`(exceeds 300 pages)
`Proceeding] Serial No: 91162078
`Filed: 03-27-2006
`Title: Trial Brief; Notice of Filing; Depositions
`and Deposition Exhibits; and Index to Notice of
`Reliance Documents
`Part 7 of 10
`The United States Playing Card Company
`Harbro, LLC.
`§W ,3
`a Publication s.
`s ,,
`326. News & Record
`May 8, 2005‘
`hopped on a bus to Vegas and
`then Albu uer ue
`The Observer
`May 8, 2005
`The Observer
`May 8, 2005
`that no self-respecting Vegas
`casino would be seen dead with
`of a month of Vegas-themed
`Palm Beach Post
`May 8, 2005
`Boyd keeps the Vegas time-
`Palm Beach Post
`May 8, 2005
`The Marlins have several Vegas
`Palm Beach Post
`May 8, 2005
`glide from Georgia to Vegas and
`be ond?
`A 332.
`The People
`Philadelphia Inquirer
`May 8, 2005
`should be topping the bill in
`May 8, 2005
`Puerto Morelos is Vegas compared
`to Akumal.
`Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
`May 8, 2005
`the cash register lit up like the
`Ve as Stri .
`335. Roanoke Times & World News
`May 8, 2005
`...To prepare for the Vegas venture
`Saint Paul Pioneer Press
`May 8, 2005
`San Bernardino Sun
`The San Francisco Chronicle
`Ma 8, 2005
`May 8, 2005
`The San Francisco Chronicle
`The San Francisco Chronicle
`Ma 8, 2005
`May 8, 2005
`are as common as cabs in
`laces like Veas
`at the Baker to Veas race
`the start of our weekend in
`In Veas these da s, women touch.
`what happens in Vegas might
`well 0 home with me.
`The San Francisco Chronicle
`St. Louis Post-Disatch
`St. Petersbur Times
`May 3,2005
`Ma 8.2005
`a 8, 200
`a 8. 200
`we are like amblers in Veas.
`we «,
`§% ~
`tee .
` ev
`?* Public“at;io"ne~%
` 3467.”
`St. Petersburg Times
`Joe Torre has a one-way ticket to
`Veas et?
`May 8, 2005
`should be topping the bill in
`the most expensive casino that
`here else has seen.
`Veas or an
`dabbles in the bloated Vegas
`version so memorable to eole
`and be ond?
`other reasons to end ‘Sin Cit '.
`Vegas is trying to put forward
`It's only a 40-minute flight away
`from Veas
`Ma 7,2005 Will Marlins move to Veas?
`May 7, 2005 We've been to Vegas and Portland
`May 7, 2005
`.1. makes me feel like I'm in Vegas
`The State
`The Sunday People
`Sunday Tribune
`The Sunday Herald
`Ventura County Star
`Ventura County Star
`/ntelligencer Journal
`The Associated Press
`The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
`Birmingham Evening Mail
`Birmingham Evening Mail
`Buffalo News
`Charleston Gazette
`Chicago Daily Herald
`Contra Costa Times
`COX News Service
`The Dell Journal
`m Ma 7, 2005
`Fort Collins Coloradoan
`May 7, 2005
`5“ ‘’'‘‘"'‘
`Veas at the Renfrew Fer
`term exansion
`threatens to stop Vegas's long-
`she didn't run off to Vegas to
`Think Holl wood, notVeas
`The Equine Center will be
`transformed into a Vegas hotel
`Iobb .
`.»% R3Jb|iCatiOn
`Las Vegas Review-Journal
`Las Vegas Review-Journal
`May 7, 2005
`am M...
`May 7, 2005
`May 7, 2005
`May 7, 2005
`May 7, 2005
`The Oregonian
`Plain Dealer
`381. Associated Press Online
`May 7, 2005 And after she jetted to Vegas with
`the siner
`May 7, 2005
`May 7, 2005
`May 7, 2005
`May 7, 2005
`...it makes me feel like I'm in Vegas
`:..then flew her to Vegas and back
`fell asleep on the blanket - and
`dreamt of Ve as.
