`(Exceeds 300 pages)
`Proceeding/ Serial No: 9 1 170 1 12
`Filed: 10-23-O8
`Title: First Notice of reliance of opposer
`Part 6 of 9
`Processed by Curtis Puryear


`_ ‘T73M2w-voRKf.r1Ma$.:THu§$dX§f3ihXi7i1.
`- ~1-rrI—u~~Qa§J '\J"'\I'
`”.’CE5C1 ll':'I\'A'L‘u
`moolh curvv:_d may tun
`; brII“ll\((‘:\-'.C:I_llI(f at us very best.
`_ .. .,
`r\v.|I|.\bh an blueor buck lacqueror nbhed.
`Fnuntain pen. With Llrqucr. S7S.'Ribb;d
`Bmposn: pen.-WiIh'L!tqun<' smsrnlhbeaz
`'szn'4 snimmzm:-nun -
`54-Ih Slnsnnuxa-oMa_-‘
`‘ Q’ em I P am ‘lg
`, pened gpolsedgtofsfel
`_ ‘fi'.y;"mo‘.u,°.:c‘p!"':$
`°" .'y' ~u.-
`ma -males: Sled Sapyhlxe «mud
`. .
`,_ ,_
`-.;.studem. lnunclnrll
`You lml:-In your (at. Wig not your uni? '
`Briny all your old «Kim 0! J4-(wiry uni I-ill giw you
`_ 1 In: (Ind!-In nppIa!'m[_¢_murds_nny‘nrw maul! or in«IIy,_____
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`business cards. a pen and‘more. In nal'u|"a'l<vs.'aleI'
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`Lprumlnenl develope"
`«.a'p“uTln:eo1 project -nedudig
` . .x.;-;.,


`~w__»jo_r:_tr__rt.\tt;SJNIERNATIONAL _'!_‘_llll1f_\Vf_)A):,JANl}ARV )l. «W:
` llll
`News Su
`Three lnql tent battalions ettaeied
`allied postuons near the Kuvuttl hur-
`dert The lraqis were dnvert hack
`—|lon¢-most at the lrurtt. but occupied -
`the notmdorted tnwn otylotaltt. At
`. leust
`I1 Mnrlrtes were lllled and N
`lrnql tanlts destroyul, ttrmrdtntt to
`allted reports.
`l'n|e Al
`Ilhnt happened at st-ene is still
`:For'Africar1 Congress,
`Tough_l’_ath Lies Ahead
`tr-nattsntp--I-re tn-at
`lrt-ed and the rules
`CAPE TOWN. Lin 10 —A year alter otters were not
`ttl was texaltted by Prestdent F. W. de abroadnot repatrtatett by April.
`tho Atnc.ut National Congress
`H '
`iltnds llSl'" wavt-ring ht-tween us out wm°[";'$" ‘M
`‘tn u
` ltltt-ntttt-n move hm." m“mn‘..'”'.d‘°M ANC‘ mcm_
`I "’"" W‘ "J P “y
`‘sense ot
`trustratton among bleclts
`‘:IlI'flI':lfltlJ(|I.) ztllglll‘ .I\ .t tttttrr t'nnvt-n- ‘Mr I" snwcw n_"cc“n“ B “Italy “Me
`to setting out tts guts lur l99l. the mm m ‘ M“ 0'
`n m
`mrgantutton declared that
`".Ip- ‘“°wam,:.:::‘Ma-‘im: y mu"
`lpruaches the luture wtth only two arms Mr‘ Mam“. ‘M ML de me“ re‘
`lm mind," tltllfltng these as “the total
`lahcltttort at
`the system at apartheid.
`'""n.°"'w"'m” ‘w‘“"ms'"°'d'
`land not us relorm or amendment and "'5 ‘'"c”"''('"'' “In” °m"‘
`Shtldntrt lluueln had tnlest ehla(r;e
`ol an lruqt [round 0 en-
`tig radto rvwfitd. MI"
`alter traqt troops sought to advance
`IMO Saotlt Aratm.
`the detttwtlctt
`Mllltery analysts:
`the nlltes hove elattrted to aehteve
`through the alr war ts a slow wot-us
`and the etttertt ol tts success on unea-
`wucltattng lrnqt ground lorees mnv
`not beltrtutttrt lor weelts.
