`Sent As:
`U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88420844 - PEARBERRY
`May 16, 2024 10:45:28 PM EDT
`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
`U.S. Application Serial No.  88420844
`Correspondence Address:  
`TROY MI 48084
`Applicant:   Mastronardi Produce Ltd.


`Reference/Docket No.  N/A
`Correspondence Email Address:
`Issue date:   May 16, 2024
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied.   See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3).  The trademark
`examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request and determined the request did not:  (1)
`raise a new issue, (2) resolve all the outstanding issue(s), (3) provide any new or compelling evidence
`with regard to the outstanding issue(s), or (4) present analysis and arguments that were persuasive or
`shed new light on the outstanding issue(s).  TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).  
`Accordingly, the following refusal made final in the Office action dated October 10, 2023
`is  maintained and continued: 
` Section 2(e)(1) Refusal - Merely Descriptive
`See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).  
`First, in its Request for Reconsideration, applicant argues that PEARBERRY has been registered by
`Bath & Body Works (U.S. Registration Nos. 2427310 and 2313482) for cosmetic goods, and that since
`those applications were not refused as descriptive, applicant's mark is also not descriptive. 
`Contrary to applicant’s arguments, these registrations do not affect the registrability of the mark at
`issue.  “Trademark rights are not static.” In re Thunderbird Prods. Corp., 406 F.2d 1389, 1391, 160
`USPQ 730, 732 (C.C.P.A. 1969). A term that might not have been considered merely descriptive or
`generic in the past may now be considered so due to the frequency of its use over time. See In re
`Virtual Indep. Paralegals, LLC, 2019 USPQ2d 111512, at *9 (TTAB 2019) (citing In re Thunderbird
`Prods. Corp., 406 F.2d at 1391, 160 USPQ at 732). Eligibility for registration must be determined on
`the basis of the facts and evidence in the record at the time registration is sought, which includes during
`examination and any related appeal. In re Chippendales USA Inc., 622 F.3d 1346, 1354, 96 USPQ2d
`1681, 1686 (Fed. Cir. 2010); In re Morton-Norwich Prods., Inc., 671 F.2d 1332, 1344, 213 USPQ 9, 18
`(C.C.P.A. 1982); In re Thunderbird Prods. Corp., 406 F.2d at 1391, 160 USPQ at 732. Here, as
`explained in both the April 13, 2023 Non-Final action and the October 10, 2023 Final action, as well as
`below, the evidence of record in this application supports the descriptiveness of "PEARBERRY" for
`applicant's goods. 
`Second, applicant argues that "PEARBERRY" is suggestive for, not descriptive of, its goods because
`the taste of the goods at issue is subjective and is "very much left up to the individual and that person's
`taste buds". 
`The previously attached evidence from applicant's website states that the "WOW™ Berries
`pearberry™" has the "flavor" of "Notes of pear & tart apple" and says "Special in every way, these


