Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System.
`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`Hindustan Lever Limited
`Robert Alpert
`1290 Avenue of the Americas
`New York, NY 10104
`Other Motions/Papers
`Teresa C. Rodriguez
`/teresa c. rodriguez/
`Exhibit C to Declaration of R. Alpert-Opp.No. 91172885.pdf ( 214 pages
`)(11522563 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail


`1 Certified Copy
`Opposition No. 91,172,885
`Serial No. 76/602,470
`January 7, 2010
`9:25 a.m.
`Suite 4300, 161 North Clark Street
`Chicago, Illinois
`LISA SCHWAM, CSR No. 8404650
`Notary Public within and for the
`County of Cook, State of Illinois, and a
`Certified Shorthand Reporter
` Telephone:
`Toll Free:
`One Penn Plaza
`Suite 4715
`New Y0rk,N.Y.101 19


`Opposition No. 91,172,885
`Serial No. 76/602,470
`) \
`I NC.,
`The 30(b)(6) depositio
`SODHI, called for examination,
`aken pursuant to the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
`f the United States
`District Court pertaining to the
`taking of depositions,
`taken before LISA SCHWAM, CSR No.
`840-4650, a Notary
`Public within and for the County
`of Cook, State of
`Illinois, and a Certified Shorthand Reporter of said
`state, at Bryan Cave, LLP, Suite 4300, 161 North Clark
`Street, Chicago, Illinois, commencing, on the 7th day of
`January, A.D. 2010, at 9:25 a.m.
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Haza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`(444 North Orleans Street, Fourth Floor,
`Chicago, Illinois
`312—466—1033), by:
`, and
`appeared on behaii of the Opposer;
`(1290 Avenue of the Americas,
`New York, New York
`212-541-1292), by:
`, and
`appeared on behalf of the Applicant.
`an Alexander Gallo Cmnpany
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Maza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`the witness was sworn.)
`called as a witness herein, having been first duly sworn,
`was examined and testified as follows;
`Dr. Sodhi, would you please take a look at what
`was marked yesterday in connection with your deposition
`as president of Ayush Herbs at Exhibit No. 3, please.
`Have you seen this document before today?
`When did you first see it?
`You know, it was sometime in December the guy
`came to my clinic.
`So I don't know the date, but
`probably signed on that day,
`so I don't know which of the
`It was sometime 7th.
`I don't know.
`December 7th. You can probably tell.
`And he handed you a copy of this, correct?
`Now, you'll notice it's directed —— it's a
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Waza
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`By the way, do you know what a subpoena is?
`I'm not an attorney.
`Q. Well, it‘s a court order.
`And it‘s directed to Ayush Herbs, Inc., and it
`asks that Ayush Herbs, Inc.,
`testify on certain matters.
`"About the following matters, or those set forth in an
`attachment." And then it says,
`"See attached Exhibit A."
`Do you see where I am on that?
`This one?
`Go ahead.
`So can you see where it says,
`attached Exhibit A"?
`Now, would you turn to Exhibit A, please.
`Is my understanding correct that you
`are here today to testify on behalf of Ayush
`Herbs regarding the subject matters set forth in
`Exhibit A?
`And you are -— you have been designated as the
`sole person to testify on all of these subject matters
`set forth in
`Exhibit A, correct?
`1 7
`“" ‘“°"‘"““‘”G““““"““""‘y
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`www esquiresolutions com

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`In preparation for today's deposition, did you
`speak with anyone?
`You didn't speak with your attorneys?
`I spoke with my attorneys, but not --
`Just yes or no.
`You did speak with "our attorneys in
`preparation for deposition?
`No, not for deposition. But I spoke in
`Don't mark the exhibit, please.
`I'll put it in my pocket.
`I have a habit of
`writing things.
`So I just want to make sure I understand.
`So you did not speak with your attorneys in
`preparing for today's deposition?
`You have to elaborate when "preparing," what
`you mean by that.
`Okay. Did you speak with anyone concerning ~—
`look at Topic A,
`"The Ayush Herbs Mark and Opposer's
`Goods and Services."
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`Did you discuss with anyone your possible
`“ “°’‘‘'‘“‘‘°’°’‘'‘‘‘°°°‘‘’‘’““’
`New York, NY 10119
`www esquiresoiutions com

