`Sent As:
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90833571 - NOTICIAS.TV - 230685-
`May 19, 2023 01:35:57 PM EDT
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
`U.S. Application Serial No.  90833571
`Correspondence Address:  
`David W. Grace
`Applicant:   Weather Group Television
`Reference/Docket No.  230685-00033
`Correspondence Email Address:


`Issue date:   May 19, 2023
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied.   See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3).  The trademark
`examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request and determined the request did not:  (1)
`raise a new issue, (2) resolve all the outstanding issue(s), (3) provide any new or compelling evidence
`with regard to the outstanding issue(s), or (4) present analysis and arguments that were persuasive or
`shed new light on the outstanding issue(s).  TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).  
`Accordingly, the following refusal made final in the Office action dated November 15, 2022 are
`maintained and continued: 
`Section 2(e)(1) Refusal for a Mark that is Merely Descriptive
`See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).  
`All of the arguments raised in the November 15, 2022 final Office action are incorporated herein in
`response to applicant's Request for Reconsideration.  In addition, the trademark examining attorney
`notes that applicant's Request inappropriately relies on  USPTO v. B.V., 591 U.S. ___
`(2020) and U.S.P.T.O v. B.V., 915 F.3d. 171 (2020).  At issue in that case was whether a
`mark consisting of a generic term combined with a generic top-level domain name could be 
`registrable.  The mark in that case was refused on the basis that it was generic in relation to the services
`at issue.  Applicant's mark is refused as merely descriptive under Section 2(e)(1) of the Trademark act,
`which is a different inquiry.  While the April 8, 2022 Office action advised applicant that its mark may
`be generic, a generic refusal has not been issued in this case.  
`Further, and as noted previously, applicant fails to explain why the combination of the terms
`"NOTICIAS.TV" creates a unique, incongruous or otherwise non-descriptive meaning in relation to
`applicant's services.     
`For all the foregoing reasons, the Request for Reconsideration is denied. 
`If applicant has already filed an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Board will
`be notified to resume the appeal.   See TMEP §715.04(a).  
`If applicant has not filed an appeal and time remains in the response period for the final Office
`action, applicant has the remainder of that time to (1) file another request for reconsideration that
`complies with and/or overcomes any outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s), and/or (2) file a
`notice of appeal to the Board.  TMEP §715.03(a)(ii)(B).
`/Ankhi Lindemyer/
`Ankhi Lindemyer
`Examining Attorney
`LO123--LAW OFFICE 123
`(571) 270-0254


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`“16h: O
`Jovem de 18 anos é encontrado decapitado apés ficar desaparecido
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`Caso aconteceu em Cardeal da Silva e as partes do corpo foram
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`Programacion de BuenasNoticias TV
`Nuestra programaci6n, en La2 de TVE, pretende compartir el mensaje de las Buenas Noticias que Jesucristo
`anuncié de formaactual y relevante, es decir, a través de las vidas de cristianos que experimentan la presencia de
`Dios en susvidas y el poder del Evangelio.
`Desde 1985 las Iglesias Evangélicas han realizado este programa enTelevision Espafiola. Porél han pasado creyentes
`evangélicos, pastores, tedlogosy lideres de toda Espajia. Se han tratado asuntos de actualidad y se ha expuesto una
`vision protestante de la actualidad y de los eventos historicos mas importantes, En esta linea se sigue trabajando hoy,
`Buenas Noticias TV
`siempre en conexidnconlas Iglesias Evangélicas de Esparia, para mostrar al mundola realidad de un Diosvivo.
`Si tienes sugerencias de temaso testimonios que crees que deberiamostratar, escribenos. Siempre estamos buscando ee ee
`familias cuyas vidas muestrenla relevancia del Evangelio hoy, y testimonios poderosos del poder de Dios. De antemano te
`estiempo de
`damoslas gracias por tu ayuda
`Puedes consultar la pagina connuestrohorariodeemisiény nuestra pagina conellistadodeprogramas.
`Emision: 21 mayo 2023
`Generacion Z: Emancipacion
`~4Emanciparse o no emanciparse? He ahi el dilema. Pero claro, gquién puede emanciparse en Espafia? ,Sabias que
`estamosa la cola de la emancipacién europea? Solo el! 16%de los jévenes espafioles pueden emanciparse, mientras que
`la media europeaesjusto el doble. gPor qué sera?
`Emision: 28 mayo 2023
`La Maternidad de Elna
` ON atarinyOEASEKOD Ooo
`La guerracivil espafiola provocé que cientos de miles de espafioles se refugiaran en el sur de Francia, Entre ellos, muchas
`mujeres embarazadas y bebés que encontraron en la Maternidad de Elna el amparo,la protecciény la vida que otros les
`habfan robado. Después,tras elestallido de la Il Guerra Mundial, también llegaron madres judfas que huian del nazismo
`en busca derefugio.
`im Qe


