`Opposition No. 115,085
`' 1, Rachel E. Matteo-Boehm, declare as follows:
`I am an attorney in the law firm of Steinhart & Falconer LLP, counseTof
`record for Applicant RealNetworks, Inc. (“RealNetworks”).
`I have personal knowledge of each
`of the facts set forth in this Declaration, and could testify competently thereto.
`On or about September 19, 2002, Opposer Surestream, Inc. (“Opposer”)
`filed a complaint against RealNetworks in the United States District Court for the Western
`District of Oklahoma, alleging claims for federal unfair competition in violation of the Lanham
`Act, federal common law unfair competition, state common law unfair competition and violation
`of the Oklahoma Deceptive Trade Practices Act, all based on RealNetworks’ use of the mark
`SURESTREAM. A true and correct copy of that complaint is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`In light of Opposer’s filing of its federal district court complaint, on
`October 8, 2002, RealNetworks filed a motion to suspend the opposition proceeding, which was
`granted by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board by order dated October 1 1, 2002. A true and
`correct copy of the Board’s October 11, 2002 Order is attached hereto as Exhibit B
`On November 1, 2002, Opposer dismissed its federal district court action
`without prejudice and moved to resume this opposition proceeding. A true and correct copy of
`RealNetworks’ opposition to Opposer’s motion to resume is attached hereto as Exhibit C. A true
`and correct copy of Opposer’s reply in support of its motion to resume is attached hereto as
`Exhibit D. A true and correct copy of the Board’s April 9, 2003 Order granting Opposer’s
`motion to resume and resetting the dates for RealNetworks’ testimony period and the rebuttal
`testimony period is attached hereto as Exhibit E.
`On October 28, 2003 a trademark infringement complaint was filed in the
`Western District of Oklahoma against RealNetWorks, alleging claims for unfair competition in
`violation of the Lanham Act, state common law unfair competition, and violation of the
`Oklahoma Deceptive Trade Practices Act, all based on RealNetworks’ use of the mark
`SURESTREAM. The named plaintiffs in that action are George Cole, president of Surestream,
`Inc., and Floyd Burns, vice president of Surestream, Inc. Except for the substitution of plaintiffs
`and the elimination of the federal common law cause of action, the October 28, 2003 complaint
`is identical to the September 2002 complaint referred to in paragraph 2 above. A true and correct
`copy of the October 28, 2003 complaint, together with Mr. Burns’ and Mr. Cole’s request for
`waiver of service of summons, and a copy of the waiver of service of summons signed by
`Rea1Networks on November 26, 2003, is attached hereto as Exhibit F.
`On December 17, 2003, I contacted Jeff Look, counsel for Opposer, to
`determine whether Opposer would stipulate to a suspension of the opposition proceeding
`pending final disposition of the new civil action, and infonned Mr. Look that in the event
`Opposer declined to so stipulate, Rea1Networks would be filing a motion to suspend the
`opposition proceeding.
`I received a Voice mail message from Mr. Look later that same day
`informing me that Opposer would not agree to suspend the opposition proceeding.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on December 19, 2003 in San Francisco, California.
` Rachel E. Matteo-Boehm
`Exhibit A
`.‘ H
`' Defend nt
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`SEP 1 9 2002
`lainmf Sureetream, Inc, is an Oldahorna corporation with a principal
`huoinesa ad
`s of P.O.-Box 9356, Oklahoma Cify. Oklahoma. 73157-
`endant RealNetworks, Inc. Is, upon Information and beflef, 9
`'on having a principal office or place of business at 1111 Third
`Avenué, Ste. 906, soatue, Washington 98101.