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`testimony on this subject matter?
`Just for the record,
`objecting to privilege.
`He can answer yes or no.
`Nothing to do with the substance.
`Q. With whom did you speak?
`To my attorneys.
`And when was that?
`That was, you know,
`last night discussing about
`the services which came ——
`MR. KAISER: Dr. Sodhi, objection. There's
`nothing to be discussed about the subject matter
`or the topics that we discussed or anything.
`We're objecting to this Line of questioning on
`privilege. You've asked the question. You've got your
`answer. Let's move on.
`Other than your attorneys, did you speak with
`anyone else about Topic A,
`"The Ayush Herbs Mark and
`Opposer's Goods and Services," in preparation for today's
` —3j
`““ “°"““““°'““°°°“"’“’
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Piaza
`New York, NY 10119
`www esquiresolutions com

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`"The origination, development,
`Topic 3,
`selection, and adoption by Opposer of the Ayush Herbs
`3E Mark for Opposer's Goods and Services,
`including the
`meaning, connotation, commercial
`impression of the terms
`'ayush' and "ayush herbs.‘"
`Did you speak with anyone other than your
`attorneys about this topic in preparation for today's
`Topic C, "Opposer's first use of the Ayush
`Herbs Mark in the United States in connection with each
`and every product specified in Opposer's Registration
`No. 2,493, 772."
`Did you speak with any person or persons other
`than your attorneys here today about
`the subject matter
`of this topic?
`Topic D,
`"The manufacture and production of
`Opposer's Goods and Services."
`Did you speak with anyone about that topic --
`MR. KAISER: Objection to form.
`Thank you.
`—— in preparation for today's deposition?
`““‘ ‘““"““’°’ G"“’° °°“"’“”’
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`www . esq u i resol utions . com

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`"The rendering of Opposer‘s Goods and
`Services in the United States."
`Same objection.
`In preparation for today's deposition.
`"The rendering of Opposer’s Goods and
`Services in the United States."
`Did you speak to anyone concerning this subject
`matter in preparation for today's deposition?
`"The distribution of Opposer‘s Goods and
`Services in the United States,
`including channels of
`Did you speak with anyone in connection with
`your preparation for today's deposition?
`"The advertising, promotion and offering for
`sale of Opposer's Goods and Services in the United
`Did you speak with anyone in preparing
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`today's deposition about this topic?
`When you say "No," such as you just did, does
`that include your attorneys?
`Okay. Rephrase it.
`When you say “No,” that you spoke to no one,
`are you including your attorneys in that no?
`No, no.
`So you may have spoken to your attorne"s about
`that topic?
`H, "Publicity (both solicited and unsolicited)
`in the United States concerning Opposer's Goods and
`including press releases and articles of any
`Did you speak with anyone regarding that topic
`in preparation for today's deposition?
`"The sale of Opposer's Goods and Services in
`the United States,
`including classes of purchasers."
`And let me remind you that sale includes
`financial information.
`Did you speak with anyone about this topic in
`preparation for today's deposition?
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Haza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`1 1 ! I
`"Any licenses, franchises, sublicenses,
`sub—franchises, distributorships, assignments and other
`such agreements concerning Opposer's Goods and Services."
`Did you speak to anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation for today's deposition?
`"Opposer's compliance with federal and state
`regulatory authorities concerning the production, sale,
`promotion, or advertising of Opposer‘s Goods and
`Did you speak with anyone in connection with
`this topic in preparing for today's deposition?
`I would
`remind you that that would include your attorneys.
`I'll object to form.
`confused by the question.
`It's not whether you're
`It's whether the witness is
`MR. KAISER: All right.
`Yeah, you need to elaborate.
`Now that your attorney has
`he's confused,
`I gather you're confused.
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Piaza
`New Yerk, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`Would you read back the question, please.
`(Record read as requested.)
`I'm going to renew the same
`objection, but i; you can answer.
`Go ahead.
`Time frame. When?
`In preparation for today's deposition.
`Q. With whom did you speak?
`Dr. Sodhi,
`I believe it‘s been about a minute.
`I know. And I'm trying to —— because it's
`multi —— it's not a one thing.
`It has the production and
`sale and promotion.
`So many things.
`So I'm trying to see —— trying to cover which
`part I discussed. Not discussed,
`I talked.
`The question does not call for you to identify
`the specific aspect of this subject matter K, but simply
`to identify those people with whom you spoke concerning
`any aspect of subject matter K.
`And please, your attorney can‘t answer the
`question for you.
`I did speak to my attorney.
`Anyone else?
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`f. 4