`large, firm red-orange strawberries will surprise and delight with notes of pear and tart apple." And,
`applicant's October 5, 2023 Response stated "Applicant points out that 'notes' in this context simply
`means a feature (as of odor or flavor)." Thus, applicant's fruit and berry goods have a pear flavor. And,
`the flavor of food products has been held merely descriptive of such food products. In re Andes
`Candies Inc., 178 USPQ 156 (C.C.P.A. 1973) (holding CRÈME DE MENTHE merely descriptive of
`laminated chocolate mint candy squares); In re Int’l Salt Co., 171 USPQ 832 (TTAB 1971) (holding
`CHUNKY CHEESE merely descriptive of cheese-flavored salad dressing); see A. J. Canfield Co. v.
`Honickman, 808 F.2d 291, 1 USPQ2d 1364 (3d Cir. 1986) (holding CHOCOLATE FUDGE generic for
`chocolate fudge flavored diet soda); TMEP §1209.01(b).
`from  Wish Farms, Taste of Home,  Brynwood
`the newly attached evidence
`Needlworks,  Orange Pippin,  Smith Brothers, Miami Fruits, Roots to Fruits,  Scott Farm,  Specialty
`Produce,  Fearless Fresh, and Kings River  shows evidence of fruits that have the flavor of other fruits or
`foods, and are named to reflect that fact.  See attached Internet evidence from  Wish Farms
`("Pineberries"); Taste of Home ("Kiwi berries");  Brynwood Needlworks ("Apple Pears"); Orange
`Pippin ("Pitmaston Pine Apple"); Smith Brothers ("Cotton Candy Grapes");  Miami Fruits ("Peach
`Mango"); Roots to Fruits ("Winter Banana Apple"); Scott Farm ("Chenango Strawberry" apple
`variety); Specialty Produce ("Strawberry Parfait Apples", "Pink Lemonade Blueberries", "Blue Grape
`Berries", and "Pineberries"); Fearless Fresh ("Strawberry Cherries"); Kings River ("Raspberry
`Oranges"). Therefore, consumers would expect the combination term PEARBERRY to describe berries
`that taste like pears. 
`Moreover, the newly attached evidence from  Puffholic,  Vape Time, Del Monte, Cha Fine Teas, and
`Fred Hot shows that "pear berry" is a flavor combination used across different industries.  See attached
`Internet evidence from  Puffholic ("HYPPE MAX FLOW PEAR BERRY"); Vape Time ("Pear Berry E-
`Juice"); Del Monte ("Bubble Fruit® Pear Berry Pomegranate Fruit® Cup Snacks"); Cha Fine Teas
`("Pear Berry"); Fred Hot ("PearBerry"). Therefore, the "pear berry" flavor is something that entities use
`to describe the flavor of their goods, and, thus, that consumers might be able to identify. 
`That applicant's goods have additional flavor notes in addition to pear does not change the fact that a
`primary flavor and thus, characteristic, of the goods is a pear flavor.  “A mark may be merely
`descriptive even if it does not describe the ‘full scope and extent’ of the applicant’s goods or services.”
`In re Oppedahl & Larson LLP, 373 F.3d 1171, 1173, 71 USPQ2d 1370, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (citing
`In re Dial-A-Mattress Operating Corp., 240 F.3d 1341, 1346, 57 USPQ2d 1807, 1812 (Fed. Cir.
`2001)); TMEP §1209.01(b). It is enough if a mark describes only one significant function, attribute, or
`property. In re The Chamber of Commerce of the U.S., 675 F.3d 1297, 1300, 102 USPQ2d 1217, 1219
`(Fed. Cir. 2012); TMEP §1209.01(b); see In re Oppedahl & Larson LLP, 373 F.3d at 1173, 71
`USPQ2d at 1371. 
`Therefore, "PEARBERRY" describes applicant's goods, which are berries that taste like pear. 
`Third, applicant argues that "consumers would not and could not immediately assume when
`encountering Applicant's PEARBERRY mark that the goods are some sort of 'pear' and 'berry' hybrid.
`Indeed, it is not, nor are the goods advertised as such."
`As explained above, while applicant's goods are not a berry/pear hybrid, they  are berries that are
`advertised as having the flavor of pears.  “Whether consumers could guess what the product [or service]
`is from consideration of the mark alone is not the test.” In re Am. Greetings Corp., 226 USPQ 365, 366
`(TTAB 1985). The question is not whether someone presented only with the mark could guess what the


