`‘ fig
`fr‘ i: .
`" ‘~.« 23-.
`Opposition No. 124,457
`‘Peter S. Sloane
`- 491180 Avenue of the Am:-:ri!cas
`;New York, New York 10036
`T Tel. (212) 382-0700
`Attorneys for Opposer
`fl .,
`. 3. .
`. y. .
`Opposer’sVRecordgldvidence .
`.< .
`Applicant’-s Recor;:Evidence, .
`. .’.
`. ..]...f'.
`. ..'
`Opposer and its Well-Known
`Branded Anti.virals
`. 1
`. 1
`. 1
`. 7
`. .7
`. 7
`. .7
`. .9
`. 10
`. ..1o
`. 10 1
`. 12
`. 12
`. 13
`. ..13
`. ...
`‘ The Traderrliark DENAVIR : .
`Product .:.; .
`Channels of‘Distributio_n
`DENAyTR:S..a1es_.p..‘...;p .
`]p3E1ip\~1AVIRiAd\/‘ertising and Promotion .
`Awareness otthe
`Brand .
`. ...
`The_Market DENAVIR*‘ .; .
`Applicant and its neiiv DERMAVll{ Intent-to-Use Applicatiori
`.l .
`. 4.
`. 13
`Priorityis Not an Issiie since the Mark DENAVIR was Registered
`and Used Long Before Applicant’srFiling Date for its
`Intent-to.-Uste Application of themark DERMAVIR .
`The Concurrent Use gfthegmarks DENAVTR and DERMAVIR
`is Likely to Cause Confi1sion .
`.* .
`. 14
`OppOser's Mark DENAVIR is a
`Strong Mark Entitled
`to a Broad Scope of Protection .
`A DENAVIR is an Inherently Distinctive Mark .
`. 15
`. 15
`(b)’ *‘DENAVIR has Acquired Distinctiveness .
`Opposer’s:Ii)irect Evidence .
`.' .
`.' .
`. 16
`. 16
`. 17
`Opposer’slndirect Evidence .
`. Opp9ser’s Long Use and Substantial Sales
`p underthe mark DENAVIR .
`. 17
`* Opposer’s Significant Advertising and
`a Promotion under the mark DENAVIR .
`. 17
`;Opposer‘s and App1icant’sf_Trademarks
`DENAVIR and DERMAVIR are Virtually
`Identical in §ight,iConnotation and Sound .
`"The Marks are_—Almost Indistinguishable in Sight
`. : .
`. 19
`. 19
`. 19
`(b) .—
`:The 1:3/larks Shareithe Same Connotation .
`. .3 .
`(c) A Thelil/larksiSoundAlike
`The'Parties’ %Respective
`Marks will be Appliedito Closely Related Goods .
`DERMAVIR will Travel inithe Same
`Channels of Tradeito the Same Users and Purchasers A
`A and will be Administered in the Same Manner .
`. ..21
`. 22
`. 26
`A The Pgharmaceuticals will be Prescribed by the
`SameéDoctors and Filled by the Same Phannaqists .
`.' .
`'1 The Medication will be Used by the Same Purchasers: .
`(c) —
`, The lérugs willibe Administered in the Same or
`.y .
`The Board has. held that Different Types
`of Phannaceutical Products are Related
`for the Purpose of Establishing Likelihood of Confusion .
`The Nature of Pharmaceutical Products Requires a Highly
`Stringent Application of the Likelihood of Confusion Standard .
`. 27
`. 28
`. 30
`. 31
`. 32
`(7) The Lowf:)iscri1r1inéiti'on ofthe Purchasers and Users
`,1 Lof Opposer's Produét is Not:Suff1cient1y A i
`' High to Prevent a Likelihood of Confusion .
`. ..34
`. ..36
`. ..37
`*~Applicant'—§e Filing ofits Intent-to—Use Application
`ofDERM1§VIR iwasiwith Knowledge
`_ E of Opposefs Prior Conflicting DENAVIR
`1 Mark and iii Derogation of the Newcomer Rule .
`00607135 .1
` {
`American Home Products Corp. 1Z.:USVPharmaceutical Corp.,
`190U.S.P.Q. 357 (T.T.A.B. 1976,) ... .