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`By your attorney, can you identify the attorney
`or attorneys.
`Ryan and Rakesh.
`And I assume that was last evening?
`period of time during which Opposer has not used the
`k in connection with any of the goods
`"The reasons for, and circumstances of, any
`yush Herbs Ma
`specified in Opposer's Registration No. 2,493,772 since
`the date of first use claimed in such registration."
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation for today's deposition?
`"The filing, prosecution and maintenance of
`Opposer's Registration No. 2,493,772 and any other
`federal or state trademark application or registration
`for the Ayush Herbs Mark,
`including the basis for all
`statements made in connection therewith."
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparing for today's deposition?
`1 would remind you
`that that would include attorneys such as Mr. Hughes.
`"N, Any third—party applications, registrations
`’"‘ “‘°”“‘““"” G’“‘° °°““’““’
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`Nem1York,NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`and uses of the Ayush Herbs Mark in connection with goods
`or services identical or similar to Opposer's Goods and
`Did you speak with anyone ~—
`-— concerning this topic in preparation for
`today's deposition?
`The answer is no.
`“Any litigation, arbitration or U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office proceedings concerning the Ayush
`Herbs Mark or Opposer's ownership, title or rights in and
`to the Ayush Herbs Mark."
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this
`particular topic in preparing for today's deposition?
`P, "Settlement agreements concerning Opposer*s
`Goods and Services or the Ayush Herbs Mark in the United
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparing for today's deposition?
`Q, "Opposer's knowledge of Applicant and
`Applicant‘s use of or intended use of the trademark Ayush
`in the United States."
`21 _
`ES |
`“‘ “‘”"‘“““’°“"“° °°"“’“y
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimiie: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`www esquiresolutions com

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparing for today‘s deposition?
`1 would remind you
`that this includes counsel.
`And with whom did you speak?
`To my attorneys.
`Your attorneys being whom?
`Mr. Rakesh Amin and Ryan.
`No one else?
`R, ”Opposer‘s knowledge of Applicant's
`application for, registration of, or use of the trademark
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation for today‘s deposition?
`Q. With whom?
`To my attorneys.
`The same attorneys you previously identified?
`Speak with anyone else?
`"Evidence of actual confusion between
`Opposer's Goods and Services and Applicant's services
`ES ‘
`“‘ "‘“’“““‘°’”’““°°°‘“"“”’
`TOH Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`www esquiresolutions com

