`Filing Date:
`Trademark Examiner:
`DeBeaux, Inc.
`July 11, 2001
`Law Office 112
`Docket No.:
`m W;
`m ]>
`- '
`~,1 ‘ii
`1! rr.
`0 '
`m 0
`Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks
`Qrystal Drive
`Arlington, VA 22202-3513
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.19(b), David B. Deioma and Pearne & Gordon LLP hereby
`requests permission to withdraw as attorney herein.
`On June 27, 2002, I informed Applicant by letter, copy attached, of my intention
`withdraw as attorney, and transferred the file to Applicant.
`I hereby certify that this corresopndence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an
`envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for
`Trademarks, 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202-3513
`on the date indicated below.
`David B. Deioma
`Name of Attorney for Applicant(s)
`Signature of Attorney

`DeBeaux, Inc. is owned by R. Scott Beaumont. I have tried to contact Mr. Beaumont
`concerning the above-noted application. He does not respond to my letters and gives no
`instructions on this case. Mr. Beaumont is divorcing my daughter.
`Respectfiilly submitted,
`z A!
`David B. Deioma
`Pearne & Gordon LLP
`526 Superior Avenue East
`Suite 1200
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1484
`(216) 579-1700
`July 19, 2002

`cHAriLEs _a. GORDON
`women w. eAavev
`CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114-1484
`TEL: (216)579-1700
`FAX: (216) 579-6073
`EMAIL: ip@,
`_ WRITER’S EMAIL: ddeioma
`earne ordon.conr_1
` MoN
`Mr. R. Scott Beaumont
`2751 NE 6th Street
`Pompano Beach, FL
`June 27, 2002
`© <® E
`Re: U.S. Trademark Application
`Serial No. 78/073,365 for
`— Our Docket No. 33792
`U.S. Trademark Application
`Serial No. 78/073,754 for
`- Our Docket No. 33801
`Dear Scott:
`As you can appreciate, it would be too awkward for me to
`continue to represent you in your trademark applications for GROUT
`I am going to file a withdrawal of counsel
`with the Trademark Office. Attached to this letter is a listing
`of all of the Patent Attorneys in Ft. Lauderdale.
`I am not
`personally familiar with any of them; however,
`the ones that are
`rated (AV) are regarded higher by their peers than the ones who
`are rated (BV) or have no rating at all.
`Enclosed is the file for your trademark application for _
`I recently received a notice from the Trademark
`Office that the registration of this mark has been opposed.
`copy of the Notice of Opposition is included. Unfortunately, a
`relatively large company, Ecolab, Inc., has a number of trademarks
`that use the term TURBO.
`They do not have any mark, however,
`is close to TURBO~KLEEN. You can discuss this matter, of course,
`with your new attorney, but it would appear that your chances of
`prevailing are pretty good. Unfortunately,
`the opposition process
`is a relatively long proposition and you would have to pay an
`attorney to represent you. Please note that your response to the
`opposition must be filed by July 28, 2002.
`I am also enclosing the file for your trademark application
`No opposition has been filed in this application
`to date.
`The status is that we filed a revised definition of the
`goods, and we are waiting for the Trademark Office to respond.

`Mr. R. Scott Beaumont
`June 27,
`I hope that all goes well with you in the future and that
`your business prospers.
`Best regards,
`David B. Deioma

`.1 W
` -
`. _\
`Flelt, Kain, Gibbons, Gutman & Bongini, P.L. (Continued)
`Robert C. Kain, .lr.; Jon A. Gibbons (Resident, Boca Raton Office); Jose Gutman (Resident, Boca
`‘ Raton Office); Stephen Bongini (Resident, Bocn Raton Office); Martin Fleit (Resident, Miami Office);
`Paul D. Bianco (Not admitted in FL; Resident, Miaini Office).
`Patents, Trademarks, Copyriglm, Trade Secrets, Computer Law, Internet Law, Licensing, Technol-
`ogy Transfer, Litigation, Unfair Competition, Intellectual Property.
`Boca Raton Office: One Boca Commerce Center, 551 N.W. 77th Street, Suite 111, 33487. Telephone:
`561-989-9811. Fint: 56 l-989-9812. Emn_ll: hoca @Focus0n1l’.com. URL: httptl/
`Miami Office: 520 Brickell Key Drive, Suite A201, 33131. Telephone: 305-536-9020. Fax: 305-536-
`9022. Email: miaml® URL:
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA
`Glgliotti, Louis R.
`. . . . . . . .
`. .. '64 '95 0134-9 B.S. L.l2l8 l.D‘. [ Brinkley,M.M.S.&T.]
`’PRAC1'lCE AREAS: lntellecnial Property: Litigation.
`Guuster, Yoakley 8: Stewart, P.A., (AV)
`Browiird Financial Centre, Suite 1400, 500 East Brnward Boulevard, 33394 0
`Telephone: 954-462-2000 Fax: 954-ESE-1722
`Email: clienlsei'viccs®gunster.corn URL: httpzl/
`—— Jason S. Criaih; Alan Michael Weisberg (Not admitted in FL). Of Counsel: John Christopher.