`. ..=.....1.... .
`American Rice, Inc. v.lHLTACor:§I, 231 U.S.P.Q. 793 (T.T.A.B. 1986)
`Aveda Corp. v. Evita Marketing, Inc, 706
`12 U.S.P.Q.2d 1091 (D. Minn. 1998)
`éupp. C1419,
`. . .
`. .; .
`. .._.
`. 20,31, 35
`. .37
`. . .
`. 16
`. 32, 33
`Laboratories, Inc.,
`Blansett Pharmacal Co.
`25 U.S.P.Q.2d 1473 (T.T.A.B. 19292)
`Broolgfeld Communications, Inc. West CoastVEntertainment Corp,
`174 F.3d 1036, 50 U.S:P.Q.2d (9th Cir. 1999) ..A.
`. . .
`Canadian Imperial BanklofComm%e’rce v. Wells Fargo Bank,' NA.,
`811 F.2d 1490, 1 U.S.P.Q.'2d 1813§('Fed. Cir. 1987) .
`. .35
`. 22
`. 22, 23, 26
`CBS Inc. v. Morrow, 708"F.2d 157:9, 2l1'8.U.S.1?.d. 198 (Fed. Cir. 1983) .
`Century 21 Real Estate:-Corp. v. Ce§ntury'Lij’e ofAmerica,
`970 F.2d 874, 23 U.S.P.Q.2d 1698 (Fed. Cir:‘1.992),
`cert. denied, 506 U.S. ‘1034, 121 L.i:Ed. 2d 685, .113 S. Ct. 812 (1992)
`Clifton v. Plough, Inc.,-341: F.2d
`144 U.S.P.Q. 599 (C.C.P.A. 1965) .
`Cole Chemical Company Cole Laboratories, Inc., et al.,
`101 U.S.P.Q. 44 (D.C.M.O. 1954) .
`. . .
`.' .
`. . .
`. 37
`. 30
`. .32
`. 21
`Crown Radio Corp. v. Soundscribeé ::C0rp.,
`U.S.P.Q. 221 (C.C.P.A. 1974)
`Dietene Company v. Dgéirin Ccmpfny, et al. ,i 106 U.S.P.Q. 344 (C.A.8; 1955) .
`Fisons Ltd. v. UAD Laboratories,—In'c., 219 U_iS.P_.lQ. 661 (T.T.A.B. 1983) .
`. 5.
`. 32
`. . . 20, 28, 31
`C0,, 265:F.2d_385,
`G.D. Searle & Co. v. Chas. Pfizer
`121 U.S.P.Q. 74 (7th Cir. 1959), cert. denied,
`361 U.S. 819, 4 L. Ed. 2d 65, 80 S.Ct64,123 U.S.P.Q. 590 (1959) .
`Geigy Chemical Corp. v. Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc.,
`438 F.2d 1005, 169 U.S.P.Q. 39 (C.C.P.A. 1971) ....’ .
`. .21
`. .35
`General Foods Corp. v. ITT Continental Bakin,§ C0.,
`196 U.S.P.Q. 189 (T.T.A.—B. 1977”), ...» .
`. ..‘.
`. .. .
`. . .
`Giant Food, Inc. v. Nation ’s /Food:.s‘ervice, Inc., 710 F.2d 1565,
`218 U.S.P.Q. 390 (Fed Cir. 1i983)1'—.
`.— .
`. ..' .
`. . .
`..::f .
`. 17
`. 18, 38
`. 32
`Glenwood Laboratories, II’lC:«V. Arnerican Horne (Products Corp.
`455 F.2d 1384, 173 U.S.P.Q._19_((;,C.P.A. 1972) .
`. ..... .
`Hancock v. AmericanIS'tee_l &
`97 U.S.P.Q. 330 (C.C.P.A; 1953) “I;
`Co., 203 F.2d 737,
`.,. .
`.. .
`. ..I.
`. .. .
