`(Exceeds 300' pages)
`Proceeding/Serial No:
`,‘ 35 17005
`- Page 2
`Ken Saucier, a Seattle policeman and Army veteran, said the nation can have only one priority: security.
`"You have to have that to make it out there on the street or to stop an attack from another country. Nothing else
`matters. Nothing will last without it. We have to feel safe at home."
`For most, the priority for America is involvement. Robert Shampain, a West Seattle neighborhood activist, and
`Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger want to see people engaged, talking to neighbors, talking politics, taking an interest in
`their local governments.
`Gonzales, the associate pastor, said the nation needs to create "global good citizens."
`Seattle artist Barbara Earl Thomas wants people challenged. She is willing to serve. If the war against terrorism
`underscores the nation's dependence on imported oil, then she said she will sacrifice.
`"I'll park my car before I send your kid overseas," she said.
`David Barash, a psychology professor at the University of Washington, wants America to live up to its ideals and
`to promote compassion. Not the l-—feel-—your—pain variety of compassion politicians like to sell, but "a deep recognition
`of our connectedness" to the world. With that compassion, the nation and its citizens can look at such problems as
`economic disparity and environmental destruction in a new light.
`And don't forget about character, said Gonzales, whose conservative church has one of the Northwest's largest
`congregations. The nation needs to make sure a moral compass underpins it, he said.
`"If we don't know who we are, then we are blown about by everything," he said.
`To a man and woman, they said Americans can assess the state of the union only from ground zero. The events of
`Sept. 11, said Bennett, the Bothell letter carrier, are the lens through which we all see.
`For Gonzales and Frisinger, the terrorist attacks brought a new resolve to the country.
`Frisinger, the Issaquah mayor, said the aftermath of the attacks brought to mind the Memorial Days of her girlhood
`when World War II veterans proudly marched behind the flag.
`Last fall, "there was a lot of discussion of principles and resolve and what freedoms we had," Frisinger said. "I
`hadn't seen that for quite some time in this country."
`Gonzales’ wife, Georgia, said the events of Sept. 11 prompted her to check in with her neighbors, including a
`Muslim family. It's a spirit she sees across the country.
`"The American people, whether they have very little or a lot, are willing to help," said Gonzales, who works at
`Wells Fargo Bank.
`Mainard, the Republican activist, said the terrorist attacks for the first time underscored for her generation just
`how crucial our rights and freedoms are. She is 21 and a recent graduate of the Evergreen State College, where she
`said she was one of two card—carrying Republicans.
`Not all, however, drew so much optimism from tragedy.
`Bennett doesn't see the resolve or the unity lasting or sinking very deep.
`"People are willing to give things, but they won't give you the right lane on the 520 bridge," he said.
`"Yes, we were drawn together over events. But events come and go."
`"In my lifetime this is the first real threat inside our borders," said Saucier, the Seattle police officer. He spent two
`years in the Army, including some time overseas.
`"That's where the threat was. That's where the danger was — over the fence."
`Benjamin Wheeler saw the weeks after Sept. 11 bring out the worst in some of his classmates at Kentlake High
`School. He heard them use epithets — terrible words to describe Arabs, he said. "We're failing in school to create
`globally intelligent people," said Wheeler, 17.
`Barash felt something of that backlash. Shortly after Sept. 11, the UW professor told a publication that covers
`6" Le><isNexis“
` Le><isNe><is""
`higher education that many people in the world consider the United States a terrorist state.
`A conservative group, which Barash likes to call the "Arbitrary Committee for the Talibanization of America,"
`included the professor in a list of academics who dissented from the approved line after Sept. ll.
`The group, Barash said, missed something. "The greatest strength of America is its ideas, particularly its ideas of
`freedom and tolerance and diversity."
`Denise McNary suffered, too. Three months after the attacks, Boeing laid her off. She has three children and a
`husband and has returned to school in hopes of becoming a radiology technician in a couple of years.
`Still, the upset has left her upbeat. She "was just trapped at Boeing."
`"Now I have a little bit of a chance to do something besides Boeing," she said.
`Sept. 11 also presented opportunities to others, but ones that weren't seized.
`Bennett and Williamson, the official at the King County Labor Council, saw a chance to break the partisan deadlock
`and move ahead, provide help for displaced workers, change tax laws and provide economic stimulus.
`"We had an opportunity to pull people together and change the status quo, " Williamson said. " Instead, we reinforced
`Sharnpain, a teacher and actor, and Earl Thomas, the Seattle painter and writer, see lost opportunity in more
`personal terms.