`this cz$un_by 5
`§ 1 121. 28 u.s.c._§§ 1331 and 1336. and (he aoc1rIne' cf
`C _"
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`415 442 @955
`.NET or SURE'5TREAM.COM «fr mm
`415 442 @856
`NW9 = a ZBZ-§6—5
`rough SureStrvam': promotions! efforts, the SURESTREAM mark has
`of value to Plaintiff and has oome to be recognized as a daalgnolion
`.is a streaming media software product that facilitates the transmission
`a computerfiles to consumers via the lnlemet. Based on Information
`is offered in comedian Mm Defendant’: "RealPlayof and
`rvlces wmch as made available to millions of computer users vaa the
`de and mcludlng computer user: wulhvn the district or this Court
`an?! beiiéf, the
`Iniampt Worl
`streaming media software and services via the Internet. Defendant
`flnaridal roporua lo its slod<holdors that ‘Reamotworks must attract
`sum<_:lont com orcial trqffio to its Web sites by offering high qualify. competitively
`HYVS ' 0 ?V17-SZ-G
`415 442 @856
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`fqlly§etfoI1h herein.
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`3 classic example of the doctrine of 'neverse confusion.‘ The
`ad: Defendant have. been done wiih knowledge and the imam la
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`.s2r'V_icO8_' aré
`' De.-fan”dam.
`mislead ‘the
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`yuroaaon of Defendant’: acts, Plaihfifis have suffered and will continue
`‘ 17.
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`415 442 9856
`NvS9‘G 202-’-3%-6
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`of Pleintifi. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for Defendant‘:
`415 442 @856
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`22. M E result of Defendant’: usoln advertising, marketing, and labeling of
` VJ,.":—uva. -~-V». ..... ...~
`its products and servlco: faleo designations of origin and false and
`. aconnoction wl
`9n19llOl1d Offad. whim am NR9‘)! to cause confusion, or cause
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`.el.ve ma publlc, mlsleadlno prospecllve purchaser: and lntemel
`lnislake; or to
`‘users, es lo lh emliauon, oonnocfion, or associallon of Defendant wltn Plalnllff, or as
`to the orIg_ln..a onaorahlp, or approval of Dofondanrs goods or services, thus falsely
`jnducirg the P ljchese of Defendant‘: goods or servloos and obtaining for itself the
`. reputation land beneltllof the Plefnlllfs goody/Ill under its SURESTREAM mark all to
`the immodiale ndjrroparable damage of Plaintilf.
`latod to, cponcorad by. endorsed by, affiliatad with or offered by
`. services an;
`a_ classic oxarnple ol‘ the doctrine of ‘revense confusion.‘
`Suoh ad: by, Defendant conslllulas unfair competition in violation of the
`7comtnon law the State of Oklahorna.
`25. _
`B5/I reason of Defendant’: ads as above alleged. Plalmlfl has suffered
`' and VlI_m
`‘uo to sufl‘er damage and inlurylo its business, repulallon and goodwill,
`and have .
`will conllnuo to sustain serious locs of revenues and profits-
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`Oomnlairied of enzirrand pause scald damages and injury, an to the lmm9diate,and
`lnapaiible ha
`of 33l§lnliff. Plaintiff has no ad<;quate remedy at law for Defendant‘;
`. Rgvmngful acts.
`kumou oz-:c;_sr=TIv§ mags PQACTICES A91’, 73 o.s. 5 53
`as 'four_th ground for roxief. Plaintiff repeats and naaneqes Péragrapha 1
`' ads wera do o with ‘intent to injure Plaintiff, ‘a competitor, and to destroy and
`erendanrs use of the mark SURESTREAM has violated and conunues to
`_vio.late thp'o ahdma Deceptive mac Pradioon Act, 73 0.9. 5 53 Plaintiff ls enuuea
`under 79 o.
`5 64 to lnjunchve relief and damages.