`goods and/or services are, but “whether someone who knows what the goods and[/or] services are will
`understand the mark to convey information about them.” DuoProSS Meditech Corp. v. Inviro Med.
`Devices, Ltd., 695 F.3d 1247, 1254, 103 USPQ2d 1753, 1757 (Fed. Cir. 2012) (quoting In re Tower
`Tech, Inc., 64 USPQ2d 1314, 1316-17 (TTAB 2002)); In re Mueller Sports. Med., Inc., 126 USPQ2d
`1584, 1587 (TTAB 2018). 
`Here, consumers would know that applicant's goods are the identified, "Berries, fresh; Fresh berries;
`Fresh fruit; Fresh fruits; Fruit, fresh". On its face, both "PEAR" and "BERRY" are types of "Fresh fruit;
`Fresh fruits; Fruit, fresh" and are, thus, descriptive of applicant's goods.  See previously attached
`evidence from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, which states that both "pears" and "berries" are fruits.
`And, as explained above, the way that applicant markets its "Berries, fresh; Fresh berries", specifically,
`makes clear that "PEARBERRY" also describes the berries, in particular: they are berries that taste like
`Therefore, PEARBERRY is merely descriptive of applicant's goods and the refusal to register pursuant
`to Section 2(e)(1) of the Trademark Act is continued and maintained. 
`Supplemental Register Suggested
`The applied-for mark has been refused registration on the Principal Register.  Applicant may respond to
`the refusal by submitting evidence and arguments in support of registration and/or by amending the
`application to seek registration on the Supplemental Register.  See 15 U.S.C. §1091(c); 37 C.F.R.
`§§2.47, 2.75(a); TMEP §§801.02(b), 816.  Amending to the Supplemental Register does not preclude
`applicant from submitting evidence and arguments against the refusal(s).  TMEP §816.04.
`Applicant may not withdraw the statement of use.  See  37 C.F.R. §2.88(f); TMEP §1109.17.
`If applicant has already filed an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Board will
`be notified to resume the appeal.   See TMEP §715.04(a).  
`/Ashton Copeland/
`Ashton Copeland
`Examining Attorney
`LO111--LAW OFFICE 111
`(571) 270-0690


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`Pineberries Home
`No. Wish Farms does not grow GMOberries.


`Althoughit has subtle flavors of pineapple, pear and apricot, this is only meant to describe what the berrytasteslike, similar to the way you
`would describe the tasting notes in a wine. Pineberries were developedthrough natural breeding techniquesat the University of Florida
`Wish Farms Pink-A-Boo® Pineberries have achieved Non-GMOProject Verified status and are compliant with the Non-GMOProject Standards
`whichcanbe reviewed here
`I Le])!
`ee Se:
`For more information about GMOs,pleasevisit:
`Pineberries havea strawberryflavor, butwith subtleessencesof pineapple, pear, and apricot, Because they havea slightly loweracidity than
`traditional red strawberries, pineberries have a delicate finish that leaves the palate pleasantly refreshed. The best way to experience pineberry
`flavorsis to eat them atorclose to room temperature. This will allow yourtaste buds to experienceall of the flavor nuances!
`Justlike all berries, Pink-A-Boo® Pineberries do not ripenafter they are picked. Our harvestersaretrainedto carefully select them at peak
`ripeness. You'll know they are ready because they show a pink blush and theirseeds will be bright red. That's why wecall then Pink-A-Boo”
`nar RA oo eanwan mius 8 man nuienennire a aats tse


`Pineberries have a white base with hintsof pink, andtheir seeds are brightred.
`Whenyou bite into one, you'll notice the inside has a creamycolor.
`Treat yourpineberries just as you wouldtraditional red strawberries. Place theminthe refrigerator as soon as possible. Do not wash them until
`youare ready to eat. Whenyouareready to enjoy, wash them undera gentle streamof cool water. Like other berries, Wish Farms Pink-A-Boo®
`Pineberriesare highly perishable, so consume themwithin a few days of purchase
`Anthocyanin.This gives strawberriestheir redcolor.
`Wish Farms Pink-A-Boo® Pineberries get their unique color because they lack the naturally occurring flavonoid compoundcalled


`Although youcan alwaysget creative, eat themjust like a red strawberry! Cutoff the top and washgently before consuming. Add them to your
`morning yogurt,or impress the party on yournext charcuterie board! For more funideas, visit ourrecipe page.
`WishFarms Pink-A-Boo®Pineberries are grownin the USA. From Novemberto April they are growninPlantCity, FL and Duette,FL.
`From January to October, Pink-A-Boo® Pineberries are growninCalifornia: Salinas, Oxnard, and Santa Maria
`Currently, we only have a non-organic offering of Pink-A-Boo® Pineberries. For more information about ourfood safety program and the
`benefits of eating both organic and non-organic fresh fruits and vegetables,click here.
`preferredgrocery store”


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`WhatAre Kiwi Berries and How Do
`You Eat Them?
`By Ceara Milligan
`Taste Of Home's Editorial Process
`Updated: Feb. 27, 2023
`They're like mini kiwifruit! Not only are kiwi berries adorable—
`they're also juicy and fun to snack on.
`Book NOW