`Sharnpain, who is also a neighborhood activist in West Seattle, spoke of an elementary school where he volunteers.
`Kindergartners were learning about Antarctica and were going to draw penguins.
`One student had a note from home asking that she be excused from the artwork. The student was Muslim and from
`Somalia. Her religion forbids her from making images of living creatures.
`"What does this mean? I've never heard of something like this," Sharnpain quoted a teacher as saying. He was
`stunned that the teachers knew so little about other cultures, especially Islamic ones, after all that had happened.
`"When she (the teacher) told me that, I just went limp."
`Earl Thomas takes a muscular view of liberty. We awake each day deciding how we will act and what we will do,
`she said. Each day we struggle for freedom.
`So when she heard about the terrorist attacks - five days late and after a vacation in the Grand Canyon — her thoughts
`turned to what she could do.
`"So what is it I'm being asked to give up? What is it I'm being asked to make this whole thing work?" she asked.
`She is still waiting for answers. P-I reporter Scott Sunde
`can be reached at 206-448-8331 THE PARTICIPANTS
`Steve Williamson, 45, executive secretary of the King
`County Labor Council.
`Ken Saucier, 38, Seattle police officer and U.S. Army veteran.
`Ava Frisinger, 57, two—terrn mayor of Issaquah.
`Lillian Feist, 93, mother, grandmother and great—grandmother who retired 31 years ago and lives on Social
`Robert Sharnpain, 43, actor, teacher and chairman of the Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council in West Seattle.
`Gary Gonzales, 52, senior associate pastor at Overlake Christian Church.
`Georgia Gonzales, 50, a Wells Fargo Bank executive and wife of Gary.
`Brooks Bennett, 48, a letter carrier in Bothell since 1974.
`David Barash, 56, psychology professor at the University of Washington.
`Angella Ann Wehry, 17, a student at Kentlake High School in Kent.
` l_exisNexis*“
`Page 4
`Benjamin Wheeler, 17, a student at Kentlake High School.
`Jessica Mainard, 21, Republican Party activist and employee of the Second Amendment Foundation.
`Denise McNary, 34, laid off from The Boeing Co. in December and now going back to school to learn a new trade.
`Barbara Earl Thomas, 53, a Seattle painter and bookstore marketing director.
`Want to get involved?
`If you'd like to know more about the project or are interested in being a part of a future P—I panel discussion,
`please contact Reader Representative Glenn Drosendahl at 206-448-8007 or e—mail him at readerrep§seattlepi.com.
`On the Web
`To read more or share your views on the State of the Union, go to www.seattlepi.corn/roundtable/ ON THE
`ISSUES What is the state of America?
`America is in a transition. For probably the first time, we have a serious general concern for safety within our own
`borders. We are struggling to balance that with the freedoms we are used to enjoying, and that is causing some anxiety.
`The economy took a big hit, and people are very concerned about the financial future. Jobs are getting harder to find,
`so that is also adding to the state of unease. Fortunately, America has some strong leadership now, and we are taking
`steps to correct what has been done.
`- Ken Saucier
`In my view the state of America is that it's not as bad as most people seem.to think it has been since Sept. 11. I
`don't think it's as vulnerable, as weak, as much in trouble as many people seem to have immediately assumed. But I
`also think it's not nearly as strong and as good as most people thought it was before Sept. 11.
`— David P. Barash
`America is challenged with confronting what is our place in the world in the new millennium. I think we're
`having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that our international political and economic opposition is changing.
`The end of the Cold War thing. Dealing with nations in Asia becoming pre—eminent in the world. I think America
`internally is having a hard time right now. This month, for example, dealing with the need to be united and support
`the administration in terms of the war and coming to grips with the cost of the war and the state of our economy.
`— Brooks Bennett
`I think everybody's confidence
`I think I'm optimistic. I think I feel a whole lot better than I did six months ago
`kind of faltered last fall, but I feel really good about it right now. Things seem to be looking up.
`- Jessica Mainard
`The state of America is one of power and vulnerability, as we all saw from the Sept. 11 attacks. We are on
`the threshold of great things, and yet, we have many internal problems. The United States holds some of the best
`scientists, engineers, armed forces, writers and citizens of the world. However, even our great nation is still plagued
`by unemployment, hunger, disease, prejudice and more. We are a great nation with much to do.
