`F Proceeding/Serial No:
`Attached to a track that
`allows her to “float,”
`_ Daphne Hao, 15 (right),
`helps Kimmy Frey, 17,
`repair a satellite on a
`simulated space mission.
`:5 _
`Adventure takes off
`at U.S. Space Camp.
`0 xygen tank...check. Helmet...check. Space
`gloves...check. Everything seems perfect for
`Stephanie Vanella’s space walk outside the shuttle
`Suddenly the 14-year-old from Hempstead, New
`York, is smacked by a floating flight manual that
`someone has forgotten to secure in the micro-
`gravity environment. Rushing to the downed
`astronaut sprawled on the floor, Caitlin Butterfield,
`15, of McFarland, California, administers first aid.
`The term
`comes from
`Greek words
`When astronauts
`are confined
`to their space
`suits, they can
`wear undergar-
`ments similar
`to disposable
`Since nothing is
`pulled down by
`gravity in outer
`space, Blood from
`a cut doesn't
`trickle down your
`body. ltjust forms
`a gooey blob.
`moves slower
`than a car on a
`local street. One
`minute later. it's
`flying faster than
`the speed of sound.
`The team helps “launch" a satellite
`from the orbiter in a 125,000-gallon
`tank. The water allows them to -
`experience weightlessness similar
`to a space walk.
`July 01, 1999
`Alabama‘: fiome on the Not
`Eh! iimninelimNM
`contact Information
`1‘ click lot more
`(IN P
`, M3wS,&£_.mS .
`* mi-=r m=r_é'jT 5.
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`Entertainment .fFu'i
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`Talk about this story now: Enter a chat namezl
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`. V
`Click on toda 's
`G!“ 33 mgham ‘ms
`headlines or
`Barbie eyes the final
`Mattel releases new Space Camp
`Counselor doll
`News staff writer
`IéIUNT(S:VIL1:EH Fegflale coubrctselo: at th:
`amp irlaisfunts
`e are mg onore in
`curvaceous p
`Mattel Inc. has released two versions of a new Space
`Camp Counselor Barbie doll - one white and one
`1 k.E h
`spacgshiittle patches on it Accessoiies include a red
`cap, dufiel bag, tiny play freeze—dried space food and
`SD39? Cafflp diploma.
`On the back of the box are pictures of children and
`counselors from the space camp in Huntsville.
`Space & technology news
`‘G rd
`*‘*'—b.-,.ckfrom Baikans
`Liguor bill may
`trigger refogm
`Banker med new
`Residents: Drainage
`ditch needs more
`C0 “flue with
`Florence shutdo n
`Barbie eyes the final
`surprises 10
`millionth visitors
`“I think it's great," said Amber Weaver, a 24-year-old §1
`' k h" h f
`st t
`counselor from Hartselle. How many _]0bS do you
`Qsnndrlen or
`a 8
`have where you are immortalized as Barbie."
`Survey: 70% of
`Miss Weaver graduated recently from the University Qa_¥____5are hate Cl'i.__m8
`of Mississippi Law School and is waiting to take the B
`bar exam. She got one of the Barbies recently from a
`friend who had brought it fi'orn Houston, Texas,
` !E‘%
`http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/Jull 999$} -e228635b._html
`O p,S E _
`Cot:-:;mi‘l:’ Sspace Science E_xhibit
`0pP05i.tk;n Pp;ceii)ii!i:o8r;ii’ation Laboratories , Inc?
`Xhlbjt 103
`Exhibit of Opposcr
`WDCTC II WES already On sale.
`A real-life Space Camp Barbie model wearing a
`counselor‘s blue flight suit will be at the museum on
`July 18 for a Barbie giveaway promotion during the
`rocket center's three-day Apollo 11 anniversary
`At space camp children can experience for up to a
`week what it's like to train and fly like astronauts
`under the supervision of counselors. The camp is
`headquartered at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center
`museum in Huntsville. Based on the success of the
`original camp in Huntsville, other space camps have
`been built in Florida, California, Belgium, Canada
`and Japan.
`Mattel called the rocket center "out of the blue" just
`over a year ago, said Gene Pinder, senior vice
`president of the center. "They were looking for
`positive role models of working women that they
`could use as a Barbie representative," he said.