`Patent, Trademark and Copyright
`Miami, Florida Officc: Suite 3400, One Biscayne Tower, 2 South Biscayne Boulevard. Telcphuiie:
`305-376-6000. Fax: 305-376-6010.
`Palm Beach, Florida, Office: 151 Royal Palm Way. Telephone: 561-li33- 1970. Fax: 561-650-0655.
`5l\5flI'l. Fl0|'ld3 Omcli Stlllfi 200. 300 SE. Montercy Commons Boulevard. Teleplione: 561-233-1980.
`Fax: 561-288-0610.
`1/sero Beach, Florida Office: Suite 301, 3055 Cardinal Drive. Telephone: 561-234-1040. Fax: 561-234-
`West Palm Beach, Florida Office: l.’ltillips Point, Suite 500 East, 777 Smith Flagler Drive. Telephone:
`561-655-1980. Fax: 561-655-5677.
`See Professional Biogrnpliis, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA‘
`Haley. Barr)’ L., (AV) . .
`. . . .
`. . . .
`. .'39 '69 C.l12 B.A. L.30 l.D. [lvlalin,H.&D.] 0
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: intellectual Propert Litigation.
`Holland 8: Knight LLP, (AV) EH1
`One East Broward Boulevard, Suite 1300, 33301 O
`lflailing Address: P,0. Box 14070, 33302-4070, Florida
`Telephone: 954-525-1000 Fax: ‘)5-t-463-2030
`Email: URL:
`Ft‘):-lki:iI1l(lttf'(lill¢ Members and Associates: Thomas L. Kautz; Donald S. Show:ilter;—Wendell T.
`L ‘ c.
`General Practice including: Administrative and Rulemaking, Agriculture. Aircraft Finance and
`I..easlng,i\1temat1ve Dispute Resolution, American Continental Group Strategic Affiliation.Antitrust,
`Trade Regulation and Competition. Appropriations, Asia Practice, Automotive and Automotive
`Finance. Aviation, Bankruptcy and Creditors‘ Rights and Workouts, Beverage Alcohol, Bond Fi-
`nancing, Brownfields, Cash Flow and Asset-Based Lending, Charitable Giving, Civil Riglm, Com-
`puter Law, Construction and Design, Consumer Fraud, Contests and Sweepstakes, Corporate and
`Securities, Corporate Compliance, Corporate Finance, Corporiite Relocation and Expansion, Cor-
`porate Trust, Customs and international Trade, Developinent of Regional impact, Directors’ and
`Officers’ Liability, Diversity Counseling. Drug & Medical Devices, E-Commerce, Education, Elder
`Law, Elections-State, Eminent Domain and Condeinnatlon. Energy, Entertainment, Environmental,
`Equipment Financing 8: Leasing, ERISA, Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation. Financial
`institutions, Franchise, Gaming, Government (GSA) Real Estate C()l'lll"._tltllIIg, Government - Illinois
`State 3: Local, Government - State and Local, Government Contracts, Grants nndliifrastructure.
`Growth Management, Concurrency and Land Use, GSA Holdovers and Condemnation Disputes‘,
`Health Care, I-lo.s'pitalit_v, Hotel. Tlmeshare and Resort Development, Housing, imiiiigratioii, Nation-
`ality und Consular Law, Indian Law, Individual and Private llusincats, Insurance. Intellectual Prop-
`erty, lntellectual Property - Copyright, lntellcctnnl Property - Patent, Intellectual Property - Trade-
`mark, lntemational, International Procurement, Internet Resource Team, Investment Funds and
`Asset Management, Xsrael Practice, Labor and Employment Relations, Legislation - Federal. Legis-
`lation - State, Litigation - Airline Accident, Litigation - Appellate, Litigation - Class Action, Litigation
`- Commercial, Litigation *- Criminal Defense, Litigation - Environmental. Litigation - International,
`Litigation - Securities, Marital and Family Law, Maritime and Shipping, Media 8: Communications,
`Mergers and Acquisitions, Mexico Practice. Mining, Minority Initiative, Money Lnttnclering, Mort-
`gage Banking, Natural Gas, OSHA, Personal injury and Wrongful Death, Power Plant and Trans-
`mission Line Siting. Privatization. Product Linliility, Project Finance, Piihlic Finance. Public Law.
`Public Utilities, Rapid Re-iponsl: Team, Real Estate investment Trusts fRl£l’l'sl. Real Estate Environ-
`mental and Land Ilse, Retail Dcvclopnicnt, Retail Reullistatg, Securitizatlon ol'Financiul Asscls,Spuce
`Law, Sports - Amateur, Sperm - Collegiate Administration and Compliance, Sports Practice. Syndi-
`cation and Partnership, Taxation - Federal, Taxation - Slate and Local, ’I‘axim'oii
`- Tax-llxcnipl
`Organizatiorut, Technology, Technology Transfers 8: Licensing. ’l‘elccomn'iunic:ition.s', Transporta-
`tion, Trusts and Estates, U.S. Export Compliance, Venture Capital, Water/Wastcwuter Practiu.-,
`White Collar Crime.
