`DOCKET NO. 24782
`Peter M. de Jonge
`Nathan S. Winesett
`8180 South 700 East, Suite 350
`Sandy, Utah 84070
`Telephone: (801) 566-6633
`Facsimile: (801) 566-0750
`Attomeys for Clearbra Franchising, LLC
`Opposed Mark: CLEARBRA
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No.: 78/578,240
`Clearbra Franchising, LLC
`Opposition No. 91/168,010
`Jonathan A. Tolson
`Opposer, Clearbra Franchising, LLC (hereinafter “Opposer”), by and through its
`counsel, hereby submits a copy of the Complaint filed in Case No. 2:06-CV-00439-TS-
`BCW in the United States District Court for the District of Utah, in connection with
`Opposer’s Motion to Suspend Proceedings, which was requested by the Board’s ruling of
`August 10, 2006 and due by August 30, 2006. Please note that no Answer to the
`Complaint has been filed.
`U.S. Pu."
`ta TMOfcI‘I'M Mail Flam D1. #72
`DATEDthis 99" dayof Q?“ i
`Respectfully submitted,
`eter M. de Jonge
`Nathan S. Winesett
`Attorneys for Opposer
`8180 South 700 East, Suite 350
`Sandy, Utah 84070
`Telephone: (801)566-6633
`Facsimile: (801) 566-0750
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoing
`was served upon Applicant by depositing a copy of the same with the United States Post
`Office as first class mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to:
`on this 23 day of/_’%g1§ Vi’
`, 2006.
`W4 W ‘"04’
`I ti.
`d in 'iformation contained herein neither re lace nor su plement the filing and senjicc ofplea
`J5; 44 ‘ "I
`§)fi$tli$q rgfiitfif
`aw. except as provide:
`wiocal rucli-\slol:'iiii‘L:ri1si Ti1iiirt|'orm'.:tilpproved by the Judicial Conference OIPIIIB United States in September 1974, is required or he use o tie
`curt or the purpose ofinttiattnt
`lie Civil docket sheet.
`" ' : ”“
`I I
`County ol'Restdencc ofFirst Ltstc
`salt Lake COW“
`(b) County ofRcsidence of First Listed Plaintiff
`(C) Attorney's (Firm Name, Address. and Telephone Number)
`See attached
`Attorneys (if K"°“11I
`ll. BASIS OF J URISDICTION (Place an “X" in One Box Only)
`J l
`U.S. Goveinnient
`E 3 Federal Question
`(US. Govemment Not a Party)
`J 2
`U_S. Gavennnent
`C] 4 Diversity
`(indicate Citizenship of Parties in llctn Ill)
`I". CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES(Place an "X" in One Box for Plaintif
`(For Diversity Cases Only)
`and One Box for Defendant)
`Citizen of This Slate
`I3 I
`Incorporated or Principal Place
`U 4 U 4
`U l
`of Business In This State
`Incorporated crm.t'Principal Place
`°fB”‘i“°“ 1" "”‘°"'" 5””
`Citizen ofAnother State
`CI 2
`D 2
`I3 5
`Citizen or Subject ofa
`:1 Country
`D 3
`Foreign Nation
`I3 6
` Place an “X" in One Box Onlv
`U 400 State Reapponionment
`PERSONAL l.'\'.lL'R\’
`tiI0 Agriculture
`I I0 lusuraiice
`Cl 4l0Antitrust
`362 Personal Injury -
`CI 620 Other Food & Drug
`CI 3l0 Airplane
`3 i120 Marine
`CI 430 Banks and Banking
`Med. Malpractice
`U 625 Drug Related Seizure
`U 315 Airplane Product
`3 I30 Miller Act
`Cl 450 Commerce
`0 365 Personal injury -
`of Property 2l USC 33!