`. 19
`. 18
`Health Net v. USA Healthnet, Inc. U,8.P.Q.2d 1187 (C.D.Ca1.‘ 1993)
`Helene Curtis Industries Inc. v. Suave Shoe Corp.,
`13 U.S.P.Q.2d 1618 ('1".T.A.B:. 1989) * .
`. . .. .
`._ .
`. 16
`. 19
`Chemical Corp.,
`Hercules, Inc. v. National Starch
`223 U.S.P.Q. 1244 (T.T.A.B. 19842, .
`.’ .
`Hoflman-La Roche Inc,,v. Knoll Pliarmaceutical C0,,
`167 U.S.P.Q. 183 (T.T.A.B. 1970)”? .
`. .;
`,5.‘ .
`.« .
`. .. .
`.3 .
`.. .
`.1 .
`. 21, 31
`In re Continental Graphics:,Corp.,
`U.S.P.Q..2d:1375 (T."FA.B. 1999) .
`In Re E.I. Du Pont de Ivemenrs & éoy,~476 F.2d 1357
`177 U.S.P.Q. 563 (C.C.P.A. 1973):’;é”:.— .
`. .'.
`. 14
`. 31, 33
`A ‘
`In Re Merck & Co., Inc.;
`189 U.S.P.Q. 355 (T.T.A.B_. 1976). .
`In re Mucky Duck Mustcird:Co. Inc.i,§6 U.S.P.Q.i2d 1467 (T.T.A.B. 1988) .
`J 25 _
`. 25
`In re Opus one, Inc., 60U:S.P.Q.2d:_=,,1812i(T.T.1A.13. 2001) .
`. 6.9.
`In re Perry Manufacturing Co., 121I.:S.P.Q.2d 1751 (T.T.A.B. 1989) .
`In re Total Quality Group Inc.,’—51 U%S.P.Q.2d 1474 ('1“.T.A.B. 1999) .
`. .28
`. 25
`. .20
`Kenner Parker Toys, Inc. v. Rose Ari Industries, Inc., 963 F.2d 350,
`22 U.S.P.Q.2d 1453 (Fed. Cir. 1992), cert. denied, ‘
`506 U.S. 862, 121 L.Ed. 2d 126, 113iS.Ct. 181 (1992) .
`. ..' .
`Kimberly—Clark Corp. v. H. DouglasEnterprises, Ltd,
`774 F.2d 1144, 227 U.S.P.Q. 541 (Fed. Cir. 1985) .
`. ..
`.‘ .
`. 18
`00507135 .1
`King Candy Co. v. Eunice King's 1:(itchen, 1176.,
`496 F.2d 1400, 182 U.S.P.Q. 108,(;1C.C.P.A.71974) .
`. . .
`. .. .
`. 14
`. .36
`Kotabs, Inc. v. Kotex Co.,‘5O F.2d 58110 (3rd Cir. 1931), cert. denied,
`284 U.S. 665, 76 L. Ed. 563, 52 siéct. 41 (1931), .
`. .;.
`_U.S.P.Q.2d 1895 (T.T.A.B. 19.89)
`McDonald's Corp. v. McKinley,
`McNeil Laboratories, I_nc_. v. Wynn: Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
`155 U.S.P.Q. 736 (T.T._A.B. 1967)?’.
`. 19
`. .31
`. .33
`Morganstern Chemical Company,—Inc. v.
`116 U.S.P.Q. 480 (C.A-.3 1958) ..
`. ..,.
`Neville Chemical Co.
`Iiubrizol C%orp., 196iU.S.P.Q. 756 (T.T.A.B. 1977)
`. ..' .
`.6 .
`. 14
`Octocom Systems, Inc. 1». Houston'.-Computerfihervices, Inc.,
`918 F.2d 937, 16 U.S.P:Q.2d 1783=,_(Fed. Cir. 1990) .
`15, 21, 22,24, 25, 28, 30
`. 34, 35
`Penguin Book Ltd. v. Eberhard, 489_U.S.P.Q.2d 1280 (T.T.A.B. 1998)
`Plough, Inc. v. Clifton, 138 U.S.P.Q. 515 (T.T.A.B. 1963),
`afi”d., 341 F.2d 934,144 U.S.P.Q. 599 .
`. .,.
