`Certificate Under 37 CFR 1.8 a
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited
`with the United States Postal as first-class mail in an envelope
`addressed to: The Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks,
`Box TTAB — No Fee, 2900 Crystal Drive, Arlington,
`VA 22202-3513 on September 18, 2002.
`Lisa D. Harden
` ‘
`US. Patent 5 TMO1c/TM Mall Hep: D1 #53
`:3 ‘L_.“;
`OPPOSITION NO. 91 152397 7"’
`SERIAL NO. 76/345,510
`Applicant, Fanimation Design & Manufacturing,
`(“Fanimation”), by counsel,
`response to a Notice of Opposition filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office on May
`20, 2002, by Opposer Echelon Corporation (“Echelon”), in answer thereto states as follows:
`Opposer is a Delaware corporation in the business of developing and distributing
`communications and computer goods and services, including electronic and computer network
`systems which provide identification, sensing, communications, and control of traditional products
`in homes, buildings and factories. The network control technologies and products of Opposer are
`utilized by the construction and real estate development industries and home owners to establish
`operational systems in all types of buildings and residences.
`Fanimation lacks knowledge or infonnation sufficient to form a belief as to this allegation
`and must, therefore, deny the same.
`Upon information and belief, Applicant is an Indiana Corporation based in Lebanon,
`Applicant seeks to register the mark ECHELON (hereinafter “Applicant’s Mark”)
`for “electric fans for non-industrial use” (hereinafier “Applicant’s Goods”).
`Commencing as early as December 1988, well prior to the November 28, 2001 filing
`date in the Applicant’s application, Opposer used and has continued to use ECHELON as a
`trademark, service mark and corporate name to promote its products and services.
`Fanimation lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to this allegation
`and must, therefore, deny the same.
`Opposer applied for and received the following U.S. Trademark Registrations:
`ECHELON for computer programs
`for use in developing computer
`programs and instructions manuals therefor,
`in class 9,
`registered as U.S.
`Registration No. 1,535,141 (attached hereto as Exhibit “1” and incorporated herein
`by reference); and
`ECHELON for electronic circuits, electronic circuit boards, and electrical
`circuit components
`a network which provides
`communications and control, and computer programs for use in developing
`computer programs in class 9, registered as U.S. registration No. 1,536,275 (attached
`hereto as Exhibit “2” and incorporated herein by reference).
`ECHELON for electronic circuits,
`integrated circuits, electronic circuit
`boards, and electronic circuit components
`for a network which provides
`identification, sensing, communications or control; computer programs for use in
`developing computer programs in Class 9, registered as U.S. Registration No.
`1,783,245 (attached hereto as Exhibit “3” and incorporated herein by reference).
`Fanimation is not advised, saved by the Notice of Opposition, as to any U.S.
`trademark registrations applied for and received by Opposer and must, therefore, deny the same.
`Fanimation is not advised, saved by the Notice of Opposition, as to any U.S.
`trademark registrations applied for and received by Opposer and must, therefore, deny the same.
`Fanimation is not advised, saved by the Notice of Opposition, as to any U.S.
`trademark registrations applied for and received by Opposer and must, therefore, deny the same.
`Upon information and belief, Applicant filed the application for registration of
`Applicant’s Mark on November 28, 2001, based on an intent to use, and, as of the date of this
`Notice of Opposition, has not filed an Amendment to Allege Use, and priority of use is resolved in
`Opposer’s favor.
`Fanimation admits that it filed the subject application on November 28, 2001, based on an
`intent to use, and, that as of the date of this Notice of Opposition, had not filed an Amendment to
`Allege Use, but otherwise denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 6.
`Opposer has offered its technology products and its technical consulting services
`described above throughout the United States under its aforesaid marks. Opposer is a leading
`developer and distributor of building and home automation and intelligence products, and markets
`said products directly to the construction and real estate development
`industries as well as
`homeowners. As a result of its strong presence in the marketplace, Opposer has developed valuable
`goodwill in respect to the marks covered by the above-identified registrations.
`Fanimation lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to this allegation
`and must, therefore, deny the same.
`Opposer has further developed common-law rights in all of the marks referenced in
`Paragraph 5 above in addition to rights extended by federal registrations thereof.
`Fanimation lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to this allegation
`and must, therefore, deny the same.
`By virtue of its efforts, and the expenditure of considerable sums for advertising and
`other forms or promotion, and by virtue of the consistent excellence of its services and products,
`Opposer has earned an extremely valuable reputation for the above—identified marks.
`Fanimation lacks knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to this allegation
`and must, therefore, deny the same.
`10. When applied to the Applicant’s Goods, Applicant’s Mark is identical to Opposer’s
`marks, and as such is likely to be confiised therewith and mistaken therefor.
`Fanimation admits that its applied-for mark is identical to Opposer’s marks, but otherwise
`denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 10.
`Due to the identical appearance of Applicant’s Mark and Opposer’s marks, and due
`further to the closely related nature of the goods intended to be offered under Applicant’s Mark and
`presently offered under Opposer’s marks, and the consumer recognition of Opposer’s “ECHELON”
`marks, it is alleged that Applicant’s mark so resembles Opposer’s family of “ECHELON” marks, as
`to be likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive.
`If Applicant is permitted to use and register Applicant’s Mark for Applicant’s
`Goods, confusion, deception or mistake in the trade would likely occur, thereby causing damage
`and injury to Opposer. Persons familiar with Opposer’s marks would be likely to believe that
`Applicant’s Goods are sponsored by or associated therewith.
`Furthermore, any defect, objection or fault found with Applicant’s Goods marketed
`under its mark would necessarily reflect upon and serious injure the reputation which Opposer has
`established for high-quality technology products and services.
`An additional basis for confusion exists in that Opposer’s technology is employed
`by numerous customers in many fields relating to automation and control from remote locations in
`homes and commercial buildings, thus increasing the relatedness of the goods and services of the
`parties, and Opposer closely scrutinizes and polices its marks in connection with such end products
`so as to prevent a wrongful belief as to the affiliation or sponsorship, and in this instance,
`Applicant’s services under the mark would likely be seen as being sponsored by or affiliated with
`Opposer or its goods and services.
`WHEREFORE, Fanimation prays that the Notice of Opposition be dismissed and that
`Fanimation be granted registration of its trademark and for such other relief as deemed appropriate.
`Date: September 18, 2002
`Respectfully submitted,
` Daniel
`. Boots
`Tara J. Stapleton
`Attorneys for Applicant,
`Fanimation Design & Manufacturing, Inc.
`10 West Market Street
`2700 Market Street
`Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
`(317) 635-8900
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing was served on this 18”‘ day
`of September, 2002, via U.S. Mail, first—class postage pre-paid, to the addressed to the following
`counsel of record:
`Dax Alvarez
`12400 Wilshire Boulevard
`Seventh Floor
`Los Angeles, California 90025