`Annapolis. Maryland Office: State Circle Building, 47 State Circle, Suite 400, 21401. Telephone:
`410-263-7800. Fax: 410-263-3763.
`Atlanta, Georgia Office: One Atlantic Center, 1201 West Peachtree Struet,'N.E.., Suite 2000, 30309.
`Telephone: 404-317-8500. Fax: 404-881-0470.
`Bethesda, Maryland Office: 3 Bethmda Metro Center, Suite 800, 20814. Telephone: 301-654-7800.
`Fax: 301-656-3978.
`lgaosson, Massachusetts Office: 10 St. James Avenue, 02116. Telephone: 617-523-2700. Fax: 617-523-
`5 .
`Bradenton, Florida Office: 1001 3rd Avenue West, Suite 600, 34205. Telepliune: 941-748-7076. Fax:
`Chicago, Illinois Office: 55 West Monroe Street, Suite 800, 60603. Tclcphoiie: 312-263-3(i00. Fax:
`Helsinki, Finland Oflicc: Holland & Knight Oy, Pohjoisespluriadi 33, FIN-00100. '1‘eleplionc:_35ll-‘)-
`634-1520. Fax: 353-9-6841-52,52.
`Jacksiinville, Florida 0l'lice: 50 North Laura Street, Suite 3900, 32202. Telephone: 904-353-2000. Fax:
`Lalteland, Florida Office: 92 Lake Wire Drive, 33815. Telephone: 063-682-1161. Fax: 863-688-1186.
`Los Angeles, California Office: 633 West Fifth Street, 21st Iiloor, 90071. Telephone: 213-896-2400.
`Fax: 213-896-2450.
`Melbourne. F1orida Office: 1499 South Harbor City Boulevard, Suite 201, 32901. Telephone: 321-
`951-1776. Fax: 321-951-1849‘.
`Mexico City, Mexico Otficez Paseo de los Tamarindos 400-B. Piso 2, Delegacitin Cuiijimalpa, Basques
`de las Lomas, 05120, Metdco, D.h'. Telephone: 011-525-261-1866. Fax: 011-525-261-1867.
`Miami. Florida Office: 7111 Brickcll Avenue. Suite 3000, 33131. Telephone: 305-374-8500.
`New York, New York ()I’lici:: 195 Broadway. 10007. Telephone: 212-513-3200. Fax: 212-385-9010.
`Northern Virginia: 1600 Tyson Boulevard. Suite 700, McLean, Virginia, 22102. 'l'eleplioiIe: 703-720-
`8600. Fax: 703-720-8610.
`Orlando, Florida Office: 200 South Orange Avenue, Sun Trust Building, Suite 2000, 32ll0'l.'l‘elcphune:
`407-425-8500. Fax: 407-244-5288.
`Portland, Oregon miles: 2300 US. Bnncorp Tower, 111 Southwi-.st17iftl'l Avenue, W204. Teluplione:
`503-243-2300. Fax: 503-241-8014.
`Providence, Rhode Island Office: One Financ1al’Pla1.a, Suite 1800, 02903. Telephone: 401-751-3500.
`Fax: 401-553-6850.
`Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Oflicc: Run de Asserubléla, 58- 10th Floor, 2091l'009- TEl¢Ph“'W= 0“'55‘21‘
`2509-5050. Fax: 011-55-Z1-2221-9035.
`San Antonio. Texas Office: Weston Centre, 112 East Pecan Street, Suite 2700, 78205. Telephone:
`210-229-3000. Fax: 210-229-1194.
`San Francisco, Califoniiu Office: 50 California Street, Suite 2800. 94111. '1‘ele_p1ione: 415-743-6900.
`Fax: 415-743-6911).
`Silo Paulo. Brazil Office: Rua Pedroso Alviircngu, 1.284 ~ lilth Flour. SUM 102- 04531-000 Telfillhfiflei
`011-55-1'1-3079-2300. Fax: 01.1-55'-ll-3079-2004.
`Seattle, Washington Office: 2600 Pike Tower, 520 Pike Street, 98101. Telephone: 206-340-1825.
`Teleeopier: 206-623-4363.
`§%.7.Pe1ersburg, Florida Officez 200 CentralAvenue,Suite 1600,33701.Tclepltonez 727-896-7171.1'mt:
`Tallahassee, Florida Office: 315 South Calliouii Street. Suite 600, 32301. ‘l'cli:phoiie: 050-224-7000.
`Fax: 350-224-8832.
`(This Listing Continued)
`NTE SPRINGS, 34,879, Seminole Co.
`C.518 B.A. L.260 J.D.
`it 204 32701-3513
`i§f;39?Zlll13 rax:’4o7-339-4244
`E URL: http:/lwww.lawyers.cnmlel.iieturner
`gums: Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law; Trade Secrets and Unfair Competi-
`gugingsz Commercial Law.