`. , .
`.‘ .
`. .:.
`. 32, 33
`. 27
`Saab-Scania Aktiebolag v. _Sparkorrlatic Corp.,
`26 U.S.P.Q.2d 1709 (T.T.A.B. 1993)
`Specialty Brands, Inc. v. Coflee Bean Distributors, Inc.,
`748 F.2d 669, 223 U.S.P.Q. 1281 (lied. Cir. 1984)” .
`. 34, 36
`State Historical Soc. v.:Rin;gling Brbs. Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc.,
`190 U.S.P.Q. 25 (T.T.A.B.71976)
`. .‘.
`Sterling Drug Inc. v. Knoll<A.-G. Chemische Fabriken,
`159 U.S.P.Q. 628 (T.T.A.B_. 1968)
`. .37
`. 31
`. ..37
`TBC Corp. v. Holsa, Inc, 1'26‘F.3d.5:147o,
`44 U.S.P.Q.2d 1315 (Fed. Cir. 1997;). .
`. .,.
`. 15
`University ofNotre Dame du lac v. C. Gourmet Food Imports Co. ,
`213 U.S.P.Q. 594 (T.T.A.B. 1982), 703 F.2d 1732, afl’d.,
`217 U.S.P.Q. 505 (Fed. Cir. 1983) .‘.
`Walgreen Co. v. Knoll Pharmaceutical Co.,
`162 U.S.P.Q. 609 (T.T.A.B. 1969)
`.' .
`. 31
`LanhamAct, 15 U.s:.ic.§1O52(iif‘)‘ .
`11:5 .
`McCarthy on Trademark; and Uéfair Competition, J. Thomas McCarthy,
`McCarthy on Trademarks and Urifair Competitiong J. Thomas McCarthy, §e 25:52’ .
`. 16
`. 18
`00607135 .1
` .,.-rm.-f... .~.;.~ «.,._.:..»«.:~.. 3.; _,w , ~~ an,..s;.:,:..«....,,.W,a....c......,.W.u.,.......,,........W,,,m.my.. -.3...“ ,~..,.«m..«.m. JI‘\«\, »» _.,M.,,,.mW..a..,...~.,.,...,.,.M,,..m,,M,,M ~6(fik\‘<<'4A1lIvv.\‘> ,, ...., _
`Opposer, Novartisilifliitemational Pharmaceutical, Ltd., herebytsubmits its main brief
`on the case pursuant to TrademarkRule 2.128., Opposer is the owner ofcommon law and registered
`rights in and to the trademark; as and registered for antivirals and preparations for
`the treatment ofcold sores and reliifed skincdisorders.
`The issuebefore
`Board ‘this proceeding is whether there is a likelihood of
`COI1filSlOll under Section 2(d) of
`Lanhani Act, 15 U.S.C:. § l0,52(d), betiween Opposer’s prior
`registration and use ofthe mark DENAVIR for antivirals andipreparations for the treatment ofcold
`sores and related skin disorders and Applican-t’s application Serial No. 78/052,908 for the mark
`7 DERMAVIR for vaccines and Vaceine adjuvants. It is respectfiillysubmitteid that the evidentiary
`record and the arguments presented herein demonstrate that there is a very strong likelihood of
`confusion from Applicantés application Serial No. 78/052,908, and, therefore, a final judgment
`should be entered in favor of Opifoser and:-registration of Applicant’s application Serial No.
`78/052,908 should be denied.
`Opposer’s Record Exiiidence
`Opposer’s evidentiary recordgin this opposition proceeding consists ofthe following:
`the tnalftiestimonyj deposition of Jennifer Stuart (hereinafter referred to
`The transcript
`as the “Stuart Tr.”) taken on: September 25, 2002, filed by Opposer during its testimony
`period on October 11, 2002,—:_along. with the following Exhibits 1 - 35 (hereinafter referred
`to as “Stuart Ex.”) offered atssaid trial testimony depositionzi‘
`Pages 47 to 98 of the Stuart Tr. and Stuart Exs. 12 to 27 are designated as
`“confidential” pursuant to the Order ‘of the Board dated September 13, 2002. Also pursuant to
`the Order, during its trial; testimony period, Opposer filed the confidential portions of the
`transcript (hereinafter referred to as ‘fStuart Confidential Tr.”) and the confidential exhibits
`(hereinafter referred to as “Stuart Confidential Ex.”) separately under seal with the Clerk of the
`Amended Notice of:Taking ofTestimony Deposition .
