`Sent: 6/2/2020 10:19:36 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88276377 - LASERWRAP - SJQ2-101-TM2 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 3 of 3
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 11
`Files: Evidence8-15.jpg, Evidence8-16.jpg, Evidence8-17.jpg, Evidence8-18.jpg, Evidence9-1.jpg,
`Evidence9-2.jpg, Evidence10-1.jpg, Evidence10-2.jpg, Evidence11-1.jpg, Evidence11-2.jpg, Evidence11-
` - .mpeuu. yum...“ mu. ”me mu wlululv’ luflnluluu um. mummy“. .u :nvp yuul pun. mum",- um. “an. ,w luawl
`- Trained MendMeShop Product Specialists available 5 days a week for lndlvldullnd holp - lust call Lat-152319608 within
`Continenlal Norlh America (“71054453505 lnlemationally)
`- Our Iron-cud l0 day money hook Quorum-o, Afler following instructions and find your are not satisfied with your purchase, call
`us to return for a 100% refund (shipping not included).
`- Automatic 1 year replacement warranty againsl manufacturing defects.
`Order your own Knee Tishell Wrap and we Will have your order snipped prolnplly We do shipping six days a week and delivery lypii
`caliy occurs In 2 or 3 busmess days
`In addition Io ordering oullne, you may also place an order over the phone by calling our office directly. We are available Monday
`lhrnIth Flidnv lmm Q on :1qu R on rim Faulnrn Qinmlarfl Tlmn "we "NEG vnlir r-nll Non:- lnslun 5: Manama and my will lnl|nw Ill’\
`If you still have queslions about the Knee TVShellz Wrap“ call us toll hee at me number above or send us an email to
`The Next Step Is Up To Youl
`Lrwng Willi pain Is never easy as il aflects your entire llfeslyle Nothing re more important ll'ian maklng the proper densuon when n
`comes to treating your shoulder imury Most methods only mask lhe problems or provide temporary relief. lTlBY do not treal the pain al
`"S source,
`3315.153??? SEEFBTPFL‘P'EET ?‘f‘ F3335 “33' ‘5. E‘Zi‘f'f ESE,."fi'llfiffl‘i1839,5512 1""‘83'5 "33 ‘33.”??? 3"?!‘31'5‘? 33355
`sle and nolhard feelings
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`You may order online lhrough thus web page (at the top - click on Add To can) or callus during busmess hours at 1-806-237-9008
`IMPORTANT Since the down or our business in 2005, we have maintained a very strict privacy polio; We do not mm. loll. or pro-
`vide customer infomn’ion to my third pally - penodl
` csiomnzo 955 21 AM
`mum... w -u, mm. ya”, - pullvu'
`In addition we do not database nredlt card lnlorrnation on our Internal systems (unlike many companies) Customers seem very
`appreclalwe at this tract.
`In pronessrng thousands at orders over the past 12 years you an he assured we do amateur it takes no make the ordering
`process is seizure and customer-friendly.
`— m
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`'FDA List-d . High Quillty!
`‘60 Day Return Period
`'Flex FundlnngSA eligible
`M Customer Snlllfactlon
`'1 Your compleu Warranty
`'HIIp In Available Every step
`of the Wu...
`1566 237 9605
`IMPORTANT the healing process l5 just, a process There are no magic cures or solutions.
`Please recognize that It can take upwards of three or even four weeks to get through the foundlfional stages ofthe healing
`process Beyond that, the goal will be to experience more noticeable Improvement on a week by week beSIs
`This is why we otter a 60 day evaluation period We feel rt is only fair to give you enough time to generate positive benefits With the
`T-Shellz Wrap - while also giving you the— It the results do not meet your
`with exceptions, we do ask that you pause be fair and make I" often «trying the T-stiollz Wrap tor around at: week: (two
`Let us say two people Join a gym One person attends once every ten days, the other attends three or [our hmes a week Who is likely
`m achieve more sustainable longrterm benefits? The person who IS most consrstent In their approach The same principle applies to
`healing of tissues
`If for whatever reason you do not get a chance to use the T-Shetlz Wrap as much as you would have liked during the evaluation
`period. send us an email or give us a call before the two months At that time, we can arrange an extensron oi the money book
`guarantee for you.
`We will do our part to help you achlavo the molt bonellflrom the T ShoIlz.
`we all Wish muscle and 50ft tissue injuries could heal almost instantaneously Untortunatelv‘ that is never the case It requires time,
`etfon, and the proper tools to make it naooeii
`qunmruu "mum. piuiuaalul Inia
`Proud Supporter of the Men 8. Women Who Serve Their Country
`From time to time we here at MendMeShnp wrll mn special events to help retse money for organizations that help Veterans who are
`in need of support. both physrcelly and psychotogicalty
`Active military personnel and those retired from the Armed Forces make up a good portion of our customers and diants
`We hear about the rJiallenges many veterans lane when they Ira-ave the military and rejorn the airman population It is amazmg that in
`a country as abundant as the US - so many individuals who dedicated their lives to servrng their country - later struggle with
`significant physrcal and mental ailments
`Not along ago, we were tossing around ideas at MendMeSl-iop, trying to some up With ways to help the Veterans community as they
`have always supported us over [he years.
`This is where we came up wrih the idea of mnning sale promotions 1mm time to time; donahng a percentage of each sales to a well,
`deserwng charitable organization ihai helps Veterans in need Any organization we select in help musi meet a very siringenl cmeria
`and must be independently audited and verified inraugh lhlfd party auditing groups Like Charity Navigator,
`We Will keep you posted when we run our men event.
`rently Offered.
`der Online or Ca
`1 (866) 237 9608
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