`Key West Tourist Development Association Inc. ) OPPOSITION 9l.ltS5,659
`SERIAL No. 78-441.860
`FILED: December 7, 2005
`) )
`Applicant respectfully moves the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to dismiss
`opposition by Key West Tourist Development Association (Opposition) or set the matter for
`trial. Applicant informs the Board further that due to effects of Hurricane Wilma, this response
`was delayed and consideration towards and extension of time is requested.
`SUMMARY: Applicant states reasons for dismissal as the unlawful use of conflicting courts to
`delay and suspend action on this trademark. Opposition first filed a State action against
`applicant and then suspended that action pending Trademark office outcome. Then Opposition
`requested Trademark office suspend action until State Court matter is complete effectively
`freezing all actions on this Trade Mark without allowing any due process of law as provided
`under constitution and applicable federal and state law for this matter because they do not have
`standing or factual claim to prevail in either court.
`Applicant moves the Appeals Board to set a trial date or dismiss the opposition
`based upon facts presented in this motion and allow due process to decide this matter
`under legal statues that bind the Patent and Trade Mark office.
`JURISDICTION AND FEDERAL QUESTION: Florida Law regarding state trademarks
`states that all Florida state action and laws are based upon and must comply with Federal USPTO
`regulations, policies and decisions and so this appeals board is the proper venue by law for this
`matter to be heard and decided. The County Court action which the appeals board has
`suspended the appeal cannot be based upon the outcome of a state action because the state action
`is instead dependent on the action of the USPTO.
`AMMENDMENT FILED: Applicant comfortably reached an agreement with the only other
`party in Opposition - Concord Music Group by a simple modification in the Trademark
`application to eliminate Fantasy Week being associated with music or musical performances.
`See attached exhibit.
`1 2-09-2005
`U.S. Patent 8- TMOfcITM Mail Rcpt Dt. #30

`Applicant is a former NY Firefighter who was disabled after 911 and retired on disability to
`Florida for health reasons. These facts are relevant in understanding the power of extortion used
`by Opposition, Key West Tourist Development Association. because individual applicants
`cannot muster the legal fees to hire representation and must proceed Pro Se.
`Upon moving to Key West in 2002, Applicant who does photography and couples relationship
`courses was directed by Opposition that if he wished to use his art, or educational programs in
`Key West he must apply for a separate trademark and not refer to Oppositions Trademark of
`Fantasy Fest even though Opposition holds the trademark in a very limited four international
`Applicant who works with Marriage Encounter and other social groups holds weeklong couples
`programs at various cities in the United States and wishes to use Fantasy Week for those
`programs which are most oflen for various cultures including the disabled.
`Following the Opposition Party direction, on very limited disability income, Applicant searched
`and found the Trade Mark “Fantasy Week” was in existence but was being abandoned by the
`fomier owners so he filed on line for the Trade Mark and paid the fees.
`The Fantasy Week Trademark was in existence before Fantasy Fest which is a trademark owned
`by the opposition but Fantasy Week was abandoned for non renewal by another party.
`Fantasy Fest (Opposition) did not oppose Fantasy Week (Applicant) when owned by previous
`owners nor did they seek to apply for Fantasy Week, or Fantasy Days or other available
`Trademarks that they now claim infringe on their property. Opposition seeks to unlawfully
`extend their protected Trademark property covertly by using court system to exhaust financial
`resources of future applicants without spending any of their own funds to secure additional
`trademarks for classes they wish to hold in the future as competing with their trademark.
`Opposition has a long history of filing state court actions against any person, or enmity that may
`refer to Fantasy Fest by way of intimidation and extortion. Each year the local paper details their
`tactics to discourage legal businesses from not paying Oppositions sponsorship fees. They brag
`in the local newspaper how they will attack any small business or person who refers to their
`Fantasy Fest unless a newspaper or person supporting their business. They extract huge
`sponsorship fees from companies and produce over 40 million dollars of revenue for their own
`selected business that must sign a contract, sponsorship or agreement with them despite not
`having filed for the additional classes of goods and services at the USPTO as required by law
`using only the threat of legal action by a part time Federal Magistrate. They have filed over 25
`such actions and then dispose applicants and threaten to bankrupt them if they do not agree to
`settlement abandoning their legal rights. For example, In the past two years they have filed and
`then abandoned State court actions against a limo service that merely had an advertisement for
`Fantasy Fest Shuttle, and other classes not covered by their existing Fantasy Fest trademark.
`This is an illegal extension of Fantasy Fest Trademark Protection out of class and out of the
`actual trademark.