`DENAYIR prescribing information material ’
`Photocopy of packaging of DENA:\/1R penciclovir cream
`Printouts ofIntemet:web site ‘at www.denavir.com
`Deed of Assignment transferring the trademark DENAVIR from SmithKline
`Beecham Corporation to Novartisglnternational Pharmaceutical Ltd. ,
`Representative docuriients transferred from SmithKline to Novartis including original
`packaging for DENALVIR ‘
`Photocopy ofnew packaging for
`updated in 1999 with new graphics
`Photocopy of currentgpackagingiofDENAVIR penciclovir cream
`Direct pieces £5“: DENAV-JR sent. to consumers
`Storyboard of national television advertisement for DENAVIR “40 Million Faces”
`campaign run from 1999 through 2001
`Business reply cards for DENAVIR distributed to physicians ‘
`Study entitled "Cold Sore Medication Study Among-Pharmacists" dated May 2002
`Primary Care Physician (PCP) Study [Confidential]
`Study entitled "ColdiSoregMedication Study Among Dentists" dated April 2002
`Study entitled “Cold Sore Medication Study Among Derrnatologists?’ dated April
`2002 [Confidential]
`Excel spreadsheet suriimafizingfactorysales forDENAVIR for 9000, 2001 and 2002
`Board. The following brief is a redacted version excised of certain confidential material such as
`advertising and sales figures. Opposer maintains its claim of confidentiality with respect to all
`underlying testimony and materials designated as confidential such as the yearly breakdown of
`sales revenue and advertising expenditures. Opposer has concurrently filed an unredacted
`version of this brief under seal with the Clerk of the Board.
`Profit and lessfstateinent: for DENAVIR for 2000, ;2001, 032002 and 2003
`Summary ofnumbjer ofprescriptions written for DENAVIR by month for each year
`from 1997 thion]gn;]2003 [Confidential]
`Reporttrdm the méarket research firm [MS monitoring the n'umber;ofprescriptions
`written “for DENAVJR in 2000, 2001 and 2002 [Confidential]
`Documentereflectirig historical shipments ofDENAVIR in uiiits from 1996 through
`August ofs2002
`estimates for the remainder of 2002 and 2003i[Confidential]
`Document with data from Competitive Media Reporting reflecting advertising
`spending‘ for DENAVIR in 1998 through 2002 [Confidential]
`Competitive Media l{epo_rting brealging down advertising
`Report: prepared
`spending into component partsiforbrands including DENAVIR in 2000 and the first
`half of 2001 [Confidential]
`Document reflecting amount ofspending in professional journals for brands in the
`cold sore categoryincluding DENAVIR in 2000 [Confidential]
`2000print advertising plan for DENAVIR [Confidential]
`Documentlisting specific professionaljournals in which DEILIAVIR was advertised
`in 2000,. [Confidential]
`copies bfrhedia pléflnifor DENAVIR for 2000, 2001 and 2002 [Confidential]
`Documentisummari-“Zing number ofcalls to the DENAVIR toll-free telephone number
`in 2000, 2001 and 2002 [Confidential]
`Drafi ofidetail [aid
`DENAVIR intended in} distribution to ‘dentists
`Detail aid for DENAVIRidistributed to physicians
`Detail aid for DEN1:§iV]RTdistfibuted to physicians
`Consumer advertisernent for DEl\vI;A\/IR
`Detail aid for
`distributed to physicians
`Print advertisement DENAVIR from E§c_>pl_e_ magazine in 2001
`Detail aid for DENAVIR distributed to physicians
`00607135 . 1
