`02-1 0-2003
`U.S. Patent & TMOTCITM Mail Rcpt DI, #01
`DeBeaux, Inc.
`Opposition No.:
`Serial No.:
`Filing Date:
`July 11, 2001
`Trademark Examiner:
`Allison Holtz
`Law Office 112
`Legal Assistant: Tracey Fleming
`Docket No.:
`Commissioner for Trademarks
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, VA 22202-3 513
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § ?..19(b), David B. Deioma and Pearne & Gordon LLP again hereby
`requests permission to withdraw as attorney herein. A copy of my first request of July 19, 2002 is
`I did not receive any response form the Trademark office.
`this correspondence is being
`I hereby certify that
`deposited with the United States Postal Service as first
`class mail in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner for
`Trademarks, 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-
`3513 on the date indicated below.
`David B. Deioma
`Name of Attorney for App1icant(s
`6 2003
`Signature of Attorney
`On June 27, 2002, I informed Applicant by letter, copy attached, ofmy intention to withdra »
`as attorney, and transferred the file to Applicant. Since that time I did file a Notice of Actual Us
`in order to save the application from becoming abandoned.
`DeBeaux, Inc. is owned by R. Scott Beaumont.
`I have tried to contact Mr. Beaurnon
`concerning the above—noted application. He does not respond to my letters and gives no instructions
`on this case. Mr. Beaumont has recently divorced my daughter.
`Respectfully submitted,
`zéwt /7.
`David B. Deioma
`Pearne & Gordon LLP
`526 Superior Avenue East
`Suite 1200
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1484
`(216) 579-1700
`Date: February 6, 2003
`Page 2 of 2
`DeBeaux, Inc.
`Serial No.:
`Filing Date:
`July 11, 2001
`Trademark Examiner:
`Allison I-Ioltz
`Law Office 112
`Docket No.:
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, VA 22202~35 l 3
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.190)), David B. Deioma and Pearne & Gordon LLP hereby
`requests permission to withdraw as attorney herein.
`On June 27, 2002, I infonned Applicant by letter, copy attached, of my intention to
`withdraw as attorney, and transferred the file to Applicant.
`I hereby certify that this corresopridence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an
`envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for
`Trademarks, 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-3513
`on the date indicated below.
`Signature of Attorney
`David B . Deioma
`Name of Attorney for Applicant(s) ._
` .
`DeBeaux, Inc. is owned by R. Scott Beaumont. I have tried to contact Mr. Beaumont
`concerning the above-noted application. He does not respond tomy letters and gives no
`instructions on this case. Mr. Beaumont is divorcing my daughter.
`Respectfully submitted,
`.1 A! \
`David B. Deiorna
`Peame & Gordon LLP
`526 Superior Avenue East
`Suite 1200
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114—1484
`(216) 579-1700
`July 19, 2002
` MoN
`~ncHAeL w. smavev
`“°”“'-D M‘ "AC”MA"‘”‘
`CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-1484
`TEL: (216)579-1700
`FAX: (215) 579-6073
`‘ EMAIL: ip@peamegordon.com
`WRITER’S EMAIL: ddeioma
`came ordoncom
`June 27, 2002
`Mr. R. Scott Beaumont
`2751 NE 6th Street
`Pompano Beach, FL
`Re: U.S. Trademark Application
`Serial No. 78/073,365 for
`— Our Docket No. 33792
`U.S. Trademark Application
`Serial No. 78/073,754 for
`- Our Docket No. 33801
`Dear Scott:
`As you can appreciate, it would be too awkward for me to
`continue to represent you in your trademark applications for GROUT
`I am going to file a withdrawal of counsel
`with the Trademark Office. Attached to this letter is a listing
`of all of the Patent Attorneys in Ft. Lauderdale.
`I am not
`personally familiar with any of them; however,
`the ones that are
`rated (AV) are regarded higher by their peers than the ones who
`are rated (BV) or have no rating at all.
`Enclosed is the file for your trademark application for
`I recently received a notice from the Trademark
`Office that the registration of this mark has been opposed.
`copy of the Notice of Opposition is included. Unfortunately, a
`relatively large company, Ecolab, Inc., has a number of trademarks
`that use the term TURBO.
`They do not have any mark, however,
`is close to TURBO—KLEEN. You can discuss this matter, of course,
`with your new attorney, but it would appear that your chances of
`prevailing are pretty good. Unfortunately,
`the opposition process
`is a relatively long proposition and you would have to pay an
`attorney to represent you. Please note that your response to the
`opposition must be filed by July 28, 2002.
`I am also enclosing the file for your trademark application
`No opposition has been filed in this application
`to date.
`The status is that we filed a revised definition of the
`goods, and we are waiting for the Trademark Office to respond.
`Mr. R. Scott Beaumont
`June 27,
`I hope that all goes well with you in the future and that
`your business prospers.
`Best regards,
`David B. Deioma
`Of Counsel: John Christpher.