`opyrlghis, Trade Secrets, Litigation, Commercial Law.
`eernllarlt and Copyright Law; C
`Eusjnggs and Computer Law.
`See rroruslonni iiiogrnpiiies, AL'r.iMoN'rI«: SPRINGS, FLORIDA
`QRAL, 74,991, Lee Co.
`(AV®) . . .
`. . . . . .
`. . .‘39 '64 C.816 B.M.E. _.276 J.D. [A.D.Brufsky] O
`AREAS: Patent: Trademark: Copyright: Unfair Competition.
`en '13., P.A., (Av®)
`ette Street, 33904 O
`0 1549-8800 Fax: 941-549-8810
`m®bm{ URL:
`mm-k, Copyright, Unfair Competition, Intellectual Property and Computer rind Soft-
`See Professional Biographies. CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA
`WATER, * 98,784, Pinellas Co.
`ennis G. . .
`. .
`. . . . . . . . .. '46 '77 C.550 B.S.M.E. L818 J.D. [Mason&Assoc.]
`E AREAS: Patents; Trademarks: Copyrights; Corporate Law.
`., .lr., (BV) ’50 '80 C362 B.S. 13.1170 J.D.
`iFt. Harrison Avenue, Suite 101, 33756-5318
`-8308 FAX:727442-3562
`entark and Copyright Law and related litigation: Government Research and Develop-
`tracts; Litigation involvin
`ient1flc.or technical issues. Practice in all State and Federal
`dmlniiitrative Agencies, M itary Courts and Departments.
`.- Bob’s Space Racers, lnc.-.
`ti: Widcll
`lnduiitries; Weaver Enterprises, I
`ufacturing, 1ni;;ZD Integrated Circuits, Inc.
`lrst Union National Bank.
`See Professional Biographies, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA
`ociates, P.A., (AV)
`Bay Office Centre, 17757 US. Highway 19 North, Suite -500, 33764
`538-3800 Fax: 727-538-3320
`Competition. Franchising, Corpo-
`demarlt, Copyright, Tnide Secrets, Licensing, Unfair
`ls Rights in Bankruptcy. Related
`l;I'state (Freddie Mac Designated Counsel): Creditor
`Matters, including Appeals.
`ive Client: U.S. Department of Justice.
`ttorneys for: Attorneys Title Insurance Fund.-
`Anisouth Bank.
`See Professional Biographies, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA
`ABLES, 40,091, Miami-Dade Co.
`avid K., (A\{) .
`. .
`. . . . .
`. .
`, . . .
`. .
`. .. ’63 '89 C&L.260 B.S.E.. l.D. [Lol't&F.}
`E AREAS: Business Model and lntemet Related Patents; Intellectual Property; Patents‘, Patent
`Computer itntl Software Patents.
`A-V) .
`. . .
`. .
`. . . . . .
`. .
`. . .. ‘S0 ’74 C&.L.26O B.A.. J.D. []
`AREAS: intellectual Property; Trademarks: Copyrights; Patents; Patent Litigation.
`and, P.A., (AV)
`bra.Circle, Suite 1100, 33134
`_ 05-448-708‘) Facsimile: 305-446-6191
` URL:
`: David K. Friedlaiid; Mark E. Stein;—Tud<l A. Serbia.
`1 Property‘tnclu’du-ig Dixmwtic and International 'l‘r'.insactious and Litigation rclated
`_'l'radenuirlts, Copyrights, and Unfair Competition.
`Sec Prrifcssluiiul Biographies, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA
`. .
`. . .
`. .
`. . . ’73 ‘99 C.477 .B.S.E. L384 .l.D. [ LOlt&F.]
`AREAS intellectual Propert ' Patents; Trudeinarks: Copyrights; Entertainment Law.
`(AV) .
`. .
`. ..
`. .
`. . '63 ’89 C259 B.A, L260 ].D. [Lutt&F.]
`:ii§gEAS: intellectual-Property L gatio Copyrights: Trademarks: Patents; Intellectual Prop-
`rporate Park, 3111 Stirling Road, P.0. BOX 9057, 33310-9057 0
`° $5;-987-75541: Toll Free: 300-432-7712
`M l‘°“‘ URL 11ttp://www.l:ecker-pnliaknftcom
`°%“€¢n¢v§ ltohert E. l’0|‘Sl'lE$.
`5, %doml‘I;IiiIn,‘C0nslruction, Appellate Practice, Banking Collection Law, Computer
`Inalrvnnifglel ‘inning. Litigation, Real Estate, Personal Injury, Securitit-s, Corporate and
`uvv, Customs and Trade Law, Employment, Public Finance, Gaming,
`- “mm £1?!-3‘ii.-nv, Government Law, _l.nte1lcct_ua1 Property, Asset Protection, Land Use
`.3 hr Mi
`, rsvtmtlrlt, Eminent Domain, Administrative Law, Utility Law.
