`(exceeds 300 pages)
`MProceeding / Serial No:
`Filed: w...
`Title: D2 032490?» 0 I:
`Pang of :2
`July,2002 Synlhelit
`C "
`Lubritants A
`1‘: b:»‘r in...“ {..
`Mixed Acid Polyol Ester
`efrigertio brcant—"M" erie
` 1" A
`. n ,
`Specially formulated for HFC refrigerant systems
`This series of products can be used in refrigeration compressors or
`used to formulate refrigeration compressor lubricants. ProEco'
`refrigeration compressor lubricant products are polyol esters that
`offer optimum miscibility and compatibility with new generation
`HFC refrigerants
`I Low pour point
`I Excellent thermal stability
`I Excellent miscibility
`I Refrigeration compressors where a high level of miscibility
`with a HFC refrigerant is desired
`Product Code Number
`ProEm’ 7M
`Proko' 10M
`Profco' 15M
`Proko' 22M
`Profro’ 32M
`ProEto' 46M
`ProEro‘ 68111
`est Math
`fypical} Fropertie
`0 Viscosity Grade
`Viscosity index
`Total acid number
`7.2 '
`1 13
`0.02 4
`ASTM D—2270
`ASTM D—974
`AOCS Cd 13-60
`Hydroxyl value
`ASTM D-92
`Flash point,°C
`ASTM D—97
`'Pour point, "C
`ASTM D4052
`Specific gravity, 15.6'C (60'F)
`995 (8.28)
`993 (8.26)
`992 (8.25)
`1006 (8.38)
`1024 (8.52)
`945 (7.87)
`929 (7.74)
`Density, g/L 156°C (lbs/931.60°F).
`10% Oil
`Sealed Tube, Thermal stability
`No Change
`No Change
`No Change
`No Change
`No Change
`No Change
`No Change ASHRAE 97- 1983
`(175’C 14days;OiI:R134a (1:1)
`—with oil, steel, aluminum, copper)
`Falex Failure Load,
`ASTM D—3233
`Steel on Steel (lbs)
`Four—ball WearTest, Wear 5G1 (mm)
`ASTM D4172
`(Load: 20 kgms; Speed: 1200 rpm;
`Temperature 107T; Time. 1 hour;
`(no refi'igerant»
`ishtpping‘ita'ndiing "and Availability
`ProEco‘ lubricants and basestocks are shipped in unlined, closedhead, 559allon drums Bulk shipments can be made available in standard commercial tank cars or tank trucks
`F59" E ("A I
`chrris SynLubes Technology is (El rifled under =50 9001 and 05-9030.
`Cognis is dedicated to the safe ooetaticn of our manufactu-trtg plants and facilities, to the health and safety of our employees, and to protection of the environment. As a member of
`the American Chemistrv Council in the United Stazesfognts is committed to the implementation of the Responsible Cate’g rnitiativeCognss also follows the guidelines of other leading
`industry organizations in other parts 0! the world in safety, health and the environment
`Visit our website: ww.<ognis.com
`Cognis Corporation - 5051 Estecreek Drive ' Cincinnati,Ohio 45232 US A. ‘ 513/482~3000 ° 866 synlube (796—5823)‘ 1331.2513/482—551 l
`Cognis Canada Corporation - 2290 Argentia Rd. - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - LEN 5H9 ' 905642-7550 - Fay;
`Cognis Deutschland GmbH - D-40191 ~ Dusseldorf, Germany - 011749-(0) 211-79408518 ~ Fax1011-49-(O) Ell-7982516
`and makes no warmer, c- :cprcxntarionthat the information is correct or :m’npctc- Final determination
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`v—_ ‘ 1rd " m. fag»; Carp-312161 Ferrarist u-r" ts I To»; ‘34: its jerratl l‘; he Am. nta't (hm-stir {tutti-AI i-tr Pll'llk‘j ir J S A
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`T; Technical Data Sheet #ZF
` Synthetic
` 91.,
`: u.- fa: .uurr
`July, 2002
`Mixed Acid Polyol Ester Compounded
`frigeraion Lbricant—"ML" Series
`H- N. *1»:
`A Description
`Fully compounded refrigeration lubricant f0rmulated with mixed
`acid polyol esters. ProEco‘ refrigeration compressor lubricants are
`polyol esters that offer optimum miscibility and compatibility
`with new generation non—CFC refrigerants.