`Patient education brochme for DENAVIR
`Reliaiiceiwith Exhibits A-K, filed during Opp'oser's trial testimony
`Opposer’s Notice
`period on October '1 1, 2002,~and consisting of:
`I Certified copies ofthe following registrations, dated August 20, 2002, showing both
`the current status of and current title to the follovving of Opposer’s_ U.S. Trademark’ Registrations:
`,:No.ii2,139,7i89, registered .February 221, 1998, of the mark DENAVIR for
`(1 )
`“preparations for the treatment of cold sores and related skin disorders” in Class 5;
`~-—No.e2,l.39,703, registered February 24, 1998, of the mark DENAVIR for
`“pharmaceutical prepar_a_tions,:nam:ely, ar'1tiVirals”’ in Class 5;:
`No:I.i2,148,32-,5, registered March 31, 1998, of-the mark DENAVIR (Stylized)
`for “pharmaceutical preparations, namely, antivirals” in Class 5;
`- No. 2,145,4i8:, registeredMarch 17, 1998, ofthe mark DENAVIR and Design
`for “pharmaceutical preparations, rfamely, antivirals” in Class 5;
`No. '2,47s,49,1, registered August 14, 2001-, of the ‘mark DENAVIR and
`Design for “pharmaceutical preparations, namely, antiviral preparations and preparations for the ’
`treatment of cold sores andrelated
`disorders” in Class 5; and
`No. 2,488,7lԤi7, registered September 11, 2001, of the mark DENAVIR and
`Design for “pharrnaceutical preparations, namely, antiviral preparations andpreparations for the
`treatment of cold soresiandrelated skin disorders’l in Class 5.
`Copies of the following of Opposer’s pending :U.S. trademark ‘applications:
`NV:o.'75/607,956, filed December 18, 1998, ofthe rriarkMg\KE COLD SORES
`DISAPPEAR WITH ANTI-VIRA.LeDENAVIR, for “antivirals; cold sore medication?’ in Class 5;
`No. 75/6o7i,9§5, filed December 18, 1998, ofthe mark rigs TINGLE IS THE
`SIGNAL. THE SIGNALFOR DENAVIR for “antiVira1s; cold soreiimedication” in Class 5; and
`No. 75/506,022, filed June 22, 1998, ofthe mark DENAVIR -for “healthcare
`information services rendered via aiglobal computer information network" in ,Class 42.
`Advertisement of DENAVIR from January 14, 2002 edition of People magazine.
`Advertisement of DENAVIR from January 28, 2002 edition ofiPeop1e magazine.
`Printouts ofthe follovving domain name registrations from VeriSign’s records in the
`“whois” section of www.netsol.comf
`4 .
`Domain narne registrationiof DENAVIRCOM;
`., ‘Domain
`registration of COLDSORESOURCEiCOM‘i';:
`Printouts from the Trademark Electronic Search System (TES-S) ofthe United States
`Patent and Trademark Officeof the following third party registrations:
`RegistiationNo. 2,570,951 ofthemarkl’ PERREL and Design covering,
`among other things, “antivirals” and “vaccines” in Class 5;
`A U.S. RegistrationNo. 2,592,415 ofthe mark POWDERJECT covering, among
`other things, “antivirals” and “vacgines” in Class 5;
`Registration No. 2,574,842 ofthe mark NO
`covering, among otherthings, “antivira1s” and “vaccines” in Class 5;
`A US. Registri_ationNo. 2,558,796 of the mark POWDERCAINE covering,
`among other things, “antiviral_s” and “vaccines” in Class 5;
`Registriation No.‘2,37,6,430 of the mark TRIP covering, among other
`things, “antivirals’_’ andi“vaccines”t‘¥in Class 5; and
`— U.S. Registration No.i1,986,521 ofthe mark LAKINIER coivering, among
`other things, “antiviralsg” and “vaccines” in Class "5.