`Rocket center ofiicials suggested the doll be modeled
`after a space camp counselor, Pinder said.
`All the counselors are in college and take a variety of
`different courses, Pinder said. "They are good role
`models. They are very enthusiastic people and great
`with kids; so we thought that was a good fit," he
`Mattel is selling the dolls exclusively through Toys R‘
`Us stores nationwide, except for 2,000 dolls the
`Space Center got to sell in museum gift shops. Those
`dolls - minus 300 already sold to employees - go on
`sale Friday in the museum gift shops for $24.99 each.
`The space center won't get money from the
`nationwide sale of the doll, Pinder said. "We felt the
`value of the exposure was worth it enough for us to
`participate," he said.
`0 1999
`Used with permission.
`Straw mil delggate-
`pick pleases GOP
`State may create
`neighborhood tourist
`Redmonl Park set to
`try for city historical
`Murder suspects in
`student shooting
`blame third man
`Pet cemetepr
`cleanup gives
`teenage offenders
`Police seek clues in
`2 June slayings
`BSC faculty:
`Academics won't
`Fed's rate hikg to
`mean higher costs
`for public
`Developer decries
`county plan
`Trico to let union
`organizers into plant
`Affiliates sued for
`blocking out-of-stale
`Alter §1 M
`renovation West
`Hill Plaza on
`SRC plans shopping
`center with a Wign-
`http:f/www.al.eom/news/birmingham/Juli 999/ l —e228635b.html
`Celebrities do, too, but theirs had
`more to do with power of advertis-
`ing and trend-setting. with heroes..
`the one-on-one influence was more
`likely to change [the child's] behav-
`ior or values.’
`Cooney also found significant dis-
`tinctions in single-gender classes.
`“In one class, the girls got into
`the moral hypocrisy of the Spice
`Girls. One of {the Spice Girls] had
`left the group, and because loyalty
`and solidarity are so important to
`girls at that age, that act seemed
`like betrayal to them and shattered
`some of their confidence in the ‘girl
`power’ the group promotes.’ With
`it was different. “The minute
`Batman was named -they'd go
`through everysuperhero in the pan-
`theon. One hoy even knew a lot
`the cartoonistgwho drew a
`particular cornic-book here, so in
`naming the hero he was also includ-
`ing the artist."
`classes, Cooney
`in mixed
`reports, girls named comic—book
`heroes as well, but
`they also
`named the ‘book-report heroes,"
`such as Martin Luther King Jr.,
`Abraham Lincoln and Madame
`ooney an Simon note that
`i -
`kids most frequently name parents
`as heroes. They are generally fol-
`lowed by teachers and siblings.
`Lucy Pollock (mother of Eiden
`and Olivia) and Erica's mom. Sari
`Boim Greenbaum. agree about the
`impact of parents as heroic figures
`in their children's lives. “We influ-
`ence our children's ideas every day
`by sharing our thoughts and values
`Greenbaum- ‘i can't tell Erica who
`her heroes should be, but we try to
`give our daughter a’hgood, decent
`value system.”
`‘I discuss with my children what I
`admire in others.” adds Pollock,
`“be they celebrities, characters in
`books or movies, or
`hope my input will have some
`effect on them, but bottom line——
`they still make their own deci—.
`_ sions.'
`those deci-
`Yet, experts agree,
`sions are profoundly influenced by
`who their parents look up to—and
`who we as parents are ourselves.
`For more inforrnation about chil-
`and .
`_ Step Up -Your} f
`‘, Reading'&_Math Skills-
`‘ ‘
`' This Summer! ,
`~ 3
`- Word Attack
`- Math
`’ English
`Q Instruction. A complete diagnosis is give
`. to determine specific sti'engths'anri_l w_e_aic-
`nesses in each skill.
`\ '
`‘ Register nowfirr summer and-
`0 _
`.be on-step ahead.
`Dr. Linda Pearson
`ending _8_. min .
`. a'agnasrlcrasrir1g:ndhs{_tuctIorr_
`- Center ‘_ _
`: 402-7323 _
`Homewood Office
`Valieydale Road Office .