`improved wear characteristics
`I Excellent miscibility and thermal stability
`I Low pour point
`Refrigeration compressors, coolersThese products are specifically
`designed for systems that experience high levels of wear.
` iynlubies'téChhVOlongl‘
`Product Code Number
`Typical Proper'tié ..
`SO Viscosity Grade
`ProEta‘ ISMl
`ProEco' SZML
`ProEco‘ and
`1025 (8.53)
`No Change
`993 (8.26)
`No Change
`996 (8.29)
`No Change
`ASTM D445
`ASTM D—2270
`ASTM D—974
`ASTM D—92
`ASTM D-97
`ASTM D4052
`10% Oil
`ASHRAE 974983
`Viscosity index
`Total acid number
`Flash point, °C
`Pour point, °C
`Specific gravity, 15.6'C (60°F)
`Density, gIL 156°C (lbs/gal, 60°F)
`Miscibility, 'C, R12, R22, R1 34a, R404a
`Sealed Tube,Thermal stability
`(i75'C, 14 days; OiI:RI34a(l:i)
`-with oil, steel, aluminum, copper)
`Falex Failure Load, Steel on Steel (lbs)
`Fourvball Wear Test, Wear scar (mm)
`(Load: 20 kgms; Speed: 7200 rpms;
`Temperature: 107 'C; Time: 1 hour;
`(no refrigerant»
`ASTM D-3233
`ASTM D-4 i 72
` Shipping, Handtrag‘afidfi‘
`ProEco' lubricants and basestocks are shipped in unlined, closed-head, SSQallon drums Bulk shipments can be made available in standard commercial tank cars or tank trucks.
`Page i of I
`Cognis SynLuses Technology is certified under 230 905)! and 05-9030.
`plants and iacitizies, to the health and saler of our employees, and to protection of the environment As a member of
`Cognis 1; dedicated to the safe operation of our manufactud.
`'t'rrTIlnii—(‘i ro the implementation at the Re-aponsrble Care‘i' initiative. Cognés also (allows the guideiines of other leading
`the American Chemistry Council in the dotted States. chnis
`industry organizations in other parts of the world in safety, health and the environment
`Cognis Corporation ' 5051 Estecreek Drive - CmcinnatLOhio 43232 USA. ~ 513/482~3000 - 866 Syniube (7965823) - Fax:513/482~55H
`Cognis Canada Corporation - 2290 Argentia ltd. - Mississaugaflmafio, Canada ' LSN 6H9 - 905/542-7550 - Fax: 905/542-7588
`Cognis Oeutschland GmbH ° D-40191 - DUSSE‘idOIL Germany - Git-49(0) 2i 1-7940-8518 - Fax: 0114910”) lit-7982516
`Visit our website: www.cognis.com
`sgrns assumes m =iabr=tty ant: .T-a‘c: m ~.\ a'ra"!y r;- ‘C;)1£‘1(‘:’Ii]ll£‘nii’“\l the inlm'narmn rs correct -.,-r comp-Eercfmaldeterminanm
`: ~r.-ho-1ion(‘lrr'-rmstrc mndflx‘ms c’ I‘l’flIdEC use
`C O G 00 398
`June, 2004
`Technical Data Sheet #136
` I:
`lite 1m. ,:i:n:: ,.. n...”
`Complex Polyol Ester Refrigeration
`._ b-""Ses
`is .g:;j.;
`Specially formulated for hot running, reciprocating and rotary refrigeration compressors
`corrosionThey have low pour points, outstanding miscibility with
`PtoEco' High Viscosity Refrigeration Lubricants were designed for hot
`HFC's. and provide excellent protection against wear.
`ProEco’ High Viscosity Refrigeration Lubricants are produced to a
`running reciprocating and rotary refrigeration compressors using HFC
`refrigerants.The high viscosity provides a thicker oil film on lubricated
`very high purity level and have very low levels of moisture.
`parts, which minimizes metal to metal contact and its related wear.