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`affiliares or agents bearing the sUR5s1'R5qM mark
`5W dcfiqihlion F.’-9P¢':°6entation in violation 0!the Lanhem Ad 15 U S C § 1501
`.=°q or 15 us. _- §-i125(a)_
`‘ " Aw.“ di“9 P'3"“'"f Punmvo or exemplary damages‘ ma
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`415 442 (3856
`P- 1 1
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`r. H
`‘"9 Such Olhor and fudhor relief as the Court may deem juct and
`Respedfully submitted,
`P. O. Box 864823
`1708 Cloister Way
`Plano, TX 75086
`Ph: 469-371 -3082
`F:)C 972-398-3794
`To as Bar’ o.12549o1o
`am ‘d
`HV8‘3' 0 :9-z~s7,—e
`415 442 @856
`P. 12
`Attorney Docket No.: 73925-121
`The undersigned attorney for Applicant hereby certifies that one copy ofthe foregoing
`served on Opposer’s attorney by facsimile transmission and by depositing the same in the United
`States mail, First Class Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to:
`Jeffrey J. Look
`Look Law Firm
`P.O. Box 864823
`1708 Cloister Way
`Plano, TX 75086
`Ph: 469-371-3082
`Fx: 972-398-3794
`this 8th day of October, 2002
` chel E. Matteo-Boehm
`Attorney Docket No.: 73925- 1 2]
`1, Nancy K. Burnett, do hereby certify that the enclosed APPLICANT
`is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as Express Mail, postage prepaid, in an
`envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks, 2900 Crystal Drive,
`Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513, on this date of October 8, 2002.
`(Name): Nancy K. Burnett
`Express Mail No.
`Date of Deposit October 8 2002
`7 M/.|IL
`Delivery Attempt
`Delivery Date
`Delivery Attempt
`Flat Rate Envelope
`Return Receipt Fee
`Customer Copy
`Label 11$ October2001
`Post OfficeTo Addressee ii 5
`Employee signature
`Employee Signature
`j 5‘
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`M ,
`C] AM [3 PM
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`! You are making 3 copies.
`O .
` No. ll6')O‘€:=’
`In the Matter of: ‘5k>r‘c.‘_'A—r-c.a.
`By K£M
`. Re_q_\ K32,-\—\,oo r L45, lug ,
`Date Mailed ‘
`to / q / 0 3.
`Due Date N/A
`The following has been received in the U.S. Trademark Office on the date stamped hereon
`El Recordation form cover sheet
`Cl Request for Extension of Time to l-"rle Opposition
`D Assignment
`[1 Notice of Opposition
`[3 Power of Attorney
`Cl Petition for
`[3 Statement of Use & Specimen
`D ITU Trademark Application
`C] Request for Extension of Time to File Statement
`E] Trademark Appln. & Specimen
`of Use
`El Notice of Change of Address
`D Amendw
`7 U see 8 & 15 Affidavits and Specimen
`El Notice of
`E] Trademark Renewal/Sec. 8 and Specimen
`[3 Fiesponsa
`C] Express Mail Certificate
`El Letter (trz
`u.s. Patenta. TMOfc/TMMail RcptDt. #47 g other d " °
`5 “'3
`(3: (‘she r\ ..
`W‘\C\ C\.Vl.
`Exhibit B
`Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
`2900 Crystal Drive
`Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513
`OCT 1 1 2002
`Opposition No. 91-115,085
`Peter Cataldo, Interlocutory Attorney
`On October 8, 2002, counsel for applicant contacted the
`Board regarding the possibility of holding a telephone
`conference for this case. Counsel stated that the parties
`were at odds regarding the suspension of this proceeding
`pending the disposition of a civil action between the
`parties herein.
`On that date and at the Board's request, counsel for
`applicant submitted to the Board a copy of its motion to
`suspend by facsimile.1 See Patent and Trademark Rule
`See also TEMP §lO7 and the authorities cited
`On October 9, 2002,
`the Board contacted counsel
`for opposer regarding the time for holding a phone
`conference and the agenda-
`The parties agreed to hold a conference at 2 p.m. EST
`‘ Applicant served a copy of same on opposer via certificate of
`Express Mail dated October 8, 2002.