`, @lfipluvv.com URL: http://www.lt"tplttw.com
`1,att:D:md K. Friedland; Marl: E. Stein;——Todr.l A. Serliin.
`ol Property i.tw/‘tnclurling Domestic and lnternntional 'l‘rausacliuns and Litigation related
`Trtttleniarlts, Copyrlgllul, and Unfair Competition.
`See Prrxfessilinul Biogrnpliies, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA
`. .
`. . . . .
`. .
`. . .
`'73 '99 C477 ,B.S.E. L884 ID. [E L0ll&F.]
`. ntcllectuul Property; Patents; Trudemzttksz Copyrights; Enterttlinmcnt Law.
`. . .
`. . .
`. . . 363 ’89 C259 B.A. L260 .l.D. [Lott&F.]
`Litigation; Copyrights: Trademarks: Patents‘, intellectual Prop-
`Fleit, Kuin, Gibbons, Gutmau & Bongini, P.L. (Continued)
`Robert C. Kain, 1:2; Jon A. Gibbons (Resident, Boos Raton Office); Jose Gutman (Rest ent. Boca
`' Raturt Office); Stephen Bongini (Resident, flora Raton Office); Martin Flclt (Resident, Mia i Office);
`Paul D. Blanco (Not admitted in FL; Resident, Miami Ofticei.
`Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, Computer Law, lnternet Law, Licensing Technol-
`407-339-3013 Fax: 407-339-4244
`ogy Transfer, Litigation, Unfair Competition, intellectual Property.
`Boer: Ruton Office: One Boca Commerce Center. 551 N.W. 77th Street. Suite 111, 33487.
`rner@cs.com URL: http:llwww.lnwyers.cornlelsieturner
`E, A1{EA,S:Potcnt, Trademark nnd Copyright Low; Trade Secrets and Unfair Competi-
`561-989-9811. Fax: 561-989-9812. Email: bnca©Focu5Dn1P.corn. URL: http://www.Focus nlP.com.
` Trade Secrets, Litigation, Cdmmercial Law.
`lBusines.s; Cuntmercinl Law.
`Miami Office: 520 Bricltell Key Drive, Suite A201. 33131. Telephone: 305-536-91120. Fox: 305-536-
`(‘K and copyright Law: Copyrights.
`9022. Email: miumild FocusOn1P.cum. URL: http:/lwww.®Facus0n1P.cozn.
`susiness and Computer Law.
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LA UDEl_lDALE, FLORIDA
`5:: Prufusionol Biographies, AL'('AM(_)N'l'E SPRINGS. FLORIDA
`Louis R.
`. .
`. . . . . ..
`'64 '95 C.l349 B-.5. L.l2l8 1.13. [Si Brinkley,M.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Litigation.
`‘RAL, 74,991, Lee Co.
`tn 13-. (AV@)
`. , .
`. .'39 '64 C816 B.M.E. L276 JD. (A.D.Brufsky1 O
`Yoakley & Stewart, P.A., (AV)
`500 East Broward Boulevard, 33394 GI
`‘ an A_REAS:Prttent:Trademt1rk‘. Copyright; Unfair Competition.
`Broward Financial Centre, Suite 1400,
`Telephone: 954-452-2000 Fax: 954-523-1722
`.A., (AV®)
`Email: cllenlservices@y,unster.com URL: httpu’lwww.gunster.corn
`eet, 33904 0
`ex: 941-549-8810
` mlalienbrutsky
`-—- Jason S. Crush; Alun Michael Weisherg (Nat admitted in FL).
`luvncum URL: htzp:llwvrw.1awyers.co
`Patent, Trademark and Copyright.
`One Biscayne Tower, 2 South Biscayne litiulevurd. '1': ‘phone:
`Miami, Florida Olfice: Suite 3400,
`305-3_76-6000. Fax: 305-376-6010.
`Snark, Copyright, Unfair Competition, intellectual Property and Computer and Soft-
`Palm Beach, Florida, Otilce: 151 Royal Palm Way. Telephone: 561-333-1971). Fax: 56l-650- 655.
`Slunrt, Florida Office: Suite 200, 8005.15. Montercy Commons iloulcvurtl. Telephone: 561-2 15-1980.
`Fax: 561-288-0610.
`See Professional lliogruplties, CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA
`Vero Beach, Florida Office: Suite 301, 3055 Cardinal Drive. Telephone: 561-234-1040. Fzutt
`¥‘?;§-7 WATER, * 98,784, Pinellas Co.
`nnis G.
`. .. '46 '77 C550 B.S.M.E. L818 ID. (Moson&Assoc.]
`West Palm Beach, Florida Officc: Phillips Point, Suite 500 East, 777South Flagler Drive. Tel phone:
`561-655-1980. Fax: 561-655-5677.
`AREAS; Patents; Trademarks: Copyrights; Corporate Law.
`See Professional Biographies,
`V) ’50 ’80 C362 B.S. L1170 J.D.
`rles E., 11".. (B
`}.D. U1/lalin.,1>l. 13.] 0
`Harrison Avenue, Suite 101, 33756-5318
`. .