`ProEco' High Viscosity Refrigeration Lubricants have excellent
`compatibility with HFC refrigerants to provide long service life of
`both the fluid and compressor, as well as maximizing compressor
`efficiency by minimizing deposit formation,valve sticking, and
`The high viscosity provides a thicker oil film on lubricated parts,
`which minimizes metal to metal contact and its related wear.
`This series of products can be used as compressor lubricants or in
`formulating refrigeration compressor lubricants.
`ProEco‘ 1 ooc
`ProEco‘ 170C
`ProEco‘ 220C
`2928Product Code Number 3170
`wpieai Ero'pertles
`ISO Viscosity Grade
`Viscosity, cSt
`\fiscosity index
`Total acid number
`Hydroxyl value
`Flash point. °C
`Pour point,“C
`Specific gravity. 156°C (60'F)
`Density, 9/L 156°C (lbs/gal, 60°F)
`996 (8.31)
`986 (8.21)
`976 (8.13)
`Miscibility, 'C, R12, R22. R134a,R404a
`Falex Wear, mg
`(400 lbs. Load, 30 minutes, R134a Bubbling)
`Four-ball Wear Test.Wear scar (mm)
`(Load: 20 kgms: Speed: 1200 rpms;
`Temperature: 1077:; Time: 1 hour:
`(no refrigerant»
`snipbtng‘ujanaitirg‘ana Airaiia'bility"‘.-..
`ProEco‘ lubricantsandbasestocksare stripped in unlined,closed-head 55-gallondrumsBulk shipmentscan be madeavailable in standardcommercial tankcarsor tanktrucks
`unwou— Cognrs SynLu‘oesTechnologyis certified under ISO 9001 and 0579000.
`P09? 70f f
`Cognis is dedicated to the safe operation ofour manufacturing plantsand facilities, to the health and safety of our employees,and to protettion of the environment. As a member of
`the American Chemistry Council in the United States,Cognis is committed to the implementation of the Responsible Care® initiative.Cognis also follows the guidelines of other leading
`industry organizations in other parts of the world in safety, health and the environment,
`Visit our website: www.cognis.com
`Cognis Corporation ' 5051 Estecreek Drive ' Cincinnati, Ohio 45232 USA. ‘ 513/482-3000 ' 866 synlube (796-5823) ' Fax: 51 3/482-5511
`Cognis Canada Corporation ~ 2290 Argentia Rd. ° Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - LSN 6H9 - 905/542-7550 ° Fax: 905/5424588
`Cognis Deutschland GmbH ‘ D-40l9l
`' Dusseldorf, Germany - 0114940) 211779408518 ° Fax: 01149-(0) 211-798-25l6
`Infermation provided in this technical literature is believed to be accurate Howevet,Cognis assumes no liability and makes nowarranty or representation that. the information is couect or (ompletefinal determination
`of suitability of any material and issues of patent infringement are the sole responsibility of the user who alone knows the (ondiiions of intended use
`COG 00399
`3 and ‘7 2001. fognis (otporamn Responsibb (arel9 is a ItqlSlPlfd trademark rif the lineman (hemrttty tauntil, lttt Printed at if s A
`m. r_.—
`ASTM 0-2270
`AOCS CD 1360
`ASTM D-9'l
`10% Oil
`ASTM D—4172
`.n 1-“. tilt-111,01 u...”
`Lubricants la-
`Asm __
`Specially formulated as a corrosion preventative during assembly or storage
`ProEco‘ 46 Assembly Oil is a synthetic based lubricant formulated
`for use as a corrosion preventative and lubricant for compressor
`parts and system components in air conditioning and refrigeration
`systems using HFC and HCFC refrigerants
`ProEco‘ 46 Assembly Oil is recommended for use as a corrosion
`preventative and lubricant with all air conditioning and refrigeration
`system components that utilize HFC and HCFC refrigerants and
`Polyol Ester Lubricants where there are contamination concerns.
`ProEco‘ 46 Assembly Oil is recommended during the assembly
`process of refrigeration compressor components to help prevent
`the corrosion normally experienced with mineral assembly oils.
