’s faiiazv to comely mt}, its aieeovery
`obiigatiens. E‘»‘~./'§"s iack 01’ caeperaiiam cannot be rewardeci with aciditicrlfl :5=is<:ove§y Eirre.
`W03‘:-:<>ver, if EWB has faiied ‘:0 -cempiete its déscevery in 2: ttimeiy fashion, it
`no we to
`but itseif. EWB 5:31 red Intezregamries and Requests for pmduction on Bridge
`Bank on Ocisber 3
`1996, and rec:-zivefi Bridge Banks responses December. E
`ex Dec}. ‘iii
`21. Nevertheiess. §€‘§7VES did not gei arounci to deposing the Witnesses idemified £33 Byidge Ban‘;-:’:~:
`.‘im‘en'oga?.ory responses untii April} cf 2807. E‘s7‘v’B now wants nmre cziiscovery
`E-W8 0012.10?
`have aiej-geser.i Brid
`Bamdcfis vwlmesses
`befare when it had a‘-.31p§e time to cenduc‘; feiiow
`up discevery. EWPFS segues‘: for further discovery is not p:‘o§3e:*Ey before the 'F'§7A}E3,
`c.0mp§ete' failure to ceeperaie in {his ;3r0s:ee<iing should not be rewaréeée with ad€aI§=lm:1a}_ =';im_e.
`F037 " 16 above reasons, Britilge Bani’ asks the Board :0 gram‘ its Brietieia
`and/or provide
`ether appropriate reiief or sanciiens.

`Aimmeys for
`rsiicaat BREEBGEE BANK, NA.
`PA.R’f{ER {CA SEN i'C=~’3~."3)
`‘Z’ {/1 {"3>114
`{UR {CA SEN 22956 ‘=\6,
`(CA SBN T9939,
`Bing: am McC=;:t LL?
`Fax: (435) 393~.’2.2§§6
`bef§'r§<er@L ing mm «com
`aa.r<>::.scnux(c_z)bmg Aanxcom
`A.‘-:tomeys for

`over 38 years efage, not 3. party to ibis aetien and empioyeci in the C<3ur’Ly
`of Sam. Franeisce, Caiifornia at Three En1ba1‘ceder0 Center, San Francisce, Cedifomie
`E E-
`1 am readiiy farniiier with the practice 0f this office for ceiieexien.
`processing of
`coirespexacience ’f01‘mei3f£ng wzith Federai Express ami correspormienee is —c1e‘3esitec§ wi? A Feds!’ E
`{he ordmazry course of business.
`hereby eezniify that 21 true and cempiete copy of Appiicanfs
`.3.5;‘:V1 C3”
`' een sewed 911 homes 1”. Chen, Esq. and
`2.113? West B2-.n.<;,
`Nicheie Mersey, Esq, .»-R-*.01‘11e3Is for On osez,
`said copy on M'ay 24, 2987, via 0ver:1igE1: §)eE:'wery, postage prepaid
`Thomas 3?
`{LIAN §A\‘w" GRQU. EL‘?
` .......\\\
`__‘_:_$?\_3_,._:_. ...... -- '
`Mary £3§L§U.§§3e;\“£§»'

`over: 18 years 0
`not 21 pzmy‘
`flais actimi :-it-‘(id e.:F§Js'>yc<§ in
`of San Frzmcis-:0_, =’C£;'§if0r;1is. at Tmee Embarcadero Center, San Fsemcisco, C-a-Eifgm
`am rezu'h§_'_y' ’f'au1r§1§.z11‘Tvv'iih the practice or ‘his office fer colirzciésia 3-1'35: ‘processizzg
`cc.:‘.rssp<m<.ems .=I’o:‘ mzaéfing w§r:h_
`iE?><p.2*-ass and co3?respe.z1<;‘Ac311c::
`{‘aep<3s.ii‘eL. ‘anti’; F-:<<iCT2‘§
`m~':\'__3re'*s =;'ha'at same day is the'
`‘y c=3u::s~3 baisiness.
`'i'1e:"r:~.;‘y cerfifjx
`21?. 21 ii“.i€‘ and complete cogry of Ap_p§ic2=.:q‘a’s
`SUP ?GR"{’
`§3'_’EEI>(fl-‘E BAI‘\3'K’S
`1‘v'{}TEUN Ti} COMPEL DESC%3VTER7\,f’
`has seen sew on ‘ncmaas
`. Cran, Es-;‘. 21:1-Li 1 /1} Nichoie 1/iarcev, E.s:;_., 1-\.é'€;:.‘-1:. 05/5 for '{}pposer,
`Iiiasi W531: Bank, by :‘m1i1§.:1g said capy on Me. I 24, 2007, ‘via {}\x'em,=_ghi’ De§:V'e;‘y_, pestaige 'prc=§3'=.'§-Li
`'\3?\«Ea1r}! Doug;

`1 003? 0.? SE OJECE
`. ; \ 0§""~v
`8,110‘; 8. party 4;-3 ibis a»:=';io'n am} e';rq:1oye<i in the
`'* see, Lfaii-c>n*ia
`“iemé at Thme E.m‘33a:'ca<3.sro C°nter_, San i31‘an».‘
`Eiar w'§:'1ihe §.>rac‘r§ce ofihis 0 1‘ice ‘£01’ coiiectaoi: zasaci p:‘occss.=};:g of
`E E-
`cc_‘r:rs:s§90m§.a3; re *2“-3:'mz1‘§."§.im: WEE’: fFede"¢" ‘:3
`..\:press 2:116 c0r:‘esp:mde‘;'1ce
`ciepositem wi*:‘s:=.
`E.>:j,3;‘ess that 5311133 day in the Q:‘fi;i1a1'y“Vourse o:“busi:1ess.
`1-6 and coxnpiete copy of A§§?‘§c3;rt’s
`7: ’i’}7E‘iEi3N’ TO CC*I!.‘VEP‘*“.E’
`2 .1 =i’\’S TL. /83 TO PR1" P{}U.‘A‘D '
`: Aiamms E . C312111, Esq. 23:16
`for {)_=“;, *~s'-‘r
`copy on May 24, ,'3{}{}V7,
`.T}eE:b;~'s_r_',;, g.r_:st:-.13‘? ;>rme=..-:2
`rm r\z
`x ‘\'\ —\r_ m ‘
`3.§AU.>A$.L(> 3.
`N’§_cE';.0Ee i‘\«§a'7cey,
`CB} 1‘? LAW
`Lu u... «.4
`1955 W 7*“ ‘<1?-'=et S‘

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