`. ..’39 '69 (3.112 B.A. L30
`Haley, Barry I... (AV)
`-33011 FAX:727-442-8562
`‘PRAC’l‘lCE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Litigation.
`- nd related litigation; Government Research and Develop-
`Holland & Knight LLP, (AV)
`"tram: Iiillgutio
`vulving scientific or technical issues. Practice in all State and Federal
`One East llrowurd Boulevard, Suite 1300. 33301 0
` llol)’.-s Space Racers, 1nc.;
`n-iinislrativc Agencies. Military Courts and Dcpurtments.
`Mailing Address: PO. Box 14070, 33302-4070, Florida
`ve Clients: Widcll industries; Weaver Enterprises,
`Telephone: 954-525-1000 Fax: 954-463-2030
`nufncturing, Inc.; ZD integrated Circuits, Inc.
`Email: hklnw.com U.llL: http:IIwww.hklnw.com
`Donald S. Shownlter:--Wenell '1'.
`erenc First Union National Bank.
`i4l:ortk1.oud:.-rdnlc Members and Associates: Tliomns L. Knutz;
`oc e.
`See Professional Biogrophit-s, CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA
`General Practice including: Administrative and Rulemnlting, Agriculture, Aircraft Finttuc untl
`ssnciates, P.A., (AV)
`Leasing,Altc-rnutive Dispute Resolution, American Continental Group Strategic Affiliation, Ant rust,
`y Office Centre, 17757 US. Highway 19 North. Suite 500, 33764
`Trade Regulation and Competition, Appropriations, Asia Practice. Automotive and Auto utive
`727-538-3800 Fax: 727-538-3320
`Finance, Aviation, Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights and Workouts, Beverage Alcohol, Do cl Fi-
`on @mnsonanduswciates.com URL: http://.www.1nasonunda.ssociotes.com
`nancing, Brownfields, Cash Flow and Asset-Based Lending, Charitable Giving, Civil Rights,
`puter Law, Construction and Design. Consumer Fraud. Contests and Sweepstakes, Corporal and
`Trademark, Copyright, Trade Secrek, Licensing, Unfair Competition, Franchisirig, Corpo-
`Securities, Corporate Compliance, Corporate Finawce, Corporate Relocation and Expansion, Cor-
`lllistatc (Freddie Mac Designated Counsel), Creditor’s Right: in Bankruptcy. Related
`porate Trust, Custonur and International Trade, Development of Regional lnipact, Directors and
`lvlixtters, including Appeals.
`Officers’ Li-.1billt;y, Diversity Counseling, Drug & Medical Devices, E-Commerce, Education, lder
`"live Client: 1) Department of Justice.
`Law, Elections-Stole, Eminent Domain and Condemnation, Energy, Entertainment, Envlronm-u tul,
`Attorneys in .
`ttarneys Title iruurance Pond.
`Equipment Financing 8: Leasing, ERlSA,Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation, Fina uial
`Amsouth Bank.
`institutions, Fruiichise, Gaming, Government (GSA) Real Estate Contracting, Government - ill nois
`Slnte & Local, Government - State and Local. Government Contracts. Grants and'lnfr-nstruc re.
`See Professional iliogrupltics, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA
`Growth Manugement, Concurrency and Land Use. GSA Holdovers and tlundemnation Disp 125,
`‘ GABLES, 40,091 Miami-Dade Co.
`Health Care, Hospitality, ‘Hotel, Time.-shore and Resort Development. Housing, immip,r::tlmt, Na -nn-
`ality and Consular Law, lndiun Law, individual and Private Business, insurance, lntellcctuul P op-
`,David K.. (AV)
`. . . . . ‘63 '89 C&L.260 B.S.E.. J.D. [L0tt&F.]
`erty, Intellectual Property - Copyright, intellectual Property - Patent, Intellectual Property - Tr de-
`C-VE AREAS: Business
`net Related Patents; intellectual Property; Patents: Patent
`mark, International, International Procurement. lnternct Resource Team, investment Funds nd
`ntloli; Computer and software Patents.
`Asset Management. lsmel Practice. Labor and Employment Relations, Legslution - Federal, L'-
`(AV) .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`'50 '74 C&L.26U B.A.. ID. [L0tt&F.]
`lntion - State. Litigation - Airline Accident, Litigation - Appellate, Litigation - Class Action, Litiga ion
`Tradclriarl.<s;‘Copyrlghts; Patents; Patent Litigation
`- Commercial, Litigation - Criminal Defense, Litigation - Environmental. Litigation - internatio al,
`Litigation - Securities, Marital and Family Law, Maritime and Shipping, Media & Commnnicad - ns,
`Power Plitnt and Tru s-
`Mergers and Acquisitions, Mexico Practice, Mining, Minority Initiative, Money Laundering, M - rt-
`gage Banking, Natural Gas, OSHA. Personal injury and Wrongful Death,
`mlssiun Linc Siting, Privatization. Product Linliility, Project Fiuunce, Public Finance. Public L W.