`By reducing the presence of insoluble contaminants and detri—
`mental residues in hermetic systems, ProEco' 46 Assembly Oil can
`reduce the risk of capillary tube plugging, which can ultimately
`lead to failure. ProEco" 46 Assembly Oil is fully compatible with
`HFC and HCFC refrigerants and is fully miscible with Polyol Ester
`(POE) lUbficamS used in air conditioning SYSIQmS
`ProEcoe‘ 46 Assembly Oil
`Product Code Number
`Typical Properties.
`. v »- 2 g
`Test Method
`lSO Viscosity Grade
`Viscosity, cSt
`Viscosity index
`Total acid value
`ASTM 0445
`ASTM D-2270
`ASTM D-974
`966 (8.04)
`No Chng
`Flash point, °C
`Pour point, °C
`Specific gravity, 156°C (60' F)
`Density, g/L 156°C (lbs/gal, 60°F)
`Miscibility, 'C, R12, R22. R1343, R4043
`Sealed Tube, Thermal stability
`175°C, 14 days;0il:R134a (1:1)
`—with oil, steel, aluminum, copper
`Hydrolytic stability, Final AV mg KOH/gm
`See Note
`Sealed Tube; 175°C, 14 days, 1000 ppm water;
`OilzR1343 (1:1)
` Shipping; Handling ana AVallability“
`j: '
`ProEco' lubricants and basestoclcs are shipped in unlined, closed—head, SSgallon drums Bulk shipments can be made available in standard commercial tank cars or tank trucks.
`ASTM D—92
`ASTM D»97
`ASTM D4052
`10% Oil
`ASHRAE 974983
`Cognis SynLu'oes Technology is certified under 280 9001 and 0390-30,
`P119? 50.”
` Cognis is dedicated to the safe operation of our manufacturing plants and facilities, {3 the health and salety of our employees, and to p:otection oi ihe environment. As a member of
`Visit our website: www.cognis.com
`the American Chemistry Council in the United Stazesfcgnis is cor'=‘>mitted to the erlplEll‘zel‘IIBllOl‘: of the Responsible Care”3 Initiative. Cognas also loilow: the gurdelines of other leading
`m” industry organizations in other parts oi the world in safety, health and the environment
`(ognis Corporation - 5051 Estecreek Drive ' Cincinnati,Ohio 45232 U S A. - S l 3/482-3000 - 866 synlube (796-5823) ‘ Fax15l 3/482-55l l
`Cognis Canada Corporation - 2290 Argentia Rd. - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - LSN 6H9 - 905/542-7550 - Fax: 905/5427588
`Cognis Deutschland GmbH ' D-40l91 - Dusseldorf, Germany - 01 l-497(0) 21 17940-898 - Fax: 0‘. l-497(0) 211-798-2516
`'trxcscnmtien that the inlor’narrc-n is (xiv->110: :wnp-fcte,.‘inal determination
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`9 2M" 2301(61133 (arm-aircnilcsp-ms t3:- UT’ I: a WIXIC'\‘CE'5‘1’T""K\‘EIW Antintnfirmnlry (“marlin Pri'rteim J S A
`C O G 0
` 1Synthetic
`ilu b=.i nu.” In using
`AB 32 and AB 68 Synthetic
`_ fierin Comprr Lubica
` ts
` i
`.gA. pr,
`Specially formulated for use with HFC, CFC, and HCFC refrigerants
`proECO‘ AB 32 and AB 68 Synthetic Refrigeration Compressor
`Lubricants are fully formulated products made from the highest quality
`alkylate basestocks. ProEco‘ AB 32 and AB 68 offer outstanding low
`temperature propemes and excellent high tempe’amre Stability-
`Adm", (ages
`SUpenm SOIUb'my W'th refl'gerams
`:mproveg compreSSO'tgffidencly
`[ d
`mprove wea.r prgtec Ion at e eve ? .[emperamres
`' mended SE’V'Ce "f8 and 'Onge’ d'a'” 'me’va's
`I P'OEFO AB 32 and AB 68 WWW“ Refi'ge’at'on compressor
`Lubricants form no deposrts 1n |0w temperature systems
`I High degree of chemical stability
`I Eliminate degradation and sludge formation associated with
`Convem'onal m‘ne'a' 0'15
`Synthetic compounded fluids manufactured specially for use with
`CFC and HCFC refrigerants in all centrifugal, reciprocating, rotary and
`scroll type compressorsThey can be used in all types of refrigeration
`compressors and are compatible With conventional mineral 0115 as
`well as most materials of compressor construction.These lubricants
`are compatible with ammonia, CFC,and HCFC refrigerants such as
`R12 R13 R22 R114 R123 R124 R401A R4018 R401CR402A R4028
`R403, R500. R502.and R503 in both industrial and marine applications.