`Forget about apples and bananas,We love to investigate unusual fruits at the
`grocery store. Kiwi berries are mini versions of their fuzzy green cousins, and we
`can’t stop talking about them.
`WhatAre Kiwi Berries?
`Kiwi berries are bite-sized fruits that look like a fusion of kiwifruit, grapes and
`kumquats. The major difference kiwi berries and kiwifruit is that the berries have
`a leathery, smooth, green skin, They're good for you, too! Kiwi berries are rich in
`vitamins C and E and naturally low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. They're also an
`excellent source of fiber, magnesium and potassium.
`Howto Eat Kiwi Berries
`Kiwi berries are tiny but mighty—they pack the samebright, fruity flavor as
`kiwifruit, minus the fuzzy skin (which you should totally leave on, by the way).
`They're small enough to be popped into your mouth like grapes, used as a
`garnish for cocktails, added to a fancy cheeseboard and mixedinto fruit salads for
`a sweetand juicy texture.
`Kiwi berries taste best when ripe, or when the berry feels soft to the touch. Like
`most berries, they can be enjoyed at room temperature but last longer (up to a
`week) when refrigerated. They can also be frozen and added to smoothies.
`Whenit comes to using kiwi berries in recipes, they substitute nicely for a full-size
`kiwi. We also recommend making them into jam like this pineapple kiwi flavor or
`the more traditional strawberry-kiwi combo.
`Where to Buy Kiwi Berries
`You can usually find kiwi berries at grocery stores such as Trader Joe's, Whole
`Foods, Sam's Club or your local natural food co-op. Sam's Club in particular has a
`reputation for stocking unusual fruit, like Grape Soda grapes.
`Use Kiwi Berries in These Sweet, Fruity
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`Fruit Pizza
`Tf !
`Fruit Salsa with Cinna...
`aay |
`Almond Chicken Salad
` Virginia: Say Bye to What Company
`Originally Published: December 13, 2019
`Ceara Milligan
` sional marketing strategist and copywriter who is
`Ceara “Kiwi" Milligan is a prof
`proud to call Milwaukee h
`me. She loves baking, cooking, writing, listening to
`music, dancing, playin:
`d hosting trivia, watching college basketball (Go
`telling lame jokes, and petting every dog thal crosses herpath.
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`September5, 2010
`They're Called Apple Pears...
`Haveyou heard ofthese before today? They're called "Apple Pears". Handsome andT hit the local Sam's Club and
`Pepied cheatpespesaieadepwEndat:
`Theylooked like apples and theysmelledlike pears. I Jove pears andwasintrigued bythese fruits, so into the cart they
`went! I expected the texture of apples with the taste of pears, and couldn't wait to get them hometo wash one and take a
`big bite!
`: Oo
`Blog Est. 3/2009,
`Wisconsin, United
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`2024 Word
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`There were six in a box, each nestled in theselittle "apple pear cozies". They're foamy,stretchy and white. Veeerry
`interesting.I'm thinking about howI can repurpose them to put them to usein the studio. Anyone with any ideas?
`FEBRUARY 10 - Winter Quilt
`Show, Washington County
`Fairgrounds, West Bend, WI
`Annual Vendor/Craft Fair, Fed
`Schaefer VEW Post 1393, West
`Bend, WI
`NOVEMBER 17 - Holiday Craft
`& Vendor Expo, Kewaskum
`Middle School, Kewaskum, WI
`Thope you'lljoin usifyou'rein the
`IAm A Student OfThe..
`But,girlfriends...Look at the fabulous box they camein! It has the most wonderful, colorful art on the outside. It reminds
`Click This Link To Get MyPosts
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`meofthe old-timefruit crates I used to see in produce markets. Ofcourse,this one is cardboardwithaslick outer surface,
`Follow me on bloglovin’
`but I can see it workingin the studio, too.
`I'm thinkingthat myrolls of seam binding wouldfitjust perfectly in here. I'll be pulling outall oftherolls todayto seeif
`Now, back to the apple pears...If you like a sort of mealy texture, with moist but rather tasteless fruit, then go ahead and
`purchasea fewto try, As for me...they have noneofthe positive qualitiesof either applesor pears, andalthough I won't let
`them go to waste, I won't purchase them again (unless I can't live without another box!). Then,I'll share the fruit witha
`neighbor! lol
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`No Language Barriers Here...
`I hope you've planned a picnic or gathering with familyorfriends today. Our sweetfriend, Ellen D.,is going to join G Select Language|¥
`Handsome and mefor dinnerat our home.Ellen lives alone, and her daughterlives up North, so we're really looking
`forward to sharing a meal with her. Celebrate family and friends as you enjoy an extra day off today. Happy Labor Day!
`Search This Blog


