`ESTTA Tracking number:
`Filing date:
`DEI Headquarters, Inc.
`DEI Headquarters, Inc.
`Crystal Biggs
`DEI Headquarters, Inc.
`1 Viper Way
`Vista, CA 92081
`Other Motions/Papers
`Crystal Biggs
`Protective Order- Request for PO to facilitate settlement discussions.pdf ( 17
`pages )(463874 bytes )
`Filer's Name
`Filer's e-mail
`Opposition-No.: 91169452
`Serial No.:
`. )
`) )
`) )
`Applicant. '
`Opposer, DEI Headquarters, Inc., by and through its attorneys, and Applicant, Vipera
`GmbH, by and through its attorneys, jointly submit for the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board’s
`(“Board”) approval the following Stipulation, Agreement and Protective Order (“Order")
`concerning confidential information which includes sensitive, confidential or proprietary
`Oppose: and Applicant, by and through their respective attorneys, stipulate as follows:
`This Order shall limit the use and/or disclosure of documents, deposition
`testimony, and related information which are, or which embody or disclose any information,
`designated hereunder as “CONFIDENTIAL” or as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” and shall
`apply to:
`All such documents so designated in accordance with this Order and all
`information contained therein;
`Portions of‘deposition testimony and transcripts and exhibits thereto
`which include, refer, or relate to any confidential information;
`All information, copies, extracts, and complete or partial summaries
`prepared or derived from confidentiai information; and
`Portions of briefs, mernoranda, or any writing filed with or otherwise
`supplied to the Board, which _include or refer to any such confidential information.
`Any person (z'..e., any individual or entity) designating documents, testimony, or
`other information as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” hereunder asserts
`that he, she, or it believes in good faith that such material is his, her, or its confidential
`information which is not otherwise available to the public generally, or is information which the
`person believes is or may be encompassed by a pre-existing confidentiality agreement with any
`I other person.
`i (c) _
`“Confidential information” is defined to include, but not be limited to, documents,
`material, or testimony that is private or constitutes and/or relates to (a) trade secrets; (13) business
`strategies, decisions, and/or negotiations; (c) financial, budgeting, and/or accounting
`information; (cl) customer inforrnation, including prospective customers; and (e) marl-zeting
`studies, proformas, projections, and similar information relating to the value and/or potential
`' value of stock, science and technology, andlor other assets or liabilities. Confidential
`information includes all documentsor other information that has been designated
`‘.‘CONFlDENTlAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL?‘ pursuant to this Order.
`Confidential information ordinarily should be designated as “CONI-‘iDENTIAL"
`rather than “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL.” A “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” designation is
`appropriate only where the confidential information is so sensitive in the context of this case that
`there is a real danger that the party producing the information could be prejudiced if the
`' information is disclosed under the protection provided by a “CONFIDENTIAL" designation.
`Examples of information warranting a “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” designatlonare documents
`which contain, disclose, or reflect trade secrets, sensitive customer information, patent
`applications, or similarly competitively sensitive information.
`Nothing in this Order and no party’s designation of any document or information
`as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” shall be construed to constrain,
`preclude, or otherwise affect in any manner the independent research and development,
`marketing, product development, or other technical activities of the parties.
`Nothing in this Order and no party’s designation of any document as
`“CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” shall be construed to constrain, preclude,
`or otherwise affect the use (including the ability to include the document or information in
`papers not filed under seal) of another party’s documents which are duplicates of such designated
`documents provided that such duplicate documents were lawfully obtained by such party through
`means independent of the discovery process.
`. (g)
`A party’s failure to designate a document as its confidential information where the
`document was produced by another party and designated by the producing party as that party’s
`confidentiai infonnation shall not be construed to waive the non-designating party’s claim, with
`respect to present and future litigation between these or other parties, that the document contains
`the non-designating party's confidential information.
`Designation of a document as “CONF1DENTlAL" by the producing party shall
`be made by-conspicuously stamping or writing “CONFIDENTIAL” on each page thereof.
`Designation of a document as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” by the producing
`party shall be made by conspicuously stamping or writing “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” on
`each page thereof.