`ProEco' AB 68
`ProEco' AB 32
`roduct Code Number
`Wplcal pregame-sf
`Test Method
`150 Grade
`Viscosity, cSt
`ASTM 0-445
`Acid value, mg KOH/g
`ASTM 0-974
`Moisture, ppm
`ASTM 01533
`Pour point, °C
`' ASTM 0-97
`Flash point, °C
`ASTM D~92
`Floc point, °C
`Dielectric strength, kV
`ASTM 0-877
`Falex Failure Load, Steel on Steel, lbs.
`ASTM D-3233
`Four—ball Wear, mmZ
`ASTM D4172
`Specific gravity, 15.6‘C (60'F)
`ASTM D-4052
`860 (7.16) . 860 (7.16)Density, g/L 156°C (lbs/gal, 60°F) Conversion
`ProEco' A8 32 and AB 68 are compatible with Mineral Oils, Mylaf, Polypropylene, Viton', Buna-N‘, Neoprene', and Nylon“.
`1-Shipping, Handling and Availability 2: .
`ProEco’ lubricants and basestocks are shipped in unlined, closed-head. SSgallon drums Bulk shipments (an be made available in standard commercial tank cars or tank trucks
`Page "7f 7
`Cognis Sanuees Technology is certified under 250 9001 and 05-9000.
`Cognis is dedicated to the safe operation of our manufacturing plants and facilities, to the health and safety of ow employees, and to pmtection of the environment. As a member of
`the American Chemistry Council in the United States. Cognis is committed to the implementation of the Res"
`.sible Care's-‘- inrtiativaC-agnls also follows the guidelines of other leading
`'"m-1- industry organizations in other parts of the world in safety, health and the environment.
`Cognis Corporation - SOSI Estecreek Drive ' Cincinnati,0hio 45232 USA - 513/482—3030 - 866 synlube (796—58231 ' Fax: 51 3/482-5511
`Cognis Canada Corporation - 2290 Argentia Rd ' Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - LSN 6H9 - 905/542-7550 - Fax: 905/542-7588
`Cognis Deutschland GmbH - 0740191 - Dusseldorf, Germanv - 011-4910) 21199408518 - Fax: 011-49-(0) 2t EJ982516
`Visit our website: www.cogniscom
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`r ri'gbegté‘Ch’nélogv,
`Technical Data Sheet #1 4A July, 2002
`Complex Polyol Ester Compounded
`efrietio Lubricants
`"CL" Seri‘
`Specially formulated for non—CFC refrigerant systems
`This series of products can be used in refrigeration compressors
`ProEco' High Viscosity Refrigeration Lubricants have excellent com-
`or used to formulate refrigeration compressor lubricants. ProEco‘
`patibility with HFC refrigerants to provide long service life of both the
`refrigeration compressor lubricant basestocks and fully formulated
`fluid and compressor, as well as maximizing compressor efficiency by
`products are polyol esters that offer optimum miscibility and
`minimizing deposit formation, valve sticking,and corrosion.1hey
`compatibility with new generation non-CFC refrigerants.
`have low pour points, outstanding miscibility with HFC’s,and provide
`excellent protection against wear. ProEco’ High Viscosity Refrigeration
`Lubricants are produced to a very high purity level and have very
`low levels of moisture.
`Prokoto 100G
`Product Code Number 2824
`«typical firébertie'si
`ASTM D—3233
`ASTM D-4 172
` Shiatsthgiitihdttng and Availability-g.“
`ProEco' lubricants and basestocks are shipped in unlined,closed—head, 559allon drums Bulk shipments can be made available in standard commercial tank cars or tank trucks
`Page is”
` (cgnis is decrated to the safe operation of our manufactul ing plants and faciliires. to the health and safety of our employees, and to protection of the environment. As a member of
`Cognis SynLuoes Technology is certified under £30 9601 and 03-9930.