`RACKETEERING INVOLVEMENT. Opposition is based in Key West and politically
`connected using from inception a law firm whose two principals include a Federal Magistrate for
`Key West which offers a fair amount of influence and intimidation for their client and owners of
`the Trade Mark Fantasy Fest. This firm Hendrick and Morgan have only two principal partners
`in Jim Hendrick and Hugh Morgan the latter being the part time Federal Magistrate for Key
`West. The other partner was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury in the summer of 2005 for
`making bribes on behalf of political connections and that matter is before the courts at this time.
`The law firm constructed a non profit front called the Key West Tourist Development Agency as
`a non profit agency to promote tourism for the Florida Keys.
`In reality this non profit agency is
`merely a front based on seven founding members who are all wealthy businesses owners who
`then applied using the non profit status to get public ftmds from State agencies such as the
`Florida Tourist Development Board. They were granted over 4 million dollars to effectively pay
`for the businesses free advertising and marketing to enhance their own revenue. A criminal
`complaint has been filed with the FBI regarding this arrangement in June of 2005 and a Judicial
`Conduct complaint is pending against Hugh Morgan. Receiving then free community police and
`other services for a sexually charged Mardi Gras type party that uses the members of the fake
`non profit agency business. The profits are then funneled in donations back into political
`campaigns of local ofiicials, agencies, or organizations. who will continue to support this
`arrangement funding their Fantasy Fest with taxpayer dollars. This arrangement meets Federal
`Definition for Racketeering and Corruption Organizations - R.I.C.O and this Applicant is
`preparing a federal civil R.I.C.O action against defendants pending the FBI and criminal
`investigation ofthe many political persons connected to the enterprise.
`In the fall of 2004, Applicant began testing designs as Fantasy Week trademark was completing
`it's path though the Trademark registration and also produced a book of various body painting
`designs under copyright.
`Opposition, attacked the applicant and his fiiend who were giving away for free, a very limited
`number of test marketing books and sixty tee-shirts to promote the book for intemet sales.
`This attack took place in a public street by representatives of the Opposition which included a
`physical threat and the promise to bankrupt the applicant though legal proceedings. The next
`day, an emergency stay was applied for in County Court citing false facts that applicant was
`infringing on Fantasy Fest trademark and selling products that infringed. (see attached affidavit)
`The Opposition collected and cited several local stores who were selling tee-shirts that were not
`authorized, designed or connected with Applicant in anyway and during deposition discovered
`their error and decided NOT to enjoy those venders from sale of Fantasy Week tee-shirts but
`harass and carry through on their promise to bankrupt applicant for following what was their
`directions in the first place.
`Applicant has never sold, designed, used, or authorized any Fantasy Fest products or services in
`any class. About the same time the local newspaper published the first of many stories about the
`intimidation tactics used by Opposition against any class, reference that used the word Fantasy in
`combination with Week, Days, Times, Key West, Nights, and in total over a dozen trademarks
`and classes they do not own.

`Opposition falsified documents to the County Court regarding service and facts, and then when
`Applicant began to exercise his discovery rights after complying with each and every discovery
`demand of Opposition, they suspended the County Court claim so it would never go to trial or
`place on the records the true facts. They refused then to comply with any discovery request of
`Applicant. During the deposition of the Applicant by the Opposition under the guise of the
`County Court action, an extortion attempt was made under the veil of a settlement conference
`where Opposition demanded Applicant turn over his property and trademark to them or face
`extended legal action and costs. Applicant offered to provide Fantasy Week trademark to
`the Opposition for COST and no profit if Opposition would provide a replacement Trade
`Mark name they would not oppose. They refused this offer which further confirms their
`intent is to continue a pattern of racketeering under the color of law to eliminate anyone
`they might perceive as a future competitor even if baseless and unlawfully extend the range
`and classes of Trade Mark protection.
`Shortly thereafter, due to the arrest of the principal legal representative on bribery charges by the
`FBI, the Opposition then asked the Trade Mark board to suspend their proceedings in deference
`to the County Court proceedings which are also stayed.
`This has the effect of denial of use of the Applicants Trademark without due process by either
`body which violates not only the constitution but the laws, rules and standards of the USPTO.
`Opposition, had filed for a very limited Tee Shirt Trade Mark under Florida Law (attached)
`which does not extend to TEE-SHIRTS only.
`Applicant had offered to not produce Fantasy Week Tee-Shirts in Key West in the future even if
`just a give away to promote other events but Opposition would not accept this modification.
`Opposition has declined to identify, pursue or protect their State or Federal Trademark for
`against those venders in Key West who were NOT associated, authorized or connected to
`Applicant in anyway that produced the offending Tee Shirts that Opposition claims in their state
`and USPTO filing were in violation of their trademark even though they did not use the words
`Fantasy Fest but Fantasy Week. Opposition demanded that Applicant enforce Fantasy Week
`Trademark and yet then filed their opposition suspending Applicants rights to enforce such
`protection. These firms include but are not limited to:
`Joe Cool Inc.
`Point Breath Duval
`Sun Island Tee Shirt Ship
`All located in Key West. This constitutes abandonment of this class.
`In addition, as the attached evidence will show, further abandonment is evidenced by the many
`Vendors who independently produce Fantasy Days and Fantasy Nights and other Fantasy “” “”