`The ned'mont’s_chooi in the imiriorfrrmr
`wfimrfia Wwk¢ '
` n$mmcn
`Axes 2v. to 6'
`HaIfDay or Full Day
`-18 Month: to 3 1
`592- 0541 -
`1220 50th St. South Birmingham, A! 35222
`Samford University School of Mt
`Preparatory Departme
`0 Piano and Voice for school-“age and adults ‘
`_* Musicianship classes for grades one through 12
`0 Pre-school Suzuki piano for 4 and 5-year olds
`0 Pre—school introductory class - Merry Music Make:
`for 3 and 4-yearolds
`0 Kindennusik, Year One for 4 and 5-year olds.
`Cali Connie Macon,
`for more information.
`. __._§.
`1....._=§Hs%_, _.w§.§~.$.
`2llll2-2llll3 Ylllllll llP|'l|llllllflll lll|iM ' I
`When reserving by phone, complete this application and note your confirmed session date and account number:
`Session date
`Account I:
`IMPORTANT: Incomplete applications delay registration and may result in missing desired session date. If paying by credit card, make sure credit card informa-
`tion is complete IF paying by check or money order. please make sure full payment is missed. Complete this form for youth programs only. Educator. Adult
`and Parent/Child is a different application form. Corporate Programs please call 1-800-895-2773. Ptease make photocopies of all documents before sending.
`Send completed apptication with full payment to: U.S. SPACE CAMP 2002 RESERVATIONS, P.O. BOX 070015, HUNTSVILLE, AL 35807-7015
`Phone: 1-800~637-7223 ' Fax: 256-890-3369 0 www.spacecamp.com
`cuecu PROGRAM
`I3 spnce cnmp
`|:] SPACE ncnonrur
`Advanced SPACE ACADEMY track options
`Indicate 1st. 2nd and 3rd choice:
`Pilot: Mission Specialist_,___ Payload Specialist:
`In case my choices are fulL please put me on a waiting list for:
`El Arnnnou cnnunrae MACH r
`[:1 nrnnrrou CHALLENGE MACH ll
`[:']ArrrA11oN cuuccuoc mncu Ill
`Size: j Clothing Set
`S 80'
`Size: j Flight Suit
`Quantity: ____ @
`S 80'
`‘Plus applicable sales tax
`TRANSPORTATION FEES: (To and from airport)
`1 15
`EARLY ARRIVAL: No eartier than the day before
`camp starts
`LATE DEPARTURE: No later than tire day after
`|:]Check or Money order
`3 7'9
`3 79
`State: _
`Zip Code:
`Date of Birth:
`E] VISA D Mastercard D American Express
`El Discover
`Age: (at time of camp)
`Grade currently attending:
`Home phone:
`Business phone:
`( :______#)
`Cell phone: (T)
`How did you hear about us? (Source Code from yellow box]:
`Work Title:
`Emergency contact:
`lncfividual authorized to sign out trainee during sessionlafter graduation:
`Name for Name Tag:
`Teammate Preference:
`In order to
`SESSION DATE PREFERENCES Sessions Fill rapidly.
`expedite your application. please give us three session date options.
`1st choice
`2nd cho‘ce
`3rd choice
`1-800-63!SPACE - www.spacccarnp.com
`Signature Required
`Please print name as it appears on credit card:
`Billing Address (if different from above)
`Alabama Space Science E
`_ S
`pace Information Labor; . ms‘ Inc
`OPP0Sition No. no
`I I it Ofopposgr
`Opp's Exhibit 121
`Would you like to support the Space Camp Endowed Scholarship
`EH25 [3350 El$100 L—.lOther$
`Waiting Ust
`rev. [0102
`if possible, please indicate a contact name other than a parent. We will always attempt
`to contact parents first.
`I ontact Name & elationship:
`len 0
`Home Phone:
`Physicians Name:
`Insurance Co Name:
`Work Phone!
`Cit IStateIZip:
`- . .-
`e A
`S '
`Last Physical Examination (approx date}:
`Tetanus shot received in the last 10 years?
`D Yes
`El No
`Medical Problems or Conditions (Check all that apply)
`C] Lactose intolerant
`[1] Vegetarian D Other (describe)
`El Allergies
`D Asthma
`13 Epilepsy
`El Diabetes (See Note)
`Medications: Please list all medications you will be using while attending camp. Medications will be dispensed by adult camp staff
`members only.