`— Angella Ann Wehry
`America is experiencing tremendous strife, and our nation will only grow if we can shed the feelings of sorrow
`and revenge, and think compassionately. America leads the world in all aspects, but before we can effectively lead the
`world we must effectively lead ourselves.
`— Benjamin Wheeler
`What are its strengths?
`Our strength is our willingness to struggle. To me, that's what the whole idea of freedom is — willingness to
`struggle. Freedom is hard, because in democracies there isn't always a rule, personally or globally. We don't have a
`national dogma. Each person has to decide.
`— Barbara Earl Thomas
`6" LexisNexis'"
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`America is blessed with a rich, democratic heritage, where people can speak with the strong voice of freedom.
`When coupled with a free market system, this means that, within reason, every person in this great land has the ability
`to pursue her or his version of "the American Dream."
`- Gary Gonzales
`America's strength is its diversity of ideas and ways of approaching things, which can sometimes be messy but has
`lasted for a long time and ultimately can be a great strength.
`- Robert Shampain
`"The strengths are the American people. Your average worker out there has great values, has a strong work ethic.
`These are the kinds of things that pull us through in tough times."
`— Steve Williamson
`What are its weaknesses?
`our own blindness in perceiving ourselves as
`related to that
`At some level our arrogance is a weakness. And
`necessarily good and loved throughout the world, whereas we are blind to the ways in which we do hurt many people
`in the world. In addition would be the fact that we don't often live up to our strengths, we don't often live up to our
`ideals. The idea of America is absolutely spectacular
`unfortunately the reality is not always in tune with that.
`—David P. Barash
`As a nation we often fail to recognize how we fit into the rest of the world. And we don't often see how others see
`us. We aren't particularly good at exposing ourselves to diversity, and yet we are made of diversity.
`— Ava Frisinger
`(America) loves to help people. That's what happened to (Army Special Forces Sgt.) Nate Chapman. He was
`protecting another country and died because of it. We're helpful and giving to a lot of countries. We have a lot on our
`— Denise McNary
`We need to regain our "moral compass." Values like faith, healthy family and community relationships, citizenship
`and a solid work ethic have been major contributors to what has made our nation great. Yet, today, we regularly
`warehouse the poor in blighted inner cities, and bid troubled souls to leap off tall bridges lest their momentary
`hesitation tie up traffic.
`— Gary Gonzales
`What should our
`national priorities be?
`After Sept. 11, we must continue our war on terrorism. This war will not stop with the Taliban, nor will it be
`short, but because we have the means to fight, we should. Our armed forces should continue to be equipped with the
`manpower and firepower to seek out and destroy enemies of peace. The other issue that America should focus on is
`ourselves. At this time, the entire world is watching everything that we do. We must exemplify everything that our
`country stands for in all our citizens. America is not extending that image. America needs to eliminate welfare, not cut
`it off, but eradicate the need for it. We should find a way to better our (schools)
`— Angella Ann Wehry
`Social justice is pretty high on my list— social and economic justice. I think universal health care is pretty important,
`some way to provide for the needs of the population. I don't think we're doing that. That's a profit center and nobody's
`willing to look at the common good.
`— Brooks Bennett
`(President Bush should say) "One consequence of Sept. ll is I've become aware that the United States really is part
`of the world, that we can not get our way unilaterally and independently
`and so we need to act as part of the world,
`Page 6
`rather than just trying to push our way around, and so we're not going to withdraw from the ABM treaty, we're going
`to sign the Kyoto treaty
`essentially we're going to act multilaterally in the world ..."
`What I would like to see him say is, "Well, tax cuts as I described them were appropriate at one point, but now that
`we're in a genuine recession, the government needs the money ..." and we can not continue with this tax cut.
`(Bush should acknowledge) the folly and the danger of the United States relying for our energy on such a huge
`proportion of Middle East oil when the region is clearly unstable and likely to remain that way. So we're going to
`change our policy and put conservation front and center.
`— David P. Barash
`America must remain an encouragement to the rest of the world by remaining a free nation, economically strong
`and morally pure. Then, along with that continuing vision, to share our wealth of technology, education, agriculture,
`medicine, etc. with other nations desirous of moving toward a democratic form of government (in the historical sense).
`— Georgia Gonzales
`A government solution to rising health—care costs and lack of health insurance for many people. And finding a way
`to be ensure that all those who lose jobs in this recession have unemployment or other benefits so their families can
`— Lillian Feist
`The top priority is protecting our environment. Then health care, economic sustainability and transportation.