`Pulilic Utilitics,R-opid Response Team, Real Estate lnvettrncrtt Trusts (1lE1T£l), Real Estate Envir n-
`mentnl uutl Land Use, Retail Dcvcloprticnt, Retail ltenl Estate, Sccttrillzaliun 0fF11'ItlI1(;1tllASSl:lS,Sp ce
`Law, Sports - Amateur, Sports - Collegiate Administration lllld Compliance, Sports Prttctice. Syn l-
`Failillll and Partnership, Taxation - Federal, Taxution - Stale unrl Local, Ttixutiun - '1'nx-lllxen pt
`Organizations, 'l‘et-ltnnlogy, Technology Transfers 81 Licensing, 'l‘clecommunicatinn.s, "l‘rnn:tpor 3-
`tion, Trust.-1 oucl Estates, U.S. Export Compliance, Venture Capital, Water/Wastcvvutcr Pracli 1:,
`While Collar Crime.
`Annapolis, Maryland Office: Stole Circle Building, 47 State Circle. Suite 400, 21401. 'l‘c-lcpho -.
`410-263-71100. Fax: 410-163-3768.
`Atlanta, Georgia Office: One Atlantic Center. 1201 West Penchtree Strcet,'N.E., Suite 2000, 3030.
`Telephone: 404-817-8500. Fax: 404-881-0470.
`Bethesda, Maryland Office: 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 800, 20814. Telephone: 301-654-780.
`Fax: 301-656-3908.
`Efiigtéon, Massachusetts Office: 10 St. James Avenue, 02116.Telephone: 617-523-2700. Fax: 617-52 -
`Itrodenton, Florida Office: 1001 3rd Avenue West, Suite 600, 34205. 'l‘elephone: 941- 745-7076. Fa 2
`Office: 55 West Monroe Street, Suite 800, 60603. '1‘c-it-plione:
`Chicago, lllinois
`312-263-3600. Fax
`Helsinki. Fixtlanrl Office: 1-lolland 8: Knight Dy, Pohjoisesplnnadi .13, iv‘lN-00100. '1‘e1epltono:_158-9
`634-1520. Fax: 358-9-6841-5252.
`.1uck.souvillc, Florida Office: 50 North Luurn Street, Suite 3900, 32202. Telephone: 904-353-2000. Fax
`Lnkeland, Florida Olflcez 92 Lake Wire Drive, 33815. Telephone: 863-682-1161. Fax: 863-688-1186.
`Los Angeles, California Office: 633 West Fifth Street, 21st Flour, 90071. Telephone: 213-896-2400.
`Fax: 213-896-2450.
`Melbourne. Florida Office: 1499 South Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 201, 32901. Telephone: 321-
`951-1776. Fax: 321-951-184‘).
`Mexico City, Mexico Ottlcez Pascn de los Tamurindos 400-B. Pisa 2, Dclegacién Cunjimnlpa. Basques
`de las Lolnns, 05120, Mexico, D.F. Telephone: 011-525-261-1866. Fax: 011-525-261-12567.
`Miami. Florida Oifice: 701 Bricltcll Avenue. Suite 3000, 33131. Telephone: 305-374-3500. Fax:
`New York, New York Oflice: 195 Broudwn , 10007. Telephone: 212-513-3200. Fax: 21.’.-‘.'il15-‘)0l0.
`Northern Virginia: 1600 Tyson Boulevard,
`'uitc 7011, McLean. Virginia. 22102. 'l'eleplimit-: 703-721)-
`8(:00. Fax: 703-720-8610.
`Orlando, Florida Office: 200 South Orange Avenue, Sun Trust Building. Suite 2000, 321101. 'l‘clt-phone:
`407-425-8500. Fax: 407- 44-5288.
`Portland, Oregon Ofllce: 2300 1.1.5. 89-ncurp Tower, 111 Southwest Fifth Avenue, 97204. Telcplione:
`5021-243-Z300. l-‘ax: 503-7A1-8014.
`Providence. Rhode Island Office: One Fitiancial Plaza, Suite 1800, 02903. Telephone: 401-751-8500.
`Fax: 401-553-6850.
`Rio de Janeiro. Brazil Oifflcet Run de Assembléia, S8-10th Flour, Z0011-000. Telephone: 011-55-21-
`1509-5050. Fax: 011-55-21-‘L21-9l)35.
`112 East Pecan Street, Suite 7.700, 78205. Telephone:
`San Antonio, Taxes Office: Weston Centre,
`210-229-3000. Fax: 210-229-1194.
`Son Francisco. California Office: 50 California Street, Suite 21100. 94111. Teleplione: 415-743-6900.
`Fax: 415-743-6910.
`Sin Paulo, Brazil Office: Run Pedroso Alvurt.-ngu. 1.284 - 10th Floor, Suite 107., 0453 1-000. Telephone:
`011-S5-1'1-3079-23110. Fax: 111.1-55-11-307‘)-21104.
`Seattle, Washington omce; 2600 Pike Tower, 520 Pike Street, 98101. Tclephottc: 206-340-1825.