`et TOT
`BuenasNoticias TV
`9782 Sequidores
`fee CATE)
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`14 hours ago
`Fear The Walking Dead Season8, Episode 2
`Clip Sees June In A Standoff
`Anewclip from Fear the Walking Dead season8, episode 2
`sees June in a standoff with a stranger, hinting at her possible
`15 hours ago


` ¢#
`@ GRCOROLLA—= 7 *
`Ahsoka Star Describes Bringing Her
`Unique LightsaberStyle To Life
`Ahsokastar Rosario Dawsonreveals the challenges behind
`lightsabertraining, especially given the unique combatstyle of
`thetitular Jedi outcast.
`By Kevin Erdmann
`18 hours ago
`Jon Heder Regrets Making A Robot
`Girlfriend In New Series Space Junk
`Y: The Last Man.
`Disney Begins Removing Streaming
`Content Next Week, 40 ShowsGoing From
`Disney+ & Hulu Revealed
`Disney+ and Hulu have revealed thetitles that will soon be
`removed from their streamingplatforms, including Willow and
`By Matthew Rudoy
`16 hours ago
`Max's Fate At The End Of Stranger Things
`Season 4 Confirmed By Duffers
`Creators the Duffer brothers confirm Max's fate at the end of


`FIV tantute
`Exclusive: Screen Rant presents a clip from the all-new adult
`animated comedyseries Space Junk, starring Napoleon
`Dynamite’s Jon Heder.
`By Valerie Parker
`18 hours
`Brennan Lee Mulligan Teases Calamity's
`ImpactOn Critical Role Campaign 3
`Exclusive: Brennan Lee Mulligan hints at deeper connections
`between EXU: Calamity and Critical Role Campaign 3 with the
`Laerryn mention andleylines.
`By Caitlin Tyrrell
`20 hours
`The Inquisitors' Second Sister Comes To
`Life In Stunning Star Wars Cosplay
`The Imperial Inquisitors’ Second Sister, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen
`Order's villain, gets the live-action treatmentin highly detailed
`Star Wars cosplay.


` Q
`‘VanderpumpRules Star Ariana
`Madix Looks Ahead to Reunion
`“Reckoning” and Season11 After
`Vanderpump Rulesstar Ariana Madix has been
`making the press rounds since the highly
`anticipated finale of the Bravo reality series aired
`on Wednesday, The recently concluded 10th season
`had wrappedfilming in September when Madix
`found out about a scandalousaffair between
`longtime boyfriend Tom Sandovaland closefriend
`Raquel Leviss, both of whom [.]
`No phones.
`NO Internet.