`'_l 140 Negotiable lnstruincnt
`0 460 Deportation
`Product Liability
`CI 630 Liquor Laws
`320 Assault, Libel dc
`3 I50 Recovery ofOverpayment
`U 470 Racketeer Influenced and
`U 363 Asbestos Personal
`Cl 640 RR. Jr Truck
`&. Enforcernent ofludgttient
`Corrupt Organizations
`injury Product
`0 650 Airline Regs.
`330 Federal Employers‘
`‘J 15! Medicare Act
`D 480 Consumer Credit
`U 660 Occupational
`3 [52 Recovery ofDefaulted
`D 490 Cablei'Sat TV
`[3 340 Marine
`Student Loans
`CI SID Selective Service
`CI 370 Other Fraud
`0 690 Other
`U 345 Marine Product
`(Excl. Veterans)
`U 850 Secttrt'tiesiCommodities’
`I3 3?] Truth in Lending
`3 I53 Recovery ofOverpayment
`El Sol HIA ([3951?)
`D 380 Other Personal
`0 710 Fair Labor Standards
`CI 350 Motor Vehicle
`of Veteran's Bcnefrts
`U 875 Customer Challenge
`U 862 Black Lung (923)
`Property Damage
`355 Motor Vehicle
`','l 160 Stockholders‘ Suits
`12 USC 3410
`Cl 863 DIWC/DIWW (-105(3))
`CI 335 Property Damage
`0 720 Labor.’Mgmt. Relations
`Product Liability
`3 I90 Other Contract
`U 890 Other Statutory Actions
`Product Liability
`D 730 LaborI‘Mgmt.Repor1ing U 864 SSED Title XVI
`Cl 360 Other Personal
`3 I95 Contract Prcitluct Liability
`D 39! Agricultural Acts
`CI 865 RSI 405(
`8.: Disclosure Act
`3 I96 Franclusc
`CI 592 Economic Stabilization Act
`REAL PROPERH‘ -i Ct 140 Railway Labor Act
`Cl 893 Environmental Matters
`I3 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff
`3 N0 Land Condemnation
`U 441 Voting
`D 790 Other Labor Litigation
`CI 510 Motions to Vacate
`CI 894 Energy Allocation Act
`3 220 Foreclosure
`Cl 442 Employment
`[3 791 Empl. Rel, Inc.
`or Defendant)
`CI 895 Freedom oflnforrnation
`3 230 Rent Lease Jr Ejectmcnt
`CI 443 Housing]
`Habeus Corpus:
`Security Act
`CI 37] lRS—Thircl Pany
`'0 Torts to Land
`CI 530 General
`26 USC 7609
`CI 9OOAppeaI ofFee Detcnninalio
`5 Tort Product Liability
`4-54 Welfare
`D 535 Death Penalty
`Under Equal Access
`3 1'90 All Other Real Property
`D 445 Amer. wlDisal:iilities - U 540 Mandamus & Other
`to Juslicg
`CI 550 Civil Rights
`El 950 Constitutionality of
`CI 446 Amer. w.l‘Disabilities - D 555 Prison Condition
`State Statutes
`CI 440 Other Civil Rights
`(Placean"X"in OneBoxOnly]
`d f
`.J‘\};(iipea:_to District
`D 2 Removed from
`D 3 Remanded from
`another district
`06 Multidistrict U 7 Magistrate
`U 4 Reinstatcd or D 5
`e rom
`rans erre
`State Court
`Jud merit
`A ellate Court
`Reo ened
`Liti ation
`§3r]elt'£l'gt&)(Do not citejurisdictiunal statutes unless diversity):
`Briefdescriptiort o_f_cause:
`trademark lntrtngement, Untatr Lompetttton, trademark Dilution
`CHECK YES only itdemanded in complaint:
`UNDER F.R.C.P. 23
`n o t
`l e s s
`t h a n $500 , 0 O 0 JURY DEMAND:
`Qt Yes
`(See instructions):
`0 422 Appeal 28 USC 138
`U 423 Withdrawal
`28 USC 157
`Cl 820 Copyrights
`CI 830 Patent
`E 840 Trademark
` %
`or REC
`O6/0 I/2006
`ton OFFICE use o.\'r.i'
`Jud e Ted Stewart
`DEG? TYPE: civil
`DAIE STAHP: 06l01l2006 e 13:32:51
`cass uuuasn:
`couar. DISTRICT or t[ll'illF”CT
`JUN"? 1. 2505
`Peter M. de Jonge, Utah Bar No. 7185
`Jed Hansen, Utah Bar No. 10,679
`8180 South 700 East, Suite 350
`Sandy, Utah 84070-0562
`Telephone: (801) 566-6633
`Facsimile: (801) 566-0750
`Attorneys for Plaintiff, Clearbra Franchising, LLC.