`Telecupier: 106-623-4363.
`St. Petersburg, Florida Office: 200 Central Avenue, Suite 1600, 337lll.’.l‘clep1irme: 727-896-717'1. Fax:
`Tnllaliassee, Floridu Olficc: 315 South Calhoun Street, Suite 600, 32301. Telephone: 850-224-7000.
`Fax: SSO-22¢-8832.
`(This Listing Continued)
` olialtoff, P.A., (AV)
`agttlrporate Park, 3111 Stirling Road, P.0. Box 9057, 33310-9057 0
`cker-pollnkoftcom URL: http~J/www.hecl<er-polioltofl'.cum
`@he ~
`- 550: Toll Free: 800-432-7712
`=Queu-ey; Robert E. Pershes.
`on Law, Computer
`,. Crt£sd‘umtntom,_Constmcoon, Appellate Practice, Banking Call
`late Planning, Lltlgntmn, Real Estate, Personal injury. Se nties, Corporate and
`:7» u=Q. In
`not nnul Law, Customs and Trade Law, Em loyment, Public Finance, Gaming,
`[mam algfils Law. Government Luw,1ntellectunl
`roperty, Asset Protection. Land Use
`game.” in_ Mi
`, Wdemnrk. Eminent Domain. Administrative Law, Utility Law.
`33ml. West Pn1m_ Beach, Sarasota. Fort Myers, Fort Walton Beach, Jacksonville,
`Pam E‘ Tampa. Florida; Prague. Czech Republic. Atllllnted Offices in: Frankfurt,
`“"1351 Bern, Switzerland; Beijing, People’: Republic of China.
`See Profesriomzi Biographies, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA
`"24 ‘S2 C.64S B.S. L424 JD.
`PL) (ca Malin,H.&D.) <3
`(adm. in IL; not adm. in
`Nemey. Morgan, Solomon & Tatum, LLP, (AV)
`1-as Olas Bouleva
`rd, suite woo 33301-2209
`954-522-2200 Focslntile: 954.522-9:53
`necllitglpal Llt gallon. Corporate and Business Law, Trial and Appellate Practice in all
`Esme Cl'0g2l‘lyillC1l.ldlllg representation before the United States Patent and Trademark
`Local Government and
`1'! itor Bankruptcy, Foreclosures, Development and Mortgage Financing, Wills,
` Marital and Family Law,
`xnistrnuve Low and Practice.
`¢rE“_l’|snning, Vintlcal Settlements,
`. "',‘1z5g)r. Attorneys’ Title Insurance Fund; Chicago Title insurance Co; First Ameri-
`5” Professional Biographies, mm‘ LA UDERDALE. FLORIDA
`. ..‘60’87C705BSMELl206JD B’kl
`%i\eREAS: lntellecluul Pmpcrty: Patent; Copyright; 'l'r.:nlr:n’1ut’k‘-, Coinpliirrer aw.
`‘.56 '84 C&L.260 B.S.E., JD. (Malin,H.&.D.l O
`'92 C188 B.S. L262 JD. [13] Mztlin,1-l.&D.] 0
`intellectual Property Litigation.
`-bb°“-5..Gutman & Bongini, P.L.. (AV)
`Bggglggggznvenuc Suite 100, 33316-1153 0
`Fucus0nIP.com URL: http://www.Focus0n1P.cum
`§du_dfle@ - 1-800-346-0900 Fax: 954-763-0158
`(This Listing Continued)
` 5.
`Holland & Knight LLP (Continued)
`Tampa, Florida Office: 400 North Ashley-Drive, Sdite 2300, 33602. Telephone: 813-227-8500. Fax:
`Tokyo. Japan Office: Suite 613, New Otenutchi Building, 2-2-1 Otemachi, Chlyoda-ku, 100-000-‘l.
`Telephone: 011-81-3-3-Z42-1289. Fax: 011-81-3-3-2-'12-I290.
`Washington, D.C. Otfice: 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 100, 20006. Telephone: 202-955-
`3000. Fax": 202-955-5564. .
`West Palm Beach. Florida Office: 625 lflorth Flagler Drive, Suite 700, 33401. Telephone: 561-833-2000.
`Fax: 561-650-8399.
`Repruentntlve Offices:
`Caracas. Venezuela Olfice: Tinoco, Trevieso, Plauchart 8: Nunez, Avenida Francisco De Miranda,
`Torre Country Club, Pisa l y 2, Chacaito, 1050. Telephone: 011-S82-12-952-9033 (Master). Fax:
`011-582-12-953-10S3I8365l7583. Email: ttpn@ttpn.com.ve.
`Tel Aviv, Israel Omce: 23 Derecl: Petach-Tikva, 18th Floor, 66184. Telephone: 011-972-3-566-7666.
`Fax: D11-972-3-566-7667.
`See Professional Blographis. FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA
`Kain, Robert C., Jr.. (AV) .
`. . . . .