`Ultimately our success depends on a healthy environment and on the health of our work force.
`— Ava Frisinger
`We need to be conscious of being world citizens. We have to appreciate how we affect others, and have developed
`empathy. Just because we're bigger and stronger doesn't mean we don't have to treat others as our neighbors. It's a
`huge responsibility being the biggest and the strongest in a decent way. It would be easier to be number three. It would
`be easier to be Canada. Nobody's looking to Canada to solve anything.
`GRAPHIC: Color Photo, Photos
`(1) DAN DeLONG/P-I: Seattle artist Barbara Earl Thomas, at work in her studio, says of the nation's dependence on
`imported oil: "I'l1 park my car before I send your kid overseas."
`(2) JOSHUA TRUJILLO/P—I: Postal carrier Brooks Bennett delivers mail in a neighborhood off Riverside Drive West
`in Bothell. "People are willing to give things, but they won't give you the right lane on the 520 bridge," Bennett says
`(3).Pl-IIL H. WEBBER/P—I: Seattle police Officer Ken Saucier pauses at the Police Department shooting range. Saucier
`says the nation's top priority is security. "You have to have that to make it out there on the street or to stop an attack
`from another country. Nothing else matters. Nothing will last without it. We have to feel safe at home," he says.
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`1/17/O2 Seattle Post-Intelligencer B4
`2002 WLNR 2148497
`Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA)
`(c) Copyright 2002 Seattle Post-Intelligencer (http://seattlep—i.com§. All
`rights reserved. Reproduced with permission of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
`January 17, 2002
`Section: Editorial
`Gridlock over the economic stimulus package is highly likely when Congress
`returns to work next week.
`But there are ways to avoid that and actually do the country some good.
`However, it requires statesmanship that so far largely has been lacking.
`the two
`Despite the national trauma of Sept. 11 and the Afghanistan conflict,
`parties have reverted to familiar posturing on domestic issues.
`rhetoric and elbowing for political advantage have eclipsed the need for
`responsible action.
`Republicans accuse Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of proposing a tax
`increase. Daschle accuses President Bush of worsening the recession by cutting
`taxes. If this level of dialogue continues, prospects of jump—starting the
`economy are bleak indeed.
`Bush's ill—conceived stimulus proposal to repeal the corporate alternative
`minimum tax would have cost
`the treasury $25.4 billion next year alone. It
`became the bitter symbol of the economic divisions that rend both the Congress
`,and the nation even though later the tax break was scaled back to a mere $1.2
`That proposal is manna from heaven for Democrats, who will work hard to hang
`this political albatross around Bush's neck to good effect unless he abandons
`And abandon it he should, and not just because the Democrats, especially now
`that the public justifiably is aroused about the Enron scandal, will skewer him
`with it. And not just because it gets in the way of agreement on a stimulus
`Bush should abandon it because it's not a productive, sure-fire way to
`stimulate the economy. If incentives are to be given to business to create jobs,
`give them with strings attached for future behavior that has some reasonable
`(C) 2005 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
`1/17/02 STLPI B4
`assurance of creating those jobs and benefiting the nation. There is nothing to
`be gained for politicians but trouble in being perceived by voters to be doling
`out freewheeling no strings tax breaks to corporations under cover of national
`economic emergency.
`There is no better way to stimulate the economy, put people to work and give
`taxpayers genuine,
`long—term value for their money than to get going on this
`nation's massive neglected infrastructure needs.
`There are highways to be expanded and repaired, high-speed train tracks to be
`laid and railroad crossings, airports and telecommunications infrastructure to
`be upgraded,
`to name just a few examples.
`This is where Republics and Democrats should turn their attention. This is
`where they should be able to make common cause and get the country moving again.
`some of this is work can be "incentivized" with tax breaks to help the private
`sector and the nation move forward.
`to be used to stimulate the economy, it needs to be
`in effect,
`If tax money is,
`done in a manner that has a tangible payoff and truly represents an investment
`in the nation's future.
`P—I OPINION:> Congress failed to agree last month on an economic stimulus
`package. How long to extend health benefits to laid off—workers proved an
`insurmountable stumbling block.