`Reponefi Nttteltoolt: Fear of
`gas attaclt still hogs troops
`New and substnrttlal ml spill ts
`reported all Kuvrnttt tsland
`Al I
`A tnllltary fhfkll tar the West Ind:
`and (‘mu SIN]! HIS he-en tn etlect
`store 2 out alter the war hetutt. ts-
`uhottt the var hnd emlurrused Mr.
`lluth wtth some at hts etltes. The Ad-
`rrttntstrlllort scramhletl to corttntn mt-
`New: Irtulysln: The U.S.-Soviet talks
`consisted or some old-style sover-
`power horsetrndlng,
`tn tvhtch nth
`side [Ive the other somethtntt. got
`sornethlrt; in return and dented out»
`ltcty that nnythtn; new hld happened
`Kremlin says tts extra troops
`have lelt Ltthuentn
`Yttaoslavla ttnd Cruattn. lrlezl
`A 3
`order retmttes the tin:
`Etuten ll “otulaerlu I vfotbut
`rrtttdt: I)
`the SIUIG ol Allah tn tuhlch
`tt woul
`settle ell state and Federal
`lstuutts over the damage done by the
`nttttun's worst ml rptll. 1he settle
`them would cost IL1 ottltort.
`A to‘
`the mast drud: llmlu on water Int
`tn Culttorntrn htttur are about to on
`turcetl on the start:
`vettuse at a re
`threutenlnu ecu
`norm: and populatlorl nrnwth.
`A relerertdurrt an Puerto Ileu and ll:
`lttlcnl tuture would prohttttly be de
`eyed urtttl Ill! ottless Congress by
`July t passes laws provldlnu tor ll
`lteptthllettn and Dem:-cratle senntor:
`Presldent lush: budget plttrt tor th-
`the stntes c
`ttlete control over It:
`rtettt that “.1 wt" M00000 Itvtnt
`billion 3 yeur to Federal old nova ettr
`A Kentuehy water meter eerttpntty.
`CSI 07620
`nus maue
`the at 'a budget
`Warnlnu about
`that they were sobattty
`that bud et cuts would jooperdtu
`pohllc so ety, are tncluded tn docu
`ments that the Dlrtltlns ldlltlrllslvu
`ttun has relaxed to raluu to the Cu-
` .\-v 4075 ttum-t‘ .3. trltvtnht ...tu.\. ilnn‘
`An all around t'l.nstt' wtth p-~t'l.t-it tnsnl. mil -mt
`.rI|0ll‘I‘L ur lttt 4 tltllll|ltll|t'ltl.H\‘ I :tt.tluy~n- «.tll 74011 34-.‘ Jltll
`The Couch SCOFL‘
`~"' """""‘ “""” "
`‘W... t,,,,,, \,,I,,,
`..,_. .,_| . ‘._,. H" ‘M
`«...m..t.:r....tu.... I
`.--u-,..- .......
`l' t.....
`94....-.t..l. \...... vet
`'ttI t.
`,‘_____m,_.__, __ N"
`.... «u,_.t.»
`-..-, -. '| -~
`From Milttmtttttk l‘\lt‘l\\l\'t‘
`f\\‘\\'(‘ll"l‘t‘||ttI\ ltl \l.tht-
`vulture-tl pt-.trl and mtl
`earring-t. M‘! on lltlt t-‘ultl
`Top to huttntn
`$5.600, SL7-tS. $3. HR
`l"lt-rt»-u call or \\ nu-
`for J tittpy ttl
`"The Art 0! St-It-t'ttnp,
`Cultured l't»arls."
`'?m:s'z‘M“ lgumhc congress so.“ torwhtch A.N.C.miInmtsvtnntedprtor
`vtrtunlly since the organization wa
`loundetl 79 years ago, but as expect
`N m
`my“ “(on "C
`tttms ol thetr uttatnntt-nt mthrrtted In zmleau we
`the last year. the A.N.C has had to con-
`trout new strntnet and tenstons An in!
`rtlla warlare, the has lallen heel: on I
`tternal delnte tuer strategy has set all ‘coommmfl.