`'54 '78 C&L.880 B.S.. l.D. [Fleit,K.G.G.&B.) 0
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Biomedical Technology; Multimedia Law; lntcmational Intellectual Property; Pat-
`ents; Trademark.
`. . .'63 '97 C1350 B.S.E. L.l32S .l.D. [El Malin,H.&D.] 0
`Kamenetsk , Jeffrey H.
`AREAS: Patent Prosecution; Patent Litigation; Trademark Law; Copyright Law.
`Kautz, Thomas L.
`. .
`. .
`. . .
`. .
`. . . . . .'5l '76 C&L.879 B.S.C.E., J.D. [1-1ollancl&K.]
`. .
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law.
`Kubler, Frank L.
`. , . .
`. . .
`'57 '86 C&'L.472 B.S.M.E.. JD. [Oltm'.tn,F.&l(.)
`*PRACI'lCE AREAS: Patent Prosecution; Trademark Prosecution.
`'69 '97 C257 Phar.D L472 l.D. [ l-lolland&K.]
`Locke, Wendell T.
`'PRACTICE AREA5:.l.rr'te'lle't:'tual' Patents Litigation: Product Liability; Commercial.
`Lorusso & Loud, (AV)
`Suite 208, Northern Trust Plaza, 2601 E. Oakland Park Boulevard, 33306
`Telephone: 954-568-5554 Fax: 954-568-5553
`Email: jkeIly@huslnesslitigatiomcom URL: http1//www.businesslitlgatiomcom
`Patents, Trademarks, Unfair Competition and Copyright Law. Corporate Litigation, Insurance
`Litigation, Securities Litigation, Trial, Appellate and Federal Agency Practice.
`Iioston, Massachusetts 0l’Ilce:-140 Commercial Street. Telephone: 617-227-0700. Fax: 617-723-4609.
`Alexandria, Virginia Officet 3137 Mt. Vernon Avenue. 'l.‘e_leplmne: 703-739-9393. Fax: 703-739-9391.
`Portsmouth, New Hampshire Office: 93 State Street. Telephone: 603-427-0070. Fax: 603-427-5531).
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LA UDERDALE, FLORIDA
`Malln, Haley 8: DiMaggio, P.A., (AV) E51
`1936 South Andrews Avenue, 33316 0
`Telephone: 954-763-3303 Fax: 954-522-6507 URL: http:IIwwrv.rnhdputeuts.cam
`Email: rnhd @rnhdpatenL<.com
`Barry L. Haley; DalePaul DiMaggio; Daniel S. Policy;-~JeRrcy H. Kamenetsky; Joseph R. Englander.
`Of Counsel: John C. Black (Not admitted in FL).
`Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Unfair Conipetltlon Law, Entertainment Law and Coinputer Law.
`Trial and Appellate Practice before all Federal and State Courts.
`Representative Clients: IBM; Hughes Electronics; Raytheon Corporation; Nova Southeastern Uni-
`versity; Bobby Ruhlno’: USA, Inc.; Sea Ray Boats; Bunl¢Atl'antlc; City of Hollywood; Broward
`County School Board; LensCra{tera, Inc.
`Miami, Florida Office: Miami Center, 28th Floor, 201 South Biscayne Boulevard, 33131. Telephone:
`gain: Beach, Florida Office: Suite 600, 500.Sr':uth Australian Avenue, 33401. Telephone: 561-
`Sec Profasirmal Biographies, FORT LA UDERDALE, FLORIDA
`Malloy-, Jennie 5.. (AV)
`. .
`. . .
`. ,'63, '87 C477 B.A. L472 .l.D. fMulloy&M.] O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Infringement: intellectual Property Li-
`censing; intellectual Property Litigation; intellectual Property Portfolio Management.
`Malloy, John Cyril, III, (AV) . .
`. .. .'68 ’92 C880 B.A. L472 .l.D. fMalloy&M.} G
`"PRAC-'1”ZCE AREAS: Intellectual
`y‘, Intellectual Pmpcl'ty.Litigation; Intellectual Property Licens-
`ing; Intellectual Property Portfolio
`nagemeut; International Intellectual Property.
`Malloy 8: Malloy, P.A., (AV)
`2101 West Commercial Boulevard Suite 4100, 33309 O
`Telephone: 954-525-9611 Miami: 305-858-8000 In Florida: 8(l0-337-7239 l"ncsi.I11ile: 305-1158-0008
`Email: mail@tnalloylaw.com URL: http:I/www.MALLOYL.«\W.com
`Jennie S. Molloy; John Cyril Malloy, 111; Peter A. Matos;-—Andrew W. Ransom. Of Counsel: John
`Cyril Mulloy: James E. Wetterling, Jr.
`Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Unfair Competition, Anti-Counterfeiting, Trude Secrets, Related
`,Trial and Appellate Practice in all State and Federal Courts and Administrative Agencies, and all
`Related Transactional and International Matters concerning Intellectual Property.