`on his rivate 'et.
`If I'm in his shoes and Vegas calls
`Albuuerue Journal
`Ma 6, 2005
`litams wrestlers com ete in Veas
`The Boston Herald
`May 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`BPI Entertainment News Wire
`May 6, 2005
`off a heroin debt.
`has to look sex
`because in Vegas, even a suit
`If I'm in his shoes and Vegas calls
`Tommy Lee in Vegas, baby, then
`accompanied Pamela Anderson's
`Elvis was such a presence in
`keeping a watchful eye on the
`Ve as market
`pageant pals are kidnapped in
`May 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`catch a bus to Vegas, go on to
`a museum with weird stuff in
`May 6,2005
`7:00 am EST Veas
`May 6, 2005
`makes me feel like I'm in Vegas
`May 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`glide from Georgia to Vegas and
`be ond
`entourage on his private plane to
`389. Business Day
`South Africa
`Chicago Tribune
`Chicago Sun-Times
`TV Show - CNN
`Contra Costa Times
`395. Daily News
`There are very few viable markets,
`and Veas is the stronest
`...(the) first airplane that landed in
`Veas had a a in assener
`...100 vintage aircraft flying over the
`when everyone else has gone to
`Veas stri
`just price the tickets to Vegas
`The Dallas Mornin News
`Ma 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`Birmingham Post and Mail Ltd
`Evenin Mail
`and move a date to Veas.
`is staging a Vegas Supernova
`romotion until Ma 15.
` 398.
`Fort Worth Star Telegram
`May 6, 2005
`ha ens in Veas
`The Hollywood Reporter
`The Miami Herald
`The Hotline
`was spotted in Vegas by always-
`trim Jessica Alba
`...E|vis was such a presence in
`What happens in Vegas only
`Beyond that, the wooers from
`Veas ..
`and ‘hop on a bus to Vegas
`May 6, 2005
`8:00 m EST
`writes about the fact that she
`.. 49 percent of all the rooms on
`Forced to dress like a Vegas
`Vegas lounge lizards
` 407. Newsday
`...as a campy Vegas variety show
`who come there to Osceo|a's
`version of the Veas Stri
`...wassottedInVeasb .
`doesn't consider it a road trip if
`Ve as isn't a sto
` 402.
`TV Show - MSNBC
`TV Shoe - MSNBC
`Radio Show - NPR
`The New York Times
`The News-Press
`-A 08.
`Orlando Sentinel
`6:00 m EST went to Veas.
`the Ve as Stri .
`4:00 am EST
`cocktail waitress
`Forget Vegas; this time the hip
`Ocean cats heads to Euroe
`Veas and Texas this summer.
`whatever ha o ens in Veas.
`the trick
`a quick trip to Vegas would do
`either by the Vegas gamblers
`rabbin for his
`Ma 6, 2005
`Ma 6, 2005
`May 6, 2005
`lfeel like I'm in Veas...
`Take itto Veas...
`a landmark of the old Vegas strip
`May 6, 2005 Maybe Vegas can't handle a major-
`lea ue franchise.
`May 6, 2005
`at least 11 trips to Vegas since
`Ma 6, 2005
`Bullet train to Veas...
`Philadel o hia In 0 uirer
`Philadelphia Inquirer
`Ma 6,2005
`May 6, 2005
`41 1.
`Philadelphia Inquirer
`Reno Gazette
`Reno Gazette
`Rochester Democrat and
`The San Diego Union-Tribune
`San Jose Mercu News
`Sortin News
`Springfield News-Leader
`St. Petersburg Times
`St. Petersburg Times
` 422.
`The State
`evvrse 4
`».«>$& :
`J, Publication
`’ "”;.;.:gD”até;t
`4» Use.“
`May 6, 200
`Response to the latest Vegas sto e
`Ma 6, 2005
`Veas he worked on murals
`May 5, 2005
`but the fear is that Vegas‘ big
`W omin Tribune-Eale
`425. Austin American-Statesman
`backstage. com
`Charleston Daily Mail
`Charlotte Observer
`Chicago Sun-Times
`The CommercieIA eel
`Cole News Service
`The Courier-Journal
`Dail News
`Daily News
`Daily News
`May 5, 2005
`hopes to tour throughout Vegas
`with the roduction.