`"mp.l‘n 0'
`--~-- --~---«-
`tto maintain pressure on Pretoria The
`~."""’ “M ‘Mn Wm "3"" '°' mm’ ‘Government has responded that eivtl
`‘ “""’ ‘"‘“'"' c°"m'""“'""
`dtsohcdtenee ts unnecessary now lhlt tl
`'4""“Y '04 Df"""'°"
`'ts committed to resolving |l'l¢VIflC!S
`Thu tenderslttp t-t under pressure?illlt-ll"1"1'¢"‘l5.ll|'l1"'"l"“"3'-‘¢h3"3P'
`I(\ own (link and ltltt
`to show
`,ttmrt~ ttruurt--ts I--lore tts t‘ttnt4rt'ss III
`'J|l|ll‘. wltutt
`IILHIV on tlu-
`lttrv the f1ftI)[|t'l'l til l-ctttx volt-tl nut lll
`Ltvtrr tit yr-tutxt-I, nturr lnl[\J|lt‘l|l lt:tt'tl~
`()vt-rmlmg mirth ol the dttltzttt.‘ dH'
`hard to abolish
`ttut-sttunc at mt-uttty and doltnttton.
`5 Should the Ctmgrt-as ot- lundementullv
`Ha |’\tIllltL'-ll put-ty Ill’ SI lthernttott tnovm apartheid.
`Evtltt-III" Attd wht-tt
`t-xttt‘|lY thou“ ll‘
`"A pint-1 ltt't‘ttlllt‘\ .I pttlttttol p.trtvI|'lt wtll only rttttipltrgttetltt: search
`wutun .I
`t|4‘lIl t-d ~.v\tt-tn," ntt _lur .tutotttt-nttttttltttulty urttttstttttlmtrs
`xi-rvt-d \.tltt
`\l.tttuttm.t, .t s|tttlu~.ttt.tttuttttnttx \fl|ll|t‘L t-ttctmrttutmt wtnte 0!
`____ _____,,__ ' ‘Ill!
`t'utt;:rt-xx "W- don't have .t‘tht-ttt ltr Ittttlt to the must tntrttnsment.
`tntttt-tut 1‘v‘s|I-Ill wt- at--« ml) tmltttcul llflllici whu oppose any
`' my ttItt-
`' ttmtt IIlt' m-w puttm-..t vy\lL‘tfl I: In Mr. Mztntlt.-ln and timer olltctuls tus-
`tt.t.u-- ll wmtttt t-- du'.ttIv;mt;tp_mu:. turtttly what they cull “mass ucttott" us
`nut vote to tnllut.-rtce the Government.
`,ttu- A N1
`in n.m~.ttirm ll\t‘H mm .t:tttt- unly rccttttrse lur hlttclts who can-
`p-tltttt .tl tt.trt\'," ttt- wttl
`‘t tutltlouut tn Nttum-j
`uuestlons ol Lendenhlp
`" ltu- .\ N (I
`lttuu its Vl'[y llll‘I‘|Illttl\
`"ll wt- }1IVl.'"llll\l|'),fl melnx we are
`lbI'l'" t'
`tt;tturL~_“ -..ttd tqtvtnt; up the rtttht
`to determine the
`‘).l‘v‘l|' ‘J.‘t~I\tt, who I\ pttrlt-wir til suttttt- p.'trt-ul rlt.tttnt:_" Mr. Maett/ttmu sultl.
`tut Mm .m xlutlltuattl tlw Utllvcfllly ttt
`lltt- Ctmptrt-ss ts sttll eottstrulnt.-d by
`tttwn "lt h-ta st
`-n II‘tl‘” as .1 the dtsortlcr that rrtarltetltts rt.~emer~
`ltrtmtl lrused group ur
`-tl only lty Its 9,;-nt‘t.' :45‘: legal oruzttttzlttott. It ls hard
`ltght .'ut.tttnt upatrthet
`ittdt to devolve authority because many
`"’l“|cs4 l'mlt-9.-tor Welsh sand. “I thmlt tttthetttp.
`Ah tht- Congress tnuvt-s into ortltnttrylmtrtnln-rs want to rertmntre only those
`that all
`those tdeuluutcul strutm are
`"l.eudershtp'has somehow hccome
`t4omt-_tol;t-cutnt-tnnrt-r trtr.-rthstnless ttltertuted truth the grassroots," An-
`npnarent “
`drew Mttrthettr. an A.N.C. organtxer,
`It was |\lsl a year tutu, on l-‘eh. 1, I990. wrtuetnu recent pttner.