`products and copies ofthese vendors selling freely without legal complaint by the Opposition is
`evidenced as attached.
`Key West being a small town, only has a couple of State Court Judges who lmve both accepted
`donations, or have conflicts of interest causing them to recuse themselves fiom hearing the
`Opposition case in County Court. (Attached Letters of Recusal) This further documents the
`sphere of influence of Opposition party and their power to use extortion to unlawfully extend
`their Trademark claims and value.
`As stated the Key West Tourist Development Association is a front under the guise of a non
`profit agency that collects sponsorship and other fees into the millions of dollars and funnels
`them to the business owners who are members of this front organization.
`In addition, contracts with County Government show that the Key West Tourist Development
`Agency use their illegal proceeds to create a company called “Market Share” who applies to
`political candidates they support for funding oftheir operation costs and use free county and city
`services until last year when they began to reimburse a small percentage of those free services.
`Because the County Government, though the Tourism Development Board has provided over
`five million dollars in Taxpayer funding which is in turn also used for Opposition legal fees, this
`means that the Trademark of the Opposition was actually purchased by taxpayer dollars and
`public funds by way of contracts, and grants funneled to either Market Share who is controlled
`by the Key West Tourism Development Association or the Association itself.
`Contract language within these arrangements forbids conflicts of interest and violation of Federal
`or State law but is un-enforced. Opposition is in violation of several state and federal statues
`which are the basis for relief under Applicants civil R.I.C.O action now pending the outcome of
`the USPTO appeals process to properly define extend and value of damages.
`Attached is a press pass, listing liability protection for just a few of the parties involved in this
`racketeering enterprise.
`Applicant hereby moves this Appeals Board to grant relief and implement due process required
`under their authorizing laws and statues by one or several of the methods below:
`1. Deny Opposition and grant the Trademark to Applicant for Fantasy Week.
`2. Define actual legal class and boundaries for Opposition Trademark Fantasy Fest
`3. Move this appeal to trial so that these facts can be verified and preserved for the record
`and the pending legal actions in state and federal courts.

`4. Find that Opposition as violated the rules of the USPTO and filed false information under
`the color of law and revoke their Trademark for Fantasy Fest.
`5. Refer the facts of this case to federal law enforcement agencies for investigation to
`support a criminal complaint against Opposition.
`6. Amend USPTO procedures and policy to deny the legal double jeopardy in the future as
`an illegal tactic by opposing parties where they file in both state and USPTO appeals at
`the same time and then ask for suspension of both actions based upon the other venue.
`7. Refer offending legal counsel for Opposition to professional standards review and
`suspend their standing to practice before the USPTO.
`Dated: December 9“, 2005
`Key West, Florida 33045
`James M. Thomsen, Sr., being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a defendant in this action
`and have read this Answer; I know this Answer is true as to all matters except those alleged
`upon information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe it is true.
`Notary Public - State of Flb -’ =
`'3 OLAURIA .1 "
`Conmmexmmaygjggg *