`Printouts of the following printed publications, obtained from the LexisNexis
`computer database, located’ at wWw;_.lexis.com:
`An article titlied “INFLUENZA: Flu shot benefits outvsieigh costs in healthy
`young adults”, dated September 1842002, from Vaccine Weekl
`An article titled “CHRONIC HEPATITIS B: Combination of vaccine and
`antiviral fractures immune tolerance in virus model”, dated June 12, 2002, from Vaccine Weekly;
`Anantio1’e titl:efd“HIV/Al]DS1VACCI1\IE:Antibodygenesfrompatients induce
`broad antiviral activity”, dated ‘August 29, 2002, from Gene Therapy Weekly:
`An article titled “SMALLPOX:_Acambis Gets Second Vaccine Contract”,
`dated December 30, 2001 - January
`2002, from Medical Letter on the CDC: and FDA;
`An article titled “EPIDEMIOLOGY: HIV-Like Virus Detected in Wild
`Chimpanzee”, dated February 4, 2002, from AIDS Weekly;
`An article titled “Vira1 Library May Aid Vaccine D_evelopinent”, dated
`February 18, 2002, from AIDS Weekly;
` V;
`.M:.,.-.:;...., _:~.............»ew,,»...e...,a.c....,,,e;t:t:m:-»,
`..e.,... M,
`., .
`.».:v «.
`II/\yȤ \
`P. Anarticle titled “HIV/AIDS VACCINE: gag—based DNA vaccine effective
`in primates”, dated October 2, 2002', from Vaccine Weekly;
`' An article titled “ROTAVIRUS: Molecular ‘motor’ drives virus replication”,
`dated July 23, 2002, from »-TB & Outbreaks Week;
`, Aniiarticle titled “HERPES SIMPLEX: Research supporting use of HSV
`animal model published”, dated Jline 19, 2002, from Vaccine Weekly;
`— An article titled “AIDS PREVENTION: Chicago researchers testing HIV
`vaccine for healthy people”, dated _June 6, 2002, from Gene Therapy Weekly;
`article titled ‘-‘HEMORRI-IAGIC FEVER: Biodefense working group
`releases recommendaticnsfor biological attackf’, dated May 28, 2002, from TB & Outbreaks Week;
`9 An article titied “HEPATITIS B THERAPY: Vaccine and drug combination
`eliminate viral DNA in some patient;s_with HBV”, dated May 8, 2002, from Irnmunotliera Weekl
`' article ititled’ “AVENTIS PASTEUR: Multiantigen vaccine with
`recombinant gp160 effective in newly infected patients”, dated March 6, 2002, from Biotech Week;
`(14) An article titled “NOVAVAX TO REPORT SECOND QUARTER 2002 2
`FINANCIAL REsULTs ON MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 2002", dated Augiist 6, 2002, from PR
`Newswire (US 1;
`~ Anlarticle titled “V‘IROL:OiGIC ANNOUNCES SECOND Q CARTER 2002
` ’_’, dat_ed'August 1, 2002, from PR Newswire US ;
`31, 2002, fiom PR Newswire (US 1;;
`1 An article titled “OTC BULLETIN BOARD SYMBOL:
`18, 2002, from CCN Newswire;
`dated July
`AMENDMENT OF REMUNE(R)j SUPPLY CONTRACTS”, dated June :28, 2002, from T3
`Newswire (US 1;
`HOPES FOR DRUG GIANT”, dated July 17, 1994, from Mail on Sunda London ;
`(20) An article titled “STUDY SEEKS COLD—SORE SUFFERERS”, dated
`November 15, 1994, from The Roanoke Times & World News;
`6 1,
`articleititled “‘l_J’ ‘center has plans to lead antivirial research; Lab to target
`(21) 7
`mystery bugs”, dated November-E10, 1995,from Star Tribune gMinneapoli:s, M N 1; and
`aiticleitiitled “Clinic is ‘oasis’: Calgarydentist speciializesiin treating AIDS,
`cancer patients”, dated August 2?}, 1992, from The Record {Kitchener-Wa'|ter1oo)3.
`Dictionary definitions of thewords “antiviral” and “Vaccine” from The American
`Herita e Diction
`-ofthe En
`a e, Third Edition.
`Excerpts _,/from Mi%crobiology,:‘Fundainentals and Applications, by Robert M. Atlas
`2 .
`Definition of the letter string“‘vir” from the 2002 USP Dictionag of USAN and
`lntemational Dru Names.