`that t'rt-stat-nt I‘. W de Ktt-rlt Itttt-dttu.-,
`"'l'ht. [Hull ts lllll when the word
`bun tmoust-d ml the Alnntn Nattuttul '|etatJt'l§'
`rnenttttncd. people thtnlt
`Cottgren trrttl utltt-r tuttt-upurtht.-td or- only M Ttamllu or Mandela. 'lltotrtter-
`gantrattottt. NllIt.' day:
`latter.“ Mr‘ de vcrttnt;
`ll:V|l|> ol
`leadershltv etttst
`Klerlt teleuwd Nrlhull M:tndel.t_ lrutrt merely as ctutdutts or conveyor belts
`279,’; years ol
`trutmsonment dtlrlllfl tor what on said by the topmost lead-
`whtch he h.-to It-zcttme lltr: symbolic em- er
`" Mr. Mraplteto said‘
`oodtmt-nt U‘
`to south Al»
`hven todtay lrl A.N.C. olltct.-s,
`phone» no ttrtltnstttt.-ttrd and InptrIrtl-
`rtL*tt'st rlwtulpttltctes.
`M Illr lltltr ol "tr tlratnattt: gr-stunts mt-tits dtsreut-rdetl. An Iflfily‘ nup-
`tt scernt-ttthat by Ileettttr and emututnu porter tram Soweto stud he toolt tlme
`a tonttttme udvt.-rsury tn dlhlufltlt Mr. olt lrom work twtce lot I scheduled
`tlt-Ktt.-rtt Wu: st-rlttntgtltt-credtlttlttylur meetttttt
`to downtown Johlnnesburu
`hts ttwo plntt lttr constttttttttttul thanxe with an A.N. iollictal. wholutledto ap-
`(-5. What urttttntutlonnl
`peur h-nth t
`atull etttsts ts olwt burrowed truth the
`more tllS('l||lIll€J\500|Vl Atrtcttn Com-
`I untst "IIIV,
`l‘t'tnttttrne ttlly ol the
` A Journal lteports
`ltupttrttrttg on the slut.» at the Alrtcan
`NIIIIMIM Congress. the A.N.C. luurnnl
`stud tn Decernher
`“through such weultnesses, we have
`cuttrtbuted to the slow ace at whtch
`our orttuntzutuut ll deve oping." Mayt-
`ltttye aatd that "many locbl structures
`that only Mr. Mandela could l-t-stow
`httvt: med to exercise Icldershtp as the
`Moreover. ll ttppettred lhil he was ac.
`A.N.C. wuhout Clfflln‘ tt."
`eepttng Mr. Mandela and the Congress
`"Organizers putnt out lhlt there is a
`as the prime or even sole partner tur
`tendertey to recruit members. launeh
`nexottlttons. casttttg other bladt or-
`the branch end then have no tde: ttrlut
`lltl ttltl(.t\‘.\tttlttIl t.t.l tLltl ftt't .\ttt H *-t'.tt twat
`ganizations and lenders unto the back-t
`acttvity to
`gage tn ulter that." Mayt-
`ull|OlIIA\l\O.I Al t~Illt~l
`\tt\ um. \\ ;:. -... -,~t-tn tut-t ~.. ~i-u l MI in. NI IIM
`‘.l n H tttt - ll|h\tl-l':\l(l\
`buye sutd Gwen all the problem: our
`people ttre luctng, there CIII he no ex-
`Meetlngalz ltlvals
`am m ",9 ,3 mmm, “M, "W, m, use tor thts ante or nllatra.“ Many
`congress’; H113“: .. tn. t,..g.n3 44...... movie. It noted. tuelerred to lath etvtt:
`msht-d la
`push in oluctt Isplflllfllli has been tar- ::‘"‘:m"::’l';‘co":‘:‘
`'“'°”“‘ "35""
`towrtshtp yirtolencetowhxch Ktr. Mandel:
`7"‘ ‘“9"°"'C WW9" "‘ ‘‘'‘‘d‘ "W
`has accused Government
`intelligence ‘"'““ N‘"°“" C°"|'“‘ °‘’‘‘'‘’
`:.... 4
`...a..... by: .a...-.-t... .n..A..».