`May 5, 2005
`of local plays winding up Vegas
`runs this week.
`May 5, 2005
`...But normal is running off to
`May 5, 2005
`held beliefs about Vegas is that
`May 5, 2005 Will she use its magic to win big in
`May 5, 2005
`May 5, 2005
`were all over each other last
`weekend in Veas
`spending too much time in Vegas
`The Dallas Mornin News
`The D8//as Mornin News
`wh not take a tri to Veas.
`Ma 5, 2005
`Ma 5. 2005
`a restaurant called Olives [New
`York, Boston, Aspen, Tokyo, D.C.,
`TV Show - Fox
`8:48 m EST Veas?
`The lndeendent
`The Kansas City Star
`Lansing State Journal
`Ma 5,2005
`May 5, 2005
`May 5, 2005
`Las Vegas Review-Journal
`May 5, 2005
`Las Vegas Review-Journal
`May 5, 2005
`Legal Week
`May 5, 2005
`Brit doe rather well in Veas
`is a story of an impromptu Vegas
`travel to Detroit or take trips to
`Veas or Miami
`what happens in Vegas stretches
`all the way into White Pine County
`hopes to be part of a Vegas-
`based TV show
`of the overall scale of the Vegas-
`st le casinos
`Los Aneles Times
`Ma 5, 2005
`3-da bash in Veas
` "d”eV/yertake them with me»to
`V as.
`Yeah, it's about that Vegas thing.
`what happened in Vegas would
`stay in Vegas.
`Thursda Veas Getawa
`& Heifers man land
`Veas-st le slot machines
`He came home from Vegas a
`I don't know what the odds were
`in Veas , but
`part of a series on "Breaking
`»~ 4%:
` a»r>~
`1 ;PubIi‘é§tio:n;
`The Miami Herald
`May 5,
`TV Show - SYND
`May 5, 2005
`5:00 am EST
`TV Show - MSNBC
`The M rt/e Beach Sun-News
`May 5, 2005
`10200 pm
`Ma’ 5' 2°”
`May 5, 2005
`May 5, 2005
`May 5, 2005
`Q «.
` 452.
`461. Rochester Democrat and
`May 5,2005
`It comes out that you stopped in
`May 5, 2005
`a Cirque du Soleil performance
`in Veas.
`Scripps Howard News Service
`May 5, 2005
`It comes out that you stopped in
`The Sports Network
`May 5, 2005
`at the Plaza in downtown Vegas
`Star News
`Time-Pica une
`Tulsa World
`467. University Wire
`May 5, 2005
`Ma 5, 2005
`May 5, 2005
`May 5, 2005
`The Associated Press State &
`Local Wire
`May 4, 2005
`The Atlanta-Journal-Constitution
`May 4, 2005
`on a conference call while we
`were in Veas
`and ho a bus to Veas?
`on the Ve as Stri .
`spent hanging around the
`Gre hound station.
`a trip to Vegas isn't complete
`without seein the Hoover Dam
`bus fare for two to Vegas and
`Albu uer ue.
`The Australian
`The Baltimore Sun
`Charlotte Observer
`Ma 4,200
`Ma 4,200
`May 4, 200
`May 4, 2005
`She sent some time in Veas,
`Hone moon in Veas:
`took a Greyhound to Vegas and
`ended u on a a hone
`The glammy big beat of Vegas and 0
`Cleveland Scene
`TV Show - CNN
`May 4, 2005
`She ended up in Vegas anyway,
`7:00 pm EST
`-A V.-A
`May 4, 2005
`the Vegas market is akin to an
`evil emire
`TV Show - FOX
`Ma’ 4' 2°”
`8255 m EST
`The Miami Herald
`Ma 4, 2005 Veas needs a stadium
`NAB show in Veas.
`May 4, 2005
`world championship camp with
`his erformance in Veas.