`Limited Liability Corporation,
`Case No.
`CLEARBRA, INC, a Maryland Corporation;
`JONATHAN A.TOLSON, President of
`Clearbra, Inc.; and ROBERT W. CROUCH,
`Officer of Clearbra, Inc.
` Defendants.
`Plaintiff Clearbra Franchising, LLC (hereinafter “Clearbra Franchising”), by and through
`its counsel of record, hereby files this Complaint with Jury Demand against Defendants.
`Clearbra Franchising complains and alleges as follows:
`Clearbra Franchising is a Utah limited liability corporation with its principal place
`ofbusiness at 452 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Clearbra, Inc. (hereinafter “Clearbra”) is
`a Maryland corporation having a principal place of business at 306 Forest Valley Drive,
`Forest Hill, Maryland, 21050.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Jonathan Tolson (hereinafter “Tolson”) is
`president of Clearbra.
`Upon information and belief, Defendant Robert W. Crouch (hereinafter “Crouch”)
`is an officer ofC1earbra.
`Clearbra Franchising brings this action under the Lanham Trademark Act, Title
`15, United States Code §l05I, et seq, and various other Utah State and common law
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§§1331, 1338, and 1367.
`Venue is proper in thisjudicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §139l.
`Upon information and belief, this Court has specific personaljurisdiction over
`Defendants as they have had sufficient minimum contacts with the state of Utah and have
`purposefully availed themselves ofthe laws ofUtah.
`In June 1994, Mr. Glenn Rogers (hereinafter “Rogers”) pioneered the trademark
`CLEARBRA for use in connection with optically clear plastic protective coatings.
`Rogers has made continuous use of the CLEARBRA mark from 1994 until
`approximately August, 2005.
`l I.
`Clearbra Franchising executed an agreement with Rogers whereby Rogers
`conveyed any and all trademark rights he had in the mark CLEARBRA to Clearbra
`Franchising. A copy of said agreement is attached to this complaint as Exhibit A.
`Additionally, Mr. Dan Mahfood (hereinafter “Mahl'ood") began using the
`CLEARBRA mark in connection with optically clear plastic protective coatings by way
`of an agreement with Rogers in 1999 and has made continuous use of the CLEARBRA
`mark from 1999 until the present time.
`As part of Mahfood's activities he registered the domain name www.clearbra.net
`on September 15, 1999. Additionally, Mahfood has operated a website in connection
`with that domain name.
`As part ofMahfood’s website, he promoted the CLEARBRA mark using a
`stylized image ofthe CLEARBRA mark. An example of said image is attached to this
`complaint as Exhibit B.
`Mahfood also promoted the CLEARBRA mark through various television, radio,
`and printed advertisements.
`Clearbra Franchising executed an agreement with Mr. Dan Mahfood whereby
`Mahfood conveyed any and all trademark rights he had in the mark CLEARBRA to
`C learbra Franchising. A copy of said agreement is attached to this complaint as
`Exhibit C.
`Accordingly, Clearbra Franchising is the owner of all right, title, and interest in
`the mark CLEARBRA for use in connection with optically clear plastic protective
`coatings. Said right dates back to at least as early as June, 1994.