`OPPOSITION 91,165,659
`SERIAL NO. 78-441.860
`FILED: JUNE 25, 2004
`)) ) )
`) ) )
`Applicant respectfully moves the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`end the identification of goods and services to read:
`identified application as follows. Please am
`Board amend his above
`“Tee-shirts in International Class 25; Organizi
`ng community festivals featuring diverse cultural
`themes, excluding music in International Class 41.”
`The proposed amendment will narrow the identification of goods and services by
`music from International Class 41 and, if accepted and entered, will avoid the need for an
`position by third party potential opposer, Concord Music Group, Inc. Applicant has not sought
`Opposer’s consent to this motion but believes the requested amendment will have no substantive
`effect on the present proceedings.
`WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests the Board accept and enter the proposed
`amendment to the identification of goods and services.
`2 I), 2005

`Respectfully submitted, '
`/’ies_M. Thomsenl
`James,-’l\/l. Thomsen, Applicant
`I certify that this motion is being filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office,
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, via electronic filing using the Electronic System for
`and served on Opposer via First Class Mail addressed to
`Trademark Trials and Appeals,
`0 oser’s ‘counsel, Charles W. Hanor, Charles W. Hanor, P.C., PO Box‘ 91 19, 750 Rittiman
`Road. San Antonio,TX
`. y
`78209 on the be w date.
`U 005
`/J me M.Thomsen/

`4l95.5lé3il Cehstructierm eff chapter.--It is the intent of the Legislature that, in
`construing this chapter, due consideration and great weight be given to the
`interpretations of the federal courts relating to comparable provisions of the
`Trademark Act of 1946, as amended (15 U.S.C. ss. 1051 et seq.).
`Filing for persons not listed and controlling Fantasy Fest
` él9S..©31 /étpplliccaticoh (Fer registrati<o>h.—-
`(d) A statement that the applicant is exercising control over the use of the mark,
`that the agglliccaht is hgt herseili gr himglllf engaged] ih the @lT‘©@Q@l'l©li‘i er
`markgtihg gt the geggs cor gerviceg ta whigh the mark is agglied,
`((c) The ellass elf persehs ernti
`rellatiehship t© the appiieaht,
`the use eff the mark; arid
`tied to) use the mark, iridlicatihg their
`ahdl the hattire ef the ap[p>llieaht"s ccehtrei ever
`95..©6il Certificate ©lf registratiehw
`(1) Upon compliance by the applicant with the requirements of this chapter, the
`Department of State shall cause a certificate of regi
`delivered to the applicant. The certificate of registration shall be issued under the
`signature of the Secretary of State and the seal of the state, and it shall show the
`name and business address and, if a corporation, the state of incorporation, of the
`f the mark in this state, the date claimed for the first use
`person claiming ownership 0
`of the mark anywhere and the date claimed for the first use of the mark in this state,
`the class or classes of goods or services on which the mark is used, a reproduction of
`the mark, the registration date and the term of the registration.
`495.3 Recerdls.--The Department of State shall keep for public examination a
`record of all marks registered or renewed under this chapter.
`4l®S.1©iL Carmcellllatieh.--The Department of State shall cancel from the register:
`(3) All registrations granted under this chapter and not renewed in accordance with
`the provisions hereof.
`2. when any course of conduct of the owner, including acts of omission as well as
`ark to become the generic name for the goods or services
`on or in connection with which it is used, or otherwise to lose its significance as a
`mark. Purchaser motivation shall not be a test for determining abandonment under
`this paragraph.
`(c) The registration was granted improperly.

`Examples of No Protection for Fantasy FEST Trademark
`wwr. rwrunn

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`ualuliolcuiuv-adolovtiaai, .0