`Designation of a deposition or other pretrial testimony, or portions thereof, as
`“CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL" shall be made by a statement on the
`record by counsel for the party or other person making the claim of confidentiality at the time of
`such testimony. The portions of depositions so designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL” shall be taken only in the presence of persons qualified to receive such
`information pursuant to the terms of this Order, the court reporter, the deponent, and the
`deponent's attorney. Failure of any person to comply with a request to leave the deposition room
`will constitute sufficient justification for the witness to refuse to answer any question calling for
`disclosure of confidential infonnation so long as persons not entitled by this Order to have access
`to such information are in attendance. Thereafter, any counsel may reopen the deposition into
`areas which the witness refused to answer after bringing a motion for protective order to resolve
`' whether the person who refused to leave the deposition should be allowed to be present during
`questioning. After resolution of said motion, counsel shall be allowed to continue said
`deposition with respect to the questions, and lines of questioning, which the deponent refused to
`answer, though the Board may order that the deposition continue outside the presence of the
`person who refused to leave the initial deposition. The applicable portions of such deposition
`transcripts shall be clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEYS’
`EYES ONLY” on each page containing the confidential information.
`All documents and deposition transcripts shall be treated as if designated as
`“HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” “for ten (1 0) days after receipt of said document and deposition.
`transcripts by the requesting party.
`Any party may designate documents or portions of deposition transcripts as
`containing confidential information even ifnot initially marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” or .
`“HI-IIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” in accordance with the terms of this Order by so advising counsel
`for each party in writing within ten (10) days ofthe receipt of the document or deposition_
`transcript which he, she, or it wishes to designate as confidential information. Thereafter each
`such document or transcript shall be treated in accordance with the terms of this Order. Any
`person served with written notice of any such designation of previously produced documents or
`deposition transcripts as containing confidential information shall thereafter treat such .
`information as if it had been designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL" at the time he, she, or it first received it in connection with this action and
`shall mark all copies of such documents in his, her, or its possession accordingly.
`No confidential information shall be disclosed by anyone receiving such
`information to anyone other than those persons designated herein, and in no event shall
`confidential ‘information be used, either directly or indirectly, by anyone receiving such
`information for any business, commercial or competitive purpose or for any purpose whatsoever
`other than the preparation for or trial of this action in accordance with the provisions of this
`Confidential information designated “CONFIDENTIAL” shall not be disclosed
`by any person who has received such information through discovery in this action to any other
`person except to:
`I (i)
`Attorneys of record for the parties and their respective associates, clerks
`and employees involved in the conduct of this litigation;
`Outside counsel for the parties;
`Three (3) officers, directors or employees of each of Opposer and
`Applicant corporations as necessary to conduct this litigation;
`_(iv) Outside experts and consultants retained by a party for the purpose of
`preparing or assisting in this litigation, and their respective clerks and emplo'ye_es
`involved inassisting them in this litigation; to the extent deemed necessary by counsel;
`Any person who actually was involved in the preparation of the document
`or who appears on the face of the document as the author, addressee, or other recipient or
`currently is affiliated with the party that produced or appears to have prepared said -
`Court reportersand similar personnel, provided further that confiden_tial_
`infonnation filed with the Board shall be sealed subject to release only by order of the
`Board or agreement of counsel;
`(vii) Deponents with respect to whom the attorney for the examining party
`believes in good faith that disclosure of confidential information should be made in order
`to conduct relevant examination of such deponent on topics about which the attorney in
`good faith believes the deponent may have relevant inforrnation- In the case of a
`deponent who is not a party to this action and who ‘has not previously agreed tobe bound _
`by the terms of this Order, the attorney conducting the examination shall limit disclosure
`of confidential information by any means practicable (:'.e.,redaction or severance of non-
`relevant portions) to only that which is in good faith required to conduct a meaningful
`examination of the witness, and shall show all counsel a copy of said redacted document
`before showing it to the witness. Any violation of this provision, or objection by counsel
`to showing the document to the witness, shall entitle the objecting party to suspend the '
`deposition as to the offending questions, or lines of questioning, and to apply to the
`Board for a further Protective Order or other appropriate ‘relief; and
`(viii) Any other person, either with the prior written consent of the party who has
`designated such information as confidential or pursuant to a Court order.