`to the implementation or the Responsible Care’a initiativeCognss also follows the guidelines of other leading
`the American Chemistry Council in the United States. Cognis is comm'
`industry organizations in other parts of the world in safety. health and rte €f:‘.“llC-:’1fl"-vfl‘-[.
`Cognis Corporation - 5051 Estecreek Drive - CincinnatiDhio 45232 USA - 513/482-3000 - 866 synlube (7965823) ~ Fa): 513/4827551 l
`Cognis Canada Corporation - 2290 Argentia Rd, - MississaugaOntario, Canada - LSN 6H9 - 905/542-7550 ‘ Fax: 905/542-7588
`Cognis Deutschland GmbH - D-40‘r91 - Dusseldorf, Germany - 011749-(0) 211-7940-8518 - Fax: 011-49—(0) 211—7982516
`Visit our website: www.cognis.(om
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`COG 00402
`. .,
`Test Method
`ISO Viscosity Grade
`Viscosity, (St
`1 l
`996 (8.31)
`No Change
`ASTM 0—2270
`ASTM 0—974
`ASTM 0-97
`ASTM D4052
`70% Oil
`ASHRAE 97-1983
`Viscosity index
`Total acid number
`Flash point, “C
`Pour point, 0C
`Specific gravity, 15,6'C (60°F)
`Density, g/L 156°C (lbs/gal, 60°F)
`Miscibility, ‘C, R12, R22, R1343, R4043
`Sealed Tube.ThermaI stability
`(175T, 14 days;Or'l:Rl34a (1:1)
`——with oil, steel, aluminum, copper)
`Falex Failure Load, Steel on Steel (lbs)
`Four~ball Wear TesLWear scar (mm)
`(Load: 20 kgms; Speed; 1200 rpms;
`Temperature: 107°C; Time: 1 hour; (no refrigerant»
` Preserving Air, Water, and Soil
`ProEco® Synthetic Lubricants —
`Environmentally Acceptable Fluids
`eserving Profits
`Global environmental awareness
`continues to be on the rise. Global
`regulations such as North America's
`Executive Order #13101 (Section
`401) and Germany's Blue Angel are
`evidence that governments are
`taking steps to insure that
`corporations are responsible for
`their part in protecting the
`environment. High insurance rates,
`fines, and the high cost of clean up
`and remediation are some ofthe
`consequences companies can face.
`The impact of oil leaks and
`hydrocarbon emissions is minimized
`when you use naturally derived
`Cognis ProEco‘” products.Cognis
`products are virtually non—toxic as
`measured by OECD and TSCA
`As a leading global marketer of
`innovative, high performance
`ironmentally acceptable fluids,
`.nis provides customers with
`r‘iciency and life cycle cost savings.
`Increased environmental protection,
`increased component life,waste
`reduction and waste prevention of
`toxic materials, and fewer
`equipment failures are just a few
`other ways our customers benefit
`from working with us.
`Ultimate biodegradability
`Conventional petroleum,Group II
`and Group III based products,and
`food grade white oils, in use for
`environmentally sensitive
`applications, do not meet OECD and
`ASTM biodegradability standards.
`Cognis, however, manufactures
`environmentally acceptable fluids
`which utilize natural and renewable
`raw materials to synthesize fluids
`which exhibit both superior
`lubrication performance and
`enhanced BidECdTox properties
`versus these mineral oil derived fluids,
`and therefore have excellent ultimate
`egradability as measured by
`D 301 B/ASTM D6864.
` reserving The Environment
`ProEco“’ products —— for longer
`life and a better environment
`Early users of environmentally
`acceptable fluids have been
`discouraged by the use of
`triglyceride fluids (vegetable oils).
`Triglycerides have not provided the
`necessary level of performance to
`operate equipment effectively and
`efficiently over wide temperature
`Furthermore,triglyceride fluids may
`begin to prematurely degrade and
`hydrolyze in service when exposed
`to water and high temperatures.