`Opposition No . 11 5.085
`on Thursday, October 10, 2002;
`The Board determined that
`additional briefing of the issue under consideration would
`be unnecessary.
`The conference was held as scheduled among Jeffrey J.
`Look, as counsel for opposer, Rachel E. Matteo-Boehm, as
`counsel for applicant, and the above signed, as the Board
`attorney responsible for resolving interlocutory disputes in
`this case.
`Under consideration in the phone conference was
`applicant's October 8, 2002 motion to suspend action on the
`instant proceeding pending the disposition of CIV 02-1308 M,
`styled Surestream, Inc. V. Realnetworks, Inc. filed on
`September 18, 2002 in the United States District Court for
`the Western District of Oklahoma.
`The Board carefully considered the arguments raised by
`counsels for both parties with regard to the above matter.
`However, an exhaustive review of those arguments would only
`serve to delay the Board's disposition thereof.
`Turning now to applicant's motion,
`the Trademark Rules
`of Practice and other relevant authorities provide that
`whenever it comes to the attention of the Board that the
`parties to a case pending before it are involved in a civil
`action, proceedings before the Board may be suspended until
`final determination of the civil action.
`See Trademark Rule
`Opposition No . 115,085
`2.1l7(a); and General Motors Corp. V. Cadillac Club Fashions
`Inc., 22 USPQ2d 1933 (TTAB 1992).
`Suspension of a Board
`case is appropriate even if the civil case may not be
`dispositive of the Board case, so long as the ruling will
`have a bearing on the rights of the parties in the Board
`See Martin Beverage Co. Inc. v. Colita Beverage
`Company., 169 USPQ see, 576 (TTAB 1971). USPQ 351 (TTAB
`In this case,
`the parties to the instant opposition and
`Civil Action 02-1308 M are the same. Further,
`the mark at
`issue in this proceeding, namely,
`“SURESTREAM,” is at issue
`in the civil action. Because the complaint contains
`allegations of false designation of origin in violation of
`the Lanham Act with regard to applicant's “SURESTREAM” mark,
`the decision in the civil case may include a determination
`of applicant's rights to that asserted mark. Any such
`determination of applicant's rights to its “SURESTREAM” mark
`in the civil action will be dispositive of, or at least have
`a bearing on,
`the issues before the Board. Moreover,
`to the
`extent that a civil action in a Federal district court
`involves issues in common with those in a proceeding before
`the Board,
`the decision of the Federal district court is
`binding upon the Board, while the decision of the Board is
`not binding upon the court.
`See, for example, Goya Foods
`Inc. V. Tropicana Products Inc., 846 F.2d 848,
`6 USPQ2d 1950
`Opposition No. 115385
`(2d Cir.1988); American Bakeries Co. v. Pan-O-Gold Baking
`Co., 650 F Supp 563,
`2 USPQ2d 1208 (D.Minn. 1986).
`Opposer has advanced as arguments in opposition to the
`motion to suspend that the instant opposition proceeding is
`currently in a more advanced stage, i.e., the trial stage,
`than the civil action;
`that applicant has been afforded the
`advantage of being served with opposer’s testimony and
`evidence in this case;
`that the opposition has been pending
`for approximately three years; and that the opposition
`presents comparatively simple issues that are easily
`decided. Opposer’s arguments and concerns are noted.
`the interests of judicial economy coupled with the
`possibility of the Board and the District Court reaching
`inconsistent results mitigate against the prosecution of
`this proceeding during the pendency the District Court
`In view of the foregoing, and in the interest of
`judicial economy and consistent with the Board's inherent
`authority to regulate its own proceedings to avoid
`duplicating the effort of the court and the possibility of
`reaching an inconsistent conclusion, proceedings herein are
`suspended pending final disposition of the civil action
`between the parties.