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`which are marketed under the trademark Ayush."
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation for today's deposition?
`To my attorneys.
`"The allegations set forth in the Notice of
`8' Opposition and in any other pleadings served in this
`opposition “
`MR. KAISER: Objection to form. Where are
`we? You said R.
`I'm sorry.
`I'm sorry.
`"The allegations set forth in the Notice of
`Opposition and any other pleadings served in this
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation for today‘s deposition?
`21 _
`O. With whom?
`My attorneys.
`Anyone else?
`"“ "‘“""““°’°"“‘° °°"""’“”
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`U, "Opposer's collection and production,
`including supplementation, of documents responsive to
`Applicant's First Set of interrogatories and First
`Request for the Production of Documents."
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation for today's deposition?
`Q. With whom?
`My attorneys.
`Anyone else?
`By "my attorneys," you're referring to the same
`V, "Opposer's document retention policy.”
`Did you speak with anyone concerning this topic
`in preparation
`for today‘s deposition?
`Q. With whom?
`My attorneys.
`The same attorneys to whom you've been
`Anyone else?
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimiie: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Maza
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`Other than speaking with your attorneys, what
`did you do in order to prepare yourself for today‘s
`A lot of thinking in my head about this
`A lot of thinking.
`On your own?
`On my own.
`Did you review any documents?
`On my own?
`I did not have enough time to review all of the
`documents on my own.
`Did you review any other documents —— did you
`review any documents?
`I didn't have time to review any
`So you are here testifying not having reviewed
`any documents in preparation for today's deposition;
`that correct?
`When you're asking me,
`I'm thinking last
`24 hours.
`Leaving aside the documents that you were
`presented as marked exhibits yesterday, have you done any
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`One Penn Naza
`NemYork,NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`other preparation —- have you reviewed any documents in
`preparation for today's deposition?
`Q. What documents did you look
`I'll object just on the basis
`that to the extent you're calling for privileged
`information, any particular documents that we, as
`his attorneys, may have identified,
`I believe
`that's work product. And I don't believe that he
`needs to identify what we've identified with
`I'm entitled —- if this witness
`has refreshed his recollection by looking at
`I'm entitled to know what he's used to
`refresh his recollection.
`If the documents themselves in the contents of
`privilege, that's another issue we can deal with. But I
`am entitled to know what the documents themselves are.
`So what documents did you review other than the
`marked enhibits from yesterdav's testimonv?
`I did not have any document as a paper in front
`of me to review,
`but, you know,
`after yesterday's
`discussion, you know,
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`I did think of the services and the
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Piaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`So that's what
`I was thinking in my head after
`Dr. Sodhi,
`:‘m not asking what you were
`thinking in your head at the moment, at least.
`Right. Okay.
`What I'm asking is did you review any specific
`documents? Can you identify any specific documents that
`you reviewed?
`I did not review any documents.
`So you're testifying today having reviewed no
`documents in preparation for today's examination,
`that‘s correct.
`Did your attorneys advise you of your
`obligation to familiarize yourself and place yourself in
`a position such that you could speak on behalf of the
`corporation on each and every one of the topics that we
`have just identified in Exhibit A?
`I'll put my objection on the
`record that I believe you're asking for
`attorney/client privilege.
`He can answer it yes
`or no, but we're not going to get into the
`substance of what was advised and what was
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Maza
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`MR. ALPERT: Reread the question, please.
`(Record read as requested.)
`THE WITNESS: One more time.
`(Record read as requested.)
`If the reporter would please
`mark as Ayush Herbs 1, it shows the words "Lever
`(WHEREUPON, a certain document was marked
`Ayush Herbs 1, for identification, as
`of January 7, 2010.)
`Dr. Sodhi, have you seen prior to today what's
`shown in Ayush Herbs Exhibit 1?
`Ayush Herbs?
`Have you seen the mark "Lever Ayush" in Ayush
`Herbs Exhibit 1 before today?
`|—| "h E .J. :3 9 5 rr 0) '3
`the mark as shown in Ayush Herbs Exhibit 1 for the
`identical services now covered by its Ayush application,
`would you oppose that application?
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`[.4 C)
`MR. KAISER: Object to the form. First,
`before the answer,
`I object to the form. And I
`also object to the extent that it calls for a
`legal conclusion.
`I believe he‘s already answered yes.
`If Hindustan Lever were to begin using the mark
`shown in this same exhibit in the United States for those
`sane services, would you Objcub to that use?
`And if they refused or continued to use --
`me put it this way:
`If they continued to use this, would
`you sue them?
`And you would sue -— why would you sue them?
`It will create a confusion between Ayush Herbs
`trademark and Ayush name of Hindustan Lever.
`It‘s the
`same trade name.
`And it would be your view that they would be
`infringing your rights?
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facshnflez 212.557.5972
`One Penn Haza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`‘.1 C)
`i...) ‘_l
`MR. KAISER: Objection,
`form. Objection,
`legal conclusion, but you can answer.
`Do you —- where do you sell —— where does Ayush
`Herbs sell its Ayush Herbs products, geographically
`That‘s an awkward question.
`I apologize.
`Do you sell in only Washington State,
`only in California? Where do you sell?
`All over U.S.A.
`Throughout the United States?
`Yes. All over U.S.A.
`So you sell in Illinois; is that correct?
`A. Well, Illinois is a part of U.S.A.
`So the answer is yes, correct?
`You sell in Florida;
`is that correct?
`I think I have annwered already. "ll over
`U.S.A. And Florida does include U.S.A.
`And you sell in New York also?
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Maze
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`I I
`Do you have distributors located throughout
`United States?
`We do have distributors.
`Throughout the United States?
`Throughout the United States.
`So again, you have distributors in Illinois?
`We have a distributor who serves Illinois.
`Who sells to Illinois, but is not located in
`Do you have a distributor who sells to New
`The distributor which we have,
`I do not know
`the channels, where do they sell, but they do sell it.
`And we sell directly to New York as well
`What is the approximate volume of sales that
`you sell to New York?
`I do not know.
`Q. What's the approximate volume that you sell to
`Answer is the same.
`I do not know.
`Q. Well, who would know?
`A. Well, that's accounting question. We have to
`look into the system. Sales by the states.
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`One Penn Plaza
`New York, NY 10119
`an Alexander Gallo Company

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`And who at your company would be able to do
`Office manager can pull up the sales.
`And the office manager‘s name is?
`Jagjit Dhillon.
`I take it he is the person who is most
`knowledgeable about sales, financial information;
`is that
`I object to the form of that.
`Who is the most knowledgeable at your company
`concerning financial information,
`sales in particular,
`amount of sales?
`Same objection.
`I am, but when we trying to pull up the sales
`by state,
`everything is electronic.
`So you know, we can
`pull that out,
`and office manager can pull that out,
`those types of sales.
`Yesterday when you were testifying as president
`of the company,
`I showed you a number of exhibits,
`ically Exhibits 10 through 15, which you identified
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Haza
`New York, NY 10119