`Clearbra Franchising is presently in the business of distributing and selling
`optically clear plastic protective coatings, for a wide variety of uses, including protection
`of automobile surfaces.
`Clearbra Franchising’s methods of product distribution are accomplished
`primarily through a network of distributors and dealers that promote and sell
`CLEARBRA brand products directly to the consumer. Clearbra Franchising’s marketing
`efforts include traditional print advertising, including magazines, handouts, brochures,
`other promotionals, and intemet—based advertising.
`On or about the summer of 2004, Mr. Brian Alexander (hereinafter “Alexander”)
`approached Mahfood regarding an agreement to license the mark CLEARBRA in
`connection with optically clear plastic protective coatings. Alexander traveled to Utah
`and visited Mahfood’s facility wherein he was given instruction regarding product
`specifications and installation procedures and protocols.
`Thereafter, Alexander agreed to license the mark CLEARBRA from Mahfood.
`Alexander gave Mahfood a good faith down payment as evidence of said agreement.
`Upon information and belief, Alexander was an authorized representative and/or
`agent of Defendants Clearbra, Tolson, and Crouch.
`Upon information and belief, Alexander, Clearbra, Tolson, and Crouch thereafter
`began preparing to operate as licensees of Mahfood.
`As part of those activities, Defendants registered domain names and began
`developing websites for use in connection with the CLEARBRA mark and associated
`products. Specifically Defendants registered the domain name clearbracaliforniacom on
`December 8, 2004 and the domain name clearbraonline.com on March 21, 2005.
`Upon information and belief, at least as early as February 28, 2005, Defendant
`Crouch began operating the website, www.cIearbracalifomia.com wherein he utilized the
`CLEARBRA mark in connection with optically clear plastic protective coatings.
`Additionally, Defendant Crouch sent e-mail correspondence to Mahfood on
`February 28, 2005 regarding how the website, wwwclearbracalifomia.com would
`In that e-mail correspondence, Crouch represented himself as an account
`executive for Clearbra. Crouch utilized an exact copy of Mahfood’s CLEARBRA mark
`and accompanying logo as part of that correspondence. See e-mail to Mahfood from
`Crouch attached to this complaint as Exhibit D.
`Alexander also sent e-mail correspondence to Mahfood on February 28, 2005
`regarding proposed cost sheets associated with use of the CLEARBRA mark and resell of
`the products used in connection with the mark. See e-mail and proposed cost sheet to
`Mahfood from Alexander attached as Exhibit E.
`Upon infomiation and belief, Tolson and Crouch thereafter chose to disregard
`their license agreement with Mahfood. As a result of Tolson and Crouch’s activities,
`Alexander disassociated himself with Defendants.
`On March 2, 2005, Defendant Tolson filed an intent-to-use application with the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office for the mark CLEARBRA for use in
`connection with automotive paint protective urethane film.
`Upon information and belief, on March 18, 2005 Defendant Tolson caused
`Defendant Clearbra to be registered as a corporation in Maryland. Thereafter, Defendant
`Crouch also registered Defendant Clearbra in the state of California as a Maryland
`corporation on June 20, 2005.
`Defendants are presently in the business of distributing, and/or selling optically
`clear plastic protective coatings. As such, Defendants are in direct competition with
`Clearbra Franchising.
`Defendants are presently making use of the mark CLEARBRA in connection with
`their goods and services. A copy of the home page from Defendants’ website
`www.clearbraonline.com is attached to this complaint as Exhibit F.
`Defendants’ use ofthe CLEARBRA mark is almost an exact duplication of
`Plaintiff’s use ofthe CLEARBRA mark.
`In Plaintiff’s intemet advertisements utilizing the mark CLEARBRA, the word
`“clear” is colored blue and the word “bra” is colored black. See Plaintiff's webpage
`attached as Exhibit B.
