`Sent: 6/2/2020 10:19:26 AM
`To: TTAB EFiling
`Subject: U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 88276377 - LASERWRAP - SJQ2-101-TM2 - Request for
`Reconsideration Denied - Return to TTAB - Message 2 of 3
`Attachment Information:
`Count: 13
`Files: Evidence8-02.jpg, Evidence8-03.jpg, Evidence8-04.jpg, Evidence8-05.jpg, Evidence8-06.jpg,
`Evidence8-07.jpg, Evidence8-08.jpg, Evidence8-09.jpg, Evidence8-10.jpg, Evidence8-11.jpg, Evidence8-
`12.jpg, Evidence8-13.jpg, Evidence8-14.jpg
`ha-.." A: 11:.-.4
`Helps treat Hoffa‘s Syndrome (Fat Pad Impingernent)‘ Meniscus Tears Knee Osteoarlhrltls ACL tears. Pelella Tendonltls. Spralned
`ngamenls Knee Bulhllle Cllundlurnalacla MCL PCL and LCL lnlurles almlg wrtll other CIIIDIIIL Knee Pam 7 Safely. Naturally and
`Efledlvelyl You can also pesnion the Knee TrShellz Wrap over the Quad Muscles Call Muscles, Lower Hamstrrng‘ and morel
`We desrgned the Knee Tishellz Wrap wrth versatlllly In mlnd Wlth other knee wrap desrqns on the markel
`there 15 only one way the
`devrce can be poaltloned on the knee Not so wnh the TAShellz desrgn
`You can posmon the T-Shellz energy pad over murlrple areas ol Ine knee and secure It wrlh the easy-lo-use Velcro straps No matter
`muscle perhaps the lwerharnslnng or lT Band. etc Whenever you experience trghtness or issues In the muscles erlrssues sur—
`rounding the knee A the same Knee T Shellz wrap can be used to treat those areas as well
`The T-Shellz Wrap is based on an Electromagnetic Energy - which l5 very benefioal dunng the heafiing process Read on to find our
`all the delalis
`l ‘ Tg¢hlb In“ Winn
` Benz/mm eds 2i AM
`I one!!! Km 'l'l’
`An X-Ray Wenohbe Tmm
`TheT-Sheflz Knee Wrap Everysupple. as ttwas
`finial-ad m wiimmam mm...
`syndmme. arthritis. tendinitis. memns‘ions,
`meniscus injuries. burstds. m pad syndrionies, err.
`How The Knee T-Shellz WraE Enhances Your Heallng
`It i: Uliuugti
`One basic piemise uf lieuliiig iuusue in soft Lissue tlljfllleh Is lu [ucus mi UIIIIHIILIHQ blood flow to Ilium uanmged Datum.
`the blood the body transports antibodies‘ nutrients. and oxygen Nourishing your injured tissues With these healing properties should
`W356!” Bfi?fifité?§mmt'e'fi§m'fitfl HERBEerrrWenaie creeper inio me my.
`When these energy waves are emitted they penetrate through your skin and fatty tissues until they reach your ligaments muscles
`cartilage, and tendons Once they reach the targeted areas, they are absorbed and quickly converted Into thermal energy right at the
`location of the injury
`This resutts In relaxation ot the vessel walls Within the targeted and surrounding tissues The vessels gently expand when warmed, ale
`lowing for more nutrient n'ch blood flow along With extra oxygen and antibodies to reach the damaged tissue Plus, the enhanced
`blood Ilwr helps in tlushliig Lell waste and fluid buildup train the injury site A further enhanLing the ability ut the body to begin to heal
`In comparison to a traditional heating pad (which most people are tamiliar with) those dewces provide more of a surtace heat The
`heat that a standard heating pad and heated peck provides has to be forced through rnultlDle layers of skin and fatty tissues (known
`as oondiiction) With each layer at skin the heat passes through, there WI“ a corresponding energy loss because that heat is absorb-
`ing into each layer of skin or let :1 passes through By the time the heat reaches the targeted area deeper in the body, there is less en-
`ergy remaining and hence, a lessened ability to stimulate blood flow to the injured tissues you are attempting to heal,
`thtniury Site ofToxins. Cefl Waste
`Bring in Oxygen a. Nutrients
`) MeridMeShop uni:
` rem/mm sis 2i AM
`The T-Shellz Wrap
`1, Well to begin, the T-sheilzwrep use: I very eoftneepreiie that ieels very cornlorting on the body, It hugs the body In a very see
`rerle way, YOU will love how it feats!
`2 The energy pad produces a consistent end very soothing electromagnetic energy that penetrates eftectively to targeted mus-
`biood llciiw reéchlng your injured tissues - which should result m a better capacity for rebuilding those tissues
`3 The T-Sheilz has an limenerty controller the! is already secured to the energy pad.