`Confidential information designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” shall not be
`disclosed by any person who has received such information through discovery in this action to
`any other person except to:
`Outside counsel for the parties and their respective associates, clerks and
`employees involved in the conduct of this litigation;
`Up to two in—house attorneys for either party who (i) do not participate in
`competitive decisions'concernin_g pricing, product design, research and development,
`patent prosecution or other business-related decision making, (ii) will agree in writing, in
`the form attached hereto as ‘Exhibit A to this Protective Order, to be bound by the
`provisions of this Order, before being shown such HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL material,
`and {iii} will only be shown HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL material to the extent necessary
`to participate in, assist in and monitor the progress of this action.and for no other purpose,
`provided before disclosing HIGHLYHCONFIDENTIAL material to such in-house
`attorneys the party seekingtoldisclose HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL material to such in-
`house attorney shall provide a certification to the other party identifying the person and
`describing their job duties, including whether or not they participate in business-related
`decision making including such activities identified above;
`Outside experts and consultants retained by a party for the purpose of
`preparing or assisting in this litigation, and their respective clerks and employees
`involved in assisting thorn in this litigation, to the extent deemed necessary by counsel;
`(iv) Any person who actually was involved in the preparation of the document or
`who appears on the face of-document as the author, addressee, or other recipient, or is
`currently affiliated with the party that produced or appears to have prepared said
`Court reporters and similar personnel, provided further that confidential
`infonnation filed with the Board shall be sealed subject to release only by order of the
`Board or agreement of counsel;
`Deponents with respect to w_hom the attorney fornthe examining party
`believes in good faith that disclosure of confidential information should be made in order
`to conduct relevant examination of such deponent on topics about which the attorney in
`good faith believes the deponent may have relevant information. In the case of a
`deponent who is not a party to this action and who has not previously agreed to be bound
`by the terms of this Order, the attorney conducting the examination shall limit disclosure
`of confidential information by any means practicable (21 $2., redaction or severance of non-
`relevant portions) to only that which is in good faith required to conduct a meaningful
`examination of the witness, and shall show all counsel a copy of said redacted document
`before showing it to the witness. Any violation of this provision, or objection by counsel
`to showing the document to the witness, shall entitle the objecting party to suspend the
`deposition as to the offending questions, or lines of questioning, and to apply to the
`Board for a further Protective Order or other appropriate relief; and
`(vii) Any other person, either with the ‘prior written consent of the party who
`has designated such information as confidential or pursuant to a Court order.
`Before any person described in paragraphs 3(b)(iii), 3b(iv), 3(b)(viii) or 3(c)(ii),
`3(c)(iii), or 3(c)(vii) receives or is shown any document or infortnation which has been
`designated as confidential, such person shall be given a copy of this Order and shall agree in
`writing, in the form of the “Agreement to be Bound By Terms Of The Protective Order" attached
`hereto as Exhibit A, to be bound by the terms hereof. The original of each such Agreementto be
`bound shall be maintained by counsel, and transmitted by facsimile to all other counseluof record.
`Counsel transmitting an Agreement to be Bound shal.l give prior telephonic notice of the
`transmission to all recipient counsel. No documents subject to this Order shall be shown to the
`signatory of an Agreement to be Bound for five (5) business days after transmittal of the-
`executed Exhibit A and other information to all other counsel of record. If any counsel objects to
`showing the signatory documents subject to this Order, the objecting party shall give facsimile
`notice of its objections and the grounds therefore within five (5) business days of receipt of an
`executed Exhibit A. Upon receipt of a timely objection to an Exhibit A signatory, the parties
`will meet in good faith to attempt to resolve the objections. If the objections cannot be resolved -
`informal]-y, either party to the meet and confer process may give facsimile notice to the other
`parties that the meet and confer process has been unsuccessful. After receipt of such notice, the
`party objecting to disclosure to an Exhibit A signatory -shall have five (5) business days to file
`and serve by facsimile a motion for protective order. No disclosure of confidential information
`may be made to a person who is the subject of a pending motion for protective order. The
`hearing on any Il'l0tiOn_f0l‘ protective order must be set in accordance with the Board’s schedule
`such that the responding parties shall have no less than five (5) business days to file and serve by
`facsimile any opposition. If the scheduling ofthe-hearing on the motion for protective order and
`the Board permit, the moving party may file and serve by facsimile a reply no less than three (3)
`business days prior to the hearing on the motion for protective order.