`Copies of Opposet’s First Set of~Discovery Requests to Applicant, Interrogatories
`Nos. 1, 3, 9 and l3"aiid Requestsifor Admission Nos. 12 and 13', and Applicant’s replies thereto
`contained in The App1icant’s Response to Opposer’s First Set of Discovery‘ Requests.
`Applicanfs Record Evideiiee
`" '
`Applicant failed tofake anytestimonyduring its trial period. Applicant has filed only
`a Notice of Reliance with copiesiof various articles, patents,,web pages, trademarks, discovery
`requests and responses:
`O oser_ and its Weiili-I<ilnowniDENAVIR Branded Antivirals
`The Trademar—k’DENAVIR
`Opposer:.is_ a leading .worldwide manufacturer and marketer tof a vvide variety of
`pharmaceutical products (Notice OT Opposition at 1]» 1). Opposerowns the following trademark
`registrations for DENAVIR on the E;-rincipal Registerin the United States Patient and Trademark
`l 1z
`Office, as well as common, law iérights in, andtto the trademark DENAVIR, foir antivirals and
`preparations for thetreatrinenjt of
`sores and related skin disorders:
`Reg‘; “No.
`Pharmaceutical, preparations; namely,
`Preparations for the treatment of cold
`sores and relatekl skin disorders
`Pharmaceutical preparations, namely,
`‘Pharmaceutical 'preparations, namely,
`Pharmaceutical preparations; namely
`preparations for‘ the treatment of cold
`sores and related‘ skin disorders
`Pharmaceutical preparations; namely
`preparations forithe treatment of cold
`sores and related skin disorders
`DENAVIR (Stylized) :
`DENAVIR & Design T
`2, 145,438
`DENAVIR & Design,
`DENAVIR & Design _
`i2,4si3,717 *
`Opposerlsvregistratioins are all actiye, valid and currently subsisting. i*(Certified title
`and status copies of Opposer‘s regiétrations are attached to Opposer‘s Notice 'of Reliance at Ex. A,
`Opposeréaltso owns
`followingpendingtrademark applications in the United States
`Patent and Trademark Officez“ ‘
`Serial No.
`Goods/Services j
`a global
`rendered via
`information network
`V V. “:7.” =::
`; i 1: 1
`_ _
`_ Antivirals; cold sores medication
`75/_.607,955 _.
`‘ Antivirals; cold sores medication
`(Certified title andistatiijs copies:-viof Opposer'sI:applications are attached to Opp'oser's Notice of
`Reliance at Ex. B, 1-3;)’ s
`I A .
`Opposer: obtainediits rights in the trademark DENAVIQ by assignment: from
`SmithKline-Beechamp Company (‘i?SmithKline’0:several years ago. (Stuart Tr. at 22-23, Stuart Ex.
`5). SmithKline had previously
`(using the trademark DENAVIR in the United States since
`December 1996. (Stuart at
`Stuart Ex. ‘6)I Indeed, the trademark (registrations assigned
`from SmithKline toOpposer claim=use ofthe word rnarkDENAVIIK in S. commerce since at least
`as early as December 1996. (Opp;:ser's Notice ofReliance at Ex. A).
`thetrademarkDENAVIR in connectionwiththe
`Opposerhas used currently
`manufacture and sale,ofpenciclovirgcremn, aprescription medication that shortens the duration and
`intensityofcold sores. (Stuart
`at?18-9, Stuart
`4 at DN 00004 (“Denavir® is a topical antiviral
`medication used for recurrent cold sores ..
`. on the lips and face in otherwiseihealthy adult
`‘ patients”)).
`Cold sores are caused~.by the virus herpes simplex type 1. ‘(Stuart Tr. at.11 1, Stuart Ex.
`4 at DN 00008). Penciclovir, the active: ingredient in Opposer’s DENAVIR medication, is an
`antiviral agent that acts against the herpes virus. (Stuart Tr. at 9, Ex. 2 at DN 00443). Penciclovir
`attacks the herpes virus that causes cold sores and blocks the virus from replicating. (Stuart Tr. at
`l l
`2 (“Rx only”)
`is amediication available byprescriptiononly. (Stu:art
`and 4 at DN 00004 (“l_D;enavir® is Tavailable