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`The Difference Between Legal Advice and Legal Information
`In conclusion, the bottom line for an attorney in not giving outfree legal adviceis
`that if something goes wrong regarding the advice given or formsfilled out there
`can be a malpractice suit. If there has been nofee received the attorney will have
`no waytosettle the suit without putting him orherself in a monetary bind. Read andlearn from free legal information;
`pay for legal advice when youare ready to proceed with yourcase.
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`Legal advice is one thing, legal information is another. By the very definition of “legal advice” versus"legal information” it can easily
`be seen whygiving away legal advice is unwise while legal information can be useful. Here follows the definition of the two terms
`in question:
`Legal advice: According to the State definitions of the Practice of Law- American Bar Association: “Providing advice or preparing
`documents for another, which affect legal rights or duties”. For thoseresiding in Floridain particular, it states “giving legal advice
`and counselto othersasto their rights and obligations under the law and the preparation of legal instruments,including contracts,
`by whichlegal rights are obtained, secured, or given away.” Eachstate hasits own set of laws and regulations which are frequently
`updated andit takes a person educated in the law and thencontinually reviewing the latest developmentsto beable to give
`accurate legal advice. “Homegrown”advice can be inaccurate and even dangerousjust as using a well-meaning but untrained
`home mechanic can damageratherthan repair a car. Whileit is true professional legal advice costs money, those dispensing the
`advice have spent years and manydollars in studies as well as the need for continuing education. Legal advice comesat a price,
`but so do most things of valuein life. Too, each person'scase is uniqueto that person andit takes an attorney to know what
`specific laws and guidelines apply to that specific need.
`Legal information: Information is defined by Wikipedia, the online dictionary as “facts provided or learned about something or
`someone”.In the legal sense informationis a generic term which can apply to all people experiencing a particular legal need. For
`example,if youlive in the state of Florida and are needingto receive child support for your minorchildren,there is a qualifying
`meanstest which can be obtained on-line. This informationis available for free to any who needit and helps anindividual
`determineif they are eligible to receive child support. Another exampleof free, helpful legal information in Florida is found in the
`state’s statutes regarding whatever typeof legal problem a person mayhave. These informative statutes are available online to be
`read by all and give detailed guidelines for courts determining outcomesof general issues suchas dissolution of marriage, wills,
`setting up a corporation, and bankruptcy. Courthouses may also have pamphlets whichwill help explain a legal procedure such as
`steps to obtaining a divorce. As noted, information mustbe of a nature helpfulto all sharing the sameorsimilar need.It is given to
`help a person better understandtheir issues and is not intended to be specific to an individual case or to determinethefinal
`outcomeof a need. Additionally, forms used in legal proceedings can often be found online to be downloaded andthenfilled out,
`saving time and sometimes someattorney fees.
`By GrantJ. Gisondo, PA, Florida
`® Law Firm Website: www.gisondolaw.com
`AUTHOR:Grant Gisondo
`Copyright Grant J. Gisondo, PA
`Disclaimer: Every effort has been madeto ensurethe accuracyofthis publication atthe timeit was written.It is not intended to
`provide legal advice or suggest a guaranteed outcomeasindividualsituations will differ and the law may have changedsince
`publication. Readers considering legal action should consult with an experienced lawyer to understandcurrent laws and.how they may
`affect a case. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided andrelatedtopics, please contact the author.
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`9:06:02 PM 2/25/2022
`Legal information versus legal
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`Inhormation could opply to onyone
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