`Striking Writers Mock
`“Wednesday’Star Jenna Ortega
`Arnold Schwarzenegger
`Gets Candid on Career,
`Failures, Aging: “My Plan
`Is to Live Forever”
`MTVNewsSigns Off for
`Good After 36-Year Run
`Searching for Superman:
`Inside the Quest to Cast
`DC's New Top Hero
`Priscilla Presley Settles
`Battle Over DaughterLisa
`MariePresley's Estate
`aS ‘Entourage Creator Flips Out Over
`Proposed Changes to Show, Not
`Realizing It Was aJoke
`Entourage creator Doug Ellin went full Ari Gold ona
`writer who posted an essay declaring that the HBO
`comedy series will be re-edited to reflect modern
`sensibilities (a la Roald Dahl and Agatha Christie's
`books). There's just one thing: The essay wassatire,
`whichEllin apparently didn’t recognize. The piece
`was written by Max [..]
`“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’: Tony
`Parallels of Abe's Epiphany About
`[The following story contains spoilers for The
`Marvelous Mrs. Maisel seasonfive, episade eight]
`In a sea of the various storylines that take place in
`The Marvelous Mrs, Maisel's seasonfive, episode
`eight, “The Princess and the Plea,” Abe Weisman
`(Tony Shalhoub) has an epiphany: He never gave
`Midge (Rachel Brosnahan) enoughcredit. Toward
`the [.]
`ABC Scheduling Chief onthe
`Network's Strike-Proof Fall
`Welcome to the 214th episode of TV's Top 5, The
`Hollywood Reporter's TV podcast. Every week,
`hosts Lesley Goldberg (West Coast TV editor)
`andDaniel Fienberg (chief TV critic) break downthe
`latest TV newswith context from the business and
`critical sides, welcome showrunners, executives
`Son ie
`andother guests, andprovide a critical guide of
`1 S


`‘Grey's Anatomy’ Endsina
`Cliffhanger After Meredith Grey
`[This story contains spoilers to the season 19 two-
`episodefinale of Grey's Anatomy, “Wedding Bell
`Blues/Happily Ever After.”] The two-hour conclusion
`to Grey's Anatomy’s 19th season welcomed back
`twoofits recently departed doctors, andleft
`another character's fate up in the air. After exiting
`the hit ABC medical drama as a series regular
`earlier [.]
` What LO WLI (OF SKIP, dS bed
`Martin Scorsese, Oprah Winfrey,
`George Clooney Share Memories
`in‘100 Years ofWarnerBros:
`Docuseries Trailer
`More than 60 actors,filmmakers and industry
`insiders reflect on thefirst 100 years of the Warner
`Bros. film studio in four original specials that are
`soon to start streaming on Max. Martin Scorsese,
`Oprah Winfrey, Keanu Reeves, Todd Phillips, Patty
`Jenkins and George Clooney are among those
`sitting down for 100 Years of Warner [..]
`James Marsden Doesn't Knowif
`‘Jury Duty’ Would Haye Worked
`Without Ronald Gladden: “Talk
`lamae Maredanie ananing in ahaiit nlavind an
`About Striking Gold”
`up to
`30%t LG laundry. Plus,
`an additior
`laundry p
`ject LG laundry. Plus,
`EVRA (* e(LeNT 1h
`feltcremTeale [Nas


`MEIaiiosversion of trnselfinjuryDutyand how
`entitled version of himself in Jury Duty and how he
`navigated the role opposite one of the series”
`favorites, Ronald Gladden. During an interview with
`British GQ, published online Wednesday, the
`Disenchanted star said it was “such ajoy” to take
`on acharacter that was just an[.]
`1 select LG laundry. Plus,
`» an additional $100 on
`Mate Nasir
`“The Diplomat’ PremieresatNo.1
`on Streaming Chart
`Netflix's The Diplomat negotiated its way to the top
`of the streaming charts for its opening week. The
`rn CALalee uate)
`dramastarring Keri Russell drew 1.3 billion
`save an additio
`100 on
`aE RK
`minutes of viewing in the United States for the
`weekof April 17-23 (the series premiered April 20). It a
`finished alittle bit ahead of LoveIs Blind (122
`billion minutes)L.]
`FewerStars. Fewer Shows, Fewer
`CEOs and MorePicket Lines as
`‘Y: TheLast Man, ‘Willow’ Among
`Dozens of Shows Yanked From
`Disney+, Hulu
`As expected, Disneyis following Warner Bros.
`Discovery and removing under-performingtitles
`from its streaming services ina bid to write o

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