`concocted that desicable sto
`Philadelphia Daily News
`May 4, 2005
`Sunday-school teacher was
`reported by sources in Vegas as
`havin blown her mone
`for Ve as.
`Pittsburh Post-Gazette
`The San Francisco Chronicle
`taxa ers honeymoon in Vegas cost
`May 4, 2005
`faux kidnapping and solo
`Scripps Howard News Service
`May 4, 2005
`I won in Vegas putting a different
`wa .
`-A \l(O
`Do sho in on our next Veas tri.
`which as a post time of 2:45 p.m.
`in Veas
`She's asked what would be best for
`oin to Veas
`says White Sox outfielder Aaron
`Rowand, another Veas roduct.
`British ‘poker tourist‘ wins big in
`I won in Vegas putting a different
`wa .
`May 4, 2005
`May 4, 2005
`May 4, 2005
`May 4, 2005
`May 3, 2005 And yes, you can get married in
`...the BVVine ardtoveastour...
`Ma 3,2005
`May 3, 2005 Atlanta to Vegas, but ticket, 162
`5:00 am EST
`Ma 3, 2005
`on a chartered lane to Veas
`May 3, 2005
`such as hopping a bus to Vegas
`Star Tribune
`492. Winston-Sa/em Journal
`The Associated Press
`TV Show - CNN
`The Dallas Morning News
` i
`The Seattle Post-lntelliencer
`The Sports Network
`Ma 4, 2005
`May 4, 2005
`)% 9’
`Publication “
`Dayton Daily News
`who didn't know Dayton-Vegas is
`and 30s in Veas.W
`and we anticipate unparalleled
` E
`a domestic fli ht.
`results leavln Veas.
`INDEX 326
`Page 22
`326 of 978 DOCUMENTS
`© 2005 Guardian Newspapers Limited
`The Observer
`May 8, 2005
`SECTION: Observer Magazine Pages, Pg. 40
`LENGTH: 836 words
`HEADLINE: Observer Magazine: TRIGGER HAPPY: After years of clinically cool minimalism, designers seem torn
`between a new warmer aesthetic and the excesses of bad taste. Fiona Rattray isn't blown away by gold-plated gun lamps
`at the Milan Furniture Fair
`BYLINE: Fiona Rattray
`Thank heavens for the chestnut seller. After four days spent traipsing around Milan's giant Furniture Fair in search of
`new furniture and lighting trends, I was sick to death of design. Every April the interiors industry descends on the city to
`flog its wares and test the waters with the latest looks. This year, the strongest contender for a unifying theme seemed to
`be excess and bad taste. Minimalism is dead, and no-one, it seems, has the faintest idea what to do next.
`So, as I hobbled towards the metro station (next year I will mostly be wearing a pedometer), I could have kissed the_
`man whose sweet—smelling chestnuts seemed so gratifyingly down—to—earth.
`Don't get me wrong; there is some hope for the world of interiors. Dutch designer Hella Jongerius was showing a new
`feminine take on the sofa for the influential Swiss company Vitra. With hand—sewn buttons and a mix of coloured fabrics,
`it suggests that the days of the butch minimalist sofa (you know the ones, skinny metal legs and barely there upholstery)
`may be numbered.
`If you looked hard enough in Milan, you could detect a slight shift away from the harsh—coloured acrylic and steel of
`recent years towards a new, softer aesthetic. At Edra, the young British—based Dutch designer Peter Traag had swaddled
`his fantastic new Mummy dining chairs in copious strips of bright colour. Sturdy-but-cosy felt was enjoying a revival: at
`the inaugural show by the British company Established & Sons, Michael Young used the thick wool fabric as a cover for
`his snazzy new writing desk. While Jasper Morrison was championing cork, another gently retro material, with his dainty
`occasional tables for Cappellini.