`If you want medications self-administered, initial here:
`if you are allergic to bee stings or diabetic.
`bring your bring your prescribed emergency kits.
`Special Medical Instructions: Are more physical disabilities that may keep you from fully participating in the camp's activities? (Piease describe)
`Please read and discuss carefully the Agreements, Camp Rules and Application documents with your sons and daughters who will be participating in Space
`Endeavour Camp. WHERE SIGNATURES ARE INDICATED, SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. All application pages must be completed and retumed to
`Space Endeavour Camp in order for your camp session(s) to be reserved. Thank you for your cooperation.
`We ask that all Space Endeavour Campers abide by the same rules. By signing your name to this agreement, you are indicating your willingness to obey all
`the camp rules: be polite, no verbal or physical abuse, exercise self control, respect the environment. respect property and obey directions given to you y
`Space Endeavour Camp staff.
`I understand that the success of each participant, and the entire program is dependent upon each person keeping
`these agreements. if I break any of these rules, it MAY result in my being sent home irnmedlatety, without refund.
`I understand and agree to at
`camp rules as a condition of my participation in Space Endeavour Camp
`Camper's initials
`liwe recognize there is an element of risk associated with outdoor
`ilwe understand that some Space Endeavour Camp activities take piace outdoors.
`ilwe certify that myiour child is physically and rnentalty capabte of participating in the Space Endeavour Camp activities, except as noted in this form.
`it is mylour duty to consult a physician and receive approval if myfour child has an injury or illness which prohibits an activity.
`in the event that ilwe cannot be
`reached in an emergency, lfwe veri
`you have m four permission to take mylour child to the nearest emergency medical facility for treatment, and hereby give
`permission to the physician select
`in Space in on_'natio_n Laboratories, inc. (the Camp Director) to secure proper treatment, hospitalization, order injections,
`surgery or anes hesia for mylour c rid named in this application. All medication instnictions are attached.
`li'We give permission to use any photos or videos of mylour child to Space information Laboratories, Inc. (Camp Director} for promotional purposes and agree
`to do so without compensation.
`The following agreement is required by Vandenberg Air Force Base in order for SPACE ENDEAVOUR CAMP to use their facilities. The USAF is not a
`sponsor or affiliated with the program.
`in consideration for my child children)ldependent(s) as aforementioned in this ap lication: who is (are)Mill be
`travelingfparticipating as a member of the SPACE ENDEAVOUR CAM being allowed to enter and use certain facilities a
`transportation on Vandenberg Air
`Force Base, California and being aware of the potential and possible hazards involved l'l'l the use of these tacflities and modes of transportation and their related
`activities, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage and death, do hereby agree to assume full responsibility for my child's
`(children's)Jdependent's safety and indemnity, save and hold harmless and defend the Gavemrnent of the United States, its departments, agencies, employees,
`officers, and agents, acting officially or otherwise, from any and all liability, claims, demands, and actions which may occur resulting fron'i my
`child's(childi'en's)Idependent's presence within Vandenberg Air Force Base in connection with the above cited use. This agreement includes, but is not limited
`to, an agreement that anyone who attempts to claim or sue, whether for accident of negfigence, however designated, shall pay all attomey's lees, costs and
`expenses for ail opponents whether named or not. Each person enters and uses Vandenbeig Air Force Base and uses its facilities and modes of transportation
`at his or her own risk. This is to include the United States Air Force and Space Information Laboratories, Inc. transportation procuredlused for transit on
`and 0 the installation.
`These agreements are effective upon signing.
`I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood the above releases and that I sign voluntarily.
`(chiIdren's)ldependent's address, please both sign below.
`If both parentslguardians live at the above named child's
`(Signature 1‘: l'-‘arentlGuardlan)
`(Signature 3 3 ParentIGuardian)
`Mail completed applications to:
`Space Endeavour Camp
`P.O. Box 5090
`Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437
`Email: director@endeavours.org Phone: (805) 734-1747 Program lnfonn.lFax: (805) 734-1030
`Visit website at www.endeavours.org for more information
`Contact the director regarding scholarships
`Home Phone:
`Work Phone:
`if possible, please indicate a contact name other than a parent. We will always attempt
`to contact parents first.