`""3 ,,cu,.,,., --“amen”-t 0, °,chem,u_ alter it was uhbanned he: also dtrrttn—
`Should there be a
`political party or
`a liberation


`fin-.'tv tr'UNI(
`l‘l.\1l-IS Intel-t?~iATiO-I~it~\L Tt'H.’It'.~Dr|Y, AI‘lt’ll. 1,
`:v9:' 4'
`lwo lima Journal
`STYLE 0.\' THE RU.\:. 's:;:~.Rr-_< l.\i.‘:<l‘l‘.\‘Z,\.i‘.'..l':
`= §.”HE1_5 Sltarks and
`Ti~‘.\\'CL R:\l\'Ck):\T. TO PACK l.\ /\ i‘t)l‘(I!t
`~ByDAvlDEsANGER-.~<..t..n.....v-. t.....
` \('£ CO.\Sil§ER lT .‘\ TRAVEL
`!‘."'.‘ .':\'
`,I:;~ '' “ trcl: 2" -— The
`:::t:t;s::t':'r,/Extra: ‘.'~'.'\l$T.
`h.-tttlr tor this island cndrxl 4'. years
`ago nut three weeks «:0. In one of
`I xv 5: sm n‘5v.«c\" rt. Er‘
`thus: grisly discoveries that seem
`corps of 21 survivors and the dc-
`sccndatnts or
`lwo JlmI's dt-no re-
`Iurflfd here Ind out: through um thick
`brush and cxca vIted the entrances oi
`old tunnels to ttnd the remntns ol I97
`1.\‘ SA.\'D. OLIVE OR
`more Japanese soldiers.
`Arcordtng to trzc .-.::t_c.'tI~r-.1 ‘xrrl
`‘up in the old Itrticld. the prize that
`the two side: were struggling to con-
`tn one oi
`the most ytrunsnme
`battles ot World WA! ii. that leaves
`t2_‘9l J:pluI(':= soldiers unac-
`rcunted lor. (Jet-um‘; dead Irnmtrtted
`to 201300; Antertr.n's 6,360.)
`five 5.4-Irch is I <0-year-old spring
`.' nu.-:tI thst here that rarely Inns ‘.0
`5 some macabre surprises. A le-.2
`l.‘Jt’S ago there were the skeletons oi
`more than to bodies under the con-
`rretc ol the mrxtnp, when tt part or
`t!:-: :2-
`t-.-:: t'.‘td::' t':;1:tr.
`Puttingthe Put In It: Place
`"You have to know the strength at
`the emotions about
`this tslamt
`tn: lac’. that people in their 70‘: mo
`s0‘s don't hesitate to go into the ;un-
`The haunting history of lwo jimz b_egon_47 yegjs __would_bc___tonu_
`In tremendous hunt.
`to co s_ole
`s at the dead.
`s.-ttd .
`Igo"I\ltcr the figh'Gn{'Iit':Tp'pcd. jnpanesc soldrcn. _ holdot,tt.I_Iur-rendered
`ndo_ Ihr prt-.«i¢ento!_ I-bl‘. ILVSOCIHUDII
`hiding tn_caVeS.lJ|'1_!_)jlC‘I ‘anti. b_c;za _to_surtjend:r._ __descmdanL(vixltin¢
`at survivors. who was ordered to l
`The first who emerged had bee d.n'l ed to think they
`-ancestor: in-nurlyl
`nearby island seven months before
`the halllc began.
`"There ttre many, many more.
`"it's not the ltlnd ol place you vol- " CW”
`am sure
`said lsamu Ktnoshtto, an-
`untr.-or lot," on Ilr force olllcer said ..m‘'
`orttccr tn the Japanese military who
`the other night. when those stuck here
`ts based on lwo Jtmts Ind donates his
`used the arrival oi I group of lountoI- -
`' “‘tsts‘a5 tr
`sn.1rt~‘timrrvcr'y'yen't"to ’help'1ht:*
`su.-v ors. called the two Jtmn Asso-
`ctattnn, to conduct the search. "But
`From the air. It might first appear
`the survivors are getting old now, and
`"that two Jim: is perfectly Slllltd to
`the work is too hard. This maybe the
`become — much as 0ltInIwI hat —-
`l:1.\’l year that anyone really looks for
`one of the country‘: lew troolcnl play-
`grounds [or weI
`olllce workers.