`and; m$n_|r.a _ est Palm.Beach, Sarasota, Fort Myers, Fort Walton Beach, Jacksonville,
`y Pm R
`_mi=a. Florida: Prague,‘ Czech Republic. Affiliated Offlces in: Frankfurt,
`- mitt. Bern, Switzerland; Beijing, People’: Republic of China.
`See Professional Biographies, roar LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA -.
`'24 '52 C645 BS. L424 1.1).
`(zidm. in IL; not adm. in FL) [ Maliii,i-i.&D.] O
`ilgsergfyg iglorgan, Solomon & Tatum, LLP, (AV)
`gyuszéis nulevard, Suite 1900, 33301-2209
`m_.m@br~ifi(l‘l2 llaisiiniilet 954-522-912
`|¥;_Loui5 R. Gil;l'l|il:));‘li.‘tJIn URL littp //wwvr hrinkleymcneriiey com
`m';';,“;;‘l[0l-lllsafloxi, Corporate and llusint-as Law, Trial and Appellate Practice in all
`jzstme C gi°l'¢YttICltIdlrlg representation before the United States Patent and Trademark
`t!.1’!S:mg;gr Foret:losures,.Development and Mortgage Financing, Wills,
`Admmsmm; Law?“ tsmcimigts, Marital and Family Law, Local Government and
`A ""1;i;5(T§)r:'Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund; Chicago Title 1nsurance’Co,; First Ameri-
`ee Professional Biogrnphm, FORT LA UDERDALE, FLORIDA
`.'60 '87 C705 B.S.M.E. I...l206 JID. [Brink1ey.M.M.S.&T.]
`‘*1 Pmrlcrtyz Ptlfcit5l;6C(épyl'lghl: Trademark; Computer Law.
`,H.&D. O
`. . .
`. . .
`' 4 C&L.260 B.S.E., ].D. M l’
`vgfilthfifi intellectual Propeit Liiigutiiiii.
`a in
`. . .
`. .. 66 ’92 C188 B.S. L262 JD. [13 M£llm.H.&D.] O
`- REAs_'p -
`tuent Prosecution; Trudeniarlt Proliecution: intellectual-Prnpcity Litigation.
`"’b°ns..Gutman & Bongini, P.L.. (AV)
`“f,gji9{]g)zavenue Suite ion, 33315-1153 <3
` URL:
`erdEh@F. .1-800-846-0900 Fax: 954-768-0158
`(This Listing Continued)
`, vsgi

`.. '55 '83 C&L.472 B.S.C.. J.D. [ Mau°y&
`Wetterlln , James F... Jr.. (AV) .. .
`uf'RAC'l‘ CE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution; Tmdemarlt Prosecution; pmenm C
`GAINESVILLE, * 84,770, Ailachua Co.
`Blum, Seth Mitchell .
`. . .
`'65 '99 C&L.26O B.S., J.D. [ Saliwancl1il<_.L.&S.] (Q0
`‘PRACFICE AREAS: Intellectual Property Law; Patents; Trademarks and Copyngltts.
`Efron, Margaret H. .............. .. '73 '00 C367 B.S. L.446 i.D. [ Saliw:1nchik,L&
`Eisenschenk, Frank Christopher '65 '98 C.260 B.S.A. L.64 J.D.
`[IE1 S'.tliwaochik,L
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent and Trademark.
`. . . . . . .. '71 '98 C.i290 B.S. L362 I.D. .[ S_aliwanchik,1_&S=
`Ladwig, Glenn P.
`. . . . .
`'PRACI'1CE AREAS: Intellectual Pm1:Ierty Law; Patent Prosecution: Patent Licensing.
`. .. '60 '37 C&L.260 B.A.. J.D. [Saliwanchik,L.&S.] (OOrla
`Lloyd, Jeff . . .
`. . . .
`. . . . .
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prosecution: Trademark Prosecution; Licensing.
`McLeod, Christine Q. '65 '92
` ('1 EMN W to I11 Hi I" 3to -... .5 ":7:E-E9:1nE’FT‘ R“tn 553
`"'PRACl'ICE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Patents-,Tnu1em:trks; Copyrights; lntemet Law.
`'57 '93 C&L..260 B.S., JD.‘ [Suliwanchtk.L.&.S.] (oortandn
`Pace, Doran R., III
`. .
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property Law; Patent Prosecution; Trademark;'Licensing.
`Parker, James Scott '64 '96 C&l..26(l B._S.E.E., JD.
`[[51 Sallwanch1l<,L.&S.] (Oorland,-,
`‘PRACFICE AREAS: intellectual Property: Patent Prosecution; lntcmattonal Patents: Patent Licentin
`Saliwanchilt, David Roman '60 '87
`C.260 B.S. L477 J.D. [Sn1Iwanchlk.L-&S-l (®0rlandnjt
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property.