` disharges Fantas Fest (the Event), he Key st To
`eveopment Association, ‘M Y
`Development Council,
`Stuart Nema
`ssociates, The
`Company, and their respective ofticers, directors, agents and
`employees (collectively, the Sponsors), trom any and all liability,
`claims, demands, obligations, expenses, actions and causes of
`, action whatsoever against the Sponsors arising out of or relating
`in any way to any property damage, personal injury, including
`death, that may be sustained by the bearer and/or employees _
`and/or volunteers in the Event.
`l e bearer, being tully aware of any risks and hazards inherent
`in the Event, hereby elects voluntarily to engage in such
`activities.The bearer hereby voluntarily assumes all risk of toss,
`damage or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the
`bearer and/or employees and/or volunteers in the Event.
`This release shall be binding upon all distributees, heirs, next
`of kin, personal representatives, executors and administrators
`of the bearer.
`This release agreement shall extend to caims, demands and
`causes of action whatsoever arising wholly or in part from any
`act or omission ot the Sponsor, their officers, directors, agents
`and employees or any one or more of them.
`The terms “Fantasy Fest” and “Fantasy Festival” and their logos
`are protected by trademark, and the theme “Mystical l\/lornings
`and Monsterious Nights” is protected by copyright. Any use ot
`the terms “Fantasy Fest” or “Fantasy Festival” or “Daze of
`Futures Past” or use of the logo, other than news use,
`prohibited without the express written consent ot the Key West
`Tourist Development Association.
`Credential holder commits to tollow instructions trom event
`organizers, media relations representatives and law entorcement
`Holder of this credential is not automatically entitled to admission
`at privately run Fantasy Fest events.
`Credential may be revoked at any time without cause or reason.
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`‘U3 EMT
`WHEREAS. it is necessary to the dispatch of business oi the Sixteenth Judiciai Circuit
`of Florida that the above muse be reassigned.
`NOW THEREFORE, i, RICHAR G. PAYNE, pursuant to the authority vested in me
`as Chief Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, under the Constitution of the State of
`Florida and Local Ruies of this Court, do hereby assign and designate the Honorable
`Richard G. Payne, Judge of the Sixteenth Judiciai Circuit oi? the State of Fiiorida, to hear,
`conduct, try and determine said cause and thereafter to dispose of ail matters considered
`by him in said cause.
`DONE and ORDERED at Key West, Monroe County, Fiorida, this 28"‘ day of October,
`Richard G. Payne
`The Hon. Richard G. Payne
`James T. Hendrick, Esq.
`Jim Thornseri, d/bla Fantasy Week
`c‘awr.»T‘ C@r—°iC{i</T a/" //-/f‘€I’ef*’

`CASE NO; 44-2004-=CA-1 M1 -IK
`Jiiili THOMSEN, individuaiiy and
`i, SUSAN VERNON, County Judge for the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of the State
`oii Fiotida do hereby certify that i feet I am disqualified to sit and act as Judge in the
`above-entitled cause, and therefore irecuise myself iirorn further jurisdiction of said
`ATED at Key West, Monroe County, Florida, and this 27W day of October
`Susan Vemoin
`Acting Circuit Judge
`Chief Judge
`James T. Hendrick Esq].
`Jim Thomsem dlb/a Fantasy Week
`Cour:/r C044 Mar ow /MéW~"’


` »‘M
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`Continued from page IA
`London in April 2004 at the
`Key West
`Airport as he was about to
`leave for a trip to his home in
`Ireland. Prosecutors allege
`London used $29,000 of the
`bribe to pay off an outstand-
`ing lien on the home in Cork,
`dropped three counts of mak-.
`ing false statements to federal
`investigators against London
`in a superseding indictment
`that charged Hendrick with
`conspiracy, obstruction of
`justice and witness tamper-
`After his arrest, Hendrick
`pointed to Lo'ndon’s more
`favorable legal position in the
`superseding indictment.
`“Look at the allegations in
`the previous indictment and
`contrast it with the current
`indictment,” Hendrick told
`The Citizen on May 27.
`On Wednesday, Hendrick
`said he did not think it was
`appropriate to comment on
`London’s case.
`“People can draw their own
`conclusions about the cir-
`charges,” Hendrick said.
`Neither London nor his
`attorney could be reached for
`comment on Wednesday.
`According to the supersed-
`irig indictment, Hendrick in
`1996 discussed requiring a
`person referred to as M.R. to
`pay for County Commission
`approval of the Hall's Fish
`Camp project. The property
`According to the indict-
`ment, Hendrick and Hilliard
`“agreed that London would
`receive $25,000. Hilliard told
`Rappaport that in order to get
`the building permits they
`needed a payment to Hilliard
`for $75,000. The payment of
`$75,000 was made between
`and August
`Hendrick used his county
`position to place the project
`on the commission agenda. It
`was approved lune 19, 1996.
`Hendrick told Hillard that
`“due to his delay,” London’s
`“$25,000 share of the kick-
`back payment had increased
`to $29,000," the indictment
`states. Hendrick later advised
`London to leave the country
`for Ireland because federal
`agents were
`Hendrick has pleaded not
`guilty to the charges facing
`him and said he intends to
`fight the charges at trial.
` ‘miteto

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