`On the metal front, it was move over cold chrome and aluminium, because shiny copper — last seen in Seventies
`bistros — is making a comeback. On Torn Dixon's new big—balled lampshades it looked wami and wonderful. At Moooi,
`sheet metal came printed with florals, on a pretty chest of drawers. The out-there Dutch company was one of several that
`plundered antique details (a turned wood leg here, a Chesterfield stud there), and mixed them with modern. Before you
`go sawing the legs off your gran's dining table, I should add that few of these experiments were very successful.
`If you absolutely must have the latest thing in contemporary design here are some top tips. More than one person I
`met during the Milan week (designers, curators, magazine editors, store buyers. . . they've come from the four comers of
`the earth to be here) was singing the praises of Ezri Tarazi's New Baghdad table.
`The Israeli designer's map ofthe Iraqi capital, which forms the table top, is cleverly constructed using a patchwork of
`industrial metal components. The spaces between them cast shadows on the floor. So far so good. But what do you use a
`table for’? Apart from eating, they're for putting things down on, right? And who wants to spend their life on their knees
`picking up their keys.
`If you do fancy a New Baghdad table, mightI suggest a Philippe Starck gun light to go with it’! The French designer
`knows a thing or two about making a stir at the Milan Furniture Fair, but that still didn't stop my jaw hitting the floor when
`I saw his battery of golden guns (seriously they're l8ct gold plated), on the Flos lighting stand.
`NIR 327
`The Observer, May 8, 2005
`Page 23
`One wag suggested this might be Starck's attempt at storming the burgeoning Russian market. I couldn't possibly
`comment. I can say that ifyou're the kind of person who could sleep easy with the bedside table version beside you, you're
`going to love this next suggestion. .
`A few years ago, the then slightly nafi‘ Austrian crystal company Swarovski played a blinder at the Milan Furniture
`Fair by commissioning international designers to create chandeliers in its name. Tord Boontje's delicate Blossom version
`was a huge critical hit for example. This year they did it again. Only this time they let Lenny Kravitz design one. The pop
`star’s black and chrome Casino Royale chandelier weighs in at 220kg (that's three big blokes to you and me, and trust me,
`three men on a rope would be more elegant). Suffice it to say that no self-respecting Vegas casino would be seen dead
`with one.
`Far more interesting was Swarovski's collaboration with the Swiss design school Ecal. The bright spark students
`eschewed vulgar display in favour of the quietly charming. One filled a roll of bubble wrap with individual crystals (one
`for all the inveterate poppers out there), another designed a wall light with a swinging crystal pendulum. Milan as ever
`veers from the ridiculous to the sublime, sometimes within the same company.
`At the exit to the fair the chestnut—seller handed me my roast chestnuts. A second, empty paper bag hung loosely
`from the side. I was all set to tear this extra bag off, then, I realised, one half is for the cooked chestnuts, the second for
`the peelings. And just like that the gaudy guns and ugly chandeliers evaporated, my faith in good design restored. OM
`LOAD-DATE: May 9, 2005
`INDEX 327
`Page 24
`327 of 978 DOCUMENTS
`© 2005 Guardian Newspapers Limited
`The Observer
`May 8, 2005
`SECTION: Observer Magazine Pages, Pg. 50
`LENGTH: l04 words
`BYLINE: Polly Vernon
`Grey Goose Ultra Lounge, Selfridges, 400 Oxford Street, London W1 Ultra Lounges are the ultimate bars. Squillion
`pound super—luxe developments with absurd extras and outrageous design statements, there are currently only six of
`them in the world — and all in Las Vegas. Which is why Selfridges — a store in the throes of a month of Vegas—themed
`celebrations — has imported a temporary version of one. As you'd hope, it's an explosion of haute camp, crystal, show girls
`and Elvis impersonators. It also has a stupendous selection of Grey Goose cocktails on offer. Slightly drunk shopping is
`the very best kind.
`LOAD—DATE: May 9, 2005
`NIR 328
`Page 25
`330 of978 DOCUMENTS
`Copyright 2005 The Palm Beach Newspapers, Inc.