`ProEco® products have high
`oxidative stability as tested by ASTM
`D943 dry TOST, and operate at much
`wider temperature ranges. See chart
`Comparison of Operating Temperature
`Ranges PF)
`40' -25'
`300' 350'
`ProEco'E products can
`be used in a variety of
`sensitive applications:
`Two—stroke engines
`Hydraulic systems
`Gear boxes
`Chain drives
`Grease lubrication
`m gnu-nu mm W a: u my :1. mm Edwina. rm w m» may... m 91-
`Pdw‘ uw-mmmmnmm m. I“ «nu-“4m”. 7r.er mme mm:
`COG 00162
`ProEco® products are tailored to meet global
`environmental regulations
`I Aquatic toxicity is the adverse
`(toxic) effect of a substance
`against aquatic organisms. Acute
`aquatic toxicity (parameter
`LC/ECSO) is generally determined
`for fish (96 h test), daphnia (48 h
`test) and algae (72 resp. 96 h test)
`under standardized conditions
`according to TSCA or OECD
`I Ashless additives do not contain
`barium, zinc, and calcium.
`I Biodegradability is the ultimate
`decomposition of the fluid into
`C02, H20 and heat by microbial
`process within 28 days.
`OECD 3018 Modified Sturm or
`ASTM D-5864 test results of >60%
`exceed this requirement.
`I CEC—L-33-A 94 — European test
`method is used to measure
`primary biodegradation. Pass
`>90% in 28 days. Replaced by
`OECD 301 B.
`I Filterability — removal of
`particulates while maintaining
`I Low Temperature — pumpability
`at cold start up
`I Oxidation Stability — ASTM D943
`dry TOST
`For more information,
`please call
`1-866-SYNLUBE (796—5823)
`COG 00163
`El :utmm lllhr. Hath-n & H! to}. In Pmlra‘ “Wm-um 7a my: have!“ new air
`PMII‘ [Mayan-"um 031‘) min 2‘ 395 N 5!)! lm Inna a. P'dtl' bh‘gaxnn Linden
`Key terms
`Environmentally Acceptable Fluids
`are biodegradable non—toxic fluids
`that do not harm the environment
`by virtue of their ability to ultimately
`decompose with no long-term
`impact on the environment.
`Characteristics and Test Methods
`I Aerobic Biodegradation takes
`place in the presence of oxygen.
`Oxygen is consumed along with
`the organic matter, and energy
`metabolism is provided within
`the microbial cells to maintain life
`ProEco products
`meet or exceed
`OEM performance
`Cognis ProEco® Environmentally
`Acceptable Fluids
`A History of Environmental
`Cognis has a long tradition of innovation. Cognis
`follows in the footsteps of pioneering work that dates
`back to the early 19505,when the company first
`introduced high performance, synthetic ester—based
`aviation turbine lubricants.
`Our commitment to innovation is reflected by
`numerous US. and foreign patents and patent
`applications we hold for synthetic lubricants.Today
`Cognis is one of the leading companies worldwide in
`environmental aspects and research.
`A brief time line of product development
`- Biodegradable synthetic gear lubricants
`- Biodegradable synthetic hydraulic fluids
`1 995
`- Biodegradable synthetic shock absorber fluids
`~ Biodegradable low smoke synthetic two stroke
`basestocks and lubricants
`- Biodegradable synthetic greases
`- Biodegradable ester basestocks for hydraulics
`and greases
`- Development of polyol ester refrigeration
`lubricants for new HFC (134a) refrigerants
`- Biodegradable 2 cycle engine oil
`- Biodegradable additives for saw chain lubes
`1 987
`- Biodegradable basestocks
`' High temperature chain lubricants
`- Dimer esters for synthetic 2—cycle fluids
`1968-1 975
`- US. Army development Alaska pipeline
`construction FRlGlDGO® Arctic Fluid
`COG 00164
`n; :taltml‘ memmn m mum.» l'hrgnxm nun Ia nui- nunmnuw
`mum ir’nyrvmflanb um [2:126 Hub 795nm)"; um: MW‘ Wynn-mm...