`Defendants’ intemet advertisements similarly utilize the mark CLEARBRA,
`wherein the word “clear" is colored blue and the word “bra” is colored black. See
`advertisement from Defendants’ webpage attached to this complaint as Exhibit F.
`Moreover, Defendants use a font for the mark CLEARBRA that is identical to
`Plaintiffs font in its use ofthe mark CLEARBRA. See Exhibit B and Exhibit F.
`Plainti ff’ s use of the mark is underscored by a line which begins black and
`gradually becomes clear. See Exhibit B.
`Defendants’ use ofthe CLEARBRA mark is similarly underscored by a line
`which begins clear and gradually becomes dark blue. See Exhibit F.
`Plaintiffs use of the mark is accompanied by the trademark “Clearly The Best
`Protection” located directed below and centered below the underscoring noted above.
`See Exhibit B.
`Defendants’ use of the mark is accompanied by the trademark “It’s Ultimate Paint
`Protection” which is located directed below and centered below the underscoring noted
`above. See Exhibit F.
`Plaintiffs use ofthe CLEARBRA mark utilizes a rock like object bouncing offof
`the letter “C” ofthe mark. See Exhibit B.
`Defendants similarly use the CLEARBRA mark wherein a rock like object is
`bouncing off ofthe letter “a" ofthe mark. See Exhibit F.
`Upon infonnation and belief, Defendant's Tolson and Crouch authorized and
`approved use of the trademarks noted in the preceding paragraphs for use in connection
`with Defendants’ goods and services.
`Defendants’ use of marks identical to and confusingly similar to Clearbra
`Franchising’s trademarks, as described herein, is likely to cause significant confusion in
`the marketplace.
`Defendants’ use ofa mark identical to and confusingly similar to Clearbra
`Franchising’s trademark occurred with full and complete knowledge of Clearbra
`Franchising’s trademark rights. Accordingly, their infringements are willful and
`Defendants’ business operations have centered on parroting Clearbra
`Franchising’s intellectual property rights in an effort to misappropriate and unfairly
`capitalize on Clearbra Franchising’s goodwill in the marketplace.
`So long as Defendants continue their unlawful use of Clearbra Franchising’s
`trademark, Plaintiffwill continue to suffer irreparable hann that will not be fully
`compensable by money damages.
`[CLEARBRA Trademark Infringement, 15 U.S.C. §]1l4§1 )1
`C learbra Franchising hereby incorporates by this reference each and every
`allegation contained in paragraphs 1 through 47 as if set forth fully herein.
`The goods and services manufactured, offered, and sold by the Defendants are
`virtually identical to Clearbra Franchising’s goods and services. The mark used by the
`Defendants is identical to or a colorable imitation of Clearbra Franchising’s mark.
`light of Clearbra Franchising’s CLEARBRA trademark, Defendants’ use of the mark
`CLEARBRA in connection with its goods and services is likely to cause confusion, or to
`cause mistake, or to deceive consumers.
`Through the above-referenced activities, Defendants have infringed Clearbra
`Franchising’s CLEARBRA mark under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §l 114(1), and under
`the common law.
`Clearbra Franchising has suffered actual damages as a result of Defendants’
`trademark infringement in an amount to be proven at trial. Additionally, the harm to
`Clearbra Franchising arising from the acts of Defendants is not fully compensable by
`money damages. Clearbra Franchising has suffered, and continues to suffer, irreparable
`harm which has no adequate remedy at law and which will continue unless Defendants’
`conduct is preliminarily and permanently enjoined under 15 U.S. C. §I 116. Under 15
`U.S.C. §l 1 17, Clearbra Franchising is entitled to Defendants’ profits, any damages
`sustained by Clearbra Franchising, and the costs of this action.
`Since Defendants had specific knowledge of Clearbra Franchising’s trademark
`rights, their continued unauthorized use of Clearbra Franchising’s trademark is willful
`and intentional. As a result, Clearbra Franchising is further entitled to treble damages and
`an award of attorneys’ fees.