`no one in Tokyo can say so
`ttcull. tholom baulctlaldloonly
`the Japanese Covt:mrnent"“
`ts two-hour ttiyu trom Toltyo- -——-
`arr for such vivid reminders
`were once
`Aeaoty trap (or ‘the ,
`invasion lorces stretch tor. M.-vent
`1‘.tc 50th smut
`rsory oi the battle is
`three years an Ind alrcldy the
`unspoiled miles. The weather is sun
`is quietly setting the
`ny Ind warm. even when the rest cl
`theme tor the anniversarks ot
`Tokyo Is caught In a peroetunl cold .
`bottles that went badly (or Japan: It
`wlnter rain. The any mud and lay: of
`Is important to remember the dead,
`the tnvIston days is now covered with
`but more important to celcbrltc the
`sott grosses.
`ellittncc that emerged from the war.
`But this is hurdly I ptIce to cover
` -' But even when the am ersary
`use with posters ol sultry-laoltlng Jun
`passes. it will luv: the question that
`worshipers lrolleltlng In the surf.
`Japan has ducked since the United
`There are no hotels because there 5
`mute to the Ginu even by J::'pant-so
`no water: the mtlltIry residents
`No one is allowed to llve here.
`States returned lwo Jlrnn to Japa-
`nese hands 14 years ago: What do you
`vtve on collteted ntnwnter Ind he _,,
`There are no commerclll flights. (and
`do with I temtory synonymous with
`uutputot I smnlldesaltlntz p
`death and ¢estrut:tlon7 K‘
`ordinory Japanese cannot even come
`‘year. whl:.h'wIs‘portkulIrlY 'Y.'l.h'e
`\4ADt5O-' «v£:u‘t.'E‘Al’ Itrvt SYKEIT. New volt’.
`Since the w: r's end. the answer has
`to tour the battletlelds. The popula-
`.J:tpnnese mlllury had to order.hIlt-.
`been to seal ll all [mm the rest at
`uo\':t«~:-ratatv sA.u-nu. TFUASOAV u:.'rtt_ 1'-u
`tion is limited to 350 military-men
` ‘its troops on the tstInd'when‘.'the\'
`the only woman on the island com
`Japan. By one of the odd administra-
` plain. it Is part oi Tokyo. though it is
`"-ttve-quirks ‘tat-no-one—here<cnrt-exr-m:tnds-nwmall-Unitedfirate:."Co
`point In years.
`Gunro navigation station that Is des-
`Nor ts than much swtmm
`660 mtles It sea, a lormidahle corn-
`tlned to close in l! lew years.
`lwo jln-ta. a place synonymous
`scaled oil from the rest of Japan.
` M
`_ _ _;r."u our §_o:xl.—A.nn\:ol
`Bnrlublra Houiary Sale:
`your chance to -ova on
`ovcryitylo, every
`color. Ivory uxzot
`Tho col lea: ton,
`SA}. 3. l6—5.S£.
`. 09.3.95-6.95
`fig Dairy Eng. No. 9904
`79:‘ 2: wt‘ 1]’/s.'ll4I
`Oontnurnl inthrr handle.
`to" removable ihouldet tiny.


`now in progress “'~ ’
`wt’!/x many one—0/—a—K’ind
`/umous bra
`‘mus. TlIl{RSDAY.‘lUNB u. l7fl:T’T_
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`Innnn I
`: lh‘_Pffldfll-.
`‘ndweel Mon a summit mom
`uld hfiullflifull-V
`eflon Io cllmlnaujhn
`Russia‘: acumen! WI
`Slalcmentn of Distinction
`Culled in lull lend crystal, wilh I flulcd body, the Cum-1 inlwell
`l'm'n5.< bark Ihe elrgmcv And Alylu 4»! a pan cu.
`C.\rIieI'1 Iamuus lhrw-ofnl-I 1101:: rnnrrle lh- lmalrd Cr)-aul up.
`Indivndually numbcrvd and prrscnh.-d In our ml iewrlry cue. £1411.
`Also shuwn. lhc Puhn lacqucr fountain pen. $865.