`4 T-Sl'lellz Wraps are tested during the production process to ensure you receive a product trial functions well and WIN test a long
`Knee T-Shellz Wrap Reviews - Will You Be Next?
`-.....,-.v., --- u --...r.-... “WW, “my... --.,-., ‘..., ...,..., .-
`Knee T-Sheliz is Very Helpful * ti‘iTum, ....e “...", -.-..-“ --.", .. ........ . -.., ..-”...w. .
`only a week old). I can say that alter usrng this product for a shell amount oi time. it ebsoluielv heles alleviate some of the pain mail
`have been herring, II is comfortable and relaxing Eetherfmlli New Jersey
`AlnlledWilhms Knee T ShellerIp *****
`I purchased this dairice after suflering [or 3-4 months With knee osteo-anhntis and a quad tear - with an MRI that said I was ok. I
`could not walir‘ senousiyr Had admins bythe doctor in knee and quad and multiple cortisone injections I had a big trip coming up
`to Utah and could not get ol‘fthe much could not walk. My Wife told me to cancel. My RN Wile and her mend found this deuce
`online and I was not hopeful as nothing was helping, Within 3 days of usmg the blood flow dewce, the swelling Virtually disappeared
`in my quad, My pain level went frurn a 10 down to ‘I The medial site on the knee Whldi it touched was horrible , was new line! The
` rem/mm era 21 AM
`quad now seems to be healed, no swelling at all, In 7-3 days, lstill have some knee issues out the pain is gone Went on the hiking
`tnpl had to be careful and not overdue it but I could not get oft the couchlln favoring and jumping around for months my hip Is our and
`rmnw‘l'riwt mm Ihlmhflmm twglwan‘flnufl ha mus-d It mcilh a hut It I:
`'1 11er and nnn n Inn m9 Marlin! H n99 rm nr‘fl
`l have used the wrap tor about 3 weeks now and am very surprised at the qUIck results. I use it two or three times a day for knee
`pain I am having almost no pain and am resuming normal adivilies Ail swelling IS gone from my knee and I can walk Without pain
`This Is an emailing product After havrng meniscus surgery i developed an unstable knee 30in! which was very painful and caused in-
`tlernmetion. 5 and ”2 months later I was still suffering when I saw this product and ordered it. My Dr saw me a month ago and was
`amazed at the improvement when he saw me today, Great product Donlu from New Jenny
`I Continue To Pram Your T-stiellz Wrap *iti *
`I have been in so much pain because at ostenamrit's in my knee also had Iaparoscopic surgery [or a very badly mrn meniscus, Long
`story short, berng my own advocate, Iwas researching therapies for relief and low and behold I came across MendMeShop. I ordered
`your knee TrShellz wrap and it‘s absolutely amazrng major reduction In pain gained mohilrty I have recommended your products to
`Kiln T shllll Ha: Boon Wondoflul iiii I'
`The Knee T Shell: wrap has been wonderful. I torn my meniscus In April of 2018, and the wrap has been very helpful for my recov-
`ery, | Will definitely rater your product to my running group Great customer servrce as welll Toby from Illinois
`Very Happylllllth thoEarty Ruultlt'romtho Knee T Shell: titt
`I can tell a big difference from the short time I have been using it (Knee T Shellz) It is a great investment Linda from Pennsylvania
`Fitnaus meaelionnl in a Believer in flu Knee TSIIeIIngn tiiifi
`Good Improvement 50 Fur With the Knee T-Shelll Wrap ii**
`The Knee T Shell: seems to be working very well. Saw good inwroirement In knee. Knee still teats weak hut not collapsing like it
`used to. I like the product. Gerald from Pennsylvania
`My Kna- Han Mnmly Improved tiff!
`I did a lot at reading leading up to the T Shellz Wrap and the possrblllty of It prouidlng healing and recovery, 50 tar, so good It Is a
`slow process and l expeded that. Before I got the wrap, I could barely walk It came at a great time Now I still have some pain but i
`see the light at the end 0! the tunnel type philosophy, I walk better, I have been able to cut the grass Mice, We Will see if it lakes rne
`ntl u... .......
`- ...”..M "mm... ”......"4 “A..." ... r.” .....i......
`l ..... "murmur.“ ... “..., u...” ;,. n "...". «man... "...: l H... "..."...mm. r... ..