`Palm Beach Post (Florida)
`May 8, 2005 Sunday
`SECTION: A SECTION; Jose Lambiet's PAGE TWO; Pg. 2A
`LENGTH: 874 words
`BYLINE: Jose Lambiet
`There's a new power couple on the entertainment scene - one unusual enough to get the tart tongues of Palm Beach
`afiutter. They're Nick Tamposi and his wife, Marianne, the founders of a new local talent agency, P Model Management.
`Less than a year after they settled here, they've started booking high-profile gigs for local talent, but there's another
`thing about the Tamposis: They're the area's Demi Moore and_Ashton Kutcher.
`"I look a little older than on paper," says Nick. "And Marianne looks younger."
`Pure Palm Beach, Nick is the son of former St. Ann School principal and TV personality Candace Tamposi. He's 23. A
`woman who says she can trace her lineage to Denmark's royals, Marianne is a retired model who once owned Marianne's
`Models Inc. in Miami.
`She's also l8 years older than Nick.
`They were hitched almost three years ago, two months after Marianne's first divorce was final. They have two children,
`3 and 5.
`"I liked her right away," said Nick's mom, just 12 years older than her daughter—in—law.
`The lovebirds‘ business, meanwhile, hasn't been bad either. They've specialized in signing up the children of rich Palm
`Beachers with whom Nick grew up to modeling and recording contracts.
`Some big deals: They've signed Christina Coniglio, l9, daughter of WPB watering hole E.R. Bradley's owner Frank
`Coniglio, to the upcoming summer campaign of pimple—set clothier Abercrombie & Fitch; Nick's sister, Ali Tamposi, 15,
`to a Universal music recording contract; and Bettina Anderson, l8, daughter of banker H. Loy Anderson, to a modeling
`gig in Milan, Italy.
`A high-profile marriage made in cop-land is done.
`Eugene Savage, chief of the Fort Pierce Police Department, and Gwendolyn Boyd, his counterpart at the North Miami
`PD, were recently divorced in a Palm Beach County court - ending a third attempt at wedded bliss for both.
`"It was an amicable split," said Jerome Stone, whose Stuart law finn represented Savage. The chief doesn't comment
`on his private life.
`Yet Boyd did, and confirmed rumors that Savage has a roving ‘eye - although Stone insisted the Fort Pierce top cop's
`alleged affair with his secretary had nothing to do with the split. "lrreconcilablc differences" was listed on the file.
`"I caught Gene with his secretary at our house," Boyd said. "She was a friend, yet] found her in my bathroom, half-
`Boyd said she was tipped ofi‘ to his extracurricular activities when anonymous letters detailing his relationship and
`NIR 329
`Palm Beach Post (Florida) May 8, 2005 Sunday
`Page 26
`lovey—dovey e-mails hacked from Savage's work computer last year ended up on Boyd's desk.
`'’I was about to file for divorce," she said, "but Gene jumped the gun to save face."
`According to the divorce settlement, 56-year-old Savage - a fonner WPB assistant chief- gets to keep his Ford truck
`and a Lincoln SUV, a Fort Pierce home and the Bowflex muscle machine. Boyd keeps the Vegas time-share, a Lake Worth
`home, a model—car kit and the big TV.
`Uh-oh. Donald Trump doesn't like to hear negatives about his potential employees.
`Trump told Page Two he will investigate the recent allegations of nonpayment against one of The Apprentice 3'5 two
`finalists, Boynton Beach real estate entrepreneur Kendra Todd.
`We reported Friday that the 26-year-old Todd is being sued by a WPB man who says she stiffed him on a measly
`$750 fee for work on a Web site.
`Trump said he "will look into this. I'm going to go through the complaint and ask some tough questions."
`Could this sway him to pick the other finalist, lowan Tana Goertz?
`"You bet this is something I will consider," he said, "but obviously I need to hear Kendra's version."
`A lawyer for complainant Doug Balch, 49, said a rep for Todd asked Friday how they could make the suit "go away."
`"I told him to just pay the man," said Brian Guralnick, Balch's attorney. "But he wanted me and Doug to sign all kinds
`of confidentiality clauses. That's not happening."
`The Apprentice 3 winner, who gets a six-figure job in Trump's organization, will be picked by the tycoon on the May
`19 show.