`Representative Clients: Pan American World Airways, Inc.; Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Restau-
`rants; Nailtiquee Cosmetic Corporation; Navarro Discount Pharmacies; Calder Race Course; Tasco
`S:ales,1nc.: Sloppy Joe’:International, 1nc.; Taco Viva Franchising, Inc: Tout, 1nc.,' Krieger Watch
`Miami, Florida Oillcez 2800 S.W. Third Avenue. Telephone: 305-858-8000. Facsimile: 305-858-0008.
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA
`. . . . .
`. . .
`. .
`. ..'67 '93 C.688 B.S.M.E. [Malloy&M.] O
`Matos,.Peter A.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Prupeny; Intellectual Property Infringement: Intellectual Property Li-
`ceasing; utelletnuol Property Litigation; Intellectual Property Portfolio Management.
`McQueeney. Patricia E.
`. .
`. . .
`. . .
`, .. ‘— '01 C216 B.S. L.l002 JD. [ Becker&P.]
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent and Trademark Applicatioxl Prepamdon and Prosecution‘, Patent Infringement
`and Validity Options; Intellectual Property Audits.
`Oltman, John EL. (AV) .
`. . .. '29 '57 C&L.477 B.S.E.Ch.E., .l.D. {Oltman.F.&K.] O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patents; Trademarks; Copyright; Unfair Competition.
`Oltrnan, Flynn and Kubler, (AV)
`415 Galleria Professional Building, 915 Middle River Drive, 33304-3585 0
`Telephone: 954-563-4814 Famimile: 954-563-1226
`Email: oltman@nksl.net URL: http:1/www.lawyers.con1/oltmanflynndckubler
`John H. Oltman; Frank L. Kubler.
`Patents, Trademarks. Copyright and Unfair Competition. Trials.
`Representative Clients: Clairson International Corp.; New York Institute of Technololfli Jensen
`Co:-p.; M Br W Pump Carp.; Hollywood Federal Savings and Loan Assn.; Adaptive Systems, 1136.; Old
`Telecom, Division of Oki America. Iru:.; Security Plastics, Inc.; Eaton Oil Co.
`Reference: Nations Bank, Fort Lauderdale.
`Boca Raton, Florida Ofllcer Suite 801 The Plan. 5355 Town Center Road. Telephone: 561-391-4900.
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LA UDERDALE, FLORIDA
`Pershes, Robert 15., (AV) .
`. .
`. . .
`. ..
`'—~ '77 C563 B.l-3. L564 JD. [Bccker&P.]
`JPRACTICE AREAS: Commercial Litigation: Construction Law; Real Estate Development; [intellectual
`Property Law; Patents.
`. '64 '90 C1036 B.S.E.E. L362 .l.D. [Malin,H.&D.] O
`Polley, Daniel S.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Litigation: Entertainment Law.
`Ransom, Andrew W. .
`. .. . ; . .
`. .
`. 366 '92 C477 B.A. L608 ID. [E Malloy&M.] O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Trademark Prosecution; Intellectual Property Litigation; in-
`tellectual Property Infringement; Intellectual Property Licensing.
`Ross, Richard S., (AV) ’59 '84 C.260 B.S. L.-472 1.1).
`4801 South University Drive. Suite 3070, 33328
`Telephone: 954-252-9110 Fax: 954-252-9192
`Email: prodp@lx.netcom.com URL: l:trp://wwvv.luwyers.com/rlchurdsross
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent-r; Trademarks; Copyrights; Unfair Competition.
`Patents, Trademarks. Copyrights. Unfair Competition, Litigation.
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LA UDERDALE. FLORIDA
`Showalter, Donald S., (AV) .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. . .. '55 ‘85 C.1 19 B.S. L665 JD. [l-lolla.nd&K.]
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent: Tmtlemnrlr: Copyright Law.
` C-AINESVILLE, * 84,770, Alachua Co.
`. .. ’65 '99 C&L.260 135 JD. [ Saliwanchik.l_.&S.] (Q
`Blum. Seth Mitchell .
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property Law; Paton , Trademarks and Copyrights.
`Efron, Margaret R.
`. .. '73 '00 C367 B.S. L446 .l.D. [la Saliwanchik a
`Eisenschenk, Frank Christopher '65 '98 C260 B.S.A. L64 J.D.
`Lmsaliwanchik 5,5”
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent and Tradcrnark.
`Ludwig, Glenn P.
`. . . .
`. . .
`. . .
`'71 '98 C.1290 B.S. L362 ID. [13 Saliwanchik,
`‘PRACTICE AREAS. Intellectual Property Law; Patent Prosecution; Patent Licensing.
`Lloyd, Jeff . . .
`. .
`'60 '87 C&L.26O B.A.. I.D. [Saliwanchik,L.&S.] (Go, .
`‘PRACTICE. AREAS:'Patei1l Prosecution; Trademark Prosecution; Licensing.
`McLeod, Christine Q. '65 '92
`C.l222 B.S.E.E. L472 .l.D. [Sailu/anchtk,L.&S.] (oorlndo
`F‘ .:ox0 CD 0')
`-_. U 3EEW:3ca3FF‘ R‘’in
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual -Property; Patents; Tmdertmrks; Copyrights; lnlen1etl_au,,
`Pace, Doran R.,1I1 .