`l have been using the T Shellz wrap on my knee AND the sciatica I have in my glutes. My pain is signilicantiy less In my knee, and
`I‘m close to haying no sciatica! I‘m so happy and can hardly believe that I‘m almost pain lreelll Pamela from Colorado
`Deflnitaty Helplng My Husband's Knee i***
`I purchased the Knee T Sheltz tor my husband who inlirred his knee. He has been using the treatment regularly since that event. He
`truly behaves It helps him, He is very happy With the purchase Leigh from Hawaii
`Kline T Shell: - Effective and Durable tiiii
`My knee T thll7 it; a wnnrtertul itpm Th1:- velrrn tadnnpre allrrw lnr rnletinninrr arnilnd mv knPr-‘e whlrh Ia added benefit fnr my nr
`l rust wanted to say thank you! I‘ve had prepatellar knee bursitis for a year new, I tried several treatment options and none of them
`worked Your T-stiellz knee wrap has completely healed my knee in 2 weeks I am so mankl‘ul Nick from Minnesota
`Dolng Well With The Knee T Shell: Wrap * * ***
`The treatments wrth the Knee T Shellz Wrap are gonng well A great deat at my parn was resotved There rs shll e lrtIte soreness to my
`knee but 5 can daflnrletv resume most of mv requtll actrvrtres Sunn lrom M
`Knee T Shell:Wrap. So Far So Good ”ti
`So lar so good t have been delng treatments torjustuver a week and Mycondmon >5 Improwng The wrap IS [unclmmng welt and I
`helleve (I I5 helping I wutl keep wrlh It [or that 4 la 6 week period you have suggested James from Washington
`Stag Safe
`,n : “hold
`{3 [)r
`When To Use Your Knee T-Shellz WraQ
`‘ After swelling and Inflammation have been reduced with Amlca Infusion Pam Cream
`- Before exercise or workouts to warm up your Knee Jomt to prevent Imury You wm also want to cansrder usmg the
`TeShellz before situations when you will be walking to: periods of time (grocery shopping as an example) oriust rising general
`hallrnhnld uni-mim- than mnuim n in. Al run-min" and mmnnn arm-mi
`- Any time your Kneojolnt feell sttff, reducrng your mobility and causing pain (especrally in the morning or alter Sitting tor
`extended periods of time . at home work‘ commuting etc),
`o On a consistent, dolly hula It you are doallno with a mom ohronlc Knee Issue such as Meniscus degeneration, Knee
`Osteoanhrit‘is, or Hofle‘s Syndrome,
`- And any other Situation where you need to Increase blood flow to your Knee to relax your sott tissue, relieve pain, prevent re-injury
`and enhance the flexrbiiity of the targeted area!
`As a general mle, people will use the Knee TrShellz Wrap approxmrately 3 times a day , oetore had, upon awakening, and one other
`time corresponding With one of the situations mentioned above (perhaps an hour or so after work, before exerctse‘ etc)
`You are atways welcome to contact us to find out the optimal times to use your T-Shellz Wrap based on your daily routinelschedule
`Please note that indiwdual results mav varv The inlomtation crowded on this Elle is not intended as a substitute for edwce from vour
`“Thank Vuu so much! That is custorrwr service abaw and
`beyond! As a business owner myself. I can really appreciate
`that," Sylvia H.
`"very fast shipping. I placed my order on Friday night and
`received it with the Monday morning mail The customer
`support was excellent and got back to mavery quicklyr Mighty
`other penpie. Amazing customer service.‘ J. Wilson
`'Thankyou for exceptional service» I understand human error.