`[IT’S ULTIMATE VEHICLE PROTECTION Trademark Infringement, 15 U.S.C.
`§l I 1411 [1
`Clearbra Franchising hereby incorporates by this reference each and every
`allegation contained in paragraphs 1 through 52 as if set forth fully herein.
`The goods and services manufactured, offered, and sold by the Defendants are
`virtually identical to Clearbra Franchising’s goods and services. The mark used by the
`Defendants is identical to or a colorable imitation of Clearbra Franchising’s mark.
`light of Clearbra Franchising’s trademark, IT’S ULTIMATE VEHICLE PROTECTION,
`Defendants’ use of the mark IT’S ULTIMATE PAINT PROTECTION in connection with
`its goods and services is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive
`Through the above-referenced activities, Defendants have infringed Clearbra
`Franchising’s mark under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §l114(1), and under the common
`Clearbra Franchising has suffered actual damages as a result of Defendants’
`trademark infringement in an amount to be proven at trial. Additionally, the harm to
`Clearbra Franchising arising from the acts of Defendants is not fully compensable by
`money damages. Clearbra Franchising has suffered, and continues to suffer, irreparable
`harm which has no adequate remedy at law and which will continue unless Defendants’
`conduct is preliminarily and permanently enjoined under 15 U.S. C. §l1l6. Under 15
`U.S.C. §l117, Clearbra Franchising is entitled to Defendants’ profits, any damages
`sustained by Clearbra Franchising, and the costs of this action.
`Since Defendants had specific knowledge of C learbra Franchising’s trademark
`rights, their continued unauthorized use of Clearbra Franchising’s trademark is willful
`and intentional. As a result, Clearbra Franchising is further entitled to treble damages and
`an award of attorneys’ fees.
`(Unfair Competition, 15 U.S.C. §1 125(a)(1)(A))
`Clearbra Franchising hereby incorporates by this reference each and every
`allegation contained in paragraphs 1 through 52 as if set forth fully herein.
`Defendants have used in interstate commerce the word marks CLEARBRA, IT’S
`ULTIMATE VEHICLE PROTECTION and other similar terms in connection with
`optically clear plastic protective coatings. These uses are likely to cause confusion, to
`cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, association, origin,
`sponsorship, or approval of their goods, services, and commercial activities in light of
`Clearbra Franchising’s trademark.
`By engaging in the activities described in this Complaint, Defendants have
`engaged in unfair competition under 15 U.S.C. §l l25(a)(l)(A) and under the common
`Clearbra Franchising has suffered actual damages as a result ofDefendants’ unfair
`competition in an amount to be proven at trial. Additionally, the harm to Clearbra
`Franchising arising from Defendants’ acts is not fully eompensable by money damages.
`Clearbra Franchising has suffered, and continues to suffer, irreparable harm which has no
`adequate remedy at law and which will continue unless Defendants’ conduct is enjoined.
`Under 15 U.S.C. §l 1 16, Clearbra Franchising is entitled to a preliminary and permanent
`injunction enjoining Defendants’ use ofthe marks CLEARBRA and IT’S ULTIMATE
`VEHICLE PROTECTION and confusingly similar variations thereof. Additionally,
`Clearbra Franchising is entitled to an award of its damages, the Defendants’ profits, and
`the costs ofthe action under 15 U.S.C. §l l 17.
`Since Defendants had specific knowledge of Clearbra Franchising’s trademark
`rights, their continued use of Clearbra Franchising’s trademarks is willful and intentional.
`As a result, Clearbra Franchising is further entitled to treble damages and attorneys’ fees.
`(Unfair Competition, Utah Code Ann. §13-5a-103 and/or §13-5-14 and Utah Common Law)
`Clearbra Franchising hereby incorporates by this reference each and every
`allegation contained in paragraphs 1 through 57 as if set forth fully herein.