`If no objection is raised in the initial five-day period or no motion for protective
`order is filed and served within five days ofnotice that the meet and confer process is
`unsuccessful, all objections to showing the signatory documents shall be waived and the
`signatory may be shown the documents subject to this Order.
`Nothing in this Order shall be construed to require execution of the written
`Agreement referred to in paragraph 3(d) above, or to prevent d_iscl'osure of confidential
`infonnation, by the party producing and designating such confidential information, or by any
`employee of such party.
`Nothing in this Order shall prevent counsel for either party from summarizing or
`discussing in general terms the_nature of documents designated as “CONFI[lENTIAL” or
`“HlGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” with representatives of their respective clients, outside experts _
`and consultants, deponents or potential witnesses, provided such summary or discussion does not
`disclose, in any way, the detailed substance of the document _so designated and/or trade secret
`infonnation of another party.
`All information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL”
`filed with the Board and any pleading or other paper containing information designated as
`“CONFIDENTIAL" or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” shali be filed under seal and marked:
`_ CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION-. This envelope contains
`documents that are subject to a Protective Order of the Board and
`shall not be opened or unsealed by anyone except the Board or its
`staff, without the prior written consent of counsel for the parties
`hereto or pursuant to Order of this Board. If the contents of this
`envelope are so unsealed, they-shall thereafter be rescaled.”
`The envelope shall not be opened by other than Board personnel for the purposes of this
`litigation without further Order of the Board.
`Any party who disagrees with the designation by a party of a document or other
`information as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL" may bring a motion before
`the Board requesting that the Board find that the document or other information is, in fact, not
`confidential andfor not entitled to be treated under this Protective Order as “CONFIDENTIAL”.
`or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL.” Prior to bringing such motion, a party who objects to any
`other party's designation of documents or other information as “CONFIDENTIAL” or
`“HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” shall notify the other party in writing ofthe objection. The
`interested parties or other persons shall attempt to resolve such disagreements before‘ submitting
`them to the Board. Pending resolution of any dispute concerning such designation, all parties
`and persons governed by this Order shall treat as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL” all documents and infomiation previously designated as “CONFIDENTIAL”
`or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” under the terms of this Order. If a motion challenging the
`confidentiality designation is brought, the party or person asserting that a document or other
`information is confidential shall bear the burden of demonstrating that tl1e “CONFIDENTIAL”
`or “HIGHLY CONFlDENTiAL” designation is warranted.
`The provisions of this Order shall continue in effect until otherwise ordered by the
`Board after notice and an opportunity to be heard is afforded to the parties to this proceeding.
`The final determination or settlement of this proceeding shall not relieve any person who has
`received confidential information or agreed to be bound by the terms of this Order ofhis, her, or
`its obligations hereunder. Upon completion of the proceeding, all documents (including copies
`I of.documents) containing confidential information shall be destroyed or returned to counsel for
`the producing party, except that the parties’ respective attorneys of record may retain one copy of
`all such documents. Within sixty (60) days of the conclusion of this litigation, the attorneys for
`the receiving party shall notify the attorneys for the producing party that such rerumor
`destruction occurred.
`Except as provided in Sections 4 or 7 hereof, documents or things containing the
`other party’s confidential information shall at all times be in the physical possession of those
`persons qualifying under Section 3 hereunder, or kept by counsel of record either at the premises
`regularly maintained by such counsel of record as and for their respective law offices, or
`otherwise in their sole custody or control.
`Nothing in this Order shall limit the use by any party or other person of his, her or its own
`document(s) or information, or any other documents or information obtained independently of
`discovery, even if such docurnent(s) or information have been designated as “CONFIDENTIAL”
`ll l
`l l
`I ll l
`This_O_rder shall not preclude or limit any party’s right to oppose or object to
`discovery on any ground which otherwise would be available." Thisuorder shall not preclude or
`limit any party’s right to seek in camera review or_to seek further and additional protection
`' against or limitation upon production or dissemination of information produced in response to
`discovery, including documents and their contents.
`Any person to or by whom disclosure or inspection is made in violation ofthis
`Order, and who has knowledge ofthis Order, shall be -bound bythe terms hereof.