`Physicians Name:
`insurance Co Name:
`Group!Policy ii
`ast Physical Examiitia
`Cit lStatelZip:
`lnsured’s Name’
`Tetanus shot recerved In the last 10 years?
`El Yes
`Cl No
`Medical Problems or Conditions (Check all that apply)
`C] Lactose intolerant
`El Vegetarian El Other (describe)
`El Allergies
`El Asthma
`El Epilepsy
`El Diabetes (See Note)
`Medications: Please list all medications you will be using while attending camp. Medications will be dispensed by adult camp staff
`members only.
`if you want medications self-administered. initial here:
`if you are allergic to bee stings or diabetic,
`bring your bring your prescribed emergency kits.
`Special Medical Instructions: Are there physical disabilities that may keep you from fully participating in the camp's activities? (Please describe)
`'-J,’ '
`"IV-'-‘.- .;..
`Please read and discuss carefully the Agreements. Camp Rules and Application documents with your sons and daughters who will be participating in Space
`Endeavour Camp. WHERE SIGNATURES ARE INDICATED. SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED. All application pages must be completed and returned to
`Space Endeavour Camp in order for your camp sessionts) to be reserved. Thank you for your cooperation.
`We ask that all Space Endeavour Campers abide by the same rules. By signing your name to this agreement, you are indicating your willingness to obe all
`the camp rules: be polite. no verbal or physical abuse, exercise self control, respect the environment, respect property and obey directions given to you y
`Space Endeavour Camp staff.
`I understand that the success of each participant, and the entire program is dependent upon each person keeping
`these agreements. tfl break any of these rules, it MAY result in my being sent home immediately, without refund.
`I understand and agree to all
`camp rules as a condition of my participation in Space Endeavour Camp
`Camper's initials
`llwe recognize there is an element of risk associated with outdoor
`|iWe understand that some Space Endeavour Camp activities take place outdoors.
`activities. uwe certify that mylour child is physically and mentally capable of participating in the Space Endeavour Camp activities. except as noted in this iorrn.
`It is myfour duty to consult a physician and receive approval it mylour child has an injury or illness which prohibits an activity,
`In the event that lhve cannot be
`reached in an emergency. llwe verify you have m four permission to take mylour child to the nearest emergenq medical laciiity for treatment, and hereby give
`permission to the physician selected b Space In onnatiqn Laboratories, Inc. (the Camp Director) to secure proper treatment. hospitalization. order injections.
`surgery or anes hesra for mylour c ild named in this application. All medication instructions are attached.
`i!\Ne give: pen-nlssion to use any photos or videos of rnylour child to Space Information Laboratories. Inc. (Camp Director) for promotional purposes and agree
`to do so without compensation.
`The following a reement is required by Vandenberg Air Force Base in order for SPACE ENDEAVOUR CAMP to use their facilities. The USAF is not a
`:":;r:;°',r*?' t°""‘*“‘“*:..r.'°°'r.:'.'- tiz%;*.:*t:.*3t3:'J3'.rre'iiii°i:i'e"idmmreatslas:'°'°"‘e",i.‘i"$;* "-'.‘—.:'"*“*’
`i::""="=.r:..'::°‘*<=*5°’:,‘.¢"'"'.:'; Air
`in parcpa
`eran usece
`n crresan
`onon a
`en rg
`Force Base, Caiifom and being aware of the potential and possible hazards involved in the use of these facilities and modes of transportation and their related
`activities. including but not limited to personal injury, property damage and death, do hereby agree to assume full responsibility for my child's
`(cfit:rildren's'¥ddependent's safe
`and indemnity. save and hold hanfi-ilesgharid defenddthe Gotyenairrrgjent oi the l'J‘r(ri:Ied States, its de[:|.:rtrnf';;*nts, agencies. employees,
`0 rcers, :3
`agents. acting o rciat or othennrise. from any and a lie i ‘ty, claims, eman s.