`. .. '57 '93 C&
`‘PRACITCE AREAS: Intellectual Property Law: Patent Pl‘0s¢C'LllIl)Il2TI'l1(l6ma’ll‘l(;l_lC€l'l$lng.
`Parker, James Scott '64 ‘Q6 C&L.26D B.S.E.E., ID.
`[El Sollvvunch1k,L.&S.] ((30,: do;
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Patent Prosecution; international Patents; Patent Liz.-en mg
`Saliwanchik, David Roman '60 ‘B7
`C260 B.S. L477 .l.D. [Saliwanchlk.L.&S.l (OOrl
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property.
`Saliwanchik, Lloyd 8: Saliwanchik
`2421 Northwest 41st Street Suite A-1, 32606 0
`Telephone: 352-375-8100 Facsimile: 352-372-5300
`Email: patent@sallwan¢hik.com URL: http:l/www.slspntenl.s.t:om
`Jet! Lloyd; David Roman Sallwanchik; Christine Q. McLeod: Doran R. Pace, 111;-Seth Ml hr
`Blum; lylargoret H. Efren; Frank Christopher Eisenschettk; Jean Elaine Kyle; Glenn P. Lu E
`James Scott Parker; Jay M. Sanders.
`Putens, Trademarks, Copyrights.
`Orlando, Florida Office: 1000 Legion Place, Suite 1750, 321501. Telephone: 407-'l26-7500. Pats‘ ‘mg ’
`I-iamilton, Montana Office: 127 West Main Street, Suite E, 59840. Telephone: 406-375-1317, u
`See Professional Biograplries, GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA
`. . . .
`'69 '94 C339 B.S. L146 I.D. lELS8liWam:hik.L.S,]
`Senders, Jay M.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prosecution: International Patents: Opinions.
`HOLLYWOOD, 121,697, Broward Co.
`Greenherg, Laurence A.
`. . .
`. . .
`. .
`'48 '82 C102 B.S.‘L.I0l9 I.D. [Lernerar
`‘PRACIICE AREAS: intellectual Property: Patents; Trademarks; Patent Litigation; Trademark Litlgat
`Lerner, Herbert L. '22 ‘S0 C.l02 B.S.M.E. L.l009 1.1).
`(adm. in NY; not adm. in FL) 1 Lernerdt .1
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Patents.
`Lerner and Greenherg, P.A.
`2445 Hollywood Boulevard, P.0. Box 2480, 33022-2480
`Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2480, Hollywood, Florida 33022
`Telephone: 954-925-1100 Fax: 954-925-1101
`Email: patents@patenlusa.com URL: hltp:/Iwww.petentusa.corn
`Laurence A. Greenberg; Werner H. Sterner; Ralph E. Lucher; Gregory L. ll/Inlyhaclt. 01’ Conn: 1:
`Herbert L. Lerner (Not admitted In FL);—Mark P. Weichselhaum (Not admitted in FL); La: :1
`Donald Pearson; Markus Nolfi.
`Intellectual Property, Potent. Trademark and Copyright Registration, Litigation, 1.nh'ingetuent.l -
`ternatianal Trademarks, .Tr-ade Dress, Trade Secrets, Patent Interference and Appellate Practl
`Patent Applications. Prosecution, Federal and Commercial Litigation. Technical helds tnclurle,1-.1 -
`tricul, Electronic, Chemical. World Trade. Computer and Software, Architecture, Organic Chemist
`Polymers, international, Mechanical, Medical, Coatings Technology.
`See Prufessiorml Biogmplnes, HOLI. l’WQ_OD. FLORIDA
`. ..
`. .. '61 '95 C589 B.S.B.A. L734 l.D. [Le4m:r&G.
`Locher, Ralph E.
`-ctual Property‘, Mechanical Patents; Patent Fruscculitm; Pate
`Applications; Tradenulrl: Prosecution.
`Maylaack, Gregory L.
`. . .
`. .'64 '92 C880 B.E.E.E. L472 l.D. [Lerner&G.
`*PRACTICE AREAS: Patents; 'l'mdemarks;' Copyrights; Litigation.
`Nolfl’, Markus .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. .‘6l '90 C399 B.S. L259 l.D, [E l..eruer&G.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prosecution; International Patents; PatentApp1icanons.
`Pearson, Loren Donald .
`. .. -.
`. .. ’70 '96 C574‘ B.A. L472 .l.D. [IE1 Lemer&G.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patents; Trademarks; Copyrights; Ltitellectual Property Litigation.
`Sterner, Werner H.
`. . .
`. . .
`. .. '55 '99 Q1222 B.S. L.l206 .l.D. [Lerner&G.l
`'PRPAgTlCE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Patents; Trademarks; Appellate Practice; International Patent
`Weichselbuum, Mark 1’.
`'62 '96 C260 B.S.E.E. L.l0l5 .l.D.
`(mlm. in TN; not ud