`Writtenby Brynwood Needleworks =
`Labels: Apple pears, Brynwood Studio, Labor Day
`Megan Chamberlain September 6, 2010 ata
`I first had these ‘apple pears’ in Japan, ofcourse couldn't read the language so had no idea what I was actuallyeating :-) They
`tasted so amazingthere. Finally found them here andthey are tasteless, I was so disappointed.Ifthey had comein such pretty
`packaging I might have been happier.
`Unknown September6, 2010 at 3:26AM
`That's a first for me Donna. You soundjustlike me though thinking whatcutelittle foamy things and theyhave to be good for
`something. I love old fruit crates. They had such beautiful artwork and this one's a keeper too.
`Enjoy yourlabor day. Hugs...Tracy:)
`AnonymousSeptember6, 2010 at 6:02AM
`Donna,strange and wonderful combination of 2 fruits. But from what you said about them, I doubtI will trythem.
`notlost! That box is fabl!
`Lisa September6, 2010 at 7:24AM
`Hey Donna,
`Myboys love them some'pear apples’ being 5 theyget thier words mixed up. They are yummy.I've only bought them at our
`grocerystore, not in that caolbox. Leaveit to youto beall green with it. LOL I'm going to sams todayto buy somein the crate.
`It wouldbe excellent for holding papers, or hand towels in a bathroom. Have a greatholiday. Lisa
`Unknown September6, 2010 at 7:32AM
`I've seen them but never tried one and nowI probably won't LOL Mealy isn't mything - nothing worse thatbiting into a
`beautiful apple and havingit be mealy.
`Sherry from Alabama September 6, 2010 at 8:19AM
`Nowyou've got meinterested. I'll look for some. I made apple butter and pear butter this summer. Wonder what these would
`taste like madeinto fruit butter?
`Sherry @ A HappyValentine
`Mosaic Magpie September6, 2010 at 8:46AM
`I too thoughtthey sounded wonderful. The fruit I bought did not come in this cute little box and they were eostly$$. Did not
`carefor them either.
`Madein the USA
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`Click the phototo see imagesof all
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`DeeDee September 6, 2010 at 8:50AM
`‘Thanks for sharing these with me.I to love the crate... hope you enjoyyour labor day.i work ina field that is 24/7 no matter
`what... will enjoy my BBQbefore I go....cannot wait to see how things work with the erate....heheheh!
`Jan M September6, 2010 at 9:26AM
`Sorry the contents were a disappointment, butat least you have a cute box and packaging!
`Happy Labor Day!
`Createology September 6, 2010 at 9:51AM
`Love thefun box but I don't think I wouldlike the fruit. Hope the rolls of seam bindingfit for you. Dinner andvisiting with
`yourfriend sounds like a wonderful way to spend a holiday. Safelyto all...
`AnneLorys September 6, 2010 at 1:40PM
`So, what you're ‘em forthe box, right? ;-)
`Oh,andthecute little cosies, too.
`Yep, I'd do that!
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`Shirley September 6, 2010 at 12:02 PM
`2017 (363)
`Hi Donna,It is not a fruit that I would try, but I do like the box or crate whichever you prefer to call it. It would workreally
`2016 (966)
`well in your sewing room. We have hadaleisure breakfast at our favorite homecooked restaurant this morning. The
`2015 (367)
`homemade wheat toast was so good. They makeall of their breads and cinnamonrolls, which makesit so good. Ofcourse the
`25 cent cup of coffee with refills madeit nice. lam goingte spend a leisure day of doing whatever "me"feels like. You have a
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`Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio September 6, 2010 at 2:52 PM
`sounds like you got some duds..I've had some that were delicious but haven't seen them in a looong time. the boxis great
`though :))
`Have great abun Dayaud don't de tow wah abot’
`SewHungryhippie September6, 2010 at 3:08PM.
`Onlyan artist would take note ofthe packaging materials and the it!
`Bummer about the taste though-theysoundlike they would be so yum. Maybetheywere duds.
`Patty September 6, 2010 at 8:34 PM