`. Not everybody lost money on the Kentucky Derby Saturday. The Easter Seal Society in Palm Beach made 250
`grand on its yearly Derby—themed soiree, fund-raiser chair Mary Frances Turner tells Page Two. Nearly 300 people made
`it to the Flagler Museum to watch the horses on big-screen and for an auction that included a lease on a Porsche Boxter.
`Big hats and flowery dresses were de rigueur. Of course, the place had a bottomless well of mint juleps .
`. A must—see
`for celebrity watchers, even if it's in Miami. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, best known as one of Michael Jackson defenders,
`speaks about moralissues Wednesday at Temple Israel in the Magic City . . . Finally, there's a new restaurant trend on The
`Island. Last week, no fewer than two major eateries, Cafe Amici and Cafe L'Europe, were shut down for "buy outs." The
`term refers to a restaurant shutting down to regular patrons for a private party. Usually, the folks who pay for the private
`wingding also cover the restaurant's loss in revenues. I'm told that at Amici, consumer products giant S.C. Johnson had
`the place closed for just 35 bigs. They got a seven-course meal with champagne, and insisted on having one waiter per
`diner .
`NOTES: Ran all editions.
`1. GREER GA'l'I'USO/Palm Beach Daily News Marianne and Nick Tamposi of P Model Management have signed
`young Palm Beachers to modeling and recording contracts. 2. Kendra Todd (mug)
`LOAD-DATE: May 10, 2005
`INDEX 329
`Page 27
`331 of 978 DOCUMENTS
`- Copyright 2005 The Palm Beach Newspapers, Inc.
`Palm Beach Post (Florida)
`May 8, 2005 Sunday
`LENGTH: 586 words
`BYLINE: Joe Capozzi
`On a cool December morning, three Florida Marlins officials stepped out of a taxi on Las Vegas Boulevard across
`from the mock Statue of Liberty at New York New York and a replica Eiffel Tower.
`Strolling under the head of comedian Carrot Top, whose blinking image leaped from a Jumbotron marquee, they
`entered the MGM Grand. Making their way through a ringing maze of slot machines, they passed blackjack tables,
`roulette wheels and two lions inside a glass den until they found casino executive Alan Feldman’s ofiice.
`There, in a quiet second—floor refuge, they talked baseball — specifically, the odds of bringing the Marlins or any other
`Major League Baseball team to Las Vegas.
`More than five months after that visit, the prospect of the Marlins playing in Las Vegas is a long shot — even in light of
`the Florida Legislature's failure Friday to provide the final chunk of money for a new ballpark in Miami.
`And if the Marlins’ visit had a purpose, the team officials probably didn't like what they heard.
`'’If there was any interest on their part in using this as a negotiating issue, it probably got pretty well wiped out after
`their meeting with me," said Feldman, vice president of public affairs for MGM Mirage, the largest employer, landowner
`and taxpayer in Clark County, Nevada.
`"The discussion l had with them, which was very frank and very candid, was this: Anyone who wants to build a
`professional sports team is more than welcome in Las Vegas. We'd love to see it. But we will stand in the street and stop
`any semblance of tax support for a stadium.
`''In this market, companies like ours invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year in new attractions and new things to
`bring guests to town. The thought that our city would be put into the position of investing hundreds of millions of dollars
`in taxpayer money to build an attraction to attract people is absurd.
`"Around here, you bring your own money to the poker game. We have the most vibrant tourism economy of any city
`in world, bar none. The presence of major league sports is not going make us or break us."
`Of course, a team could move to Las Vegas and build its own ballpark. But the earliest a stadium could be ready is
`2010, when the city's population, currently 1.7 million, is projected to reach 3 million. If a team began play today, Las
`Vegas would be the smallest media market of any city in the majors.
`"There's not a day that goes by that I don't have a number ofpeople talking about it," said Don Logan, general manager
`for the Las Vegas 51, the Class AAA afiiliate of the Los Angeles Dodgers. "But the people here that really follow it and
`understand it know we're a ways away from having anything in place to accommodate a team."