`Within twenty days after the final determination of the
`civil action,
`the interested party should notify the Board
`Opposition No. 115.085
`so that this case may be called up for appropriate action.2
`During the suspension period the Board should be notified of
`any address changes for the parties or their attorneys.
`The Board thanks Counsel for the parties for requesting
`and agreeing to participate in the phone conference. Copies
`of this order have been faxed to both attorneys on the date
`stamped hereon.
`3 Applicant's request for suspension action on the instant
`proceeding pending disposition of its underlying motion to
`suspend for civil action is granted to the extent that proceeding
`herein are considered to have been so suspended.
`Attorney Reference No. 73925-121
`Opposition No. 115,085 -
`A I.
`PP '°““ '
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.1 l7(a) and § 510 of the Trademark Trial and Appeal
`Board Manual of Procedure (“TBMP”), Applicant RealNetworks, Inc. (“RealNetworks”), by its
`attorneys, hereby opposes the motion of Surestream, Inc. (“Opposer”) to resume the above-
`captioned opposition proceeding and reset testimony periods on the grounds that Opposer, an
`Oklahoma corporation, has been Suspended by the Oklahoma Secretary of State and is without
`legal authority to oppose RealNetworks’ Application. In addition, Opposer’s November 1, 2002
`dismissal of its district court action without prejudice -- which only occurred after RealNetworks
`informed the federal court of Opposer’s suspended corporate status -- does not constitute a “final
`determination” of the district court action, and even if it did, it would be premature and a
`potential waste of Board resources to resume this opposition proceeding without an inquiry as to
`whether Opposer intends to revive its corporate status and resume its civil suit against
`RealNetworks during the pendency of this opposition proceeding.
`Because Opposer’s suspended corporate status deprives it of any legal authority to
`oppose RealNetworks’ Application, RealNetworks also moves pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 2.127 to
`dismiss this opposition proceeding. This motion is based on RealNetworks’ motion to dismiss,
`- 1 -
`on the brief that follows, on the Declaration of Rachel Matteo-Boehm and Exhibit A thereto
`submitted herewith, and on all the pleadings, records and files in this case.
`In August 1998, RealNetworks filed an intent to use application for registration of
`the mark SURESTREAM. Opposer initiated this opposition proceeding in August 1999.
`Opposer’s testimony period closed on September l6, 2002.
`On September 19, three days after the closing of its testimony period, Opposer
`filed a complaint against RealNetworks in the United States District Court for the Western
`District of Oklahoma, Case No. CIV-02-1308M, alleging claims for federal unfair competition in
`violation of the Lanham Act, federal common law unfair competition, state common law unfair
`competition, and violation of the Oklahoma Deceptive Trade Practices Act based on
`RealNetworks’ use of the mark SURESTREAM. On October 8, RealNetworks moved to
`suspend the opposition proceeding, and on October 11, the Board granted RealNetworks’ motion
`to suspend the opposition proceeding pending “final disposition” of the district court litigation.
`Oct.- 11 Order, at 4.
`On or _about October 17, RealNetworks filed a motion to dismiss Opposer’s
`federal district court complaint on the grounds that, inter alia, Opposer lacked the authority to
`bring the federal lawsuit because Opposer, an Oklahoma corporation,'had been suspended by the
`Oklahoma Secretary of State more than two years earlier -- on June 9, 2000 -- for failure to pay
`Oklahoma franchise taxes. Aicertified copy of a ‘Certificate of Suspension attesting to Opposer’s
`suspended status is attached as Exhibit A to the Declaration of Rachel Matteo-Boehm (“Matteo-
`Boehm Decl.”).
`On October 30, Opposer filed a notice of dismissal without prejudice of its federal
`court action. The district court dismissed the action without prejudice on November 1, 2002, and
`Opposer subsequently filed the instant motion to resume the above-captioned opposition
`— -
`Opposer’s Suspended Corporate Status Requires Dismissal Of This Opposition
`Proceeding; However, Should The Board Determine Dismissal Is Not Mandated,
`It Should At Least Require Opposer To Revive Its Corporate Status Before
`Resuming The Instant Opposition Proceeding
`The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure state that “[t]he capacity of a corporation to
`sue or be sued shall be determined by the law under which it was organized.” Fed. R. Civ. Proc.