`Defendants have engaged in unfair methods of competition by intentionally using
`C learbra Franchising’s mark, and other terms confusingly similar thereto, in connection
`with optically clear plastic protective coatings and related materials and services in a
`manner that is likely to cause confusion, to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the
`affiliation, connection, association, origin, sponsorship, or approval of their goods,
`services, and commercial activities in light of Clearbra Franchising’s trademark.
`Particularly, Defendants have purposely used Clearbra Franchising’s trademarks
`in advertising their goods and services in order to confuse and/or deceive consumers as to
`the source of the goods and unfairly benefit from Clearbra Franchising’s goodwill.
`Defendants have specifically targeted the goodwill associated with Clearbra Franchising’s
`trademark and expressly copied its trademark. Clearbra Franchising has been
`significantly damaged by these activities in an amount to be proven at trial.
`Through these activities, Defendants have engaged in unfair competition under
`Utah Code Ann. §l3-53-103 and/or §l 3-5-14 and under Utah common law. Under §13-
`5a-103, Clearbra Franchising is entitled to its actual damages, costs and attorneys fees,
`and punitive damages.
`Under §l3-5-14, Clearbra Franchising is entitled to injunctive relief and the
`greater of $2,000 or three times the amount of actual damages sustained plus court costs.
`(Trademark Dilution, 15 U.S.C. §l ]25(c))
`Plaintiff hereby incorporates by this reference each and every allegation contained
`in paragraphs 1 through 62 as if set forth fully herein.
`Due to its long, extensive, and exclusive use by Plaintiff and its wide recognition
`in the industry, the CLEARBRA mark has become famous, as that term is used in the
`Lanham Trademark Act.
`Through the above referenced activities, Defendants have lessened the capacity
`of Plaintiff to distinguish it’s products and services from those of others and has diluted
`the distinctive quality ofPlaintiff’s marks under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §l l25(c).
`Plaintiff has suffered, and continues to suffer irreparable harm which will
`continue unless Defendants’ trademark dilution is enjoined as provided pursuant to 15
`U.S.C. §l 125(c)(1).
`Despite the fact that Defendants had specific knowledge of Plaintiff’s trademark
`rights, they willfully intended to trade on Plaintiffs reputation and cause dilution of
`Plaintiff’s famous trademarks. Therefore, Plaintiff is further entitled to an award of its
`damages, the Defendants’ profits, and the costs of the action as provided under 15 U.S.C.
`§1125(c)(2) and §l 117. Plaintiff has suffered actual damages as a result of Defendant’s
`trademark dilution in an amount to be proven at trial. Plaintiff is also entitled to an award
`of enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees due to the exceptional nature of the
`(Utah Truth in Advertising, Utah Code Ann. §l3-lla-4)
`Plaintiff hereby incorporates by this reference each and every allegation
`contained in paragraphs 1 through 67 as ifset fonh fully herein.
`In the course of Defendants’ business, Defendants have caused a likelihood of
`confusion or of misunderstanding as to affiliation, connection, association with, or
`certification by Plaintiffs.
`Plaintiff has suffered significant harm as a result of Defendants’ business
`Accordingly, Plaintiff is entitled to an injunction against Defendants for their
`deceptive trade practices.
`In addition to injunctive relief, Plaintiff is entitled to recover from Defendants
`the amount of actual damages sustained or $2,000 whichever is greater.
`Moreover, Plaintiff is entitled to recovery of its attomey’s fees.
`WHEREFORE, it is respectfully requested that the court enterjudgment in favor of
`Clearbra Franchising as follows:
`B. That the Court enter judgment that Defendants have infringed Clearbra Franchising’s
`CLEARBRA trademark under 15 U.S.C. §1 125(a)(1)(A) and the common law.
`C. That the Court enter judgment that Defendants have infringed Clearbra Franchising’s
`IT’S ULTHVIATE PAINT PROTECTION trademark under 15 U.S.C. §1125(a)(I)(A) and the
`common law.