`Saliwanchik, Lloyd & Saliwanchllt
`2421 Northwest 41st Street Suite A-1, 32606 0
`Telephone: 352-375-8100 Facsimile: 352-372-5300
`Email: URL:
`Jeff Lloyd; David Roman Sallwanchilt; Christine Q. McLeod; Doran R. Pace, III:—Seth Mitch
`Blum; Margaret H. Efrou; Frank Christopher Elsenschenk; Jean Elaine Kyle; Glenn P. Ludwig;
`James Scott Parker; Jay M. Sanders.
`Patents, Tradenuirlus, Copyrights.
`Orlando, Florida Office: 1000 Legion Place, Suite 1750, 32801. Telephone: 407-426-7500. Pauinmg
`Hamilton, Montana Ofllce: 127 West Main Street, Suite E, 59840. Telephone: 406-375-1317. Fax.
`See Professional Biographies, GAINESVILLE. FLORIDA
`. .. '69 '94 C339 B.S. L.l4_6 J.D. [|ELSaliwanchik,L.&s,
`Sanders, Jay M.
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prosecution: International Patents: Opinions.
`HOLLYWOOD-, 121,697, Broward C0.
`. .. '48 '82 C.102 B.S. L.i0l9 J.D. [Lerner&G.)
`Greenberg, Laurence A.
`I .
`. . .
`PPRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Patents; Trademarks; Patent Litigation; Trademark uttgatim.
`Lerner, Herbert L. '22 '50 C102 B.S.M.E. L._]009 l.D.
`(atlm. in NY; not adm. tn FL) [Ill] Lcrner&G.]
`‘PRACFICE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Patents.
`Lerner and Greeuberg, P.A.
`2445 Hollywood Boulevard, P.O. Box 2480, 33022-2480
`Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2480, Hollywood, Florida 33022
`Telephone: 954-925-1100 Fax: 954-925-1101
`Email: URL: http:/l\
`Laurence A. Greenberg; Werner Ii. Sterner: Ralph E. Locher: Gregory L. Mllybllclt. Of Counsel:
`Herbert L. Lerner (Not admitted in FL);-Mark P. Weichselhaurn (Not admitted in FL): Loren
`Donald Pearson; Markus Nuifl.
`Intellectual Property, Patent, Tmdemark and Copyright Registration, Litigation, Inl‘ringemeut,_ln-
`ternatlonai Trademarks, Trade Dress, Trade Secrets, Patent Interference and Appellate Practice,
`Patent Applications, Prosecution, Federal and Commercial Litigation. Techmenl fields include, Elec-
`trical, Electronic, Chemical, World Trztde, Computer and Software,Architecture, Organic Chemistry,
`Polymers, International. Mechanical, Medical, Coatings Technology.
`51:»: Professional Biograplties, HOLL YWO_OD, FLORIDA
`'61 '95 C.589 'B.S.B.A. L.734 i.D. [Lc;_tner&G.|
`Locher, Ralph E.
`ntellectual Property: Mechanical Patents: Patent Prosecuttott; Patent
`Applications; Trademark Prosecution.
`Mayback, Gregory L.
`. .
`. .'64 '92 C880 E.E.E.E. L472 .l.D. (Lemcr&G.I
`.. ._.
`Trademarks; Copyrights; Litigation.
`Nolff, Markus . .
`. . .
`. .’6l '90 C.999 B.S. L259 J.D. [ Le1‘ner&G-l
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prose
`tion; Intemstional Patents: Patent Applications.
`Pearson, Loren Donald .
`. ...
`. .. '70 '96 C.574' B.A. L.47_2_ 1.13. [El Lemcr&G.l
`opyrights; Intellectual Property 1498390“-
`. .. ‘S5 '99 CJ222 B.S. l...l206 J'.D. [Lerncr&G.]
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property: Patents; Trademarks; Appellate Practice; lntemationnl Patent
`Weichselbottm, Mark P. '62 '96 C260 B.S.E.E. L.l0i5 i.D.
`(adm. in TN; not I).ClIl'I. in FL) [El L¢X'I1¢|‘&G-l
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Electrical Patent Prosecution; Mechanical Patent Prosecution; Patents.
`JACKSONVILLE, * 635,230, Duvol Co.
`Foley & Lardner, (AV)
`The Grecnleaf Buildin , 200 Laura Street, PO. Box 240, 32201-0240 0
`Telephone: 904-359-2000 arsirnile: 904-359-8700
`Email: webmaster®t' URL: http://w\vw.foleylardnencnm
`Partners: Sybil Meloy. Intemational and Domestic Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Licensing on
`Related Intellectual Property Law. Intellectual Property Litigation.

`General Practice. Corporate and Government Finance, Litigation, Trusts and Estates, Labor, Enti-
`ployment and l3enel'it5,Environrni:ntai, Health Law,Securlt1es, Bankruptcy, Taxation and Real Esta I
`Los Angeles, California Oftice: 2029 Century Park East, 35th Floor. Telephone: 310-277-2223. Fax-
`Sacramento. California Office: 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1125. Telephone: 916-443-8005. Fax: 916-443-
`, San Diego, California Office: 402 West Broadway, 23rd Floor. Telephone: 619-234-6655. Fax: 619-
`,Sun Diego/North County, California Oltlce: 11250 El Camino Real, Suite 200. Telephone: 858-347
`6700. Facsimile: 858-792-6773.