`actionsw i may occur resu 'ng om my
`chiid's(children’s)(dependent's prelgence within Vandenberg Air Force Base in connection with the above cited use. This agreement inctudes. but is not rrmited
`to. an agreement that anyone who attempts to claim or sue, whether for accident of negligence. however designated. shall pay all attorney's fees, costs and
`expenses for all opponents whether named or not. Each person enters and uses Vandenberg Air Force Base and uses its facilities and modes of transportation
`at his or her own risk. This is to Include the United States Air Force and Space Information Laboratories, inc. transportation procured/used for transit on
`and o the Installation.
`These agreements are effective upon signing.
`I hereby acknowledge that l have read and understood the above releases and that l sign votuntarily.
`(children's)ldependent's address, please both sign below.
`If both parentsiguardians live at the above named child's
`(Signature 1“ ParentlGuardian)
`(Signature Ea ParentIGuardian)
`Mail c:ompleted applications to:
`Space Endeavour Camp
`P.O. Box 5090
`Vandenberg AFB, CA 93437
`Email: director@endeavours.org Phone: (805) 734-1747 Program lnfom1JFax: (805) 734-1030
`Visit website at www.endeavours.org for more information
`Contact the director regarding scholarships
`When reserving by phone, complete this application and note your confirmed session date and account number:
`2llll2-ZIIII3 Yllllifl APPIIIIMIIIN illliM ' A
` Session date Account ll
`If paying by credit card, make sure credit card informa-
`IMPORTANT: Incomplete applications delay registration and may result in missing desired session date.
`tion is oomplete.
`If paying by check or money order, please make sure full payment is enclosed. Complete this form for youth programs only. Educator, Adult
`and Parent/Child is a different application fonn. Corporate Programs please call 1-800-895-2773. Please make photocopies of all documents before sending.
`Send completed applition with full payment to: U.S. SPACE CM-IF 2002 RESERVAIIONS, P.0. BOX 070015, HUNTSVILKE, AL 35807-7015
`Phone: 1-800-637-7223 0 Fax: 256-890-3369 - www.spacecamp.corn
`ORDER pan“
`amount. cwnnno: sso- each
`552°‘ — °‘°”""9 5°‘
`mg” 5"“
`,9”: appfiable sates tax
`°“'"*‘*Y= —— @
`°"a"t't’“ ——— @
`* 3°’
`3 8°‘
`YRANSPORTAIION FEES: (To and from airport)
`EARLY ARRIVAL: No earlier than the da before
`‘mp “'5
`LA?! DEPARTURE: No later than the day after
`3 15
`3 79
`S 79
`[3 smcc CAMP
`D 5'”: ““”“"
`Advanced smcc ACADEMY track options
`[d'te1st.2d d3dh':
`Migsiaa: spercijtifice
`Payload Specialist
`In case my choices are full. please put me on a waiting list for:
`U AWAHON ‘HA:-“"6: MACH '
`E] AVIATION cunucuoe men Ill
`ljliheck or Money order
`B VISA D Mastcrcard
`ACCOUNT uuuarn:
`E] American Express
`E] Discover
`Signature Required
`Please print name as it appears on credit card:
`Dale 0! Birth:
`Business phone:
`,cs_ Inc
`Zip Code‘
`Aee:<awmeo«camv>_._ Grade wrrenrv attending: CC
` Home phone:
`How did you hear about us? (Source Code from yellow box):
`Alabma SPEC: Science Exhibit
`m v
`pace Information Labo.-at
` Opposition No. I0 :
`X Ibllfll-Oppose;
`Billing Address (if different from above}
`Emergency contact:
`Individual authorized to sign out trainee during sessionfafter graduation:
`Opp's Exhibit I21
`Would you like to support the Space Camp Endowed Scholarship
`l:|s25 Clsso Elsroo l:lOther$
` Name for Name Tag:
`Teammate Prelerence:
`In order to
` SESSION DATE PREFERENCES Sessions fill rapidly.
`expedite your application, please give us three session date options.
`1st choice
`End choice
`Translerrecl Session (Date) Waiting Ust
`3rd choice
`‘I-800-63 SPACE '
`rev. K3102
`Attached to a track that
`allows her to “float,”
`Daphne Han, 15 (right),
`helps Kimmy Frey, 17,
`repair a satellite on a
`simulated space mission.
`Adventure takes off
`at U.S. Space Camp.