`(Taxation (1TA10); Government
`(Accounting, Consulting & Legal Services (lAC73))
`(Bush; Congress; Gridlock;
`Inflamed; Republicans)
`Word Count: 600
`1/17/02 STLPI B4
`(C) 2005 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
`rage I
`3 of 39 DOCUMENTS
`Copyright 2003 Seattle Post—Intelligencer
`December 11, 2003, Thursday FINAL
`LENGTH: 368 words
`BODY: There are two stories being told about Iraq and its reconstruction. The first is how much money is being passed
`to the 63 member nations of the so-called Coalition of the Willing. Then there's another story, one not often told,
`about the reconstruction efforts (and contracts) taking place in Iraq right now.
`So far, at least, only U.S. companies have been awarded Iraqi reconstruction contracts. Start with Halliburton and
`its subsidiary, Kellogg, Brown & Root, with contracts topping $2.3 billion.
`A study by the Center for Public Integrity totals American contracts — so far — at some $8 billion for more than 70
`U.S. companies and individuals in Iraq and Afghanistan.
`"Those companies donated more money to the presidential campaign of George W. Bush — a little over $500,000 —
`than to any other politician over the last dozen years," the center's study found. "Nearly 60 percent of the companies
`had employees or board members who either served in or had close ties to the executive branch for Republican and
`Democratic administrations, for members of Congress of both parties, or at the highest levels of the military."
`The fix was in from the beginning. Halliburton's contract to deliver gasoline to Iraqi gas stations, for example,
`was let without even the pretense of competition.
`Meanwhile, at a Baghdad job fair, hundreds of Iraqis showed up looking for work. The message from many was
`that the United States should make it easier for Iraqis to rebuild their own country.
`Indeed, there's no reason why many basic services - like hauling garbage — cannot be set up as a service operated
`by Iraqis.
`At the job fair, Ahmed Jassim al—Robaie, the owner of an Iraqi high-tech trading company, told The Associated
`Press that he didn't see the point. "They're only showing their products and marketing their products," he said. "Iraq
`has good trade and we're capable of trading. We should be giving courses to them."
`That brings us to what ought to be rule No. 1 for the Iraqi reconstruction effort: Let Iraq rebuild Iraq. It would
`save money, put people to work and remove the foul sense that this war was somebody's campaign payoff.
`On the Net: www. publicintegrity.org
`"The U.S. government is paying the Halliburton Co. an average of $2.64 a gallon to import gasoline and other fuel to
`Iraq from Kuwait, more than twice what others are paying to truck in Kuwaiti fuel, government documents show."-
`The New York Times
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`2/28/03 Seattle Post—Intelligencer B7
`2003 WLNR 2954185
`Seattle Post—Intelligencer (WA)
`(c) Copyright 2003 Seattle Post—Intelligencer (http://seattlep—i.com2. All
`rights reserved. Reproduced with permission of the Seattle Post—Intelligencer.
`February 28, 2003
`Section: Editorial
`LISA BROWN Democratic state senator
`I've heard a lot of ideas lately about how to get our economy going again, but
`no one has been able to sum it up like the great New Orleans singer Fats Domino:
`"A.lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D. or Ph. D. Unfortunately,
`they don't
`have a J.O.B."
`is the focus of the Senate Democrats’
`Getting more Washington workers a J.O.B.
`economic package. It is appropriately titled "Jobs for Today — Prosperity for
`Tomorrow" because we believe that real economic recovery means creating jobs and
`putting people to work.
`Our agenda for prosperity is built on three fundamental principles:
`Giving workers the skills they need to get
`jobs now.
`Making smart
`investments in tomorrow's economy.
`Creating a faster,
`focused government.
`People need jobs now. We must make sure workers are getting the training they
`need to match the jobs that exist. The demand for worker retraining continues to
`outstrip the available slots. Since the Worker Retraining program began 10 years
`ago, about 23,000 workers have found new, better—paying jobs as a result.
`Yet still, one of the biggest complaints we hear from employers is that there
`is a lack of well—trained workers. Among employers hiring or attempting to hire
`new workers in 2001, 59 percent reported difficulty in finding qualified job
`applicants. We must have a skilled, educated work force to meet the needs of
`employers today and tomorrow.
`And we need to put extra money into high-demand fields, areas that need
`specialized technical training - such as nursing, where there is a critical
`shortage — and for apprenticeship programs.
`(C) 2005 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
`2/28/03 STLPI B7
`We've also proposed spending more on capital construction projects. Just as
`homeowners are taking advantage of historically low interest rates,
`so should
`the state —
`to speed up work on critical public improvement projects, such as
`new sewer systems, modern classrooms and new buildings to serve all of the
`students who want and need higher education.
`It is estimated that the capital budget projects would create 13,400 private-
`sector jobs in construction and related work during the next
`two years.