`San Francisco, Callfomiu Office: One Maritime Plaza, Sixth Floor. Telephone: 415-434-4484. FAX-
`29,, 0266
`Denver, Colorado Ofllce: 1999 Broadway, Suite 2560. Telephone: 303-297-0.60. Fax. 303-_
`acsirnile: 202-672-5399.
`5WBSl1ll1T1gl.0I'l, D.C. Ollficez Washington Harbour, Suite 500. 3000 K Street, NW. Telephone. 20 -
`.0ther Washington, D.C. Offlcez 888 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Telephone: 202-835-8000. Fax: 202-333-
`Orlando, Florida Office: Suite 1800, 111 North Orange Avenue, P.O. Box 2193. Telephone: 407-423-
`7656. Facsimile: 407-648-1743.
`Tallahassee, Florida Office: 106 East College Avenue, Highpoint Center, Suite 900, PO. Box 1319-
`Telephone: 850-222-6100. Facsimile: 850-561-6475.
`Tampa, Florida Offlces: Suite -2700, 100 N. Tampa Street, PO. Box 3391. Telephones: 313-229-2300.
`Plncllas County: 813-442-3296. Facsimile: 813-221-4210.
`West Palm Beach, Florida Office: 777 South Flaglcr Drive, Suite 901, West Tower. Telephan -
`561-655-5050. Facsimile: 561-655-6925.
`Chicago, Illinois Otllce: One IBM'Plaza, 330 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 3300. Telephone: 312-755-1900-
`Facsimile: 312-755-1925.
`(This Listing Continued)
`Holland. & Knight LLP (Continued)
`'§atnpa., Florida Otfice: 400 North Ashley Drive, Suite 2300, 33602. Telephone: 813-227-8500. Fax:
`Tokyo. Japan Office: Suite 613, New Otemachi Building. 2-2-1 Otemachi, Chlyoda-ku, 100-0004.
`Telephone: 011-81-3-3-242-1239. Fax: 011-8l-3-3-242-l290.
`Washington, D.C. Olfice: 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue. N.W., Suite 100, 20006. Telephone: 202-955-
`3000. Fax: 202-955-5564. .
`West Palm Beach, Florida Office: 625 North Flagler Drive, Suite 700, 33401. Telephone: 561-833-2000.
`Fax: 561-650-8399.
`Repruentative Olfieos:
`Caracas, Venezuela Dffice: Tinoco, Travieso, Planchart 8: Nunez, Avenida Francisco De Miranda,
`Torre Country Club, P150 1 y 2, Chacalto, 1050. Telephone: 011-582-12-952-9033 (Master). Fax:
`011'-582-12-95$1053/8365/7583. Email: ttpn®
`Tel Aviv, Israel Office: 13 Derech Pt.-tach-’filtva, 18th Floor, 66134. Telephone: 011-972-3-5667666.
`Fax: 011-972-3-$66-‘I667.
`See Pralmioual Biographies, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA
`Kain, Robert C., Jr.. (AV) . . . . .
`. . . . .
`'54 '78 C&L.880 B.S., J.D. [Fleit.K.G.G.&B.] O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Biomedical Technology; Multimedia Law; lntemational Intellectual Property; Pat-
`ents: Trademark.
`. . .
`Kamenetsky. Jeffrey H.
`. .'63 '97 C.l35O B.S.E. L.i325 J.D. [ Malin,l-i.&D.] O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prosecution; Patent Litigation; Trademark Law; Copyright Law.
`Kautz, Thomas L.
`. . .
`. .
`. . .
`. . . . . .'5l '76 C&L.879 B.S.C.E.. J.D. [I-iolland&K.]
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent, Trademark and Copyright Law.
`Kubler, Frank L.
`. . .
`. .
`. .
`. . .. '57 '86 C&L.472 B.S.M.E., J.D. [Oltm:1r1,F.&l(.]
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patent Prosecution; Tratlemurk Prosecution.
`Locke, Wendell T.
`. . .
`. .
`. .
`. '69 '97 C257 Pl1ar.D L472 J.D. [El Holland&K.]
`“PRACI'lCE AREAS: Intellectual Property; Patents Litigation; Product Liability: Commercial.
`Lonmso & Loud, (AV)
`Suite 208, Northern Trust Plaza, 2601 E. Oakland Park Boulevard, 33306
`Telephone: 954-568-5554 Fax: 954-568-5553
`Email: URL: http:/
`Patents, Trademarks, Unfair Competition and Copyright Law. Corporate Litigation, Insurance
`Litigation, Securities Litigation, Trial, Appellate and Federal Agency Practice.
`Boston, Massachusetts Office: -140 Commercial Street. Telephone: 617-227-0700. Fax: 617-723-4609.