`GEIB 50 sorryyouweredisappointedaboutthetasteofthatfruit.Butyou didwiamygiveaway!
`La ‘ShellSeptember6,2010at8:36PM
`‘thinkyououldshape/taperandglitterthelittleprotective "sleeves"Donna andmake somefun crowns!Well,youknowme,
`myheadisalways inthecreativestars!
`Thebox ISawesomethough!LOL
`Tobatetwa-itsurelookedreallypretty! LOLHopeyouenjoyedtheLaborDayweekendandhadalotof
`in, Theresa
`Thankyou somuchfor leavingacommenttoday.I'musing newsettings onmycommentssothatIl beable torespondtoyour
`“messagestome.Besuretocomebackto seemyreplies!
`‘Subscribeto:PostComments (Atom)
`Elaine September8,2030atg:14PM_
`Iveseen theseandwantedtotrythem...butnowIthinkiwillpassafteryourreview. ‘PackingMyOldKitBag...
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`Copyright Info
` Original needlework, craft
`creations, written content and
`personal photographs ©) 2009-
`2024 DonnaLiljegren All rights
`reserved. (Photo is me in ig90s
`with mybeloved Bannor.)
`"Until one has loved an animal, a
`part ofone's soul remains
`unawakened.”Anatole France
`Mighty oaksfrom tiny acorns grow.
`ma Aer Oateseotat Myfavorite quote from Wim. Rutherford
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`Home Varieties Orchards Tree register
`All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown
` All about apples, pears, plums, and cherries - and orchards where they are grown
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`Home Varieties Orchards Tree register
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`Varieties / Apples / P
`© Pioneer
`Pixie G)
`Varieties you viewed
`Pitmaston Pine Apple
`/ 5see reviews
`example of a small group of apples where a musky pineapple-like flavour comes to the fore.
`Pitmaston Pine Apple
`Reviews (9)
`Tree register (79)
`Photos (2)
`Related varieties (1)
`References (1)
`Where to buy
`It was originally
`Pitmaston Pineapple is an old English russet apple from the West Midlands area.
`raised as a seedling of GoldenPippinin the late 18th century, but presented to the London
`Horticultural Society in 1845 by Mr Williams of Pitmaston near Worcester.
`It crops heavily but has
`a tendency to biennial bearing - fruiting only every other year.
`Its most notable feature is the unusual and prominent pineapple-like flavour. The flavourof
`apples can be mast simply defined ona scale from very acidic to very sweet, but many varieties
`exhibit otherflavour overtones on top of this basic axis, and Pitmaston Pineapple is the best
`Eel RVelmsecal)
`Hame Ahautius Canvrinht statement Cantactuic
`Privarwnoliew Miselaimer Recnuirres Sunnliers Linke
`Tan (?)


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`How ItWorks OurProducts AboutUs Recipes & More
`Product Search
`Home / Our Products / Produce / Fruit / Cotton Candy Grapes- 1.5 Ibs
`Cotton Candy Grapes
`1.5 lbs $10.49
`Please login or sign up to add productsto your order,
`ereawe lacie
`Continue Shopping
`Experience the whimsy of nature with Cotton Candy Grapes, a unique
`and delicious hybrid fruit created by crossing natural table grapes
`with specialized seedless grape varieties!
`Uaranteed on
`put ae aS a. es ak 2
`A delightful fusion offlavor and sweetness, these grapes are a
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`With their unique taste reminiscent of everyone's favorite carnival
`treat, Cotton CandyGrapesoffera guilt-free indulgencethat'sas
`nutritious asit is delicious. Enjoy them as a refreshing snack, or use
`them to add a surprising twist to salads, charcuterie boards, and
`desserts. Whether enjoyed on their ownor incorporated into your
`favoriterecipes, Cotton Candy Grapes make every momentfeellike a

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