`but you handin this with such malessionalism. you responded
`Hutyuu uauui=u nu: wrlrl sum. pqurenlvlr-Ilalrll yuu reapunuw
`on the weekend [when you were closed] and shipped out the
`Dart I received it the next day.l highly recvrnmend you: Sonya
`”Von are a good company to do business with. Your customer
`service: TOD Notch!" M. Klenner
`“Thankstci rhe oumanding folks at MendMeShop for their
`"caller“; products. service. and care yau Exhibit for your
`custamers.‘ M. Radenmacher
`Accordlng to the thisth medical knowledge at Justus F Lehmann, M D (well—known rehabilitation medians speclalist—amazan cum Ink),
`increasing the temperature of soil tissue through the application of a deep tissue therapy will also prowde these 7 1mly Amazing
`1. Inert-u The Floxlhlllty 01 11am
`Warming up tissue betora stretching (exercise at home or in a physrml therapy clinic) can prelude on—gning flexthil'fly In your tissue
`thatwill continue after the stretch is done, Experiments conducted hy medical professlnnals have shown that applying deep tlslm
`train-norm before stretching ranged-mallon exercise; can provide ilngoring flexibility that is benefictal when snatching any of
`the sofl tissue In your hip and badr
`'r nan...- Inrnl color-nu
`‘.l. Rotten Muam Spams
`TISSUE and muscles that have been aver—strained nr ingured can suffer from continuous squeezrng In the muscle fibres This is also
`known as a muscle spasm or tngger paint pain Ongoing muscle spasms will decrease blood flow and increase your nerves' sansrtmi
`ty to pain
`It has been believed I'm a lung time by many medical protessionals that electromagnetic energy can reduce muscle spasms
`. »._...i ._..n....... n.r_
` (Calm anthMPlllt
`You could be ieeling pain from muscle spasms, lack of blood flow to you! soil tissue tight muscles or tissues, and even stress placed
`on your body, Pain reiiet can be felt from introducing Deep Tissue treatments , as Increasing the temper-hue of the tissues will
`help them feel more relaxed and less constricted;
`u. mun: “ulnar-I.) urlu u‘wm. mum-mg muse nun-cu “crying, Helping w Ullllnrwurm :- mus-u”,
`a. Roll». Orr-going Inflammation
`While song a trash iniul'y during the first 48 hours is recommended a better approach beyond that time is lo open up the vessels so
`the body can flush the Iruund ma ofth- axons fluid and «lint» mm resulting tram he injury Excess fluids get trapped
`and cause vessels to swell - so by expanding the vessels, you give the body the chance to whisk away those fluids and reduce pres-
`sure on the vessels
`7. Tl'llll Variety of Muscle and m TIIIIII Ailments
`Electromagnetic energy is recognized by many for its role In helping sofl fissue injuries by promoting bmh rails! in chronic injuries
`{torn muscles/tandonsfligaments or arthritis) and speed up the overall healing prams for newer (acute) injuries
`MendMeShop E
`Research Fact
`The effect of heat application on pain, stiffness. physical
`function and quality of life in patients with knee
`_ _e_ _ _..-l_..9.!_
`ll VVGD IUUI IU I.l lufffitef‘amhréfifiuu UVUIy Ull IUI uay
`decreased pain and disability of the patients with knee
`osteoarthritis. Also. heat application was found to
`improve the subdimensions of quality of life scores of
`physical function. pain and general health perception of
`Incredible Therapy and Comfort - All Wrapped Up In One Device
`The unique Knee T-Sheilz Wrap IS designed wllh every detail in mind 10 give you the most effective and most enjoyable therapeuv
`Iii: experience availabie anywhere Here s wiiyl
`- Plugs into a wall Dullei using an ACIDC adapter to gel the necessary power for CDnStSIBflI lheiapeulic Iiealmenls
`- Has a special signal controller that can be set for 3 diflerent power levels at application {3 : High. 2 : Medium 1 : LOW) with an
`amomali: 30 minule serI BIT fealure
`- Has a flexible Energy Pad made Irom a strong yel flexible carbon fiber maienal Ihat conforms easily to your body
`- 33531 quleiqudfiomuggn 511 QUI‘O. rnmfnnzhlv and walrh TV read or surf the rim while \mii‘re. iieinn il
`- Wear Ilie TVSHEHA Wrap luusely Iui easy lErDWlilUlilllg ovei lliu Iiealirienl aiea
`- Has adiustable Velcro straps for a m that you connoi to your personal level of comfort
` ' Abwllly Iu p‘ace the wrap over your clothes lor a more comlov‘table treatment
`- Uses a soft, breathable material wwlh comfort In mmd
`Is made ofa premium grade neoprene mat wm relam \l's snape overtime
`Knee T-Shellz Wrap
`jMendMeShop @2015
`What can a Knee T-Shellz Wrae® Treat?
`Praclwcaily any (ondmun er Injury afiedlng [he knee or quad musdes can benelwl from treatment With me Knee TSheHz Wrap
` cam/mm an; 21 AM
`genera] knee pain
`knee musde strain, spasm or cramps
`sprained or [am ligaments (ACl‘ MCI ‘
`knee bursi‘hs
`hofia's syndrome
`- knee tendon strain or tear
`- post—operative recovery
`- lendumtls‘ tendonasis tanosynmmis
`- other soft tissue Injuries and chronic conditions
`| GI ‘nr PEI)
`[ Mum-Shag.
`- mm mini-um
`MendMeShog - Our Regutatlon Sgeaks for Itself!
`Our busmess I5 burl! on our reputation and we want you tn be u satiufiod with your HendMeShov experience as ban: of "ion-
`and: at our tau-homers In. That IS what your purchase from us Will be - an expenence. Not only do we supply superlor producn‘
`MllldMGSIIDp Spud-ll": are Ivallabla to help you get [he right products and nealmenl advrce,
`- Sumnororoaucts ma! naveibeen careful“: reséarcned 5nd GeveIopea 16 stop your ném néturallv and heal vuu faérér