`Alexandria, Virginia Office: 3137 Mt. Vernon Avenue. Telephttne: 703-739-9393. Falt: 703-739-9391.
`Portsmouth, New Hampshire Omce: 93 State Street. Telephone: 603-427-0070. Fax: 603-427-5530.
`See Prolsrional Blogrsphiw, FORT L1-1 UDERDALE. FLORIDA
`Malln, I-Ialey & DiMaggio, P.A., (AV) IE1
`1936 South Andrews Avenue, 33316 0
`Telephone: 954-763-3303,Fax: 954-522-6507 URL:
`Email: mhd@‘
`Barry L. Haley; DalePaul DiMaggio; Daniel S. Pulley;-—Jeffrey H. Kamenetsky; Joseph R. Englander.
`Of Counsel: John C. Black (Not admitted in FL).
`Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Unfair Competition Law, Entertainment Law and Coirrputer Law.
`Trial and Appellate Practice before all Federal and State Courts.
`Representative Clients: IBM; Hughes Eleclronis; Raytheon Corporation: Nova Southeastern Uni-
`versity; Bobby Robina’: USA, Inc.,' Sea Ray Boats; BanlrAtlimtic; City of Hollywood; Broward
`County School Board; LensCraIters, Inc.
`Miami, Florida Office: Miami Center, 28th Floor, 201 South Biscayne B_0lll¢Vll|'d, 33131. Telephone:
`guest Palm Beach, Florida Office: Suite 600, 500.South Australian Avenue, 33401. Telephone: 561-
`See Professional Biographies, FORT LA UDERDALE, FLORIDA
`Malloy, Jennie 5., (AV)
`. .
`. . . .
`. . . .'63_ '87 C477 B.A. L.472 .l.D. [Malloy&M.] 0
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: intellectual Property; intellectual Property Infringement: Intellectual Property Li-
`ceasing; intellectual Property Litigation; Intellectual Property Portfolio Management.
`Maiioy, John Cyril, III, (AV) .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`. . . .’68 '92 C880 B.A. L472 J.D. L'Malloy&M.} O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; intellectual Property.Litigation; Intellectual Property Licens-
`ing; Intellectual Propeny Portfolio Management; International Intellectual Property.
`Mailoy & Malloy, I-‘.A., (AV)
`2101 West Commercial Boulevard Suite 4100, 33309 O
`Telephone: 954-525-9611 Miami: 305-858-8000 In Florida: 800-337-7239 Faicsirnile: 305-058-0008
`Email: URL:
`Jennie S. Malloy; John Cyril Malloy, III; Peter A. Matos;—Andrew W. Ransom. Of Counsel: John
`Cyril Malloy; James E. Wetterling, Jr.
`Patents. Trademarks, Copyrights, Unfair Competition, Anti-Counterfeiting, Trade Secrets, Related
`_Trial and Appellate Practice in all State and Federal Courts and Administrative Agencies, and all
`Related Transactional and International Matters concerning Intellectual Property.
`Representative Clients: Pan American World Airways, Inc.; Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Restau-
`rants; Nalltlques Cosmetic Corporation; Navarro Discount Pharmacies; Calder Race Course; Taaco
`-Scales, Inc.; S1017?! .lue'sInteruatlonal, Inr:.: Taco Viva Franchising, Inc.; Tout, 1nc.'; Krieger Watch
`Miami, Florida Office: 2800 S.W. Third Avenue. Telephone: 305-858-8000. Facsimile: 305-858-0008.
`See Pralessional Biographies, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA

`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. . .
`. .
`. ..’67 '93 C688 B.S.M.E. [Malloy&M.] O
`Matos,.Peter A.
`"PRACTICE AREAS: Intellectual Property; intellectual Property infringement: Intellectual Property Li-
`censing; Intellectual Property Litigation; Intellectual Property Portfolio Management.
`McQueeney, Patricia E.
`. . . .
`. .
`. .. '——- ‘Oi C.2 16 BS. l...l002 J.D. [IE] Becl<cr&P.]
`‘PRACTICE AREAS:PllLEl1l€1nU'fiRIEInI1rl< Application Preparation and Prosecution; Patent infringement:
`and Validity Options: Intellectual Property Audits.
`Oltman, John H., (AV) .
`. .. '29 '57 C&L.477 B.S.E.Ch.E., .l.D. [Oltman,F.&K.] O
`‘PRACTICE AREAS: Patents‘. 'l'rademari<s; Copyright; Unfair Competition.
`Oltrnan, Flynn and Kubier, (AV)
`415 Galleria Professional Building, 915 Middle River Drive, 33304-3585 0
`Telephone: 954-563-4814 Facsimile: 954-563-1226
` URL: lrttp://www.lawyers.comJoltmanl‘lynn&kub1er
`John H. Oltrnan; Frank L. Kubler.
`Patents, Trademarks, Copyright and Unfair Competition. Trials.
`Representative Clients: Ciairsun International Corp.; New York Institute of Technology; Jensen
`Corp.; M

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