`COG 00165
`" ,yniubes Technology
`Cognis Corporation
`5051 Estecreek Drive
`Cincinnati,OH 45232—1446
`Phone: 1 -866-SYNLUBE (796-5823)
`Cognis Canada Corporation
`2290 Argentia Road
`Mississauga, Ontario LSN 6H9
`Phone: 1—800—668—6023
` .9
`P“ ‘5'” ca:
`COG 00166
`lnformation provided in this tedmical literature is believed to be an» ate. However,Cognis assumes no liability and makes
`no warranty or representation that the inlormation is curred or (omplete. Final determination of suitability oi any material
`and issues of patent infringement are the sole responsibility of the user who alone knows the conditions of intended use
`The statements in this br0(hure do not apply to Profro‘ Relrigeration Fluids. For more information about our ProEco*
`Refrigeration Fluids, please Contact 17866-796 5823 for a copy of our Profioa Relrigeration brochure.
`'5 designates trademark of Cognis Corporation - G 2002‘ Cognis Corporation - Printed in USA.
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`IN bur-maternal! ltrtrrrri in;
`ion to the Cogn
`world of Graph
`An lntroduct
`Why Cognis?
`Widely regarded as one of the most successful innovators in the
`industry, Cognis is one of the leading global specialty chemicals
`companies in the world. With a strong emphasis and commitment to
`the Graphic Arts industry, dating back to over forty years ago with the
`introduction of polyamides, Cognis is uniquely positioned to offer our
`customers innovative concepts for successful, value-added products
`as well as comprehensive know-how for markets, formulations and
`processes. Our reputation has been built on our environmentally
`sensitive manufacturing processes, which utilize natural, renewable
`resources and recyclable and biodegradable materials. With
`approximately 9,100 employees, our integrated globalnetwork makes
`it possible for us to provide the same high-quality products and
`services to all customers around the world. We are committed to
`providing innovative, exciting and environmentally-friendly new
`products and technologies for the Graphic Arts industry.
`Partner with Cognis. We know how.
`COG 00168
`. Our mission:
`Our goal is to provide innovative, sustainable, superior solutions to our
`customers in the Graphic Arts industry to help them win in their markets.
`Therefore, whether you are involved in Flexo, Litho, Gravure, Thermography or
`Overprint Varnish printing processes, we invite you to learn more about our
`broad portfolio of products, technologies and dedicated global team
`commitment to the Graphic Arts industry,
`956‘ Famous Silvi’rkétfkgimen
`. Liquidlnks forSuiffacePrint'ingj
`I VERSAMID’ alcohol soluble and co—solvent soluble polyamide resins
`HYDROPLAT‘ dispersants
`DSX‘ rheology modifiers
` Y;
`PHOTOMER‘ 4000 series multifunctional acrylate monomers
`PHOTOMER' 4000 series amine synergists and adhesion promoters
`PHOTOMER' 5000 series polyester acrylate oligomers
`PHOTOMER‘6000 series polyurethane acrylate oligomers
`PHOTOMER‘ 8000 series multi—functional acrylate monomers
`DEHYDRAN‘ & FOAMSTAR° defoamers
`PERENOL' F series flow, slip and leveling additives
`TEXAPHOR‘ dispersants
`f .
`I VERSAMID’ 1655 thermographic polyamide resins
`Liquid Inks for
`Surface Printing
`Energy Cure
`and Inks
`Inks for
`Solid Inks
`COG 00169
`Cognis strives to be a valued partner. We
`recognize that customer requirements and
`technology are constantly changing—and
`only those who recognize trends early and
`can bring innovative ideas and concepts to
`market quickly will remain attractive in the
`marketplace. That is why the Cognis
`Graphic Ans team is dedicated to working
`closely with our customers to identify and
`develop products and solutions that will
`help them realize their goals. Another
`example of our dedication to our customers
`is the establishment of our global key
`account management program— ensuring
`comprehensive customer care and efficient,
`coordinated worldwide business processes.
`Innovative Solutions:
`Cognis Graphic Arts is much more than a
`supplier of high-performance process
`chemicals. Rather, we develop
`comprehensive solutions based on our
`profound technical understanding of the
`complex processes at all stages of
`manufacturing and the accurate knowledge
`of the procedure thr