`§ 17(b).' Opposer was organized under the laws of the state of Oklahoma and was suspended by
`the Oklahoma Secretary of State more than two years ago for failure to comply with the
`Oklahoma Tax Act. Matteo-Boehm Decl., Exh. A. Oklahoma law specifies that any corporation
`whose right to do business is forfeited for failure to file the appropriate reports and pay taxes
`loses the right “to sue or defend in any court of this state.” 68 Oklahoma Statutes § l2l2(c); see
`also Century Inv. Group, Inc. v. Bake Rite Foods, Inc., 7 P.3d 510 (Okla. Civ. App. 2000)
`(denying corporation’s motion to vacate and motion for new trial where corporation had been
`suspended); Aviation Data Service, Inc. v. A.C.E. Copier Service, Inc., 832 P.2d 31, 32 (Okla.
`I Civ. App. 1992) (refusing to consider corporation’s brief because suspended status prevented it
`from defending appeal).
`RealNetworks is aware ofj ust one prior reported Trademark Trial and Appeal
`Board decision and one previous reported Federal Circuit decision concerning the effect of a
`party’s corporate suspension on the ability of that party to maintain an inter partes proceeding,
`and each are distinguishable from this case, since both cases involved corporate parties whose
`status had been revived or would have been revived but for the conduct of the opposing party. In
`WMA Group, Inc. v. Western Int ’l Media Corp., 29 U.S.P.Q.2d 1478 (TTAB 1993), the Board
`considered a motion to dismiss and motion for summary judgment brought by the applicant in an
`opposition proceeding based on the fact that at the time the opposer filed the notice of
`opposition, it was a suspended corporation under the laws of the state of California and therefore
`' See 37 C.F.R. § 2.1 l6 (“Except as otherwise provided, and wherever applicable and appropriate, procedure and
`practice in inter partes proceedings shall be governed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure”).
`lacked the capacity to initiate the proceedings.
`In denying applicant’s motion, the Board
`specifically noted that but for the applicant’s tactic of incorporating a new entity using opposer’s
`corporate name during the period of suspension -- which ultimately required opposer to adopt a
`new corporate name -- opposer “would have been in the position of a revived corporation”
`maintaining the opposition proceeding under its original name. Id. at 1479 (emph. added).
`Similarly, in Stock Pot Restaurant, Inc. v. Stockpot, Inc., 737 F.2d 1576 (Fed. Cir. 1994), the
`Federal Circuit concluded that the petitioner’s temporary dissolution did not affect its ability to
`prosecute a cancellation proceeding, since the petitioner’s corporate status had since been
`revived and under the law of the state of Massachusetts, the state of petitioner’s incorporation, a
`corporation could maintain a legal action after revival. Id. at 1580.
`In contrast, where, as here, Opposer has been suspended for more than two years,
`has never been prevented from reviving its corporate status, and has not done so, Federal Rule of
`Civil Procedure 17(b) and 37 C.F.R. § 2.116 bar it from maintaining this opposition proceeding,
`and the opposition proceeding should be dismissed.
`However, to the extent the Board determines that Opposer’s suspended corporate
`status does not require dismissal, at the very least, the Board should require Opposer to revive its
`status as a corporation in good standing before resuming this opposition proceeding.
`The Federal Court’s Dismissal Of Opposer’s Action Without Prejudice Does Not
`Constitute A “Final Determination” Of The Civil Litigation, And Even If It Did,
`The Board Should Not Resume This Opposition Proceeding Without First
`Inguiring As To Whether Opposer Intends To Re-File Its District Court Action
`Even if the Board determines that Opposer’s suspended corporate status does not
`require dismissal and is not a bar to resuming this opposition proceeding, this proceeding should
`remain suspended for the separate and independent reason that the district court’s dismissal
`without prejudice of Opposer’s lawsuit against RealNetworks does not appear to constitute a
`“final determination” of that suit as that term is defined in the TBMP.