`Wu Cuun Iutmq. mu. A-«ma :1 Hal Suuvfllzlrll-a1II
`In 1»... run: run An-~44 .a sun um um nu-can
`mum ~|AI.uAuuuI - uvuu mud - -usvot -turn cw-.u-tn-cAco
`nah um um: uuuumu- uouoww - uxmov-uu no-A
`tr moan - mx>«o- m-muvu - ~A.v¢n<.1n4.a(‘.
`New: AnalyIll:— Pruldenfli
`luvcs an the em): am-um fiflrv _
`m (odIy.'flc1ng oppmulonllomlsp;
`an: (9 produce: 2 burn
`envlmumcnul pol|fl€!'l!Ill.‘|]u¢‘1,fi/g
`mule wrnnues. m -
`Negouunn lmur=r£dL4uvd«;_l
`_ rvnvIa!¢:JI
`on the plan. undcr lndul
`wouid help pour one:
`gems nld. bcuuseollhIVI¢l§ ‘
`-‘-berol um mdthalncldandund A:.1
`..nnunn-. - V '»
`"‘f0l'l‘ FearI!feII.lrl'se
`oM :aa¢am';47e)_ _s-
`lu':licn'§u .
`:J‘.CllMon>atri|'i¢y .
`f3I7YIflY:yp,4y '
`prima ballerina
`Come in and bmwse through
`our collation and mi /0! aur
`nuor$o¢Amut I szuosv O wusouvi, I Svlnfi. O IEVOIMAK ulmfi,
`It-uonancou-aaunn Va-nouamaz-urn
`¢mv<.\IAvE U7 omsoa van-nun: pqul ra¢.arMII<rI 10310831
`'SCu'vu: 0; 0 1:‘? V
`1. Bhusns wm: l'OLl'5

`—tMlXl1.|\lPAK I ~.:nu-.u ll -w.m1uv1 Lzsnmt Ll l(V\NlHAvt I must
`IvuoolIvI:coA-'xnruu mummm no
`Dfl¢KKA|'l'(71(W\'KV47&D-L‘! J") '1¥’Alll)l. l1TD7X§l‘~;X~Iu1
`fiber at flm nndm
`‘ l.'..u.
`. o
`.. The Conuvulcnll
`In the latest evld
`. trend In eduattt
`ve ngmenlen w
`today operation
`. 4;...‘
`"°""'4'"— ....‘?'.'$.'.l:‘3‘Z'E'.;i'.'t.".’
`' ; ,
`the mew‘-user. H
`6—1OM. $88 (dept. 478)
`on 2 In Manhattan.‘-‘ ‘ group, the rules a
`The Bush cnmpalg
`Clinton Itrutegy.
`Dun Qunyle rene
`"cultural eme.'_'
`Bill Clinton cum:
`unccd-budget Im-
`1. Bkusuxs WITH ml rs
`*"- lnnnunusualcon
`2. D. R. I-Mums FSU\CRAN(‘lES mu stmmulzs: mu Ml-.N $24-$35
`‘llflcfflhlfl LAI
`Hospitals Ind nu:
`York Clly reach:
`tract agreement
`lunlly guarantee:
`For mnnylmmlg
`has caused _.- an
`death: so (or -' I
`wlr (hot mom An
`léfliw. Monitored
`die. It Is their dnl‘
`fllcl tearing up I
`3. Ml:cmm<:s 'l':m- on Am-
`4. Out: anowmuz/muss DUFFLE $295
`$41 évernight Travel (hie.
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`_ Fully lincd lnt:rior.____§_
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`uh For Bulintu. )4: Mull-on Avcn-4:.
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` “Most of uson
`m 5994777: South Sun-I Sapon. x I 90-17x7: Trump Town. nu )1;-14:7:
`The Anmicuu. us 361-1777: Sum!‘ Town Ccnlcr. :0) 9630666: V/alfunu
`‘ rioisy.'[lghlln;
`sister: and con
`Mall, 10) $6:-uoy; Sllolt Hill: A nll. to: 176-1747; Rivulide Squu¢._
`zon 4l7-I771; l'almu Squuc, 609 914-Ifn: Menlo Pult Mall. goljqy-0715.
`Also anilnblc u scltvt dcpnumcnl md Ipxillty Itoru.
`_ _ To order. or fax 1 cnmplimmuvy nulogue. all loo :51-nu.
`SUNDAV l2-6


`I. rm '.- .
`Boulogno Journnl
`For ‘Unhappy French Fishermen", the Se.
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