`0 xygen tank...check. Helmet...checl<. Space
`g1oves...eheck. Everything seems perfect for
`Stephanie Vanella’s space walk outside the shuttle
`Suddenly the 14-year-old from Hempstead, New
`York, is smacked by a floating flight manual that
`someone has forgotten to secure in the micro-
`gravity environment. Rushing to the downed
`astronaut sprawled on the floor, Caitlin Butterfield,
`15, of McFarland, California, administers first aid.
`The term
`comes from
`Greek words
`that mean "star
`sailor." r
`all. x
`7«£9T'*.":+ '
`When astronauts
`are confined
`to their space
`suits. they can
`wear undergar-
`ments similar
`to disposable
`Since nothing is
`pulled down by
`gravity in_outer
`space. Blood from
`a cut doesn't
`trickle down your
`body. It just forms
`a gooey blob.
`moves slower
`than a car on a
`local street. One
`minute later, it's
`flying faster than
`the speed of sound.
`The team helps “launch” a satellite
`from the orbiter in a 125,000-gallon
`tank. The water allows them to -
`experience weightlessness similar
`to a space walk.
`July 0], 1999
`Alabama’: if-Some on tho No!
`‘sated a day 7'
`Talk about this story now: Enter a chat namezl
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`_________ mu. gimfin am Zytlvs ________
`Click on today's
`headlines or
`Barbie eyes the final
`Local Guard unit
`Mattel releases new Space Camp g§
`Counselor doll
`Liguor bill may
`Banker med new
`News staffwriter
`Fernale counselors at the
`Space Camp in Huntsville are being honored in
`curvaceous plastic.
`Mattel Inc. has released two versions of a new Space
`Camp Counselor Barbie doll - one white and one
`black. Each wears a blue flight suit with Space
`Cam U S S ace & Rocket Center NASA and
`' P
`space shuttle patches on it. Accessories include a red
`cap, duffel bag, tiny play fieeze-dried space food and
`513393 Camp diP]°m3-
`On the back of the box are pictures of children and
`counselors from the space camp in Huntsville. §
`Space & technology news
`millionth visitors
`Residents: Drainage
`ditch needs more
`—Q?-39-HosMl °'°5' 5
`continue with
`Florence shutdown
`Barbie e est e fnal
`L I V E"
`Y Clicli lot more
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`State mm
`About Us
`She Search
`"1 think it's great," said Amber Weaver, a 24-year-old
`counselor from Hartselle. "How many jobs do you
`have where you are immortalized as Barbie."
`Survey: 70% of
`Miss Weaver graduated recently fiom the University
`of Mississippi Law School and is waiting to take the fill
`bar exam. She got one of the Barbies recently from a Wm
`fiiend who had brought it from Houston, Texas,
`://www.ai. ml
`J 11999! - 28635b.litml
`new inmngharnl u
`A}abeI2m Space Science Exhibh
`p's Ex '
`COITirI1.V.Space[ f
`OPPOsition No. lliliijiiririalon
`hum 103
`Exhibit ofOppose1-
`7/ 1/99
`where rt was already on sale.
`i -
`A real-life Space Camp Barbie model wearing a
`counselor's blue flight suit will be at the museum on
`July 18 for a Barbie giveaway promotion during the
`rocket center's three-day Apollo 11 anniversary
`At space camp children can experience for up to a
`week what it's like to train and fly like astronauts
`under the supervision of counselors. The camp is
`headquartered at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center
`museum in Huntsville. Based on the success of the
`original camp in Huntsville, other space camps have
`been built in Florida, California, Belgium, Canada
`and Japan.
`Mattel called the rocket center "out of the blue" just
`over a year ago, said Gene Pinder, senior vice
`president of the center. "They were looking for
`positive role models of working women that they
`could use as a Barbie representative," he said.
`Rocket center officials suggested the doll be modeled
`after a space camp counselor, Pinder said.
`All the counselors are in college and take a variety of
`different courses, Pinder said. "They are good role
`models. They are very enthusiastic people and great
`with kids; so we thought that was a good fit," he
`Mattel is selling the dolls exclusively through Toys R‘
`Us stores nationwide, except for 2,000 dolls the
`Space Center got to sell in museum gifi shops. Those
`dolls - minus 300 already sold