`Another important element in any economic stimulus package has to be addressing
`the state's traffic congestion problems. Senate Democrats remain committed to
`approving a comprehensive transportation package that will not only finally
`address our state's worst traffic choke points, but will result in thousands of
`good-paying jobs.
`Senate Democrats also have proposed working more closely with inventors to help
`them turn promising new technologies into successful businesses. Our state is a
`leader in cutting—edge research. But these inventions will not lead to jobs for
`Washington residents without some help.
`To help build the economy of tomorrow, we need to provide additional staff and
`seed capital to the Washington Technology Center and the Spokane Intercollegiate
`Research Technology Institute.
`In addition, we have proposed ways to improve the Economic Development
`Commission, established by Gov. Gary Locke last summer. We believe we can
`increase its effectiveness by reducing its size and increasing its power to
`provide policy direction to our economic development agencies. Right now,
`various agencies work in a very fragmented, often competitive nature.
`Establishing one commission to oversee their efforts should result in a more
`focused and more effective statewide program.
`Senate Democrats also believe we can greatly simplify the permitting process.
`The Department of Ecology successfully implemented a pilot project to decide 90
`percent of permit applications in 90 days. We want to spread that model across
`state government. At the local level, we need to reward local governments that
`reduce their processing time by giving them a preference in receiving state
`economic development funds.
`Getting our economy moving again is a goal that all of us in Olympia are
`committed to. But for Senate Democrats,
`the question also is:
`In which direction
`are we moving? We not only want to put people to work now, but we also want-to
`make sure our workers and businesses are prepared for the technological changes
`and economic challenges of the future. Digging out of the recession today also
`means planting the seeds that will produce long—term economic growth for
`families, workers, businesses and communities.
`Lisa Brown is the Senate Democratic leader. She represents the 3rd District in
`(C) 2005 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
`2/28/O3 STLPI B7
`(1HR87); Local Government
`(HR & Labor Management
`Business Management
`(lBU42); Employee Training (IEMO4); Government
`(USA (lUS73); Americas (lAM92); North America (INO39); Washington
`(Drawing; Fats Domino; Gary Locke; J.O.B; Lisa Brown;
`Word Count: 882
`2/28/03 STLPI B7
`(C) 2005 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
`3/14/02 STLPI B1
`Search Result
`4 of 31
`3/14/02 Seattle Post—Intelligencer B1
`2002 WLNR 2135676
`Seattle Post—Intelligencer
`(c) Copyright 2002 Seattle Post-Intelligencer (http://seattlep-i.coml. All
`rights reserved. Reproduced with permission of the Seattle Post—Intell1gencer.
`March 14, 2002
`Section: News
`P-I Capitol bureau
`OLYMPIA More than $100 million in state construction projects designed to
`stimulate Washington's economy are in jeopardy.
`Lawmakers, struggling to finish their business before the session ends today,
`are arguing over whether the state should go into debt during a recession in
`order to create jobs.
`Gov. Gary Locke, who has touted the economic benefits of the projects, would
`not say yesterday whether he would keep lawmakers at the Capitol past the
`scheduled end of today's session if they fail to adopt the stimulus package.
`"I need to see what our options are," Locke said. "It would be a real shame not
`to go forward with projects and renovations that are ready to go now and will
`put people to work and help local economies."
`The projects are part of the supplemental capital budget, which passed the
`Senate but has stalled in the House.
`The proposal would add $112 million to the larger 2001-2003 construction budget
`adopted by lawmakers last year, said Rep. Ed Murray, D—Seattle, chairman of the
`House Capital Budget Committee.
`Most of the more than $300 million in total spending would go to projects that
`were part of last year's construction budget but need new appropriations because
`state revenue dropped.
`Normally, such proposals pass easily because they sprinkle money and jobs into
`lawmakers’ districts. The current plan includes projects ranging from $17.5
`million to dredge the Columbia River shipping channel to $250,000 to replace a
`fish-passage barrier at Sequim Bay State Park.
`(C) 2005 Thomson/West. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
`3/14/02 STLPI Bl
`It includes money for projects at state universities, community colleges and
`parks across the state. The Puget Sound Learning Center on Bainbridge Island
`would receive $2 million to finish a new facility that provides outdoor science
`classes to schoolchildren.
`About 80 percent of the money to build the center came from private donations,
`but the facility's director said the
`state money is necessary to complete the
`project. "We're in essence providing a $30 million facility to support pu