`The Board’s October 1 1 order directed that the instant opposition proceeding be
`suspended “pending final disposition of the civil action between the parties,” and be resumed
`“after the final determination of the civil action.” Oct.
`l 1 Order, at 4. The TBMP explains that
`“[a] proceeding is considered to have been finally determined when a decision on the merits of
`the case (i. e., a dispositive ruling that ends litigation on the merits) has been rendered, and no
`appeal has been filed therefrom, or all appeals have been decided.” TBMP § 5l0.02(b). Since
`the district court’s dismissal of Opposer’s action without prejudice did not end the litigation “on
`the merits,” nor was that order of dismissal an appealable order, it does not appear that there has
`been a “final determination” of Opposer’s civil action against RealNetworks.
`Moreover, even if a dismissal without prejudice somehow constituted a “final
`determination” of the civil litigation, it would not be in the interest ofjudicial economy to .
`resume this opposition proceeding only to have Opposer revive its corporate status and re-file its
`action in district court, which would in turn require RealNetworks to move the Board to once
`again suspend this opposition proceeding. To prevent the waste of time and resources such a
`turn of events would entail, RealNetworks suggests that to the extent the Board determines there
`has been a final determination of the district court action, the Board first inquire of Opposer
`whether it intends to revive its corporate status in the state of Oklahoma and resume its civil
`litigation against RealNetworks in federal court while this opposition proceeding is pending. If,
`in response to such inquiry, Opposer indicates that a resumption of its civil action is possible,
`RealNetworks respectfully requests that the opposition proceeding remain suspended.2
`For the foregoing reasons, Applicant RealNetworks respectfully requests that this
`opposition proceeding be dismissed on the ground that Opposer’s suspended corporate status
`deprives it of the legal authority to maintain this action. However, if the Board should find that
`dismissal is not proper, Opposer’s motion to resume the opposition proceeding should
`nevertheless be denied on the grounds that Opposer is a suspended corporation and its dismissal
`In the event the Board should reject all of RealNetworks’ arguments herein and detennine that the instant
`opposition proceeding should be resumed and testimony periods reset, RealNetworks respectfully requests that the
`opening date ofits testimony period he set no earlier than January 20, 2003 to accommodate holiday vacation
`schedules and the existing case docket of counsel for RealNetworks.
`of the federal district court action without prejudice does not constitute a “final determination” of
`the civil proceeding.
`In the alternative, should the Board decide that neither of these grounds
`pose a bar to the resumption of this opposition proceeding, RealNetworks respectfully requests
`that before resuming this opposition proceeding, the Board inquire of Opposer as to whether it
`intends to revive its corporate status and re—f1le its civil action during the pendency of this
`opposition proceeding.
`DATED: November 25, 2002
`Steinhart & Falconer LLP
`333 Market Street, Suite 3200
`San Francisco, CA 94105-2150
`Telephone: 415-777-3999
`Attorneys for Applicant
`Attorney Reference No. 73925-l2L .
`Opposition No. 115,085
`1, Rachel E. Matteo-Boehm, declare as follows:
`I am an attorney in the law firm of Steinhart & Falconer, counsel of record
`for Applicant RealNetworks, Inc. (“RealNetworks”).
`I have personal knowledge of the
`following facts, and could testify competently thereto.
`A certified copy of an October 28, 2002 Certificate of Suspension of
`Surestream, Inc. is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Our firm has been informed by the Oklahoma
`Secretary of State’s office that as of this date, Surestream, Inc. remains a suspended corporation.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on November 25, 2002 in San Francisco, California.
`Rachel E. Matteo-Boehm
` 3