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7, 2010
`4 I
`21 _
`as ledgers. And I believe your testimony was that there
`were terms within this ledger that you were not competent
`to testify as to; for example,
`total income, what this
`Who would be the person again who would be
`competent to testify on that?
`Can you repeat the question again.
`In your ledgers, you show various
`figures. And I had asked you to explain to me what
`“Total Ificone" referred to. And you testified that you
`couldn't speak to that.
`Who could speak to that issue?
`The total income —— I can say that the total
`income is what you see, that's what it is. And that's
`I can support that. That's what it is. But the
`detail of total income is all definitely on the office
`manager and accountant.
`The office manager being?
`The same person you just identified?
`So if you wanted to know what products were
`encompassed within total income,
`I would need to speak to
`him, correct?
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`3“ “°’‘‘"‘“‘’°‘ 0”” °"“"’““’
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`It‘s a her.
`I‘m sorry.
`I would need to speak to her, correct?
`Or you can speak to me, and I
`can tell whomever
`to pull up that information.
`I mean, she is the person
`who will be pulling out so
`So sitting here today, you can't tell
`me, correct?
`Right now,
`I do not have all the things in
`front of me so
`cannot, yes.
`And you did not speak to her in preparation for
`today's deposition;
`is that correct?
`No, no.
`You did not?
`I did not.
`And I take it on that same Exhibit 10, you
`would need to speak with her as regards what falls within
`the category of advertising;
`is that correct?
`And again, you didn't speak to her in preparing
`for today's deposition, did you?
`Do you know the state to which you sell the
`most Ayush Herbs products percentagewise?
`an Alexander Galla Company
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Haze
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`! I %
`I don't.
`take it from your testimony that you do
`sell in all 50 states?
`I do sell all over 50 states.
`I don't have
`But those statistics could be arrived at?
`Could those statistics be generated by your
`computer system?
`By the office manager?
`Did you ever inform your current attorneys that
`you had never used Ayush Herbs in connection with
`homeopathic and pharmaceutical preparations?
`MR. KAISER: Objection to the extent that it
`seeks substance of communication with attorneys.
`It's privileged.
`Just a yes or a no.
`You are not currently using Ayush Herbs on skin
`lotions, correct?
`3“ ‘“”““"“‘ G"“° °°"“"”"
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`One Penn Haza
`New York, NY 10119
` uiresol
`1-‘ CD
`1...: F"

`Dr. Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`Did you ever inform your attorneys that you
`were not using Ayush Herbs on skin lotions?
`Same objection as before.
`Yes—or—no answer.
`Are you currently using Ayush Herbs on skin
`No. We have a plan to.
`I see. But currently you're not using,
`Did you ever inform your attorneys that you
`were not using on skin cream?
`MR. KAISER: Robert,
`I have to stop this
`line of questioning. You're dancing on the line
`of attorney privilege. You're just asking him
`about the substance of the communications and
`just asking him to answer yes or no whether he
`said X. Y or Z.
`I really think it's inappropriate, and I'm
`going to instruct.
`MR. AMIN: You're asking for attorney/client
`an Alexander Gallo Company
`Toi! Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.557.5972
`Suite 4715
`One Penn Waza
`New York, NY 10119

`Shailinder Sodhi
`January 7,
`MR. KAISER: You can't say the communication
`that you want him to answer if he asked us or not
`and then just say, well, it's just a yes—or—no
`I‘m going to instruct him not to answer these
`questions around what he asked us. But you can ask him
`if he spoke with us about it, that's fine, but if you put
`the substance in his mouth and say,
`"Answer yes or no,
`did you discuss that specific topic with your attorneys?"
`I don't think that's appropriate.
`MR. ALPERT: Let's break this down.
`I don't
`think there's a privilege anymore, frankly, but
`I'll ask it the way you want it, and we'll talk
`about whether the privilege exists anymore.
`That‘s fair. Good point.
`Have you --
`Is this the question you wanted
`me to ask? And I want to make sure I ask the
`It's not my question.
`your question.
`MR. ALPERT: Well,
`there was a question that
`“‘ ’“°""““‘" °““° °°"“"'“"
`Toll Free: 800.944.9454
`Facsimile: 212.

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