`D. That the Court enterjudgment that Defendants have competed unfairly pursuant to 15
`U.S.C. §1125(a) and the common law.
`E. That the Court enter judgment that Defendants have competed unfairly under Utah
`Code Ann. §13~5a-103 and §l3-5-I4 and Utah common law.
`F. That the Court enter judgment that Defendants have diluted Clearbra Frai1chising’s
`CLEARBRA trademark under 15 U.S.C. §l l25(c).
`G. That the Court enter judgment that Defendants have conducted deceptive trade
`practices under Utah Code Ann. §13-I la-3.
`H. That the Court preliminarily and permanently enjoin Defendants from using Clearbra
`Franchising’s marks identified herein and any other marks, word, term, name, symbol, or device
`that is confusingly similar to the mark in connection with its goods and services.
`I. That Defendants be ordered to file with this Court and serve on Clearbra Franchising
`within thirty (30) days after service on Defendants of the injunction granted herein, or such
`extended period as the Court may direct, a report in writing, under oath, setting forth in detail the
`manner and form in which Defendants have complied with the injunction and order of the Court.
`J. That Defendants jointly and severally be ordered to pay damages to Clearbra
`Franchising in an amount to be determined by this Court, but not less than $500,000.
`K. That Defendants be ordered to pay their profits to Clearbra Franchising in an amount
`to be determined by this Court.
`L. That Defendants jointly and severally be ordered to pay the costs of this action
`pursuant to the Lanham Act.
`M. That Defendants jointly and severally be ordered to pay Clearbra Franchising’s
`attomeys’ fees for this action pursuant to the Lanham Act.
`N. That Defendants jointly and severally be required to pay prejudgment and post-
`judgment interest until such awards are paid.
`0. That Clearbra Franchising has such other and further relief as shall seem just and
`proper to the Court.
`Pursuant to Rule 38(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Clearbra Franchising
`hereby demands a jury trial on all claims and issues so triable.
`DATED this
`day of.Iune, 2006.
`eter M. de Jonge
`Jed H. Hansen
`8180 South 700 East, Suite 350
`Sandy, Utah 84070-0562
`Telephone: (801) 566-6633
`Facsimile: (801) 566-0750
`THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Glen Rogers, individually and
`Ricochet Protective Films,
`(hereinafier collectively referred to as ASSIGNOR), a
`corporation existing under the laws Canada, having a former principal place of business in 109
`Fisher Street Okotoks, Alberta, Canada, and Clearbra Franchising, LLC., (hereinafier referred
`to as “ASSIGNEE”), a limited liability company duly organized and existing under the laws of
`the State of Utah, having a principal business office at 452 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah
`WHEREAS, ASSIGNOR acknowledges that it has all domestic and international right,
`title and interest under common law, any state, federal and international law, in and to the mark
`CLEARBRA (hereinafter referred to as the “Mark”).
`WHEREAS, ASSIGNOR desires to transfer all domestic and international right, title and
`interest under common law, any state,
`federal and international
`in and to the mark
`WHEREAS, ASSIGNEE desires to acquire any right, title and interest in and to the
`Mark ASSIGNOR may hold in and to the Mark.
`1. . In consideration of fifleen thousand dollars ($15,000) and other
`good and valuable consideration paid to the ASSIGNOR by the ASSIGNEE, the receipt and
`sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, THE ASSIGNOR HEREBY ASSIGNS TO THE
`ASSIGNEE any and all right, title and interest which it may hold in and to the Mark, including,
`but not limited to, any existing or future registrations, any rights acquired through common law,
`statutory law,
`law, and/or treaty together with any goodwill of the business
`symbolized by and associated with the Mark.
`2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and
`agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements,
`representations or
`understandings between the Parties relating to the ownership of the Mark. All preceding
`agreements relating to the ownership of the Mark, whether written or oral, are hereb