`The parties, and all other persons whoreceive confidential information pursuant
`hereto, agree that any party or other person injured by a violation ofthis Order does not have an
`adequate remedy at law and thatan injunction against such violation is an appropriate remedy.
`In the event any person shall violate or threaten to violate any terms of this Order, the parties
`agree that the aggrieved party may immediately apply to obtain injunctive relief against any such
`person. In the event the aggrieved party shall do so, the respondent person subjectlto the
`provisions of this Order shall not employ as a defense thereto the claim that the aggrieved party
`has an adequate remedy at law. The remedies set forth in this Section 8(c) are not exclusive to
`any other remedies that an aggrieved party may elect to pursue.
`- 9.
`The parties agree that the inadvertent production of any document that would be
`protected from disclosure pursuant to the attomey-client privilege, the work product doctrine or
`any other relevant privilege or doctrine Shall not _c_onstitute a waiver of the applicable privilege or
`doctrine. If any such document is inadvertently produced, the recipient of the document agrees
`that, upon request from the producing party, it will promptly return the document’ and all copies
`of the document in its possession, delete any versions of the document on any database it
`maintains and make no use of the information contained in the document, provided, however,
`that the party retuming such document shall have the right to apply to the Board for an order that
`such document is not protected from disclosure by any privilege. The parties further agree that
`the inadvertent ranute to designate documents as “CONFIDENTIAL” andfor “HIGHLY
`-CONFIDENTIAL” may be corrected at any time by written notice, which designation shali
`operate prospectively pursuant to the terms of this Order.
`Neither entering into this Stipulation for Protective Order no: receiving any documents or
`other information designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” shall be
`construed as an ag;reemen_t or admission (1) that any document or information designated as
`“CONFIDENTlAL" or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” is in fact confidential information; (2) as
`to the correctness or truth of any allegation made or position taken relative to any matter
`designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL?‘ or (3) as to the
`authenticity, competency, relevancy, or materiality of any information or documentdesignated as
`“CONFIDENTlAL" or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL.” This Order is not intended to modify or
`waive the provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or of the Federal Rules of Evidence.
`This Order does not require the production of documents or information that would otherwise be
`. non-discoverable.
`If another court or an administrative agency subpoena or order production of
`“CONFiDENTIAL”or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL" documents which a party has obtained
`under the terms of this Order, before complying with such subpoena or order, such party shall
`promptly notify the party or other person tvho designated "the documents of the pendency of s_uch
`subpoena or order.
`Nothing contained herein shall preclude any party from seeking from the Board
`modification of this Order upon proper notice or preclude the parties from entering into other
`written agreements designed to protect confidential information.
`The parties agree to treat this Stipulation for Protective Order as binding upon execution
`by all parties, and subject to acceptance and entry. If the Board does not enter this Stipulation
`for Protective Order, the parties agree to have no further obligations pursuant to this stipulation
`except to return all copies of materials received from the other party.
`This Stipulation for Protective Order may be executed in countelparts, each of which
`I shall be deemed an original and which together shall constitute one instrument.
`I hereby consent to the form,_ substance and entry of the within Order.
`DATED: _t miflfl, 2007
`DEI Headquarters, Inc.
` iper Way
`Vista, CA 92081
`(760) 598-6200
`(760) 599-1339 Fax
`MFE‘ "'[
`DATED-.Mam1f__, 2007
`Richard A. Homing '
`Fish & Richardson RC.
`500 Argucllo Street, Ste #500
`Redwood City, CA 94063
`Joel D. Leviton
`Fish & Richardson RC.
`60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3300
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`Marco Casartelli
`Vipera Gmbl-I
`CH 5401, Baden
`Switzerland '
`Title: Managing Director
`DATED: March _, 2007
`, have received a copy of the Stipulation for Protective
`Order and Protective Order entered in the action entitled DEI Headguarters, Inc. v. Vipera
`GmbH, Opposition No. 91 169452.
`I have carefully read and understand the provisions of the
`‘Protective Order.
`I agree that 1- will comply with all provisions of the Protective Order and will
`use any “CONFIDENTIAL" .or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” information only for purposes of
`this proceeding. At the end of this proceeding or my involvement in this proceeding, whichever
`occurs first, 1 will either destroy or return to counsel for the party by whom I am employed or
`retained all such “CONFIDENTLAL" or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL” documents or
`information that come into my possession.