From: Kunkleman, Sarah
`Sent: 2/24/2021 7:14:28 PM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88294138 - SPPA - N/A - Request for Reconsideration
`Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 1 of 7
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 14
`Files: a-1.jpg, a-2.jpg, b-1.jpg, b-2.jpg, b-3.jpg, duplicate name 54963 b-1.jpg, duplicate name 54964 b-
`2.jpg, duplicate name 54964 b-3.jpg, d-1.jpg, d-2.jpg, d-3.jpg, e-1.jpg, e-2.jpg, 88294138.doc


`United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
`Office Action (Official Letter) About Applicant’s Trademark Application
`U.S. Application Serial No. 88294138
`Mark: SPPA
`Correspondence Address:
` CHICAGO, IL 60606
`Applicant: American Institute for Chartered Propert ETC.
`Reference/Docket No. N/A
`Correspondence Email Address:
`Issue date: February 24, 2021
`Applicant’s request for reconsideration is denied. See 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3). The trademark
`examining attorney has carefully reviewed applicant’s request and determined the request did not:
`(1) raise a new issue, (2) resolve all the outstanding issue(s), (3) provide any new or compelling


`evidence with regard to the outstanding issues, or (4) present analysis and arguments that were
`persuasive or shed new light on the outstanding issues. TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`Accordingly, the following refusal made final in the Office action dated Aug. 3, 2020 is maintained and
`• Section 2(d) Refusal because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark in U.S. Registration
`no. 5750288.
`See TMEP §§715.03(a)(ii)(B), 715.04(a).
`In the present case, the marks are identical. Where the marks of the respective parties are identical or
`virtually identical, as in this case, the degree of similarity or relatedness between the goods and/or
`services needed to support a finding of likelihood of confusion declines. See In re Country Oven, Inc.,
`2019 USPQ2d 443903, at *5 (TTAB 2019) (citing In re, llc, 116 USPQ2d 1406, 1411 (TTAB
`2015), aff’d, 866 F.3d 1315, 123 USPQ2d 1744 (Fed. Cir. 2017)); TMEP §1207.01(a); see also In re Shell
`Oil Co., 992 F.2d 1204, 1207, 26 USPQ2d 1687, 1689 (Fed. Cir. 1993).
`Evidence attached to the previous Office actions and hereto shows the relatedness of the goods and
`This includes evidence of liability insurance provided to the commercial and professional pool and spa
`The attached evidence shows that general liability insurance is commonly offered to pool and spa
`Applicant’s goods and services are “in the field of insurance and public claims adjusting, all of the
`foregoing excluding the field of general liability insurance for pool and spa professionals.” As the
`evidence shows it is common for the same entity to provide general liability for pool and spa
`professionals and for other industries. Further, applicant’s services indicate that they are in the field of
`“insurance” and “public claims adjusting”. Thus, evidence shows that same entities provide educational
`and informational resources to both consumers of insurance and to independent agents who select
`policies and receive professional educational and informational resources.


`The attached Internet evidence, consisting of screenshots from third-party websites, establishes that the
`same entity commonly provides the relevant goods and services and markets the goods and services
`under the same mark, that the relevant goods services are sold or provided through the same trade
`channels and used by the same classes of consumers in the same fields of use, and/or that the goods
`and services are similar or complementary in terms of purpose or function. Thus, applicant’s and
`registrant’s goods and services are considered related for likelihood of confusion purposes. See, e.g., In
`re Davey Prods. Pty Ltd., 92 USPQ2d 1198, 1202-04 (TTAB 2009); In re Toshiba Med. Sys. Corp., 91
`USPQ2d 1266, 1268-69, 1271-72 (TTAB 2009). For example, applicant will note the following:
`The trademark examining attorney has attached evidence from the USPTO’s X-Search database
`consisting of a representational number of third-party marks registered for use in connection with the
`same or similar goods and services as those of both applicant and registrant in this case. This evidence
`shows that the goods and services listed therein are of a kind that may emanate from a single source


`under a single mark. See In re I-Coat Co., 126 USPQ2d 1730, 1737 (TTAB 2018) (citing In re Infinity
`Broad. Corp., 60 USPQ2d 1214, 1217-18 (TTAB 2001); In re Albert Trostel & Sons Co., 29 USPQ2d 1783,
`1785-86 (TTAB 1993); In re Mucky Duck Mustard Co., 6 USPQ2d 1467, 1470 n.6 (TTAB 1988)); TMEP
`In light of the similarities between the marks and the relatedness of the goods and services, it is likely
`that consumers who encounter the parties’ goods and services will falsely conclude that they originate
`from the same source.
`The overriding concern is not only to prevent buyer confusion as to the source of the goods and/or
`services, but to protect the registrant from adverse commercial impact due to use of a similar mark by a
`newcomer. See In re Shell Oil Co., 992 F.2d 1204, 1208, 26 USPQ2d 1687, 1690 (Fed. Cir. 1993).
`Therefore, any doubt regarding a likelihood of confusion determination is resolved in favor of the
`registrant. TMEP §1207.01(d)(i); see Hewlett-Packard Co. v. Packard Press, Inc., 281 F.3d 1261, 1265, 62
`USPQ2d 1001, 1003 (Fed. Cir. 2002); In re Hyper Shoppes (Ohio), Inc., 837 F.2d 463, 464-65, 6 USPQ2d
`1025, 1026 (Fed. Cir. 1988).
`Based on the foregoing, the final refusal under Trademark Act Section 2(d) is maintained.
`If applicant has already filed an appeal with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, the Board will be
`notified to resume the appeal. See TMEP §715.04(a).
`If applicant has not filed an appeal and time remains in the six-month response period, applicant has
`the remainder of that time to (1) file another request for reconsideration that complies with and/or
`overcomes any outstanding final requirement(s) and/or refusal(s), and/or (2) file a notice of appeal to
`the Board. TMEP §715.03(a)(ii)(B). Filing a request for reconsideration does not stay or extend the time
`for filing an appeal. 37 C.F.R. §2.63(b)(3); see TMEP §715.03(c).
`/Sarah E. Kunkleman/
`Sarah E. Kunkleman
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`Law Office 105




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`Find a Iocaf Colorado Farm Bureau insurance agent to assist you in getting the coverage you
`need to protect yourbusmass.

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