`The Marlins have several Vegas connections. Team owner Jefi'ery Loria has known Logan for nearly 20 years.
`Feldman is a longtime friend ofBruce Rubin, Loria's publicity consultant, who helped arrange the Vegas visit.
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`"The Marlins‘ visit helped elevate the discussion on whether Las Vegas is ready for a major—league team," Feldman
`"But I don't think anyone's really believing that the Marlins are coming here. No one around here is walking around
`wearing Marlins shirts. To be honest we're rooting for the Marlins to do what they're doing, which is to find a home in
`South Florida and do well in South Florida. This is a franchise that's won two world championships in ll years? Come
`on. You don't want to see that move. You don't want to see that happen. That's not good for baseball."
`LOAD—DATE: May l l, 2005
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`332 of 978 DOCUMENTS
`Copyright 2005 The Palm Beach Newspapers, Inc.
`Palm Beach Post (Florida)
`-May 8, 2005 Sunday
`LENGTH: 698 words
`BYLINE: Nicole Piscopo Neal Features Editor
`You'd think we'd have suspected the fiance in that whole "With This Ring, 1 Thee Fled" story. Had he grown weary
`of debating the merits of Lenox's "Poppies on Blue" china pattern vs. Wedgwood's "Celestial Platinum" and chucked his
`high—maintenance bride-to-be in the Chattahoochee?
`But women ofa certain age - like, over 23 - knew early on that infamous "runaway bride" Jennifer Wilbanks was the
`one capable of inflicting supreme cruelty on the ones she loved.
`And the proof was in two words: 14 bridesmaids.
`Jennifer Wilbanks, 32, jilted l4 bridesmaids, not to mention 14 groomsmen, when she laced up her running shoes in
`Georgia and ended up in Albuquerque.
`Fourteen bridesmaids? Fourteen?! She could stage her own production of Steel Magnolias with fewer bodies.
`Just getting that wedding platoon down the aisle would give the organist carpal tunnel.
`Now, to be fair, her fondant has probably been sliding ofl" her cake, if you know what I mean, for quite some time.
`After all, she did lop off her own hair, a behavior mental-health professionals consider more "Squeaky Fromme" than
`"Modern Bride”. And she did willingly board a eross—country bus- why notjust affix wheels to a Port—o-Potty and glide
`from Georgia to Vegas and beyond? — for her escapade.
`But it's that "14 bridesmaids" tidbit that's the most revealing.
`It's one thing to be 22 and impulsively squeal a gushy, "I want you to be, like, my bridesmaids!!!" to your six best
`friends (du jour), and they say "YES!!!" and everyone jumps up and down, and the bride-to-be goes to DogUglyDresses
`.com, and somewhere in Taiwan sewing machines rev up and tum bolts of puce sateen and stretch lace into what will
`become, next Halloween, $200 Atlantic City Drag Queen costumes for six (now resentful) young women.
`But it's another thing altogether to be 32 and conscript 14 grown women — and 14 matching men - to haul tushy
`to Georgia in order to line up and escort you safely down 30 feet of church aisle. What's waiting at the other end? A
`machine-gun nest?
`Are these throw-down bridesmaids, in case a rogue faction of the ring—bearer brigade has planted land mines in the
`aisle runner?
`At the ripe old age of 32, everyone knows that being a bridesmaid is truly an act of love. O_nl_y for someone for whom
`your affection runs deep and true is the purchase of the puce dress, a plane ticket, a few nights in a hotel, a stifi updo, a
`shower gift, a wedding gift, etc. etc. etc., culminating in the climactic moment - a forced march in dyed pumps -an honor.
`By your 305, petty jealousies of the l-wasn't—invited-to-the—popular-girl's-slumber—party variety have long since
`evaporated, so it's not like anyone with a maturity quotient over the Middle School Girl level is going to feel left out.
`By this time, too, attrition has thinned the friendship ranks, leaving a few beloved souls who, truth be told, are thrilled
`NIR 331
`Palm Beach Post (Florida) May 8, 2005 Sunday